
Konjunkturanalyse Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

business cycle analysis
business cycle analysis
Konjunktion f gramm.
Konjunktionen pl
Konjunktion f; Bindewort n ling.
Konjunktionen pl; Bindewörter pl
Konjunktion f astron.
gerade (besonders) (Betonung einer Konjunktion)
Gerade weil ich weiß wie der Aktienmarkt funktioniert lege ich selbst kein Geld an.
Stimmt und gerade deswegen will ich kein Risiko eingehen.
Während der Großen Depression legten die Frauen trotz allem oder vielleicht gerade deswegen großen Wert auf Eleganz und Mode.
precisely; exactly (emphasizing a conjunction)
It's exactly because I understand how the stock market works that I do not invest.
True and that's precisely exactly why I don't want to take any risks.
During the Great Depression women despite all this or perhaps precisely because of it attached great importance to elegance and fashion.
gerade (besonders) (Betonung einer Konjunktion)
Gerade weil ich weiß, wie der Aktienmarkt funktioniert, lege ich selbst kein Geld an.
Stimmt, und gerade deswegen will ich kein Risiko eingehen.
Während der Großen Depression legten die Frauen trotz allem, oder vielleicht gerade deswegen, großen Wert auf Eleganz und Mode.
precisely; exactly (emphasizing a conjunction)
It's exactly because I understand how the stock market works that I do not invest.
True, and that's precisely exactly why I don't want to take any risks.
During the Great Depression, women, despite all this, or perhaps precisely because of it, attached great importance to elegance and fashion.
Konjunktionalsatz m ling.
Konjunktionalsätze pl
conjunctional clause
conjunctional clauses
Konjunktiv m gramm.
Konjunktiv I
Konjunktiv II
subjunctive, subjunctive mood, conjunctive, conjunctive mood
present subjunctive
past subjunctive
konjunktiv adj
konjunktiv adv
Möglichkeitsform f; Konjunktiv m ling.
Konjunktiv I
Konjunktiv II
subjunctive mood; subjunctive
"present" subjunctive
"past" subjunctive
Schutzimpfung f; Impfung f; Vakzination f med.
aktive Impfung
aktive Impfung und Serumbehandlung
Auffrischungsimpfung f; Wiederholungsimpfung f; Nachimpfung f
Basisimpfung f
bakterielle Impfung; Bakterienvakzination f
enterale Impfung; perorale Impfung
epikutane Impfung
konjunktivale Impfung
passive Impfung
Impfung im Kindesalter
Impfung mit Rotzbakterienextrakt
vaccination; vaccinization; inoculation; vaccine therapy; vaccinotherapy; immunization with a vaccine; immunization shot Am. coll.; jab Br. coll.
active vaccination
active serovaccination
booster inoculation; booster
primary vaccination
bacterial vaccination; bacterination
enteric inoculation; peroral inoculation
epicutaneous vaccination
conjunctival inoculation
passive vaccination
childhood vaccination
konjunktivisch adj ling.
Konjunktivitis f, Bindehautentzündung f med.
conjunctivitis, eye inflammation
Konjunktivitis f; Bindehautentzündung f med.
conjunctivitis; eye inflammation; pinkeye coll.
Dämpfung der Konjunktur
Konjunktur, Konjunkturzyklus
economic cycle
Konjunktur, Konjunkturzyklus
trade cycle
überhitzte Konjunktur
overheated boom
Boom m, Konjunktur f, Hochkonjunktur f, Aufschwung m
Aufschwünge pl
kleine, vorübergehende Konjunktur
einen Boom erleben, einen Aufschwung erleben, boomen
einen Aufschwung nehmend
einen Aufschwung genommen
boomlet coll.
to boom
Konjunktur f, Wirtschaftslage f
steigende Konjunktur f
fallende Konjunktur f, rückläufige Konjunktur f
economic situation, economic fluctuation
upward economic trend, increasing economic activity
downward economic trend, decreasing economic activity
Konjunktur f
business activity
Konjunktur haben
to be in great demand
Reflation f, Ankurbelung f der Konjunktur econ.
Konjunktur, Hochkonjunktur, Aufschwung
Ausdruck von etw. sein; ein Beispiel für etw. sein; etw. verdeutlichen v
Dieser Rückgang ist Ausdruck der schwachen Konjunktur.
Kulturlandschaften sind beispielhaft für die Entwicklung der menschlichen Gesellschaft.
Die beiden Fälle lassen ein gemeinsames Muster erkennen.
to be illustrative of sth.
This decrease is illustrative of the economic slowdown.
Cultural landscapes are illustrative of the evolution of human society.
Both cases are illustrative of a common pattern.
Boom m; Konjunktur f; Hochkonjunktur f; Aufschwung m
Aufschwünge pl
kleine vorübergehende Konjunktur
einen Boom erleben; einen Aufschwung erleben; boomen
einen Aufschwung nehmend
einen Aufschwung genommen
boomlet coll.
to boom
Konjunktur f; Wirtschaftslage f
steigende Konjunktur f
fallende Konjunktur f; rückläufige Konjunktur f
economic situation; economic fluctuation
upward economic trend; increasing economic activity
downward economic trend; decreasing economic activity
Reflation f; Ankurbelung f der Konjunktur econ.
Boom m; Konjunktur f; Hochkonjunktur f; Aufschwung m
Aufschwünge pl
kleine, vorübergehende Konjunktur
einen Boom erleben; einen Aufschwung erleben; boomen
einen Aufschwung nehmend
einen Aufschwung genommen
boomlet coll.
to boom
Konjunktur haben v; hoch im Kurs stehen v
to be in great demand
Konjunkturabschwächung f
downward movement
downward movement
Konjunkturabschwächung f econ.
downward movement
Verlangsamung f; Nachlassen n; Flaute f econ.
Nachlassen der Nachfrage
Verlangsamung des Wachstums
Konjunkturabschwung m; Konjunkturflaute f
Produktionsverlangsamung f
Flautejahr n
slowdown; deceleration
slowdown of in demand
deceleration of growth
economic slowdown; slowdown of economic activity
slowdown in production
year of economic slowdown
business cycle analysis
Aktie f fin.
Aktien pl
börsenfähige börsefähige Ös. Aktien; börsengängige börsegängige Ös. Aktien
eigene Aktien; Vorratsaktien pl
lebhaft gehandelte Aktien
nennwertlose Aktie
stimmrechtslose Aktie
Aktien im Sammeldepot
Aktien konjunkturanfälliger Unternehmen
Aktien und Anleihen kaufen und verkaufen
Aktien aufteilen
Aktien ausgeben emittieren
Aktien besitzen
Aktien einreichen
Aktien einziehen
eine Aktie sperren
Aktien umsetzen
Aktien zeichnen
Aktien zuteilen
gesperrte Aktien
Aktien auf dem Markt abstoßen
sichere Aktien mit hoher Dividende
stark schwankende Aktien
eingebüßte Aktien
enorme Nachfrage nach Aktien
stimmberechtigte Aktie
noch nicht emittierte Aktien
Aktien von produzierenden Firmen
Aktien der Elektronikindustrie
Aktien der Gummiindustrie
Aktien der Maschinenbauindustrie
Aktien der Nahrungsmittelindustrie
Aktien der Schiffsbauindustrie
Aktien mit garantierter Dividende
Aktien von Versicherungsgesellschaften
Aktien mit Vorrechten; Mehrstimmrechtsaktien
Verwaltungsaktien pl; Vorstandsaktien pl
share Br.; share of stock Am.; stock Am.
shares; stock; stocks Am.
listable marketable shares stock
own shares Br.; treasury stock
active shares; active stock
no-par share; non-par share Br.
non-voting share stock
shares stock in collective deposit
cyclical shares stock
to trade in stocks and bonds
to split stocks; to split shares
to issue shares stock
to hold shares stock
to surrender share stock certificates
to call in shares stock
to stop a share stock
to trade shares stock
to subscribe to shares stock
to allot shares stock
stopped share stock
to unload shares stocks on the market
widow-and-orphan share stock
yo-yo stock
forfeited shares stock
run on shares stock
voting share stock
unissued shares stock
smokestack shares stock
electronics shares stock
rubber shares stock
engineering shares stock
foods shares stock
shipbuilding shares stock
debenture stock stock
insurance shares stock
mangement stock
management shares
Aktie f fin.
Aktien pl
Bergwerksaktie f
börsenfähige börsefähige Ös. Aktien; börsengängige börsegängige Ös. Aktien
eigene Aktien; Vorratsaktien pl; Aktien in Eigenbesitz
hochspekulative Aktien
hochspekulative Aktien mit niedrigem Kurs
lebhaft gehandelte Aktien
nennwertlose Aktie
stimmrechtslose Aktie
Aktien im Sammeldepot
Aktien konjunkturanfälliger Unternehmen
Aktien und Anleihen kaufen und verkaufen
Aktien aufteilen
Aktien ausgeben emittieren
Aktien besitzen
Aktien einreichen
Aktien einziehen
eine Aktie sperren
Aktien umsetzen
Aktien zeichnen
Aktien zuteilen
gesperrte Aktien
Aktien auf dem Markt abstoßen
sichere Aktien mit hoher Dividende
stark schwankende Aktien
eingebüßte Aktien
enorme Nachfrage nach Aktien
stimmberechtigte Aktie
noch nicht emittierte Aktien
Aktien von produzierenden Firmen
Aktien der Elektronikindustrie
Aktien der Gummiindustrie
Aktien der Maschinenbauindustrie
Aktien der Nahrungsmittelindustrie
Aktien der Schiffsbauindustrie
Aktien mit garantierter Dividende
Aktien von Versicherungsgesellschaften
Aktien mit Vorrechten; Mehrstimmrechtsaktien
Verwaltungsaktien pl; Vorstandsaktien pl
Das Unternehmen hat alle zurück gekauften Aktien eingezogen.
share Br.; share of stock Am.; stock Am.
shares; stocks Am.
mining share; mining stock
listable marketable shares stock
own shares Br.; treasury stock
fancy shares stocks dated
penny stocks Am.
active shares; active stock
no-par share; non-par share Br.
non-voting share stock
shares stocks in collective deposit
cyclical shares stock
to trade in stocks and bonds
to split stocks; to split shares
to issue shares stocks
to hold shares stocks
to surrender share stock certificates
to call in shares stocks; to retire shares Am.
to stop a share stock
to trade shares stocks
to subscribe to shares stocks
to allot shares stocks
stopped shares stocks
to unload shares stocks on the market
widow-and-orphan shares stocks
yo-yo stocks
forfeited shares stocks
run on shares stocks
voting share stock
unissued shares stocks
smokestack shares stocks
electronics shares stocks
rubber shares stocks
engineering shares stocks
foods shares stocks
shipbuilding shares stocks
debenture shares stocks
insurance shares stocks
management stocks
management shares
The company retired all of their treasury shares.
Konjunkturangst f econ.
fear of recesson; economic jitters
Konjunkturanstieg f, Aufwärtstrend m
upward trend
Konjunkturanstieg, Aufwaertstrend
upward trend
Konjunkturanstieg f; Aufwärtstrend m econ.
upward trend
Konjunkturanstieg m; Aufwärtstrend m econ.
upward trend
economic boom
Konjunkturaufschwung m
Konjunkturaufschwung m econ.
rasche Zunahme f; starkes Anwachsen n
Preisanstieg m
Konjunkturaufschwung m
upsurge in prices
cyclical upsurge
Konjunkturausgleich m
business outlook
business prospects
economic outlook
Wirtschaftsaussichten, Konjunkturaussichten
economic prospects
Konjunkturbarometer n
business barometer
Konjunkturbarometer n pol.
business barometer
depending on market conditions
konjunkturbedingt, zyklisch
Konjunkturpaket n (Maßnahmen zur Konjunkturbelebung) pol.
Konjunkturpakete pl
economic stimulus package
economic stimulus packages
Konjunkturpaket n; staatliche Fördermaßnahmen pl (zur Konjunkturbelebung) pol. econ.
Konjunkturpakete pl
economic stimulus package; government-backed stimulus package
economic stimulus packages; government-backed stimulus packages
economic forecaster
konjunkturdämpfend adj econ.
countercyclical, anticyclical
konjunkturdämpfend; antizyklisch adj econ.
antizyklische Politik
countercyclical; anticyclical
countercyclical policy
Konjunktureinbruch m econ.
(economic) downturn; (economic) slump; market downturn; downturn in economy
zyklisch, konjunkturell
konjunkturell, periodisch
konjunkturell; periodisch; zyklisch adj

Deutsche Konjunkturanalyse Synonyme

Englische business cycle analysis Synonyme

business  Aktiengesellschaft  acting  action  activeness  activism  activity  affair  aktiebolag  allegiance  area  art  assigned task  attempt  balance of trade  big business  body corporate  bounden duty  buffoonery  burden  business dealings  business establishment  call of duty  calling  career  career building  careerism  cartel  chamber of commerce  characterization  charge  combine  commerce  commercial  commercial affairs  commercial enterprise  commercial relations  commitment  compagnie  company  concern  concernment  conglomerate  conglomerate corporation  consolidating company  consortium  contract  copartnership  corporate body  corporation  craft  custom  deal  dealing  dealings  dedication  deference  devoir  devotion  dingus  diversified corporation  dofunny  doing  doings  duties and responsibilities  duty  effort  employment  engagement  enterprise  establishment  ethics  fair trade  fealty  firm  free trade  function  gadget  gag  game  gizmo  goings-on  ham  hammy acting  handicraft  hoke  hokum  holding company  homage  hootenanny  house  imperative  impersonation  industrial  industry  intercourse  interest  issue  jigger  job  joint-stock association  joint-stock company  lifework  line  line of business  line of duty  line of work  lookout  loyalty  market  marketing  matter  mercantile  mercantile business  merchant  merchantry  metier  militancy  mimesis  mimicking  mimicry  miming  mission  motion  movement  multilateral trade  mummery  must  mystery  number  obligation  occasions  occupation  office  onus  operating company  operation  organization  ought  outfit  overacting  palaver  pantomiming  partnership  patter  performance  performing  personation  place  plan  playacting  playing  plunderbund  point  political activism  pool  portrayal  practice  problem  proceeding  proceedings  profession  program  project  projection  proposition  proprietorship  province  public utility  pursuit  question  racket  reciprocal trade  representat  
business cycle  boom  bottoming out  business fluctuations  bust  cooling off  crisis  depression  downturn  economic cycle  economic expansion  economic growth  expanding economy  expansion  growth  high growth rate  low  market expansion  peak  peaking  prosperity  recession  recovery  slowdown  slump  upturn  
businesslike  arranged  banausic  breadwinning  commercial  formal  habitual  harmonious  in hand  materialistic  methodical  moneymaking  normal  ordered  orderly  practical  prosaic  realistic  regular  routine  steady  symmetrical  systematic  uniform  usual  utilitarian  well-ordered  well-regulated  workaday  workday  working  

Konjunkturanalyse Definition

(n.) A resolution of anything, whether an object of the senses or of the intellect, into its constituent or original elements
(n.) The separation of a compound substance, by chemical processes, into its constituents, with a view to ascertain either (a) what elements it contains, or (b) how much of each element is present. The former is called qualitative, and the latter quantitative analysis.
(n.) The tracing of things to their source, and the resolving of knowledge into its original principles.
(n.) The resolving of problems by reducing the conditions that are in them to equations.
(n.) A syllabus, or table of the principal heads of a discourse, disposed in their natural order.
(n.) A brief, methodical illustration of the principles of a science. In this sense it is nearly synonymous with synopsis.
(n.) The process of ascertaining the name of a species, or its place in a system of classification, by means of an analytical table or key.
(n.) That which busies one, or that which engages the time, attention, or labor of any one, as his principal concern or interest, whether for a longer or shorter time
(n.) Any particular occupation or employment engaged in for livelihood or gain, as agriculture, trade, art, or a profession.
(n.) Financial dealings
(n.) That which one has to do or should do
(n.) Affair
(n.) The position, distribution, and order of persons and properties on the stage of a theater, as determined by the stage manager in rehearsal.
(n.) Care
(n.) An imaginary circle or orbit in the heavens
(n.) An interval of time in which a certain succession of events or phenomena is completed, and then returns again and again, uniformly and continually in the same order
(n.) An age
(n.) An orderly list for a given time
(n.) The circle of subjects connected with the exploits of the hero or heroes of some particular period which have served as a popular theme for poetry, as the legend of Arthur and the knights of the Round Table, and that of Charlemagne and his paladins.
(n.) One entire round in a circle or a spire
(n.) A bicycle or tricycle, or other light velocipede.
(v. i.) To pass through a cycle of changes
(v. i.) To ride a bicycle, tricycle, or other form of cycle.

business cycle analysis Bedeutung

business stage business
incidental activity performed by an actor for dramatic effect, his business with the cane was hilarious
loose end
unfinished business
work that is left incomplete
line of work
the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money, he's not in my line of business
business life
professional life
a career in industrial or commercial or professional activities
analysis an investigation of the component parts of a whole and their relations in making up the whole
market analysis marketing research that yields information about the marketplace
chemical analysis
qualitative analysis
the act of decomposing a substance into its constituent elements
quantitative analysis
quantitative chemical analysis
chemical analysis to determine the amounts of each element in the substance
colorimetric analysis
quantitative chemical analysis by color using a colorimeter
volumetric analysis quantitative analysis by the use of definite volumes of standard solutions or reagents
volumetric analysis determination of the volume of gases (or changes in their volume) during combination
gravimetric analysis quantitative analysis by weight
cost analysis breaking down the costs of some operation and reporting on each factor separately
fundamental analysis
fundamentals analysis
(stock exchange) the use of fundamentals as an investment strategy
technical analysis
technical analysis of stock trends
(stock exchange) analysis of past price changes in the hope of forecasting future price changes
spectroscopic analysis
spectrum analysis
spectrographic analysis
the use of spectroscopes to analyze spectra
analysis depth psychology
a set of techniques for exploring underlying motives and a method of treating various mental disorders, based on the theories of Sigmund Freud, his physician recommended psychoanalysis
self-analysis the application of psychotherapeutic principles to the analysis of your own personality
monkey business mischievous or deceitful behavior
commercial enterprise
business enterprise
the activity of providing goods and services involving financial and commercial and industrial aspects, computers are now widely used in business
business activity
commercial activity
activity undertaken as part of a commercial enterprise
business the volume of commercial activity, business is good today, show me where the business was today
land-office business very large and profitable volume of commercial activity
field of operation
line of business
a particular kind of commercial enterprise, they are outstanding in their field
employee-owned enterprise
employee-owned business
a commercial enterprise owned by the people who work for it
discount business the business of selling merchandise at a discount
real-estate business the business of selling real estate
meat packing
meat-packing business
wholesale packaging of meat for future sale (including slaughtering and processing and distribution to retailers)
deal trade business deal a particular instance of buying or selling, it was a package deal, I had no further trade with him, he's a master of the business deal
going-out-of-business sale a sale of all the tangible assets of a business that is about to close, during the Great Depression going-out-of-business sales were very common
airline business
a commercial enterprise that provides scheduled flights for passengers
wheel cycle
a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals
business suit a suit of clothes traditionally worn by businessmen
line product line
line of products
line of merchandise
business line
line of business
a particular kind of product or merchandise, a nice line of shoes
business office
place of business where professional or clerical duties are performed, he rented an office in the new building
cycle rickshaw
a tricycle (usually propelled by pedalling), used in the Orient for transporting passengers for hire, boys who once pulled rickshaws now pedal pedicabs
place of business
business establishment
an establishment (a factory or an assembly plant or retail store or warehouse etc.) where business is conducted, goods are made or stored or processed or where services are rendered
personal business
personal matters
matters of personal concern, get his affairs in order
critical appraisal
critical analysis
an appraisal based on careful analytical evaluation
analytic thinking
the abstract separation of a whole into its constituent parts in order to study the parts and their relations
cost-benefit analysis an analysis of the cost effectiveness of different alternatives in order to see whether the benefits outweigh the costs
systems analysis analysis of all aspects of a project along with ways to collect information about the operation of its parts
trend analysis analysis of changes over time
a penetrating examination of your own beliefs and motives
business a rightful concern or responsibility, it's none of your business, mind your own business
business an immediate objective, gossip was the main business of the evening
numerical analysis (mathematics) the branch of mathematics that studies algorithms for approximating solutions to problems in the infinitesimal calculus
analysis a branch of mathematics involving calculus and the theory of limits, sequences and series and integration and differentiation
Fourier analysis
harmonic analysis
analysis of a periodic function into a sum of simple sinusoidal components
analysis situs
the branch of pure mathematics that deals only with the properties of a figure X that hold for every figure into which X can be transformed with a one-to-one correspondence that is continuous in both directions
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