
Notlage Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Notlage f
Notlage, Ausnahmezustand
state of emergency
Notfall, Notlage, Notsituation
Notlage, unvorhergesehenes Ereignis
Vertreter ohne Auftrag in einer Notlage
agent of necessity
Bestimmen der Handlungsreihenfolge wÀhrend einer Notlage
Notlage f; Zwangslage f; Misere f; schlimmer Zustand
Notlage f, Zwangslage f, Misere f, schlimmer Zustand
in eine schwierige Lage Notlage geraten v soc. econ.
to fall on hard times
jds. missliche Lage f; Notlage f; schwierige Situation f
sb.'s plight
ernste Notlage, schwere Zeiten
in einer ernsten Notlage sein
dire straits
to be in dire straits
BedrÀngnis f; Notlage f
in arger BedrÀngnis in Nöten sein
dire straits
to be in dire straits
BedrÀngnis f; Notlage f
in arger BedrÀngnis in Nöten sein
dire straits
to be in dire straits
BedrÀngnis f, Elend n, Not f, Notlage f
in großer Not sein, sehr leiden
die Not lindern
to be in great distress
to relieve the distress
Notlage f; Zwangslage f; Krisensituation f
Notlagen pl; Zwangslagen pl; Krisensituationen pl
Notlage f, Zwangslage f, Krisensituation f
Notlagen pl, Zwangslagen pl, Krisensituationen pl
Hilfe f (der Allgemeinheit fĂŒr Menschen in einer Notlage) pol. soc.
Hilfslieferungen pl
Hilfs-LKW m
MilitÀrhilfe f
aid (provided by the general public for people in distress)
aid deliveries
aid lorry Br.; aid truck Am.
military aid
Notfall m, Notlage f, Notsituation f
NotfÀlle pl, Notlagen pl, Notsituationen pl
im Ă€ußersten Notfall
Es ist ein Notfall.
in cases of dire emergency
It's an emergency.
Unheil n; Katastrophe f; UnglĂŒck n; KalamitĂ€t f; Notlage f
Unheile pl; Katastrophen pl; UnglĂŒcksfĂ€lle pl; KalamitĂ€ten pl; Notlagen pl
Hilfe f (der Allgemeinheit fĂŒr Menschen in einer Notlage) pol. soc.
FlĂŒchtlingshilfe f
MilitÀrhilfe f
Hilfslieferungen pl
Hilfs-LKW m
aid; relief (provided by the general public for people in distress)
refugee aid; refugee relief
military aid
aid deliveries
aid lorry Br.; aid truck Am.
BedrÀngnis f; Elend n; Not f; Notlage f
in großer Not sein; sehr leiden
die Not lindern
sich in einer Notlage befinden; in einer Notlage sein
to be in great distress
to relieve the distress
to be in distress
BedrÀngnis f; Elend n; Not f; Notlage f
in Not sein; in BedrÀngnis sein
in großer Not sein; sehr leiden
die Not lindern
sich in einer Notlage befinden; in einer Notlage sein
to be in distress
to be in great distress
to relieve the distress
to be in distress
jdn. retten; jdm. (finanziell) unter die Arme greifen; jdm. aus einer Notlage helfen fin. v
rettend; unter die Arme greifend; aus einer Notlage helfend
gerettet; unter die Arme gegriffen; aus einer Notlage geholfen
to bail out sb.
bailing out
bailed out
Notfall m; Notlage f; Notsituation f
NotfÀlle pl; Notlagen pl; Notsituationen pl
medizinischer Notfall
ein akuter Notfall
im Notfall; fĂŒr den Notfall
im Ă€ußersten Notfall
Anordnungen fĂŒr NotfĂ€lle
Es ist ein Notfall.
Dies ist ein Notfall!
emergency; emergency case
emergencies; emergency cases
medical emergency
a pressing emergency
in case of emergency
in cases of dire emergency
emergency orders
It's an emergency.
This patient is an emergency case!
Notfall m; Notlage f; Notsituation f
NotfÀlle pl; Notlagen pl; Notsituationen pl
medizinischer Notfall
ein akuter Notfall
im Notfall; fĂŒr den Notfall
im Ă€ußersten Notfall
Anordnungen fĂŒr NotfĂ€lle
in einer absoluten Notsituation sein
Es ist ein Notfall.
Dies ist ein Notfall!
emergency; emergency case
emergencies; emergency cases
medical emergency
a pressing emergency
in case of emergency
in cases of dire emergency
emergency orders
to be in extremis formal
It's an emergency.
This patient is an emergency case!
etw. vortÀuschen; (jdm.) etw. vorspielen; etw. simulieren v; so tun als (sei etw. der Fall)
vortÀuschend; vorspielend; simulierend; so tuend als
vorgetÀuscht; vorgespielt; simuliert; so getan als
eine vorgetÀuschte Notlage
sich schlafend stellen
sich tot stellen
sich dumm stellen
Interesse heucheln
ein Scheinangriff
Ich tat so, als hÀtte ich Kopfweh, und ging hinauf in mein Zimmer.
Er erfand eine Ausrede, um sich absentieren zu können.
„Was soll's?“, sagte Alex mit gespielter GleichgĂŒltigkeit.
Er klingt nicht wie jemand, der mir eine Verletzung vorspielt.
Der Fahrzeuglenker hat den RaubĂŒberfall vorgetĂ€uscht oder ist irgendwie an der Tat beteiligt.
to feign sth. (to sb.)
feigned distress
to feign sleep
to feign death
to feign ignorance
to feign interest
a feigned attack
Feigning a headache, I went upstairs to my room.
He feigned an excuse to absent himself.
'Who cares' said Alex, feigning indifference.
He doesn't sound like someone who is feigning injury to me.
The driver of the vehicle feigned the robbery or is somehow involved in the offence.

Deutsche Notlage Synonyme

Notfall  ÂNotlage  ÂNotsituation  
BedrĂ€ngnis  ÂElend  ÂLeid  ÂNot  ÂNotlage  
Krise  ÂKrisis  (veraltend)  ÂNotlage  Âschlimmer  Zustand  ÂZwangslage  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Notlage Synonym nachschlagen

Englische distress Synonyme

distress  Schmerz  abashment  abuse  ache  aches and pains  aching  adversity  afflict  affliction  aggrieve  agitate  agitation  agonize  agony  ail  all-overs  amercement  angary  angst  anguish  annexation  annexure  annoy  anxiety  anxiety hysteria  anxiety neurosis  anxious bench  anxious concern  anxious seat  anxiousness  apprehension  apprehensiveness  attachment  be the matter  befoul  beset  bewitch  bite  bitter cup  bitter draft  bitter draught  bitter pill  bitterness  bleakness  blight  blow  bother  broken fortune  burden  burden of care  burn  calamity  cankerworm of care  care  catastrophe  chafe  chagrin  cheerlessness  collectivization  comfortlessness  commandeering  communalization  communization  complicate matters  concern  concernment  condemn  confiscation  confusion  constrain  convulse  corrupt  cramp  cross  crown of thorns  crucify  curse  cut  damage  damages  defile  deprave  depress  depression  desolation  despoil  destroy  difficulties  difficulty  disadvantage  disaster  discomfiture  discomfort  discommode  discomposure  disconcertion  disconcertment  discountenance  dismalness  dismay  disquiet  disquietude  disserve  distraint  distressfulness  disturb  disturbance  do a mischief  do evil  do ill  do wrong  do wrong by  dolor  doom  dread  dreariness  embarrassment  eminent domain  encumbrance  envenom  escheat  escheatment  excruciate  execution  exigency  expropriation  fear  fester  fine  foreboding  forebodingness  forfeit  forfeiture  frazzle  fret  gall  gall and wormwood  garnishment  genteel poverty  get into trouble  give concern  give pain  gnaw  grate  grief  grievance  grieve  grievousness  grind  gripe  harass  hard pinch  hardship  harm  harrow  harry  heartache  heartbreak  hex  hurt  hurting  impair  impecuniosity  impecuniousness  impoundment  impressment  inconvenience  infect  inflame  inflict pain  infliction  injure  injury  inquietude  insolvency  irk  irritate  jinx  joylessness  kill by inches  lacerate    
distressed  abashed  afflicted  agitated  agonized  annoyed  anxious  badly off  beset  bothered  cast down  chagrined  chapfallen  confused  convulsed  crucified  discomfited  discomforted  discomposed  disconcerted  disquieted  distracted  distrait  disturbed  down to bedrock  embarrassed  feeling the pinch  harassed  hard up  harrowed  hung up  hurt  hurting  ill at ease  ill off  impecunious  in Queer Street  in distress  in narrow circumstances  in pain  in reduced circumstances  in straitened circumstances  inconvenienced  irked  lacerated  land-poor  martyred  martyrized  mortified  narrow  on the edge  on the rack  out of countenance  out of pocket  pained  perturbed  pinched  plagued  poor  poorly off  put to it  put-out  put-upon  puzzled  racked  reduced  short  short of cash  short of funds  short of money  sore beset  squeezed  straitened  strapped  suffering  tormented  tortured  troubled  twisted  uncomfortable  under the harrow  uneasy  unmoneyed  unprosperous  upset  vexed  worried  wounded  wrung  
distressing  acute  affecting  afflictive  agonizing  annoying  atrocious  baleful  baneful  biting  bitter  bleak  bothersome  calamitous  chafing  cheerless  comfortless  corroding  corrosive  corrupting  corruptive  counterproductive  cramping  cruel  damaging  deadly  deleterious  deplorable  depressing  depressive  detrimental  dire  disadvantageous  discomforting  dismal  dismaying  disquieting  disserviceable  distressful  disturbing  dolorific  dolorogenic  dolorous  dreary  excruciating  fretting  gnawing  grave  grievous  griping  harassing  hard  harmful  harrowing  harsh  heartbreaking  hurtful  hurting  injurious  joyless  lamentable  lethal  malefic  malevolent  malign  malignant  mischievous  mournful  moving  noisome  noxious  ominous  painful  paroxysmal  pathetic  pernicious  piercing  piteous  pitiable  plaguing  poignant  poisonous  prejudicial  pungent  racking  regrettable  rueful  sad  saddening  scatheful  severe  sharp  shooting  sore  sorrowful  spasmatic  spasmic  spasmodic  stabbing  stinging  tormenting  torturous  touching  toxic  troublesome  uncomfortable  unfortunate  upsetting  venenate  veneniferous  venenous  venomous  vicious  virulent  woebegone  woeful  worrisome  worrying  wretched  
distressingly  abominably  agonizingly  awfully  baldly  balefully  bitterly  blatantly  brashly  confoundedly  cruelly  damnably  deadly  deathly  deplorably  deucedly  distressfully  dolorously  dreadfully  egregiously  excessively  excruciatingly  exorbitantly  extravagantly  flagrantly  frightfully  grievously  harrowingly  heartbreakingly  hellishly  horribly  improperly  inexcusably  infernally  inordinately  intolerably  lamentably  miserably  nakedly  openly  painfully  pathetically  piteously  pitiably  ruefully  sadly  shatteringly  shockingly  something awful  something fierce  sorely  staggeringly  terribly  torturously  unashamedly  unbearably  unconscionably  unduly  unpardonably  woefully  

Notlage Definition

(n.) Extreme pain or suffering
(n.) That which occasions suffering
(n.) A state of danger or necessity
(n.) The act of distraining
(n.) The thing taken by distraining
(n.) To cause pain or anguish to
(n.) To compel by pain or suffering.
(n.) To seize for debt

distress Bedeutung

the seizure and holding of property as security for payment of a debt or satisfaction of a claim, Originally distress was a landlord's remedy against a tenant for unpaid rents or property damage but now the landlord is given a landlord's lien
distress signal
distress call
an internationally recognized signal sent out by a ship or plane indicating that help is needed
distress hurt suffering psychological suffering, the death of his wife caused him great distress
adult respiratory distress syndrome
wet lung
white lung
acute lung injury characterized by coughing and rales, inflammation of the lungs which become stiff and fibrous and cannot exchange oxygen, occurs among persons exposed to irritants such as corrosive chemical vapors or ammonia or chlorine etc.
fetal distress
foetal distress
an abnormal condition of a fetus, usually discovered during pregnancy and characterized by an abnormal heart rhythm
respiratory distress syndrome
respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn
hyaline membrane disease
an acute lung disease of the newborn (especially the premature newborn), lungs cannot expand because of a wetting agent is lacking, characterized by rapid shallow breathing and cyanosis and the formation of a glassy hyaline membrane over the alveoli
distress extreme physical pain, the patient appeared to be in distress
distress a state of adversity (danger or affliction or need), a ship in distress, she was the classic maiden in distress
distress cause mental pain to, The news of her child's illness distressed the mother
bring into difficulties or distress, especially financial hardship
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