
Materialentnahmekarte Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Materialentnahmekarte, Materialentnahmeschein
material requisition card
Materialentnahmekarte, Materialentnahmeschein
material requisition card
ausreichend Material
sufficient material
bestelltes Material
material on order
direktes Material (für die Produktion)
direct material
einer Ware zugeordnetes Material
direct materials
Material sammeln
amass material
nutzloses Material
useless material
überschüssiges Material
surplus material
Umgang mit Material
materials handling
veraltetes Material
obsolete material
verworfenes Material
rejected material
vorrätiges Material
material on hand
Abtragen n von Material
material removal
Aufschießen n (von feuerfestem Material) mach.
Bombe f, Abwurfwaffe f mil.
Bomben n
schmutzige Bombe, radiologische Waffe, Sprengsatz, der bei seiner Explosion radioaktives Material verteilt
(versteckte) Sprengbombe am Straßenrand
bomb, bombshell
dirty bomb, radiological dispersal device (RDD)
roadside bomb
Einsparung f (an)
Einsparungen pl
umfangreiche Einsparungen
Einsparungen an Kosten
Einsparungen an Energie
Einsparungen an Material
durch Einsparungen an
saving (in)
extensive economies
savings in costs, economies in costs
savings in energy, economies in energy
savings in materials, economies in materials
by economizing on, by saving
Gegenstand m, Material n
Material n, Werkstoff m, Stoff m
Materialien pl, Werkstoffe pl, Stoffe pl
eingeleitetes Material
fehlerhaftes Material
leitfähiges Material
nachvernetztes Material
dumped material
defective material
conductive material
post-cured material
Material n, Informationen pl
Schweiß transportierend, Schweiß transportierendes Material textil.
Volant m
Volants pl
Material für Volants
mit Volants besetzt
flounce, frill, valance
Wiederaufarbeitung f, Herstellung aus recyceltem Material
Zerfall m (von radioaktivem Material)
decay (of radioactive material)
auftragsgebundenes Material
allocated material
bauen, aufbauen v
bauend, aufbauend
gebaut, aufgebaut
sie baut
sie baute
sie hat
hatte gebaut
schäbig bauen, mit billigem Material bauen, pfuschen
to build {built, built}, to build up
building, building up
built, built up
she builds
she built
she has
had built
to jerry-build {jerry-built, jerry-built}
halbsteif adj
halbsteifes Material
semi-rigid material
n-leitend adj electr.
n-leitendes Material
n type
n material
p-leitendes Material (Halbleiter) electr.
unbrauchbares Material
wiederaufarbeiten, aus recyceltem Material herstellen
to remanufacture
Material, Informationen
Material, Werkstoff
Gegenstand, Material, Sache, Angelegenheit
n leitendes Material
n material
p-leitendes Material (Halbl.)
Material, Stoff
das Material ist echt
the material is genuine
diese Art von Material
this kind of material
Ware vom besten Material
goods of the best material
Abrieb m; Abgeriebenes n; abgeriebenes Material n
abraded material; abraded particles; rubbed-off particles
Anschüttung f; Hinterfüllung f (stabilisierendes Material) constr.
Baggergut-Hinterfüllung f
backing; backfill
backfill with excavated material
Arbeitsleistung f; Arbeit f econ.
harte körperliche Arbeit
Der Preis beinhaltet Arbeit und Material.
labour Br.; labor Am.
hard manual labour
The price includes the labour and materials
Aufschießen n (von feuerfestem Material) techn.
Bombe f; Abwurfwaffe f mil.
Bomben pl; Abwurfwaffen pl
Atombombe f; Nuklearbombe f; A-Bombe f
Blitzlichtbombe f
Brandbombe f
Leuchtbombe f
Napalmbombe f
Neutronenbombe f
Plutoniumbombe f
Rohrbombe f
Splitterbombe f
Sprengbombe f
Streubombe f; Schüttbombe f; Kassettenbombe f
Wasserstoffbombe f; H-Bombe f; thermonukleare Bombe f
Bombe mit Detonationsdruckzündung
Bombe mit verzögerter Zündung
gelenkte Bombe
ungelenkte Bombe f; Freifallbombe f
nicht detonierte Bombe
schmutzige Bombe; radiologische Dispersionsvorrichtung (konventioneller Sprengsatz der radioaktives Material verstreut)
eine Bombe scharfmachen
eine Bombe auf ein Ziel abwerfen
eine Brandbombe auf ein Ziel abwerfen v
(an einem Ort) eine Bombe legen deponieren
eine Bombe zünden
die Bombe explodiert
Das Zimmer sah aus als hätte eine Bombe eingeschlagen.
nuclear bomb; A-bomb; atomic bomb
photoflash bomb
firebomb; incendiary bomb
flare bomb; illuminating bomb
napalm bomb
neutron bomb
plutonium bomb
pipe bomb
scatter bomb; fragmentation bomb
high-explosive bomb
cluster bomb
hydrogen bomb; H-bomb; fusion bomb; thermonuclear bomb
concussion bomb
delayed-action bomb
blind smart bomb; blind bomb
unguided bomb; free-fall bomb; gravity bomb
unexploded bomb
dirty bomb; radiological dispersal device RDD
to arm a bomb
to drop a bomb on a target
to firebomb a target
to plant a bomb (in a place)
to detonate a bomb
the bomb explodes goes off
The room looked like a bomb had hit it.
Büßerhemd n; Büßergewand n; Kleidung aus rauem hautreizendem Material übtr.
grobe Textilie aus Pferde- Kamelhaar; Sacktuch n
hairshirt; hair-shirt; hair shirt fig.
haircloth; hair-cloth fig.
Einsparung f (an)
Einsparungen pl
umfangreiche Einsparungen
Einsparungen an Kosten
Einsparungen an Energie
Einsparungen an Material
Einsparung von Ressourcen
durch Einsparungen an von
saving (in)
extensive economies
savings in costs; economies in costs
savings in energy; economies in energy
savings in materials; economies in materials
saving of resources
by economizing on; by saving
Das Material wird nur für interne Ermittlungszwecke verwendet.
The material will be used for internal purposes only.
erkennungsdienstliches Material n (Lichtbild Fingerabdrücke DNS-Profil)
identifying material (set of photograph fingerprints DNA profile)
Garantie f; Gewährleistung f; Gewähr f geh.
ohne Gewähr
Garantie auf Material und Verarbeitung
jdm. die Gewähr bieten geben dass ...
Dafür übernehme ich keine Gewähr Garantie.
Alle Angaben (erfolgen) ohne Gewähr.
guaranty; guarantee Br.; warranty
without guaranty; not warranted
warranty against defective material and workmanship
to guarantee that
I cannot guarantee that.
No responsiblity is taken for the correctness of this information.
Gegenstand m; Material n
Handformstein m (feuerfestes Material)
dobie (refractories)
Hinterfüllung f; Anschüttung f (von Hohlräumen mit stabilisierendem Material) constr.
backing (process)
Kristall n (Material)
Gläser aus Kristall
crystal glasses
Lagerung f; Bettung f; Auflagerung f (von Material) techn.
die Lagerung des Motors auf Gummikissen Gummpolstern Ös.
bedding (of material)
the bedding of the engine inrubber cushions
Material n; Werkstoff m; Stoff m
Materialien pl; Werkstoffe pl; Stoffe pl
eingeleitetes Material
fehlerhaftes Material
leitfähiges Material
nachvernetztes Material
dumped material
defective material
conductive material
post-cured material
Ovonic n (Halbleiter aus amorphem Material) electr.
ovonic device; glass switch
Pappe f; Karton m (Material)
Pappe für Kartonagen
mehrlagige dreifach gegautsche Pappe
geharzte Pappe
paraffinierte Pappe
paperboard; cardboard; board (material)
box board
triplex board
moulding board
paraffined cardboard
Rolle f (von etw.) (aufgerolltes Material)
Rollen pl
eine Rolle Geschenkpapier (aufgerolltes Papier ohne innere Spule)
roll (of sth.)
a roll of wrapping paper
Rolle f (von etw.) (auf eine Spule aufgewickeltes Material)
Rollen pl
eine Rolle Garn
reel (of sth.)
a reel of cotton
Schweiß transportierend; Schweiß transportierendes Material textil.
Strahlenschutz m (Material)
radiation protection shielding; protection against radiation (material)
Ãœberbeanspruchung f; Ãœberlastung f (von Maschinen Material) techn.
overload (of machines materials)
Urheberrecht n (an etw.) (subjektives Recht) jur.
alleiniges Urheberrecht; Alleinurheberrecht
internationales Urheberrecht
Urheberrecht an Filmen
Urheberrecht an Werken der bildenden Künste
Urheberrecht an literarischen künstlerischen oder wissenschaftlichen Werken
Erwerb und Ausübung des Urheberrechts
Ãœbertragung des Urheberrechts
Material das gegen ein bestehendes Urheberrecht verstößt
Diese Fotografien sind urheberrechtlich geschützt.
copyright (to sth.)
exclusive copyright
international copyright
film copyright
artistic copyright
copyright of literary artistic or scientific works
acquisition and enjoyment of (the) copyright
assignment of copyright
copyright-infringing material; infringing material
These photographs are under copyright.
Volant m textil.
Volants pl
Material für Volants
mit Volants besetzt
flounce; frill; valance
Wärmeisolierung f; Wärmeisolation f; Wärmedämmung f; Wärmeschutz m (Tätigkeit und Material) techn.
heat insulation; thermal insulation; lagging Br.
Wiederaufarbeitung f; Herstellung aus recyceltem Material
Zerfall m (von radioaktivem Material)
radioaktiver Zerfall
spontaner Zerfall
decay (of radioactive material)
radioaktive decay; radioaktive disintegration
spontaneous decay; spontaneous disintegration
Zuführen n; Zuführung f; Zufuhr f; Beschicken n; Beschickung f; Speisung f; Aufgeben n (von mit Material) techn.
feeding; charging (of material)
ein Material angreifen; (chemisch) zerfressen; wegfressen; zersetzen v
angreifend; zerfressend; wegfressend; zersetzend
angegriffen; zerfressen; weggefressen; zersetzt
to corrode; to erode; to eat away a material (by chemical action)
corroding; eroding; eating away
corroded; eroded; eaten away

Deutsche Materialentnahmekarte Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Materialentnahmekarte Synonym nachschlagen

Englische material requisition card Synonyme

material  Adamic  Circean  Formica  Masonite  Philistine  a propos  ab ovo  absolute  abundance  accumulation  actual  ad rem  adducible  admissible  air  amassment  animal  animalistic  apparatus  appertaining  applicable  applying  apposite  appreciable  appropriate  apropos  asphalt  atom  atomic particles  atoms  attestative  attestive  authentic  backlog  ballpoint pen  basal  based on  basic  beastlike  beastly  bedrock  being  belonging  bestial  bibliography  big  big-league  big-name  big-time  bigwig  bigwigged  blackboard  blacktop  bodily  body of knowledge  body of learning  brick  brutal  brute  brute matter  brutish  budget  building block  canvas  cardinal  carnal  carnal-minded  carpeting  central  certain  chalk  chemical element  circumstantial  clapboard  cloth  coarse  cobblestone  collection  commissariat  commissary  component  components  conclusive  concrete  consequential  considerable  constituent  constituents  constitutive  convincing  core  cork tile  cornucopia  corporal  corporeal  crayon  cumulation  cumulative  cyclopedia  damning  data  decisive  determinative  distillate  distillation  documentary  documentation  documented  documents  double-barreled  drapery  dump  earth  earthly  earthshaking  earthy  element  elemental  elementary  elementary particle  elementary unit  elements  elixir  encyclopedia  entity  equipment  eraser  essence  essential  etoffe  evidential  evidentiary  ex parte  eye-witness  fabric  facts  factual  fallen  felt  fiber glass  figures  final  fire  firsthand  flag  flagging  flagstone  fleshly  flooring  focal  founded on  fundamental  fundamental particle  gear  germane  gist  goods  grand  great  gross  grounded on  gut  habiliments  heap  hearsay  heart  heavyweight  high-powered  hoard  hyle  hylic  hypostasis  implicit  important  in point  incontrovertible  indicative  indispensable  indisputable  individual  information  ingredient  ink  inkhorn  inkstand  inkwell  inventory  invisible ink  invo  
materialism  Adam  Marxism  Philistinism  animalism  animality  atomism  beastliness  behaviorism  bestiality  brutality  brutishness  carnal nature  carnal-mindedness  carnality  coarseness  commonsense realism  dialectical materialism  earthiness  earthliness  earthly-mindedness  empiricism  epiphenomenalism  fallen nature  fallen state  flesh  fleshliness  grossness  historical materialism  hylomorphism  hylotheism  hylozoism  idealism  lapsed state  mechanism  mundaneness  natural realism  naturalism  new realism  nonspirituality  physicalism  physicism  positive philosophy  positivism  postlapsarian state  pragmaticism  pragmatism  realism  representative realism  secularism  substantialism  swinishness  temporality  the Old Adam  the beast  the flesh  the offending Adam  unspirituality  worldliness  worldly-mindedness  
materialistic  Adamic  Circean  Cyrenaic  Eleatic  Epicurean  Marxian  Marxist  Megarian  Philistine  Stoic  animal  animalistic  animist  animistic  atomistic  banausic  beastlike  beastly  bestial  bodily  breadwinning  brutal  brute  brutish  businesslike  carnal  carnal-minded  coarse  commercial  commonsense  cosmotheistic  earthly  earthy  eclectic  empirical  eudaemonistic  existential  expedient  fallen  fleshly  greedy  gross  hedonic  hedonist  hedonistic  humanist  humanistic  hylomorphous  hylotheistic  idealistic  instrumentalist  lapsed  material  materialist  mechanist  mechanistic  metaphysical  moneymaking  monistic  mundane  naturalist  naturalistic  nominalist  nonspiritual  orgiastic  panlogistical  pantheistic  physical  positivist  positivistic  postlapsarian  practical  pragmatic  pragmatist  profane  prosaic  rationalistic  realist  realistic  scholastic  secular  sensationalistic  sensual  swinish  syncretistic  temporal  terrestrial  theistic  transcendentalist  transcendentalistic  unspiritual  utilitarian  vitalistic  voluntarist  voluntaristic  workaday  workday  working  worldly  yuppy  
materiality  accent  air  applicability  application  appositeness  atom  atomic particles  bearing  being  body  brute matter  building block  chemical element  component  concern  concernment  concreteness  connection  consequence  consequentiality  consideration  constituent  density  durability  earth  element  elementary particle  elementary unit  emphasis  ens  entity  esse  essence  excellence  existence  fire  firmness  fundamental particle  germaneness  high order  high rank  hyle  hypostasis  import  importance  interest  life  mark  mass  material  material world  matter  merit  molecule  moment  monad  natural world  nature  note  occurrence  palpability  paramountcy  pertinence  physical world  plenum  ponderability  precedence  preeminence  presence  primacy  priority  reality  reference  regard  relatedness  relevance  respect  self-importance  significance  solidity  soundness  stability  steadiness  stoutness  strength  stress  stuff  sturdiness  subsistence  substance  substantiality  substantialness  substratum  superiority  supremacy  tangibility  the four elements  toughness  unit of being  value  water  weight  worth  
materialization  Christophany  Masan  Ouija  Satanophany  accident  angelophany  apparition  appearance  appearing  arising  astral  astral spirit  automatic writing  automatism  avatar  banshee  coming  coming into being  coming to be  coming-forth  concretization  constitution  contingency  contingent  control  corporealization  departed spirit  disclosure  disembodied spirit  dissemination  duppy  dybbuk  effectuation  eidolon  embodiment  emergence  epiphany  establishment  event  eventuality  eventuation  evidence  evincement  exposure  expression  form  formation  forthcoming  foundation  ghost  grateful dead  guide  hant  haunt  idolum  immateriality  inauguration  incarnation  inception  incidence  incorporation  incorporeal  incorporeal being  incorporeity  indication  installation  institution  issuance  larva  lemures  levitation  manes  manifestation  materializing  metempsychosis  occurrence  oni  opening  organization  personification  phantasm  phantasma  phantom  planchette  pneumatophany  poltergeist  poltergeistism  presence  presentation  proof  psychography  psychorrhagy  publication  realization  reembodiment  reification  reincarnation  revelation  revenant  rise  rising  setting-up  shade  shadow  shape  showing  showing forth  shrouded spirit  specter  spectral ghost  spirit  spirit manifestation  spirit rapping  spook  sprite  substantiation  table tipping  telekinesis  teleportation  telesthesia  theophany  trance speaking  transmigration  unfolding  unfoldment  unsubstantiality  vision  walking dead man  wandering soul  wraith  zombie  
materialize  affect  appear  approach  arise  be found  be realized  be revealed  become manifest  become visible  betoken  betray itself  body  body forth  brandish  breathe  bring forth  bring forward  bring into view  bring out  bring to notice  chance  come  come along  come forth  come forward  come in sight  come into being  come into existence  come on  come out  come to hand  come to light  come to pass  concretize  constitute  corporealize  corporify  crop out  crop up  dangle  demonstrate  develop  disclose  discover itself  display  divulge  dramatize  draw on  effect  effectuate  embody  emerge  enact  enter  entify  establish  evidence  evince  exhibit  expose to view  express  exteriorize  externalize  fade in  flaunt  flourish  form  found  give sign  give token  hang out  happen  have no secrets  heave in sight  highlight  hypostatize  illuminate  inaugurate  incarnate  incept  incorporate  indicate  install  institute  issue  issue forth  lend substance to  look forth  loom  make clear  make plain  manifest  mean  objectify  occur  open up  organize  outcrop  parade  peep out  perform  personalize  personify  pop up  present  present itself  produce  realize  rear its head  reembody  reify  reincarnate  represent  reveal  rise  roll out  see the light  set forth  set up  shape  shape up  show  show forth  show up  solidify  speak out  speak up  spotlight  spring  spring up  stream forth  strike the eye  substantialize  substantiate  substantify  take a stand  take form  take place  take shape  token  transmigrate  trot out  turn up  typify  unfold  wave  

Materialentnahmekarte Definition

(n.) A piece of pasteboard, or thick paper, blank or prepared for various uses
(n.) A published note, containing a brief statement, explanation, request, expression of thanks, or the like
(n.) A paper on which the points of the compass are marked
(n.) A perforated pasteboard or sheet-metal plate for warp threads, making part of the Jacquard apparatus of a loom. See Jacquard.
(n.) An indicator card. See under Indicator.
(v. i.) To play at cards
(n.) An instrument for disentangling and arranging the fibers of cotton, wool, flax, etc.
(n.) A roll or sliver of fiber (as of wool) delivered from a carding machine.
(v. t.) To comb with a card
(v. t.) To clean or clear, as if by using a card.
(v. t.) To mix or mingle, as with an inferior or weaker article.
(a.) Consisting of matter
(a.) Hence: Pertaining to, or affecting, the physical nature of man, as distinguished from the mental or moral nature
(a.) Of solid or weighty character
(a.) Pertaining to the matter, as opposed to the form, of a thing. See Matter.
(n.) The substance or matter of which anything is made or may be made.
(v. t.) To form from matter
(n.) The act of requiring, as of right
(n.) A formal demand made by one state or government upon another for the surrender or extradition of a fugitive from justice.
(n.) A notarial demand of a debt.
(n.) A demand by the invader upon the people of an invaded country for supplies, as of provision, forage, transportation, etc.
(n.) A formal application by one officer to another for things needed in the public service
(n.) That which is required by authority
(n.) A written or normal call
(v. t.) To make a reqisition on or for
(v. t.) To present a requisition to
Sea card
() Mariner's card, or compass.

material requisition card Bedeutung

material breach a breach serious enough to destroy the value of the contract and to give a basis for an action for breach of contract
sequestration requisition seizing property that belongs to someone else and holding it until profits pay the demand for which it was seized
card game
a game played with playing cards
card trick a trick performed with playing cards
waste of material a useless consumption of material
baseball card a trading card with a picture of a baseball player and information about his playing record
bedding material
bedding litter
material used to provide a bed for animals
card one of a set of small pieces of stiff paper marked in various ways and used for playing games or for telling fortunes, he collected cards and traded them with the other boys
card index
card catalog
card catalogue
an alphabetical listing of items (e.g., books in a library) with a separate card for each item
card table a small light table with folding legs, can be folded for storage
card table a table for playing cards (as in a casino)
circuit board
circuit card
board card plug-in
a printed circuit that can be inserted into expansion slots in a computer to increase the computer's capabilities
compass card
mariner's compass
compass in the form of a card that rotates so that
degrees or North points to magnetic north
drawing card
loss leader
a featured article of merchandise sold at a loss in order to draw customers
artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers, the fabric in the curtains was light and semitransparent, woven cloth originated in Mesopotamia around BC, she measured off enough material for a dress
face card
picture card
court card
one of the twelve cards in a deck bearing a picture of a face
gaming card one of a set of cards used in gambling games
hole card (poker) a playing card dealt face down and not revealed until the showdown
house of cards
an unstable construction with playing cards, he built three levels of his cardcastle before it collapsed
material things needed for doing or making something, writing materials, useful teaching materials
photographic paper
photographic material
light-sensitive paper on which photograph can be printed
piece of cloth
piece of material
a separate part consisting of fabric
playing card one of a pack of cards that are used to play card games
punched card
punch card
Hollerith card
a card on which data can be recorded in the form of punched holes
tarot card
any of a set of (usually ) cards that include cards representing virtues and vices and death and fortune etc., used by fortunetellers
trading card a card with a picture on it, collected and traded by children
trump card
a playing card in the suit that has been declared trumps, the ace of trumps is a sure winner
upholstery material the fabric used in upholstering
wild card a playing card whose value can be determined by the person who holds it
e human body
physical body
material body
frame form
alternative names for the body of a human being, Leonardo studied the human body, he has a strong physique, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
calling card a distinguishing characteristic or behavior, bombs are a terrorist's calling cards
written material
piece of writing
the work of a writer, anything expressed in letters of the alphabet (especially when considered from the point of view of style and effect), the writing in her novels is excellent, that editorial was a fine piece of writing
business card a card on which are printed the person's name and business affiliation
requisition requisition form an official form on which a request in made, first you have to fill out the requisition
card identity card a card certifying the identity of the bearer, he had to show his card to get in
donor card a card that you carry on your person and that authorizes the use of your organs for transplantation after your death
membership card a card certifying membership in an organization
union card a card certifying membership in a labor union
library card
borrower's card
a card certifying the bearer's right to use the library
ration card a card certifying the bearer's right to purchase rationed goods
batting order
card lineup
(baseball) a list of batters in the order in which they will bat, the managers presented their cards to the umpire at home plate
card catalog
card catalogue
a library catalog in which each publication is described on a separate file card
bill of fare
card carte du jour
a list of dishes available at a restaurant, the menu was in French
card scorecard (golf) a record of scores (as in golf), you have to turn in your card to get a handicap
reading material
written material intended to be read, the teacher assigned new readings, he bought some reading material at the airport
card a rectangular piece of stiff paper used to send messages (may have printed greetings or pictures), they sent us a card from Miami
birthday card a card expressing a birthday greeting
get-well card a card expressing get-well wishes
greeting card a card sent to express personal greetings
Christmas card a card expressing a Christmas greeting
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