
Korrespondenzprinzip Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Korrespondenzprinzip n
correspondence principle
Korrespondenzprinzip n
correspondence principle
correspondence clerk
Korrespondent f
Korrespondent f; Korrespondentin f
Korrespondenten pl; Korrespondentinnen pl
sich beteiligen v; teilnehmen v (an)
sich beteiligend; teilnehmend
sich beteiligt; teilgenommen
beteiligt sich; nimmt teil
beteiligte sich; nahm teil
Aus Beirut ist uns jetzt unser Korrespondent zugeschaltet.
to join (in)
We are joined on the line now from Beirut by our correspondent.
Korrespondent f; Korrespondentin f
Korrespondenten pl; Korrespondentinnen pl
Zeitungskorrespondent m
newspaper correspondent; stringer coll.
sich jdm. anschließen; sich zu jdm. gesellen; zu jdm. gehen; sich zu jdm. setzen v soc.
sich anschließend; sich gesellend; gehend; sich setzend
sich angeschlossen; sich gesellt; gegangen; sich gesetzt
Ich ging zu meiner Schwester in die Küche.
Zu den Teilnehmern gesellten sich deren Frauen und Kinder.
Darf ich mich Ihnen anschließen? (formell); Darf ich mich zu euch gesellen? (informell)
Darf ich mich Ihnen anschließen? formell; Darf ich mich zu euch gesellen? informell
Trinken Sie etwas mit (uns)?
Aus Beirut ist uns jetzt unser Korrespondent zugeschaltet.
to join sb.
I joined my sister in the kitchen.
The participants were joined by their wives and children.
May I join you?
Do you mind if I join you?; May I join you?
Would you join us for a drink?
We are joined on the line now from Beirut by our correspondent.
Aufmachung der Korrespondenz
make-up of correspondence
Briefverkehr, Korrespondenz, Ãœbereinstimmung
Briefwechsel m, Korrespondenz f
correspondence, exchange of letters
Briefwechsel, Korrespondenz
Briefwechsel m; Briefkontakt m; Korrespondenz f; Schriftwechsel m adm.; Schriftverkehr m adm. (mit jdm.)
In der Geschäftskorrespondenz wird eher förmlich formuliert.
Wir haben telefonisch und schriftlich kommuniziert.
Wir haben jahrelang einen Briefwechsel aufrechterhalten.
Unsere Zeitschrift kann keinen Schriftverkehr über medizinische Fragen führen.
Wir sollten vermeiden den Schriftverkehr auf zwei Schienen parallel abzuwickeln.
Sie stehen seit Monaten in Briefkontakt brieflichem Kontakt.
Zu unserem bisherigen Schriftverkehr Zu unserer Vorkorrespondenz übermitteln wir weitere Angaben zu diesem Projekt.
correspondence; exchange of letters (with sb.)
A rather formal tone is used in business correspondence.
We communicated by telephone and correspondence.
We kept up a correspondence maintained an exchange of letters for many years.
Our magazine is unable to enter into any correspondence on medical matters.
We should avoid conducting correspondence through two parallel channels.
They have been in correspondence for months.
Further to our previous correspondence please find an update on this project.
Gegenstand m
Personen gegen die ein Gerichtsverfahren anhängig ist
Diese Angelegenheit war bereits Gegenstand umfangreicher Korrespondenz zwischen uns.
Die Affäre ist jetzt Gegenstand eines Strafverfahrens.
individuals who are the subject of judicial proceedings
This matter has already been the subject of extensive correspondence between us.
The affair is now the subject of criminal proceedings.
Korrespondenz f; Zuschriften pl
Leserzuschriften pl
die Leserbriefseite (in einer Zeitung)
Auf meinem Schreibtisch stapeln sich die Zuschriften.
correspondence from readers
the correspondence page (in a newspaper)
I have a pile of correspondence on my desk.
in etw. eintreten; etw. eingehen; an etw. teilnehmen adm. jur.
eintretend; eingehend; teilnehmend
eingetretet; eingegangen; teilgenommen
eine Verpflichtung eingehen
(s)eine Geschäftstätigkeit beginnen
mit jdm. in Korrespondenz treten
mit jdm. in Verhandlungen eintreten; Verhandlungen aufnehmen
mit jdm. eine Teilhaberschaft eingehen sich mit jdm. assoziieren
etw. (rechtmäßig) in Besitz nehmen
(vor Gericht) eine Annerkennungserklärung abgeben
mit jdm. Gespräche aufnehmen
to enter into sth.
entering into
entered into
to enter into a bond engagement obligation
to enter into business
to enter into correspondence with sb.
to enter into negotiations with sb.
to enter into a partnership with sb.
to enter into possession of sth.
to enter into a recognizance (in court)
to enter into talks with sb.
nachrichtlich jd. an jdn. (Korrespondenz) prp N: adm.
nachrichtlich der Vorsitzende nachrichtlich an den Vorsitzenden
for information of sb. Info: (correspondence)
for (the) information of the chairman
Briefwechsel m; Briefverkehr m; Briefkontakt m; Korrespondenz f; Schriftwechsel m adm.; Schriftverkehr m adm. (mit jdm.)
ein reger Schriftwechsel
In der Geschäftskorrespondenz wird eher förmlich formuliert.
Wir haben telefonisch und schriftlich kommuniziert.
Wir haben jahrelang einen Briefwechsel aufrechterhalten.
Unsere Zeitschrift kann keinen Schriftverkehr über medizinische Fragen führen.
Wir sollten vermeiden, den Schriftverkehr auf zwei Schienen parallel abzuwickeln.
Sie stehen seit Monaten in Briefkontakt brieflichem Kontakt.
Zu unserem bisherigen Schriftverkehr Zu unserer Vorkorrespondenz übermitteln wir weitere Angaben zu diesem Projekt.
Ich muss meine Briefschulden begleichen.
correspondence; exchange of letters (with sb.)
an intense correspondence
A rather formal tone is used in business correspondence.
We communicated by telephone and correspondence.
We kept up a correspondence maintained an exchange of letters for many years.
Our magazine is unable to enter into any correspondence on medical matters.
We should avoid conducting correspondence through two parallel channels.
They have been in correspondence for months.
Further to our previous correspondence please find an update on this project.
I have to catch up on my correspondence.
Gegenstand m
Personen, gegen die ein Gerichtsverfahren anhängig ist
Diese Angelegenheit war bereits Gegenstand umfangreicher Korrespondenz zwischen uns.
Die Affäre ist jetzt Gegenstand eines Strafverfahrens.
individuals who are the subject of judicial proceedings
This matter has already been the subject of extensive correspondence between us.
The affair is now the subject of criminal proceedings.
in etw. eintreten; etw. eingehen; an etw. teilnehmen v adm. jur.
eintretend; eingehend; teilnehmend
eingetretet; eingegangen; teilgenommen
eine Verpflichtung eingehen
(s)eine Geschäftstätigkeit beginnen
mit jdm. in Korrespondenz treten
mit jdm. in Verhandlungen eintreten; Verhandlungen aufnehmen
mit jdm. eine Teilhaberschaft eingehen, sich mit jdm. assoziieren
etw. (rechtmäßig) in Besitz nehmen
(vor Gericht) eine Anerkennungserklärung abgeben
mit jdm. Gespräche aufnehmen
to enter into sth.
entering into
entered into
to enter into a bond engagement obligation
to enter into business
to enter into correspondence with sb.
to enter into negotiations with sb.
to enter into a partnership with sb.
to enter into possession of sth.
to enter into a recognizance (in court)
to enter into talks with sb.
nachrichtlich jd. an jdn. (Korrespondenz) prp N: adm.
nachrichtlich der Vorsitzende nachrichtlich an den Vorsitzenden
for information of sb. Info: (correspondence)
for (the) information of the chairman
Korrespondenzanalyse f
correspondence analysis
Korrespondenzanwalt m
communicating lawyer
correspondent bank
Korrespondenzbank f fin.
correspondent bank
Korrespondenzprinzip n
correspondence principle
to correspond
mit jdm. korrespondieren; in Briefwechsel stehen v
korrespondiert; steht in Briefwechsel
korrespondierte; stand in Briefwechsel
to correspond with sb.
korrespondierende Frage
interlocking question
Säure-Basen-Paar n chem.
Säure-Basen-Paare pl
korrespondierendes Säure-Basen-Paar
acid-base pair
acid-base pairs
conjugate acid-base pair
korrespondiert mit, mitteilen
mit communicate

Deutsche Korrespondenzprinzip Synonyme

Englische correspondence principle Synonyme

correspondence  ESP  PP  RD  RFD  accommodation  accompaniment  accord  accordance  account  acquiescence  adaptation  adaption  adjustment  affinity  agape  agreement  airmail  alikeness  alliance  amity  analogy  annals  answer  aping  approach  approximation  assent  assimilation  association  balance  bilateral symmetry  bonds of harmony  book post  brotherly love  cahoots  calm  caritas  catalog  cement of friendship  charity  chorus  chronicle  closeness  co-working  coaction  coequality  coextension  coherence  coincidence  collaboration  collectivity  collusion  combination  combined effort  commerce  communication  communion  community  community of interests  comparability  comparison  compatibility  compliance  concert  concerted action  concomitance  concord  concordance  concourse  concurrence  confluence  conformance  conformation  conformation other-direction  conformity  congeniality  congress  congruence  congruency  congruity  conjunction  connection  consilience  consistency  consonance  consort  conspiracy  constancy  contact  continuity  conventionality  conversation  converse  cooperation  copying  corelation  correlation  correlativism  correlativity  dealing  dealings  direct mail  direct-mail selling  documentation  dynamic symmetry  empathy  equability  equality  equanimity  equation  equilibrium  equipoise  equipollence  equiponderance  equity  equivalence  equivalency  esprit  esprit de corps  eurythmics  eurythmy  evenness  exchange  express  feeling of identity  fellow feeling  fellowship  finish  flexibility  fourth-class mail  frank  frictionlessness  good vibes  good vibrations  halfpenny post  happy family  harmony  history  homogeneity  homoousia  identity  imitation  indistinguishability  information  interaction  interchange  intercommunication  intercommunion  intercourse  interplay  intersection  inventory  inverse proportion  inverse ratio  inverse relationship  junction  junk mail  justice  keeping  kinship  letter post  lett  

Korrespondenzprinzip Definition

(n.) Friendly intercourse
(n.) The letters which pass between correspondents.
(n.) Mutual adaptation, relation, or agreement, of one thing to another
(n.) Beginning
(n.) A source, or origin
(n.) An original faculty or endowment.
(n.) A fundamental truth
(n.) A settled rule of action
(n.) Any original inherent constituent which characterizes a substance, or gives it its essential properties, and which can usually be separated by analysis
(v. t.) To equip with principles

correspondence principle Bedeutung

correspondence course a course offered (by mail) by a correspondence school
compatibility of observations, there was no agreement between theory and measurement, the results of two tests were in correspondence
similarity by virtue of corresponding
correspondence balance
(mathematics) an attribute of a shape or relation, exact reflection of form on opposite sides of a dividing line or plane
(law) an explanation of the fundamental reasons (especially an explanation of the working of some device in terms of laws of nature), the rationale for capital punishment, the principles of internalombustion engines
working principle
working rule
a rule that is adequate to permit work to be done
fundamental principle
basic principle
principles from which other truths can be derived, first you must learn the fundamentals, let's get down to basics
pleasure principle
pleasure-pain principle
pleasure-unpleasure principle
(psychoanalysis) the governing principle of the id, the principle that an infant seeks gratification and fails to distinguish fantasy from reality
reality principle (psychoanalysis) the governing principle of the ego, the principle that as a child grows it becomes aware of the real environment and the need to accommodate to it
principle a basic truth or law or assumption, the principles of democracy
first rudiment
first principle
the elementary stages of any subject (usually plural), he mastered only the rudiments of geometry
principle rule a rule or law concerning a natural phenomenon or the function of a complex system, the principle of the conservation of mass, the principle of jet propulsion, the right-hand rule for inductive fields
Archimedes' principle
law of Archimedes
(hydrostatics) the apparent loss in weight of a body immersed in a fluid is equal to the weight of the displaced fluid
Gestalt law of organization
Gestalt principle of organization
a principle of Gestalt psychology that identifies factors leading to particular forms of perceptual organization
Le Chatelier's principle
Le Chatelier's law
Le Chatelier principle
Le Chatelier-Braun principle
the principle that if any change is imposed on a system that is in equilibrium then the system tends to adjust to a new equilibrium counteracting the change
Pauli exclusion principle
exclusion principle
no two electrons or protons or neutrons in a given system can be in states characterized by the same set of quantum numbers
principle rule a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct, their principles of composition characterized all their works
principle a rule or standard especially of good behavior, a man of principle, he will not violate his principles
accounting principle
accounting standard
a principle that governs current accounting practice and that is used as a reference to determine the appropriate treatment of complex transactions
moral principle
value orientation
the principles of right and wrong that are accepted by an individual or a social group, the Puritan ethic, a person with old-fashioned values
legal principle
judicial principle
judicial doctrine
(law) a principle underlying the formulation of jurisprudence
principle of relativity (physics) a universal law that states that the laws of mechanics are not affected by a uniform rectilinear motion of the system of coordinates to which they are referred
Occam's Razor
Ockham's Razor
principle of parsimony
law of parsimony
the principle that entities should not be multiplied needlessly, the simplest of two competing theories is to be preferred
principle of equivalence (physics) the principle that an observer has no way of distinguishing whether his laboratory is in a uniform gravitational field or is in an accelerated frame of reference
principle of liquid displacement (hydrostatics) the volume of a body immersed in a fluid is equal to the volume of the displaced fluid
principle of superposition
Huygens' principle of superposition
the displacement of any point due to the superposition of wave systems is equal to the sum of the displacements of the individual waves at that point, the principle of superposition is the basis of the wave theory of light
principle of superposition superposition principle superposition (geology) the principle that in a series of stratified sedimentary rocks the lowest stratum is the oldest
mass-action principle
mass action
(neurology) the principle that the cortex of the brain operates as a coordinated system with large masses of neural tissue involved in all complex functioning
localization of function
localisation of function
localization principle
localisation principle
(physiology) the principle that specific functions have relatively circumscribed locations in some particular part or organ of the body
uncertainty principle
indeterminacy principle
(quantum theory) the theory that it is impossible to measure both energy and time (or position and momentum) completely accurately at the same time
correspondence communication by the exchange of letters
rule of personal conduct
moral principle the principle that conduct should be moral
correspondence school a school that teaches nonresident students by mail
vital principle
life principle
a hypothetical force to which the functions and qualities peculiar to living things are sometimes ascribed
correspondence proportionateness
the relation of corresponding in degree or size or amount
bitter principle any one of several hundred compounds having a bitter taste, not admitting of chemical classification
in principle
in theory in essence
with regard to fundamentals although not concerning details, in principle, we agree
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