
Kurzzeitbelastung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Kurzzeitbelastung f
short-time loading
Kurzzeitbelastung f
short-time loading
short-term, short-time
short term
short-term; short-time
Vermietung f
Kurzzeit-Vermietung f
let Br.
short-term let; short let
short-term; short-time
Vermieten n; Vermietung f (einer Immobilie)
Kurzzeit-Vermietung f
Neuvermietung f
leasing; letting; let Br.; renting Am. (of real property)
short-term let; short let
short-run analysis
Kurzzeitbelastung f
short-time loading
Kurzzeitbetrieb m
short time operation
Kurzzeitbetrieb m
short-time operation
Kurzzeitdatei f, Änderungskartei f
activity file
Kurzzeitdatei, Aenderungskartei
activity file
Kurzzeitdatei f; Änderungskartei f
Kurzzeitdateien pl; Änderungskarteien pl
activity file
activity files
Kurzzeiteinbruch m electr.
Kurzzeiteinbrüche pl
short-time dip; notch
short-time dips; notches
Kurzzeitgast m
Kurzzeitgäste pl
bird of passage fig. (person who does not stay for long)
birds of passage
Kurzzeitgedächtnis n
short-term memory
kurzzeitig adj
kurzzeitig, augenblicklich, vorübergehend adj
kurzzeitig, vorruebergehend
flüchtig kurzzeitig; kurz; vergänglich adj
ein flüchtiger Gedanke
ein flüchtiger Eindruck
ein flüchtiger Blick Lächeln
eine flüchtige Begegnung
ein Kurzbesuch
ein kurzer Glücksmoment
ein Färbung die sich rasch verliert
vergängliche Schönheit
für einen kurzen Augenblick
fleeting; fugitive poet.
a fleeting fugitive thought
a fleeting fugitive impression
a fleeting glance smile
a fleeting encounter
a fleeting fugitive visit
a fleeting moment of happiness
a fugitive dye
fleeting beauty
for a fleeting moment
kurzzeitig; augenblicklich; vorübergehend adj
jdn. (kurzzeitig) vertreten; jds. Vertretung übernehmen adm.
to deputize deputise Br. for sb.
jdn. (auf Schritt und Tritt) begleiten v; jdm. über die Schulter schauen; bei jdm. (kurzzeitig) hospitieren v (um seine Arbeit kennenzulernen)
Ein Fernsehteam hat für die Dokumentation die Ärzte, das Pflegepersonal und die Patienten eine Woche lang begleitet.
Ich habe den Beamten nicht auf Schritt und Tritt begleitet, aber wir haben oft über seine Arbeit geredet.
Er verbrachte den Abend damit, den Kellnern im Restaurant über die Schulter zu schauen.
In Ihrer ersten Arbeitswoche werden Sie bei einigen erfahrenen Mitarbeitern hospitieren.
to shadow sb. (accompany sb. in their activities)
A camera crew spent a week shadowing doctors, nurses, and patients for this documentary.
I didn't shadow the official all the time, but we talked often about his work
He spent the night shadowing the waiters at the restaurant.
Your first week in the job will be spent shadowing some of our more experienced employees.
flüchtig, kurzzeitig; kurz; vergänglich adj
ein flüchtiger Gedanke
ein flüchtiger Eindruck
ein flüchtiger Blick Lächeln
eine flüchtige Begegnung
ein Kurzbesuch
ein kurzer Glücksmoment
ein Färbung, die sich rasch verliert
vergängliche Schönheit
für einen kurzen Augenblick
fleeting; fugitive poet.
a fleeting fugitive thought
a fleeting fugitive impression
a fleeting glance smile
a fleeting encounter
a fleeting fugitive visit
a fleeting moment of happiness
a fugitive dye
fleeting beauty
for a fleeting moment
jdn. (kurzzeitig) vertreten; jds. Vertretung übernehmen v adm.
to deputize deputise Br. for sb.
Spitzenbelastung f, Höchstlast f
kurzzeitige Spitzenbelastung
peak load
short-time peak load, maximum short-time load
Spitzenbelastung f; Höchstlast f
kurzzeitige Spitzenbelastung
peak load
short-time peak load; maximum short-time load
Betriebsschließung f econ.
Betriebsschließungen pl
kurzzeitige Betriebsschließung
dauernde Betriebsschließung; Betriebsstilllegung f
plant closure; works closure
plant closures; works closures
temporary closing
closing down of the plant; shutting down of the plant
Psychose f med.
Psychosen pl
affektiv-reaktive Psychose
amnestische Psychose
desintegrative Psychose
enklamptische Psychose
funktionelle Psychose; reversible symptomatische Psychose
halluzinatorische Psychose
hypterkinetische Psychose
kurzzeitige reaktive Psychose
manisch-depressive Psychose
oneiroide Psychose
polyneutritische Psychose
postinfektiöse Psychose
reaktive Psychose
schizoaffektive Psychose
schizophrenieähnliche Psychose
symbiotische kindliche Psychose
Psychose mit Krankheitsdisposition
Infektionspsychose f
neuropsychosis; psychosis
neuropsychoses; psychoses
affective-reaction type of psychosis; thymergasia
amnesic psychosis
disintegrative psychosis
enclamptic psychosis
functional psychosis
hallucinatory psychosis
hyperkinetic psychosis
brief reactive psychosis
manic-depressive psychosis
oneiroid psychosis
polyneutritic psychosis
postinfectious psychosis; infectious-exhaustive syndrome
reactive psychosis; situational psychosis
schizo-affective psychosis
schizophreniform psychosis
symbiotic infantile psychosis
infection psychosis; infectious psychosis; psychosis with infectious disease
(kurzzeitiger) Häftling m; Inhaftierter m; Arrestant m veraltet
Häftlinge pl; Inhaftierte pl; Arrestanten pl
Kurzzeitkennzeichen n auto adm.
short-term registration licence number plate
Mittelwert m; Mittel n; Durchschnittswert m; Durchschnitt m (aus A und B) math. statist. phys.
Mittelwerte pl; Mittel pl; Durchschnittswerte pl; Durchschnitte pl
angenommener Mittelwert
arithmetischer Mittelwert; arithmetisches Mittel
bereinigter Mittelwert
geometrischer Mittelwert; geometrisches Mittel
harmonischer Mittelwert; harmonisches Mittel
quadratischer Mittelwert; quadratisches Mittel; Effektivwert (einer periodischen Größe)
quadratischer Mittelwert der Entfernung
zeitlicher Mittelwert
zeitlich gewichteter Mittelwert; zeitlich gewichtetes Mittel
Jahresmittelwert m
Kollektivmittelwert m (einer stochastischen Größe)
Kurzzeitmittelwert m
Mittel von Mittelwerten
Mittelwert der Grundgesamtheit
Mittelwert einer Anzahl von …
Mittelwert einer Funktion
average value; average avg ; mean value; mean (of A and B)
average values; averages; mean values; means
assumed average; working mean
arithmetic average; arithmetic mean
corrected mean; modified mean
geometric average, geometric mean
harmonic average; harmonic mean
quadratic average; quadratic mean; root-mean-square value; RMS value; effective value; virtual value rare
distance root mean square DRMS ; distance RMS
time averaged value; time average
time-weighted average
annual average value
ensemble average; ensemble mean
short-time average; short-time mean
grand average
population mean; true mean
mean value of a number of …
mean value of a function
Pasteurisierapparat m; Pasteurisierer m; Pasteur m chem. techn.
Pasteurisierapparate pl; Pasteurisierer pl; Pasteure pl
Kurzzeitpasteurisierer m; Kurzzeitpasteur m
Milchpasteurisierer m; Milchpasteur m
Tunnelpasteurisierer m; Tunnelpasteur m
flash pasteurizer
milk pasteurizer
tunnel pasteurizer
Alten- und Krankenpflege f med.
Kurzzeitpflege f
Langzeitpflege f
geriatric and nursing care
short-term care; short-term nursing; respite care
long-term care
Kurzzeitpflegeplatz m med.
Kurzzeitpflegeplätze pl
short-term care place (shortterm care place) (short term care place)
short-term care places
Thema n (für einen einzelnen Anlass); Themenstellung f; Gesprächsthema n
Themen pl; Themata pl; Themenstellungen pl; Gesprächsthemen pl
ein beliebtes Thema
zu einem (bestimmten) Thema
sich einem anderen Thema zuwenden; zu einem anderen Thema (über)wechseln
vom Thema abkommen
etwas vom Thema abweichen
vom Thema abweichen
eine Diskussion zum Thema Waldsterben
Kurzzeitthema n; Thema n mit Ablaufdatum
Es gehört zwar nicht ganz hierher aber ...
Der neue Chef ist das Thema Nummer Eins.
Das Gespräch drehte sich hauptsächlich um seine neue Freundin.
a popular topic
(based revolving) around a given topic
to turn to another topic
to get off the subject point; to stray from the topic; to go off on a tangent
to be slightly off-topic
to get off (the) track
a discussion on the topic of forest dieback
shelf life topic
This is a bit off topic but
The new boss has been the chief topic of conversation.
The main topic of conversation was his new girlfriend.
Thema n (für einen einzelnen Anlass); Themenstellung f; Gesprächsthema n
Themen pl; Themenstellungen pl; Gesprächsthemen pl
ein beliebtes Thema
zu einem (bestimmten) Thema
sich einem anderen Thema zuwenden; zu einem anderen Thema (über)wechseln
vom Thema abkommen
etwas vom Thema abweichen
vom Thema abweichen
eine Diskussion zum Thema Waldsterben
Kurzzeitthema n; Thema n mit Ablaufdatum
Es gehört zwar nicht ganz hierher, aber …
Der neue Chef ist das Thema Nummer eins.
Das Gespräch drehte sich hauptsächlich um seine neue Freundin.
topic; topic of conversation
topics; topics of conversation
a popular topic
(based revolving) around a given topic
to turn to another topic
to get off the subject point; to stray from the topic; to go off on a tangent
to be slightly off-topic
to get off (the) track
a discussion on the topic of forest dieback
shelf life topic
This is a bit off topic but
The new boss has been the chief topic of conversation.
The main topic of conversation was his new girlfriend.
short-run behaviour
Kurzzeitversuch m
accelerated test
accelerated test
Kurzzeitversuch m
Kurzzeitversuche pl
accelerated test
accelerated tests
Wettervorhersage f; Wetterprognose f; Wetterbericht m meteo.
Wettervorhersagen pl; Wetterprognosen pl; Wetterberichte pl
kurzfristige Wettervorhersage; kurzfristige Prognose
langfristige Wettervorhersage; langfristige Prognose
numerische Wettervorhersage f
allgemeine Flugwettervorhersage
Flughafenwettervorhersage f
Flugwettervorhersage f
Gebietswettervorhersage f
Klimavorhersage f
Kürzestfristprognose f
Landewettervorhersage f (Kurzzeitwettervorhersage für Flugplätze)
Vorort-Landewettervorhersage f (Kurzzeitwettervorhersage für Flugplätze)
Flugplatzwettervorhersage f; Flugplatzvorhersage f
Wettervorhersage für den Ausweichflugplatz
weather forecast; weather prognosis; weather report; meteorological report
weather forecasts; weather prognoses; weather reports; meteorological reports
short-period weather forecast; short-range weather prognosis
long-period weather forecast; long-range weather prognosis
numerical forecasting
general aviation forecast GAFOR
airport weather forecast
flight weather forecast; aviation weather forecast; airways forecast
area forecast
climate forecast
very-short-range forecast
terminal aerodrome forecast TAF (short-period forecast supplied to airfields)
trend-type (landing) forecast; landing forecast (short-period on-site forecast supplied to airfields)
aerodrome forecast
alternate-aerodrome forecast

Deutsche Kurzzeitbelastung Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Kurzzeitbelastung Synonym nachschlagen

Englische short-time loading Synonyme

Kurzzeitbelastung Definition

Benting time
() The season when pigeons are said to feed on bents, before peas are ripe.
(a.) Receiving the charge at the breech instead of at the muzzle.
(a.) Brittle when cold
(a.) More or less brittle when heated
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Load
(n.) The act of putting a load on or into.
(n.) A load
(a.) Receiving its charge through the muzzle
(a.) Hot-short
(superl.) Not long
(superl.) Not extended in time
(superl.) Limited in quantity
(superl.) Insufficiently provided
(superl.) Deficient
(superl.) Not distant in time
(superl.) Limited in intellectual power or grasp
(superl.) Less important, efficaceous, or powerful
(superl.) Abrupt
(superl.) Breaking or crumbling readily in the mouth
(superl.) Brittle.
(superl.) Engaging or engaged to deliver what is not possessed
(adv.) Not prolonged, or relatively less prolonged, in utterance
(n.) A summary account.
(n.) The part of milled grain sifted out which is next finer than the bran.
(n.) Short, inferior hemp.
(n.) Breeches
(n.) A short sound, syllable, or vowel.
(adv.) In a short manner
(v. t.) To shorten.
(v. i.) To fail
(a.) Having short-breath, or quick respiration.
(a.) Having short life.
Short circuit
() A circuit formed or closed by a conductor of relatively low resistance because shorter or of relatively great conductivity.
(imp. & p. p.) of Short-circuit
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Short-circuit
(v. t.) To join, as the electrodes of a battery or dynamo or any two points of a circuit, by a conductor of low resistance.
(a.) Having little time to run from the date.
(a.) Short of, or lacking the regular number of, servants or helpers.
(a.) Having short intervals between the joints
(a.) Not living or lasting long
(a.) Speaking in a quick or short manner
(a.) Having a short waist.
(a.) Affected with shortness of breath
(a.) Having little wit
(n.) Duration, considered independently of any system of measurement or any employment of terms which designate limited portions thereof.
(n.) A particular period or part of duration, whether past, present, or future
(n.) The period at which any definite event occurred, or person lived
(n.) The duration of one's life
(n.) A proper time
(n.) Hour of travail, delivery, or parturition.

short-time loading Bedeutung

time the continuum of experience in which events pass from the future through the present to the past
short sale
short selling
sale of securities or commodity futures not owned by the seller (who hopes to buy them back later at a lower price)
short covering the purchase of securities or commodities by a short seller to close out a short sale
pursuit sideline
spare-time activity
an auxiliary activity
long whist
short whist
a card game for four players who form two partnerships, a pack of cards is dealt and each side scores one point for each trick it takes in excess of six
time and motion study
time-and-motion study
time-motion study
motion study
time study
work study
an analysis of a specific job in an effort to find the most efficient method in terms of time and effort
loading the labor of putting a load of something on or in a vehicle or ship or container etc., the loading took hours
the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed between second and third base
waste of time the devotion of time to a useless activity, the waste of time could prove fatal
cat sleep
forty winks
short sleep
sleeping for a short period of time (usually not in bed)
short division the operation of division in which the sequence of steps is performed without writing them out
time exposure exposure of a film for a relatively long time (more than half a second)
harvest time
the season for gathering crops
haying time
the season for cutting and drying and storing grass as fodder
break time out
a pause from doing something (as work), we took a -minute break, he took time out to recuperate
free time
spare time
time that is free from duties or responsibilities
sedge wren short-billed marsh wren
Cistothorus platensis
small American wren inhabiting wet sedgy meadows
harrier eagle
short-toed eagle
any of numerous large Old World hawks intermediate in some respects between typical hawks and typical eagles
short-tailed shrew
Blarina brevicauda
North American shrew with tail less than half its body length
German short-haired pointer liver or liver-and-white hunting dog developed in Germany,
pointer and
short-horned grasshopper
grasshopper with short antennae
load loading
goods carried by a large vehicle
character printer
character-at-a-time printer
serial printer
a printer that prints a single character at a time
dock loading dock a platform where trucks or trains can be loaded or unloaded
line printer
line-at-a-time printer
printer that serves as an output device on a computer, prints a whole line of characters at a time
loading burden
weight to be borne or conveyed
page printer
page-at-a-time printer
a printer that prints one page at a time
short the location on a baseball field where the shortstop is stationed
short circuit
accidental contact between two points in an electric circuit that have a potential difference
short iron an iron with a short shaft and pitched face, for hitting short high shots
short line a transportation system that operates over relatively short distances
short pants
trousers that end at or above the knee
short sleeve a sleeve extending from the shoulder to the elbow
stop bath
short-stop bath
an acid bath used to stop the action of a developer
time-ball a ball that slides down a staff to show a fixed time, especially at an observatory
time bomb
infernal machine
a bomb that has a detonating mechanism that can be set to go off at a particular time
time capsule container for preserving historical records to be discovered at some future time
time clock clock used to record the hours that people work
time-delay measuring instrument
time-delay measuring system
chronoscope for measuring the time difference between two events
time exposure a photograph produced with a relatively long exposure time
time-fuse a fuse made to burn for a given time (especially to explode a bomb)
time machine a science fiction machine that is supposed to transport people or objects into the past or the future
time-switch a switch set to operate at a desired time
time of origin
the oldness of wines
rhythm as given by division into parts of equal duration
light time distance measured in terms of the speed of light (or radio waves), the light time from Jupiter to the sun is approximately minutes
short bone
os breve
a bone that is of approximately equal dimension in all directions
short gastric artery
arteria gastrica breves
vasa brevis
several small arteries branching off of the splenic artery and going to the greater curvature of the stomach
short saphenous vein a vein running from the foot up the back of the leg to the knee
short-term memory
immediate memory
what you can repeat immediately after perceiving it
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