
Marketingpraxis Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Marketingpraxis f
marketing practice
Marketingpraxis f
marketing practice
export marketing
Marketing Mix, Marktplan
marketing mix
Marketing, Vertrieb
Marketing n, Absatz m, Vertrieb m
marketing, sales and marketing
Anreißer m (Marketing-Köder; Blickfang)
teaser (advertising element stimulating interest)
Bedeutung f; Sinn m ling.
im wahrsten Sinn des Wortes
in jeder Hinsicht einzigartig
im herkömmlichen Sinn
die konkrete oder übertragene Bedeutung einer Phrase
'Marketing' im eigentlichen Sinne
meaning; sense; signification
in the full sense of the word
unique in every sense of the word
in the usual sense of the term word phrase
the literal or figurative meaning of a phrase
'marketing' in the proper meaning of the word
Empfehlungsgeber m; Referenzgeber m (Marketing) econ.
Empfehlungsgeber pl; Referenzgeber pl
referrer (marketing)
Markenbekanntheit f; Bekannheit f einer Marke (Marketing) econ.
brand awareness (marketing)
Marketing n; Absatz m; Vertrieb m
marketing; sales and marketing
empfohlene Person f (Marketing) econ.
referee (marketing)
Strukturvertrieb m; Netzwerk-Marketing n; Empfehlungsmarketing n econ.
multi-level marketing MLM ; network marketing; referral marketing
Virusmarketing n; virales Marketing n; Viralmarketing f econ. comp.
Viralvideo n; Viralclip m; Viral n (viral im Internet verbreitetes Werbevideo) econ. comp.
virus marketing; viral marketing; marketing buzz
viral video; viral clip; viral spot
Wiedererkennungswert m (Marketing) econ.
recognition value (marketing)
etw. lesen v stud.
Zur Zeit liest er strategisches Marketing am Managementinstitut.
to lecture sth.
At pretent he is lecturing strategic marketing at the Institute of Management.
Abschöpfungspreispolitik f (Marketing) econ.
skimming pricing (marketing)
Anschlussmarkt m (Marketing) econ.
Anschlussmärkte pl
aftermarket Am. (marketing)
Bedeutung f; Sinn m; Aussage f ling.
im wahrsten Sinn des Wortes
in jeder Hinsicht einzigartig
im herkömmlichen Sinn
die konkrete oder übertragene Bedeutung einer Phrase
„Marketing“ im eigentlichen Sinne
meaning; sense; signification
in the full sense of the word
unique in every sense of the word
in the usual sense of the term word phrase
the literal or figurative meaning of a phrase
'marketing' in the proper meaning of the word
Erinnerungsfehler m (Marketing) econ.
Erinnerungsfehler pl
recall error (marketing)
recall errors
Erinnerungsfrage f (Marketing) econ.
Erinnerungsfragen pl
recall question (marketing)
recall questions
Erinnerungsmethode f (Marketing) econ.
Erinnerungsmethoden pl
recall method (marketing)
recall methods
Erinnerungstest m (Marketing) econ.
Erinnerungstests pl
Erinnerungstest ohne Gedächtnisstütze
recall test (marketing)
recall tests
unaided recall test
Erinnerungswert m (Marketing) econ.
recall value; memorability; memorableness (marketing)
Erlebniswert m (Marketing) econ.
experiential value (marketing)
Markenbekanntheit f; Bekanntheit f einer Marke (Marketing) econ.
brand awareness (marketing)
Marketing n; Absatz m; Vertrieb m
Marketing durch persönliche Kontakte im Internet
marketing; sales and marketing
buzz marketing
Produkt n; Erzeugnis n
Produkte pl; Erzeugnisse pl
Elektroerzeugnis n
inländisches Erzeugnis
medizinisches Produkt
Weißprodukte pl (Marketing)
Produkte mit geringem Marktanteil und geringem Marktwachstum econ.
electrical product
domestic product
medical product
white-label products (marketing)
poor dogs
Prospektangaben pl (Marketing) econ.
brochure claims (marketing)
Scharfschützenprinzip n (beim Marketing) econ.
laser approach; rifle approach (to marketing); laser marketing (approach)
Schrotflintenprinzip n (beim Marketing) econ.
shotgun approach; scattergun approach (to marketing); shotgun marketing (approach)
Strukturvertrieb m; Netzwerk-Marketing n; Empfehlungsmarketing n econ.
multi-level marketing MLM ; network marketing; referral marketing
Wiedererkennungswert m; Wiedererkennungseffekt m; Wiedererkennungsfaktor m (Marketing) econ. pol. soc.
einen hohen Wiedererkennungswert haben
recognition value; recognizability factor; recognizability (marketing)
to enjoy high recognizability; to enjoy a high degree of recognizability
jdn. anreden; ansprechen; anschreiben v (mit) soc.
anredend; ansprechend; anschreibend
angeredet; angesprochen; angeschrieben
Obwohl er ihnen seinen Vornamen nannte, redeten sie ihn weiterhin mit „Herr Doktor“ an.
In der deutschen Armee wurden vorgesetzte Offiziere früher in der dritten Person angesprochen, z. B. mit „Herr Major hat absolut recht“.
Ich stand neben ihm und er sprach mich in der dritten Person an, so als wäre ich gar nicht da.
Beim E-Mail-Marketing sollte der Empfänger als Person mit Namen angeschrieben werden.
to address sb. (as)
Although he told them his first name, they continued to address him as "Doctor".
In the German army, superior officers used to be addressed in the third person, for instance, as 'Herr Major is absolutely right.'
I was standing next to him and he addressed me in the third person as if I wasn't even there.
In e-mail marketing, the recipient should be addressed as an individual with his own name.
ungestützte Erinnerung f; spontane Erinnerung f (Marketing) econ.
unaided recall (marketing)
Dachmarke f (Marketing) econ.
umbrella brand, family brand
Testgruppe f (Marketing)
focus group
Marketingabteilung f
marketing department
Leiter m; Leiterin f (eines Unternehmensbereichs) econ.
Leiter pl; Leiterinnen pl
geschäftsführender Leiter; stellvertretender Leiter
Abteilungsleiter m
Außendienstleiter m
Betriebsleiter m
Fuhrparkleiter m
Gebietsleiter m; Bezirksleiter m
Marketingchef m; Leiter der Marketingabteilung
Niederlassungsleiter m; Leiter einer Zweigstelle
Personalchef m; Leiter der Personalabteilung
Produktgruppenleiter m
Spartenleiter m
technischer Direktor
Verkaufsleiter m; Vertriebsleiter m
Werbeleiter m; Leiter der Werbeabteilung
manager (of a corporate division)
acting manager; deputy manager
departmental manager
agency manager
operations manager
fleet manager
area manager; district manager
marketing manager
manager of a the branch office
personnel manager; staff manager; human resources manager
brand manager
line manager
technical manager
sales manager
advertising manager; publicity manager
jdn. dienstzuteilen adm.; jdn. entsenden adm.; jdn. abordnen Dt. (zu einer Organisationseinheit) adm.; jdn. abstellen (für eine Einheit) mil. v
dienstzuteilend; entsendend; abordnend; abstellend
dienstzugeteilt; entsendet; abgeordnet; abgestellt
dienstzugeteiltes Personal
Daniel wurde der Marketingabteilung zugeteilt, solange Lea in Mutterschaftsurlaub in Karenz Ös. ist.
2009 wurde er als Berater zur Luftwaffe abgeordnet.
Eine Reihe von Polizeibeamten wurden vom Verkehrsdienst abgezogen und zur Objektschutzgruppe entsandt entsendet.
Mehrere hundert Soldaten wurden zur Unterstützung der Katastrophenopfer abgestellt.
to temporarily assign sb.; to second sb. Br. (to an organizational unit)
temporarily assigning; seconding
temporarily assigned; seconded
seconded personnel; personnel on secondment
Daniel has been temporarily assigned to the marketing department while Lea's on maternity leave.
In 2009 he was temporarily assigned to serve as an adviser to the Air Force.; In 2009 he was seconded to the Air Force as adviser.
A number of police officers were seconded from traffic duty to the site protection team.
Several hundred soldiers have been assigned seconded to help the disaster victims.
Präsentation f; (Vermittlung einer) Botschaft f; Statement n econ. pol.
Kurzpräsentation f; Schnellpräsentation f; Blitzpräsentation f
Podiumspräsentation f
Verkaufsmonolog m; Verkaufsbotschaft f; Marketingtext m; Marketingbotschaft f
Werbepräsentation f; Werbebotschaft f; Werbestatement n
sein Anliegen sich 45 Minuten lang präsentieren
Der Verkäufer begann, seinen Monolog seinen Text abzuspulen.
Seine Botschaft ist einfach: eine Stimme für die Partei und eine Vorzugsstimme für ihn.
advocacy pitch; pitch; advocacy spiel coll.; spiel coll.
lift pitch Br.; elevator pitch Am.
podium pitch
sales pitch; marketing pitch; pitch; sales spiel
advertising pitch; advertising spiel
to make a 45 minute pitch
The salesman started making delivering his pitch.
His pitch is straightforward: one vote for the party and a preference vote for him.
Marketingchef m; Marketingchefin f
marketing manager
Marketingfachmann m, Marketingfachfrau f
marketing specialist
Marketingfachmann m; Marketingfachfrau f; Marketingspezialist m; Marketingspezialistin f
Marketingfachmänner pl; Marketingfachfrauen pl; Marketingspezialisten pl; Marketingspezialistinnen pl
marketing specialist
marketing specialists
Marketingkonzept, Marketingidee
marketing concept
Markenname m; Marke f (Marketinginstrument) econ.
geschützter Markenname; geschützte Marke
Biermarke f
Eigenmarke f; Händlermarke f; Hausmarke f
die Eigenmarken der Supermärkte
starke Marke
Ändern Erneuern eines Markennamens Logos
einen Markennamen von etw. ändern erneuern
trade name; brand name; brand (marketing tool)
proprietary brand name; proprietary brand
beer brand
own brand; private brand; house brand
the supermarkets' own brands; the own brands of the supermarkets
power brand
to rebrand sth.
Marketinginstrument n
Marketinginstrumente pl
marketing tool
marketing tools
Marketingkampagne f; Werbeaktion f
Marketingkampagnen pl; Werbeaktionen pl
Partnerwerbung f; Partnerprogramm n (im Internet)
marketing campaign
marketing campaigns
affiliate marketing
Verkaufsgespräch m; Verkaufspräsentation f econ.
Fahrstuhlpräsentation (Kurzpräsentation eines Marketingkonzepts)
elevator pitch; elevator speech
Marketingleiter m econ.
marketing supervisor
Marketingmaßnahme f
marketing operation
Marketingmaßnahme f
Marketingmaßnahmen pl
marketing operation
marketing operations
sich dafür entscheiden; einsteigen (in etw.) v
sich dafür entscheidend; einsteigend
sich dafür entschieden; eingestiegen
Allen Mitarbeitern steht es frei auf das neue System umzusteigen.
Wenn Sie Ihre Zustimmung erklärt haben von uns Marketingmaterial zu erhalten dürfen wir Ihre Angaben an unsere Tochterfirmen weitergeben.
to opt in (to sth.)
opting in
opted in
All employees have the choice to opt in to the new scheme.
If you have opted-in to receive marketing information from us we may share your details with our affiliated companies.
sich dafür entscheiden; einsteigen (in etw.) v
sich dafür entscheidend; einsteigend
sich dafür entschieden; eingestiegen
Allen Mitarbeitern steht es frei, auf das neue System umzusteigen.
Wenn Sie Ihre Zustimmung erklärt haben, von uns Marketingmaterial zu erhalten, dürfen wir Ihre Angaben an unsere Tochterfirmen weitergeben.
to opt in (to sth.)
opting in
opted in
All employees have the choice to opt in to the new scheme.
If you have opted-in to receive marketing information from us, we may share your details with our affiliated companies.
marketing technique
marketing model
marketing policy
Marketingpolitik f
marketing policy
Marketingpraxis f
marketing practice
Palette f; Vielfalt f; Skala f; Klaviatur f übtr.
eine breite Palette an etw. übtr.
eine bunte Palette an etw. übtr.
die ganze Palette übtr.
eine vielfältige Nutzung; vielfältige Anwendungsmöglichkeiten; ein breites Einsatzgebiet
die ganze Klaviatur der Gefühle durchmachen
Der Autor spielt auf der Klaviatur des Schreckens.
Er beherrscht die gesamte Klaviatur des Marketings.
range; gamut
a wide range of sth.
a mixed bag of sth.
the whole gamut panoply
a wide range of uses
to run the (whole) gamut of emotions
The author runs the gamut of horror.
He masters the full gamut of marketing.
Palette f; Vielfalt f; Skala f; Klaviatur f übtr.
eine breite Palette an etw. übtr.
eine bunte Palette an etw. übtr.
die ganze Palette übtr.
eine vielfältige Nutzung; vielfältige Anwendungsmöglichkeiten; ein breites Einsatzgebiet
die ganze Klaviatur der Gefühle durchmachen
Der Autor spielt auf der Klaviatur des Schreckens.
Er beherrscht die gesamte Klaviatur des Marketings.
range; gamut
a wide range of sth.
a mixed bag of sth.
the whole gamut panoply
a wide range of uses
to run the (whole) gamut of emotions
The author runs the gamut of horror.
He masters the full gamut of marketing.
marketing strategy
Vertriebspolitik f, Marketingstrategie f
sales policy, marketing policy
Vertriebspolitik f; Marketingstrategie f
sales policy; marketing policy
Marketingtexter m; Werbetexter m; Texter m
Marketingtexter pl; Werbetexter pl; Texter pl
copywriter; ad writer
copywriters; ad writers
werbetexten; als Werbetexter arbeiten; als Marketingtexter arbeiten v
to write copy
marketing objective
Marketingziel n
marketing objective
Marketingziel n
Marketingziele pl
marketing objective
marketing objectives

Marketingpraxis Definition

(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Market
(n.) The act of selling or of purchasing in, or as in, a market.
(n.) Articles in, or from, a market
(n.) Frequently repeated or customary action
(n.) Customary or constant use
(n.) Skill or dexterity acquired by use
(n.) Actual performance
(n.) Systematic exercise for instruction or discipline
(n.) Application of science to the wants of men
(n.) Skillful or artful management
(n.) A easy and concise method of applying the rules of arithmetic to questions which occur in trade and business.
(n.) The form, manner, and order of conducting and carrying on suits and prosecutions through their various stages, according to the principles of law and the rules laid down by the courts.
(v. t.) To do or perform frequently, customarily, or habitually
(v. t.) To exercise, or follow, as a profession, trade, art, etc., as, to practice law or medicine.
(v. t.) To exercise one's self in, for instruction or improvement, or to acquire discipline or dexterity
(v. t.) To put into practice
(v. t.) To make use of
(v. t.) To teach or accustom by practice
(v. i.) To perform certain acts frequently or customarily, either for instruction, profit, or amusement
(v. i.) To learn by practice
(v. i.) To try artifices or stratagems.
(v. i.) To apply theoretical science or knowledge, esp. by way of experiment

marketing practice Bedeutung

marketing shopping at a market, does the weekly marketing at the supermarket
a customary way of operation or behavior, it is their practice to give annual raises, they changed their dietary pattern
practice praxis translating an idea into action, a hard theory to put into practice, differences between theory and praxis of communism
exhibition game
practice game
a game whose outcome is not recorded in the season's standing
practice of law
the learned profession that is mastered by graduate study in a law school and that is responsible for the judicial system, he studied law at Yale
practice of medicine
the learned profession that is mastered by graduate training in a medical school and that is devoted to preventing or alleviating or curing diseases and injuries, he studied medicine at Harvard
practice the exercise of a profession, the practice of the law, I took over his practice when he retired
dental practice the practice of dentistry
law practice the practice of law
medical practice the practice of medicine
family practice
family medicine
medical practice that provides health care regardless of age or sex while placing emphasis on the family unit
group practice (medicine) the practice of medicine by a group of physicians who share their premises and other resources
private practice the practice of a profession independently and not as an employee, he teaches at the medical school but his fortune came from private practice, lawyers in private practice are in business and must make a profit to survive
marketing research
market research
research that gathers and analyzes information about the moving of good or services from producer to consumer
sexual activity
sexual practice
sex activity
activities associated with sexual intercourse, they had sex in the back seat
exercise practice drill
practice session
systematic training by multiple repetitions, practice makes perfect
skull session
skull practice
teaching strategy to an athletic team
target practice practice in shooting at targets
marketing the commercial processes involved in promoting and selling and distributing a product or service, most companies have a manager in charge of marketing
direct marketing marketing via a promotion delivered directly to the individual prospective customer
the exchange of goods for an agreed sum of money
practice range a place for practicing golf shots
practice knowledge of how something is usually done, it is not the local practice to wear shorts to dinner
Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service
the organization in the Defense Logistics Agency that inventories and evaluates and sells reusable United States government surplus
student teacher
practice teacher
a college student who is teaching under the supervision of a certified teacher in order to qualify for a degree in education
marketing cost the cost of marketing (e.g., the cost of transferring title and moving goods to the customer)
practice bundling
sleep fully clothed in the same bed with one's betrothed
learn by repetition, We drilled French verbs every day, Pianists practice scales
engage in a rehearsal (of)
commit practice engage in or perform, practice safe sex, commit a random act of kindness
practice apply use avail oneself to, apply a principle, practice a religion, use care when going down the stairs, use your common sense, practice non-violent resistance
carry out or practice, as of jobs and professions, practice law
out of practice(p)
impaired in skill by neglect
in practice in practical applications, will this work in practice?
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