
Kombinationswinkel Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Kombinationswinkel m
Kombinationswinkel pl
combination square
combination squares
Kombinationswinkel m
Kombinationswinkel pl
combination square
combination squares
Unternehmenszusammenschluss, Kombinat
Kombination, Verbindung, Zusammenschluss
Abmagerungspille f, Appetitzügler m (Kombination aus Fenfluramin und Phentermin)
fen-phen (diet pill containing fenfluramine and phentermine)
Abschäumer m, Abstreicher m
Abschäumer pl, Abstreicher pl
Kombination aus Abschäumer und Filter
Kombination f
Kombinationen pl
neue Kombination
Abmagerungspille f; Appetitzügler m (Kombination aus Fenfluramin und Phentermin)
fen-phen (diet pill containing fenfluramine and phentermine)
Abschäumer m; Abstreicher m
Abschäumer pl; Abstreicher pl
Kombination aus Abschäumer und Filter
Buchstaben-Ziffern-Kombination f
alphanumeric combination
Göffel m (Kombination aus Gabel und Löffel)
Jackett n; Sakko n (m Schw.); Kittel m Schw.; Veston m Schw.; Rock m ugs. hist. (Teil einer Kombination) textil.
(suit) jacket Br.; (suit) coat Am.
Kühl-Gefrier-Kombination f
Kühl-Gefrier-Kombinationen pl
Erbmasse f; Erbbild n; Genotyp m (individuelle Kombination von Erbanlagen) biochem.
Erbmassen pl; Erbbilder pl; Genotypen pl
haploider Genotyp; Haplotyp m
haploid genotype; haplotype
Kleinbuchstabe m; Minuskel f comp. ling. print
Kleinbuchstaben pl; Minuskeln pl
ein Kennwort bestehend aus einer Kombination von Groß- und Kleinbuchstaben
in Kleinbuchstaben getippt; in Kleinschrift getippt
small letter; lower-case letter; lowercase; minuscule
small letters; lower-case letters; lowercases; minuscules
a password consisting of a combination of capitals and lowercases
typed in lower case
der Skisprunglauf m; der Schisprunglauf m; der Sprunglauf m (Skispringen als Teil der nordischen Kombination) sport
ski jumping (as part of the Nordic combined)
nordische Kombination f sport
Nordic combined
in Verbindung mit jdm. etw.; in Kombination mit jdm. etw.
in tandem with (sb. sth.)
neue Kombinationen
Kraftstoffbrenner m techn.
Kraftstoffbrenner pl
Brenner für flüssigen Brennstoff
Brenner für mehrere Brennstoffe; Mehrstoffbrenner m
Brennstaubbrenner m
Kohlenstaubbrenner m
Kombinationsbrenner m
Zweistoffbrenner m
fuel burner
fuel burners
liquid-fuel burner
multi-fuel type burner; multi-fuel burner
pulverized-fuel burner; PF burner
pulverized-coal burner
combined fuel burner
dual-fuel burner
Kombinationsdruck m (Ãœbereinanderdrucken von mehreren Zeichen) print
Listenfeld n comp.
Listenfelder pl
Kombinationslistenfeld n; Kombinationsfeld n
list box
list boxes
combination list box; combo box
Filter m
Filter pl
abgestimmter Filter
aktiver Filter
digitaler Filter
dispersiver Filter
Faltenfilter m
inverser Filter
Kombinationsfilter m
rotarmer Filter
Filter mit Steg
tuned filter
active filter
digital filter
dispersive filter
folded filter
inverse filter
combination filter
red-abstracting filter
filter with centre bar
Kombinationsglied n
multi-function unit
multi function unit
Kombinationsglied n
Kombinationsglieder pl
multi-function unit
multi-function units
Großpackmittel n (Verpackung) transp.
Großpackmittel pl
Kombinationsgroßpackmittel n; K-IBC
intermediate bulk container IBC (packing)
intermediate bulk containers
composite IBC
Kombinationshobel m mach.
Kombinationshobel pl
combination plane
combination planes
Kombinationshump (CH)
combination hump (CH)
Kombinationshump CH
combination hump CH
Kombinationshump CH
combination hump CH
Impfstoff m; Vakzine f pharm.
Impfstoffe pl
abgeschwächter Lebendimpfstoff m
adjuvantierter Impfstoff
Adsorbatimpfstoff m
bakterieller Impfstoff m; Bakterienimpfstoff m; Bakterienvakzine f
Bruzellenimpfstoff m
Dreifachimpfstoff m; Tripelimpfstoff m; trivalenter Impfstoff
Eigenimpfstoff m; Autovakzine f
Einfachimpfstoff m; monovalenter Impfstoff m; Monovakzine f
fettlöslicher Impfstoff; fettlösliche Vakzine
Fluidimpfstoff m
formalininaktivierter Impfstoff
Ganzkeimimpfstoff m; Ganzzellimpfstoff m; Vollzellimpfstoff m
Gelbfieberimpfstoff m
gemischter Impfstoff; Mischimpfstoff m
Kombinationsimpfstoff m; polyvalenter Impfstoff m
konjugierter Impfstoff; Konjugatimpfstoff m
Masernimpfstoff m
Oralimpfstoff m
potentieller Impfstoff; Impfstoffkandidat m
Rötelnimpfstoff m
Rötelnlebendvirusimpfstoff m
Schluckimpfstoff m; Oralimpfstoff m
Spaltimpfstoff m
Totimpfstoff m
Toxoidimpfstoff m
Zweifachimpfstoff m; Dualimpfstoff m; bivalenter Impfstoff
Impfstoff gegen Masern, Mumps und Röteln; Masern-Mumps-Röteln-Impfstoff
live attenuated vaccine
adjuvanted vaccine
adsorbed vaccine
bacterial vaccine; bacterin
brucella vaccine
triple vaccine; trivalent vaccine
monovalent vaccine; monovaccine
liquid vaccine
formalin-inactivated vaccine
whole cell vaccine
yellow fever vaccine
mixed vaccine
combination vaccine; multivalent vaccine; polyvalent vaccine
conjugate vaccine
measles vaccine
oral vaccine
potential vaccine; vaccine candidate
rubella vaccine
live rubella virus vaccine
oral vaccine
split vaccine
killed vaccine; inactivated vaccine
toxoid vaccine
dual vaccine; bivalent vaccine
measles-mumps-rubella vaccine
Kombiwagen m; Kombi m; Kombinationskraftwagen m geh. auto
Kombiwagen pl; Kombis pl; Kombinationskraftwagen pl
estate car Br.; utility wagon; station wagon Am.; wagon Am.
estate cars; utility wagons; station wagons; wagons
combination runs
Kombinationsnetz n
Kombinationsnetze pl
hybrid network
hybrid networks
hybrid network
Kombinationspräparat n pharm.
Kombinationspräparate pl
combination drug; fixed-dose combination drug
combination drugs; fixed-dose combination drugs
Kombinationsquadrat n; Rekombinationsquadrat n; Punnett-Quadrat n biochem.
crossing square; Punnett square
Hybridrechner m; Kombinationsrechner m (analog und digital) comp.
Hybridrechner pl; Kombinationsrechner pl
combined computer; hybrid computer; analog-digital computer
combined computers; hybrid computers; analog-digital computers
Zahlenschloss n; Kombinationsschloss n; Buchstabenschloss n
Zahlenschlösser pl; Kombinationsschlösser pl; Buchstabenschlösser pl
combination lock
combination locks
Matchcode m, Kombinationsschlüssel m
match code
Matchcode, Kombinationsschluessel
match code
Kombinationsschlüssel m; Ablgeichcode m; Matchcode m comp.
Kombinationsschlüssel pl; Ablgeichcodes pl; Matchcodes pl
match code
match codes
Kombinationsschlüssel m; Abgleichcode m; Matchcode m comp.
Kombinationsschlüssel pl; Abgleichcodes pl; Matchcodes pl
match code
match codes
Kombinationstastatur f
combined keyboard
combined keyboard
Kombinationstherapie f auf Artemisiningrundlage med.
artemisinin(-based) combination therapy ACT
Kombinationstherapie f auf Artemisiningrundlage med.
artemisinin(-based) combination therapy ACT
Verstärker m electr.
Verstärker pl
Bassverstärker m
Gitarrenverstärker m
Instrumentenverstärker m mus.
Kombinationsverstärker m mus.
mehrstufiger Verstärker; Kaskadenverstärker m
amplifier; amp
amplifiers; amps
bass amplifier; bass amp
guitar amplifier; guitar amp
instrument amplifier
combination amplifier; combo amplifier
multistage amplifier; cascade amplifier
Verstärker m electr.
Verstärker pl
Bassverstärker m
Gitarrenverstärker m
Instrumentenverstärker m mus.
Kathodenverstärker zur Linearisierung von Sägezahnspannungen
Kombinationsverstärker m mus.
mehrstufiger Verstärker; Kaskadenverstärker m
amplifier; amp
amplifiers; amps
bass amplifier; bass amp
guitar amplifier; guitar amp
instrument amplifier
bootstrap amplifier
combination amplifier; combo amplifier
multistage amplifier; cascade amplifier
Kombinationswaffe f; kombinierte Waffe f mil.
rifle-shotgun combination; rifle-shotgun
Kombinationswinkel m
Kombinationswinkel pl
combination square
combination squares
Kombinatorik f math.
abzählende Kombinatorik
enumerative combinatorics
kombinatorisch adj math.
Logik f
angewandte Logik
formale Logik
kombinatorische Logik
weibliche Logik
zweiwertige dreiwertige mehrwertige Logik math. comp.
nach dieser Logik
Wo ist denn da die Logik?
Was Sie sagen entbehrt jeder Logik.
In der Auswahl ihres Architekten liegt eine gewisse Logik.
Nach dieser Logik müsste man das ganze Internet abschalten nur weil es ein paar Perverse dazu verwenden Kinderpornos zu tauschen.
logic (logics)
applied logic
symbolic logic
combinational logic
female logic; women's logic
binary ternary multivalued logic
by this logic rationale; following using that logic
Where is the logic in that?
There is no logic in what you say.
There is a certain logic in their choice of architect.
By that logic rationale you would have to completely cut off the Internet just because a few sickos use it to swap child porn.
Logik f (Lehre von den formalen Schlussfolgerungen) phil.
angewandte Logik
formale Logik
kombinatorische Logik
monotone nichtmonotone Logik
logic (study of formal principles of inference) (logics)
applied logic
symbolic logic
combinational logic
monotonous non-monotonous logic
Optimierungsalgorithmus m math.
Optimierungsalgorithmen pl
Ameisenalgorithmus zur kombinatorischen Optimierung
optimisation algorithm
optimisation algorithms
ant colony optimization algorithm ACO
statistischer Test m statist.
Ad hoc-Test
bedingter Test
bestmöglicher optimaler Test
einseitiger asymmetrischer Test
zweiseitiger Test
kombinatorischer Test
konsistenter Test
strengster Test; Test mit minimalem Schärfeverlust
symmetrischer Test
randomisierter Test
trennschärfster Test bester Test
unverzerrter unverfälschterTest
verzerrter verfälschter Test
zerstörende Prüfung
zulässiger Test
eingeschränkter Chiquadrat-Test
Folgetest; sequentieller Test
generalisierter Sequentialtest
gleicher Abstandtest
gleichmäßig bester Abstandstest
gleichmäßig trennschärfster Test
Log-Rangtest; Mantel-Haenzel-Test
lokal asymptotisch strengster Test
lokal asymptotisch trennschärfster mächtigster Test; optimaler asymptotischer Test
lokal trennschärfster mächtigster Rangordnungstest
multipler Spannweitentest
Normalitätstest; Test auf Normalverteilung
inverse Normalscores-Test
zufälliger Normalscores-Test
Omega-Quadrat-Test; omega²-Test; Wn²-Test; Cramér-von-Mises-Test
orthogonaler Test; Test auf Orthogonalität
Permutationstest; Randomisationstest
Rang-randomisierter Test
randomisierter Signifikanztest
sequentieller Chi-Quadrat-Test
sequentieller T²-Test
simultaner Varianzverhältnistest
Sphärizitätstest; Mauchly-Test
T-Test; Student-Test
Test auf gleiche Tails
Test auf leere Zellen
Test mit einheitlichen Scores
Test mit erwarteten Normalscores
Tests von Aufzeichnungen
trennschärfster Rangtest
Varianzverhältnistest; F-Test
Vorzeichenrangtest; Wilcoxon-Test für gepaarte Stichproben
statistical hypothesis test
ad hoc test
conditional test
optimum test
one-sided test; one-tailed test; single tail test; asymmetrical test
two-sided test; two-tailed test; double-tailed test
combinatorial test
consistent test
most stringent test
symmetrical test
randomized test
most powerful test
unbiased test
biased test
destructive test
admissible test
corner test
extreme rank sum test
difference sign test
triangle test
duo-trio test
restricted chi-squared test
factor reversal test
sequential test
generalized sequential probability ratio test
equal spacings test
uniformly best distance power test; UBDP test
uniformly most powerful test; UMP test
least significant difference test; LSD test
likelihood ratio test
log-rank test; Mantel-Haenszel test
locally asymptotically most stringent test
locally assymptotically most powerful test; optimal asymptotic test
locally most powerfull rank order test
medial test
median test
Monte Carlo test
multi-binomial test
multiple range test
test of normality
inverse normal scores test
random normal scores test
omega square test; Wn² test; Cramér-von Mises test
orthogonal test; independent test
permutation test; randomization test
rank-randomization test
randomized significance test
sequential chi-squared test
sequential t² test
simultaneous variance ratio test
test for sphericity; Mauchly test
stability test
t-test; Student's test
t-square test
tandem tests
equal-tails test
empty cell test
uniform scores test
expected normal scores test
records tests
most powerful rank test
UN² test
variance ratio test; F-test
union-intersection test
slippage test
sign test
signed rank test; Wilcoxon's matched pairs rank test
reversal test
W test for normality
probability ratio test
base reversal test; time reversal test
bivariate sign test
Abelson-Tukey score test
Ajne's An-
statistischer Test m statist.
bedingter Test
bestmöglicher optimaler Test
einseitiger asymmetrischer Test
zweiseitiger Test
kombinatorischer Test
konsistenter Test
strengster Test; Test mit minimalem Schärfeverlust
symmetrischer Test
randomisierter Test
trennschärfster Test, bester Test
unverzerrter unverfälschter Test
verzerrter verfälschter Test
zerstörende Prüfung
zulässiger Test
eingeschränkter Chiquadrat-Test
Folgetest; sequentieller Test
generalisierter Sequentialtest
gleicher Abstandtest
gleichmäßig bester Abstandstest
gleichmäßig trennschärfster Test
Log-Rangtest; Mantel-Haenzel-Test
lokal asymptotisch strengster Test
lokal asymptotisch trennschärfster mächtigster Test; optimaler asymptotischer Test
lokal trennschärfster mächtigster Rangordnungstest
Medialtest m; Quadrantentest m
Mediantest m
Monte-Carlo-Test m
Multibinomialtest m
multipler Spannweitentest
Normalitätstest m; Test auf Normalverteilung
inverse Normalscores-Test
zufälliger Normalscores-Test
Omega-Quadrat-Test m; omega²-Test; Wn²-Test; Cramér-von-Mises-Test
orthogonaler Test; Test auf Orthogonalität
Permutationstest m; Randomisationstest m
Rang-randomisierter Test
randomisierter Signifikanztest
sequentieller Chi-Quadrat-Test
sequentieller T²-Test
simultaner Varianzverhältnistest
Sphärizitätstest m; Mauchly-Test m
Stabilitätsprüfung f
T-Quadrat-Test m
Tandemtest m
Test auf gleiche Tails
Test auf leere Zellen
Test mit einheitlichen Scores
Test mit erwarteten Normalscores
Tests von Aufzeichnungen
Trendtest m
trennschärfster Rangtest
UN²-Test m
Varianzverhältnistest m; F-Test m
Vereinigung-Schnitt-Test m
Verschiebungstest m
Vorzeichentest m
Vorzeichenrangtest m; Wilcoxon-Test für gepaarte Stichproben
Vorzeichenwechsel-Test m; Umkehrprobe f bei Indexzahlen
W-Test auf Normalität m
Wahrscheinlichkeitsverhältnistest m
Zeit-Umkehrprobe f; Umkehrprobe f für Indexbasen
zweidimensionaler Zeichentest m
Z-Test m
Ajnescher An-Test
Armitage Chiquadrat-Trendtest
Barnardscher Monte Carlo-Test
Bartlett-Test auf Interaktion 2. Ordnung
Bartlett'scher Kollinearitätstest
Bartlett-Diananda'scher Test
Barnard'scher Test
Behrens-Fisher-Test; Fisher-Behrens-Test
Boxscher Test
Cochrans Q-Test; McNemar-Test
Dispersionstest von Ansari-Bradley
Fisher-Yates-Test; exak
statistical hypothesis test
ad hoc test
a posteriori test
conditional test
optimum test
one-sided test; one-tailed test; single tail test; asymmetrical test
two-sided test; two-tailed test; double-tailed test
combinatorial test
consistent test
most stringent test
symmetrical test
randomized test
most powerful test
unbiased test
biased test
destructive test
admissible test
corner test
extreme rank sum test
difference sign test
triangle test
duo-trio test
restricted chi-squared test
factor reversal test
sequential test
generalized sequential probability ratio test
equal spacings test
uniformly best distance power test; UBDP test
uniformly most powerful test; UMP test
least significant difference test; LSD test
likelihood ratio test
log-rank test; Mantel-Haenszel test
locally asymptotically most stringent test
locally assymptotically most powerful test; optimal asymptotic test
locally most powerful rank order test
medial test
median test
Monte Carlo test
multi-binomial test
multiple range test
test of normality
inverse normal scores test
random normal scores test
omega square test; Wn² test; Cramér-von Mises test
orthogonal test; independent test
permutation test; randomization test
rank-randomization test
randomized significance test
sequential chi-squared test
sequential t² test
simultaneous variance ratio test
test for sphericity; Mauchly test
stability test
t-square test
tandem tests
equal-tails test
empty cell test
uniform scores test
expected normal scores test
records tests
test of trend
most powerful rank test
UN² test
variance ratio test; F-test
union-intersection test
slippage test
sign test
signed rank test; Wilcoxon's matched pairs rank test
reversal test
W test for normality
probability ratio test
base reversal test; time reversal test
bivariate sign test
Abelson-Tukey score test
Ajne's An-test
Armitage's chi-squared test for trend
Aspin-Welch test
Barnard's Monte Carlo test
Bartlett's test
Bartlett's test of second order interaction
Bartlett's collinearity test
Bartlett-Diananda test
CSM test
Beran's test
Behrens-Fisher test; Fisher-Behrens test
bootstrap test
Box's test
Breslow-Day test
Brunk's test
Butler-Smirnov test
Capon test
Cliff-Ord tests
Cochran's test
Cochran's Q-test; McNemar's test
Cox and Stuart's tests
D'Agostino's test
Daniel's test
David-Barton test
Ansari-Bradley dispersion test
Duncan's test; k-ratio t-test
Dunn's test
Dunnett's test
Dwass-Steel test
Fisher-Yates test; Fisher-Irwin test; Fisher exact test exact chi-squared test
Freund-Ansari test
Friedman's test
Gabriel's test
Galton's rank order test
Gart's test
Gehan test
Greenhouse-Geisser test
Gupta's symmetry test
Hartley's test; maximum F-ratio
Hodges' bivariate sign test
Hodges-Ajne's test

Deutsche Kombinationswinkel Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Kombinationswinkel Synonym nachschlagen

Englische combination square Synonyme

combination  Bund  Rochdale cooperative  accompaniment  accord  accordance  addition  adjunct  admixture  affairs  affiliation  affinity  agglomeration  agglutination  aggregate  aggregation  agreement  alignment  alliance  alloy  alloyage  amalgam  amalgamation  approximation  array  articulation  assemblage  assembly  association  axis  band  blend  blending  bloc  body  bond  bracketing  brew  building  buildup  cabal  cahoots  call-up  canvass  cartel  census  circle  clique  closeness  clustering  co-working  coaction  coadunation  coalescence  coalition  coincidence  collaboration  colleagueship  collection  collectivity  college  collegialism  collegiality  colligation  collocation  colloid  collusion  combine  combined effort  combo  comminglement  commingling  commixture  common market  communication  comparison  composite  composition  compound  comradeship  concatenation  concert  concerted action  concoction  concomitance  concordance  concourse  concurrence  confection  confederacy  confederation  confluence  conflux  confraternity  congeries  conglomerate  conglomeration  congregation  conjugation  conjunction  connectedness  connection  consilience  consolidation  consortium  conspiracy  constitution  construction  consumer cooperative  contiguity  contrariety  convergence  cooperation  cooperative  cooperative society  copartnership  copartnery  copulation  corps  corralling  correspondence  coterie  council  coupling  credit union  customs union  data-gathering  dealings  decoction  decoctum  deduction  disjunction  eclecticism  economic community  embodiment  emulsion  ensemble  fabrication  faction  fashioning  federation  fellowship  filiation  formation  fraternalism  fraternity  fraternization  free trade area  freemasonry  fusion  gang  gathering  getup  group  grouping  homology  hookup  identification  identity  immixture  inclusion  incorporation  individuality  indivisibility  ingathering  intactness  integrality  integration  integrity  i  

Kombinationswinkel Definition

(n.) The act or process of combining or uniting persons and things.
(n.) The result of combining or uniting
(n.) The act or process of uniting by chemical affinity, by which substances unite with each other in definite proportions by weight to form distinct compounds.
(n.) The different arrangements of a number of objects, as letters, into groups.
(n.) The corner, or angle, of a figure.
(n.) A parallelogram having four equal sides and four right angles.
(n.) Hence, anything which is square, or nearly so
(n.) A square piece or fragment.
(n.) A pane of glass.
(n.) A certain number of lines, forming a portion of a column, nearly square
(n.) One hundred superficial feet.
(n.) An area of four sides, generally with houses on each side
(n.) An instrument having at least one right angle and two or more straight edges, used to lay out or test square work. It is of several forms, as the T square, the carpenter's square, the try-square., etc.
(n.) Hence, a pattern or rule.
(n.) The product of a number or quantity multiplied by itself
(n.) Exact proportion
(n.) A body of troops formed in a square, esp. one formed to resist a charge of cavalry
(n.) Fig.: The relation of harmony, or exact agreement
(n.) The position of planets distant ninety degrees from each other
(n.) The act of squaring, or quarreling
(n.) The front of a woman's dress over the bosom, usually worked or embroidered.
(a.) Having four equal sides and four right angles
(a.) Forming a right angle
(a.) Having a shape broad for the height, with rectilineal and angular rather than curving outlines
(a.) Exactly suitable or correspondent
(a.) Rendering equal justice
(a.) Even
(a.) Leaving nothing
(a.) At right angles with the mast or the keel, and parallel to the horizon
(n.) To form with four sides and four right angles.
(n.) To form with right angles and straight lines, or flat surfaces
(n.) To compare with, or reduce to, any given measure or standard.
(n.) To adjust
(n.) To make even, so as leave no remainder of difference
(n.) To multiply by itself
(n.) To hold a quartile position respecting.
(n.) To place at right angles with the keel
(v. i.) To accord or agree exactly
(v. i.) To go to opposite sides
(v. i.) To take a boxing attitude
(a.) Having the sails extended upon yards suspended horizontally by the middle, as distinguished from fore-and-aft sails
(n.) Having the toe square.
(n.) A precise person
(a.) Having a cross section in the form of an equilateral triangle
(n.) An instrument used by carpenters, joiners, etc., for laying off right angles off right angles, and testing whether work is square.
T square
() See under T.

combination square / combination squares Bedeutung

compounding a
the act of combining things to form a new whole
square dance
square dancing
American country dancing in which couples form squares
combination the act of arranging elements into specified groups without regard to order
square-bashing drill on a barracks square
vertical integration
vertical combination
absorption into a single firm of several firms involved in all aspects of a product's manufacture from raw materials to distribution
horizontal integration
horizontal combination
absorption into a single firm of several firms involved in the same level of production and sharing resources at that level
bearded seal
squareflipper square flipper
Erignathus barbatus
medium-sized greyish to yellow seal with bristles each side of muzzle, of the Arctic Ocean
public square
a place of assembly for the people in ancient Greece
annulet bandelet
square and rabbet
molding in the form of a ring, at top of a column
bevel square
a hand tool consisting of two rules that are hinged together so you can draw or measure angles of any size
carpenter's square a steel square used by carpenters, larger than a try square
combination lock lock that can be opened only by turning dials in a special sequence
combination plane a woodworking plane that has interchangeable cutters of various shapes
square block
a block in the (approximate) shape of a cube
open-air market
open-air marketplace
market square
a public marketplace where food and merchandise is sold
set square a try square with an adjustable sliding head
square a hand tool consisting of two straight arms at right angles, used to construct or test right angles, the carpenter who built this room must have lost his square
square any artifact having a shape similar to a plane geometric figure with four equal sides and four right angles, a checkerboard has squares
square knot a double knot made of two half hitches and used to join the ends of two cords
square nut nut with a square shape
square sail a four-sided sail set beneath a horizontal yard suspended at the middle from a mast
try square a square having a metal ruler set at right angles to another straight piece
T-square a square used by draftsmen to draw parallel lines
eigenvalue of a matrix
eigenvalue of a square matrix
characteristic root of a square matrix
(mathematics) any number such that a given square matrix minus that number times the identity matrix has a zero determinant
least squares
method of least squares
a method of fitting a curve to data points so as to minimize the sum of the squares of the distances of the points from the curve
word square
a puzzle where you fill a square grid with words reading the same down as across
square bracket
either of two punctuation marks ([ or ]) used to enclose textual material
square-dance music music performed for square dancing
fair deal
square deal
fair treatment
square meal a substantial and nourishing meal, he seldom got three square meals a day
combination salad containing meat or chicken or cheese in addition to greens and vegetables
combination an alliance of people or corporations or countries for a special purpose (formerly to achieve some antisocial end but now for general political or economic purposes)
combination in restraint of trade (law) any monopoly or contract or combination or conspiracy intended to restrain commerce (which are illegal according to antitrust laws of the United States)
square matrix a matrix with the same number of rows and columns
Latin square a square matrix ofrows and columns, cells containdifferent symbols so arranged that no symbol occurs more than once in any row or column
magic square a square matrix ofrows and columns, the first n^ integers are arranged in the cells of the matrix in such a way that the sum of any row or column or diagonal is the same
combination a group of people (often temporary) having a common purpose, they were a winning combination
combination a sequence of numbers or letters that opens a combination lock, he forgot the combination to the safe
combination a coordinated sequence of chess moves
Trafalgar Square a square in central London where there is a memorial to Admiral Nelson
public square
an open area at the meeting of two or more streets
Times Square the area of Manhattan around the intersection of Broadway and Seventh Avenue, heart of the New York theater district, site of annual celebration of New Year's
knight banneret
knight of the square flag
a knight honored for valor, entitled to display a square banner and to hold higher command
square dancer someone who does square dancing
square shooter
straight shooter
straight arrow
a frank and honest person
square toes
a formal and conservative person with old-fashioned views
square lame someone who doesn't understand what is going on
area unit
square measure
a system of units used to measure areas
square inch
sq in
a unit of area equal to one inch by one inch square
square foot
sq ft
a unit of area equal to one foot by one foot square
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