
Konstantpumpe Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Konstantpumpe f
Konstantpumpen pl
fixed displacement pump
fixed displacement pumps
Konstantpumpe f
Konstantpumpen pl
fixed displacement pump
fixed displacement pumps
andauernd, stetig, konstant, beständig adj
am beständigsten
more constant
most constant, constantest
beständig, konstant (Leistung) adj
fest, konstant adj
konstant adv
konstant math.
konstant adv
fest, konstant
andauernd; dauernd; fortwährend; ständig; anhaltend; stetig; konstant; beständig adj
am beständigsten
Seither lebt sie in ständiger Angst überfallen zu werden.
mit einer konstanten Geschwindigkeit von 80 km h fahren
Säuglinge brauchen ständige Betreuung.
Wir halten laufend Kontakt mit seinen Angehörigen und halten sie über neue Entwicklungen auf dem Laufenden.
Stetiges LĂĽften verhindert Schimmelbildung.
more constant
most constant; constantest
Ever since she has lived in constant fear of being attacked.
to travel at a constant speed of 50 mph.
Babies need constant attention.
We are in constant contact with his family and will be keeping them informed of any developments.
Constant ventilation prevents mold from building up.
fest; konstant adj
gleichbleibend; konstant; beständig adj
gleichbleibende Qualität
konstante Form
konstante Leistung
der beständigste Spieler in der Mannschaft
ein Dauerbrenner in den Medien
consistent (unchanging over time)
consistent quality
consistant fitness
consistant performance
the team's most consistent player
a consistent feature in the media
gleichbleibend; konstant; stets adv
Seine Arbeiten sind von gleichbleibend hohem Niveau.
Sie hat konstant gute Noten.
Er hat die GerĂĽchte stets dementiert.
consistently (unchangingly over time)
His work has been of a consistently high standard.
She has had consistently good marks.
He has consistently denied the rumours.
konstant; gleich bleibend adj math.
nicht konstant; nicht gleich bleibend
not constant; unconstant
gleichbleibend; konstant; beständig adj
gleichbleibende Qualität
konstante Form
konstante Leistung
der beständigste Spieler in der Mannschaft
ein Dauerbrenner in den Medien
consistent (unchanging over time)
consistent quality
consistent fitness
consistent performance
the team's most consistent player
a consistent feature in the media
stetig; stet; beständig; ununterbrochen; gleichbleibend; konstant adj
ein beständiger Besucherstrom
mit einer konstanten Geschwindigkeit von 80 km h fahren
Säuglinge brauchen ständige Betreuung.
Wir halten laufend Kontakt mit seinen Angehörigen und halten sie über neue Entwicklungen auf dem Laufenden.
Stetiges LĂĽften verhindert Schimmelbildung.
a constant stream of visitors
to travel at a constant speed of 50 mph.
Babies need constant attention.
We are in constant contact with his family and will be keeping them informed of any developments.
Constant ventilation prevents mold from building up.
konstante Kosten
constant costs
Corioliskonstante f, Coriolis-Konstante f phys.
Coriolis constant
Euler-Konstante f math.
Euler's constant
Konstante f
absolute term
Konstante f
Konstanten pl
figurative Konstante f (Literale)
figurative constant
sei es
wie dem auch sei
Sei es!
Sei so gut und ...
X sei eine Konstante. math.
be that
in any case
Be it!
Be a treasure and ...
Let x be a constant.
Konstante außerhalb des zulässigen Bereichs comp.
constant out of range
Konstante erwartet comp.
constant expected
String-Konstante zu lang comp.
string constant exceeds line
absolute term
Konstante erwartet
constant expected
Konstante ausserhalb des zulaessigen Bereichs
constant out of range
figurative Konstante (Literale)
figurative constant
String-Konstante zu lang
string constant exceeds line
konstante Ausfallrate; konstante Ausfallquote (einer Bank z.B. im Kreditgeschäft) fin.
constant default rate CDR (of a bank e.g. in the credit business)
Avogadro-Konstante f; Avogadro'sche Zahl f phys.
Avogadro constant; Avogadro number
Boltzmann-Konstante f; Boltzmannsche Konstante f phys.
Boltzmann constant
Corioliskonstante f; Coriolis-Konstante f phys.
Coriolis constant
Faradaykonstante f; Faraday'sche Konstante f phys.
Faraday constant
Feinstrukturkonstante f; Sommerfeldsche Konstante f phys.
fine-structure constant; Sommerfeld fine-structure constant
Fermi-Konstante f (Kerntechnik)
Fermi constant (nuclear engineering)
Planck'sche Konstante f; Planck'sches Wirkungsquantum n phys.
Planck constant; Planck's (elementary) quantum of action
Substitutionselastizität f econ.
konstante Substitutionselastizität
elasticity of substitution
constant elasticity of substitution CES
Konstante außerhalb des zulässigen Bereichs. (Fehlermeldung) comp.
Constant out of range. (error message)
Konstante erwartet (Fehlermeldung) comp.
constant expected (error message)
String-Konstante zu lang. (Fehlermeldung) comp.
String constant exceeds line. (error message)
Hubble-Konstante f; Hubble-Parameter m astron.
Hubble constant; Hubble parameter
Substitutionselastizität f econ.
konstante Substitutionselastizität
elasticity of substitution
constant elasticity of substitution CES
Zahlungsausfallrate f; Zahlungsausfallsrate f; Zahlungsausfallquote f; Zahlungsausfallsquote f; Ausfallrate f; Ausfallsrate f; Ausfallquote f; Ausfallsquote f fin.
Zahlungsausfallraten pl; Zahlungsausfallsraten pl; Zahlungsausfallquoten pl; Zahlungsausfallsquoten pl; Ausfallraten pl; Ausfallsraten pl; Ausfallquoten pl; Ausfallsquoten pl
konstante Ausfallrate; konstante Ausfallsquote
default rate; delinquency rate; delinquency ratio
default rates; delinquency rates; delinquency ratios
constant default rate CDR
konstanter Ausdruck m; Konstante f comp. math. phys.
konstante AusdrĂĽcke pl; Konstanten pl
willkĂĽrliche Konstante
Konstante der Expositionsstärke phys.
Konstante doppelter Länge
Konstante in Befehlsform comp.
constant term; constant; absolute term rare
constant terms; constants; absolute terms
arbitrary constant
exposure rate constant
double precision constant
instructional constant
kosmologische Konstante f (Einstein) phys.
cosmological constant (Einstein)
sei es
wie dem auch sei
Sei so gut und …
X sei eine Konstante. math.
be that
in any case
Be a treasure and …
Let x be a constant.
Preis m
Preise pl
zum halben Preis
angemessener Preis
annehmbarer Preis
halber Preis, zum halben Preis
voraussichtlicher Preis
zu herabgesetzten Preisen
zu jeweiligen Preisen
zu konstanten Preisen
zum angegebenen Preis
taxierter Preis, Taxe f
Preis, alles inbegriffen, Gesamtpreis m
Preise reduzieren
Preise erhöhen
einen Preis nennen
Preise angeben
Preise ausgleichen
die Preise in die Höhe treiben
um jeden Preis
um keinen Preis
at half (the) price
fair price
acceptable price
anticipated price
at reduced prices
at current prices
at constant prices
at the price indicated
all in price
to cut prices
to spike prices
to quote a price
to quote prices
to adjust prices
to push up prices, to force up prices
at any price
not at any price, not for anything
fehlerhafte Angabe einer Integer-Konstanten comp.
error in integer constant
fehlerhafte Angabe einer Real-Konstanten comp.
error in real constant
zu konstanten Preisen
at constant prices
fehlerhafte Angabe einer Integer-Konstanten
error in integer constant
fehlerhafte Angabe einer Real-Konstanten
error in real constant
Preis m
Preise pl
zum halben Preis
angemessener Preis
annehmbarer Preis
ausgewiesener Preis
eingefrorener Preis
empfohlener Preis
halber Preis; zum halben Preis
abnehmende Preise
überhöhter Preis
voraussichtlicher Preis
zu herabgesetzten Preisen
zu konstanten Preisen
zum angegebenen Preis
taxierter Preis; Taxe f
geltender Preis
Preis ab Werk
Preise höherschrauben
Preise reduzieren
Preise erhöhen
einen Preis angeben nennen
Preise ausgleichen
die Preise in die Höhe treiben; Preise hochtreiben
um jeden Preis
um keinen Preis
Abnahme der Preise
Anpassung der Preise
Anstieg der Preise
Anziehen der Preise
starkes Anziehen der Preise
Entwicklung der Preise
Festigung der Preise
Sinken der Preise
Spaltung der Preise
Stabilisierung der Preise
Struktur der Preise
Veränderung der Preise
Verzerrung der Preise
Gesetz von der Unterschiedslosigkeit der Preise
at half (the) price
fair price
acceptable price
marked price
frozen price
recommended price
falling prices
excessive exorbitant inflated price
anticipated price
at reduced prices
at constant prices
at the price indicated
ruling price
ex-factory price
to force up prices
to cut prices
to spike prices
to quote a price
to adjust prices
to push up prices; to force up prices
at any price
not at any price; not for anything
decrease of prices
adjustment of prices
increase of prices; price increase
hardening of prices
strong rise of prices
development of prices
consolidation of prices
decline in prices
discrimination in price
stabilization of prices eAm.; stabilisation of prices Br.
pattern of prices
movement of prices
distortion of prices
law of one price
Fehlerhafte Angabe einer Integer-Konstanten. (Fehlermeldung) comp.
Error in integer constant. (error message)
Fehlerhafte Angabe einer Real-Konstanten (Fehlermeldung) comp.
Error in real constant (error message)
Differentialgleichung f math.
Differentialgleichungen pl
Airy'sche Differentialgleichung
Bessel'sche Differenzialgleichung
biharmonische Differentialgleichung
Cauchy-Riemann'sche Differentialgleichungen
Clairaut'sche Differentialgleichung
elliptischer Typus der partiellen Differentialgleichung; elliptische Differentialgleichung
Hamilton'sche partielle Differentialgleichung; Hamilton-Jacobi'sche Differentialgleichung
hypergeometrische Differentialgleichung; GauĂź'sche Differentialgleichung
hyperbolischer Typus der partiellen Differentialgleichung; hyperbolische Differentialgleichung
lineare Differentialgleichung mit konstanten Koeffizienten
nichtlineare Differentialgleichung erster Ordnung; Bernoulli'sche Differentialgleichung; Bernoulli'sche Gleichung
partielle Differentialgleichung zweiter Ordnung; Laplace'sche Differentialgleichung; Laplace-Gleichung; Potentialgleichung
stochastische Differentialgleichung
differential equation
differential equations
Airy's differential equation
Bessel's differential equation; Bessel equation
biharmonic equation; bipotential equation
Cauchy-Riemann differential equations; Cauchy-Riemann equations
Clairaut's differential equation
elliptic partial differential equation; elliptic differential equation
Hamilton's partial differential equation; Hamilton-Jacobi equation
hypergeometric differential equation; hypergeometric equation; Gauss' differential equation; Gaussian differential equation
hyperbolic partial differential equation; hyperbolic differential equation
linear differential equation with constant coefficients
Bernoulli's differential equation; Bernoulli differential equation; Bernoulli's equation
Laplace's differential equation; Laplace linear equation; Laplace's equation; potential equation
stochastic differential equation SDE
Preis m (fĂĽr etw.) econ.
Preise pl
Katalogpreis m
Schnäppchenpreis m
Sparpreis m; gĂĽnstiger Preis
Tiefstpreis m
Weltmarktpreis m
zum halben Preis
zum Preis von 100 Euro
annehmbarer Preis
ausgewiesener Preis
eingefrorener Preis
abnehmende Preise
überhöhter Preis
voraussichtlicher Preis
zu herabgesetzten Preisen
zu konstanten Preisen
zum angegebenen Preis
taxierter Preis; Taxe f
geltender Preis
Preis ab Werk
Preise höherschrauben
Preise reduzieren
Preise erhöhen
einen Preis angeben nennen
Preise ausgleichen
Preise unterbieten
die Preise in die Höhe treiben; Preise hochtreiben
(nur) die Hälfte kosten
etw. zum halben Preis bekommen
um jeden Preis
um keinen Preis
Sinken der Preise
Veränderung der Preise
Gesetz von der Unterschiedslosigkeit der Preise
Die Preise sinken.
Die Preise steigen.
Die Preise stiegen weiter.
Schönheit hat ihren Preis.
price (for sth.)
catalogue price
bargain price; basement bargain price Am.
budget price
rock-bottom price; bottom price
world market price; world price
at half (the) price
at a price of 100 euros; for 100 euros
acceptable price
marked price
frozen price
falling prices
excessive exorbitant inflated price
anticipated price
at reduced prices
at constant prices
at the price indicated
ruling price
ex-factory price
to force up prices
to cut prices
to spike prices
to quote a price
to adjust prices
to beat prices
to push up prices; to force up prices; to run up prices; to balloon prices
to be at half price
to get sth. for half price
at any price
not at any price; not for anything
decline in prices
movement of prices
law of one price
Prices are on the decrease.
Prices are rising.
Prices continued to rise.
Beauty demands a price.
Schwankung f; Variation f math.
Variation der Konstanten
variation of constants
Konstantenabruf m comp.
fetch of constants
mit konstanter Brennweite; Fixfokus... (Optik) phys.
fixed focus ... (optics)
Enthalpie f; Gibbssche Wärmefunktion f phys.
freie Enthalpie
spezifische Enthalpie
Atomisierungsenthalpie f
mit konstanter Enthalpie
free enthalpy
specific enthalpy
enthalpy of atomization
Konstanthalteeinrichtung f; Konstanthalter m; Konstanter m ugs. electr.
Konstanthalteeinrichtungen pl; Konstanthalter pl; Konstanter pl
Prisma n (Optik)
Prismen pl
Prisma mit konstanter Ablenkung
Ablenkprisma n; Umlenkprisma n
achromatisches Prisma
(phasenkorrigiertes) Dachkantprisma n; Dachprisma n
dreikantiges Prisma; Dreikantprisma n
Nicol'sches Prisma
Okularprisma n
Pentagonalprisma n; Pentaprisma n
Polarisationsprisma n
rechtwinkeliges Prisma; Rechtwinkelprisma n
Spiegelprisma n; Reflexionsprisma n
total reflektierendes Prisma
Umkehrprisma n
Wendeprisma n
Zenitprisma n
prism (optics)
constant-deviation prism
deviation prism; deflection prism
achromatic prism
(phase-corrected) roof prism
triangular prism
Nicol's prism; Nicol prism
ocular prism
pentagonal prism; pentaprism
polarisation prism
right-angle prism; rectangluar prism
reflection prism
totally reflecting prism; total reflection prism
reversion prism; erecting prism
inverting prism
diagonal prism
mit konstanter Brennweite; Fixfokus… (Optik) phys.
fixed focus … (optics)

Deutsche Konstantpumpe Synonyme

Englische fixed displacement pump Synonyme

fixed  abiding  absolute  acknowledged  admitted  admitting no exception  agreed  aground  aligned  all up with  all-out  anchored  arranged  arrayed  arrested  ascertained  assigned  assorted  assured  at a standstill  at anchor  attached  attested  authenticated  beat  beaten  bent  bested  bonded  borne out  categorical  categorized  caught  cemented  certain  certified  chained  changeless  charmed  chronic  circumscribed  circumscript  circumstantiated  classified  clear  close  complete  composed  concentrated  conclusive  concrete  conditional  confirmed  confounded  constant  constituted  continuing  conventional  cooked-up  corroborated  crooked  customary  cut out  cut-and-dried  cut-and-dry  dead-still  decided  decisive  deep-dyed  deep-fixed  deep-rooted  deep-seated  deep-set  deep-settled  defeated  defined  definite  definitive  delimited  demarcated  demonstrated  deployed  detailed  determinate  determined  different  discomfited  dishonest  disposed  distinct  distinguished  done for  done in  down  downright  durable  dyed-in-the-wool  embosomed  emplaced  enchanted  encircled  enduring  ensconced  enthralled  entire  esoteric  especial  established  exceptional  exclusive  explicit  express  extraordinary  fallen  fascinated  fast  fastened  final  firm  flat  flat-out  flinty  floored  folk  framed  frozen  given  global  glued  graded  gripped  grouped  guaranteed  habitual  hallowed  handed down  harmonized  hedged about  held  heroic  high and dry  hoary  hors de combat  hypnotized  idle  immemorial  immobile  immotile  immotive  immovable  immutable  impacted  implanted  implicit  in apple-pie order  in commission  in condition  in fine fettle  in good condition  in good form  in good shape  in good trim  in kilter  in order  in repair  in shape  in the bag  in the pink  in trim  in working order  inalterable  inappealable  incorrigible  inculcated  indisputable  individual  inextricable  infixed  inflexible  ingrained  inner  installed  in  

Konstantpumpe Definition

Air pump
() A kind of pump for exhausting air from a vessel or closed space
Air pump
() A pump used to exhaust from a condenser the condensed steam, the water used for condensing, and any commingled air.
Chain pump
() A pump consisting of an endless chain, running over a drum or wheel by which it is moved, and dipping below the water to be raised. The chain has at intervals disks or lifts which fit the tube through which the ascending part passes and carry the water to the point of discharge.
(n.) The act of displacing, or the state of being displaced
(n.) The quantity of anything, as water, displaced by a floating body, as by a ship, the weight of the displaced liquid being equal to that of the displacing body.
(n.) The process of extracting soluble substances from organic material and the like, whereby a quantity of saturated solvent is displaced, or removed, for another quantity of the solvent.
(imp. & p. p.) of Fix
(a.) Securely placed or fastened
(a.) Stable
Force pump
() A pump having a solid piston, or plunger, for drawing and forcing a liquid, as water, through the valves
Force pump
() A pump adapted for delivering water at a considerable height above the pump, or under a considerable pressure
(n.) The for pump in the pit.
(n.) A low shoe with a thin sole.
(n.) An hydraulic machine, variously constructed, for raising or transferring fluids, consisting essentially of a moving piece or piston working in a hollow cylinder or other cavity, with valves properly placed for admitting or retaining the fluid as it is drawn or driven through them by the action of the piston.
(v. t.) To raise with a pump, as water or other liquid.
(v. t.) To draw water, or the like, from
(v. t.) Figuratively, to draw out or obtain, as secrets or money, by persistent questioning or plying
(v. i.) To work, or raise water, a pump.
Sprengel pump
() A form of air pump in which exhaustion is produced by a stream of mercury running down a narrow tube, in the manner of an aspirator

fixed displacement pump / fixed displacement pumps Bedeutung

act of taking the place of another especially using underhanded tactics
displacement act of removing from office or employment
pump priming introducing water into a pump to improve the seal and start the water flowing
displacement deracination to move something from its natural environment
translation displacement the act of uniform movement
deficit spending
compensatory spending
pump priming
spending money raised by borrowing, used by governments to stimulate their economy
fixed intonation the intonation of keyboard instruments where the pitch of each note is fixed and cannot be varied by the performer
air pump
vacuum pump
a pump that moves air in or out of something
auxiliary pump
donkey pump
a supplementary pump available if needed
bicycle pump a small pump that fills bicycle tires with air
bilge pump a pump to remove bilgewater
centrifugal pump a pump that use centrifugal force to discharge fluid into a pipe
condensation pump
diffusion pump
vacuum pump used to obtain a high vacuum
force pump pump used to force a liquid up and expel it under pressure
gas pump
gasoline pump
petrol pump
island dispenser
a pump in a service station that draws gasoline from underground storage tanks
hand pump a pump worked by hand
hard disc
hard disk
fixed disk
a rigid magnetic disk mounted permanently in a drive unit
heat pump apparatus that extracts heat from a liquid that is at a higher temperature than its surroundings, can be used to transfer heat from a reservoir outside in order to heat a building
hydraulic pump
hydraulic ram
a water pump that uses the kinetic energy of flowing water to force a small fraction of that water to a reservoir at a higher level
ion pump a vacuum pump that removes gas by ionizing the atoms or molecules and adsorbing them on a metal surface
lift pump pump used to lift rather than force a liquid up
oil pump a pump that keeps a supply of oil on moving parts
pump a mechanical device that moves fluid or gas by pressure or suction
pump a lowut shoe without fastenings
pump action
slide action
action mechanism in a modern rifle or shotgun, a back and forward motion of a sliding lever ejects the empty shell case and cocks the firearm and loads a new round
pump house
pumping station
a house where pumps (e.g. to irrigate) are installed and operated
pump room a pump house at a spa where medicinal waters are pumped and where patrons gather
pump-type pliers a type of pliers
pump well an enclosure in the middle of a ship's hold that protects the ship's pumps
read-only memory
read-only storage
fixed storage
(computer science) memory whose contents can be accessed and read but cannot be changed
spectator pump
a woman's pump with medium heel, usually in contrasting colors for toe and heel
stirrup pump a hand-operated reciprocating pump, used in fighting fires
stomach pump a suction pump used to remove the contents of the stomach
suction pump a pump for raising fluids by suction
sump pump a suction pump for removing liquid from a sump
water pump the pump in the cooling system of an automobile that cause the water to circulate
the hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs, its rhythmic contractions move the blood through the body, he stood still, his heart thumping wildly
fixed phagocyte a phagocyte that does not circulate in the blood but is fixed in the liver or spleen or bone marrow etc.
pump-and-dump scheme an illegal scheme for making money by manipulating stock prices, the schemer persuades other people to buy the stock and then sells it himself as soon as the price of the stock rises
principle of liquid displacement (hydrostatics) the volume of a body immersed in a fluid is equal to the volume of the displaced fluid
fixed-point part
the positive fractional part of the representation of a logarithm, in the expression log . the mantissa is .
fixed-point notation
fixed-point representation system
a radix numeration system in which the location of the decimal point is fixed by convention
typewriter font
constant-width font
fixed-width font
monospaced font
a typeface is which each character is given the same width (as by a typewriter)
an event in which something is displaced without rotation
fixed star any star in the Ptolemaic theory of planetary motion
fixed charge
fixed cost
fixed costs
a periodic charge that does not vary with business volume (as insurance or rent or mortgage payments etc.)
nondiscretionary trust
fixed investment trust
an investment trust that can buy only those securities listed when the trust was organized
displacement (psychiatry) a defense mechanism that transfers affect or reaction from the original object to some more acceptable one
displacement displacement reaction (chemistry) a reaction in which an elementary substance displaces and sets free a constituent element from a compound
fixed-point number a number represented in fixed-point notation
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