
Korrekturroller Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Korrekturroller m
correction tape; correction tape roll-on
Korrekturroller m
correction tape; correction tape roll-on
Corrigendum n, Korrektur f, Korrekturliste f
Corrigenda pl
Fehlererkennung und Korrektur
error detection and correction
Fehlerprüfung f und Korrektur f
error checking and correction
Korrektur f (von Prüfungen)
correcting, correction, marking (of exams)
Korrektur f, Berichtigung f, Verbesserung f
Korrekturen pl, Berichtigungen pl, Verbesserungen pl
Korrektur durch Abdecken (Schreibmaschine)
Korrektur nach Bonferroni math.
cover-up correction
Bonferroni correction
Patch m, Korrektur für Programmierfehler comp.
Reparatur f, Korrektur f
Verbesserung f, Korrektur f, Berichtigung f, Anhang m, Zusatz m
Verbesserungen pl, Korrekturen pl, Berichtigungen pl, Anhänge pl, Zusätze pl
Verbesserung f, Korrektur f
lektorieren, Korrektur lesen, gründlich lesen
to proofread
Verbesserung, Korrektur, Berichtigung
Korrektur durch abdecken (Schreibm.)
cover-up correction
Fehlerpruefung und Korrektur
error checking and correction
reparieren, Reparatur, Korrektur, ausbessern
Änderung f; Korrektur f
Änderungen pl; Korrekturen pl
Berichtigung f; Korrektur f techn.
Schwenkkorrektur f
angular adjustment
Corrigendum n; Korrektur f; Korrekturliste f
Corrigenda pl
Druckfertig-Korrektur f print
press proof; impress copy
Fehlererkennung f; Fehlfunktionserkennung f
Fehlererkennung und Korrektur
fault detection; error detection
error detection and correction
Fehlerprüfung f; Fehlerkontrolle f comp.
Fehlerprüfung und Korrektur
error checking
error checking and correction
Keystone-Korrektur f; Trapezkorrektur f (Projektor)
keystone correction
Korrektur f (von Prüfungen) school
Aufsatzkorrektur f
correcting; correction; marking (of exams)
correcting of an essay
Korrektur f; Berichtigung f; Verbesserung f
Korrekturen pl; Berichtigungen pl; Verbesserungen pl
Korrektur durch Abdecken (Schreibmaschine)
Korrektur nach Bonferroni math.
cover-up correction
Bonferroni correction
Korrekturabzug m; Probeabzug m; Korrekturbogen m; Korrekturfahne f; Korrektur f ugs. print
Korrekturabzüge pl; Probeabzüge pl; Korrekturbögen pl; Korrekturfahnen pl; Korrekturen pl
umbrochene Korrekturfahne
galley-proof; galley; proof sheet; press proof; proof
galley-proofs; galleys; proof sheets; press proofs; proofs
page proof
Kosmetik f (oberflächliche Korrektur) pej.
geschickte Kosmetik
Diese Maßnahme ist reine Kosmetik
cosmetic effect; appearances
skillful patching -up
This measure is purely cosmetic.
Kreisbahn f; Umlaufbahn f; Orbit m; Umkreisung f
Kreisbahnen pl; Umlaufbahnen pl; Orbits pl; Umkreisungen pl
Änderung der Umlaufbahn
Berechnung der Kreisbahn
Unterstützung beim Flug in der Umlaufbahn (Raumfahrt)
Bestimmung der Kreisbahn
Wechsel der Umlaufbahn
Korrektur der Umlaufbahn; Iterativ-Lenkung (Raumfahrt)
orbit modification
orbit prediction
orbit support (astronautics)
orbit tracking
orbit transfer
orbit trimming; orbit correction (astronautics)
Reparatur...; Korrektur...
Fähigkeit f zur Korrektur von Trägerpaketfehlern telco.
burst error correcting capability
Verbesserung f; Korrektur f; Berichtigung f; Anhang m; Zusatz m
Verbesserungen pl; Korrekturen pl; Berichtigungen pl; Anhänge pl; Zusätze pl
1. Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten
erste zehn Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten (Grundrechte)
First Amendment to the United States Constitution
Bill of Rights
Verbesserung f; Korrektur f
etw. lektorieren; etw. Korrektur lesen; etw. gründlich lesen
to proof-read sth.
Fehlererkennung f; Aufspüren n von Fehlern
Fehlererkennung und Korrektur
error detection; error recognition
error detection and correction
Kosmetik f (oberflächliche Korrektur) pej.
geschickte Kosmetik
Diese Maßnahme ist reine Kosmetik
cosmetic effect; appearances
skillful patching-up
This measure is purely cosmetic.
Kreisbahn f; Umlaufbahn f; Orbit m; Umkreisung f
Kreisbahnen pl; Umlaufbahnen pl; Orbits pl; Umkreisungen pl
Hufeisenumlaufbahn f; Hufeisenbahn f; Hufeisenorbit m
Satellitenorbit m
Änderung der Umlaufbahn
Berechnung der Kreisbahn
Unterstützung beim Flug in der Umlaufbahn (Raumfahrt)
Bestimmung der Kreisbahn
Wechsel der Umlaufbahn
Korrektur der Umlaufbahn; Iterativ-Lenkung (Raumfahrt)
horseshoe orbit
satellite orbit
orbit modification
orbit prediction
orbit support (astronautics)
orbit tracking
orbit transfer
orbit trimming; orbit correction (astronautics)
Programmmodifikation f; Programmverbesserung f; Programmkorrektur f; Direktkorrektur f; Patch m (auf Objektprogrammebene) comp.
provisorische Korrektur (während der Arbeitssitzung)
program modification; software patch; patch (at object program level)
soft patch (during the session)
Yates'sche Kontinuitätskorrektur f; Yates'sche Korrektur f statist.
Yates modified chi-square test; Yates correction
etw. lektorieren; etw. Korrektur lesen v ling.
lektorierend; Korrektur lesend
lektoriert; Korrektur gelesen
to proof-read sth.
korrigierend adj; Korrektur-
revisionary {adj}
Korrekturabzug m
proof sheet
Korrekturbehandlung f
reparative treatment
Korrekturfahne f, Korrekturbogen m
Brille f; Augengläser pl Ös.
randlose rahmenlose Brille; Randlosbrille f
Goldrandbrille f; Brille f mit goldener Fassung
Hornbrille f
Korrekturbrille f
Lesebrille f
Brille mit Metallfassung
optische Brille
durch eine rosa Brille sehen übtr.
Sie hat eine neue randlose Lesebrille.
glasses; eyeglasses; spectacles (formal); specs coll.
rimless glasses
gold-rimmed glasses
horn-rimmed glasses
correction glasses
(a pair of) reading glasses
wire-rimmed glasses
optical glasses
to see things through rose-colored glasses
She's got new rimless reading glasses.
Brille f; Augengläser pl Ös.
randlose rahmenlose Brille; Randlosbrille f
Balkenbrille f
Goldrandbrille f; Brille f mit goldener Fassung
Hornbrille f
Korrekturbrille f
Lesebrille f
Lupenbrille f
Brille mit Metallfassung
Nickelbrille f
optische Brille
durch eine rosa Brille sehen übtr.
Sie hat eine neue randlose Lesebrille.
glasses; eyeglasses; spectacles formal; specs coll.
rimless glasses
browline glasses
gold-rimmed glasses
horn-rimmed glasses
correction glasses
(a pair of) reading glasses
binocular eyeglasses
wire-rimmed glasses
metal-rimmed glasses
optical glasses
to see things through rose-colored glasses
She's got new rimless reading glasses.
Korrekturfahne f
galley proof
flächenbezogener Korrekturfaktor des Niederschlags meteo.
areal reduction factor of precipitation
Korrekturfaktor m math. techn.
correction factor
Brillenglas n; Glas n
Brillengläser pl; Gläser pl
entspiegeltes Glas
hochbrechendes Glas
vergütetes Glas
Korrekturglas n
Minusglas n
Plusglas n
Glas mit verlaufender Tönung
Brillenglas mit dreieinhalb Zoll Wölbungsradius
Brillenglas mit sieben Zoll Wölbungsradius
spectacles glass; ophthalmic lens; lens
spectacles glasses; ophthalmic lenses; lenses
anti-reflection coated lens; AR coated lens; bloomed lens; lumenized lens
high-index lens
coated lens
correction lens
minus power lens
plus power lens
graduated tint lens
coquille lens
micoquille lens
Brillenglas n; Glas n (Optik)
Brillengläser pl; Gläser pl
afokales Brillenglas; Nullglas n
entspiegeltes Glas
hochbrechendes Glas
vergütetes Glas
Korrekturglas n
Minusglas n
Plusglas n
Glas mit verlaufender Tönung
Brillenglas mit dreieinhalb Zoll Wölbungsradius
Brillenglas mit sieben Zoll Wölbungsradius
spectacles glass; ophthalmic lens; lens (optics)
spectacles glasses; ophthalmic lenses; lenses
afocal lens; plano lens
anti-reflection coated lens; AR coated lens; bloomed lens; lumenized lens
high-index lens
coated lens
correction lens
minus power lens
plus power lens
graduated tint lens
coquille lens
micoquille lens
Korrekturhilfe f
spelling check
spelling check
Korrekturlack m
correction fluid; Tipp-Ex Br. tm; Wite-Out Am. tm; Twink Austr. tm
etw. auslacken (Fehler mit Korrekturlack überdecken)
to white out sth.; to use white-out on sth. (to cover mistakes with correction fluid)
etw. auslacken v (Fehler mit Korrekturlack überdecken)
to white out sth.; to use white-out on sth. (to cover mistakes with correction fluid)
Korrekturlesen n
Lektorieren n; Korrekturlesen n ling.
Korrekturmaßnahme f, Abhilfsmaßnahme f
corrective action
Korrekturmaßnahme f; Korrektivmaßnahme f
Korrekturmaßnahmen pl; Korrektivmaßnahmen pl
corrective action; corrective measure
corrective actions; corrective measures
Korrekturprogramm n (für Softwarefehler); Direktkorrektur f (auf Objektprogrammebene); Patch m comp.
software patch; patch
Korrekturprogramm n
correction program
Rechnung f; Faktur f; Faktura f Ös. (über einen Betrag) (schriftlicher Beleg über Warenkauf Dienstleistung) econ.
Rechnungen pl; Fakturen pl
Dienstleistungsrechnung f
Eingangsrechnung f
Korrekturrechnung f
Originalrechnung f
Verkaufsrechnung f
detaillierte Rechnung
endgültige Rechnung f
offene unbezahlte Rechnung
Bevorschussung von Rechnungen
eine Rechnung über den vollen Betrag ausstellen
eine Rechnung begleichen; eine Rechnung bezahlen
eine Rechnung nicht anerkennen
eine Rechnung prüfen
eine Rechnung quittieren
invoice (for an amount)
service invoice
purchase invoice
corrective invoice; corrected invoice
original invoice
sales invoice
detailed invoice
final invoice
unpaid invoice
invoice discounting
to issue an invoice for the full amount
to settle an invoice
to disallow an invoice
to verify an invoice
to receipt an invoice
Korrekturroller m
correction tape; correction tape roll-on
Korrekturstift m
Korrekturstifte pl
correction pen
correction pens
Entsperrtaste f, Korrekturtaste f
Entsperrtasten pl, Korrekturtasten pl
unlock key
unlock keys
Entsperrtaste, Korrekturtaste
unlock key

Korrekturroller Definition

(n.) The act of correcting, or making that right which was wrong
(n.) The act of reproving or punishing, or that which is intended to rectify or to cure faults
(n.) That which is substituted in the place of what is wrong
(n.) Abatement of noxious qualities
(n.) An allowance made for inaccuracy in an instrument
(n.) A duplicate roll (record or account) kept by an officer as a check upon another officer's roll.
Ragman's roll
() The rolls of deeds on parchment in which the Scottish nobility and gentry subscribed allegiance to Edward I. of England, A. D. 1296.
(a.) Pertaining to, or characterized by, official formality. See Red tape, under Red, a.
(n.) To cause to revolve by turning over and over
(n.) To wrap round on itself
(n.) To bind or involve by winding, as in a bandage
(n.) To drive or impel forward with an easy motion, as of rolling
(n.) To utter copiously, esp. with sounding words
(n.) To press or level with a roller
(n.) To move, or cause to be moved, upon, or by means of, rollers or small wheels.
(n.) To beat with rapid, continuous strokes, as a drum
(n.) To apply (one line or surface) to another without slipping
(n.) To turn over in one's mind
(v. i.) To move, as a curved object may, along a surface by rotation without sliding
(v. i.) To move on wheels
(v. i.) To be wound or formed into a cylinder or ball
(v. i.) To fall or tumble
(v. i.) To perform a periodical revolution
(v. i.) To turn
(v. i.) To move, as waves or billows, with alternate swell and depression.
(v. i.) To incline first to one side, then to the other
(v. i.) To turn over, or from side to side, while lying down
(v. i.) To spread under a roller or rolling-pin
(v. i.) To beat a drum with strokes so rapid that they can scarcely be distinguished by the ear.
(v. i.) To make a loud or heavy rumbling noise
(v.) The act of rolling, or state of being rolled
(v.) That which rolls
(v.) A heavy cylinder used to break clods.
(v.) One of a set of revolving cylinders, or rollers, between which metal is pressed, formed, or smoothed, as in a rolling mill
(v.) That which is rolled up
(v.) A document written on a piece of parchment, paper, or other materials which may be rolled up
(v.) Hence, an official or public document
(v.) A quantity of cloth wound into a cylindrical form
(v.) A cylindrical twist of tobacco.
(v.) A kind of shortened raised biscuit or bread, often rolled or doubled upon itself.
(v.) The oscillating movement of a vessel from side to side, in sea way, as distinguished from the alternate rise and fall of bow and stern called pitching.
(v.) A heavy, reverberatory sound
(v.) The uniform beating of a drum with strokes so rapid as scarcely to be distinguished by the ear.
(v.) Part
(n.) A narrow fillet or band of cotton or linen
(n.) A tapeline

correction tape; correction tape roll-on Bedeutung

roll bowl the act of rolling something (as the ball in bowling)
roll a flight maneuver, aircraft rotates about its longitudinal axis without changing direction or losing altitude
barrel roll a roll in which the plane follows a spiral course
snap roll a fast roll
the act of offering an improvement to replace a mistake, setting right
roll walking with a swaying gait
correction treatment of a specific defect, the correction of his vision with eye glasses
c fuck
piece of ass
piece of tail
roll in the hay
shag shtup ff
slang for sexual intercourse
roll call calling out an official list of names
bureaucratic procedure
red tape
needlessly timeonsuming procedure
discipline correction the act of punishing, the offenders deserved the harsh discipline they received
cast roll the act of throwing dice
adhesive tape tape coated with adhesive
cassette tape a cassette that contains magnetic tape
cellulose tape
Scotch tape
transparent or semitransparent adhesive tape (trade names Scotch tape and Sellotape) used for sealing or attaching or mending
duct tape a wide silvery adhesive tape intended to seal joints in sheet metal duct work but having many other uses, duct tape holds the world together
friction tape
insulating tape
a wateresistant adhesive tape used to insulate exposed electrical conductors
house of correction (formerly) a jail or other place of detention for persons convicted of minor offences
magnetic tape
mag tape
memory device consisting of a long thin plastic strip coated with iron oxide, used to record audio or video signals or to store computer information, he took along a dozen tapes to record the interview
masking tape
masking paper
adhesive tape used to cover the part of a surface that should not be painted
roll anything rolled up in cylindrical form
roll photographic film rolled up inside a container to protect it from light
roll film photographic film wound on a spool
roll of tobacco
tobacco leaves that have been made into a cylinder
roll-on a woman's foundation garment rolled on to the hips
roll-on a dispenser of a liquid cosmetic (such as a deodorant) having a revolving ball as an applicator
roll-on roll-off a method of transport (as a ferry or train or plane) that vehicles roll onto at the beginning and roll off of at the destination
tape a long thin piece of cloth or paper as used for binding or fastening, he used a piece of tape for a belt, he wrapped a tape around the package
tape tape recording
a recording made on magnetic tape, the several recordings were combined on a master tape
tape tapeline
tape measure
measuring instrument consisting of a narrow strip (cloth or metal) marked in inches or centimeters and used for measuring lengths, the carpenter should have used his tape measure
tape cartridge a cartridge containing magnetic tape, for use with audio or video recorders or computer systems
tape deck electronic equipment for making or playing magnetic tapes (but without amplifiers or speakers), a component in an audio system
tape drive
tape transport
a mechanism that transports magnetic tape across the read
heads of a tape playback
tape player electronic equipment for playing back magnetic tapes
tape recorder
tape machine
a magnetic recorder using magnetic tape
correction a drop in stock market activity or stock prices following a period of increases, market runups are invariably followed by a correction
error correction code
(telecommunication) a coding system that incorporates extra parity bits in order to detect errors
a document that can be rolled up (as for storage)
correction something substituted for an error
a list of names, his name was struck off the rolls
muster roll a list of names of officers and men in a military unit or ship's company
church roll a list of the members of church
a rebuke for making a mistake
rock 'n' roll
rock and roll
rock rock music
a genre of popular music originating in the s, a blend of black rhythm-and-blues with white country-and-western, rock is a generic term for the range of styles that evolved out of rock'n'roll.
roll rolling wave
a long heavy sea wave as it advances towards the shore
roll drum roll
the sound of a drum (especially a snare drum) beaten rapidly and continuously
a deep prolonged sound (as of thunder or large bells)
axial rotation
axial motion
rotary motion of an object around its own axis, wheels in axial rotation
sausage roll sausage meat rolled and baked in pastry
Swiss roll
thin sheet of sponge cake spread with jelly and then rolled up to make a cylindrical cake
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