
Krankheitsverlauf Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Krankheitsverlauf m med.
Krankheitsverläufe pl
course of a disease
courses of a disease
Krankheitsverlauf m med.
Krankheitsverläufe pl
course of a disease
courses of a disease
Krankheitserreger m; Erreger m; Krankheitskeim m; krankheitsrerregender Keim m; pathogener Keim m; Keim m (gesundheitsschädlicher Mikroorganismus) med.
Krankheitserreger pl; Erreger pl; Krankheitskeime pl; krankheisrerregende Keime pl; pathogene Keime pl; Keime pl
aerogener Keim
Ansteckungskeim m; Infektionskeim m
auslösender Erreger; auslösender Keim
durch Luft übertragener Keim
Hautkeim m
hochpathogener Erreger; hochpathogener Keim
Krankenhauskeim m
persistierender Keim
ständige Hautkeime
Umweltkeim m
disease-causing agent; disease-producing agent; disease agent; pathogenic agent; infectious agent; agent; disease-producing germ; pathogenic germ; infectious germ; germ; disease-producing organism; pathogenic organism (health-damaging microorganism)
disease-causing agents; disease-producing agents; disease agents; pathogenic agents; infectious agents; agents; disease-producing germs; pathogenic germs; infectious germs; germs; disease-producing organisms; pathogenic organisms
aerogenic germ
infective agent; infectious agent
causative agent; causative germ
airborne germ
skin germ
high-consequence pathogenic agent; high-consequence pathogen
hospital germ
resident flora of the skin
environmental germ
vorherige Krankheit
previous illness
Ätiologie f, Lehre von den Ursachen der Krankheit med.
aetiology, etiology
Alzheimer Krankheit f, Alzheimersche Krankheit f med.
Alzheimer's disease
Arbeitsunfähigkeit f (wegen Krankheit)
unfitness for work
Art f, Sorte f, Klasse f
eine Art (von), irgendeine Art (von)
irgendeine Art von Krankheit
von derselben Sorte
a kind of, some kind of
some kind of sickness
the same kind
Basedowsche Krankheit f, Basedowkrankheit f med.
Grave's disease, exophthalmic goitre
Beschwerden pl, Leiden n, Krankheit f med.
Leberbeschwerden pl, Leberleiden n
liver trouble
Borreliose f, Lyme-Borreliose f, Lyme-Krankheit f med.
Lyme disease, Lyme borreliosis
Erkrankung f, Krankheit f
Erkrankungen pl, Krankheiten pl
disease, illness
diseases, illnesses
Exazerbation f, Verschlimmerung einer Krankheit med.
ans Haus gefesselt, ans Haus gebunden (z.B. wegen Krankheit)
homebound, housebound
wegen Alter oder Krankheit ans Haus gebundener Mensch
Krankheit f
Krankheiten pl
chronische Krankheit
durch Sexualkontakt übertragbare Krankheiten
endemische Krankheit
meldepflichtige Krankheit
von Krankheit schwer gezeichnet
mit einer Krankheit behaftet sein
sich eine Krankheit zuziehen
chronic disease
sexually transmissible diseases (STDs)
notifiable disease
ravaged by disease
to be afflicted with a disease
to contract a disease
Krankheit f
Krankheit f
Krankheiten pl
chronische Krankheit
langwierige Krankheit f
psychische Erkrankung
einer Krankheit erliegen
sich eine Krankheit zuziehen
chronic illness
protracted illness
mental illness
to die from an illness
to contract an illness
Krankheit f, Ãœbelkeit f
Krankheiten pl, Ãœbelkeiten pl
Leiden n Krankheit f
Krankheiten pl
Mykose f, durch Pilze verursachte Krankheit med.
Parkinson-Krankheit f med.
Parkinson's disease
Parkinsonismus m, Symptomatik der Parkinson-Krankheit med.
Rachitis f, englische Krankheit f med.
Vorkommen n (einer Krankheit)
Vorkommen pl
anfällig adj (für)
für etw. anfällig sein, zu etw. neigen
anfällig für eine Krankheit
prone, liable (to)
to be prone to sth.
prone to an illness, liable to an illness
anstecken, eine Krankheit übertragen v
ansteckend, eine Krankheit übertragend
angesteckt, eine Krankheit übertragen
to pass sth. on, to contaminate
passing sth. on, contaminating
passed sth. on, contaminated
ansteckend, übertragbar adj (durch Berührung)
nicht ansteckend
ansteckende Krankheit
contagious disease
sich erholen (von einer Krankheit)
sich erholend
sich erholt
erholt sich
erholte sich
to recuperate
von einer Krankheit genesen v
sie genest
sie genas
sie ist
war genesen
sie genäse
to recover from an illness
she recovers
she recovered
she has
had recovered
she would recover
heimtückisch adj
eine heimtückische Krankheit, eine insidiöse Krankheit
an insidious disease
kurieren, behandeln v (Krankheit)
kurierend, behandelnd
kuriert, behandelt
to nurse
langwierig adj (Krankheit)
lebensgefährlich, lebensbedrohlich adj med. (Krankheit)
lebensgefährlich verletzt
very serious, life-threatening
very seriously hurt
organisch adj (Krankheit)
sterben v (an)
du stirbst
sie stirbt
sie starb
sie ist
war gestorben
sie stürbe
jung sterben
eines natürlichen Todes sterben
eines gewaltsamen Todes sterben
an einer Krankheit sterben
an einer einer Wunde sterben
an einer Verletzung sterben
vor Hunger (Durst) sterben
ins Gras beißen, daran glauben müssen ugs., sterben
ohne direkte Nachkommen sterben
tausend Tode sterben
im Elend sterben
to die {died, died} (of, from)
you die
she dies
she died
she has
had died
she would die
to die young
to die a natural death
to die a violent death
die of an illness
die from a wound
to die from an injury
to die of hunger (thirst)
to bite the dust coll.
to die without issue
to die a thousand deaths
to die like a dog
übertragbar adj (auf) (Krankheit)
communicable (to)
vorschützen v
sie schützt vor
sie schützte vor
sie hat
hatte vorgeschützt
Krankheit vorschützen
Unwissenheit vorschützen
to plead as an excuse, to make a pretext of
pleading as an excuse, making a pretext of
pleaded as an excuse, made a pretext of
she pleads as an excuse, he
she makes a pretext of
she plead
pleaded as an excuse, I
she made a pretext of
she has
had plead
pleaded as an excuse, he
she has
had made a pretext of
to feign illness
to plead ignorance
wegen prp, +Genitiv, + Dativ ugs.
wegen des schlechten Wetters, des schlechten Wetters wegen
wegen des Regens
wegen Krankheit geschlossen
nur wegen euch
wegen seiner Schwester
von Berufs wegen
because of, due to, owing to, on account of
because of the bad weather
owing to the rain
closed due to illness
all because of you
on account of his sister
for professional reasons
Die Krankheit ist ansteckend.
The disease is contagious.
Seit wann leiden Sie an dieser Krankheit?
How long have you been suffering from this disease?
Staupe f (Krankheit) zool.
Staupen pl
Erkrankung, Krankheit
Krankheit, Uebelkeit
Die Krankheit ist ansteckend
the disease is contagious
Krankheit, Leiden
Ãœbelkeit, Krankheit
seine Krankheit
his ill health
wegen fortgesetzter Krankheit
owing to continued illness
Addison-Krankheit f med.
Addison's disease
Ätiologie f; Lehre von den Ursachen der Krankheit med.
aetiology; etiology
Alzheimer Krankheit f; Alzheimersche Krankheit f med.
Alzheimer's disease
Anfang m; Beginn m; Einsatz m; Einsetzen n
bei Beginn; bei Einbruch
bei Ausbruch der Krankheit; zum Zeitpunkt des Ausbruches der Krankheit
at the first onset
at the onset of disease; at the time of onset of disease
Aortenbogensyndrom n; pulslose Krankheit f med.
pulseless disease
Art f; Sorte f; Klasse f
eine Art (von); irgendeine Art (von)
irgendeine Art von Krankheit
von derselben Sorte
a kind of; some kind of
some kind of sickness
the same kind
Bakterienerkrankung f; Bakterienkrankheit f; bakterielle Krankheit f; Bakteriose f med.
Bakterienerkrankungen pl; Bakterienkrankheiten pl; bakterielle Krankheiten pl; Bakteriosen pl
bacterial disease; bacteriosis
bacterial diseases; bacterioses
Basedow-Krankheit f; Basedow'sche Krankheit f med.
Graves' disease; toxic goitre syndrome; exophthalmic goitre
Borreliose f; Lyme-Borreliose f; Lyme-Krankheit f med.
Lyme disease; Lyme borreliosis
Einschleppung f (von etw. in ein Land) biol.
Einschleppung einer Krankheit
Einschleppung fremder Arten; biologische Invasion bot. zool.
introduction (of sth. into a country)
introduction of a disease
introduction of non-natives species; biological invasion
Entwicklung f
die Entwicklung einer Krankheit
the progression of a disease
Erkrankung f (bestimmter Körperteile); (spezifische) Krankheit f med. bot. zool.
Erkrankungen pl; Krankheiten pl
eine Erkrankung der Nieren des Immunsystems
chronische Krankheit
endemische Krankheit
ausbehandelte Krankheit
seltene Erkrankung
eine seltene Erbkrankheit
tödlich verlaufende Krankheit
an einer Krankheit leiden
klimainduzierte Krankheiten
meldepflichtige Krankheit
durch Sexualkontakt übertragbare Krankheiten
eine nicht erkannte Krankheit
von Krankheit schwer gezeichnet
Wenn Sie sich im Urlaub (irgend)eine Krankheit zugezogen haben ...
a disease of the kidneys the immune system
chronic disease
refractory disease
orphan disease
a rare genetic disease
terminal disease
to suffer from a disease; to be afflicted with a disease
climate-sensitive diseases
notifiable disease
sexually transmissible diseases (STDs)
an undetected case of a disease
ravaged by disease
If you have contracted an illness whilst on holiday ...
Erwähnung f; Nennung f
Erwähnungen pl; Nennungen pl
die erste urkundliche Erwähnung von Österreich
als von einem Ausflug geredet wurde
verdienen besonders erwähnt zu werden
Sie hat ihre Krankheit mit keinem Wort erwähnt.
Sie finden alle in dem Buch Erwähnung.
the first recorded mention of Austria
at the mention of a trip
to deserve special mention
She made no mention of her illness.
They all get a mention in the book.
Exazerbation f; Verschlimmerung einer Krankheit med.
Flucht in eine Krankheit; abnorme Hinwendung zu Krankheiten; Nosophilie f med.
Geschlechtskrankheit f; Genitalkrankheit f; sexuell übertragbare Krankheit f med.
Geschlechtskrankheiten pl; Genitalkrankheiten pl; sexuell übertragbare Krankheiten pl
männliche Genitalerkrankungen
sexually transmitted disease STD ; venereal disease VD ; genital disease
sexually transmitted diseases; venereal diseases; genital diseases
male genital diseases
ans Haus gefesselt; ans Haus gebunden adj (z. B. wegen Krankheit)
homebound; housebound
Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankung f; kardiovaskuläre Krankheit f med.
Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen pl; kardiovaskuläre Krankheiten pl
kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen bei Neugeborenen
cardiovascular disease
cardiovascular diseases
neonatal cardiovascular diseases
Immunkrankheit f; immunologische Krankheit f med.
Immunkrankheiten pl; immunologische Krankheiten pl
immune disorder; immunological disease
immune disorders; immunological diseases

Deutsche Krankheitsverlauf Synonyme

Englische course of a disease Synonyme

course  Brownian movement  Indian file  MO  Zeitgeist  academic specialty  act  adit  advance  advancement  advancing  affluence  afflux  affluxion  agora  aim  air lane  algorithm  ambit  amphitheater  angular motion  antepast  approach  aqueduct  archery ground  area  arena  array  arsis  articulation  ascending  ascent  assuredly  athletic field  attack  auditorium  axial motion  azimuth  backflowing  background  backing  backward motion  badminton court  band  bank  baseball field  basketball court  bear garden  bearing  beat  bed  bedding  belt  bent  billiard parlor  boil  bout  bowl  bowling alley  bowling green  boxing ring  broil  bull ring  buzz  by all means  campaign  campus  canal  canvas  career  casserole  catena  catenation  certainly  chain  chain reaction  chaining  channel  chase  circle  circuit  circus  class  classical education  climbing  cockpit  coliseum  colosseum  commutation  commute  compass direction  concatenation  concourse  condensation trail  conduct  conduit  confluence  conflux  connection  consecution  continuum  contrail  core curriculum  couche  course of action  course of study  court  cover  cover ground  creed  cricket ground  croquet ground  croquet lawn  crosscurrent  crossing  cruise  culinary masterpiece  culinary preparation  current  curriculum  cycle  dart  dash  deck  definitely  defluxion  descending  descent  design  dessert  diamond  diastole  direction  direction line  discipline  dish  dispatch  ditch  do  dog  downbeat  downflow  downpour  downward motion  drift  driftage  drive  drone  duct  ebb  ebbing  egress  elective  endless belt  endless round  entrance  entree  entremets  excursion  execution  exit  expedition  fairway  falcon  fare  fare forth  fashion  fetch  field  file  filiation  flight  flight path  flit  flood  floor  flow  flow back  flow in  flow out  flowing  fluency  flush  flux  follow the hounds  football field  form  forum  forward motion  forwardal  forwarding  fowl  fry  furtherance  fur  
course of action  action  ad hoc measure  answer  artifice  contrivance  countermove  coup  demarche  device  dodge  effort  expedient  gimmick  improvisation  jury-rig  jury-rigged expedient  last expedient  last resort  last shift  makeshift  maneuver  means  measure  move  pis aller  resort  resource  shake-up  shift  solution  step  stopgap  stratagem  stroke  stroke of policy  tactic  temporary expedient  trick  trump  working hypothesis  working proposition  
courser  Houyhnhnm  Nimrod  antelope  arrow  beater  big game hunter  blue darter  blue streak  brood mare  cannonball  charger  colt  critter  dart  dobbin  eagle  electricity  entire  entire horse  equine  express train  filly  flash  foal  gazelle  gelding  greased lightning  greyhound  hare  horse  hunter  huntress  huntsman  jacker  jacklighter  jet plane  light  lightning  mare  mercury  mount  nag  prancer  quicksilver  rocket  scared rabbit  shikari  shot  sportsman  sportswoman  stalker  stallion  steed  streak  streak of lightning  striped snake  stud  studhorse  swallow  tarpan  thought  thunderbolt  top horse  torrent  trapper  trooper  war-horse  white hunter  wild horse  wind  

Krankheitsverlauf Definition

Addison's disease
() A morbid condition causing a peculiar brownish discoloration of the skin, and thought, at one time, to be due to disease of the suprarenal capsules (two flat triangular bodies covering the upper part of the kidneys), but now known not to be dependent upon this causes exclusively. It is usually fatal.
Basedow's disease
() A disease characterized by enlargement of the thyroid gland, prominence of the eyeballs, and inordinate action of the heart
Bright's disease
() An affection of the kidneys, usually inflammatory in character, and distinguished by the occurrence of albumin and renal casts in the urine. Several varieties of Bright's disease are now recognized, differing in the part of the kidney involved, and in the intensity and course of the morbid process.
(n.) Lack of ease
(n.) An alteration in the state of the body or of some of its organs, interrupting or disturbing the performance of the vital functions, and causing or threatening pain and weakness
(v. t.) To deprive of ease
(v. t.) To derange the vital functions of
Graves' disease
() Same as Basedow's disease.
Hodgkin's disease
() A morbid condition characterized by progressive anaemia and enlargement of the lymphatic glands
Meniere's disease
() A disease characterized by deafness and vertigo, resulting in incoordination of movement. It is supposed to depend upon a morbid condition of the semicircular canals of the internal ear. Named after Meniere, a French physician.
Pott's disease
() Caries of the vertebrae, frequently resulting in curvature of the spine and paralysis of the lower extremities
Thomsen's disease
() An affection apparently congenital, consisting in tonic contraction and stiffness of the voluntary muscles occurring after a period of muscular inaction.

course of a disease / courses of a disease Bedeutung

surveillance of disease the ongoing systematic collection and analysis of data about an infectious disease that can lead to action being taken to control or prevent the disease
Borrelia burgdorferi
Lime disease spirochete
cause of Lyme disease, transmitted primarily by ticks of genus Ixodes
tin pest
tin disease
tin plague
the transformation of ordinary white tin into powdery grey tin at very cold temperatures
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
a federal agency in the Department of Health and Human Services, located in Atlanta, investigates and diagnoses and tries to control or prevent diseases (especially new and unusual diseases)
pink disease fungus
Corticium salmonicolor
fungus causing pink disease in citrus and coffee and rubber trees etc
cardiovascular disease a disease of the heart or blood vessels
celiac disease a disorder in children and adults, inability to tolerate wheat protein (gluten), symptoms include foul-smelling diarrhea and emaciation, often accompanied by lactose intolerance
glandular disease
gland disease
glandular disorder
a disorder of the glands of the body
decompression sickness
aeroembolism air embolism gas embolism caisson disease
pain resulting from rapid change in pressure
disease an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning
disease of the neuromuscular junction a disease characterized by impairment of neuromuscular junctions
Banti's disease
Banti's syndrome
a disease characterized by congestion and enlargement of the spleen, accompanied by anemia or cirrhosis
pulmonary anthrax
inhalation anthrax
anthrax pneumonia
ragpicker's disease
ragsorter's disease
woolsorter's pneumonia
woolsorter's disease
a form of anthrax infection acquired by inhalation of dust containing Bacillus anthracis, initial symptoms (chill and cough and dyspnea and rapid pulse) are followed by extreme cardiovascular collapse
cat scratch disease a disease thought to be transmitted to humans by a scratch from a cat
endemic disease
a disease that is constantly present to a greater or lesser degree in people of a certain class or in people living in a particular location
idiopathic disease
idiopathic disorder
any disease arising from internal dysfunctions of unknown cause
monogenic disorder
monogenic disease
an inherited disease controlled by a single pair of genes
polygenic disorder
polygenic disease
an inherited disease controlled by several genes at once
Kawasaki disease
mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome
an acute disease of young children characterized by a rash and swollen lymph nodes and fever, of unknown cause
Meniere's disease a disease of the inner ear characterized by episodes of dizziness and tinnitus and progressive hearing loss (usually unilateral)
occupational disease
industrial disease
disease or disability resulting from conditions of employment (usually from long exposure to a noxious substance or from continuous repetition of certain acts)
Paget's disease
osteitis deformans
a disease of bone occurring in the middle aged and elderly, excessive bone destruction sometimes leading to bone pain and fractures and skeletal deformities
periodontal disease
a disease that attacks the gum and bone and around the teeth
pyorrhea pyorrhoea pyorrhea alveolaris
Riggs' disease
chronic periodontitis, purulent inflammation of the teeth sockets
nervous disorder
neurological disorder
neurological disease
a disorder of the nervous system
brain disorder
brain disease
any disorder or disease of the brain
myoclonus epilepsy
Lafora's disease
epilepsy characterized by clonus of muscle groups and progressive mental deterioration and genetic origin
paralysis agitans
Parkinson's disease
Parkinson's syndrome
shaking palsy
a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system characterized by tremor and impaired muscular coordination
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease
rare (usually fatal) brain disease (usually in middle age) caused by an unidentified slow virus, characterized by progressive dementia and gradual loss of muscle control
coronary heart disease a heart disease due to an abnormality of the arteries that supply blood and oxygen to the heart
heart disease
a disease of the heart
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Lou Gehrig's disease
thickening of tissue in the motor tracts of the lateral columns and anterior horns of the spinal cord, results in progressive muscle atrophy that starts in the limbs
arterial sclerosis
hardening of the arteries
induration of the arteries
coronary-artery disease
sclerosis of the arterial walls
coronary artery disease
a stage of arteriosclerosis involving fatty deposits (atheromas) inside the arterial walls, thus narrowing the arteries
valvular heart disease heart disease caused by stenosis of the cardiac valves and obstructed blood flow or caused by degeneration and blood regurgitation
kidney disease
renal disorder
a disease affecting the kidneys
Bright's disease
an inflammation of the kidney
polycystic kidney disease
kidney disease characterized by enlarged kidneys containing many cysts, often leads to kidney failure
liver disease a disease affecting the liver
Addison's disease
Addison's syndrome
a glandular disorder caused by failure of function of the cortex of the adrenal gland and marked by anemia and prostration with brownish skin
Cushing's disease
a glandular disorder caused by excessive ACTH resulting in greater than normal functioning of the adrenal gland, characterized by obesity
Graves' disease
exophthalmic goiter
exophthalmos occurring in association with goiter, hyperthyroidism with protrusion of the eyeballs
communicable disease a disease that can be communicated from one person to another
contagious disease
any disease easily transmitted by contact
infectious disease a disease transmitted only by a specific kind of contact
severe combined immunodeficiency
severe combined immunodeficiency disease
a congenital disease affecting T cells that can result from a mutation in any one of several different genes, children with it are susceptible to infectious disease, if untreated it is lethal within the first year or two of life
epidemic disease any infectious disease that develops and spreads rapidly to many people
a venereal disease
venereal infection
social disease
Cupid's itch
Cupid's disease
Venus's curse
sexually transmitted disease
a communicable infection transmitted by sexual intercourse or genital contact
infectious mononucleosis
glandular fever
kissing disease
an acute disease characterized by fever and swollen lymph nodes and an abnormal increase of mononuclear leucocytes or monocytes in the bloodstream, not highly contagious, some believe it can be transmitted by kissing
Hansen's disease
chronic granulomatous communicable disease occurring in tropical and subtropical regions, characterized by inflamed nodules beneath the skin and wasting of body parts, caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium leprae
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Ein Krankheitsverlauf wird nach verschiedenen Kriterien beschrieben. Eine bestimmte Krankheit kann bei verschiedenen Patienten unterschiedlich verlaufen. Dies kann z. B. durch Unterschiede in der Virulenz eines Krankheitserregers, in der Dosis eines Gifts, im vorbestehenden Gesundheitszustand und Ernährungszustand der erkrankten Person, dem Zustand des Immunsystems und dem Alter des Patienten begründet sein. Auch äußere Faktoren , Luftfeuchtigkeit, Staubbelastung, Zugluft) können Krankheitsverläufe beeinflussen.

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