
Kraftfahrzeugmissbrauch Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

misuse of motor cars
misuse of motor cars
Kraftfahrer m, Kraftfahrerin f
Kraftfahrer pl, Kraftfahrerinnen pl
Kraftfahrer m mil.
Kraftfahrer pl
(motor) vehicle operator Am.
vehicle operators
Kraftfahrer m; Kraftfahrerin f
Kraftfahrer pl; Kraftfahrerinnen pl
Kraftfahrer m; Kraftfahrerin f
Kraftfahrer pl; Kraftfahrerinnen pl
Berufskraftfahrer m
professional driver
räuberischer Angriff m auf Kraftfahrer jur.
Kraftfahrzeuggesetz n; Kraftfahrgesetz n KFG jur.
Motor Vehicle Act
Kraftfahrspritze f; Löschfahrzeug motorisiert n adm.
fire-fighting vehicle; bire brigade truck Am.
Feuerwehrfahrzeug n; Feuerwehreinsatzwagen m; Einsatzwagen m der Feuerwehr; Feuerwehrwagen m; Feuerwehrauto n; Kraftfahrspritze f veraltet
Feuerwehrfahrzeuge pl; Feuerwehreinsatzwagen pl; Einsatzwagen pl der Feuerwehr; Feuerwehrwagen pl; Feuerwehrautos pl; Kraftfahrspritzen pl
Feuerwehrfahrzeug mit hydraulisch ausfahrbarem Rettungskorb
fire-fighting vehicle; fire vehicle; fire engine; fire-fighting truck; fire truck coll.
fire-fighting vehicles; fire vehicles; fire engines; fire-fighting trucks; fire trucks
bucket truck
Kraftfahrzeug n (Kfz.)
Kraftfahrzeuge pl
autocar, automobile
autocars, automobiles
Kraftfahrzeug n (Kfz.)
Kraftfahrzeuge pl
motor vehicle
motor vehicles
motor vehicle
Kraftfahrzeug n Kfz. auto
Kraftfahrzeuge pl
ein Kfz (zur Zulassung) anmelden
ein Kfz neu anmelden
ein Kfz abmelden
ein Kfz auf einen neuen Halter ummelden
ein Kfz nach Adresswechsel ummelden
ein Kfz (zum Verkehr) zulassen
ein Kfz führen lenken Ös.
Führen Lenken Ös. von Kfzs
motor vehicle; motor car Br.; automobile Am.
motor vehicles; motor cars; automobiles
to register a motor vehicle; to have a motor vehicle licenced
to re-register a motor vehicle
to de-register a motor vehicle
to register a motor vehicle in the name of a new keeper
to register a new address for a motor vehicle
to license a motor vehicle (for road use)
to operate a motor vehicle
operation of motor vehicles
Kraftfahrzeug n Kfz. auto
Kraftfahrzeuge pl
ein Kfz (zur Zulassung) anmelden; einlösen Schw.
ein Kfz neu anmelden; neu einlösen Schw.
ein Kfz abmelden
ein Kfz auf einen neuen Halter ummelden
ein Kfz nach Adresswechsel ummelden
ein Kfz (zum Verkehr) zulassen
ein Kfz führen lenken Ös.
Führen Lenken Ös. von Kfzs
motor vehicle; motor car Br.; automobile Am.
motor vehicles; motor cars; automobiles
to register a motor vehicle; to have a motor vehicle licenced
to re-register a motor vehicle
to de-register a motor vehicle
to register a motor vehicle in the name of a new keeper
to register a new address for a motor vehicle
to license a motor vehicle (for road use)
to operate a motor vehicle
operation of motor vehicles
Automobilbau m; Kraftfahrzeugbau m; Fahrzeugbau m auto techn.
automotive engineering
Kraftfahrzeugbranche, Kfz-Handel
automobile trade
Kraftfahrzeugbrief m; Fahrzeugbrief m; Typenschein m Ös. Schw. auto adm.
Kraftfahrzeugbriefe pl; Fahrzeugbriefe pl; Typenscheine pl
motor vehicle title certificate; certificate of title Am.
motor vehicle title certificates; certificates of title
Kraftfahrzeuge herstellen
produce cars
Staugebühr f (Gebühr für Kraftfahrzeuge für die Benutzung bestimmter Londoner Innenstadtbezirke)
congestion charge
Nationalitätskennzeichen für Kraftfahrzeuge
nationality plate
Treibstoff m; Kraftstoff m; Sprit m ugs. (für Antriebsaggregate) auto techn.
Treibstoffe pl; Kraftstoffe pl
Alternativtreibstoff m; alternativer Kraftstoff
Alkoholkraftstoff m; Treibstoff auf Alkoholbasis
Flugzeugtreibstoff m; Flugzeugkraftstoff m
Flüssigtreibstoff m
Treibstoff für Kraftfahrzeuge
Zweifachtreibstoff m; Raketentreibstoff m im Zweistoffsystem
fuel (for propulsion systems)
alternative fuel; non-conventional fuel
alcohol-based fuel; alcohol motor fuel
aircraft fuel; aviation fuel
liquid fuel
automotive fuel
Führerschein m, Erlaubnis zum Führen von Kraftfahrzeugen mil.
motor vehicle operator diploma Am.
Neuzulassung f von Kraftfahrzeugen
registration of new vehicles
Autoabgase pl; Abgase pl aus Kraftfahrzeugen; Auspuffgase pl ugs. envir.
(motor) vehicle car automobile exhausts; vehicle exhaust fumes; vehicle fumes; vehicular outputs
Führerschein m; Erlaubnis zum Führen von Kraftfahrzeugen mil.
motor vehicle operator diploma Am.
Führerschein m Dt. Ös.; Führerausweis m Schw.; Fahrerlaubnis f adm.; Erlaubnis f zum Führen Dt. Lenken Ös. von Kraftfahrzeugen adm. auto
Führerscheine pl; Führerausweise pl; Fahrerlaubnisse pl; Erlaubnisse zum Führen Lenken von Kraftfahrzeugen
den Führerschein machen
jdm. bei einer Kontrolle den Führerschein abnehmen
driving licence Br.; driver's license Am.; driving permit; licence license to operate a motor vehicle adm.
driving licences; driver's licenses; driving permits; licences licenses to operate a motor vehicle
to get your driving licence driver's license
to take away sb.'s driving licence driver's license during a check
Kraftfahrzeugentwicklung f
automotive engineering
Fuhrpark m; Fahrzeugflotte f; Kraftfahrzeugflotte f auto
Fuhrparks pl; Fahrzeugflotten pl; Kraftfahrzeugflotten pl
car pool; motor pool; vehicle fleet
car pools; motor pools; vehicle fleets
Kraftfahrzeuggewerbe n
car repair trade, auto repair trade
auto repair trade
Kraftfahrzeuggewerbe n
car repair trade; auto repair trade
motor car liability insurance
motor third party insurance
Kraftfahrzeughersteller m
automobile manufacturer
Kraftfahrzeughersteller m
Kraftfahrzeughersteller pl
automobile manufacturer
automobile manufacturers
automobile industry
Kraftfahrzeugindustrie f
motor vehicle industry
motor vehicle passenger insurance
check-up on motor-cars
check up on motor cars
Kraftfahrzeugmarsch m; Mot-Marsch m mil.
Tactical Road March
Kraftfahrzeugmechaniker m; Kfz-Mechaniker m
Kraftfahrzeugmechanikerin f; Kfz-Mechanikerin f
car mechanic; automobile mechanic; motor mechanic
car mechanic; automobile mechanic; motor mechanic
misuse of motor cars
Betrieb eines Kraftfahrzeugs
operation of a vehicle
Kraftfahrzeugsachverständige m f; Kraftfahrzeugsachverständiger
motor vehicle assessor
Kraftfahrzeugsachverständige m,f; Kraftfahrzeugsachverständiger
motor vehicle assessor
Kraftfahrzeugsbesitzer, Fahrzeughalter
owner of a car
Kraftfahrzeugschein m, Kraftfahrzeugzulassungsschein m, Kfz-Schein m
motor vehicle registration certificate, vehicle registration document, car license Am.
Zulassungsbescheinigung f; Kraftfahrzeugschein m; Kfz-Schein m; Fahrzeugschein m Dt.; Zulassungsschein m Ös.; Fahrzeugausweis m Schw.; Autobüchlein n Südtirol auto adm.
Zulassungsbescheinigungen pl; Kraftfahrzeugscheine pl; Kfz-Scheine pl; Fahrzeugscheine pl; Zulassungsscheine pl; Fahrzeugausweise pl; Autobüchlein pl
car registration document Br.; motor vehicle license Am.
car registration documents; motor vehicle licenses
motor hull insurance
Kraftfahrzeugsteuer f, Kfz-Steuer f
motor vehicle tax, road tax
Kraftfahrzeugsteuer f; Kfz-Steuer f auto adm.
motor vehicle tax; vehicle tax; car tax; vehicle excise duty Br. adm.; road tax coll.
Kraftfahrzeugtechnik f
automobile technology
Kraftfahrzeugtechnik f; Kfz-Technik f; Fahrzeugtechnik f; Automobiltechnik f auto
automotive engineering
Kraftfahrzeugtechniker m; Kfz-Techniker m techn.
Kraftfahrzeugtechniker pl; Kfz-Techniker pl
automotive mechatronics technician
automotive mechatronics technicians
automobile insurance
motor car insurance
motor vehicle insurance
Kraftfahrzeugversicherung f, KFZ-Versicherung f
motor car insurance, motor vehicle insurance, automobile insurance
Kraftfahrzeugversicherung f; KFZ-Versicherung f; Autoversicherung f ugs. auto
Kfz-Versicherung mit Schadenfreiheitsrabatt
motor vehicle insurance; car motor insurance Br.; automobile insurance Am.
motor automobile insurance with no claims bonus discount
Kraftfahrzeugwesen n auto
Kfz-Zulassung f; Kraftfahrzeugzulassung f; Autozulassung f auto adm.
motor vehicle registration licensing; car registration Br.; automobile registration Am.
Kfz-Zulassung f; Kraftfahrzeugzulassung f; Autozulassung f auto adm.
motor vehicle licencing; car licencing Br.; automobile licensing Am.
Kraftfahrzeugzulassungsstelle f, Kfz-Zulassungsstelle f
vehicle registration office
Kraftfahrzeugzulassungsstelle f; Kfz-Zulassungsstelle f auto
Kraftfahrzeugzulassungsstellen pl; Kfz-Zulassungsstellen pl
vehicle registration office; department of motor vehicles DMV Am.
vehicle registration offices; departments of motor vehicles
Kraftfahrzeugzulassungsstelle f; Kfz-Zulassungsstelle f auto
Kraftfahrzeugzulassungsstellen pl; Kfz-Zulassungsstellen pl
vehicle registration office; department of motor vehicles DMV Am.
vehicle registration offices; departments of motor vehicles

Deutsche Kraftfahrzeugmissbrauch Synonyme

Englische misuse of motor cars Synonyme

misuse  abuse  active use  adulterate  adulteration  alloy  appliance  application  barbarism  befoul  befouling  bias  bleed  bleed white  canker  catachresis  cheapen  clerical error  coarsen  color  confound  consumption  contaminate  contamination  convert  corrigendum  corrupt  corruption  debase  debauch  defalcate  defile  defilement  deflower  degenerate  degrade  denature  deprave  desecrate  despoil  devalue  distort  diversion  divert  diverting  do amiss  drain  embezzle  employ  employment  envenoming  erratum  error  exercise  exertion  exploit  failure  false coloring  fault  faute  festering  foul  fouling  garble  good use  hard usage  hard use  human error  ill use  ill-treat  ill-use  impose upon  infect  infection  infelicity  make use of  maladminister  malapropism  maltreat  manipulate  milk  misapplication  misapply  misapprehension  misappropriate  misappropriation  miscalculation  miscall  miscarriage  miscite  misconception  misconduct  misconstruction  misconstrue  miscount  misdeal  misdirect  misdirection  misemploy  misemployment  misfield  mishandle  misidentification  misinterpret  misinterpretation  misjudgment  mismanage  misplay  misprint  misquotation  misquote  misread  misrender  misreport  misrepresent  misrepresentation  miss  misspell  misstatement  mistake  mistreat  mistreatment  misunderstanding  misusage  outrage  peculate  perversion  pervert  pilfer  play on  poison  poisoning  pollute  pollution  presume upon  profane  prostitute  prostitution  ravage  ravish  rough usage  slant  slanting  solecism  strain  straining  stroke  suck dry  suppuration  taint  take advantage of  torture  torturing  twist  typo  typographical error  ulcerate  usage  use  use ill  using up  varnish  violate  vitiate  vitiation  vulgarize  warp  work on  work upon  wrong use  

Kraftfahrzeugmissbrauch Definition

(a.) Excito-motory
(a.) Applied to those actions, or muscular movements, which are automatic expressions of dominant ideas, rather than the result of distinct volitional efforts, as the act of expressing the thoughts in speech, or in writing, while the mind is occupied in the composition of the sentence.
(a.) Inciting to motion
(a.) A term applied to certain nerve centers which govern or restrain subsidiary centers, from which motor impressions issue.
(v. t.) To treat or use improperly
(v. t.) To abuse
(n.) Wrong use
(n.) Violence, or its effects.
(n.) One who, or that which, imparts motion
(n.) A prime mover
(n.) Alt. of Motorial
(a.) Of or pertaining to movement produced by action of the mind or will.
Water motor
() A water engine.
Water motor
() A water wheel

misuse of motor cars Bedeutung

motor control control of muscles
improper or excessive use, alcohol abuse, the abuse of public funds
automobile horn
car horn
motor horn
horn hooter
a device on an automobile for making a warning noise
camping bus
motor home
a recreational vehicle equipped for camping out while traveling
diesel engine
diesel motor
an internalombustion engine that burns heavy oil
electric motor a motor that converts electricity to mechanical work
motor machine that converts other forms of energy into mechanical energy and so imparts motion
motor hotel
motor inn
motor lodge
tourist court
a hotel for motorists, provides direct access from rooms to parking area
motor scooter
a wheeled vehicle with small wheels and a low-powered gasoline engine geared to the rear wheel
motor vehicle
automotive vehicle
a self-propelled wheeled vehicle that does not run on rails
outboard motor
internalombustion engine that mounts at stern of small boat
power mower
motor mower
a lawn mower powered by a gasoline motor
PT boat
mosquito boat
mosquito craft
motor torpedo boat
a small fast unarmored and lightly armed torpedo boat, P(atrol) T(orpedo) boat
starter starter motor
starting motor
an electric motor for starting an engine
stepping motor
a motor (especially an electric motor) that moves or rotates in small discrete steps
synchronous motor electric motor in which the speed of rotation is proportional to the frequency of the A.C. power
wiper motor electric motor that moves the windshield wiper
motor end plate
the flattened end of a motor neuron that transmits neural impulses to a muscle
motor neuron
efferent neuron
motor nerve fiber
a neuron conducting impulses outwards from the brain or spinal cord
motor nerve
efferent nerve
a nerve that conveys impulses toward or to muscles or glands
motor fiber
efferent fiber
a nerve fiber that carries impulses toward the muscles or glands
motor area
motor region
motor cortex
Rolando's area
excitable area
the cortical area that influences motor movements
pyramidal tract
pyramidal motor system
corticospinal tract
any of the important motor nerves on each side of the central nervous system that run from the sensorimotor areas of the cortex through the brainstem to motor neurons of the cranial nerve nuclei and the ventral root of the spinal cord
motor memory
muscle memory
your memory for motor skills
motor pool a fleet of military vehicles controlled by a single agency and available for use as needed
Motor City
the largest city in Michigan and a major Great Lakes port, center of the United States automobile industry, located in southeastern Michigan on the Detroit river across from Windsor
motor a nonspecific agent that imparts motion, happiness is the aim of all men and the motor of all action
motor ataxia
inability to coordinate voluntary muscle movements, unsteady movements and staggering gait
motor aphasia
Broca's aphasia
ataxic aphasia
expressive aphasia
nonfluent aphasia
aphasia in which expression by speech or writing is severely impaired
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy
a form of neuropathy that can begin between childhood and young adulthood, characterized by weakness and atrophy of the muscles of the hands and lower legs, progression is slow and individuals affected can have a normal life span, inheritance is X-linked recessive or X-linked dominant
motor oil oil used to lubricate the moving parts of a motor
change the inherent purpose or function of something, Don't abuse the system, The director of the factory misused the funds intended for the health care of his workers
apply to a wrong thing or person, apply badly or incorrectly, The words are misapplied in this context, You are misapplying the name of this religious group
travel or be transported in a vehicle, We drove to the university every morning, They motored to London for the theater
causing or able to cause motion, a motive force, motive power, motor energy
conveying information to the muscles from the CNS, motor nerves
motor-assisted relying on an engine for propulsion in addition to muscle power, a motor-assisted bicycle
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