
Managementzugriff Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Managementzugriff m
management access
Managementzugriff m
management access
Beziehung zw. Management und Gewerkschaft
industrial relations
Management durch Motivierung
management by motivation
Management durch Zielvorgaben
management by objectives
Aufkauf m
Aufkauf einer Kapitalgesellschaft durch eigenes Management durch externe Finanzierung econ.
buying up, byout
leveraged buyout
Informationsfluss m
ungefilterter vertikaler Informationsfluss direkt zum Management
flow of information, information flow
Inhaltsverwaltungssystem n, Content Management System n comp.
content management system (CMS)
Lebenszyklus-Management n econ.
life cycle management
Management n, Leitung f
mittleres Management
strategisches Management
middle management
strategic management
Management-Buy-Out n econ.
management buyout, MBO
Management-Schulung f
management training
Netzwerk-Verwaltung f, Netzwerk-Management n
network management
Versorgungskettenmanagement n, Lieferkettenmanagement n, Supply Chain Management n econ.
supply chain management (SCM)
geschäftlich, leitend adj, Management ...
Geschäftsführung, Management
Management, Geschäftsführung
Aufkauf m
Aufkauf einer Kapitalgesellschaft durch eigenes Management durch externe Finanzierung econ.
buying up; buyout
leveraged buyout
Biotop-Management n biol. envir.
habitat management
Führung f; Lenkung f; Beherrschung f (von etw.)
Risikobeherrschung f
verantwortungsvolle Regierungsführung Unternehmensführung
Stadtmanagement n; städtisches Management
governance (of sth.)
risk governance
good governance
urban governance
Führungsebene f
mittlere Führungsebene; die mittleren Führungskräfte; mittleres Management
auf der mittleren Führungsebene
auf der Führungsebene
management level; managerial level
middle management
at middle management level
at the managerial level
Geschäftsleitung f; Geschäftsführung f; Management n econ.
Dezentralisierung der Geschäftsleitung
strategisches Management
(company) management mangt ; managerial staff; management board; executive officers Am.
decentralization of the management
strategic management
Hauptperson f; Hauptakteur m
Hauptpersonen pl; Hauptakteure pl
Sie hält die Familie Firma Mannschaft zusammen.
Planung ist das A und O beim Management.
She is the kingpin of the family company team.
Planning is the kingpin of management.
Informationsfluss m
ungefilterter vertikaler Informationsfluss direkt zum Management
flow of information; information flow
Management-Buy-Out n econ.
management buyout; MBO
Netz-Verwaltung f; Netz-Management n
network management
Qualitätsmanagement n QM
umfassendes Qualitätsmanagement; Total Quality Management
quality management QM
total quality management TQM
Versorgungskettenmanagement n; Lieferkettenmanagement n; Supply Chain Management n econ.
supply chain management SCM
geschäftlich; leitend adj; Management ...
schlank; effizient adj (Organisation)
schlankes Management
lean management
teilweise; zum Teil adv
Blinde und Sehbehinderte
ganz oder teilweise
teils wegen ... teils wegen
nur zum Teil erfolgreich sein
Das liegt zum Teil daran dass ...
Das Ergebnis ist teils belustigend teils ärgerlich.
Die Straße ist durch umgestürzte Bäume teilweise blockiert.
Die Probleme sind teilweise auf schlechtes Management zurückzuführen.
Die Krankheit ist zumindest teilweise psychologisch bedingt.
Das stimmt nur zum Teil.
in part; partly; partially (formal)
the blind and partially sighted
in whole or in part; wholly or partly
partly because of ... and partly because of ...
to be only partially successful
This is partly because ...
The result is partly amusing and partly annoying.
The road is partly partially blocked by fallen trees.
The problems are partly due to bad management.
The cause of the illness is at least in part psychological.; The cause of the illness is in part at least psychological.
This is only partially partly true.; This is only true in part.
Management-Buy-in (Abk.: MBI) (Ãœbernahme eines Unternehmesn durch ein extrernes Management) econ.
management buy-in (abbr.: MBI)
Chefetage f; Führungsriege f; Management n
Chefetagen pl; Führungsriegen pl
front office Am.
front offices
Führungsebene f; Leitungsebene f
mittlere Führungsebene; die mittleren Führungskräfte; mittleres Management
oberste Leitungsebene; oberste Führungsschicht
auf der mittleren Führungsebene
auf der Führungsebene
management level; managerial level; executive level
middle management
top-level management; top executive level
at middle management level
at the managerial level
Geldgeber m; Kapitalgeber m; Finanzier m; Financier m Ös. Schw. fin.
Geldgeber pl; Kapitalgeber pl; Finanziere pl; Financiere pl
die internationalen Geldgeber
das Verhältnis zwischen Management und Kapitalgebern
Geberland n; Gebernation f
donor; funder; provider of funds; lender of capital; lender
donors; funders; providers of funds; lenders of capital; lenders
the international donors
the relationship between management and capital investors
donor country; donor nation
Geschäftsleitung f; Geschäftsführung f; Management n econ.
Dezentralisierung der Geschäftsleitung
strategisches Management
(company) management mangt ; managerial staff; management board; executive officers Am.
decentralization of the management
strategic management
Management-Buy-in n MBI (Ãœbernahme eines Unternehmesn durch ein externes Management) econ.
management buy-in MBI
Management-Buy-out n econ.
management buyout MBO
Qualitätsmanagement n QM
umfassendes Qualitätsmanagement; Total Quality Management
quality management QM
total quality management TQM
Versorgungskettenmanagement n; Lieferkettenmanagement n; Supply Chain Management n econ.
supply chain management SCM
geschäftlich; leitend adj; Management …
teilweise; zum Teil adv
Blinde und Sehbehinderte
ganz oder teilweise
teils wegen … teils wegen
nur zum Teil erfolgreich sein
Das liegt zum Teil daran, dass …
Das Ergebnis ist teils belustigend, teils ärgerlich.
Die Straße ist durch umgestürzte Bäume teilweise blockiert.
Die Probleme sind teilweise auf schlechtes Management zurückzuführen.
Die Krankheit ist zumindest teilweise psychologisch bedingt.
Das stimmt nur zum Teil.
in part; part; partly; partially formal
the blind and partially sighted
in whole or in part; wholly or partly
partly because of … and partly because of …
to be only partially successful
This is partly because …
The result is partly part amusing and partly part annoying.
The road is partly partially blocked by fallen trees.
The problems are partly due to bad management.
The cause of the illness is at least in part psychological.; The cause of the illness is, in part at least, psychological.
This is only partially partly part true.; This is only true in part.
Management-Buy-in n MBI (Ãœbernahme eines Unternehmesn durch ein extrernes Management) econ.
management buy-in MBI
leitend; geschäftsleitend adj; Management-; Manager-
managerial {adj}
Rang m; Ebene f; Lage f
Ränge pl; Ebenen pl; Lagen pl
Managementebene f
zweite Führungsebene f
tier of management
second tier
Führungserfahrung f; Managementerfahrung f
leadership experience; management experience; executive experience
Managementfähigkeiten pl adm.
managerial skills; management skills
Leitungsfunktion f; Führungsfunktion f; Managementfunktion f
Leitungsfunktionen pl; Führungsfunktionen pl; Managementfunktionen pl
management function; leadership function
management functions; leadership functions
etw. lesen v stud.
Zur Zeit liest er strategisches Marketing am Managementinstitut.
to lecture sth.
At pretent he is lecturing strategic marketing at the Institute of Management.
Managementkapazitäten pl; Managementressourcen pl econ.
management resources
Managementmethoden pl
management methods
Managementprozess m; Managementverfahren n
Managementprozesse pl; Managementverfahren pl
management process
management processes
Managementprüfung f
management review
Managementsystem n
Managementsysteme pl
integriertes Managementsystem
Managementsystem für die Informationssicherheit
management system
management systems
integrated management system IMS
information security management system ISMS
Managementsystem n; Verwaltungssystem n
Managementsysteme pl; Verwaltungssysteme pl
integriertes Managementsystem
Auftrags-Verwaltungssystem n
Managementsystem für die Informationssicherheit
management system; administrative system
management systems; administrative systems
integrated management system IMS
order management system
information security management system ISMS
Managementzugriff m
management access

Deutsche Managementzugriff Synonyme

Englische management access Synonyme

management  accomplishment  achievement  acme  action  administration  agency  archon  auspices  austerity  austerity program  authority  authorization  be-all and end-all  blue ribbon  board  board of directors  board of regents  board of trustees  bosses  bureaucracy  cabinet  cadre  canniness  care  carefulness  championship  chancellor  charge  chariness  chief executive  chief executive officer  civil government  command  commission  completion  conduct  control  council  cure  custodianship  custody  dean  directing  direction  directorate  directors  directorship  directory  discharge  discipline  dispatch  dispensation  disposition  dominion  driving  economic planning  economicalness  economy  economy of means  effectiveness  effectuation  empery  empire  employment  enactment  execution  executive  executive arm  executive committee  executive director  executive hierarchy  executive officer  executive secretary  executives  exercise  exploitation  false economy  first place  first prize  forehandedness  form of government  frugality  frugalness  functioning  good management  governance  governing board  governing body  government  guardianship  guidance  handling  hands  headship  hegemony  height  hierarchy  higher echelons  higher-ups  highest  husbandry  imperium  implementation  influence  infrastructure  intendance  interlocking directorate  jurisdiction  keeping  kingship  lead  leadership  leading  lordship  magistrate  managery  managing  managing director  manipulation  mastership  mastery  maximum  means of dealing  ministry  most  ne plus ultra  new high  occupation  officer  official  officialdom  operancy  operation  ordering  oversight  palms  paramountcy  parsimoniousness  parsimony  pastorage  pastorate  pastorship  patronage  performance  performing  perpetration  pilotage  political organization  polity  power  practice  prefect  prelacy  presidency  president  prexy  primacy  protectorship  providence  provost  prudence  prudential admi  

Managementzugriff Definition

(n.) A coming to, or near approach
(n.) The means, place, or way by which a thing may be approached
(n.) Admission to sexual intercourse.
(n.) Increase by something added
(n.) An onset, attack, or fit of disease.
(n.) A paroxysm
(v.) The act or art of managing
(v.) Business dealing
(v.) Judicious use of means to accomplish an end
(v.) The collective body of those who manage or direct any enterprise or interest

management access Bedeutung

access the act of approaching or entering, he gained access to the building
port-access coronary bypass surgery heart surgery in which a coronary bypass is performed by the use of small instruments and tiny cameras threaded through small incisions while the heart is stopped and blood is pumped through a heart-lung machine
management control an internal control performed by one or more managers
the act of managing something, he was given overall management of the program, is the direction of the economy a function of government?
database management creation and maintenance of a database
line management administration of the activities contributing directly to an organization's output
a way of entering or leaving, he took a wrong turn on the access to the bridge
access memory access (computer science) the operation of reading or writing stored information
access road
slip road
a short road giving access to an expressway, in Britain they call an access road a slip road
disk access memory access to the computer disk on which information is stored
door room access
the entrance (the space in a wall) through which you enter or leave a room or building, the space that a door can close, he stuck his head in the doorway
random-access memory
random access memory
random memory
RAM read
the most common computer memory which can be used by programs to perform necessary tasks while the computer is on, an integrated circuit memory chip allows information to be stored or accessed in any order and all storage locations are equally accessible
access the right to obtain or make use of or take advantage of something (as services or membership)
the right to enter
industrial engineering
industrial management
the branch of engineering that deals with the creation and management of systems that integrate people and materials and energy in productive ways
access code
a code (a series of characters or digits) that must be entered in some way (typed or dialed or spoken) to get the use of something (a telephone line or a computer or a local area network etc.)
database management system
a software system that facilitates the creation and maintenance and use of an electronic database
relational database management system a database management system designed to manage a relational database
object-oriented database management system a database management system designed to manage an object-oriented database
management consulting a service industry that provides advice to those in charge of running a business
Federal Emergency Management Agency
an independent agency of the United States government that provides a single point of accountability for all federal emergency preparedness and mitigation and response activities
Office of Management and Budget
the executive agency that advises the President on the federal budget
Financial Management Service the federal agency in the Treasury Department that manages the government's disbursement and collection systems and provides central accounting and financial reporting
management those in charge of running a business
management personnel personnel having overall planning and direction responsibilities
management consultant adviser to business about efficient management practices
distributed data processing
remote-access data processing
data processing in which some of the functions are performed in different places and connected by transmission facilities
access time (computer science) the interval between the time data is requested by the system and the time the data is provided by the drive, access time is the sum of seek time and rotational latency and command processing overhead
get at
reach or gain access to, How does one access the attic in this house?, I cannot get to the T.V. antenna, even if I climb on the roof
de-access dispose of by selling, the museum sold off its collection of French impressionists to raise money, the publishing house sold off one of its popular magazines
access obtain or retrieve from a storage device, as of information on a computer
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