
Mem Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Gliedmaße f; Körperglied n; Glied n; Extremität f (Membrum) anat.
Gliedmaßen pl; Körperglieder pl; Glieder pl; Extremitäten pl
die obere Gliedmaßen Extremitäten (Membra superiora)
die unteren Gliedmaßen Extremitäten (Membra inferiora )
ein Glied ruhigstellen
limb; extremity; member
limbs; extremities; members
the upper extremities; the pectoral thoracic limbs
the lower extremities; the pelvic limbs
to immobilize a limb eAm.; to immobilise a limb Br.
Gliedmaße f; Körperglied n; Glied n; Extremität f (Membrum) anat.
Gliedmaßen pl; Körperglieder pl; Glieder pl; Extremitäten pl
die obere Gliedmaßen Extremitäten (Membra superiora)
die unteren Gliedmaßen Extremitäten (Membra inferiora)
ein Glied ruhigstellen
limb; extremity; member
limbs; extremities; members
the upper extremities; the pectoral thoracic limbs
the lower extremities; the pelvic limbs
to immobilize a limb eAm.; to immobilise a limb Br.
Buckelzirpen pl; Buckelzikaden pl (Membracidae) (zoologische Familie) zool.
typical treehoppers and thornbugs (zoological family)
Membran f, Membrane f
Membranen pl
membrane, diaphragm
membranes, diaphragms
Membran f; Membrane f
Membranen pl
membrane; diaphragm
membranes; diaphragms
innerhalb einer Membran (liegend gelegen) adj anat.
benennen (nach); mit einem Namen versehen v
er sie benennt
ich er sie benannte
er sie hat hatte benannt
benannt nach ...
Das Protein ist Bestandteil der Membran nach der es benannt ist.
to name (after)
he she names
I he she named
he she has had named
named after ...
The protein is part of the membrane from which it takes derives its name.
Eukaryot m (Lebewesen mit Zellkern und -membran) biol.
Eukaryoten pl
eukaryote (organism with a nucleus and a cell membrane)
Aerophon n; Aerofon n (Musikinstrument, bei dem der Ton durch Luft erzeugt wird) mus.
Aerophone pl; Aerofone pl
Membran-Aerophon; Membran-Aerofon
aerophone (musical instrument in which sound is generated by air)
membrane aerophone; membraerophone; membranopipe; membrane reed; membranoreed
Membrantransport m (Stofftransport durch eine biologische Membran) biochem.
aktiver Membrantransport
passiver Membrantransport
membrane transport (transport of substances across a biological membrane)
active membrane transport
passive membrane transport
benennen (nach); mit einem Namen versehen v
er sie benennt
ich er sie benannte
er sie hat hatte benannt
benannt nach …
Das Protein ist Bestandteil der Membran, nach der es benannt ist.
to name (after)
he she names
I he she named
he she has had named
named after …
The protein is part of the membrane from which it takes derives its name.
durchsickernd adj (durch eine Membran)
MEA f (Elektrode-Membran-Einheit) techn.
MEA (membrane electrode assembly)
Einbuchtung f; Grube f; Tasche f; Rezessus m (Recessus) med.
Trommelfelltasche f; Recessus membranae tympani
Bauchfelltasche f; Recessus intersigmoideus
recess of the tympanic cavity
recess of the pelvic mesocolon; intersigmoid recess
Membranarmaturen pl
diaphragm valves and fittings
Membranbelüfter m
Membranbelüfter pl
membrane ventilation
membrane ventilations
Ventil n techn.
Ventile pl
mit Ventilen
Aufsatzventil n
doppelt gebogenes Ventil
drehbares Ventil
dreifach gebogenes Ventil
durchflussbegrenzendes Ventil
einfach gebogenes Ventil
einteiliges Ventil
gebogenes 90-Grad-Ventil
handbiegbares Ventil
hängendes Ventil
membranbetätigtes Ventil
selbstschließendes Ventil
ungesteuertes Ventil; federbelastetes Ventil
zweiteiliges Ventil
Etagenventil n
Rheodyne-Ventil n
Schrader-Ventil n
Woods-Ventil n
Ventil mit eingebettetem Schaft (Reifen)
Ventil mit großer Bohrung
Einschlagen von Ventilen
yoke-type valve
double-bend valve
earthmover swivel-type valve; swivel valve
triple-bend valve
excess flow valve
single-bend valve
one-piece valve
right-angle valve
hand-bendable valve
overhead valve OHV
diaphragm valve
self-closing valve
automatic valve
two-piece valve
step valve
Rheodyne valve
Schrader valve
Woods valve
rubber-covered stem valve
large bore valve
pocketing of valves
Ventil n techn.
Ventile pl
mit Ventilen
Abflussventil n; Ablassventil n
Aufsatzventil n
doppelt gebogenes Ventil
drehbares Ventil
dreifach gebogenes Ventil
Dreiwegventil n; Drei-Wege-Ventil n
Durchblasventil n
durchflussbegrenzendes Ventil
Etagenventil n
einfach gebogenes Ventil
einteiliges Ventil
gebogenes 90-Grad-Ventil
handbiegbares Ventil
hängendes Ventil
Kegelventil n; Ventil mit konischem Sitz
Klemmklappe f
membranbetätigtes Ventil
Rheodyne-Ventil n
selbstschließendes Ventil
Sicherheitsventil n; Ãœberdruckventil n
Ãœberlaufventil n
ungesteuertes Ventil; federbelastetes Ventil
zweiteiliges Ventil
Ventil mit eingebettetem Schaft (Reifen)
Ventil mit großer Bohrung
Einschlagen von Ventilen
ein Ventil schließen
discharge valve
yoke-type valve
double-bend valve
earthmover swivel-type valve; swivel valve
triple-bend valve
three-way valve
blow-through valve
excess flow valve
step valve
single-bend valve
one-piece valve
right-angle valve
hand-bendable valve
overhead valve OHV
cone valve; conical valve
wafer butterfly valve
diaphragm valve
Rheodyne valve
self-closing valve
safety valve
overflow valve; escape valve
automatic valve
two-piece valve
rubber-covered stem valve
large bore valve
pocketing of valves
to shut a valve
Membranbläschen n (Zelle) biol.
Membranbläschen pl
membrane bleb (of a cell)
membrane blebs
Membrandeckel m
Membrandeckel pl
diaphragm cover
diaphragm covers
Membrandruckwandler m
Membrandruckwandler pl
diaphragm pressure transducer
diaphragm pressure transducers
Membrandurchführungstülle f
Membrandurchführungstüllen pl
diaphragm bushing nipple
diaphragm bushing nipples
Polymergrundgerüst n (Membrane) techn.
polymer backbone
Membraneinheit f
Membraneinheiten pl
diaphragm unit
diaphragm units
intermembranös; zwischen (zwei) Membranen (liegend gelegen) adj anat.
Membranentgaser m
Membranentgaser pl
membrane degasser
membrane degassers
Membranfeder f
Membranfedern pl
diaphragm spring
diaphragm springs
Membranfederkupplung f
Membranfederkupplungen pl
diaphragm spring clutch
diaphragm spring clutches
Membranfilter m
Membranfilter pl
membrane filter
membrane filters
Membrangehäuse n
diaphragm casing
Ionenkanal m, Membrankanal m
Ionenkanäle pl, Membrankanäle pl
ion channel, ionic channel
ion channels, ionic channels
Ionenkanal m; Membrankanal m
Ionenkanäle pl; Membrankanäle pl
ion channel; ionic channel
ion channels; ionic channels
Membranmanometer n
Membranmanometer pl
diaphragm pressure gauge
diaphragm pressure gauges
Membranophon n mus.
Membranophone pl
Fellinstrument n; Fellklinger m; Membranophon n mus.
Fellinstrumente pl; Fellklinger pl; Membranophone pl
Ansingtrommel f; Mirliton n
Reibtrommel f
Schlagtrommel f
Zupfmembranophon n
blown membranophone; singing membranophone
rubbed membranophone
struck membranophone
plucked membranophone
extrakorporale Lungenunterstützung f ECLA ; extrakorporale Membranoxygenierung f ECMO med.
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation ECMO
extrakorporale Lungenunterstützung f ECLA ; extrakorporale Membranoxygenierung f ECMO med.
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation ECMO
Membranpumpe f
Membranpumpen pl
membrane pump, diaphragm pump, airpump
membrane pumps, diaphragm pumps, airpumps
Membranpumpe f
Membranpumpen pl
membrane pump; diaphragm pump; airpump
membrane pumps; diaphragm pumps; airpumps
Membranspannung f
membrane stress
Membranspannungszustand m
membrane state of stress
Membranspeicher m techn.
Membranspeicher pl
diaphragm accumulator
diaphragm accumulators
Membranstange f
Membranstangen pl
diaphragm operating rod
diaphragm operating rods
Membransteuerung f
Membransteuerungen pl
diaphragm control
diaphragm controls
Membranventil n
Membranventile pl
diaphragm valve, reed valve
diaphragm valves, reed valves
Membranventil n techn.
Membranventile pl
diaphragm valve; reed valve
diaphragm valves; reed valves
(männliches) Glied n; Penis m (Membrum virile) anat.
Glieder pl; Penisse pl
(male) member; penis
members; penes
Kitzler m; Klitoris f (Membrum muliebre) anat.
clitoris; clit coll.; coles femininus
Memel f (Fluss) geogr.
Neman; Niemen; Nemunas (river)
Weichei n, Warmduscher m, Waschlappen m, Memme f ugs.
candy-ass Am., wimp, mollycoddle coll.
Schwächling m; Waschlappen m; Memme f geh.; Weichei n ugs.; Warmduscher m ugs.
Schwächlinge pl; Waschlappen pl; Memmen pl; Weicheier pl; Warmduscher pl
poltroon (literary); pantywaist Am. coll.
poltroons; pantywaists
Jammerlappen m; Memme f geh.; Hasenfuß m veraltet
Jammerlappen pl; Memmen pl; Hasenfüße pl
poltroon (literary)
Schwächezustand m
Schwächezustände pl
Schwächlinge pl; Waschlappen pl; Memmen pl; Weicheier pl; Warmduscher pl
poltroons; pantywaists
feige; feig; memmenhaft geh.; hasenfüßig veraltet adj
feige sein
Diese Tour ist nichts für Feiglinge für schwache Nerven.
Dieser Film ist nichts für schwache Nerven für zarte Gemüter.
cowardly; faint-hearted; chicken-hearted; chicken-livered; chicken; pigeon-hearted; yellow; craven formal; pusillanimous formal; gutless coll.; lily-livered dated; yellow-bellied coll. dated
to be a chicken; to be yellow; to have no guts
This tour is not for the faint-hearted.
This film is not for the faint-hearted.
feige; feig; memmenhaft geh. adv
faint-heartedly; chicken-heartedly; cravenly formal; pusillanimously formal
Memmenhaftigkeit f geh.; Feigherzigkeit f (veraltet)
poltroonery (literary)
Memmenhaftigkeit f geh.; Feigherzigkeit f veraltet
poltroonery (literary)
Memoiren pl, Lebenserinnerungen pl
Memoiren pl; Lebenserinnerungen pl
jds. Lebenserinnerungen pl; jds. Erinnerungen pl; jds. Memoiren pl
seine Memoiren schreiben
sb.'s memoirs
to write your memoirs
Konzept n, Notiz f, Memorandum n, kurzer Entwurf
Note f, Memorandum n pol.
note, memorandum
Denkschrift f; Memorandum n pol.
(written) statement of facts (as the basis of a petition); memorial hist.
Note f; Memorandum n (Kurzmitteilung im diplomatischen Dienst) pol.
note; memorandum (in the diplomatic service)

Deutsche Mem Synonyme

Englische limb; extremity; member Synonyme

limb  ankle  appendage  arm  bank  bar  bayonet legs  beam  bine  board  boom  border  bordure  bough  bowlegs  branch  branchedness  branchiness  brim  brink  brow  burgeon  calf  cant hook  claw bar  cnemis  coast  crank  crow  crowbar  deadwood  devil  drumstick  edge  enfant terrible  featheredge  flagellum  flange  foreleg  fork  frame  fringe  frond  gamb  gambrel  gigot  ham  hand  handspike  hem  hind leg  hock  imp  iron crow  jamb  jimmy  joint  knee  labellum  labium  labrum  ledge  leg  lever  limbus  link  lip  list  lobe  lobule  marge  margin  marlinespike  member  mischief  offshoot  organ  outrigger  peavey  pedal  pinch bar  pinion  podite  popliteal space  prize  pry  ragged edge  ramage  ramification  rapscallion  rascal  rim  ripping bar  rogue  runner  sarment  scalawag  scion  scissor-legs  selvage  shank  shin  shoot  shore  side  sideline  skirt  slip  spar  spear  spray  sprig  sprit  sprout  spur  stems  stolon  stumps  sucker  switch  tail  tarsus  tendril  thallus  treadle  trotters  twig  verge  villain  wing  wrecking bar  
limber  adaptable  anemic  asthenic  bendable  bending  bloodless  chicken  compliant  cowardly  debilitated  drooping  droopy  ductile  dull  effete  elastic  etiolated  extensible  extensile  fabricable  facile  faint  faintish  feeble  fictile  flabby  flaccid  flexible  flexile  flexuous  floppy  formable  formative  giving  gone  gutless  imbecile  impotent  impressible  impressionable  languid  languorous  like putty  limp  lissome  listless  lithe  lithesome  lustless  malleable  marrowless  moldable  nerveless  pithless  plastic  pliable  pliant  pooped  powerless  receptive  resilient  responsive  rubbery  sapless  sensitive  sequacious  shapable  sinewless  slack  soft  spineless  springy  strengthless  submissive  supple  susceptible  tractable  tractile  unhardened  unnerved  unstrung  weak  weakly  whippy  willowy  yielding  
limber up  cushion  ease  fluff  gentle  get ready  get set  knead  laxate  limber  loosen  mash  massage  mellow  milden  mollify  plump  pulp  relax  shake up  shoulder arms  smash  soften  soften up  squash  strip for action  subdue  supple  tenderize  tone down  tune down  warm up  whet the knife  
limbo  Abaddon  Gehenna  Hades  Naraka  Pandemonium  Sheol  Tophet  avichi  cage  coop  enclosure  hell  in abeyance  infernal regions  inferno  jahannan  lower world  nether world  on the shelf  pen  penfold  perdition  pinfold  place of confinement  place of torment  pound  purgatory  shades below  suspended  the abyss  the bottomless pit  the grave  the pit  treading water  underworld  

Mem Definition

(pl. ) of Extremity
(n.) The extreme part
(n.) One of locomotive appendages of an animal
(n.) The utmost point
(n.) The highest degree of inconvenience, pain, or suffering
(v. t.) To make immovable
(n.) A part of a tree which extends from the trunk and separates into branches and twigs
(n.) An arm or a leg of a human being
(n.) A thing or person regarded as a part or member of, or attachment to, something else.
(n.) An elementary piece of the mechanism of a lock.
(v. t.) To supply with limbs.
(v. t.) To dismember
(n.) A border or edge, in certain special uses.
(n.) The border or upper spreading part of a monopetalous corolla, or of a petal, or sepal
(n.) The border or edge of the disk of a heavenly body, especially of the sun and moon.
(n.) The graduated margin of an arc or circle, in an instrument for measuring angles.
(a.) Compar. of Low, a.
(a.) To let descend by its own weight, as something suspended
(a.) To reduce the height of
(a.) To depress as to direction
(a.) To reduce the degree, intensity, strength, etc., of
(a.) To bring down
(a.) To reduce in value, amount, etc.
(v. i.) To fall
(v. i.) To be dark, gloomy, and threatening, as clouds
(v. i.) To frown
(n.) Cloudiness
(n.) A frowning
(a.) Pertaining to, or kept in, the lower case
(v. t.) To remember
(n.) A part of an animal capable of performing a distinct office
(n.) Hence, a part of a whole
(n.) A part of a discourse or of a period or sentence
(n.) Either of the two parts of an algebraic equation, connected by the sign of equality.
(n.) Any essential part, as a post, tie rod, strut, etc., of a framed structure, as a bridge truss.
(n.) Any part of a building, whether constructional, as a pier, column, lintel, or the like, or decorative, as a molding, or group of moldings.
(n.) One of the persons composing a society, community, or the like
(a.) Of or pertaining to the breast, or chest
(a.) Relating to, or good for, diseases of the chest or lungs
(a.) Having the breast conspicuously colored
(n.) A covering or protecting for the breast.
(n.) A breastplate, esp. that worn by the Jewish high person.
(n.) A clasp or a cross worn on the breast.
(n.) A medicine for diseases of the chest organs, especially the lungs.
(a.) Of, pertaining to, or in the region of, the pelvis
(a.) Of or pertaining to the thorax, or chest.
(n.) One of a group of fishes having the ventral fins placed beneath the thorax or beneath the pectorial fins.
(comp.) Being further up, literally or figuratively
(n.) The upper leather for a shoe

limb; extremity; member / limbs; extremities; members / the upper extremities; the pectoral thoracic limbs / the lower extremities; the pelvic limbs / to immobilize a limb [eAm.]; to immobilise a limb [Br.] Bedeutung

pectoral sandpiper
jacksnipe Calidris melanotos
American sandpiper that inflates its chest when courting
hind limb
a posterior appendage such as a leg or the homologous structure in other animals
pectoral fin either of a pair of fins situated just behind the head in fishes that help control the direction of movement
pelvic fin
ventral fin
either of a pair of fins attached to the pelvic girdle in fishes that help control the direction of movement, correspond to hind limbs of a land vertebrate
pep pill
upper speed
a central nervous system stimulant that increases energy and decreases appetite, used to treat narcolepsy and some forms of depression
arm branch
any projection that is thought to resemble a human arm, the arm of the record player, an arm of the sea, a branch of the sewer
fixer-upper a house or other dwelling in need of repair (usually offered for sale at a low price)
limb the graduated arc that is attached to an instrument for measuring angles, the limb of the sextant
limb either of the two halves of a bow from handle to tip, the upper limb of the bow
lower berth
the lower of two berths
lower deck
third deck
the deck below the main deck
pectoral medallion
an adornment worn on the chest or breast
upper cannon
cannon that provides plate armor for the upper arm
second balcony
family circle
upper balcony
peanut gallery
rearmost or uppermost area in the balcony containing the least expensive seats
structural member support that is a constituent part of any structure or building
upper piece of leather or synthetic material that forms the part of a shoe or boot above the sole that encases the foot, Uppers come in many styles
upper berth
the higher of two berths
upper deck a higher deck
upper surface the side that is uppermost
lower cannon
cannon of plate armor protecting the forearm
stiff upper lip selfestraint in the expression of emotion (especially fear or grief), the British like to keep a stiff upper lip
upper hand
whip hand
position of advantage and control
lower respiratory tract smear
bronchoscopic smear
sputum smear
any of several cytologic smears obtained from different parts of the lower respiratory tract, used for cytologic study of cancer and other diseases of the lungs
lower jaw
mandibular bone
lower jawbone
the jaw in vertebrates that is hinged to open the mouth
upper jaw
upper jawbone
the jaw in vertebrates that is fused to the cranium
thoracic aorta a branch of the descending aorta, divides into the iliac arteries
pectoral vein
vena pectoralis
veins that drain the pectoral muscles and empty into the subclavian vein
thoracic vein
vena thoracica
veins that drain the thoracic walls
thoracic duct the major duct of the lymphatic system
lower respiratory tract the bronchi and lungs
upper respiratory tract the nose and throat and trachea
the male organ of copulation (`member' is a euphemism)
pectoral muscle
musculus pectoralis
either of two large muscles of the chest
pectoralis major
musculus pectoralis major
greater pectoral muscle
a skeletal muscle that adducts and rotates the arm
pectoralis minor
musculus pectoralis minor
smaller pectoral muscle
a skeletal muscle that draws down the scapula or raises the ribs
chest cavity
thoracic cavity
the cavity in the vertebrate body enclosed by the ribs between the diaphragm and the neck and containing the lungs and heart
an external body part that projects from the body, it is important to keep the extremities warm
limb one of the jointed appendages of an animal used for locomotion or grasping: arm, leg, wing, flipper
vertebrate foot
pedal extremity
the extremity of the limb in vertebrates
extremity that part of a limb that is farthest from the torso
thoracic nerve any of twelve pairs of spinal nerves emerging from the thoracic region of the spinal cord
pectoral girdle a skeletal support to which the forelimbs of vertebrates are attached
shoulder girdle
pectoral arch
the bony arch formed by the collarbones and shoulder blades in humans
thoracic vertebra
dorsal vertebra
one of vertebrae in the human vertebral column, thoracic vertebrae extend from the seventh cervical vertebra down to the first lumbar vertebra
pelvic girdle
pelvic arch
the structure of the vertebrate skeleton supporting the lower limbs in humans and the hind limbs or corresponding parts in other vertebrates
pelvic cavity the space bounded by the bones of the pelvis and containing the pelvic viscera
phantom limb pain pain felt by an amputee that seems to be located in the missing limb
uninominal system
uninominal voting system
single-member system
scrutin uninomial system
scrutin uninominal voting system
based on the principle of having only one member (as of a legislature) selected from each electoral district
phantom limb the illusion that a limb still exists after it has been amputated
thoracic medicine the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the chest
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Ein Mem bezeichnet nach der Memtheorie einen einzelnen Bewusstseinsinhalt , der durch Kommunikation weitergegeben und damit vervielfältigt werden kann. Dies trägt zur soziokulturellen Evolution bei. Dieser Vorgang ist analog zur Theorie des Lamarckismus, der zufolge erworbene Eigenschaften an die Nachkommen weitergegeben werden können. Im Unterschied hierzu werden durch Gene körperliche Eigenschaften von Individuen durch Fortpflanzung bzw. Vererbung weitergegeben; dies trägt zur biologischen Evolution bei.

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