
Massenverbraucher Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

large-scale consumer
large-scale consumer
Massenveranstaltung f soc.
Massenveranstaltungen pl
mass event
mass events
Massenverarbeitung f
mass processing
Massenverbindungstechnik f
mass termination methods
Massenverbrauch m
mass consumption, bulk consumption
Massenverbrauch m
mass consumption; bulk consumption
large-scale consumer
Massenauflage, Massenverbreitung
mass circulation
Massenverfolgung f (von jdm.) pol.
mass persecution (of sb.)
(politische) Verfolgung f (von jdm.) pol.
Verfolgungen pl
Gruppenverfolgung f; Verfolgung wegen der Zugehörigkeit zu einer bestimmten Bevölkerungsgruppe
Massenverfolgung f
die erste Christenverfolgung f hist.
die Judenverfolgung durch die Nazis
(political) persecution (of sb.)
group persection
mass persecution
the first persecution of Christians
the Nazi persecution of Jews
Vergewaltigung f; Schändung f ugs.; Notzucht f (veraltet) (von jdm.)
Vergewaltigungen pl
(systematische) Massenvergewaltigung f
korrigierende Vergewaltigung (euphemistisch)
die Vergewaltigung durch ihren Stiefvater
rape (of sb.)
(systematic) mass rape
corrective rape
her experience of being raped by her step-father
Vergewaltigung f; Schändung f ugs.; Notzucht f veraltet (von jdm.)
Vergewaltigungen pl
(systematische) Massenvergewaltigung f
Vergewaltigung zur „Bekehrung“ lesbischer Frauen (Hasskriminalität)
die Erfahrung einer Vergewaltigung
rape (of sb.)
(systematic) mass rape
"corrective" rape of lesbian women (hate crime)
the experience of being raped
Massenverhaftung f
mass arrest
Massenverhaftung f pol.
Massenverhaftungen pl
mass arrest
mass arrests
Massenverhalten, Verhalten in der Masse
crowd behaviour
Massenverhalten n
crowd behaviour
Massenverhalten n psych.
crowd behaviour Br.; crowd behavior Am.
Massenverkauf m econ.
Massenverkäufe pl
bulk selling; mass sale
bulk sellings; mass sales
bulk sale
Massenverkehr m
mass transport Br.; mass transportation Am.
Massenverkehrsmittel n
Massenverkehrsmittel pl
means of mass transportation
means of mass transportation
Verkehrsmittel n transp.
öffentliche Verkehrsmittel; Öffis pl ugs.; öffentlicher Personennahverkehr m (ÖPNV) adm.; Kollektivverkehr m adm.
öffentliches Verkehrsmittel; Öffi ugs.
Massenverkehrsmittel n
(means of) transportation; vehicle
public transport Br.; public transportation Am.; public transit Am.
public conveyance
means of mass transport Br. transportation Am.; mass transport transportation system
Fortbewegungsmittel n; Verkehrsmittel n (Personenbeförderung im öffentlichen Raum) transp.
öffentliches Verkehrsmittel n; Öffi ugs.
Massenverkehrsmittel n
means of transport Br.; means of transportation Am. (passenger traffic in public areas)
public conveyance; public service vehicle Br.; means of public transport Br.; means of public transportation Am.
means of mass transport Br. transportation Am.; mass transport transportation system
Feststoffverfrachtung f; Feststoffverlagerung f; Materialverlagerung f; Materialumlagerung f; Massenverlagerung f; Massenumlagerung f (Gewässerkunde)
sediment displacement; mass displacement (hydrology)
Massenvernichtung f
mass extermination, holocaust
Massenvernichtung f
mass extermination; holocaust
Massenvernichtung f mil.
mass destruction
Massenvernichtungsmittel pl
means of mass extermination
Massenvernichtungswaffen pl mil.
weapons of wholesale destruction, weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
Massenvernichtungswaffen pl; RNBC-Waffen pl (radiologische nukleare biologische oder chemische Waffen) mil.
weapons of mass destruction WMD ; RNBC weapons (radiological nuclear biological or chemical weapons)
Massenvernichtungswaffen pl; RNBC-Waffen pl (radiologische, nukleare, biologische oder chemische Waffen) mil.
weapons of mass destruction WMD ; RNBC weapons (radiological, nuclear, biological or chemical weapons)
Meeresbodenvertrag m; Vertrag über das Verbot der Aufstellung von Atomwaffen und anderen Massenvernichtungswaffen auf dem Meeresboden und im Meeresuntergrund pol.
Sea-Bed Treaty SBT ; Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weapons and other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Sea-Bed and the Ocean Floor and in the Subsoil
Massenverpflegung f
mass catering
Massenversammlung f
mass meeting
Massenversammlung f
Massenversammlungen pl
eine Massenversammlung von Kleinbauern
mass meeting
mass meetings
a mass rally of small farmers
bulk mailing
Verschlussmechanismus m; Schlossmechanismus m; Gewehrschloss n; Schloss n (eines Hinterladergewehrs)
verriegelter Verschlussmechanismus; verriegelter Schlossmechanismus
unverriegelter Verschlussmechanismus; unverriegelter Schlossmechanismus
Federverschluss; Falzverschluss; aufschießender Verschluss (Massenverschluss mit Vorholfeder)
Federverschluss ohne Verriegellung
Geradezugverschluss; Geradezug
(hahnloses) Selbstspannschloss
Zylinderkammerverschluss; Kammerverschluss; Zyklinderverschluss; Drehzylinderverschluss; Drehblockverschluss
beweglicher Zyklinderverschluss; nicht verriegelter Kammerverschluss
breech action; action (of a breech-loading gun)
locked breech action
unlocked breech action
leaf-spring action
falling-block action; dropping-block action; sliding-block action
falling breech-block action
straight inertia spring-controlled blowback action
unlocked blowback action
external hammer action; back action
straight-pull action
break-down action; top-breaking action; top-break action, tip-up action
self-cocking action
spiral-spring action
bolt action
floating bolt action; open bolt action; slam action
Massenverteilung f
mass distribution
Vertreibung f (aus einem Lebensraum durch widrige Umstände) soc. zool.
eine Massenvertreibung aufgrund einer Naturkatastrophe
displacement (from a living space by adverse circumstances)
massive displacement by a natural disaster
Massenvertrieb m econ.
mass distribution

Deutsche Massenverbraucher Synonyme

Englische large-scale consumer Synonyme

Massenverbraucher Definition

(n.) One who, or that which, consumes
(a.) Foolishly liberal.
Gunter's scale
() A scale invented by the Rev. Edmund Gunter (1581-1626), a professor of astronomy at Gresham College, London, who invented also Gunter's chain, and Gunter's quadrant.
(superl.) Exceeding most other things of like kind in bulk, capacity, quantity, superficial dimensions, or number of constituent units
(superl.) Abundant
(superl.) Full in statement
(superl.) Having more than usual power or capacity
(superl.) Free
(superl.) Unrestrained by decorum
(superl.) Prodigal in expending
(superl.) Crossing the line of a ship's course in a favorable direction
(adv.) Freely
(n.) A musical note, formerly in use, equal to two longs, four breves, or eight semibreves.
(a.) Possessing much land.
(a.) Having large hands, Fig.: Taking, or giving, in large quantities
(a.) Having a large or generous heart or disposition
(n.) The dish of a balance
(n.) The sign or constellation Libra.
(v. t.) To weigh or measure according to a scale
(n.) One of the small, thin, membranous, bony or horny pieces which form the covering of many fishes and reptiles, and some mammals, belonging to the dermal part of the skeleton, or dermoskeleton. See Cycloid, Ctenoid, and Ganoid.
(n.) Hence, any layer or leaf of metal or other material, resembling in size and thinness the scale of a fish
(n.) One of the small scalelike structures covering parts of some invertebrates, as those on the wings of Lepidoptera and on the body of Thysanura
(n.) A scale insect. (See below.)
(n.) A small appendage like a rudimentary leaf, resembling the scales of a fish in form, and often in arrangement
(n.) The thin metallic side plate of the handle of a pocketknife. See Illust. of Pocketknife.
(n.) An incrustation deposit on the inside of a vessel in which water is heated, as a steam boiler.
(n.) The thin oxide which forms on the surface of iron forgings. It consists essentially of the magnetic oxide, Fe3O4. Also, a similar coating upon other metals.
(v. t.) To strip or clear of scale or scales
(v. t.) To take off in thin layers or scales, as tartar from the teeth
(v. t.) To scatter
(v. t.) To clean, as the inside of a cannon, by the explosion of a small quantity of powder.
(v. i.) To separate and come off in thin layers or laminae
(v. i.) To separate
(n.) A ladder
(n.) Hence, anything graduated, especially when employed as a measure or rule, or marked by lines at regular intervals.
(n.) A mathematical instrument, consisting of a slip of wood, ivory, or metal, with one or more sets of spaces graduated and numbered on its surface, for measuring or laying off distances, etc., as in drawing, plotting, and the like. See Gunter's scale.
(n.) A series of spaces marked by lines, and representing proportionately larger distances
(n.) A basis for a numeral system
(n.) The graduated series of all the tones, ascending or descending, from the keynote to its octave
(n.) Gradation
(n.) Relative dimensions, without difference in proportion of parts
(v. t.) To climb by a ladder, or as if by a ladder
(v. i.) To lead up by steps
(a.) Having the wings covered with small scalelike structures, as the Lepidoptera

large-scale consumer Bedeutung

economy of scale the saving in cost of production that is due to mass production
consumer research marketing research that yields information about the motives and needs of different classes of consumers
tall order
large order
a formidable task or requirement, finishing in time was a tall order but we did it
Binet-Simon Scale the first intelligence test
scale a flattened rigid plate forming part of the body covering of many animals
fish scale scale of the kind that covers the bodies of fish
large poodle the largest breed of poodle
large civet
Viverra zibetha
common civet of India and southeast Asia
scale insect small homopterous insect that usually lives and feeds on plants and secretes a protective waxy covering
soft scale an insect active in all stages
brown soft scale
Coccus hesperidum
pest on citrus trees
armored scale insect having a firm covering of wax especially in the female
San Jose scale
Aspidiotus perniciosus
small east Asian insect naturalized in the United States that damages fruit trees
large white
Pieris brassicae
Old World form of cabbage butterfly
consumer goods goods (as food or clothing) intended for direct use or consumption
durable goods
consumer durables
consumer goods that are not destroyed by use
plate scale shell a metal sheathing of uniform thickness (such as the shield attached to an artillery piece to protect the gunners)
scale an indicator having a graduated sequence of marks
scale weighing machine a measuring instrument for weighing, shows amount of mass
spring balance
spring scale
a balance that measure weight by the tension on a helical spring
lever scale
beam scale
a portable balance consisting of a pivoted bar with arms of unequal length
vernier scale
a small movable scale that slides along a main scale, the small scale is calibrated to indicate fractional divisions of the main scale
pH scale
(from potential of Hydrogen) the logarithm of the reciprocal of hydrogen-ion concentration in gram atoms per liter, provides a measure on a scale from
to of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution (where is neutral and greater than is more basic and less than is more acidic),
extra large a garment size for a very large person
large a garment size for a large person
large intestine beginning with the cecum and ending with the rectum, includes the cecum and the colon and the rectum, extracts moisture from food residues which are later excreted as feces
scale value a value on some scale of measurement
Bernoulli's law
law of large numbers
(statistics) law stating that a large number of items taken at random from a population will (on the average) have the population statistics
consumer price index
cost-of-living index
an index of the cost of all goods and services to a typical consumer
musical scale
(music) a series of notes differing in pitch according to a specific scheme (usually within an octave)
diatonic scale a scale with eight notes in an octave, all but two are separated by whole tones
major scale
major diatonic scale
a diatonic scale with notes separated by whole tones except for the rd and th and th and th
minor scale
minor diatonic scale
a diatonic scale with notes separated by whole tones except for the nd and rd and th and th
chromatic scale a -note scale including all the semitones of the octave
gapped scale a musical scale with fewer than seven notes
pentatonic scale
a gapped scale with five notes, usually the fourth and seventh notes of the diatonic scale are omitted
C major
C major scale
scale of C major
(music) the major scale having no sharps or flats
large cap a corporation with a large capitalization, he works for a large cap
consumer finance company
small loan company
a finance company that makes loans to people who have trouble getting a bank loan
Large Magellanic Cloud the larger of the two Magellanic Clouds visible from the southern hemisphere
scurf exfoliation
a thin flake of dead epidermis shed from the surface of the skin
consumer a person who uses goods or services
large person a person of greater than average size
leafy liverwort
scale moss
moss-like liverwort with tiny scalelike leaves, usually epiphytic
southern magnolia
evergreen magnolia
large-flowering magnolia
bull bay
Magnolia grandiflora
evergreen tree of southern United States having large stiff glossy leaves and huge white sweet-smelling flowers
large-leaved magnolia
large-leaved cucumber tree
great-leaved macrophylla
Magnolia macrophylla
large deciduous shrub or tree of southeastern United States having huge leaves in dense false whorls and large creamy flowers tinged purple toward the base
large periwinkle
Vinca major
plant having variegated foliage and used for window boxes
large-leaved aster
Aster macrophyllus
tufted perennial wood aster of North America, naturalized in Europe
large yellow lady's slipper
Cypripedium calceolus pubescens
plant of eastern and central North America having slightly fragrant purple-marked greenish-yellow flowers
large crabgrass
hairy finger grass
Digitaria sanguinalis
a European forage grass grown for hay, a naturalized weed in United States
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