
Kontrollleitung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Kontrollleitung f
Kontrollleitungen pl
control line
control lines
Kontrollleitung f
Kontrollleitungen pl
control line
control lines
check list
Fall-Kontroll-Studie f
case-control study
Kontrollabschnitt m; Kontrollabriss m adm.
Kontrollabschnitte pl; Kontrollabrisse pl
Kontrollabschnitt einer Eintrittskarte; Kartenabriss
counterfoil Br.; stub Am.
counterfoils; stubs
ticket counterfoil Br.; ticket stub Am.
Kontrollabschnitt m
counterfoil, stub Am.
Kontrollabschnitt m
counterfoil; stub Am.
Kontrolllampe f, Kontrollampe f alt
active light
active light
pilot lamp
pilot light
Kontrolllampe f; Kontrollampe f alt
Kontrolllampen pl; Kontrollampen pl
active light
active lights
anspringen; anlaufen; in Gang kommen v electr.
anspringend; anlaufend; in Gang kommend
angesprungen; angelaufen; in Gang gekommen
die Kontrollampen gingen an
to come online; to come to life
coming online; coming to life
come online; come to life
the indicator lights came online; the pilot lamps came to life
Kontrollleuchte f; Kontrolllampe f; Kontrolllämpchen n; Kontrollanzeige f; Anzeigelampe f; Leuchtanzeige f; Kontrolllicht n ugs. techn.
Kontrollleuchten pl; Kontrolllampen pl; Kontrolllämpchen pl; Kontrollanzeigen pl; Anzeigelampen pl; Leuchtanzeigen pl; Kontrolllichter pl
indicator light; indicator lamp; pilot light; pilot lamp; telltale lamp
indicator lights; indicator lamps; pilot lights; pilot lamps; telltale lamps
Indikatorart f; Kontrollart f; Zeigerart; Bioindikator m biol.
indicator species
Amt n; Funktion f; Stellung f; Aufgabe f adm.
seine Funktionen ausüben wahrnehmen
alle seine Funktionen zurücklegen
Regulierungs- und Kontrollaufgaben
function; post; task
to perform exercise one's functions
to resign from lay down all one's functions
functions of regulation and control
Ausschuss m adm. pol.
Ausschüsse pl
Ad-hoc-Ausschuss m adm.
beratender Ausschuss
federführender Ausschuss
Gründungsausschuss m
Kontrollausschuss m
mitberatender Ausschuss
ständiger Ausschuss
Bundestagsausschuss m
Regierungsausschuss m
Sanktionsausschuss m (des UNO-Sicherheitsrats)
Sportausschuss m
Verteidigungsausschuss m
Verfahren des beratenden Ausschusses
Ausschuss für Arbeit und Soziales
Ausschuss für Bildung, Forschung und Technikfolgenabschätzung
Ausschuss für die Angelegenheiten der Europäischen Union
Ausschuss für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz
Ausschuss für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend
Ausschuss für Gesundheit
Ausschuss für Kultur und Medien
Ausschuss für Menschenrechte und humanitäre Hilfe
Ausschuss für Tourismus
Ausschuss für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit
Ausschuss für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung
Ausschuss für Wahlprüfung, Immunität und Geschäftsordnung
Wahlprüfungsausschuss m
Ausschuss für Wirtschaft und Technologie
Ausschuss für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
Auswärtiger Ausschuss
Finanzausschuss m
gemeinsamer Ausschuss nach Artikel 53a des Grundgesetzes Dt.
Ausschuss zur Vorbereitung der Konferenz zur Überprüfung des Aktionsprogramms
in einem Ausschuss sein; einem Ausschuss angehören
Der Ausschuss tagt in unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung.
ad hoc committee
advisory committee; consultative committee
committee responsible
founding committee
supervisory committee; control committee
committee asked for an opinion
standing committee
Bundestag Committee; German parliamentary committee
government committee; governmental commission
sanctions committee (of the UN Security Council)
Sports Committee
Defence Committee Br.; Defense Committee Am.
advisory committee procedure
Committee on Labour and Social Affairs
Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment
Committee on the Affairs of the European Union
Committee on Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection
Committee on Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
Committee on Health
Committee on Cultural and Media Affairs
Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid
Committee on Tourism
Committee on the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
Committee on Transport, Building and Urban Development
Committee for the Scrutiny of Elections, Immunity and the Rules of Procedure
Committee for the Scrutiny of Elections
Committee on Economics and Technology
Committee on Economic Cooperation and Development
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Finance Committee
joint committee under Article 53a of the German Constitutio
preparatory committee of the review conference on the programme of action
to be on a committee; to be a member of a committee; to sit on a committee; to serve on a committee
The committee meets in different configurations.
Kontrollbeamter m; Kontrollbeamtin f
control officer
Kontrollbeamter m; Kontrollbeamtin f
Kontrollbehörde f
control authority
Kontrollbehörde f
Kontrollbehörden pl
control authority
control authorities
Kontrollbereich m
controlled area
Kontrollbereich m
Kontrollbereiche pl
controlled area
controlled areas
Kontrollbericht m
Kontrollberichte pl
control report
control reports
Kontrolle f; Überprüfung f (auf Richtigkeit Funktionieren); Verifizierung f
Kontrollen pl; Überprüfungen pl; Verifizierungen pl
einen Kontrollbesuch machen
Überprüfung f Bestätigung f der Echtheit einer Unterschrift
to undertake an on the spot verification visit
verification of a signature
Bewährungshelfer m; Bewährungshelferin f jur.
Bewährungshelfer pl; Bewährungshelferinnen pl
Kontrollbesuch des Bewährungshelfers
probation officer; offender manager adm.
probation officers; offender managers
offender management visit
Kontrollbesuch m
Kontrollbesuche pl
inspection visit; verification visit
inspection visits; verification visits
Kontrolle f; Überprüfung f (auf Richtigkeit Funktionieren); Verifizierung f
Kontrollen pl; Überprüfungen pl; Verifizierungen pl
einen Kontrollbesuch machen
Überprüfung f Bestätigung f der Echtheit einer Unterschrift
to undertake an on the spot verification visit
verification of a signature
das Geschehen die Sache aufmerksam verfolgen; genau aufpassen; aufpassen wie ein Haftelmacher Bayr. Ös. v
Bei der Todesszene müssen wir genau aufpassen.
Dann sind alle konzentriert und aufmerksam.
Bei drei Kindern darf ich keine Sekunde unaufmerksam sein.
Der Chef macht regelmäßig Kontrollbesuche, damit bei den Mitarbeitern kein Schlendrian einreißt.
to be on your toes fig.
We'll need to be on our toes for the death scene.
Then it keeps everyone focused and on their toes.
Taking care of three kids really keeps me on my toes.
The boss makes regular inspections in order to keep employees on their toes.
Kontrollbohrung f
Kontrollbohrungen pl
control boring
control borings
Kontrollbrenner m mach.
Kontrollbrenner pl
pilot burner
pilot burners
Prüfdatensatz m; Testdatensatz m; Kontrolldatensatz m comp.
Prüfdatensätze pl; Testdatensätze pl; Kontrolldatensätze pl
check data set; test data set; control data set
check data sets; test data sets; control data sets
Kontrolldelikt n
Kontrolldelikte pl
offence of low reportability; offense of low reportability Am.
offences of low reportability; offenses of low reportability
Kontrolldorn m
mandrel gauge
Kontrolldorn m
Kontrolldorne pl
mandrel gauge
mandrel gauges
Kontrolldruck m (durch jdn.)
inspection pressure (from sb.)
die außerhalb ihrer Kontrolle liegen
beyond their control
Inspektion, Kontrolle
Kontrolle der Bewegung der Zahlungsmittel
control of currency movement
Kontrolle, kontrollieren
Leitung und Kontrolle
management and control
manuelle Kontrolle, Handsteuerung
manual control
öffentliche Aufsicht, staatliche Kontrolle
state control
optische Kontrolle
optical control
Umstände außer unserer Kontrolle
circumstances beyond control
unter Kontrolle halten
keep under control
Kontrolle f, Prüfung f
Kontrolle f, Test m
Kontrolle f, Beherrschung f
Kontrollen pl
unter Kontrolle
außer Kontrolle
eine Person, die davon besessen ist, alles unter Kontrolle zu halten
under control
out of control
control freak
Kontrolle f, Herrschaft f, Gewalt f (über)
governance (of)
unter ärztlicher Kontrolle
under medical supervision
unter ständiger Kontrolle stehen
a constant check is kept on
vor Ort, Vor-Ort...
on-site, on the ground
on-site supervision
Testen n, Kontrolle f
bändigen, unter Kontrolle halten v
bändigend, unter Kontrolle haltend
gebändigt, unter Kontrolle gehalten
to control
gerichtlich adj
gerichtliche Kontrolle
judicial control
halten, behalten, aufhalten, aufbewahren v
haltend, behaltend, aufhaltend, aufbewahrend
gehalten, behalten, aufgehalten, aufbewahrt
sie hält, er
sie behält, er
sie hält auf, er
sie bewahrt auf
sie hielt, ich
sie behielt, ich
sie hielt auf, ich
sie bewahrte auf
sie hat
hatte gehalten, er
sie hat
hatte behalten, er
sie hat
hatte aufgehalten, er
sie hat
hatte aufbewahrt
unter Kontrolle halten, in Schranken halten
Kühl aufbewahren.
to keep {kept, kept}
she keeps
she kept
she has
had kept
to keep under control
Keep cool.
verlor die Kontrolle
Er verlor die Kontrolle über seinen Wagen.
He lost control of his car.
Kontrolle, Test, kontrollieren
nachmessend, pruefend, Kontrolle
Kontrolle, Pruefung
flow control
control (noun)
Arbeitsfortschritt m
Kontrolle des Arbeitsfortschrittes
work progress
monitoring of work progress
Führerschein m; Fahrerlaubnis f auto adm.
Führerscheine pl; Fahrerlaubnisse pl
seinen Führerschein machen
jdm. bei einer Kontrolle den Führerschein abnehmen
driving licence Br.; driver's license Am.; driving permit
driving licences; driver's licenses; driving permits
to take (do) one's driving test
to take away sb.'s driving driver's Am. licence during a check
sich nicht mehr in der Gewalt haben v; die Kontrolle über sich verlieren
to lose control of oneself; to have lost control of oneself
Herrschaft f; Macht f; Gewalt f (über)
die Herrschaft gewinnen über
über etw. die Gewalt verlieren; über etw. die Herrschaft verlieren
Er verlor die Kontrolle über seinen Wagen.
control (over; of)
to gain control over; to get control of
to lose control of over sth.
He lost control of his car.
Kontrolle f; Test m; Prüfung f
Kontrollen pl; Tests pl; Prüfungen pl
unter Kontrolle halten
etw. unter Kontrolle halten
check; checkup
checks; checkups
to keep a check
to hold keep sth. in check

Deutsche Kontrollleitung Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Kontrollleitung Synonym nachschlagen

Englische control line Synonyme

control  Masan  R and D  abate  ability  abnegation  absolutism  abstinence  acme  action  address  adeptness  administration  adroitness  airmanship  allay  alleviate  ancestral spirits  angel  aplomb  apparition  appearance  arrest  arrestation  artfulness  artisanship  artistry  ascendancy  assuage  astral  astral spirit  attemper  attendant godling  authority  authorization  automatic control  bank the fire  banshee  barnstorm  be responsible for  be-all and end-all  blue ribbon  blunt  bond service  bondage  bravura  bridle  brilliance  button  call the shots  call the signals  calm  calmness  capability  capacity  captain  captivity  carry authority  carry on  cascade control  championship  charge  charisma  charm  chasten  check  claws  cleverness  clout  clutches  collect  command  competence  composure  conduct  consequence  conservatism  constrain  constraint  contain  continence  control action  control experiment  controlled experiment  cool  cool off  cooling  cooling down  cooling off  coordination  copilot  crack the whip  craft  craftsmanship  credit  cunning  curb  curtail  curtailment  cut and try  daemon  damp  dampen  de-emphasize  deaden  debt slavery  decelerate  deceleration  decide  deftness  demon  departed spirit  deprivation of freedom  determine  device  dexterity  dexterousness  dextrousness  dial  diminish  diplomacy  direct  direction  directorship  discipline  disembodied spirit  disenfranchisement  disfranchisement  dispassion  dispose  disposition  dominance  dominate  domination  dominion  dompt  downplay  drive  dull  duppy  dybbuk  effect  effectiveness  efficiency  eidolon  electronic control  eminence  empery  empire  empiricism  enchantment  engineer  enjoin  enslavement  enthrallment  esteem  evenness  experiment  experimental design  experimental method  experimental proof  experimentalism  experimentation  expertise  extenuate  facility  fairy godmother  familiar  familiar spirit  favor  feedback control  feudalism  feudali  
controller  Big Brother  CA  CPA  accountant  accountant general  actuary  auditor  bank accountant  bank examiner  boatswain  bookkeeper  boss  bursar  calculator  cashier  cashkeeper  certified public accountant  chamberlain  chartered accountant  chief  clerk  comptroller  control  cost accountant  cost keeper  curator  depositary  depository  financial officer  floor manager  floorman  floorwalker  foreman  gaffer  ganger  governor  head  headman  inspector  journalizer  liquidator  monitor  noncommissioned officer  overman  overseer  paymaster  proctor  purse bearer  purser  receiver  reckoner  recorder  registrar  regulator  servo control  servo regulator  sirdar  slave driver  steward  straw boss  subforeman  super  superintendent  supervisor  surveyor  taskmaster  treasurer  trustee  visitor  
controlling  absolute  all-absorbing  ascendant  at the head  authoritarian  authoritative  authorized  autocratic  boss  capital  cardinal  chief  clothed with authority  commanding  competent  consequential  considerable  directing  directive  directorial  directory  dominant  duly constituted  eminent  empowered  ex officio  foremost  general  governing  great  guiding  head  hegemonic  hegemonistic  highest  imperative  important  in ascendancy  in charge  in chief  in the ascendant  influential  leading  main  managerial  managing  master  mighty  momentous  monocratic  official  overriding  overruling  paramount  potent  powerful  predominant  predominate  preeminent  premier  prepollent  preponderant  preponderate  prepotent  prestigious  prevalent  primary  prime  principal  prominent  puissant  ranking  regnant  regulating  regulative  regulatory  reigning  ruling  senior  sovereign  substantial  superior  supreme  topmost  totalitarian  uppermost  weighty  

Kontrollleitung Definition

Bee line
() The shortest line from one place to another, like that of a bee to its hive when loaded with honey
(n.) A duplicate book, register, or account, kept to correct or check another account or register
(n.) That which serves to check, restrain, or hinder
(n.) Power or authority to check or restrain
(v. t.) To check by a counter register or duplicate account
(v. t.) To exercise restraining or governing influence over
Fraunhofer lines
() The lines of the spectrun
Gunter's line
() A logarithmic line on Gunter's scale, used for performing the multiplication and division of numbers mechanically by the dividers
(n.) Flax
(n.) The longer and finer fiber of flax.
(v. t.) To cover the inner surface of
(v. t.) To put something in the inside of
(v. t.) To place persons or things along the side of for security or defense
(v. t.) To impregnate
(n.) A linen thread or string
(n.) A more or less threadlike mark of pen, pencil, or graver
(n.) The course followed by anything in motion
(n.) Direction
(n.) A row of letters, words, etc., written or printed
(n.) A short letter
(n.) A verse, or the words which form a certain number of feet, according to the measure.
(n.) Course of conduct, thought, occupation, or policy
(n.) That which has length, but not breadth or thickness.
(n.) The exterior limit of a figure, plat, or territory
(n.) A threadlike crease marking the face or the hand
(n.) Lineament
(n.) A straight row
(n.) A series or succession of ancestors or descendants of a given person
(n.) A connected series of public conveyances, and hence, an established arrangement for forwarding merchandise, etc.
(n.) A circle of latitude or of longitude, as represented on a map.
(n.) The equator
(n.) A long tape, or a narrow ribbon of steel, etc., marked with subdivisions, as feet and inches, for measuring
(n.) A measuring line or cord.
(n.) That which was measured by a line, as a field or any piece of land set apart
(n.) Instruction
(n.) The proper relative position or adjustment of parts, not as to design or proportion, but with reference to smooth working
(n.) The track and roadbed of a railway
(n.) A row of men who are abreast of one another, whether side by side or some distance apart
(n.) The regular infantry of an army, as distinguished from militia, guards, volunteer corps, cavalry, artillery, etc.
(n.) A trench or rampart.
(n.) Dispositions made to cover extended positions, and presenting a front in but one direction to an enemy.
(n.) Form of a vessel as shown by the outlines of vertical, horizontal, and oblique sections.
(n.) One of the straight horizontal and parallel prolonged strokes on and between which the notes are placed.
(n.) A number of shares taken by a jobber.
(n.) A series of various qualities and values of the same general class of articles
(n.) The wire connecting one telegraphic station with another, or the whole of a system of telegraph wires under one management and name.
(n.) The reins with which a horse is guided by his driver.
(n.) A measure of length
(v. t.) To mark with a line or lines
(v. t.) To represent by lines

control line / control lines Bedeutung

gaining control
the act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property
fire control preparation for the delivery of shellfire on a target
line drive
(baseball) a hit that flies straight out from the batter, the batter hit a liner to the shortstop
line-drive single
line single
a single resulting from a line drive
line-drive double
line double
a double resulting from a line drive
line-drive triple
line triple
a triple resulting from a line drive
line of least resistance
path of least resistance
the easiest way, In marrying him she simply took the path of least resistance
pursuit sideline
spare-time activity
an auxiliary activity
line of work
the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money, he's not in my line of business
inventory control supervision of the supply and storage and accessibility of items in order to insure an adequate supply without excessive oversupply
line backer
(American football) the position of a defensive football player who plays close behind the line of scrimmage
control the activity of managing or exerting control over something, the control of the mob by the police was admirable
crowd control activity of controlling a crowd
damage control an effort to minimize or curtail damage or loss
flight control control from ground stations of airplanes in flight by means of messages transmitted to the pilot electronically
flood control (engineering) the art or technique of trying to control rivers with dams etc in order to minimize the occurrence of floods
gun control efforts to regulate or control sales of guns
internal control an accounting procedure or system designed to promote efficiency or assure the implementation of a policy or safeguard assets or avoid fraud and error etc.
management control an internal control performed by one or more managers
quality control maintenance of standards of quality of manufactured goods
arms control a limitation on the size and armament of the armed forces of a country
riot control
riot control operation
the measures taken to control a riot
control (physiology) regulation or maintenance of a function or action or reflex etc, the timing and control of his movements were unimpaired, he had lost control of his sphincters
motor control control of muscles
birth control
birth prevention
family planning
limiting the number of children born
rhythm method of birth control
rhythm method
calendar method of birth control
calendar method
natural family planning in which ovulation is assumed to occur days before the onset of a period (the fertile period would be assumed to extend from daythrough day of her cycle)
traffic control control of the flow of traffic in a building or a city
field of operation
line of business
a particular kind of commercial enterprise, they are outstanding in their field
social control control exerted (actively or passively) by group action
population control control over the growth of population, a government program
line of duty all that is normally required in some area of responsibility
occupation military control the control of a country by military forces of a foreign power
line management administration of the activities contributing directly to an organization's output
line acting in conformity, in line with, he got out of line, toe the line
lateral line
lateral line organ
sense organs of fish and amphibians, believed to detect pressure changes in the water
acoustic delay line
sonic delay line
a delay line based on the time of propagation of sound waves
control surface
a device that provides reactive force when in motion relative to the surrounding air, can lift or control a plane in flight
A-line women's clothing that has a fitted top and a flared skirt that is widest at the hemline, it is called the A-line because the effect resembles the capital letter A
branch line
spur track
a railway line connected to a trunk line
bus line an organization responsible for operating a bus transportation system
cable line transmission line a conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric power
chalk line
snap line
a chalked string used in the building trades to make a straight line on a vertical surface
preventive preventative contraceptive device
prophylactic device
birth control device
an agent or device intended to prevent conception
a mechanism that controls the operation of a machine, the speed controller on his turntable was not working properly, I turned the controls over to her
control center the operational center for a group of related activities, the general in command never left the control center
control circuit
negative feedback circuit
a feedback circuit that subtracts from the input
control key
command key
(computer science) the key on a computer keyboard that is used (in combination with some other key) to type control characters
control panel
instrument panel
control board
board panel
electrical device consisting of a flat insulated surface that contains switches and dials and meters for controlling other electrical devices, he checked the instrument panel, suddenly the board lit up like a Christmas tree
control rod a steel or aluminum rod that can be moved up or down to control the rate of the nuclear reaction
control room a room housing control equipment (as in a recording studio)
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