
Markow Kette Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Markow-Kette f; Markowsche Kette f math. statist.
Markow-Ketten pl; Markowsche Ketten pl
absorbierende Markow-Kette
Markov chain
Markov chains
absorbing Markov chain
freiwillige Kette
voluntary chain
Fessel f, Handfessel f, Kette f
das schwächste Glied in der Kette berücksichtigen
to temper the wind to the shorn lamb fig.
Handbetrieb m
im Handbetrieb laufen
auf Handbetrieb umstellen
Handbetrieb durch Kette
manual operation, manual
to run on manual
to put on manual
hand-geared operation by means of endless chain
Kette f
Ketten pl
Kette f
Kette f
Kette f
Kette f, Spalier n
Kette und Schuss
warp and woof
Kettenfäden pl, Kette f, Zettel m (Weberei)
Niederhalter m (für Kette)
chain guide
Spanner m (für Kette oder Seil) techn.
Strick m, Kette f
Kette, anketten
kette den Hund an
chain up the dog
Abbruch m der Ziffernfolge; Abschneiden n der Nachkommastellen; Trunkierung f math.
Stutzen einer Kette
truncation of a chain
Fesselring m; Handfessel Fußfessel f mit Kette
Fesselringe pl; Handfesseln Fußfesseln pl mit Kette
Glied n; Verbindungsstück n
fehlendes Glied
Jede Kette ist nur so stark wie ihr schwächstes Glied. Sprw.
missing link
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. prov.
Handbetrieb m
im Handbetrieb laufen
auf Handbetrieb umstellen
Handbetrieb durch Kette
manual operation; manual
to run on manual
to put on manual
hand-geared operation by means of endless chain
Kette f; Spalier n
Kette und Schuss textil.
warp and woof
Kettenfäden pl; Kette f; Zettel m (Weberei)
Kettenladen m; Kette f econ.
Kettenläden pl; Ketten pl
die großen Lebensmittelketten
multiple-shop Br.; multiple Br.; chain store Am.; chain Am.
multiple-shops; multiples; chain stores; chains
the major food multiples
Kettenzug m (Zugspannung in der Kette) phys. techn.
pull in the chain; chain tension
Markow-Kette f; Markowsche Kette f math. statist.
Markow-Ketten pl; Markowsche Ketten pl
absorbierende Markow-Kette
Markov chain
Markov chains
absorbing Markov chain
Spannschloss n (mit Gewinde); Spannschraube f; Spanner m ugs. (für Draht; Kette; Seil) techn.
Spannschlösser pl; Spannschrauben pl; Spanner pl
turnbuckle; tension jack
turnbuckles; tension jacks
Strick m; Kette f
Stricke pl; Ketten pl
etw. abschließen; verschließen; zuschließen; schließen v
abschließend; verschließend; zuschließend; schließend
abgeschlossen; verschlossen; zugeschlossen; geschlossen
er sie schließt ab
ich er sie schloss ab (schloß alt)
er sie hat hatte abgeschlossen
Das Tor ist mit einer Kette verschlossen.
Die Haustür wird jeden Abend um 22.00 Uhr abgeschlossen.
to lock; to lock up sth.
locking; locking up
locked; locked up
he she locks up
I he she locked up
he she has had locked up
The gate is locked with a chain.
The front door will be locked every night at 10.
etw. mit etw. verbinden; an etw. anschließen; an etw. anbinden übtr. v
verbindend; anschließend; anbindend
verbunden; angeschlossen; angebunden
verbindet; schließt an; bindet an
verband; schloss an; band an
ein Dorf an das Verkehrsnetz anbinden
per Computer computermäßig verbunden sein
Sie verband die Papierschnipsel zu einer Kette.
Die Bergsteiger waren mit Seilen aneinandergebunden.
Der Schlauch muss an die Wasserzuleitung angeschlossen werden.
Das Faxgerät ist an den Computer angeschlossen.
Die Gäste können sich vom Hotelzimmer aus mit dem Internet verbinden.
Eine lange Brücke verbindet Venedig mit dem Festland.
Er ging mit ihr eingehakt.
to link sth. (to with sth.) (physically join)
to link a village to the transport network
to be linked by computer
She linked (up) the paper clips to form a chain.
The climbers were linked together by ropes.
The hose must be linked with to the water supply.
The fax machine is linked with to the computer.
Guests can link (up) to the Internet from their hotel rooms.
A long bridge links Venice and the mainland.
He walked with her linking arms.
Kette f geol.
Ketten pl
das schwächste Glied in der Kette berücksichtigen v
to temper the wind to the shorn lamb fig.
Kette f
Ketten pl
Fahrradkette f
Sicherungskette f; Sicherheitskette f; Schutzkette f; Notkette f
bicycle chain; bike chain
safety chain
Kette f in Reihe geschalteter hintereinandergeschalteter Endgeräte comp.
daisy chain
Kettfäden pl; Webkette f; Kette f; Zettel m (Weben) textil.
Kettdichte f
warp (weaving)
sett of the warp
Megalopolis f; Megaregion f (Kette benachbarter Ballungsräume) geogr.
die europäische Megalopolis; die Achse Manchester-Mailand; die Blaue Banane
megalopolis; megapolis; megaregion (chain of adjacent metropolitan areas)
the European megalopolis; the Manchester–Milan Axis; the Blue Banana
eine Pechsträhne f; ein Unglück nach dem anderen; eine Kette f misslicher Umstände
a chapter of accidents
Rinderfilet n Norddt. Mitteldt.; Rindsfilet n Süddt. Ös. Schw. cook.
Rinderfilet mit Kette
Rinderfilet ohne Kette
fillet of beef; beef fillet; fillet steak
beef fillet chain on
beef fillet ex chain; beef fillet chain off
Schmuckkette f
Schmuckketten pl
Armkette f; Armkettchen n
Goldkette f
decorative chain
decorative chains
arm chain
gold chain
Strick m; Kette f (zum Anbinden eines Tieres) agr.
Stricke pl; Ketten pl
tether (rope or chain used to tie an animal to restrict its movement)
etw. (auf etw.) auffädeln v
Perlen auf eine Kette auffädeln
to thread sth. (on sth.)
to thread beads onto a chain
etw. erweitern; ausbauen; aufwerten v
erweiternd; ausbauend; aufwertend
erweitert; ausgebaut; aufgewertet
die Rolle des Hausarztes aufwerten
die Lehrerkompetenzen erweitern
das Restaurant zu einer landesweiten Kette ausbauen
to expand sth.; to upgrade sth.
expanding; upgrading
expanded; upgraded
to expand the role of family doctors
to upgrade teacher qualifications
to expand the restaurant to become a national chain
schlichten; stärken v textil.
schlichtend; stärkend
geschlichtet; gestärkt
die Kette stärken
to size
to size the warp
unverfälscht; unverzerrt (Test, Stichprobennahme); erwartungstreu (Schätzung) adj statist.
asymptotisch erwartungstreu
nicht verzerrende Stichprobenahme
erwartungstreue Schätzfunktion; unverfälschte Schätzfunktion; unverzerrte Schätzung
beste erwartungstreue Schätzung
beste lineare erwartungstreue Schätzung; Gauß-Markow-Schätzung
erwartungstreue Punktschätzung
unbiased (test, sampling, estimation procedure)
asymptotically unbiased
unbiased sampling
unbiased estimator
best unbiased estimator
best linear unbiased estimator
unbiased point estimation
etw. mit etw. verbinden; an etw. anschließen; an etw. anbinden übtr. v
verbindend; anschließend; anbindend
verbunden; angeschlossen; angebunden
verbindet; schließt an; bindet an
verband; schloss an; band an
ein Dorf an das Verkehrsnetz anbinden
per Computer computermäßig verbunden sein
Sie verband die Papierschnipsel zu einer Kette.
Die Bergsteiger waren mit Seilen aneinandergebunden.
Der Schlauch muss an die Wasserzuleitung angeschlossen werden.
Das Faxgerät ist an den Computer angeschlossen.
Die Gäste können sich vom Hotelzimmer aus mit dem Internet verbinden.
Eine lange Brücke verbindet Venedig mit dem Festland.
Er ging mit ihr eingehakt.
to link sth. (to with sth.) (physically join)
to link a village to the transport network
to be linked by computer
She linked (up) the paper clips to form a chain.
The climbers were linked together by ropes.
The hose must be linked with to the water supply.
The fax machine is linked with to the computer.
Guests can link (up) to the Internet from their hotel rooms.
A long bridge links Venice and the mainland.
He walked with her, linking arms.
etw. verketten; etw. durch eine Kette verschließen v
verkettend; durch eine Kette verschließend
verkettet; durch eine Kette verschlossen
to put a chain on sth.
putting a chain
put a chain
etw. mit einem Schloss usw. verschließen v
mit einem Schloss verschließend
mit einem Schloss verschlossen
Das Tor ist mit einer Kette verschlossen.
to lock sth.; to fasten secure sth. with a lock etc.
locking; fasten securing with a lock
locked; fasten securred with a lock
The gate is locked with a chain.
jdm. den Weg versperren v (Person, Sache)
jdm. den Weg zu einer bestimmte Stellung verbauen übtr.
Vor uns versperrte eine Kette von 20 Polizisten den Weg zum Tempel.
Der Junge hatte dem Mädchen mit seinem Rad den Weg versperrt.
Einmal versperrte eine Herde Kühe die Straße.
to bar the road (of a person or thing)
to bar sb.'s way to a particular position fig.
Ahead, a cordon of 20 police barred the road to the temple.
The boy had barred the road of a girl with his bike.
At one point a group of cows barred the road.

Deutsche Markow Kette Synonyme

Fessel  ÂHandfessel  ÂHandschelle  ÂKette  
Kette  ÂKettenfäden  ÂZettel  (Weberei)  
Glied  ÂKettenglied  ÂTeil  einer  Kette  
Lieferkette  Âlogistische  Kette  ÂSupply  Chain  (fachsprachlich)  ÂVersorgungskette  ÂWertschöpfungskette  
Kette  Kettenfäden  Zettel (Weberei)  
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Englische Markov chain Synonyme

Markow Kette Definition

(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Absorb
(a.) Swallowing, engrossing
Brequet chain
() A watch-guard.
(n.) A series of links or rings, usually of metal, connected, or fitted into one another, used for various purposes, as of support, of restraint, of ornament, of the exertion and transmission of mechanical power, etc.
(n.) That which confines, fetters, or secures, as a chain
(n.) A series of things linked together
(n.) An instrument which consists of links and is used in measuring land.
(n.) Iron links bolted to the side of a vessel to bold the dead-eyes connected with the shrouds
(n.) The warp threads of a web.
(v. t.) To fasten, bind, or connect with a chain
(v. t.) To keep in slavery
(v. t.) To unite closely and strongly.
(v. t.) To measure with the chain.
(v. t.) To protect by drawing a chain across, as a harbor.
Chain pump
() A pump consisting of an endless chain, running over a drum or wheel by which it is moved, and dipping below the water to be raised. The chain has at intervals disks or lifts which fit the tube through which the ascending part passes and carry the water to the point of discharge.
Chain stitch
() An ornamental stitch like the links of a chain
Chain stitch
() A stitch in which the looping of the thread or threads forms a chain on the under side of the work
Chain wheel
() A chain pulley, or sprocket wheel.
Chain wheel
() An inversion of the chain pump, by which it becomes a motor driven by water.
Gunter's chain
() The chain ordinarily used in measuring land. See Chain, n., 4, and Gunter's scale.
Sheet chain
() A chain sheet cable.
(n.) A chain for slinging the lower yards, in time of action, to prevent their falling, if the ropes by which they are hung are shot away.

Markov chain / Markov chains / absorbing Markov chain Bedeutung

chain pickerel
chain pike
Esox niger
common in quiet waters of eastern United States
anchor chain
anchor rope
the chain or rope that attaches an anchor to a vessel
atomic pile
atomic reactor
chain reactor
a nuclear reactor that uses controlled nuclear fission to generate energy
ball and chain heavy iron ball attached to a prisoner by a chain
bicycle chain a chain that transmits the power from the pedals to the rear wheel of a bicycle
chain a series of (usually metal) rings or links fitted into one another to make a flexible ligament
chain string strand a necklace made by a stringing objects together, a string of beads, a strand of pearls,
chain anything that acts as a restraint
chain a linked or connected series of objects, a chain of daisies
chain mail
ring mail
chain armor
chain armour
ring armor
ring armour
(Middle Ages) flexible armor made of interlinked metal rings
chain printer an impact printer that carries the type slugs by links of a revolving chain
chain saw
portable power saw, teeth linked to form an endless chain
chain stitch a looped stitch resembling the links of a chain, used in embroidery and in sewing
chain stitch the most basic of all crochet stitches made by pulling a loop of yarn through another loop
chain store one of a chain of retail stores under the same management and selling the same merchandise
chain tongs a pipe wrench used for turning large pipes, an adjustable chain circles the pipe with its ends connected to the head whose teeth engage the pipe
chain wrench another name for chain tongs
daisy chain flower chain consisting of a string of daisies linked by their stems, worn by students on class day at some schools
flower chain flowers strung together in a chain
watch chain
watch guard
short chain or ribbon attaching a pocket watch to a man's vest
metal shackles, for hands or legs
paper chain a chain made of loops of colored paper, used to decorate a room
pull chain a chain (usually with a handle at the end) that is pulled in order to operate some mechanism (e.g. to flush a toilet)
tire chain
snow chain
chain attached to wheels to increase traction on ice or snow
chain letter a letter that is sent successively to several people
chain (business) a number of similar establishments (stores or restaurants or banks or hotels or theaters) under one ownership
apparel chain a chain of clothing stores
discount chain a chain of discount stores
restaurant chain a chain of restaurants
retail chain a chain of retail stores
chain gang a gang of convicts chained together
a series of things depending on each other as if linked together, the chain of command, a complicated concatenation of circumstances
daisy chain (figurative) a series of associated things or people or experiences
Pennine Chain
a system of hills in Britain that extend from the Scottish border in the north to the Trent River in the south, forms the watershed for English rivers
branched chain an open chain of atoms with one or more side chains attached to it
chemical chain
(chemistry) a series of linked atoms (generally in an organic molecule)
closed chain
(chemistry) a chain of atoms in a molecule that forms a closed loop
long chain
longhain molecule
(chemistry) a relatively long chain of atoms in a molecule
open chain a chain of atoms in a molecule whose ends are not joined to form a ring
mountain range
range of mountains
chain mountain chain
chain of mountains
a series of hills or mountains, the valley was between two ranges of hills, the plains lay just beyond the mountain range
straight chain an open chain of atoms with no side chains
chain-smoker a heavy smoker (usually of cigarettes) who lights one off of another
Ernst Boris Chain
Sir Ernst Boris Chain
British biochemist (born in Germany) who isolated and purified penicillin, which had been discovered in by Sir Alexander Fleming (-)
Andrei Markov
Andre Markoff
Russian mathematician (-)
food chain (ecology) a community of organisms where each member is eaten in turn by another member
forked lightning
chain lightning
a form of lightning that moves rapidly in a zigzag path with one end divided (fork-like)
Scotch laburnum
Alpine golden chain
Laburnum alpinum
an ornamental shrub or tree of the genus Laburnum
common laburnum
golden chain
golden rain
Laburnum anagyroides
an ornamental shrub or tree of the genus Laburnum, often cultivated for Easter decorations
chain fern a fern of the genus Woodwardia having the sori in chainlike rows
Virginia chain fern
Woodwardia virginica
North American fern
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