
Mar Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Pampashase m, Mara m zool.
Pampashasen pl, Maras pl
mara, pampas hare (Dolichotis)
maras, pampas hares
Pampashase m; Mara m zool.
Pampashasen pl; Maras pl
mara; pampas hare (Dolichotis)
maras; pampas hares
Dolichotis-Maras pl (Dolichotis) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Großer Pampashase m; Großer Mara m (Dolichotis patagonum)
Kleiner Pampashase m; Kleiner Mara m; Zwergmara m (Dolichotis salinicola)
dolichotis maras (zoological genus)
Patagonian mara
Chacoan mara
Pampashasen pl; Maras pl (Dolichotinae) (zoologische Unterfamilie) zool. <Mara>
Patagonian hares; Patagonian cavies; maras (zoological subfamily)
Marañón m (Fluss) geogr.
Marañón (river)
Marabu m ornith.
Marabou Stork
Marabus pl (Leptoptilos) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Marabu m (Leptoptilos crumeniferus)
Argala-Marabu m; Großer Adjutant m (Leptoptilos dubius)
Sunda-Marabu m; Java-Marabu m; Malaienstorch m (Leptoptilos javanicus)
leptoptilos storks (zoological genus)
marabou stork
greater adjutant stork; greater adjutant
lesser adjutant stork; lesser adjutant
Marabut m relig.
Maracaibo (Stadt in Venezuela)
Maracaibo (city in Venezuela)
Maracaibo-See m geogr.
Lake Maracaibo
Maracaibo (Stadt in Venezuela) geogr.
Maracaibo (city in Venezuela)
Maracana ornith.
Illiger's Macaw
Rotrückenara m; Marakana m (Primolius maracana) ornith.
Illiger's macaw; blue-winged macaw
Maracay (Stadt in Venezuela)
Maracay (city in Venezuela)
Maracay (Stadt in Venezuela) geogr.
Maracay (city in Venezuela)
Maracuja f, Passionsfrucht f bot. cook.
passion fruit
Passionsblumen pl (Passiflora) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Passionsfrucht f; Maracuja f (Passiflora edulis)
passion flowers; passion vines (botanical genus)
passion fruit; purple granadilla South Africa
Maracujasaft m
passion fruit nectar
Maracujasaft m cook.
passion fruit nectar
Saft m cook.
Säfte pl
Apfelsaft m
Gemüsesaft m
Grapefruitsaft m; Pampelmusensaft m Norddt. Westdt. Mitteldt. selten
Heidelbeersaft m; Blaubeerensaft m Nordwestdt. Mitteldt.; Bickbeerensaft m Norddt.; Waldbeerensaft m Mittelwestdt.; Taubeerensaft m Bayr.; Schwarzbeerensaft m Mittelös. Westös.; Moosbeerensaft m Westös.; Heubeerensaft m Schw.
Himbeersaft m
Karottensaft m; Möhrensaft m Mitteldt. Ostdt.; Gelbrübensaft m BW; Rüeblisaft m Schw.
Kirschsaft m
Maracujasaft m
Orangensaft m; Apfelsinensaft m selten
Pflaumensaft m Norddt. Mitteldt.; Zwetschgensaft m Dt. Schw.; Zwetschensaft m Norddt.; Quetschensaft m Süddt.; Zwetschkensaft m Ös.
Tomatensaft m
Traubensaft m
Zitronensaft m
den Saft auspressen
apple juice
vegetable juice
grapefruit juice
blueberry juice; bilberry juice; whortleberry juice
raspberry juice
carrot juice
cherry juice
passion fruit nectar
orange juice
plum juice
tomato juice
grape juice
lemon juice; lemon-juice
to press out the juice
Kurznasen-Maräne f zool. (Fischart)
shortnose cisco
Zwergmaräne f, Kleine Maräne f zool. (Fischart)
Zwergmaräne f; Kleine Maräne f zool. (Fischart)
Coregonen pl; Schnäpel pl; Maränen pl Norddt.; Reinanken pl; Renken pl Bayr. Ös.; Felchen pl Schw. (Coregonus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
whitefishes (zoological genus)
martensitaushärtbar adj techn.
Maraging-Stahl, martensitaushärtender Stahl
maraging steel
martensitaushärtbar adj techn.
Maraging-Stahl; martensitaushärtender Stahl
maraging steel
Marailguan m ornith.
Marail Guan
Jaborandisträucher pl (Pilocarpus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gewöhnlicher Jaborandistrauch m; Pernambuco-Jaborandistrauch m; Jaborandiblatt n (Pilocarpus jaborandi)
Maranhao-Jaborandistrauch m (Pilocarpus microphyllus)
jaborandi bushes (botanical genus)
Pernambuco jaborandi; Maranham jaborandi; Paraguay jaborandi
Maranhao jaborandi
Marañón m (Fluss) geogr.
Marañón (river)
Maranonbandvogel m ornith.
Maranon Crescentchest
Maranondrossel f ornith.
Maranon Thrush
Maranonschlüpfer m ornith.
Maranon Spinetail
Pfeilwurze pl (Maranta) (botanische Gattung) bot.
arrowroots; prayer plants (botanical genus)
Pfeilwurzgewächse pl (Marantaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
marantaceous plants; arrowroot family; prayer-plant family (botanical family)
Sauerkirschbaum m; Sauerkirschenbaum m; Sauerkirsche f; Weichselbaum m Bayr. Ös. Schw. (Prunus cerasus)
Amarenakirsche f (Prunus cerasus var. amarena)
Baumsauerkirsche f (Prunus cerasus subsp. cerasus)
Maraskakirsche f (Prunus cerasus var. marasca)
Strauchige Sauerkirsche f; Strauchsauerkirsche f; Strauchweichsel f; Schattenmorelle f (Prunus cerasus subsp. acida)
Süßweichsel f; Morelle f (Prunus cerasus var. austera L.)
Wasserkirsche f; Glaskirsche f; Amarelle f (Prunus cerasus var. cerasus)
wild sour cherry tree; sour cherry tree; dwarf cherry tree Br.
amarena cherry
tree sour cherry
marasca cherry; Dalmatian cherry
bush sour cherry
black sour cherry, morello cherry; morello
amarelle cherry; amarelle
Maraschino m (klarer Fruchtlikör aus Maraskakirschen)
Maraschino; maraschino (clear liqueur from Marasca cherries)
Cocktailkirsche f cook.
Cocktailkirschen pl
Belegkirsche f
Maraschinokirsche f
cocktail cherry
cocktail cherries
cocktail cherry for decoration
maraschino cherry
Schwindlinge pl (Marasmius) (Pilzgattung) biol.
marasmius (genus of fungi)
Marasmus m (Form der Mangelernährung) med.
Marathon m, Marathonlauf m sport
Marathonläufe pl
marathon, marathon race
marathon races
Marathon m; Marathonlauf m sport
Marathonläufe pl
marathon; marathon race
marathon races
Marathonläufer m; Marathonläuferin f sport
Marathonläufer pl; Marathonläuferinnen pl
marathon runner
marathon runners
Marathonlaufen n sport
marathon running
Versammlung f; Sitzung f; Besprechung f
Versammlungen pl; Sitzungen pl; Besprechungen pl
Marathonsitzung f
nichtöffentliche Sitzung
auf der Versammlung; bei der Besprechung
geschäftliche Besprechung
die Sitzung eröffnen schließen
eine Versammlung abhalten
jumbo meeting
non-public meting
at the meeting
business meeting
to open close the meeting
to hold a meeting
Versammlung f; Sitzung f; Besprechung f
Versammlungen pl; Sitzungen pl; Besprechungen pl
Marathonsitzung f
nichtöffentliche Sitzung
auf der Versammlung; bei der Besprechung
geschäftliche Besprechung
die Sitzung eröffnen schließen
eine Versammlung abhalten
jumbo meeting
non-public meeting
at the meeting
business meeting
to open close the meeting
to hold a meeting
Hainbinsen pl; Hainsimsen pl; Marbel pl (Luzula) (botanische Gattung) bot.
woodrushes (botanical genus)
Murmel f; Schusser m Ös.; Marbel f
Murmeln pl; Schusser pl; Marbeln pl
Marburg (Stadt in Hessen) geogr.
Marburg (city in Hessen Germany)
Marburg (Stadt in Hessen) geogr.
Marburg (city in Hessen, Germany)
Marburger adj
Marburg; Marburg-based
Marburger m; Marburgerin f (Bewohner Marburgs)
Marburg resident
Marcapataschlüpfer m ornith.
Marcapata Spinetail
gegenüber prp; +Dat. von jdm. etw. (Ortsangabe)
gegenüber dem Rathaus; dem Rathaus gegenüber
an der Wand gegenüber der Tür
Die Leute die uns gegenüber sitzen kommen mir bekannt vor.
Sophia Loren spielte in vielen Filmen neben Marcello Mastroianni.
Sie saßen sich gegenüber.
Die Bank ist gleich gegenüber von der Kirche.
opposite sb. sth.; across sb. sth. (expression of place)
opposite the town hall
on the wall opposite the door
The people sitting opposite us look familiar to me.
Sophia Loren played opposite Marcello Mastroianni in many films.
They sat opposite one another.
The bank is just across the way street from the church.
gegenüber prp; +Dat. von jdm. etw. (Ortsangabe)
gegenüber dem Rathaus; dem Rathaus gegenüber
an der Wand gegenüber der Tür
Die Leute, die uns gegenüber sitzen, kommen mir bekannt vor.
Sophia Loren spielte in vielen Filmen neben Marcello Mastroianni.
Sie saßen sich gegenüber.
Die Bank ist gleich gegenüber von der Kirche.
opposite sb. sth.; across sb. sth. (expression of place)
opposite the town hall
on the wall opposite the door
The people sitting opposite us look familiar to me.
Sophia Loren played opposite Marcello Mastroianni in many films.
They sat opposite one another.
The bank is just across the way street from the church.
March f (Fluss) geogr.
Morava (river)
Lebermoose pl (Marchantiophyta) (botanische Abteilung) bot.
liverworts; hepatics (botanical division)
Spur f; Fährte f
Spuren pl; Fährten pl
auf den Spuren von Marco Polo Shakespeare etc.
Er flog am Dritten nach Katmandu und dort verliert sich seine Spur.
on the trail of Marco Polo Shakespeare etc.
On the third he took a flight to Kathmandu and (from) there the trail went cold.
Spur f; Fährte f
Spuren pl; Fährten pl
auf den Spuren von Marco Polo Shakespeare usw.
jds. Spur des Verbrechers aufnehmen
einem Geheimnis usw. auf die Spur kommen
Er flog am Dritten nach Katmandu und dort verliert sich seine Spur.
on the trail of Marco Polo Shakespeare etc.
to pick up the criminal's trail
to get on the trail of a mystery etc.
On the third he took a flight to Kathmandu and (from) there the trail went cold.
Marcos' Torpedobarsch m (Hoplolatilus marcosi) zool.
skunk tilefish
jdn. marcoumarisieren; marcumarisieren v tm med.
to administer an anticoagulant to sb.
Marcoumarisierung f; Marcumarisierung f tm med.
administration of an anticoagulant
Marcus Fabius Quintilianus (auch Quintilian, röm. Rhetoriker der Antike) hist.
Marcus Fabius Quintilianus (also Quintilian, ancient Roman rhetorician)
Caracalla; Marcus Aurelius Severus Antoninus Augustus (römischer Kaiser) hist.
Caracalla; Marcus Aurelius Severus Antoninus Augustus; Antoninus (Roman Emperor)
Marder m zool.
Marder pl

Deutsche Mar Synonyme

Englische mara pampas hare Synonyme

maraca  battery  bells  bones  castanets  celesta  chime  chimes  clappers  crash cymbal  cymbals  finger cymbals  gamelan  glockenspiel  gong  handbells  idiophone  lyra  marimba  metallophone  orchestral bells  percussion  percussion instrument  percussions  percussive  rattle  rattlebones  sizzler  snappers  tam-tam  tintinnabula  tonitruone  triangle  tubular bells  vibes  vibraphone  xylophone  
marathon  Arica movement  Erhard Seminars Training  Le Mans  New Consciousness  Pentothal interview  SAT  T-group  air race  assertiveness training  automobile race  behavior modification  behavior therapy  bicycle race  bioenergetics  biofeedback  boat race  confrontation therapy  conjoint therapy  consciousness raising  contest of speed  counseling  cross-country race  dash  derby  directive therapy  dog race  drag race  drawn-out  encounter therapy  endurance race  est  extended  family training  feminist therapy  footrace  gestalt therapy  group psychotherapy  group relations training  group sensitivity training  group therapy  heat  humanistic therapy  hurdle race  hypnoanalysis  hypnosis  hypnotherapy  hypnotism  interminable  languishing  lap  lasting  lengthened  lingering  long  long-continuing  long-drawn  long-drawn-out  long-pending  long-winded  marathon race  marriage encounter  match race  mind cure  motorcycle race  narcoanalysis  narcohypnosis  narcosynthesis  narcotherapy  nondirective therapy  obstacle race  occupational therapy  overlong  pastoral counseling  play therapy  potato race  primal therapy  prolonged  prolonged narcosis  protracted  psychodrama  psychological counseling  psychosurgery  psychosynthesis  psychotherapeutics  psychotherapy  race  radical therapy  rational-emotive therapy  reality therapy  recreational therapy  regatta  regression therapy  relay  relay race  release therapy  road race  run  sack race  scream therapy  sensitivity training  sensory awareness training  sleep treatment  speedway race  sprint  sprint race  spun-out  stock-car race  stretched-out  supportive therapy  three-legged race  torch race  track race  training group  transactional analysis  transcendental meditation  transpersonal therapy  vocational therapy  walk  yacht race  
maraud  depredate  despoil  fleece  forage  foray  freeboot  gut  harass  harry  loot  pillage  plunder  prey on  raid  ransack  ravage  raven  ravish  reive  rifle  sack  spoil  spoliate  sweep  
marauder  bandit  brigand  buccaneer  bummer  depredator  desperado  despoiler  forager  forayer  freebooter  looter  pillager  pirate  plunderer  raider  rapparee  ravager  ravisher  reiver  rifler  sacker  spoiler  spoliator  wrecker  
marauding  banditry  brigandage  brigandism  depredation  despoiling  despoilment  despoliation  direption  foraging  foray  freebooting  looting  pillage  pillaging  plunder  plundering  plunderous  predacious  predatory  raid  raiding  ransacking  rape  rapine  ravage  ravagement  ravaging  ravishment  razzia  reiving  rifling  sack  sacking  spoiling  spoliation  spoliatory  

Mar Definition

Chief hare
() A small rodent (Lagamys princeps) inhabiting the summits of the Rocky Mountains
(v. t.) To excite
(n.) A rodent of the genus Lepus, having long hind legs, a short tail, and a divided upper lip. It is a timid animal, moves swiftly by leaps, and is remarkable for its fecundity.
(n.) A small constellation situated south of and under the foot of Orion
(a.) Wild
(a.) Timorous
(n.) An umbelliferous plant (Bupleurum rotundifolium )
Hare's-foot fern
() A species of fern (Davallia Canariensis) with a soft, gray, hairy rootstock
(n.) A kind of grass (Eriophorum vaginatum). See Cotton grass, under Cotton.
(n.) The principal or ruling evil spirit.
(n.) A female demon who torments people in sleep by crouching on their chests or stomachs, or by causing terrifying visions.
(n.) The Patagonian cavy (Dolichotis Patagonicus).
(n. pl.) Vast plains in the central and southern part of the Argentine Republic in South America. The term is sometimes used in a wider sense for the plains extending from Bolivia to Southern Patagonia.
Sea hare
() Any tectibranchiate mollusk of the genus Aplysia. See Aplysia.
Water hare
() A small American hare or rabbit (Lepus aquaticus) found on or near the southern coasts of the United States

mara pampas hare (Dolichotis) / maras pampas hares Bedeutung

paper chase
hare and hounds
an outdoor game, one group of players (the hares) start off on a long run scattering bits of paper (the scent) and pursuers (the hounds) try to catch them before they reach a designated spot
hare wallaby
kangaroo hare
small Australian wallaby that resembles a hare and has persistent teeth
sea hare
Aplysia punctata
naked marine gastropod having a soft body with reduced internal shell and two pairs of ear-like tentacles
swamp rabbit canecutter
swamp hare
Sylvilagus aquaticus
a wood rabbit of southeastern United States swamps and lowlands
marsh hare
swamp rabbit Sylvilagus palustris
a wood rabbit of marshy coastal areas from North Carolina to Florida
hare swift timid long-eared mammal larger than a rabbit having a divided upper lip and long hind legs, young born furred and with open eyes
European hare
Lepus europaeus
large hare introduced in North America, does not turn white in winter
polar hare
Arctic hare
Lepus arcticus
a large hare of northern North America, it is almost completely white in winter
snowshoe hare
snowshoe rabbit
varying hare
Lepus americanus
large large-footed North American hare, white in winter
Belgian hare
red breed of domestic rabbits, hybrid between Old World rabbit and hare
mouse hare
rock rabbit coney cony
small short-eared burrowing mammal of rocky uplands of Asia and western North America
little chief hare
Ochotona princeps
North American pika
genus Dolichotis
Dolichotis patagonum
hare-like rodent of the pampas of Argentina
Hare Krishna a chant to the Hindu god Krishna
flesh of any of various rabbits or hares (wild or domesticated) eaten as food
Hare Krishna
International Society for Krishna Consciousness
a religious sect founded in the United States in , based on Vedic scriptures, groups engage in joyful chanting of `Hare Krishna' and other mantras based on the name of the Hindu god Krishna, devotees usually wear saffron robes and practice vegetarianism and celibacy
pampas the vast grassy plains of northern Argentina
Mara Hindu god of death, opposite of Kama
Hare Krishna worshipper of Krishna and member of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness
pampas grass
Cortaderia selloana
tall perennial grass of pampas of South America having silvery plumes and growing in large dense clumps
hare's-foot bristle fern
Trichomanes boschianum
a variety of bristle fern
hare's-foot fern either of two ferns of the genus Davallia having a soft grey hairy rootstock
Canary Island hare's foot fern
Davallia canariensis
fern of the Canary Islands and Madeira
Australian hare's foot
Davallia pyxidata
a hare's-foot fern of the genus Davallia
hare run quickly, like a hare, He hared down the hill
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