
Operationskostenversicherung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

surgical fees insurance
surgical fees insurance
Handlung, Operation, Betrieb
Bypass-Operation f med.
Bypass-Operationen pl
bypass surgery, by-pass operation
bypass surgeries, by-pass operations
Häuserkampf m, militärische Operation in bewohntem Gebiet mil.
urban warfare, military operations in urban terrain (MOUT) Am.
Operation f med.
sich einer Operation unterziehen
operiert werden müssen
surgery, operation
to undergo surgery
to need surgery
Operation f, Arbeitsgang m, Verfahren n
Operationen pl, Arbeitsgänge pl, Verfahren pl
angeschlossene Operation
connected operation
Operation f mil.
Operationen pl
Militäroperation f
military operation
Rechenoperation f, arithmetische Operation f
Rechenoperationen pl, arithmetische Operationen pl
arithmetic operation
arithmetic operations
geschlechtsangleichende Operation f med.
sex reassignment surgery (SRS)
liften, das Gesicht straffen (durch Operation)
to face-lift
postoperativ adj, nach der Operation med.
postoperative, post-op
sich (einer Operation) unterziehen (müssen)
sich unterziehend
sich unterzogen
unterzieht sich
unterzog sich
to undergo {underwent, undergone}
präoperativ adj, vor der Operation med.
Operation gelungen, Patient tot! übtr.
Operation successful, patient dead!
Operation gelungen, Patient tot! übtr.
It was a perfectly organized disaster (cock-up)!
arithmetische Operation, Rechenoperation
arithmetic operation
angeschlossene Operation
connected operation
Chirurgie, Operation
Operation, Maschinenbedienung
Ausweg m; (letzte) Möglichkeit f
Eine Operation ist vielleicht der einzige Ausweg.
Er hat nur die Möglichkeit eine Beschwerde an die Geschäftsleitung zu richten.
Sie hat keine Möglichkeit gegen das Magazin juristisch vorzugehen.
Surgery may be the only recourse.
His only recourse is to file a complaint with the management.
She has no legal recourse against the magazine.
Bypass-Operation f med.
Bypass-Operationen pl
bypass surgery; by-pass operation
bypass surgeries; by-pass operations
Implikation f; WENN-DANN-Operation f comp.
inclusion; IF-THEN operation
Leistenbruchoperation f; Bassini'sche Operation f med.
Bassini's hernia operation; Bassini's herniotomy
Operation f med.
sich operieren lassen; sich einer Operation unterziehen
operiert werden müssen
surgery; operation
to undergo surgery; to have an operation
to need surgery
Operation f; Arbeitsvorgang m; Verfahren n
Operationen pl; Arbeitsvorgänge pl; Verfahren pl
angeschlossene Operation
connected operation
Operation f mil.
Operationen pl
Militäroperation f
verdeckte Operation; verdeckte Mission
military operation
covert operation
Rechenoperation f; arithmetische Operation f
Rechenoperationen pl; arithmetische Operationen pl
arithmetic operation
arithmetic operations
Wahleingriff m; Elektivoperation f (Operation zu einem frei gewählten Zeitpunkt) med.
elective surgery
Wannenbad n; Bad n
Wannenbäder pl; Bäder pl
ein Bad nehmen; (in der Wanne) baden
ansteigendes Bad
adstringierendes Bad
fiebersenkendes Bad
heißes Bad
hydroelektrisches Bad
lauwarmes Bad
medizinisches Bad
türkisches Bad
Badest oder duschst du lieber?
Er war gerade in der Badewanne als das Telefon läutete.
Nach der Operation können sie einmal pro Woche baden.
Ich habe ein ausgiebiges heißes Bad genommen.
Ich werde jetzt die Kinder baden.
Soll ich dir ein Bad einlassen?
Das Filmstudio ist mit seinem letzten Film baden gegangen.
bath; tub coll. Am.
to have Br. take Am. a bath
a graduated bath
astringent bath
fever-reducing bath
hot tub
hydroelectric bath
tepid bath
medicinal bath
Turkish bath
Do you prefer baths or showers?
He was having taking a bath when the phone rang. He was in the bath when the phone rang.
You can take a bath a week after the surgery.
I had a long soak in a hot bath.
I'll give the children their bath.
Would you like me to run draw a bath for you?
The movie studio took a bath on its last picture. Am. coll.
jdn. beatmen v med. (bei einer Operation)
to ventilate sb.
sich erholen (von etw.) (zu Kräften kommen) v
sich erholend
sich erholt
zur Erholung ans Meer fahren
Nimm dir nach der Operation frei damit du dich zu Hause erholen kannst.
to convalesce (from sth.)
to travel to the sea in order to convalesce
Take time off work after the surgery so that you can convalesce at home.
geschlechtsangleichende Operation f med.
sex reassignment surgery SRS
liften; das Gesicht straffen (durch Operation)
liftend; das Gesicht straffend
geliftet; das Gesicht gestrafft
sich liften lassen
to face-lift; to lift
face-lifting; lifting
faced-lifted; lifted
to have a facelift
postoperativ adj; nach der Operation med.
postoperative; post-op
präoperativ adj; vor der Operation med.
umgehend; unverzüglich; prompt; zeitnah; rasch; zügig; schleunig geh.; speditiv Schw. adj adm.
eine zeitnahe Operation
Es muss rasch etwas getan werden.
Umgehende Antwort erbeten.
Für eine rasche Antwort wären wir sehr verbunden.
prompt; speedy; swift; expeditious
prompt surgery
Prompt action must be taken.
A prompt reply would be appreciated.
A prompt reply would oblige.
sich (einer Operation) unterziehen v (müssen)
sich unterziehend
sich unterzogen
unterzieht sich
unterzog sich
to undergo {underwent; undergone}
Operation gelungen Patient tot! übtr.
Operation successful patient dead!
Operation gelungen Patient tot! übtr.
It was a perfectly organized disaster (cock-up)!
Undercovereinsatz m; verdeckte Operation f
sting operation
explorative Operation f; diagnostischer Eingriff m med.
exploratory operation
wiederherstellende Operation f; rekonstruktive Operation f med.
reconstructive operation
Aktion f; Operation f mil.
Aktionen pl; Operationen pl
Militäraktion f; Militäroperation f
verdeckte Operation; verdeckte Mission
Operation unter falscher Flagge
military operation
covert operation
false-flag operation
Ausweg m; (letzte) Möglichkeit f
Eine Operation ist vielleicht der einzige Ausweg.
Er hat nur die Möglichkeit, eine Beschwerde an die Geschäftsleitung zu richten.
Sie hat keine Möglichkeit, gegen das Magazin juristisch vorzugehen.
Surgery may be the only recourse.
His only recourse is to file a complaint with the management.
She has no legal recourse against the magazine.
ohne Eingriff; ohne Operation adv med.
inoperatively; without a surgical operation
Katarakt-Operation f; Lensektomie f med.
cataract surgery
operative Lungenembolusentfernung f; Lungenemboektomie f; pulmonale Embolektomie f; Trendelenburg'sche Operation f med.
pulmonary embolectomy; Trendelenburg's operation
Operation f; operativer Eingriff m; chirurgischer Eingriff m; Eingriff m med.
Operationen pl; operative Eingriffe pl; chirurgische Eingriffe pl; Eingriffe pl
explorativer Eingriff; chirurgischer Eingriff zu diagnostischen Zwecken
großer (operativer) Eingriff
kleiner (operativer) Eingriff
Notoperation f; Sofortoperation f
Spreizer-Operation f
Zahnoperation f
sich operieren lassen; sich einer Operation unterziehen
operiert werden müssen
operation; surgery; surgical operation; surgical intervention; operative procedure
operations; surgeries; surgical operations; surgical interventions; operative procedures
exploratory operation; exploratory surgery
major surgery
minor surgery
emergency operation; immediate operation; emergency surgery; damage control surgery DCS
spacer operation
dental surgery; tooth operation
to undergo surgery; to have an operation
to need surgery
Operation f; Arbeitsvorgang m; Verfahren n
Operationen pl; Arbeitsvorgänge pl; Verfahren pl
angeschlossene Operation
Verschiebevorgang comp.
connected operation
shift operation
Operator m (Symbol einer Operation) math.
logischer Operator; Boole'scher Operator
Suchoperator m comp.
operator (symbol of an operation)
logical operator; Boolean operator
search operator
Wannenbad n; Bad n
Wannenbäder pl; Bäder pl
ein Bad nehmen; (in der Wanne) baden
adstringierendes Bad
ansteigendes Bad
ausgiebiges Bad
fiebersenkendes Bad
heißes Bad
hydroelektrisches Bad
lauwarmes Bad
medizinisches Bad
türkisches Bad
Badest oder duschst du lieber?
Er war gerade in der Badewanne, als das Telefon läutete.
Sie können eine Woche nach der Operation baden.
Ich habe ein ausgiebiges, heißes Bad genommen.
Ich werde jetzt die Kinder baden.
Soll ich dir ein Bad einlassen?
Das Filmstudio ist mit seinem letzten Film baden gegangen.
bath; tub Am. coll.
to have Br. take Am. a bath
astringent bath
a graduated bath
(long) soak
fever-reducing bath
hot tub
hydroelectric bath
tepid bath
medicinal bath
Turkish bath
Do you prefer baths or showers?
He was having taking a bath when the phone rang. He was in the bath when the phone rang.
You can take a bath a week after the surgery.
I had a long soak in a hot bath.
I'll give the children their bath.
Would you like me to run draw a bath for you?
The movie studio took a bath on its last picture. Am. coll.
Zustimmungserklärung f; Einwilligungserklärung f adm.
Zustimmungserklärungen pl; Einwilligungserklärungen pl
Patienten müssen vor jeder Operation eine Einwilligungserklärung unterschreiben.
statement of consent; declaration of consent
statements of consent; declarations of consent
Patients have to sign an informed consent before any surgery.
jdm. assistieren v (bei etw.)
Ein zweiter Arzt assistierte bei der Operation.
to assist sb. (at with sth.)
Another doctor assisted with the operation.
dyadisch; dual adj
eine dyadische Operation
a dyadic operation
sich erholen v; genesen (von etw.) (zu Kräften kommen)
sich erholend
sich erholt
zur Erholung ans Meer fahren
Nimm dir nach der Operation frei, damit du dich zu Hause erholen kannst.
to convalesce (from sth.)
to travel to the sea in order to convalesce
Take time off work after the surgery so that you can convalesce at home.
geistesabwesend; (geistig) weggetreten ugs.; entrückt geh. adj
ein entrückter Blick
Ich habe ihn gleich nach der Operation gesehen, er war ganz weggetreten.
away-with-the-fairies Br.
an away-with-the-fairies look Br.
I saw him right after the surgery, he was away with the fairies.
geschlechtsangleichende Operation f med.
sex reassignment surgery SRS
auf jdn. hereinfallen; reinfallen ugs.; jdm. auf den Leim gehen v
hereinfallend; reinfallend
hereingefallen; reingefallen
Der Rentner ist auf ein Pärchen hereingefallen, das vorgab, Geld für eine dringende Operation zu benötigen.
to be taken in by sb.; to fall for sb.'s line
being taken in
been taken in
The pensioner was taken in by a couple who pretended to need money for an urgent surgery.
koronar adj; Herzkranzgefäß… anat.
koronarchirurgischer Eingriff; Operation an den Herzkranzgefäßen
coronary surgery
jdn. liften; jdm. das Gesicht straffen v (durch Operation)
liftend; das Gesicht straffend
geliftet; das Gesicht gestrafft
to face-lift; to lift sb.
face-lifting; lifting
faced-lifted; lifted
operativ adj (mittels Operation bei einer Operation einen Eingriff erfordernd) med.
präoperativ; vor einer der Operation (nachgestellt)
postoperativ; nach einer der Operation (nachgestellt)
perioperativ; vor und nach einer Operation (nachgestellt)
operative (consisting of requiring during a surgical operation)
preoperative; pre-op; before a the surgical operation (postpositive)
postoperative; post-op; after a the surgical operation (postpositive)
perioperative; around the time of a surgical operation (postpositive)
organerhaltend adj (Behandlung; Operation) med.
organ-preserving; organ-saving; organ-sparing (treatment, surgery)
postoperativ; nach einer der Operation adv med.
eine Woche nach der Operation
postoperatively; post-op
one week post-op
präoperativ; vor einer der Operation adv med.
innerhalb von drei Monaten vor der Operation
preoperatively; pre-op
within 3 months pre-op
umgehend; prompt; zeitnah; rasch; zügig; schleunig geh.; speditiv Schw. adj adm.
eine zeitnahe Operation
Es muss rasch etwas getan werden.
Umgehende Antwort erbeten.
Für eine rasche Antwort wären wir sehr verbunden.
prompt; speedy; swift; expeditious
prompt surgery
Prompt action must be taken.
A prompt reply would be appreciated.
A prompt reply would oblige.
(vor einer Operation) Arme und Hände gründlich waschen v (Chirurgie) med.
to scrub up (surgery)
etw. nach sich ziehen; zur Folge haben; mit sich bringen; mit einschließen; mit etw. verbunden sein; dabei mitspielen eine Rolle spielen v (Sache)
nach sich ziehend; zur Folge habend; mit sich bringend; mit einschließend; dabei mitspielen eine Rolle spielend
nach sich gezogen; zur Folge gehabt; mit sich gebracht; mit eingeschlossen; dabei mitgespielt eine Rolle gespielt
Das zieht den ganzen Rattenschwanz an … nach sich.
ein Gen, das bem Entstehen der Alzheimer-Krankheit eine Rolle spielt
Dieser Auftrag schließt viele Überstunden mit ein.
In diesen Fällen spielen fast immer fehlende Geldmittel eine Rolle.
Es war mir nicht bewusst, dass der Betrieb eines Gästehauses mit so viel Arbeit verbunden ist, die man nicht sieht.
Was wird bei einer Laser-Augenoperation alles gemacht?
Die Operation birgt doch gewisse Riskien ist doch mit gewissen Risiken verbunden.
Dieses Delikt ist mit Freiheitsstrafe mit einer Geldstrafe bedroht.
to involve sth.; to implicate sth.; to entail sth.; to carry sth. (matter)
involving; implicating; entailing; carrying
involved; implicated; entailed; carried
It entails the whole stream of …
a gene that is involved implicated in the development of Alzheimer's disease
This assignment involves a lot of overtime.
These cases almost always involve a lack of funds.
I didn't realize running a guesthouse involved so much unseen work it involved so much unseen work to run a guesthouse.
What does laser eye surgery involve?
The surgery does carry certain risks.
This offence entails carries a prison term a fine.
Definition f (Logik) phil.
abbreviative Definition
Definition per genus proximum et differentiam specificam
explizite implizite Definition
Extensionsdefinition f
Hinweisdefinition f; Zuordnungsdefinition f
idealtypische Definition
operationale Definition
Teildefinition f; Partialdefinition f; partielle Definition
Suggestivdefinition f; suggestive Definition; persuasive Definition
definition (logic)
abbreviative definition
definition by proximate genus and specific difference
explicit implicit definition
definition by extension; extension definition; extensional definition
applicative definition
definition by ideal type; ideal-type definition; ideal-typical definition
operational Definition
partial definition
persuasive definition
operationalisieren v
to operationalize, to operationalise Br.
operationalizing, operationalising
operationalized, operationalised
operationalisieren v
to operationalize; to operationalise Br.
operationalizing; operationalising
operationalized; operationalised

Deutsche Operationskostenversicherung Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Operationskostenversicherung Synonym nachschlagen

Englische surgical fees insurance Synonyme

surgical  allopathic  chiropodic  chiropractic  clinical  dental  exodontic  homeopathic  hydropathic  iatric  medical  naturopathic  neurological  obstetric  orthodontic  orthopedic  osteopathic  pediatric  periodontic  prosthodontic  

Operationskostenversicherung Definition

(n.) The act of insuring, or assuring, against loss or damage by a contingent event
(n.) The premium paid for insuring property or life.
(n.) The sum for which life or property is insured.
(n.) A guaranty, security, or pledge
(a.) Of or pertaining to surgeons or surgery

surgical fees insurance Bedeutung

surgery surgical operation
surgical procedure
surgical process
a medical procedure involving an incision with instruments, performed to repair damage or arrest disease in a living body, they will schedule the operation as soon as an operating room is available, he died while undergoing surgery
surgical incision
the cutting of or into body tissues or organs (especially by a surgeon as part of an operation)
surgical contraception contraception by surgical sterilization
surgical strike an attack (usually without prior warning) intended to deal only with a specific target
insurance claim demand for payment in accordance with an insurance policy
social insurance government provision for unemployed, injured, or aged people, financed by contributions from employers and employees as well as by government revenue
national insurance social insurance program in Britain, based on contributions from employers and employees, provides payments to unemployed and sick and retired people as well as medical services
old-age insurance insurance paid to the elderly
survivors insurance insurance paid to surviving spouses
disability insurance social insurance for the disabled
gown surgical gown
protective garment worn by surgeons during operations
surgical dressing a loosely woven cotton dressing for incisions made during surgery
surgical instrument a medical instrument used in surgery
surgical knife a very sharp knife used in surgery
suture surgical seam a seam used in surgery
policy insurance policy
written contract or certificate of insurance, you should have read the small print on your policy
insurance company
insurance firm
insurance underwriter
a financial institution that sells insurance
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
a federally sponsored corporation that insures accounts in national banks and other qualified institutions
insurance broker
insurance agent
general agent underwriter
an agent who sells insurance
premium insurance premium payment for insurance
insurance coverage
the total amount and type of insurance carried
insurance promise of reimbursement in the case of loss, paid to people or companies so concerned about hazards that they have made prepayments to an insurance company
automobile insurance
car insurance
insurance against loss due to theft or traffic accidents
no fault insurance
no fault automobile insurance
a system of automobile insurance where a party who is injured in an automobile accident recovers damages up to a specific amount against his own insurance company regardless of who was responsible for the accident, the amount of litigation resulting from minor accidents is reduced by no fault insurance
business interruption insurance insurance that provides protection for the loss of profits and continuing fixed expenses resulting from a break in commercial activities due to the occurrence of a peril
fire insurance insurance against loss due to fire
group insurance insurance that is purchased by a group (such as the employees of a company) usually at a reduced rate to individual members of the group
hazard insurance insurance that provides protection against certain risks such as storms or fires
health insurance insurance against loss due to ill health
hospitalization insurance
insurance that pays all or part of a patient's hospital expense
liability insurance insurance that provides protection from claims arising from injuries or damage to other people or property
life insurance
life assurance
insurance paid to named beneficiaries when the insured person dies, in England they call life insurance life assurance
endowment insurance life insurance for a specified amount which is payable to the insured person at the expiration of a certain period of time or to a designated beneficiary immediately upon the death of the insured
tontine tontine insurance a form of life insurance whereby on the death or default of a participant his share is distributed to the remaining members
whole life insurance
ordinary life insurance
straight life insurance
insurance on the life of the insured for a fixed amount at a definite premium that is paid each year in the same amount during the entire lifetime of the insured
malpractice insurance insurance purchased by physicians and hospitals to cover the cost of being sued for malpractice, obstetricians have to pay high rates for malpractice insurance
self-insurance insuring yourself by setting aside money to cover possible losses rather than by purchasing an insurance policy
term insurance lowost insurance that is valid only for a stated period of time and has no cash surrender value or loan value, term insurance is most often associated with life insurance policies
indemnity insurance protection against future loss
surgical spirit methylated spirit used in the practice of medicine (especially for cleansing the skin before injections or before surgery)
surgical performed with great precision, a surgical air strike
relating to or requiring or amenable to treatment by surgery especially as opposed to medicine, a surgical appendix, a surgical procedure, operative dentistry
surgical of or relating to or involving or used in surgery, surgical instruments, surgical intervention
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