
Mehrfachnennungen Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Mehrfachnennungen möglich (Fragebogen)
Nur eine Antwort möglich (Fragebogen)
multicode allowed (questionnaire)
single code (questionnaire)
Mehrfachnennungen möglich (Fragebogen)
Nur eine Antwort möglich (Fragebogen)
multicode allowed (questionnaire)
single code (questionnaire)
multi-, multiple
Pflanzenöl n, pflanzliches Öl
gehärtetes Pflanzenöl
mehrfach ungesättigtes Pflanzenöl
vegetable oil
hardened vegetable oil
polyunsaturated vegetable oil
behindert, versehrt adj
nichtbehindert adj
körperlich behindert
mehrfach behindert
behinderte SchĂĽler
handicapped, disabled
physically incapacitated
multiple handicapped
disabled pupils, disabled students
gefiedert (Blattform) adj bot.
doppelt gefiedert
mehrfach gefiedert
paarig gefiedert
unpaarig gefiedert
unpaarig gefiederte Blätter
frequently compound
imparipinnate, odd-pinnate
imparipinnate leaves
mehrfach, vielfach, multipel adj
mehrfach adv
mehrfach aufrufbar
mehrfunktional, mehrfach verwendbar adj
multifunctional, polyfunctional
ungesättigt adj chem.
einfach ungesättigt
mehrfach ungesättigt
vielfach, mehrfach, vielfältig adj
Fettsäure f chem.
Fettsäuren pl
essenzielle Fettsäure
langkettige Fettsäure
gesättigte Fettsäure
ungesättigte Fettsäure
einfach ungesättigte Fettsäure
zweifach ungesättigte Fettsäure
mehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäure
fatty acid
fatty acids
essential fatty acid
long chain fatty acid
saturated fatty acid
unsaturated fatty acid
trans fat
monounsaturated fatty acid; monounsaturate
diunsaturated fatty acid; diunsaturate
polyunsaturated fatty acid; polyunsaturate
Omega-3 fatty acid
multi-; multiple
Pflanzenöl n; pflanzliches Öl
gehärtetes Pflanzenöl
mehrfach ungesättigtes Pflanzenöl
vegetable oil
hardened vegetable oil
polyunsaturated vegetable oil
Raumkurve f; dreidimensionale Kurve f math. phys.
mehrfach gekrĂĽmmte Raumkurve
Torsionsradius m einer Raumkurve
space curve; spherical curve; three-dimensional curve
skew curve
radius of torsion of a space curve
behindert; versehrt adj
nichtbehindert adj
körperlich behindert
mehrfach behindert
behinderte SchĂĽler
handicapped; disabled
physically incapacitated
multiple handicapped
disabled pupils; disabled students
etw. verfilmen v
Ihr zweiter Roman wurde 2010 verfilmt.
Dieses BĂĽhnenmusical wurde mehrfach verfilmt.
to film sth.; to make a film Br. movie Am. of sth.; to make turn sth. into a film Br. movie Am.
filming; making a film movie
filmed; made a film movie
Her second novel was filmed in 2010.
Several films were made of this stage musical.
gefächert; septiert; mit Querwänden versehen adj anat.
nicht gefächert; nicht septiert; ohne Querwände
mehrfach gefächert; mehrfach septiert
gefiedert adj (Blattform) bot.
doppelt gefiedert
mehrfach gefiedert
paarig gefiedert
unpaarig gefiedert
pinnate (leaf shape)
twice pinnate; bipinnate
frequently compound
even-pinnate; paripinnate
odd-pinnate; imparipinnate
mehrfach gezwirnt; doubliert adj textil.
mehrfach; vielfach; multipel adj
mehrfach aufrufbar adj (Programm; Routine) comp.
mehrfunktional; mehrfach verwendbar adj
multifunctional; polyfunctional
schwanger adj med.
schwanger sein
schwanger werden
schwangere Frauen
gebärfähige Frauen
mehrfach schwangere Frau
Sind Sie schwanger?
Sie ist im dritten Monat schwanger.
Sie hatte einen Unfall als sie mit ihrem dritten Kind schwanger war.
pregnant; preggers Br. coll.; childbearing
to be pregnant
to become pregnant; to get pregnant
pregnant women
women of childbearing potential
Are you pregnant?
She is three months pregnant.
She had an accident while she was pregnant with her third child.
vielfach; mehrfach; vielfältig adj
wieder verwendbar; mehrfach verwendbar adj; Mehrweg...
wiederholt; öfters; mehrmals; mehrfach; verschiedentlich adv
repeatedly; several times
Erdschluss m; Masseschluss m; Erdfehler m (unerwĂĽnschter Erdkontakt) electr.
ausgleichender Erdschluss
einpoliger Erdschluss
Mehrfach-Erdschluss m; Gesellschaftserdschluss m
earth leakage Br.; ground leakage Am.; earth fault Br.; ground fault Am.; accidental earth Br. ground Am.; short to frame earth Br. ground Am.
earth counterpoise Br.; ground counterpoise Am.
single-line-to-earth fault
polyphase earth Br.; polyphase ground Am.
Fall m (Vorkommnis)
in diesem einen Fall
mehrfach; mehrmals
für solche Fälle
on this one occasion
on several occasions
for such occasions
Fettsäure f chem.
Fettsäuren pl
essenzielle Fettsäure
langkettige Fettsäure
gesättigte Fettsäure
ungesättigte Fettsäure
einfach ungesättigte Fettsäure
zweifach ungesättigte Fettsäure
mehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäure
Titer von Fettsäuren
fatty acid
fatty acids
essential fatty acid
long chain fatty acid
saturated fatty acid
unsaturated fatty acid
trans fat
monounsaturated fatty acid; monounsaturate
diunsaturated fatty acid; diunsaturate
polyunsaturated fatty acid; polyunsaturate
Omega-3 fatty acid
setting point of fatty acids
Himmelsrichtung f; Himmelsgegend poet. geogr.
die vier Haupthimmelsrichtungen; Himmelsrichtungen; Kardinalpunkte
(mehrfach unterteilte) Himmelsrichtungen auf der Kompass-Skala
Nebenhimmelsrichtungen auf der Kompass-Skala
Zwischenhimmelsrichtungen auf der Kompass-Skala
geographical direction; geographic direction
the four cardinal directions; the four cardinal points
points of the compass; compass points
intercardinal directions; ordinary directions; intercardinal (compass) points
secondary-intercardinal directions; secondary-intercardinal (compass) points
Mehrfachstecker m
multi-; multiple
multiple plug; multi-plug
Palimpsest m,n (mehrfach ĂĽberschriebenes Manuskript) print
Palimpseste pl
Ăśberflug m (ĂĽber etw.) aviat.
ĂśberflĂĽge pl
NachtĂĽberflĂĽge pl
das Gebiet mehrfach tief ĂĽberfliegen
pass (over sth.)
night passes
to make several low passes over the area
Wiedereintrittskörper m (Sprengkopf einer Interkontinentalrakete) mil.
Wiedereintrittskörper pl
manövrierbarer Wiedereintrittskörper
Wiedereintrittskörper mit mehreren Gefechtsköpfen
getrennte Ziele ansteuerbarer Mehrfach-Wiedereintrittskörper
re-entry vehicle (warhead of an intercontinental missile)
re-entry vehicles
manoeuvrable re-entry vehicle MARV
multiple re-entry vehicle MRV
multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicle MIRV
etw. (Negatives ĂĽber jdn.) behaupten; jdm. etw. vorwerfen; etw. (Negatives) geltend machen v
behauptend; vorwerfend; geltend machend
behauptet; vorgeworfen; geltend gemacht
er sie behauptet
ich er sie behauptete
er sie hat hatte behauptet
ich er sie behauptete
Sie behaupten, dass er seine Freundin mehrfach bedroht hat. Haben Sie dafĂĽr Beweise?
Dem BĂĽrgermeister wird vorgeworfen, Bestechungsgelder angenommen zu haben.
Der Staatsanwalt machte grobes Fehlverhalten geltend.
In der Klageschrift wird geltend gemacht, dass das Vorhandensein der Aufzeichnungen bewusst verheimlicht wurde.
Herr Schmidt war angeblich …
to allege sth.
he she alleges
I he she alleged
he she has had alleged
I he she would allege
You allege that he has threatened his girl-friend several times. Do you have any proof?
The mayor is alleged to have accepted bribes.
The public prosecutor alleged gross misconduct.; The public prosecutor alleged that there had been gross misconduct.
The statement of claim alleges that the existence of the records was deliberately concealed.
Mr. Schmidt is alleged to have been …
behindert adj med.
körperlich behindert; körperbehindert; versehrt adm. (veraltend bei Behinderung durch Krieg Unfall)
geistig behindert
schwerbehindert; schwerstbehindert
mehrfach behindert
behinderte SchĂĽler
disabled; handicapped coll.
physically disabled; physically incapacitated; physically handicapped coll.
mentally disabled; mentally incapacitated; mentally handicapped coll.
severely disabled; severely incapacitated; severely handicapped coll.
non-disabled; enabled; non-handicapped coll.
multiple disabled; multiple handicapped coll.
disabled pupils; disabled students
der; die; das; welche r s selten pron (Relativpronomen)
die Frau, der das Lokal gehört
das Gedicht, das er zuletzt geschrieben hat
das Gedicht, das aus acht Paarreimen besteht, handelt von …
das Jahr, in dem Fabian geboren wurde
ein Kinofilm, der mehrfach ausgezeichnet wurde
jeden, den ich kenne
die Leute, von denen du es bekommen hast
Ist das der Mann, den Sie gestern Abend gesehen haben?
Es ist eine Gesundheitskrise, auf die das Land völlig unvorbereitet ist.
that (person or thing); who (person); which (thing) (relative pronoun)
the woman that who owns the place
the poem that which he wrote most recently; the poem he wrote most recently
The poem, which consists of eight rhyming couplets, is about …
the year that in which Fabian was born
a cinema film, which won several awards
everyone that I know
the people you got it from
Is he the man (that) you saw last night?
It is a public health emergency for which the country is totally unprepared.
meine Wenigkeit humor.; der Autor (selbst)
Das Foto zeigt Michael und meine Wenigkeit.
Darauf wurde mehrfach hingewiesen, nicht nur vom Autor selbst.
yours truly humor.
The photograph shows Michael and yours truly.
This was pointed out many times not just by yours truly.
preisgekrönt; prämiert adj
mehrfach preisgekrönt
award-winning; prize-winning
multiple award-winning
schwanger adj med.
hochschwanger adj
von jdm. schwanger sein
schwanger werden
gebärfähige Frauen
mehrfach schwangere Frau
Sind Sie schwanger?
Sie ist im dritten Monat schwanger.
Sie hatte einen Unfall, als sie mit ihrem dritten Kind schwanger war.
pregnant; preggers Br. coll.; childbearing
well far advanced in pregnancy
to be pregnant by sb.
to become pregnant; to get pregnant
women of childbearing potential
Are you pregnant?
She is three months pregnant.
She had an accident while she was pregnant with her third child.
etw. verschachteln v
mehrfach verschachtelte MenĂĽs comp.
to nest sth.
multiple nested menus
wieder verwendbar; mehrfach verwendbar adj; Mehrweg…
Mehrfachadressierung f
multi addressing
multi addressing
Mehrfachallel n (DNS) biol.
multiple allele (DNA)
Mehrfachanschluss m telco.
MehrfachanschlĂĽsse pl
multiplex link
multiplex links
Mehrfachanschluss m, Multiport...
Mehrfachanschluss m; Multiport...
Mehrfachanschluss m; Multiport…
Redundanz f; Mehrfachauftreten n von Elementen
redundancy; multiple occurrence of elements
systematischer Mehrfachausfall m
common cause failure
Mehrfachauswahl-Verfahren n
multiple-choice method; multiple response method
Mehrfachauswahl f
multiple selection; multiple choice
Eingabefeld n; Feld n comp.
Eingabefelder pl; Felder pl
Auswahlfeld n
Einfachauswahlfeld n
Mehrfachauswahlfeld n
berechnete Eingabefelder
Feld, das beim Anlegen berechnet wird (Datenbankprogrammierung)
Feld, das zur Anzeige berechnet wird (Datenbankprogrammierung)
entry field; input field; field
entry fields; input fields; fields
selection field
single selection field
multiple selection field
computed entry fields
computed-when-composed field (database programming)
computed-for-display field (database programming)
Behinderung f; Handikap n med.
körperliche Behinderung; Körperbehinderung f; Versehrtheit f adm. (veraltend bei Behinderung durch Krieg Unfall)
geistige Behinderung
schwere Behinderung; Schwerstbehinderung f
mehrfache Behinderung; Mehrfachbehinderung f
Menschen mit Sinnesbehinderungen Sinnesbeeinträchtigungen
disability; disablement formal; incapacitation; handicap coll.
physical disability; physical disablement; physical incapacitation; physical handicap
mental disability; mental disablement; mental incapacitation; mental handicap
severe disability; severe disablement; severe incapacitation; severe handicap
multiple disability; multiple disablement; multiple incapacitation; multiple handicap
people with with sensory disabilities
Mehrfachbelegung f
multiple occupancy
Belegung f (von Räumlichkeiten) (Zahl der untergebrachten Personen Tiere)
Bettenbelegung; Bettenauslastung (Krankenhaus)
Einfachbelegung eines Doppelzimmers
Doppelbelegung eines Einzelzimmers
Dreierbelegung eines Zimmers einer Suite
Viererbelegung eines Zimmers einer Suite
Mehrfachbelegung eines Appartements
volle Belegung eines Appartements
Mindestbelegung f
Belegungsgrad m; Auslastung f
der alleinige Bewohner Mieter Gast sein
Die Hotels sind zu 80% ausgelastet.
occupancy (of rooms) (number of persons animals accommodated)
bed occupancy (hospital)
single occupancy of a double room
double twin occupancy of a single room
triple occupancy of a room suite
quadruple occupancy of a room suite
multiple occupancy of an apartment
full occupancy of an apartment
minimum occupancy
occupancy rate; occupancy ratio
to be in sole occupancy
Hotels enjoy 80% occupancy.
Mehrfachbelichtung f
multiple exposure
multiple job holding
Mehrfachbeschäftigung, Schwarzarbeit
Mehrfachbetrieb m
Mehrfachbild n (auf Bildschirm)
multiple image
Mehrfachbild (auf Bildschirm)
multiple image
GroĂźbaustein m, Mehrfachchip m electr.
multi chip
Grossbaustein, Mehrfachchip
multi chip

Deutsche Mehrfachnennungen Synonyme

Englische multicode allowed Synonyme

Mehrfachnennungen Definition

(imp. & p. p.) of Allow
(n.) A body of law, sanctioned by legislation, in which the rules of law to be specifically applied by the courts are set forth in systematic form
(n.) Any system of rules or regulations relating to one subject
(a.) One only, as distinguished from more than one
(a.) Alone
(a.) Hence, unmarried
(a.) Not doubled, twisted together, or combined with others
(a.) Performed by one person, or one on each side
(a.) Uncompounded
(a.) Not deceitful or artful
(a.) Simple
(v. t.) To select, as an individual person or thing, from among a number
(v. t.) To sequester
(v. t.) To take alone, or one by one.
(v. i.) To take the irrregular gait called single-foot
(n.) A unit
(n.) The reeled filaments of silk, twisted without doubling to give them firmness.
(n.) A handful of gleaned grain.
(n.) A game with but one player on each side
(n.) A hit by a batter which enables him to reach first base only.
(a.) Having simplicity of action
(a.) Lapping over the breast only far enough to permit of buttoning, and having buttons on one edge only
(n.) An irregular gait of a horse
(a.) Having but one hand, or one workman
(a.) Having an honest heart
(a.) Having a single purpose

multicode allowed (questionnaire) / single code (questionnaire) Bedeutung

line-drive single
line single
a single resulting from a line drive
a base hit on which the batter stops safely at first base
a rapid gait of a horse in which each foot strikes the ground separately
single entry
single-entry bookkeeping
a simple bookkeeping system, transactions are entered in only one account
single combat a fight between two people, in all armies there were officers who needed to prove their bravery by single combat
detached house
single dwelling
a house that stands alone
racing skiff
single shell
a shell for a single oarsman
single bed a bed for one occupant
single-breasted jacket a jacket having fronts that overlap only enough for a single row of buttons
single-breasted suit a suit having a single-breasted jacket
single crochet
single stitch
a crochet stitch
single prop
single-propeller plane
a propeller plane with a single propeller
single-mindedness characterized by one unified purpose
code of conduct
code of behavior
a set of conventional principles and expectations that are considered binding on any person who is a member of a particular group
uninominal system
uninominal voting system
single-member system
scrutin uninomial system
scrutin uninominal voting system
based on the principle of having only one member (as of a legislature) selected from each electoral district
code a coding system used for transmitting messages requiring brevity or secrecy
access code
a code (a series of characters or digits) that must be entered in some way (typed or dialed or spoken) to get the use of something (a telephone line or a computer or a local area network etc.)
area code a number usually of digits assigned to a telephone area as in the United States and Canada
bar code
Universal Product Code
code consisting of a series of vertical bars of variable width that are scanned by a laser, printed on consumer product packages to identify the item for a computer that provides the price and registers inventory information
color code system using colors to designate classifications
cryptograph secret code
a secret method of writing
Morse code
international Morse code
a telegraph code in which letters and numbers are represented by strings of dots and dashes (short and long signals)
ZIP code
postal code
a code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail
code computer code (computer science) the symbolic arrangement of data or instructions in a computer program or the set of such instructions
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
(computer science) a code for information exchange between computers made by different companies, a string of binary digits represents each character, used in most microcomputers
binary code code using a string of binary digits to represent characters
error correction code
(telecommunication) a coding system that incorporates extra parity bits in order to detect errors
machine code
machine language
a set of instructions coded so that the computer can use it directly without further translation
object code the machine-language output of a compiler that is ready for execution on a particular computer
operation code
order code
the portion of a set of operation descriptions that specifies the operation to be performed, the set of operations in a computer
source code program instructions written as an ASCII text file, must be translated by a compiler or interpreter or assembler into the object code for a particular computer before execution
single-spacing typing that does not leave lines blank
questionnaire a form containing a set of questions, submitted to people to gain statistical information
Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire
a selfeport personality inventory developed by Raymond B. Cattell to measure the personality dimensions that emerged from his factor analysis of a wide range of traits
Roman law
Justinian code
civil law jus civile
the legal code of ancient Rome, codified under Justinian, the basis for many modern systems of civil law
logic bomb
slag code
a set of instructions inserted into a program that are designed to execute (or `explode') if a particular condition is satisfied, when exploded it may delete or corrupt data, or print a spurious message, or have other harmful effects, a disgruntled employee planted a logic bomb
ethical code
a system of principles governing morality and acceptable conduct
code codification a set of rules or principles or laws (especially written ones)
legal code a code of laws adopted by a state or nation, a code of laws
penal code the legal code governing crimes and their punishment
United States Code
U. S. Code
a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States, is prepared and published by a unit of the United States House of Representatives
building code set of standards established and enforced by local government for the structural safety of buildings
dress code a set of rules specifying the correct manner of dress while on the premises of the institution (or specifying what manner of dress is prohibited)
fire code set of standards established and enforced by government for fire prevention and safety in case of fire as in fire escapes etc
sanitary code
health code
set of standards established and enforced by government for health requirements as in plumbing etc
Highway Code the code of rules governing the use of public roads
single quote a single quotation mark
code flag
nautical signal flag
one of an international code of flag signals used between ships
light cream
coffee cream
single cream
cream that has at least % butterfat, in England they call light cream `single cream'
single file
Indian file
a line of persons or things ranged one behind the other
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