
Konvergenzregion Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Konvergenzregion f
Konvergenzregionen pl
EU-Regionen mit Anspruch auf Fördergelder aus EU-Fonds
convergence region
convergence regions
convergence regions (EU)
Konvergenzregion f
Konvergenzregionen pl
EU-Regionen mit Anspruch auf Fördergelder aus EU-Fonds
convergence region
convergence regions
convergence regions (EU)
konvergent adj math.
absolut konvergent
absolutely convergent
bedingt adv math. comp.
bedingt richtig math.
bedingt konvergent math.
bedingt stabil telco. techn.
nicht bedingt; unbedingt comp.
conditionally correct
conditionally convergent
conditionally stable
sich entwickeln; sich herausbilden v
konvergent entstehen
to evolve
to evolve convergently
sich langsam (aus etw. zu etw.) entwickeln; sich herausbilden v (Sache)
sich langsam entwickelnd; sich herausbildend
sich langsam entwickelt; sich herausgebildet
konvergent entstehen
Der Haushund dürfte sich aus dem Wolf entwickelt haben.
Der Betrieb entwickelte sich allmählich zu einem Anbieter von Büroartikeln und Schulbedarf.
Das Umweltrecht entwickelt sich ständig weiter.
to evolve (from sth., out of sth. into sth.) (of a thing)
to evolve convergently
The domestic dog is thought to have evolved from the wolf.
The business gradually evolved into providing office and school supplies.
Environmental law is constantly evolving.
Stammesentwicklung f; Evolution f biol.
Darwin'sche Evolution
konvergente Evolution; Konvergenz
Darwinian evolution
convergent evolution; convergence
Plattengrenze f geol.
divergente Plattengrenze
divergierende Plattengrenze
konvergente Plattengrenze
konvergierende Plattengrenze
plate juncture; plate margin; plate boundary
divergent plate boundary
accreting plate margins
convergent plate boundary
conduming plate margins
Entwickungsgeschichte f; Stammesentwicklung f; Evolution f biol.
Darwin'sche Evolution
konvergente Evolution; Konvergenz f (ähnliche Merkmalsausprägung bei unabhängigen Evolutionsvorgängen)
Darwinian evolution
convergent evolution; convergence (development of similar traits in independent evolutionary processes)
konvergente Entwicklung f; konvergente Evolution f; Parallelevolution f (Evolutionsbiologie) biol.
convergent evolution (evolutionary biology)
Konvergenz f, Annäherung f
wirtschaftliche Konvergenz
economic convergence
Konvergenz f math.
punktweise Konvergenz f math.
monotone Konvergenz
majorisierte Konvergenz
absolute Konvergenz
pointwise convergence
monotone convergence
dominated convergence
absolute convergence
absolute Konvergenz
absolute convergence
Konvergenz, Annaeherung
Deckungsgleichheit f; Konvergenz f (TV) techn.
convergence (TV)
Konvergenz f; Annäherung f
wirtschaftliche Konvergenz
economic convergence
stochastisch; vom Zufall abhängig; Zufalls...; probabilistisch adj statist.
stochastisch größer oder kleiner
stochastisch ähnliche Bereiche pl; ähnliche Bereiche pl
stochastische Abhängigkeit f
stochastische Approximation f
stochastische Differenzierbarkeit f
stochastischer Fehler m
stochastische Integrierbarkeit f
stochastischer Kern m
stochastische Konvergenz f
stochastische Matrix f
stochastisches Modell n; statistisches Modell n; Wahrscheinlichkeitsmodell n
stochastische Optimierung f
stochastische Prognose f
stochastische Stetigkeit f
stochastische Störung f
stochastische Transitivität f
stochastischer Vergleich von Tests
stochastische Volatilität f
stochastic; random; probabilistic
stochastically larger or smaller
similar regions
stochastic dependence
stochastic approximation procedure
stochastic differentiability
stochastic error
stochastic integrability
stochastic kernel
stochastic convergence; convergence in probability
stochastic matrix
stochastic model; statistical model; probabilistic model
stochastic programming
stochastic forecast
stochastic continuity
stochastic disturbance
stochastic transitivity
stochastic comparison of tests
stochastic volatility
Konvergenz f (Augenbewegung) med.
convergence (eye movement)
Monotoniekriterium n; Kriterium n der monotonen Konvergenz (Folgen, Reihen) math.
monotonicity criterion (sequences, series)
fast sicher; mit Wahrscheinlichkeit eins statist.
Konvergenz fast sicher; Konvergenz mit Wahrscheinlichkeit eins
almost certain
convergence almost certain
stochastisch; vom Zufall abhängig; Zufalls…; probabilistisch adj statist.
stochastisch größer oder kleiner
stochastisch ähnliche Bereiche pl; ähnliche Bereiche pl
stochastische Abhängigkeit f
stochastische Approximation f
stochastische Differenzierbarkeit f
stochastischer Fehler m
stochastische Integrierbarkeit f
stochastischer Kern m
stochastische Konvergenz f
stochastische Matrix f
stochastisches Modell n; statistisches Modell n; Wahrscheinlichkeitsmodell n
stochastische Optimierung f
stochastische Prognose f
stochastische Stetigkeit f
stochastische Störung f
stochastische Transitivität f
stochastischer Vergleich von Tests
stochastische Volatilität f
stochastic; random; probabilistic
stochastically larger or smaller
similar regions
stochastic dependence
stochastic approximation procedure
stochastic differentiability
stochastic error
stochastic integrability
stochastic kernel
stochastic convergence; convergence in probability
stochastic matrix
stochastic model; statistical model; probabilistic model
stochastic programming
stochastic forecast
stochastic continuity
stochastic disturbance
stochastic transitivity
stochastic comparison of tests
stochastic volatility
Konvergenzbreite f; Konvergenzamplitude f (beim Auge) med.
amplitude of convergence; fusional amplitude (in the eye)
Konvergenzbereich m (beim Auge) med.
range of convergence (in the eye)
Konvergenzbeschleunigung f math.
convergence acceleration
Konvergenzbestrahlung f med.
convergence-beam therapy; convergence irradiation; convergence radiation coll.
Konvergenzentrum n (beim Auge) med.
centre of convergence Br.; center of convergence Am. (in the eye)
Konvergenzgeschwindigkeit f math.
speed of convergence
Konvergenzkraftmesser m; Konvergenzmesser m (für das Auge) med.
convergiometer; Livingstone binocular gauge (for the eye)
Konvergenzkriterium n math.
Konvergenzkriterien pl
convergence criterion
convergence criteria
Abelsches Konvergenzkriterium n math.
Abel's convergence criterion
Abel'sches Konvergenzkriterium n math.
Abel's convergence criterion
Kriterium n math.
Abel'sches Konvergenzkriterium n
Cauchy-Kriterium n
Konvergenzkriterium n
Monotoniekriterium n
Sandwichkriterium n
Abel's convergence criterion
Cauchy criterion
convergence criterion
monotonicity criterion
sandwich criterion
Konvergenzlähmung f (beim Auge) med.
convergence paralysis (in the eye)
Augenlinse f anat.
Augenlinsen pl
Konvergenzlinse f
crystalline lens of the eye; eye lens
crystalline lenses of the eye; eye lenses
converging lens
Konvergenznahpunkt m (beim Auge) med.
convergence near point (in the eye)
Konvergenzordnung f math.
order of convergence
Konvergenzphase f
convergence phase
Konvergenzphase f
Konvergenzphasen pl
convergence phase
convergence phases
Konvergenzpolitik f
convergence policy
Konvergenzpolitik f pol.
convergence policy
Konvergenzprogramm n
convergence programme, convergence program
Konvergenzprogramm n
Konvergenzprogramme pl
convergence programme Br.; convergence program Am.
convergence programmes; convergence programs
Konvergenzpunkt m (beim Auge) med.
convergence point; point of convergence (in the eye)
Konvergenzradius m math.
radius of convergence
Konvergenzreaktion f (beim Auge) med.
convergence reaction (in the eye)
Reflex m; unwillkürliche Reaktion f; Reizantwort f geh. med.
bedingter Reflex
kindliche Reflexe
Konvergenzreflex m (beim Auge)
mütterliche Reflexe
Erektionsreflex m
Muskelreflexe pl
Schutzreflex m
Stillreflexe pl
conditional reflex
infant reflexes
convergence reflex (in the eye)
maternal reflexes
erection reflex
muscle reflexes
protective reflex; defence reflex; guarding reflex
breastfeeding reflexes
Konvergenzregion f
Konvergenzregionen pl
EU-Regionen mit Anspruch auf Fördergelder aus EU-Fonds
convergence region
convergence regions
convergence regions (EU)
Schielen n; Strabismus m med.
beidseitiges Schielen; Wechselschielen (Strabismus alternans)
einseitiges Schielen
latentes Schielen
rotierendes Schielen
Akkommodationsschielen n (Strabismus accommodativus)
Begleitschielen n (Strabismus concomitans)
Einwärtsschielen n; Konvergenzschielen n; Esotropie f (Strabismus convergens)
intermittierendes Einwärtsschielen Konvergenzschielen n (Strabismus convergens intermittens)
Auswärtsschielen n; Exotropie f (Strabismus divergens)
Lähmungsschielen n; paralytischer Strabismus (Strabismus paralyticus)
Aufwärtsschielen n (Strabismus susumvergens)
Höhenschielen n; Vertikalschielen n; Hypertropie f (Strabismus verticalis)
squint; cast; strabism; strabismus; heterotropia; anorthopia
alternating squint strabism; bilateral squint strabism binocular squint strabism
monolateral squint; unilateral squint; monocular strabismus; unilocular strabismus
latent squint; dynamic strabismus heterophoria
permanent essential cyclophoria; cyclotropia (when the eye is open); cyclophoria (when the eye is closed)
accomodative quint; accomodative strabism
concomitant squint strabism
cross-eye; convergent squint strabism; internal squint strabism; esotropia
intermittent convergent squint strabism
wall-eye; divergent squint strabism; eyxternal strabism; exotropia
paralytic squint strabism; paretic squint strabism
sursumvergent squint strabism; anoopsia squint strabism
vertical squint strabism; hypertropia
Schielen n; Strabismus m med.
beidseitiges Schielen; Wechselschielen (Strabismus alternans)
einseitiges Schielen
latentes Schielen
rotierendes Schielen
Akkommodationsschielen n (Strabismus accommodativus)
Begleitschielen n (Strabismus concomitans)
Einwärtsschielen n; Konvergenzschielen n; Esotropie f (Strabismus convergens)
intermittierendes Einwärtsschielen; Konvergenzschielen n (Strabismus convergens intermittens)
Auswärtsschielen n; Exotropie f (Strabismus divergens)
Lähmungsschielen n; paralytischer Strabismus (Strabismus paralyticus)
Aufwärtsschielen n (Strabismus susumvergens)
Höhenschielen n; Vertikalschielen n; Hypertropie f (Strabismus verticalis)
squint; cast; strabism; strabismus; heterotropia; anorthopia
alternating squint strabism; bilateral squint strabism, binocular squint strabism
monolateral squint; unilateral squint; monocular strabismus; unilocular strabismus
latent squint; dynamic strabismus, heterophoria
permanent essential cyclophoria; cyclotropia (when the eye is open); cyclophoria (when the eye is closed)
accommodative quint; accommodative strabism
concomitant squint strabism
cross-eye; convergent squint strabism; internal squint strabism; esotropia
intermittent convergent squint; intermittent convergent strabism
wall-eye; divergent squint strabism; eyxternal strabism; exotropia
paralytic squint strabism; paretic squint strabism
sursumvergent squint strabism; anoopsia squint strabism
vertical squint strabism; hypertropia
Konvergenzschwäche f (beim Auge) med.
convergence insufficiency; convergence deficiency; lack of convergence (in the eye)
convergence thesis
Konvergenzthese f
convergence thesis
Konvergenzthese f
Konvergenzthesen pl
convergence thesis
convergence theses
Konvergenzwinkel m (beim Auge) med.
angle of convergence; convergence angle (in the eye)
Konvergenzzone f
Konvergenzzonen pl
innertropische Konvergenzzone ITC
convergence zone
convergence zones
intertropical convergence zone ITCZ
Konvergenzzone f
Konvergenzzonen pl
innertropische Konvergenzzone ITC
convergence zone
convergence zones
intertropical convergence zone ITCZ

Deutsche Konvergenzregion Synonyme

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Englische convergence region Synonyme

Konvergenzregion Definition

(n.) Alt. of Convergency
(n.) One of the grand districts or quarters into which any space or surface, as of the earth or the heavens, is conceived of as divided
(n.) Tract, part, or space, lying about and including anything
(n.) The upper air
(n.) The inhabitants of a district.
(n.) Place

convergence region / convergence regions / convergence regions (EU) Bedeutung

convergence converging
the act of converging (coming closer)
a part of an animal that has a special function or is supplied by a given artery or nerve, in the abdominal region
cortical area
cortical region
any of various regions of the cerebral cortex
motor area
motor region
motor cortex
Rolando's area
excitable area
the cortical area that influences motor movements
sensorimotor area
sensorimotor region
an area of the cortex including the precentral gyrus and the postcentral gyrus and combining sensory and motor functions
pubic region
the lower part of the abdomen just above the external genital organs
Hell Hades
infernal region netherworld
(religion) the world of the dead, No one goes to Hades with all his immense wealth-Theognis
Inferno infernal region
nether region
(Christianity) the abode of Satan and the forces of evil, where sinners suffer eternal punishment, Hurl'd headlong...To bottomless perdition, there to dwell- John Milton, a demon from the depths of the pit, Hell is paved with good intentions-Dr. Johnson
red region
a place of eternal fire envisaged as punishment for the damned
convergence intersection
a representation of common ground between theories or phenomena, there was no overlap between their proposals
the approach of an infinite series to a finite limit
a knowledge domain that you are interested in or are communicating about, it was a limited realm of discourse, here we enter the region of opinion, the realm of the occult
convergence the occurrence of two or more things coming together
Frigid Zone
polar zone
polar region
the part of the Earth's surface forming a cap over a pole, characterized by frigid climate
geographical area
geographic area
geographical region
geographic region
a demarcated area of the Earth
biogeographical region an area of the Earth determined by distribution of flora and fauna
D region
the lowest region of the ionosphere ( tomiles up) that reflects low-frequency radio waves
Appleton layer
F layer
F region
the highest region of the ionosphere (fromto miles up) which contains the highest concentration of free electrons and is most useful for longange radio transmission
Heaviside layer
Kennelly-Heaviside layer
E layer
E region
a region of the ionosphere (fromtomiles up) that reflects radio waves of medium length
the extended spatial location of something, the farming regions of France, religions in all parts of the world, regions of outer space
region a large indefinite location on the surface of the Earth, penguins inhabit the polar regions
unknown region
terra incognita
an unknown and unexplored region, they came like angels out the unknown
Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region
an autonomous province in far northwestern China on the border with Mongolia and Kazakhstan, the largest province in the People's Republic of China and the homeland of the Uighur people
Italian region Italy is divided intoregions for administrative purposes
Lothian Region a district in southeast central Scotland (south side of the Firth of Forth) and the location of Edinburgh
French region a geographical subdivision of France
Tidewater region
the coastal plain of the South: eastern parts of Virginia and North Carolina and South Carolina and Georgia
Bluegrass Country
Bluegrass Region
an area in central Kentucky noted for it bluegrass and thoroughbred horses
the approximate amount of something (usually used prepositionally as in `in the region of'), it was going to take in the region of two or three months to finish the job, the price is in the neighborhood of $
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