
London Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Stadt London
City of London
U-Bahn (London)
der Zug nach London
the train to London
gehen wir nach London
let's go to london
Gehen wir nach London!
Let's go to London!
Weltwirtschaftszentrum London
Wann kommt der Zug in London an?
When does the train reach London?
durch einen auf London gezogenen Scheck
by cheque drawn on London
zahlbar bei der Midlands Bank in London
payable at Midlands Bank London
'Der Seewolf' (von London Werktitel) lit.
'The Seawolf' (by London work title)
'Der Seewolf' (von London Werktitel) lit.
'The Seawolf' (by London work title)
Kensington n (Stadtteil von London) geogr.
Kensington (district of London)
'Der Seewolf' (von Jack London Werktitel) lit.
'The Sea-Wolf' (by Jack London work title)
'Vor Adams Zeiten' (von London Werktitel) lit.
'Before Adam' (by London work title)
'Das Mordbüro' (von Jack London Werktitel) lit.
'The Assassination Bureau Ltd' (by Jack London work title)
'Vor Adams Zeiten' (von London Werktitel) lit.
'Before Adam' (by London work title)
'König Alkohol' (von Jack London Werktitel) lit.
'John Barleycorn' (by Jack London work title)
'Der Ruf der Wildnis' (von London Werktitel) lit.
'The Call of the Wild' (by London work title)
'Ruf der Wildnis' (von Jack London Werktitel) lit.
'The Call of the Wild' (by Jack London work title)
'Der Ruf der Wildnis' (von London Werktitel) lit.
'The Call of the Wild' (by London work title)
London (Hauptstadt von Großbritannien und Nordirland)
London (capital of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
'Die eiserne Ferse' (von Jack London Werktitel) lit.
'The Iron Heel' (by Jack London work title)
'Lockruf des Goldes' (von Jack London Werktitel) lit.
'Burning Daylight' (by Jack London work title)
London (Hauptstadt von Großbritannien und Nordirland) geogr.
London (capital of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
'Die Meuterei auf der Elsinore' (von Jack London Werktitel) lit.
'The Mutiny of the Elsinore' (by Jack London work title)
Gilde f der Stadt London; traditioneller Londoner Berufsverband m
London livery company Br.; livery company of the City of London
Hauptsitz m; Zentrale f econ.
seinen Hauptsitz in London haben
to be headquartered in London
mit Sitz in ... (z. B. Firma); aus ... (Person)
ein Journalist aus London
...-based {adj}
a London-based journalist
Werbekarte f eines einer Prostituierten (in London)
Werbekarten von Prostituierten
tart card
tart cards
Werbekarte f eines
einer Prostituierten (in London)
Werbekarten von Prostituierten
tart card
tart cards
wissenschaftlich begleitet werden v (Projekt)
Das Projekt wird von der Universität London wissenschaftlich begleitet.
to be academically supervised (project)
This project is academically supervised by the University of London.
Hauptsitz m; Stammsitz m; Zentrale f; Hauptniederlassung f econ.
Konzernzentrale f
seinen Hauptsitz in London haben
group's headquarters
to be headquartered in London
Erprobung f; Probezeit f; Probevorstellung f
jdn. probeweise anstellen
In Oxford fand eine Probevorstellung des Stücks statt, bevor es nach London übersiedelte.
to give sb. a tryout
The play had a tryout in Oxford before it moved to London.
Erprobung f; Probezeit f; Probevorstellung f
jdn. probeweise anstellen
etw. ausprobieren
In Oxford fand eine Probevorstellung des Stücks statt bevor es nach London übersiedelte.
to give sb. a tryout
to give sth. a tryout
The play had a tryout in Oxford before it moved to London.
(an einem Ort) eintreffen; anlangen v (Person)
eintreffend; anlangend
eingetroffen; angelangt
trifft ein; langt ein
traf ein; langte an
eintrudeln ugs.
hereingeschneit kommen ugs.
Seid ihr gut angekommen?
Wann kommt der Zug in London an?
to arrive (in a place) (person)
arrives; reaches
arrived; reached
to arrive in dribs and drabs
to arrive out of the blue
Did you arrive safely?; Did you get there all right?
When does the train reach London?
Anfahrt f; Fahrt f transp.
Anfahrten pl; Fahrten pl
auf der Fahrt von und zur Arbeit
zu einem Ort eine lange Anfahrt haben
Die Fahrt ins Büro heute früh war schrecklich.
Die Fahrt von London nach Brighton dauert etwa eine Stunde.
Während der Fahrt ist es verboten mit dem Busfahrer zu sprechen.
journey Br.
on the journey to and from work
to have a long journey way to go to a place
I had a terrible journey to work this morning.
The journey from London to Brighton will take about one hour.
Don't talk to the bus driver during the journey whilst he is driving.
Anfahrt f; Fahrt f transp.
Anfahrten pl; Fahrten pl
auf der Fahrt von und zur Arbeit
zu einem Ort eine lange Anfahrt haben
Die Fahrt ins Büro heute früh war schrecklich.
Die Fahrt von London nach Brighton dauert etwa eine Stunde.
Während der Fahrt ist es verboten, mit dem Busfahrer zu sprechen.
journey Br.
on the journey to and from work
to have a long journey way to go to a place
I had a terrible journey to work this morning.
The journey from London to Brighton will take about one hour.
Don't talk to the bus driver during the journey whilst he is driving.
(an einem Ort) eintreffen; ankommen; anlangen v (Person)
eintreffend; ankommend; anlangend
eingetroffen; angekommen; angelangt
trifft ein; kommt an; langt an
traf ein; kam an; langte an
eintrudeln ugs.
hereingeschneit kommen ugs.
heil ankommen
Seid ihr gut angekommen?
Wann kommt der Zug in London an?
Sie kam mit dem Bus an.
to arrive (in a place) (person)
arrives; reaches
arrived; reached
to arrive in dribs and drabs
to arrive out of the blue
to arrive safely; to arrive safe and sound
Did you arrive safely?; Did you get there all right?
When does the train reach London?
She arrived by bus.
nach etw. noch etw. anderes tun; einer Sache etw. folgen lassen geh. v (Person)
Nach Ihrer Behandlung müssen Sie sich noch viel Ruhe gönnen.
Nach dem Essen genehmigte er sich noch ein Verdauungsschnäpschen.
Nach ihrem Auftritt in London spielt die Band noch fünf Konzerttermine in Australien.
Mit 50 veröffentlichte sie ihre erste Novelle und ließ einen Gedichtband folgen.
Der Bariton ließ seinem Erfolg als Don Pizarro einen Triumpf als Escamillo folgen.
to follow sth. with sth.; to follow up () sth. with sth. (of a person)
Follow your treatment with plenty of rest.
He followed his dinner with a little digestif.
The band follow (up) their appearance in London with five Australian concert dates.
At 50, she published her first novella and followed it (up) with a book of poems.
The baritone followed his success as Don Pizarro with a triumph as Escamillo.
etw. aufführen; vortragen; darbieten; spielen; geben veraltend v art
aufführend; vortragend; darbietend; spielend; gebend
aufgeführt; vorgetragen; dargeboten; gespielt; gegeben
nicht aufgeführt
ein Theaterstück aufführen
Vorführungen im Stil der Renaissance darbieten
die Rolle des König Lear spielen; den König Lear spielen
Das Musical ist in London schon einmal aufgeführt worden.
Die Walisische Folkgruppe wird auf der Nebenbühne spielen.
Was spielen sie heute Abend?; Was wird heute Abend gespielt?; Was wird heute Abend gegeben? geh. veraltend; Was gibt's heute Abend (zu sehen)?
to perform sth.
to perform a play
to perform renaissance-style entertainments
to perform the part role of King Lear; to play King Lear
The musical comedy has already been performed in London.
The Welsh folk band will be performing on the side stage.
What's on tonight?

Deutsche London Synonyme


Englische City of London Synonyme

city  Bowery  Chinatown  East End  East Side  Kreis  Little Hungary  Little Italy  Stadt  West End  West Side  archbishopric  archdiocese  arrondissement  bailiwick  banlieue  barrio  bishopric  black ghetto  blighted area  boom town  borough  bourg  burg  burgh  burghal  business district  canton  central city  citified  city center  civic  commune  congressional district  constablewick  conurbation  core  county  departement  diocese  district  downtown  duchy  electoral district  electorate  exurb  exurbia  faubourg  ghetto  ghost town  government  greater city  greenbelt  hamlet  hundred  inner city  interurban  magistracy  market town  megalopolis  metropolis  metropolitan  metropolitan area  midtown  municipal  municipality  oblast  okrug  oppidan  outskirts  parish  polis  precinct  principality  province  red-light district  region  residential district  riding  run-down neighborhood  see  sheriffalty  sheriffwick  shire  shopping center  shrievalty  skid road  skid row  slum  slums  soke  spread city  stake  state  suburb  suburban  suburbia  suburbs  tenderloin  tenement district  territory  town  township  uptown  urban  urban blight  urban complex  urban sprawl  urbs  village  ville  wapentake  ward  
city dweller  big-city man  bourgeois  burgess  burgher  city man  city slicker  exurbanite  oppidan  suburbanite  townee  towner  townfolk  townfolks  townsman  townspeople  townswoman  urbanite  villager  villageress  
city father  MP  Member of Congress  Member of Parliament  alderman  archon  assemblyman  bailie  burghermaster  burgomaster  cabinet member  cabinet minister  chancellor  chosen freeholder  city councilman  city manager  commissar  commissioner  congressman  congresswoman  councillor  councilman  councilwoman  county commissioner  county supervisor  elder  floor leader  headman  induna  lawgiver  lawmaker  legislator  lord mayor  magistrate  maire  majority leader  mayor  minister  minister of state  minority leader  party whip  portreeve  reeve  representative  secretary  secretary of state  selectman  senator  solon  state senator  supervisor  syndic  undersecretary  warden  whip  
city hall  American Party  Anti-Monopoly Party  Bull Moose Party  Communist Party  Conservative Party  Constitutional Union Party  Democratic Party  Democratic-Republican Party  Farmer-Labor Party  Federalist Party  Free Soil Party  Greenback Party  Know-Nothing Party  Labour Party  Liberal Party  Liberal Republican Party  Liberty Party  National Republican Party  Populist Party  Progressive Party  Prohibition Party  Republican Party  Socialist Labor Party  Socialist Party  Socialist Workers Party  Tammany Hall  Tory Party  Whig Party  camp  capitol  community center  county building  county courthouse  courthouse  faction  fire station  firehouse  machine  major party  minor party  multiple party system  municipal building  one-party system  opposition party  party  party in power  police headquarters  police station  political machine  political party  precinct house  splinter party  statehouse  third party  town hall  two-party system  
city manager  alderman  archon  bailie  burghermaster  burgomaster  cabinet member  cabinet minister  chancellor  city councilman  city father  commissar  commissioner  councillor  councilman  councilwoman  county commissioner  county supervisor  elder  headman  induna  legislator  lord mayor  magistrate  maire  mayor  minister  minister of state  portreeve  reeve  secretary  secretary of state  selectman  supervisor  syndic  undersecretary  warden  
city slicker  big-city man  bourgeois  burgess  burgher  city dweller  city man  cosmopolitan  cosmopolite  exurbanite  man of experience  man-about-town  oppidan  slicker  sophisticate  suburbanite  townee  towner  townfolk  townfolks  townsman  townspeople  townswoman  urbanite  villager  villageress  
city state  ally  archduchy  archdukedom  body politic  buffer state  captive nation  chieftaincy  chieftainry  colony  commonweal  commonwealth  country  county  domain  dominion  duchy  dukedom  earldom  empery  empire  free city  grand duchy  kingdom  land  mandant  mandate  mandated territory  mandatee  mandatory  nation  nationality  polis  polity  possession  power  principality  principate  protectorate  province  puppet government  puppet regime  realm  republic  satellite  seneschalty  settlement  sovereign nation  state  sultanate  superpower  territory  toparchia  toparchy  

London Definition

(n.) A large town.
(n.) A corporate town
(n.) The collective body of citizens, or inhabitants of a city.
(a.) Of or pertaining to a city.
(n.) The capital city of England.

City of London Bedeutung

city planning
town planning
urban planning
determining and drawing up plans for the future physical arrangement and condition of a community
city hall a building that houses administrative offices of a municipal government
city university an urban university in a large city
Tower of London a fortress in London on the Thames, used as a palace and a state prison and now as a museum containing the crown jewels
Celestial City
City of God
Heavenly City
Holy City
phrases used to refer to Heaven, the Celestial City was Christian's goal in Bunyan's `Pilgrim's Progress'
the City used to allude to the securities industry of Great Britain
city desk
city room
the editorial department of a newspaper that edits the local news
city state
a state consisting of a sovereign city
people living in a large densely populated municipality, the city voted for Republicans in
Royal Society
Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge
an honorary English society (formalized inand given a royal charter by Charles II in ) through which the British government has supported science
city council a municipal body that can pass ordinances and appropriate funds etc.
city line the boundary of a city
city center
city centre
central city
the central part of a city
urban center
a large and densely populated urban area, may include several independent administrative districts, Ancient Troy was a great city
city district a district of a town or city
city an incorporated administrative district established by state charter, the city raised the tax rate
city limit
city limits
the limits of the area occupied by a city or town
inner city the older and more populated and (usually) poorer central section of a city
city block
a rectangular area in a city surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings, he lives in the next block
Forbidden City a walled section of Beijing that encloses the palace that was formerly the residence of the emperor of China
Guatemala City
capital of Guatemala
the capital and largest city of Guatemala
Panama City
capital of Panama
Panamanian capital
the capital and largest city of Panama
Mexico City
Ciudad de Mexico
Mexican capital
capital of Mexico
the capital and largest city of Mexico is a political and cultural and commercial and industrial center, one of the world's largest cities
Eternal City
Italian capital
capital of Italy
capital and largest city of Italy, on the Tiber, seat of the Roman Catholic Church, formerly the capital of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire
Quebec Quebec City the French-speaking capital of the province of Quebec, situated on the Saint Lawrence River
City of Bridges
a city in northwestern Belgium that is connected by canal to the North Sea, in the th century it was a leading member of the Hanseatic League, the old city (known as the City of Bridges) is a popular tourist attraction
Greater London
British capital
capital of the United Kingdom
the capital and largest city of England, located on the Thames in southeastern England, financial and industrial and cultural center
City of London
the City
the part of London situated within the ancient boundaries, the commercial and financial center of London
City of Westminster
a borough of Greater London on the Thames, contains Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey
capital of Tibet
Forbidden City
the sacred city of Lamaism, known as the Forbidden City for its former inaccessibility and hostility to strangers
Naha City the chief city in the Ryukyu Islands
Kuwait Kuwait City
Koweit capital of Kuwait
a seaport on the Persian Gulf and capital of Kuwait
City of Light
French capital
capital of France
the capital and largest city of France, and international center of culture and commerce
Luxembourg Luxemburg Luxembourg City
capital of Luxembourg
the capital and largest city of Luxembourg
Cebu City
an important seaport on the island of Cebu in the Philippines
Quezon City city on Luzon adjoining Manila
Sun City a residential suburb of Phoenix
Los Angeles
City of the Angels
a city in southern California, motion picture capital of the world, most populous city of California and second largest in the United States
Mile-High City
capital of Colorado
the state capital and largest city of Colorado, located in central Colorado on the South Platte river
New London a town in southeastern Connecticut near Long Island Sound, an important whaling center in the th century
Panama City a resort and fishing town on the Gulf of Mexico in northwest Florida
Windy City
largest city in Illinois, a bustling Great Lakes port that extends miles along the southwestern shoreline of Lake Michigan
Mason City a town in north central Iowa
Sioux City a city in northeastern Iowa where the Big Sioux River joins the Missouri
Dodge City a town of southwestern Kansas on the Arkansas River, formerly a rowdy cow town
Kansas City a city of northeast Kansas on the Missouri River adjacent to Kansas City, Missouri
Morgan City a town in southeast Louisiana to the south of Baton Rouge
Motor City
the largest city in Michigan and a major Great Lakes port, center of the United States automobile industry, located in southeastern Michigan on the Detroit river across from Windsor
Traverse City a town in northern Michigan on an arm of Lake Michigan
Jefferson City
capital of Missouri
capital of the state of Missouri, located in central Missouri on the Missouri river
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London ist die Hauptstadt des Vereinigten Königreichs und des Landesteils England. Die Stadt liegt an der Themse in Südostengland auf der Insel Großbritannien. Das heutige Verwaltungsgebiet mit den insgesamt 33 Stadtbezirken entstand 1965 mit der Gründung von Greater London. Dort lebten 2014 laut Schätzung rund 8,5 Millionen Menschen, davon rund 3,3 Millionen in den 13 Stadtbezirken von Inner London. London ist damit die bevölkerungsreichste Stadt der Europäischen Union sowie mit 13,6 Millionen Menschen in der London Metropolitan Area noch vor Paris die größte Metropolregion der EU.