
Nullcoupon Anleihe Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Nullcoupon-Anleihe f fin.
Nullcoupon-Anleihen pl
synthetische Nullcoupon-Anleihe
zero bond; zero
zero bonds; zeros
synthetic zero bond
an einen Index gebundene Anleihe
index loan
Anleihe der öffentlichen Hand
civil loan
Anleihe, Darlehen
Ausgabe einer Anleihe
issue of a loan
eine Anleihe tilgen
redeem a loan
eine Anleihe zeichnen
subscribe for a loan
gewinnbeteiligte Anleihe
participating bond
öffentliche Anleihe
public loan
Teil einer Anleihe
portion of a loan
Tilgung einer Anleihe
redemption of a loan
Umwandlung einer Anleihe
conversion of a loan
Auflegen n (einer Anleihe), Ausstellen n
Anleihe f, Obligation f, Bond m, Schuldverschreibung f
Anleihen pl, Obligationen pl, Bonds pl, Schuldverschreibungen pl
Staatsanleihe f
Obligationen mit verzögerter Verzinsung
bond, bond issue
government bond
deferred bonds
Anleihe f
loan, public loan
Schuldschein m, Anleihe f
Schuldscheine f
amortisieren (Anleihe)
to redeem
ausleihen, Anleihe
Auflegen n; Auflegung f (einer Anleihe); Ausstellen n fin.
öffentliche Auflegung
public offering
Anleihe f; Obligation f; Schuldverschreibung f; Pfandbrief m (festverzinsliches Wertpapier) fin.
besicherte Schuldverschreibungen
Staatsanleihe f; Bundesobligationen pl
Kassenobligation f; Kassaobligation f Ös. Schw.; Kassenschein m; Kassaschein m Ös. Schw.
inländische Rentenwerte pl
Obligationen mit verzögerter Verzinsung
Anleihe der öffentlichen Hand
Anleihe mit garantiertem Zins die eine Optionsanleihe ablöst
durch treuhändische Effektenhinterlegung abgesicherte Obligation
covered bonds
government bond
medium-term fixed-rate bond; medium-term fixed-rate note; DM-nominated bearer treasury note Am.; cash bond (Austria)
domestic bonds
deferred bonds
public bond
back bond
collateral trust bond Am.
Anleihe f fin.
Anleihen pl
Ausgabe einer Anleihe
nachrangige Anleihe
eine Anleihe tilgen
eine Anleihe zeichnen
loan; public loan
loans; public loans
issue of a loan
secondary loan
to redeem a loan
to subscribe for a loan
Anleihe f mit variabler Verzinsung fin.
variabel verzinste Anleihe bei der die Laufzeit gewechselt werden kann
floating rate note FRN ; floater
flip-flop floater
Laufzeitenverlängerung f (bei Anleihe) fin.
extension prolongation of maturities
Nullcoupon-Anleihe f fin.
Nullcoupon-Anleihen pl
synthetische Nullcoupon-Anleihe
zero bond; zero
zero bonds; zeros
synthetic zero bond
Schrottanleihe f; Junk-Bond m; schlecht bewertete Anleihe fin.
Schrottanleihen pl; Junk-Bonds pl; schlecht bewertete Anleihe
junk bond; high yield bond; speculative grade bond
junk bonds; high yield bonds; speculative grade bonds
Schuldschein m; Anleihe f; Verbindlichkeit f; Passivum n fin.
Schuldscheine f
Tilgung f; Rückzahlung f (von etw.) fin.
freiwillige Tilgung einer Anleihe
planmäßige Tilgung
ratenweise Tilgung; Tilgung in Teilbeträgen
vorzeitige Tilgung
Tilgung einer Hypothek
redemption; repayment (of sth.)
optional redemption of a bond
scheduled redemption
redemption in installments; amortization
anticipated redemption
amortization eAm.; amortisation Br. of a mortgage
Tranche f fin.
Tranchen pl
Aufteilung einer Anleihe in Tranchen
Der Rest wird in vier Tranchen bezahlt.
splitting of a loan in tranches
The remainder is paid in four tranches.
etw. (formell) erledigen; etw. vornehmen v adm.
erledigend; vornehmend
erledigt; vorgenommen
jdn. zu etw. veranlassen
seine Post erledigen
einen Rechtsfall entscheiden
die Begebung eine Anleihe vornehmen
Ich muss noch einige Dinge erledigen bevor wir uns treffen.
Damit ist dieses unmittelbare Problem vom Tisch.
to dispose of sth. (formal)
to dispose sb. to sth.
to dispose of one's mail
to dispose of a case
to dispose of an issue
I have some business to dispose of before we meet.
That disposes of the immediate problem.
etw. konsolidieren (zusammenlegen und umwandeln) v fin.
Schulden konsolidieren (schwebende Schulden in fundierte umwandeln)
konsolidierte fundierte Schuld
konsolidierte Anleihe
to consolidate sth.
to consolidate debts
consolidated debt
consolidated bond
abgezinst adj fin.
abgezinste Anleihe f
discount bond
Anleihe f; Obligation f; Schuldverschreibung f; Pfandbrief m (festverzinsliches Wertpapier) fin.
besicherte Schuldverschreibungen
bevorrechtigte Obligationen (bei Verzinsung und Sicherheit)
Staatsanleihen pl; Bundesobligationen pl; Bundesanleihen pl
Kassenobligation f; Kassaobligation f Ös. Schw.; Kassenschein m; Kassaschein m Ös. Schw.
inländische Rentenwerte pl
Obligationen mit verzögerter Verzinsung
Anleihe der öffentlichen Hand
Anleihe mit garantiertem Zins, die eine Optionsanleihe ablöst
durch treuhändische Effektenhinterlegung abgesicherte Obligation
covered bonds
underlying bonds
government bonds; federal bonds
medium-term fixed-rate bond; medium-term fixed-rate note; DM-nominated bearer treasury note Am.; cash bond (Austria)
domestic bonds
deferred bonds
public bond
back bond
collateral trust bond Am.
Anleihe f fin.
Anleihen pl
Kriegsanleihe f
Ausgabe einer Anleihe
nachrangige Anleihe
eine Anleihe tilgen
eine Anleihe zeichnen
loan; public loan
loans; public loans
war loan
issue of a loan
secondary loan
to redeem a loan
to subscribe for a loan
Anleihe f mit variabler Verzinsung fin.
variabel verzinste Anleihe, bei der die Laufzeit gewechselt werden kann
floating rate note FRN ; floater
flip-flop floater
(künstlerische) Anleihe f (bei jdm.) art
in Anlehnung an Shakespeare; frei nach Shakespeare
(artistic) borrowing (from sb.)
borrowing from Shakespeare
Nennbetrag m; Nominalbetrag m; Nominale f Dt. Schw. selten; Nominale n Ös.; Stückelung f; Denomination f (Geld, Briefmarke, Wertpapier) fin.
Nennbeträge pl; Nominalbeträge pl; Nominale pl; Stückelungen pl; Denominationen pl
Nominalbetrag einer Aktie; Stückelung einer Aktie; Denomination einer Aktie
Nennbetrag einer Anleihe; Stückelung einer Anleihe
Banknoten mit kleinem Nennwert in kleinen Nominalen
in Stücken von
face amount; nominal amount; notional amount; denomination (money; stamp; security paper)
face amounts; nominal amounts; notional amounts; denominations
face amount of a share; nominal amount of a stock Am.
face amount of a debenture bond; bond denomination
small denominations
in denominations of
Tilgung f; Rückzahlung f (von etw.) fin.
freiwillige Tilgung einer Anleihe
planmäßige Tilgung
ratenweise Tilgung; Tilgung in Teilbeträgen
vorzeitige Tilgung
Tilgung einer Hypothek
Tilgung vor dem Fälligkeitstermin
redemption; repayment (of sth.)
optional redemption of a bond
scheduled redemption
redemption in installments; amortization
anticipated redemption
amortization eAm.; amortisation Br. of a mortgage
redemption before due date
Tranche f fin.
Tranchen pl
Finanzierungstranche f
Aufteilung einer Anleihe in Tranchen
Der Rest wird in vier Tranchen bezahlt.
tranche of money; tranche
tranches of money; tranches
funding tranche
splitting of a loan in tranches
The remainder is paid in four tranches.
aufgeschobene Zahlung f; zurückgestellte Zahlung f fin.
aufgeschobene Zahlung der Jahresrente; zurückgestellte Annuitätenzahlung
Kaufvereinbarung mit Stundung des Kaufpreises
eingeräumte Zahlungsziele
Anleihe, die erst nach Zeichnungsabschluss bezahlt wird (Börse)
Nachbezugsrecht, Nachzahlungsanspruch (bei Dividendenausschüttungen) (Börse)
Vorkaufsrecht, bei dem der Barausgleich erst nach Inanspruchnahme erfolgt (Börse)
deferred payment
deferred-payment annuity
deferred-payment agreement Am.
deferred-payment credit terms
deferred-payment bond (stock exchange)
deferred-payment claim (stock exchange)
deferred-payment option; deferred-payout option (stock exchange)
etw. (formell) erledigen; etw. vornehmen v adm.
erledigend; vornehmend
erledigt; vorgenommen
jdn. zu etw. veranlassen
seine Post erledigen
einen Rechtsfall entscheiden
die Begebung eine Anleihe vornehmen
Ich muss noch einige Dinge erledigen, bevor wir uns treffen.
Damit ist dieses unmittelbare Problem vom Tisch.
to dispose of sth. formal
to dispose sb. to sth.
to dispose of one's mail
to dispose of a case
to dispose of an issue
I have some business to dispose of before we meet.
That disposes of the immediate problem.
EU-Anleihe f; Eurobonds pl; Euro-Staatsanleihe f pol. fin.
Eurobonds; European bonds

Deutsche Nullcoupon Anleihe Synonyme

Auflegen  (einer  Anleihe)  ÂAusstellen  
Anleihe  ÂBond  ÂObligation  ÂRentenpapier  ÂSchuldverschreibung  Âverzinsliches  Wertpapier  
High-Yield-Anleihe  ÂHochzinsanleihe  ÂJunk  Bond  ÂSchrottanleihe  
Anleihe  mit  variabler  Verzinsung  ÂFloater  (fachsprachlich)  ÂFloating  Rate  Note  (fachsprachlich)  
Anleihe mit variabler Verzinsung  Floater (fachsprachlich)  Floating Rate Note (fachsprachlich)  
Anleihe  Bond  Obligation  Rentenpapier  Schuldverschreibung  verzinsliches Wertpapier  
Auflegen (einer Anleihe)  Ausstellen  
High-Yield-Anleihe  Hochzinsanleihe  Junk Bond  Schrottanleihe  
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Englische zero bond; zero Synonyme

zero  absolute zero  aught  blank  boiling point  cipher  concentrate on  dew point  duck  dud  dummy  fix on  focus on  freezing point  goose egg  hollow man  home in on  insignificancy  jackstraw  lay figure  man of straw  melting point  nada  nadir  naught  nebbish  nichts  nihil  nil  nix  no such thing  nobody  nonentity  nothing  nothing at all  nothing on earth  nothing whatever  nought  null  nullity  pinpoint  puppet  pushover  recalescence point  rock bottom  temperature  thing of naught  trifle  void  whiffet  whippersnapper  zero in on  zilch  
zero hour  A-day  D day  H hour  charged moment  contingency  crisis  critical moment  crossroads  crucial moment  deadline  decisive moment  eleventh hour  emergency  exigency  kairos  kairotic moment  moment of truth  nick of time  pass  pinch  pregnant moment  psychological moment  strait  target date  target day  turning point  
zero in on  aim at  allocate  assign  barrage  blast  blitz  bombard  cannon  cannonade  collocate  commence firing  deploy  dispose  emplace  enfilade  fire a volley  fire at  fire upon  fix  fusillade  get a fix  home in on  install  localize  locate  mortar  navigate  open fire  open up on  pepper  pin down  pinpoint  place  pop at  position  put in place  rake  shell  shoot  shoot at  situate  snipe  snipe at  spot  strafe  take aim at  torpedo  triangulate  

Nullcoupon Anleihe Definition

Bail bond
() A bond or obligation given by a prisoner and his surety, to insure the prisoner's appearance in court, at the return of the writ.
Bail bond
() Special bail in court to abide the judgment.
(n.) That which binds, ties, fastens, or confines, or by which anything is fastened or bound, as a cord, chain, etc.
(n.) The state of being bound
(n.) A binding force or influence
(n.) Moral or political duty or obligation.
(n.) A writing under seal, by which a person binds himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators, to pay a certain sum on or before a future day appointed. This is a single bond. But usually a condition is added, that, if the obligor shall do a certain act, appear at a certain place, conform to certain rules, faithfully perform certain duties, or pay a certain sum of money, on or before a time specified, the obligation shall be void
(n.) An instrument (of the nature of the ordinary legal bond) made by a government or a corporation for purpose of borrowing money
(n.) The state of goods placed in a bonded warehouse till the duties are paid
(n.) The union or tie of the several stones or bricks forming a wall. The bricks may be arranged for this purpose in several different ways, as in English or block bond (Fig. 1), where one course consists of bricks with their ends toward the face of the wall, called headers, and the next course of bricks with their lengths parallel to the face of the wall, called stretchers
(n.) A unit of chemical attraction
(v. t.) To place under the conditions of a bond
(v. t.) To dispose in building, as the materials of a wall, so as to secure solidity.
(n.) A vassal or serf
(a.) In a state of servitude or slavery
Bond servant
() A slave
Bond service
() The condition of a bond servant
Post-obit bond
() A bond in which the obligor, in consideration of having received a certain sum of money, binds himself to pay a larger sum, on unusual interest, on the death of some specified individual from whom he has expectations.
(a.) Alt. of Synthetical
(pl. ) of Zero

zero bond; zero / zero bonds; zeros / synthetic zero bond Bedeutung

bond trading
bond-trading activity
trading in bonds (usually by a broker on the floor of an exchange)
attachment bond a connection that fastens things together
methadone hydrochloride
dolophine hydrochloride
synthetic heroin
synthetic narcotic drug similar to morphine but less habit-forming, used in narcotic detoxification and maintenance of heroin addiction
hamper trammel
a restraint that confines or restricts freedom (especially something used to tie down or restrain a prisoner)
the property of sticking together (as of glue and wood) or the joining of surfaces of different composition, the mutual adhesiveness of cells, a heated hydraulic press was required for adhesion
bond rating an evaluation by a rating company of the probability that a particular bond issue will default, the bonds of highest quality are said to have bond ratings of AAA
synthetic thinking
the combination of ideas into a complex whole
synthetic cubism the late phase of cubism
Bond James Bond British secret operative in novels by Ian Fleming
bond servant someone bound to labor without wages
Julian Bond
United States civil rights leader who was elected to the legislature in Georgia but was barred from taking his seat because he opposed the Vietnam War (born )
chemical bond
an electrical force linking atoms
covalent bond a chemical bond that involves sharing a pair of electrons between atoms in a molecule
hydrogen bond a chemical bond consisting of a hydrogen atom between two electronegative atoms (e.g., oxygen or nitrogen) with one side be a covalent bond and the other being an ionic bond
ionic bond
electrovalent bond
electrostatic bond
a chemical bond in which one atom loses an electron to form a positive ion and the other atom gains an electron to form a negative ion
double bond a covalent bond in which two pairs of electrons are shared between two atoms
coordinate bond
dative bond
a covalent bond in which both electrons are provided by one of the atoms
metallic bond a chemical bond in which electrons are shared over many nuclei and electronic conduction occurs
peptide bond
peptide linkage
the primary linkage of all protein structures, the chemical bond between the carboxyl groups and amino groups that unites a peptide
bond issue bonds sold by a corporation or government agency at a particular time and identifiable by date of maturity
convertible bond a bond that can be converted to other securities under certain conditions
corporate bond a bond issued by a corporation, carries no claim to ownership and pays no dividends but payments to bondholders have priority over payments to stockholders, a corporate bond is a safer investment than common stock in the same company
coupon bond
bearer bond
a bond issued with detachable coupons that must be presented to the issuer for interest payments
government bond a bond that is an IOU of the United States Treasury, considered the safest security in the investment world
junk bond
high-yield bond
a (speculative) bond with a credit rating of BB or lower, issued for leveraged buyouts and other takeovers by companies with questionable credit
municipal bond a bond issued by a state or local government
noncallable bond a bond containing a provision that the holder cannot redeem the security before a specific date (usually at maturity)
performance bond
surety bond
a bond given to protect the recipient against loss in case the terms of a contract are not filled, a surety company assumes liability for nonperformance
post-obit bond a bond made by a reversioner to secure a loan, payable out of his reversion
registered bond a bond whose owner is recorded on the books of the issuer, can be transferred to another owner only when endorsed by the registered owner
revenue bond a bond issued by an agency that is commissioned to finance public works, revenue from the public property is used to pay off the bond
secured bond a bond that is back by collateral
unsecured bond
debenture bond
the ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future
savings bond non-negotiable government bond, cannot be bought and sold once the original purchase is made
utility bond
utility revenue bond
a bond issued to finance the construction of public utility services
zero coupon bond
zerooupon bond
a bond that is issued at a deep discount from its value at maturity and pays no interest during the life of the bond, the commonest form of zerooupon security
bail bond
(criminal law) money that must be forfeited by the bondsman if an accused person fails to appear in court for trial, the judge set bail at $,, a $, bond was furnished by an alderman
Treasury bond a debt instrument with maturities ofyears or longer
bond bond certificate a certificate of debt (usually interest-bearing or discounted) that is issued by a government or corporation in order to raise money, the issuer is required to pay a fixed sum annually until maturity and then a fixed sum to repay the principal
Premium Bond a government bond that bears no interest or capital gains but enters the holder into lotteries
letter bond a bond that has not been registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and cannot be sold to the general public
a connection based on kinship or marriage or common interest, the shifting alliances within a large family, their friendship constitutes a powerful bond between them
bond paper
a superior quality of strong durable white writing paper, originally made for printing documents
synthetic substance
a compound made artificially by chemical reactions
synthetic resin a resin having a polymeric structure, especially a resin in the raw state, used chiefly in plastics
man-made fiber
synthetic fiber
fiber created from natural materials or by chemical processes
rubber synthetic rubber any of various synthetic elastic materials whose properties resemble natural rubber
hold fast
bind stick
stick to
stick to firmly, Will this wallpaper adhere to the wall?
bond bring together draw together bring together in a common cause or emotion, The death of their child had drawn them together
bond issue bonds on
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