
Notfall Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

case of need
im Notfall
in case of an emergency
im Notfall
should necessity require it
im Notfall
should it be necessary
im Notfall
at a pinch
im Notfall
in case of need
im Notfall
at a push
im Notfall, notfalls
in case of need
Notfall m aviat.
familiärer Notfall m
family urgency; family emergency
Reserve für den Notfall
emergency reserve
Notfall, Notlage, Notsituation
Katastrophenhilfe, Hilfe im Notfall
emergency aid
Vertretung im Notfall ohne Ermächtigung
agency of necessity
Notfallausbildung f; Ausbildung f für den Notfall
emergency drill
Not f, äußerer Zwang
der Not gehorchen
im Notfall
to bow to necessity
in case of necessity
Abwerfen n (von Ladung vom Schiff im Notfall) naut.
jettisoning (from ship)
im schlimmsten Fall; im äußersten Notfall; notfalls; wenn es ganz schlimm kommt ugs.
if worst comes to worst
(medizinischer) Notfall m (Patient) med.
Im örtlichen Krankenhaus wurden fünfzig Notfälle behandelt.
(medical) emergency (patient)
The local hospital treated fifty emergencies.
ausschlaggebend sein; von entscheidender Bedeutung sein
Das Entscheidende bei einem medizinischen Notfall ist rasches Handeln.
to be of the essence
Time speed is of the essence when dealing with a medical emergency.
ausschlaggebend sein; von entscheidender Bedeutung sein v
Das Entscheidende bei einem medizinischen Notfall ist rasches Handeln.
to be of the essence
Time speed is of the essence when dealing with a medical emergency.
abwerfen, über Bord werfen (von Ladung vom Schiff im Notfall) naut.
abwerfend, über Bord werfend
abgeworfen, über Bord geworfen
to jettison (from ship)
Hilfeleistung f
unterlassene Hilfeleistung f (in einem Notfall) jur.
finanzielle Hilfeleistung
das Höchstmaß an Hilfeleistung
help; assistance
failure to render assistance (in an emergency)
financial aid; financial assistance
the maximum possible assistance
Notfall m, Notlage f, Notsituation f
Notfälle pl, Notlagen pl, Notsituationen pl
im äußersten Notfall
Es ist ein Notfall.
in cases of dire emergency
It's an emergency.
einen Alarmstart durchführen v (lassen) aviat. mil.
sofort einen Hubschrauber (los)schicken entsenden (in Reaktion auf einen Notfall)
to scramble sth. (aircraft)
to scramble a helicopter
Not f; äußerer Zwang
der Not gehorchen
im Notfall
zur Not; wenn es sein muss
aus Not; notgedrungen
Not macht erfinderisch. Sprw.
to bow to necessity
in case of necessity
at a pinch
by necessity; from necessity; out of necessity
Necessity is the mother of invention. prov.
(einzelne) Hilfeleistung f
unterlassene Hilfeleistung f (in einem Notfall) jur.
finanzielle Hilfeleistung
das Höchstmaß an Hilfeleistung
help; assistance
failure to render assistance (in an emergency)
financial aid; financial assistance
the maximum possible assistance
Hellseher m; Hellseherin f
Hellseher pl; Hellseherinnen pl
Ich bin kein Hellseher. Woher sollte ich wissen, dass es sich um einen Notfall handelt?
clairvoyant; clairvoyante
clairvoyants; clairvoyantes
I'm not clairvoyant. How was I to know we have an emergency?
ohnehin; ohnedies geh.; sowieso; eh ugs. adv
Ich wollte sowieso nicht gehen
Ich habe eh keine Lust!
Ich hätte das Medikament sowieso nur im Notfall genommen.
anyhow; anyway; anyways Am. coll. (considered incorrect usage)
I didn't want to go anyway.
I don't feel like it anyway!
Anyway, I would have taken the medicine only in an emergency.
(im Notfall) abspringen v; sich mit dem Schleudersitz retten; einen Notabsprung machen; bei Luftnotlage "aussteigen" aviat. mil.
Flugzeug sofort per Schleudersitz verlassen!
to bail out
bailing out
bailed out
Bail out! Bail out!
(im Notfall) abspringen v; sich mit dem Schleudersitz retten; einen Notabsprung machen; bei Luftnotlage „aussteigen“ aviat. mil.
Flugzeug sofort per Schleudersitz verlassen!
to bail out
bailing out
bailed out
Bail out! Bail out!
(im Notfall) abspringen v, sich mit dem Schleudersitz retten, einen Notabsprung machen, bei Luftnotlage aussteigen aviat. mil.
Befehl zum sofortigen Verlassen des Flugzeuges per Schleudersitz
to bail out
bailing out
bailed out
Bail out! Bail out!
schlechter; schlimmer; übler adv
immer schlimmer
Umso schlimmer!
schlimmer dran sein
Es hätte schlimmer kommen können.
Es hätte nicht schlimmer sein können.
wenn es ganz schlimm kommt; wenn alle Stricke reißen; im äußersten Notfall
from bad to worse
So much the worse!; All the worse!
to be worse off
It could have been worse.
It could not have been worse.
if the worst comes to the worst
Notfall m; Notlage f; Notsituation f
Notfälle pl; Notlagen pl; Notsituationen pl
medizinischer Notfall
ein akuter Notfall
im Notfall; für den Notfall
im äußersten Notfall
Anordnungen für Notfälle
Es ist ein Notfall.
Dies ist ein Notfall!
emergency; emergency case
emergencies; emergency cases
medical emergency
a pressing emergency
in case of emergency
in cases of dire emergency
emergency orders
It's an emergency.
This patient is an emergency case!
(eiserne) Reserve f; Ersatz m (für den Notfall)
Ich habe mehrere Speisen in Reserve, wenn unerwartet Besuch kommt.
Ich habe als eiserne Reserve immer eine Pizza im Tiefkühler.
Brettspiele sind ein guter Ersatz, wenn schlechtes Wetter ist.
Wir haben einen Stromgenerator für Notfälle gekauft.
backup; standby (in case of emergencies)
I have several meals I can use as standbys for unexpected company.
I always keep a pizza in the freezer as a backup standby.
Board games are a good standby if the weather is bad.
We have bought an electric generator as a backup standby.
Notfall m; Notlage f; Notsituation f
Notfälle pl; Notlagen pl; Notsituationen pl
medizinischer Notfall
ein akuter Notfall
im Notfall; für den Notfall
im äußersten Notfall
Anordnungen für Notfälle
in einer absoluten Notsituation sein
Es ist ein Notfall.
Dies ist ein Notfall!
emergency; emergency case
emergencies; emergency cases
medical emergency
a pressing emergency
in case of emergency
in cases of dire emergency
emergency orders
to be in extremis formal
It's an emergency.
This patient is an emergency case!
Schulbeispiel n (für etw.); Lehrstück n (in Sachen)
ein Schulbeispiel für den Einfluss der Wall Street auf Washington
ein Lehrstück in Sachen Medienmanipulation
Es ist ein Lehrstück dafür wie gefährlich es ist wenn ...
Sie haben auf den Notfall in einer Weise reagiert die ein Lehrstück für uns alle ist.
textbook example (of sth.); object lesson (in sth.)
a textbook example of an object lesson in Wall Street influence on Washington:
an object lesson in media manipulation
It is a text-book example of how an object lesson in how dangerous it is when ...
They responded to the emergency in a way that was an object lesson to us all.
Schulbeispiel n (für etw.); Lehrstück n (in Sachen)
Schulbeispiele pl; Lehrstücke pl
ein eine …, wie er sie es im Buche steht
ein Schulbeispiel für den Einfluss der Wall Street auf Washington
ein Lehrstück in Sachen Medienmanipulation
Es ist ein Lehrstück dafür, wie gefährlich es ist, wenn …
Sie haben auf den Notfall in einer Weise reagiert, die ein Lehrstück für uns alle ist.
textbook example (of sth.); object lesson (in sth.)
textbook examples; object lessons
a textbook example of a …
a textbook example of an object lesson in Wall Street influence on Washington
an object lesson in media manipulation
It is a text-book example of how an object lesson in how dangerous it is when …
They responded to the emergency in a way that was an object lesson to us all.
Weiche f (die verstellbaren Teile einer Weichenanlage) (Bahn)
Weichen pl
Abzweigungsweiche f; Einmündungsweiche f; Anschlussweiche f; Trennungsweiche f; Verbindungsweiche f
Biegeweiche f (Magnetbahn)
aufgeschnittene Weiche (die für spitze Befahrung eingestellt war, aber stumpf befahren wurde)
bivalente Weiche (sowohl für Schienenbahn als auch für Magnetbahn ausgelegt)
Drehweiche f (Magnetbahn)
Dreiwegeweiche f (Magnetbahn)
Einfahrweiche f (erste spitz befahrene Weiche beim Einfahren in einen Bahnhof)
Entgleisungsweiche f; Schutzweiche f
elektrische Weiche; Weiche mit elektrischem Weichenantrieb
gekuppelte Weichen
fahrzeuggesteuerte Weiche (Magnetbahn)
Federrückfallweiche f; Rückfallweiche f mit Feder
Handweiche f; handbediente Weiche
motorgetriebene Weiche
Schleppweiche f
spitzbefahrene Weiche f
stumpfbefahrene Weiche f
gerader Strang einer Weiche
krummer Strang; ablenkender Strang einer Weiche
Weiche, die im Notfall manuell entriegelt werden kann
Weiche mit Einzelbedienung
Weiche mit hydraulischem Weichenantrieb
Weiche mit Doppelbedienung
Weiche mit federnder Zunge
Bedienpanel für lokale Weichen
Entriegelung einer Weiche
die Weichen stellen
die Weichen umlegen
die Weichen auffahren aufschneiden
die Weiche spitz befahren; die Weiche gegen die Spitze befahren
die Weiche stumpf befahren
point switch; set of (railway) points Br.; pair of points Br.; railway points Br.; points Br.; railroad switch Am.; track switch Am.; switch Am. (the movable parts of a turnout) (railway)
point switches; sets of points; pairs of points; railway pointses; points; railroad switches; track switches; switches
junction points Br.; junction switch Am.
deflexion points; deflexion switch (maglev guideway)
trailed point (which has been run through in the trailing direction when the switches were set differently)
bivalent points; bivalent switch (designed for both rail and maglev trains)
rotating points; rotating switch (maglev guideway)
three-way points; three-way switch; double-throw points; double-throw switch (maglev guideway)
entry point switch (first facing point switch in a station, run over by an arriving train)
derailing points Br.; catch points Br.; derailing switch Am.; safety switch Am.
electric-motor operated points Br.; electric-motor operated switch Am.
coupled points Br.; coupled switches Am.
vehicle-controlled switch (Maglev guideway)
spring point switch; spring points Br.; spring switch Am.
hand-operated point switch; hand-operated points Br.; points operated by hand Br.; hand-operated switch Am.
powered point switch; powered points Br.; powered switch Am.
stub points; stub switch
facing points
trailing points
main section; through section; through track of points switches
deflecting section; switching section of points switches
emergency-released point switch
individual points switches
hydraulically operated points Br.; hydraulically operated switch Am.
dual control switch
flexible points Br. switch Am.
local point operating panel
release of a point switch
to make the road; to throw the points Br.; to throw the switches Am.
to reverse the points
to split the points
to pass over the points Br. the switch Am. in the facing direction; to negotiate the facing points Br.
to trail the points Br.; to trail the switch Am.; to pass over the points Br. the switch Am. in the trailing direction

Deutsche Notfall Synonyme

Notfall  ÂNotlage  ÂNotsituation  
Notfall  Notlage  Notsituation  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Notfall Synonym nachschlagen

Englische case of need Synonyme

case  Bible truth  Smyth sewing  abessive  ablative  absolute fact  accepted fact  accusative  action  actual fact  adessive  admitted fact  afghan  alien  allative  ammunition box  anyhow  anyway  apoplectic  approximative  argument  argumentum  ark  arthritic  article  ascender  aspect  at all events  attache case  axiom  back  backing  bag  bald fact  bandolier  bare fact  bark  barrel  basis  basket  bastard type  beard  bearings  bed linen  bedclothes  bedcover  bedding  bedsheet  bedspread  belly  bevel  bibliopegy  billfold  bin  binder board  binding  black letter  blanket  body  book cloth  book cover  book jacket  bookbinding  bookcase  boot  bottle  box  box up  bran  briefcase  brutal fact  buffalo robe  bug  bunker  burden  cadre  caisson  calf love  can  canister  canvass  cap  capital  capsula  capsule  cardcase  carton  case in point  casemaking  casement  casing  casing-in  cask  casket  cause  cause in court  cedar chest  chaff  chapter  character  chassis  check over  check up  chest  cigarette case  circumstance  cist  citation  clothes  coffer  coffin  cold fact  collating  collating mark  come what may  comfort  comforter  common case  compact  con  conceded fact  concern  condition  cone  cons  consideration  consumptive  container  containerize  contour sheet  corn shuck  cornhusk  count  counter  counterpane  cover  covering  coverlet  coverlid  crackpot  crank  crate  crib  cross reference  crush  dative  datum  delative  demonstrable fact  demonstration  descender  detail  dinkum oil  dispatch box  dispute  doorframe  duck  dust cover  dust jacket  dyspeptic  eccentric  eiderdown  elative  element  elenchus  em  emblem  embox  embrace  empirical fact  en  encapsulate  encase  encasement  encyst  enfold  enshroud  envelop  envelope  enwrap  epileptic  episode  essence  essive  established fact  estate  etui  event  eventuality  examine  example  exemplar  exemplification  explanation  exponent  fabric  face  facet  fact  fact of experience  
case hardened  Philistine  acclimated  acclimatized  accommodated  accustomed  adapted  adjusted  backed  balking  balky  bigoted  brazen  bulldogged  bulletheaded  bullheaded  calcified  callous  calloused  conditioned  conscienceless  crusted  crusty  crystallized  dogged  dogmatic  experienced  familiarized  fanatic  flinty  fossilized  granulated  hard  hardened  hardheaded  hardhearted  headstrong  heartless  hornified  impervious  incrusted  indurate  indurated  insensitive  intolerant  inured  lapidified  lost to shame  mulish  naturalized  obdurate  obstinate  opinionated  orientated  oriented  ossified  overzealous  pachydermatous  persevering  pertinacious  petrified  pigheaded  proof against  reinforced  restive  rigidified  run-in  sclerotic  seared  seasoned  self-willed  set  shameless  solidified  steeled  steeled against  steely  stiff-necked  stiffened  stony  strengthened  strong-willed  strongheaded  stubborn  sulky  sullen  tenacious  thick-skinned  toughened  trained  unblushing  uncooperative  unregenerate  used to  vitrified  willful  wont  wonted  
case history  Clio  Muse of history  adventures  anamnesis  annals  associative anamnesis  autobiography  biographical sketch  biography  case  catamnesis  chronicle  chronicles  chronology  confessions  curriculum vitae  diary  example  experiences  follow-up  fortunes  hagiography  hagiology  historiography  history  illustration  journal  legend  life  life and letters  life story  martyrology  medical history  memoir  memoirs  memorabilia  memorial  memorials  necrology  obituary  photobiography  profile  record  representative  resume  sample  sampling  specimen  story  theory of history  
case in point  case  citation  cross reference  demonstration  emblem  example  exemplar  exemplification  explanation  exponent  illustration  instance  item  object lesson  particular  quotation  reference  relevant instance  representative  symbol  type  typical example  
casebook  abecedarium  abecedary  alphabet book  atlas  battledore  calendar  catalog  catalogue raisonne  city directory  classified catalog  concordance  cyclopedia  diatesseron  dictionary catalog  directory  encyclopedia  exercise book  gazetteer  gradus  grammar  harmony  hornbook  index  manual  manual of instruction  phone book  polyglot  primer  reader  record book  reference book  schoolbook  source book  speller  spelling book  studbook  t  telephone book  telephone directory  text  work of reference  workbook  
casement  bay  bay window  bow window  cadre  case  casement window  casing  chassis  doorframe  fabric  fan window  fanlight  frame  framework  framing  grille  lancet window  lantern  lattice  latticework  light  louver window  oriel  pane  picture frame  picture window  port  porthole  rose window  sash  shell  skeleton  skylight  transom  wicket  window  window bay  window case  window frame  window glass  windowpane  

Notfall Definition

(n.) A box, sheath, or covering
(n.) A box and its contents
(n.) A shallow tray divided into compartments or "boxes" for holding type.
(n.) An inclosing frame
(n.) A small fissure which admits water to the workings.
(v. t.) To cover or protect with, or as with, a case
(v. t.) To strip the skin from
(n.) Chance
(n.) That which befalls, comes, or happens
(n.) A patient under treatment
(n.) The matters of fact or conditions involved in a suit, as distinguished from the questions of law
(n.) One of the forms, or the inflections or changes of form, of a noun, pronoun, or adjective, which indicate its relation to other words, and in the aggregate constitute its declension
(v. i.) To propose hypothetical cases.
(n.) The space between two principals or girders
(n.) One of the joists framed between a pair of girders in naked flooring.
Case knife
() A knife carried in a sheath or case.
Case knife
() A large table knife
Case shot
() A collection of small projectiles, inclosed in a case or canister.
(n.) The covering of an insect, esp. the elytra of beetles.
(a.) Pertaining to, or kept in, the lower case

case of need Bedeutung

case load the number of cases handled in a given period of time (as by a court or agency)
case study a detailed analysis of a person or group from a social or psychological or medical point of view
trespass on the case an action brought to recover damages from a person whose actions have resulted indirectly in injury or loss, a person struck by a log as it was thrown onto a road could maintain trespass against the thrower but one who was hurt by stumbling over it could maintain and action on the case
a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy, the family brought suit against the landlord
antitrust case a legal action brought against parties who are charged with limiting free competition in the market place
custody case a legal action to determine custody (usually of children following a divorce)
test case
test suit
a representative legal action whose outcome is likely to become a precedent
wing case
either of the horny front wings in beetles and some other insects which cover and protect the functional hind wings
attache case
a shallow and rectangular briefcase
case a portable container for carrying several objects, the musicians left their instrument cases backstage
case display case
a glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home
case pillowcase
slip pillow slip
bed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow, the burglar carried his loot in a pillowcase
case compositor's case
typesetter's case
(printing) the receptacle in which a compositor has his type, which is divided into compartments for the different letters, spaces, or numbers, for English, a compositor will ordinarily have two such cases, the upper case containing the capitals and the lower case containing the small letters
case knife sheath knife a knife with a fixed blade that is carried in a sheath
case knife a metal blade with a handle, used as cutlery
case shot
canister canister shot
a metallic cylinder packed with shot and used as ammunition in a firearm
the enclosing frame around a door or window opening, the casings had rotted away and had to be replaced
cigarette case a small flat case for holding cigarettes, can be carried in a purse or a pocket
dispatch case
dispatch box
case consisting of an oblong container (usually having a lock) for carrying dispatches or other valuables
dressing case a small piece of luggage for carrying brushes and bottles and toilet articles while traveling
gear box
gear case
the shell (metal casing) in which a train of gears is sealed
glasses case a case for carrying spectacles
gun case a case for storing a gun
letter case case for carrying letters
overnight bag
overnight case
a small traveling bag to carry clothing and accessories for staying overnight
packing box packing case a large crate in which goods are packed for shipment or storage
pencil box
pencil case
a box for holding pencils
shell case casing the housing or outer covering of something, the clock has a walnut case
tool chest
tool cabinet
tool case
a box or chest or cabinet for holding hand tools
trophy case a case in which to display trophies
watch case the metal case in which the works of a watch are housed
an enveloping structure or covering enclosing an animal or plant organ or part
case the actual state of things, that was not the case
case in point
an example that is used to justify similar occurrences at a later time
grammatical case
nouns or pronouns or adjectives (often marked by inflection) related in some way to other words in a sentence
nominative case
subject case
the category of nouns serving as the grammatical subject of a verb
oblique case
any grammatical case other than the nominative
accusative case
objective case
the case of nouns serving as the direct object of a verb
dative case
the category of nouns serving as the indirect object of a verb
genitive case
possessive case
the case expressing ownership
attributive genitive
attributive genitive case
a word in the genitive case that is used as an attributive adjective, an example of the attributive genetive is `John's' in `John's mother'
vocative case
the case (in some inflected languages) used when the referent of the noun is being addressed
ablative case
the case indicating the agent in passive sentences or the instrument or manner or place of the action described by the verb
case history detailed record of the background of a person or group under study or treatment
case law
common law
(civil law) a law established by following earlier judicial decisions
case a statement of facts and reasons used to support an argument, he stated his case clearly
case a problem requiring investigation, Perry Mason solved the case of the missing heir
a specific size and style of type within a type family
case study a careful study of some social unit (as a corporation or division within a corporation) that attempts to determine what factors led to its success or failure
an occurrence of something, it was a case of bad judgment, another instance occurred yesterday, but there is always the famous example of the Smiths
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Als Notfall gilt jede Situation, in der eine drohende Gefährdung für Sachen, Tiere oder die körperliche Unversehrtheit von Menschen eintritt. Dies deckt sich mit den Aufgaben der Feuerwehr. Notfälle sind z. B. große Ãœberschwemmungen, Großbrände, Flugzeugabsturz oder ein medizinischer Notfall. Notfälle können nach ihrem Schweregrad eingestuft werden.