
Menschenkette Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Menschenkette f
Menschenketten pl
human chain
human chains
Menschenkette f
Menschenketten pl
human chain
human chains
Altertum n, Vorzeit f
im Altertum
die Menschen des Altertums
in ancient times
the Ancients
Anthropologie f, Menschenkunde f, Lehre f vom Menschen
Artefakt n, vom Menschen geschaffenes Objekt
artefact, artifact Am.
Gesundheitsdienst m
US-Gesundheitsdienst für ältere Menschen
US-Gesundheitsdienst für Bedürftige
health service
Gruppe f
Gruppen pl
eine Gruppe Menschen
a group of people
Herkunft f, Abstammung f, Geburt f
Abstammung des Menschen f
Abstammung mit Modifikation
descent, line of decent, origin, bloodline
descent of man, origin of man
descent with modification
Leute pl, Menschen pl
die einfachen Leute
die meisten Leute, die meisten Menschen
Leute von Rang
junge Leute
the common people
most people
people of position
Mensch m
die Menschen pl
human being, mensch
Mensch m
Menschen pl
Mensch und Tier
man and beast
Menschen pl, Wesenheiten pl
ohne Menschen
Person f, Mensch m
Personen pl, Menschen pl
berechtigte Person
eine integre Person
dritte Person
natürliche Person jur.
juristische Person jur.
ernannte Person
geselliger Mensch
persons, people
qualified person
a person of integrity
third person
natural person
legal entity, legal person
designated person
people person
Perversling m, perverser Mensch
Perverslinge pl, perverse Menschen
Pulk m, Menge von Menschen
im Pulk
in a throng
Schar f (von Menschen)
in Scharen, scharenweise
swarm (of people)
in swarms
Schlange f, Reihe f (Menschen-, Auto-)
queue, line Am.
Zustrom m (von Menschen)
großen Zustrom haben
stream, influx
to have a great influx (of people)
(Menschen) drängen, strömen v
drängend, strömend
gedrängt, geströmt
to surge
schrullig, schrullenhaft adj (alte Menschen)
unbedeutende Menschen
(Menschen) verfrachten v
to bundle
zwischen prp, wo? +Dativ, wohin? +Akkusativ
zwischen den Zeilen lesen (wo?)
zwischen die Zeilen schreiben (wohin?)
zwischen den Menschen
between, among, amongst
to read between the lines
to write between the lines
among the people
Berge kommen nicht zusammen, aber Menschen. Sprw.
Friends may meet, but mountains never greet. prov.
Die Natur erschuf den Menschen und zerstörte die Form.
Nature made human, and then broke the mould.
Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar.
The dignity of men is unimpeachable.
Drei Menschen kamen ums Leben.
Three lives were lost.
Man soll nur Positives von Menschen sagen.
One should look only on the good side of people.
Sie kann gut mit Menschen umgehen.
She has the common touch.
CVJM : Christlicher Verein Junger Menschen
YMCA : Young Men's Christian Association
Lehre vom Menschen
Menschen, Wesenheiten
senile Menschen
Menschen mit einem Hobby
Menschen kamen ums Leben
lives were lost
drei Menschen kamen ums Leben
three lives were lost
alle Menschen sind gleichwertig
all men are equal
Leute, Menschen, Männer
Leute, Menschen
mit Menschen umgehen können
people skills
Abfall m; Müll m envir.
Abfälle pl
chemischer Abfall
fester Abfall
flüssiger Abfall
gasförmiger Abfall
gefährlicher Abfall
gemischter Abfall
gewerblicher Abfall
giftiger Abfall; toxischer Abfall
hochaktiver Abfall (Kerntechnik)
industrieller Abfall
kommunaler Abfall
landwirtschaftlicher Abfall
mineralischer Abfall
organischer Abfall
pflanzlicher Abfall; vegetabilischer Abfall
städtischer Abfall
tierischer Abfall
ungefährlicher Abfall
Abfälle und Schrott
vom Menschen erzeugter Abfall
chemical waste
solid waste
liquid waste
gaseous waste
hazardous waste
mixed waste
commercial waste
toxic waste
high active waste HAW
industrial waste
municipal waste
agricultural waste
mineral waste
organic waste
vegetable waste
urban waste; town waste
animal waste
non-hazardous waste
waste and scrap
human waste
Adventivart f; Adventivspezies f (vom Menschen in ein fremdes Gebiet eingeschleppte eingebürgerte Art) biol.
adventive species
Altertum n; Vorzeit f
im Altertum
die Menschen des Altertums
Deutschlands Altertum
in ancient times
the Ancients
early German history
Anatomie f; Lehre f vom Körper
Anatomie des Menschen
human anatomy
Anthropochoren pl (vom Menschen verbreitete Tiere und Pflanzen) biol.
Anthropogenese f; Menschwerdung f; Evolution f des Menschen
anthropogenesis; anthropogeny; human evolution
Anthropologie f; Menschenkunde f; Lehre f vom Menschen
medizinische Anthropologie
medical anthropology
Anthropophyten pl (vom Menschen verbreitete Pflanzen) bot.
anthropophytes (plants distributed by humans)
Anthropozoen pl (vom Menschen verbreitete Tiere) zool.
animals distributed by humans
Archäophyten pl (Pflanzen die vor dem Zeitalter der geographischen Entdeckungen vom Menschen eingeschleppt eingebürgert wurden) bot.
Artefakt n; vom Menschen geschaffener Gegenstand (Archäologie Volkskunde)
Artefakte pl
prähistorische Artefakte
ein Artefakt aus der Kolonialzeit
artefact Br.; artifact Am. (object created by humans) (archeology; folklife studies)
artefacts; artifacts
prehistoric artifacts
an artifact from the Colonial period
Aufspüren n von Menschen durch Hunde (anhand des Körpergeruchs)
Bekanntentrick m; Enkeltrick m; Neffentrick m (Betrug an älteren Menschen)
grandparent scam; grandson scam (fraud against elderly people)
Christlicher Verein Junger Menschen CVJM
Young Men's Christian Association YMCA
Fertigkeit f; Fähigkeit f; Kompetenz f psych.
Fertigkeiten pl; Fähigkeiten pl; Kompetenz f
verbale Fähigkeiten; mündliche Ausdrucksfähigkeit
Schlüsselkompetenzen pl; soziale und emotionale Fähigkeiten (Umgang mit Menschen)
Fachkompetenz f; fachliche Qualifikationen pl
Fähigkeiten zur Analyse und Fehlersuche
verbal skills
soft skills
hard skills; specialist skills
analytical and troubleshooting skills
Funke m; Funken m
Funken pl
Funkenregen m
der göttliche Funke im Menschen relig.
Funken sprühen
burst of sparks
the divine spark in all humans
to spark
Gesetz n Ges. (als Kategorie) jur.
etwas Ungesetzliches tun
im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen
kodizifiertes Recht; gesetztes Recht
strenge Waffengesetze
gesetzlich vorgesehen sein
Vor dem Gesetz sind alle Menschen gleich.
Sie glauben dass sie über dem Gesetz stehen.
In Schweden ist es ungesetzlich ein Kind zu schlagen.
Das Suizidgesetz wurde 1961 verabschiedet.
Die Regierung hat mehrere Gesetze zur Lebensmittelhygiene eingebracht.
Der Verbraucherschutz ist gesetzlich verankert.
Britische Schulen sind gesetzlich verpflichtet ihre Prüfungsergebnisse offentlich zu machen.
Pyramidenspiele wurden 2010 gesetzlich verboten.
law; statute
to break the law
within the law
statute law; statutory law
strict gun laws
to be prescribed by law; to be provided for by law
All persons shall be equal before the law.
They think they are above the law.
In Sweden it is against the law to hit a child.
The Suicide Act became law in 1961.
The government has introduced several laws on food hygiene.
Protection for the consumer is established by law laid down by statute.
British schools are required by law statute to publish their exam results.
Ponzi schemes were banned by statute in 2010.
Gesundheitsdienst m
Zugang zu Gesundheitsdiensten
US-Gesundheitsdienst für ältere Menschen
US-Gesundheitsdienst für Bedürftige
Staatlicher Gesundheitsdienst
health service
access to health services
National Health Service Br. NHS
Glaube m (religiöse Überzeugung und Religionsbekenntnis) relig.
der Glaube an Gott
Menschen jeden Glaubens
der christliche jüdische muslimische hinduistische Glaube
sich frei zu seinen Überzeugungen und zu seinem Glauben bekennen können
Mein Glaube hat mir die Kraft gegeben mit diesem Schicksalsschlag fertig zu werden.
Er hat zum Glauben gefunden.
faith (religious belief and confession)
the faith in God
people of all faiths
the Christian Jewish Muslim Hindu faith
to be able to freely profess one's beliefs and to practise one's faith
My faith has given me the strength to deal with this calamity.
He has found faith.
Gnadenwahl f; Erwählung f; Auserwählung f (von Menschen durch Gott) relig.
Grüppchen n; Häufchen n (Menschen Dinge)
Grüppchen pl; Häufchen pl
covey (small group of people or things)
Herkunft f; Abstammung f; Abkunft f
von Geburt
asiatischer Herkunft
russischer Abstammung
Der Kaiser behauptete von David abzustammen.
Abstammung des Menschen
Abstammung mit Modifikation
descent; line of descent; origin; bloodline
by descent
of Asian descent
of Russian descent
The emperor claimed descent from David.
descent of man; origin of man
descent with modification
Hilfe f (der Allgemeinheit für Menschen in einer Notlage) pol. soc.
Hilfslieferungen pl
Hilfs-LKW m
Militärhilfe f
aid (provided by the general public for people in distress)
aid deliveries
aid lorry Br.; aid truck Am.
military aid
Horde f; Schar f (von Menschen)
Horden pl
Idiochorophyten pl; altheimische Pflanzen pl (Pflanzen die schon vor dem Eingreifen des Menschen in die Vegetation heimisch waren) bot.
Intelligenz f; Auffassungsvermögen n psych.
die menschliche Intelligenz; die Intelligenz des Menschen
künstliche Intelligenz f KI
human intelligence
artificial intelligence AI
Körper m; Korpus m; Corpus n anat.
Körper pl
menschlicher Körper; Körper des Menschen
ein Körper an dem alles an der richtigen Stelle sitzt
Körper und Geist; Körper und Seele
body; corpus; soma; trunk
human body
a body that won't quit
mind and body; body and soul
Kranksein n; Krankheit f (unbestimmter Krankheitszustand beim Menschen) med.
langwierige Krankheit f
sich eine Krankheit zuziehen
Patienten mit akuten chronischen Krankheiten
an verschiedenen Krankheiten leiden
krankheitshalber nicht in der Schule sein
das Krankheitsrisiko verringern
Sie zeigte keinerlei Anzeichen von Krankheit.
Die Soldaten starben an Hunger und Krankheit.
Sein Vater erholt sich gerade von einer Krankheit.
Ich hatte alle üblichen Kinderkrankheiten.
Hattest du je eine schwere Krankheit?
Man hat bei ihr eine unheilbare Krankheit festgestellt.
Er verstarb gestern im 70. Lebensjahr nach kurzer langer schwerer Krankheit.
protracted illness
to contract an illness
patients with acute chronic illnesses
to suffer from various illnesses
to be off school because of illness
reduce the risk of illness
She showed no signs of illness.
The soldiers died from illness and hunger.
His father is recovering from an illness.
I had all the normal childhood illnesses.
Have you ever had any serious illnesses?
She was diagnosed with a terminal illness.
He died yesterday at the age of 70 after a short long serious illness.
Leben n
Leben pl
sein Leben einsetzen; unter Einsatz seines Leben tun
ums Leben kommen
sein Leben opfern
am Leben hängen
etwas aus seinem Leben machen
das ganze Leben
behütetes Leben
ein angenehmes Leben
sich das Leben nehmen
künstliches Leben
eine Gefahr für Leib oder Leben
eine ernste Gefahr für das Leben von Menschen
am Leben
to risk one's life (to do ...)
to lose one's life
to sacrifice one's life; to give up one's life
to cling to life; to love life
to get a life
the full life
sheltered life
a life of ease
to take one's life; to take one's own life
a danger risk to life or limb
serious danger to safety of life
above ground
below ground

Deutsche Menschenkette Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Menschenkette Synonym nachschlagen

Englische human chain Synonyme

human  Adamite  Adamitic  Christian  Christlike  Christly  accommodating  affectionate  android  anthropocentric  anthropoid  anthropological  being  beneficent  benevolent  benign  benignant  bleeding  body  brotherly  cat  chap  character  charitable  child  clement  commiserative  compassionate  condolent  considerate  creature  customer  decent  duck  earthling  earthy  ethological  fallible  fellow  finite  fleshly  forbearant  forgiving  frail  fraternal  generous  gentle  good  good-natured  gracious  groundling  guy  hand  head  hominal  hominid  homo  homocentric  human being  humane  humanistic  humanitarian  individual  joker  kind  kindhearted  kindly  kindly-disposed  lenient  life  living soul  loving  magnanimous  man  man-centered  mankind  manlike  melting  merciful  mortal  nice  nose  one  only human  party  person  personage  personality  pitying  ruthful  sensitive  single  soft  softhearted  somebody  someone  soul  sympathetic  sympathizing  tellurian  tender  tenderhearted  terran  unangelic  understanding  vulnerable  warm  warmhearted  weak  woman  worldling  
human factor  differentiation  differentness  distinctiveness  egohood  identity  individualism  individuality  integrity  nominalism  nonconformity  oneness  particularism  particularity  personal equation  personal identity  personality  personship  self-identity  selfhood  selfness  singularity  soul  uniqueness  
human interest  blood and thunder  demonstrativeness  emotional appeal  emotionalism  emotionality  emotionalization  emotionalizing  emotiveness  emotivity  histrionics  love interest  making scenes  melodrama  melodramatics  nonrationalness  sensationalism  theatricality  theatrics  unreasoningness  visceralness  yellow journalism  
human nature  Adam  Hominidae  Homo sapiens  clay  fallen humanity  flesh  frailty  generation of man  genus Homo  hominid  homo  human equation  human family  human frailty  human race  human species  human weakness  humanity  humankind  humanness  le genre humain  man  mankind  mortal flesh  mortality  mortals  race of man  weakness  
human race  Adam  Hominidae  Homo sapiens  clay  fallen humanity  flesh  generation of man  genus Homo  hominid  homo  human family  human nature  human species  humanity  humankind  le genre humain  man  mankind  mortal flesh  mortality  mortals  race of man  
humane  Christian  Christlike  Christly  accepting  affectionate  altruistic  benevolent  benign  benignant  bleeding  brotherly  charitable  chickenhearted  clement  commiserative  compassionate  condolent  decent  easy  easygoing  eleemosynary  forbearant  forbearing  forgiving  fraternal  gentle  good  gracious  human  humanitarian  kind  kindhearted  kindly  kindly-disposed  lax  lenient  loving  melting  merciful  mild  moderate  nice  patient  philanthropic  pitying  ruthful  soft  softhearted  sympathetic  sympathizing  tender  tenderhearted  tolerant  understanding  warm  warmhearted  
humanism  Christian humanism  Religious Humanism  anthroposophy  bibliolatry  bibliomania  bluestockingism  book learning  book madness  bookiness  bookishness  booklore  classical scholarship  classicism  culture  donnishness  eruditeness  erudition  free thought  freethinking  humanistic scholarship  integral humanism  intellectualism  intellectuality  latitudinarianism  learnedness  letters  literacy  naturalistic humanism  new humanism  pedantism  pedantry  reading  scholarship  secular humanism  
humanist  academician  bookman  classicist  clerk  colossus of knowledge  esprit fort  freethinker  genius  giant of learning  latitudinarian  learned clerk  learned man  literary man  litterateur  lover of learning  man of learning  man of letters  mastermind  mine of information  philologist  philologue  philomath  philosophe  philosopher  polyhistor  polymath  pundit  savant  scholar  scholastic  schoolman  secular humanist  student  walking encyclopedia  
humanitarian  Robin Hood  almoner  almsgiver  almsgiving  altruistic  benefactor  beneficent  benevolent  benevolist  bighearted  charitable  do-gooder  eleemosynary  freehearted  generous  good  greathearted  human  humane  largehearted  philanthropic  philanthropist  power for good  social worker  welfare  welfare statist  welfare worker  welfarist  well-doer  
humanitarianism  BOMFOG  Benthamism  Christian charity  Christian love  agape  altruism  beneficence  benevolence  benevolent disposition  benevolentness  bigheartedness  brotherly love  caritas  charitableness  charity  do-goodism  flower power  generosity  giving  goodwill  grace  greatheartedness  largeheartedness  love  love of mankind  philanthropism  philanthropy  utilitarianism  welfarism  well-disposedness  
humanities  academic specialty  area  classical education  core curriculum  course  course of study  curriculum  discipline  elective  field  general education  general studies  liberal arts  major  minor  proseminar  quadrivium  refresher course  scientific education  seminar  specialty  study  subdiscipline  subject  technical education  trivium  
humanity  Adam  Hominidae  Homo sapiens  acceptance  affectionateness  beneficence  benevolence  benignancy  benignity  brotherhood  charitableness  clay  clemency  clementness  commiseration  community  compassion  condolence  consideration  easiness  easygoingness  fallen humanity  favor  feeling  feeling of kinship  fellow feeling  flesh  forbearance  forbearing  forgiveness  frailty  fraternal feeling  generation of man  generosity  gentleness  genus Homo  goodness  goodness of heart  grace  graciousness  heart of gold  helpfulness  hominid  homo  human equation  human family  human frailty  human nature  human race  human species  human weakness  humaneness  humankind  humanness  kindheartedness  kindliness  kindly disposition  kindness  laxness  le genre humain  lenience  leniency  lenientness  lenity  loving kindness  magnanimity  man  mankind  mercifulness  mercy  mildness  mitigation  moderateness  mortal flesh  mortality  mortals  niceness  pardon  pathos  patience  people  pity  quarter  race of man  relief  reprieve  ruth  self-pity  sensitivity  society  softheartedness  softness  soul of kindness  sympathy  tenderheartedness  tenderness  the masses  the public  tolerance  understanding  unselfishness  warmheartedness  warmth  warmth of heart  weakness  
humanoid  Bronze Age man  Hominidae  Iron Age man  Stone Age man  aboriginal  aborigine  ancestral  ancient  antediluvian  antepatriarchal  anthropoid  anthropomorphic  anthropopathic  ape-man  atavistic  autochthon  autochthonous  bushman  cave dweller  caveman  fossil man  hominid  man of old  manlike  missing link  patriarchal  preadamite  preglacial  prehistoric  prehistoric man  prehuman  primate  prime  primeval  primitive  primogenial  primoprimitive  primordial  pristine  protohistoric  protohuman  troglodyte  

Menschenkette Definition

Brequet chain
() A watch-guard.
(n.) A series of links or rings, usually of metal, connected, or fitted into one another, used for various purposes, as of support, of restraint, of ornament, of the exertion and transmission of mechanical power, etc.
(n.) That which confines, fetters, or secures, as a chain
(n.) A series of things linked together
(n.) An instrument which consists of links and is used in measuring land.
(n.) Iron links bolted to the side of a vessel to bold the dead-eyes connected with the shrouds
(n.) The warp threads of a web.
(v. t.) To fasten, bind, or connect with a chain
(v. t.) To keep in slavery
(v. t.) To unite closely and strongly.
(v. t.) To measure with the chain.
(v. t.) To protect by drawing a chain across, as a harbor.
Chain pump
() A pump consisting of an endless chain, running over a drum or wheel by which it is moved, and dipping below the water to be raised. The chain has at intervals disks or lifts which fit the tube through which the ascending part passes and carry the water to the point of discharge.
Chain stitch
() An ornamental stitch like the links of a chain
Chain stitch
() A stitch in which the looping of the thread or threads forms a chain on the under side of the work
Chain wheel
() A chain pulley, or sprocket wheel.
Chain wheel
() An inversion of the chain pump, by which it becomes a motor driven by water.
Gunter's chain
() The chain ordinarily used in measuring land. See Chain, n., 4, and Gunter's scale.
(a.) Belonging to man or mankind
(n.) A human being.
Sheet chain
() A chain sheet cable.
(n.) A chain for slinging the lower yards, in time of action, to prevent their falling, if the ropes by which they are hung are shot away.

human chain / human chains Bedeutung

human action
human activity
something that people do or cause to happen
Secretary of Health and Human Services the position of the head of the Department of Health and Human Services, the post of Secretary of Health and Human Services was created by Congress in
human reproductive cloning the reproductive cloning of a sentient human being, generally considered ethically unacceptable
Human Genome Project an international study of the entire human genetic material
human Tell leukemia virus-
retrovirus causing Tell leukemia
human immunodeficiency virus
the virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), it replicates in and kills the helper T cells
human papilloma virus any of a group of papovaviruses associated with genital or oral carcinomas or a group associated with benign genital tumors
human botfly
Dermatobia hominis
large tropical American fly, parasitic on humans and other mammals
man human being
any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage
human race
human beings
all of the living human inhabitants of the earth, all the world loves a lover, she always used `humankind' because `mankind' seemed to slight the women
chain pickerel
chain pike
Esox niger
common in quiet waters of eastern United States
anchor chain
anchor rope
the chain or rope that attaches an anchor to a vessel
atomic pile
atomic reactor
chain reactor
a nuclear reactor that uses controlled nuclear fission to generate energy
ball and chain heavy iron ball attached to a prisoner by a chain
bicycle chain a chain that transmits the power from the pedals to the rear wheel of a bicycle
body bag
personnel pouch
human remains pouch
a bag in which the body of a dead soldier is placed
chain a series of (usually metal) rings or links fitted into one another to make a flexible ligament
chain string strand a necklace made by a stringing objects together, a string of beads, a strand of pearls,
chain anything that acts as a restraint
chain a linked or connected series of objects, a chain of daisies
chain mail
ring mail
chain armor
chain armour
ring armor
ring armour
(Middle Ages) flexible armor made of interlinked metal rings
chain printer an impact printer that carries the type slugs by links of a revolving chain
chain saw
portable power saw, teeth linked to form an endless chain
chain stitch a looped stitch resembling the links of a chain, used in embroidery and in sewing
chain stitch the most basic of all crochet stitches made by pulling a loop of yarn through another loop
chain store one of a chain of retail stores under the same management and selling the same merchandise
chain tongs a pipe wrench used for turning large pipes, an adjustable chain circles the pipe with its ends connected to the head whose teeth engage the pipe
chain wrench another name for chain tongs
daisy chain flower chain consisting of a string of daisies linked by their stems, worn by students on class day at some schools
flower chain flowers strung together in a chain
watch chain
watch guard
short chain or ribbon attaching a pocket watch to a man's vest
metal shackles, for hands or legs
paper chain a chain made of loops of colored paper, used to decorate a room
pull chain a chain (usually with a handle at the end) that is pulled in order to operate some mechanism (e.g. to flush a toilet)
Segway Human Transporter
Segway HT
(trademark) a self-balancing personal transportation device with two wheels, can operate in any level pedestrian environment
tire chain
snow chain
chain attached to wheels to increase traction on ice or snow
human nature the shared psychological attributes of humankind that are assumed to be shared by all human beings, a great observer of human nature
human right (law) any basic right or freedom to which all human beings are entitled and in whose exercise a government may not interfere (including rights to life and liberty as well as freedom of thought and expression and equality before the law)
e human body
physical body
material body
frame form
alternative names for the body of a human being, Leonardo studied the human body, he has a strong physique, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
recombinant human insulin
a form of insulin (trade name Humulin) made from recombinant DNA that is identical to human insulin, used to treat diabetics who are allergic to preparations made from beef or pork insulin
somatotropic hormone
somatotrophic hormone
human growth hormone
growth hormone
a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland, promotes growth in humans
human head the head of a human being
foot human foot
the part of the leg of a human being below the ankle joint, his bare feet projected from his trousers, armored from head to foot
knee joint
human knee
articulatio genus
hinge joint in the human leg connecting the tibia and fibula with the femur and protected in front by the patella
elbow joint
human elbow
cubital joint
articulatio cubiti
hinge joint between the forearm and upper arm and the corresponding joint in the forelimb of a quadruped
human face
the front of the human head from the forehead to the chin and ear to ear, he washed his face, I wish I had seen the look on his face when he got the news
human paleontology
human palaeontology
the scientific study of human fossils
natural language processing
human language technology
the branch of information science that deals with natural language information
human ecology
the branch of sociology that studies the characteristics of human populations
chain letter a letter that is sent successively to several people
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Als Menschenkette wird eine Reihe von vielen Menschen bezeichnet, die im Gegensatz zur Warteschlange aktiv zur Verrichtung einer besonderen Aufgabe oder zur Demonstration eines politischen Willens gebildet wird. Hierbei wird sich oft die Hand gegeben.

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