
Ost Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Afrika n geogr.
Ostafrika n
Westafrika n
East Africa
West Africa
Ebosia-Feuerfische pl (Ebosia) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Bleekers Zwergfeuerfisch m (Ebosia bleekeri)
Ostafrika-Zwergfeuerfisch m (Ebosia falcata)
ebosia lionfish (zoological genus)
Bleeker`s lionfish
East African lionfish
Afrika n geogr.
Nordafrika n
Ostafrika n
Westafrika n
Südwestafrika n
Zentralafrika n
North Africa
East Africa
West Africa
South-West Africa
Central Africa
Ebosia-Feuerfische pl (Ebosia) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Bleekers Zwergfeuerfisch m (Ebosia bleekeri)
Ostafrika-Zwergfeuerfisch m (Ebosia falcata)
ebosia lionfish (zoological genus)
Bleeker's lionfish
East African lionfish
Schlafkrankheit f; Tsetse-Krankheit f; Trypanosomenerkrankung f; Trypanosomiasis f; Trypanose f med.
afrikanische Schlafkrankheit; afrikanische Trypanosomiasis
ostafrikanische Schlafkrankheit; ostafrikanische Trypanosomiasis
westafrikanische Schlafkrankheit; westafrikanische Trypanosomiasis
südamerikanische Schlafkrankheit; südamerikanische Trypanosomiasis; Chagas'sche Krankheit
sleeping sickness; trypanosome fever; trypanosomiasis; trypanosomatosis; trypanosomosis
African sleeping sickness; African trypanosomiasis
East African sleeping sickness; East African trypanosomiasis; Rhodesian trypanosomatosis
West African sleeping sickness; West African trypanosomiasis; Gambian trypanosomatosis
South American sleeping sickness; American trypanosomiasis; Brazilian trypanosomatosis; Chagas' disease; Cruz' disease; barbeiro fever
Wacholder pl (Juniperus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gewöhnlicher Wacholder m; Heidewacholder m; Machandel m Norddt.; Machandelbaum m Norddt.; Kranewit m Bayr. Ös.; Kranewet Ös. (Juniperus communis)
Kriechwacholder m (Juniperus horizontalis)
stinkender Baumwacholder m (Juniperus foetidissima)
Bergwacholder m; ostafrikanischer Wacholder m; Bleistiftzeder f (Juniperus procera)
Bermudawacholder m; Floridawacholder m; Floridazeder f (Juniperus bermudiana)
chinesischer Wacholder m (Juniperus chinensis)
griechischer Wacholder m (Juniperus excelsa)
Zypressenwacholder m; phönizischer Wacholder m (Juniperus phoenicea)
syrischer Wacholder m (Juniperus drupacea)
westlicher Wacholder m (Juniperus occidentalis)
Zedernwacholder m; Stechwacholder m; rotbeeriger Wacholder m (Juniperus oxycedrus)
Igelwacholder m; Nadelwacholder m; Strandwacholder m (Juniperus rigida)
Stinkwacholder m; Sadebaum m; Sebenbaum m (Juniperus sabina)
spanischer Wacholder m (Juniperus thurifera)
Tibet-Wacholder m (Juniperus tibetica)
virginischer Wacholder Sadebaum m; virginische Zeder f; Rotzeder f; Bleistiftzeder f (Juniperus virginiana)
junipers (botanical genus)
common juniper
creeping juniper
stinking juniper
African juniper; African pencil cedar
Bermuda juniper; Bermuda cedar
Chinese juniper
Greek juniper; Grecian juniper; Crimean juniper
Phoenician juniper
Syrian juniper
Western juniper
cade juniper; cade; prickly juniper; red-berry juniper
needle juniper; temple juniper; shore juniper; compact juniper
Spanish juniper; incense juniper
Tibetan juniper
Eastern juniper; Eastern red cedar; red juniper cedar; pencil cedar
Kronenkraniche pl (Balearica) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Grauhals-Kronenkranich m; Heller Kronenkranich m (Balearica regulorum)
Ostafrikanischer Kronenkranich m (Balearica regulorum subsp. gibbericeps)
Südafrikanischer Kronenkranich m (Balearica regulorum subsp. regulorum)
crowned cranes (zoological genus)
grey crowned crane
East African crested crane
South-African crowned crane
Nostalgie f; Sehnsucht f nach Vergangenheit; Heimwehgefühl n
Ostalgie f
ostalgia; nostalgia for aspects of life in the former GDR East Germany
Eastern Alps
im Gebiet der Ostalpen
in the East Alpine region
Ostanglien n geogr. (Region im Osten Englands)
East Anglia
Ostansicht f
east elevation
ostasiatisch adj
East Asian
Ostasien n geogr.
East Asia
Rezeption f (von Kultur, Gedankengut)
die Rezeption der griechischen und römischen Kultur in Ostasien
adoption; reception; perception (of ideas)
the Reception of Greek and Roman culture in east asia
Asienwissenschaften pl
Ostasienwissenschaften pl
Asian studies
East Asian studies
Atlantik m; Atlantischer Ozean geogr.
Nordatlantik m
Ostatlantik m
Südatlantik m
Westatlantik m
Atlantic; Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic (Ocean)
East Atlantic (Ocean)
South Atlantic (Ocean)
West Atlantic (Ocean)
Atlantik m; Atlantischer Ozean m geogr.
Nordatlantik m
Nnordwestatlantik m
Ostatlantik m
Südatlantik m
Westatlantik m
Atlantic; Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic (Ocean)
Northwest Atlantic (Ocean)
East Atlantic (Ocean)
South Atlantic (Ocean)
West Atlantic (Ocean)
Berlin (Hauptstadt von Deutschland) geogr.
Berlin (capital of Germany)
East Berlin
West Berlin
Berlin (Hauptstadt von Deutschland) geogr.
Ostberlin hist.
Westberlin hist.
Berlin (capital of Germany)
East Berlin
West Berlin
Ostberliner m; Ostberlinerin f hist.
East Berliner
Ostblock m hist.
Eastern bloc
Ostblockland n hist.
Ostblockländer pl
country of the Eastern bloc
countries of the Eastern bloc
Ostblockland n; Ostblockstaat m hist.
Ostblockländer pl; Ostblockstaaten pl
country of the Eastern bloc; Eastern Bloc state
countries of the Eastern bloc; Eastern Bloc states
Ostchinesisches Meer geogr.
East China Sea
ostdeutsch adj geogr.
ostdeutsch adj geogr.
East German; east German
Ostdeutsche m f; Ostdeutscher; Ossi m ugs. geogr.
Ostdeutschen pl; Ostdeutsche; Ossis pl
East German; Eastener coll.
East Germans; Easteners
Ostdeutsche m,f; Ostdeutscher; Ossi m ugs. geogr.
Ostdeutschen pl; Ostdeutsche; Ossis pl
East German; Eastener coll.
East Germans; Easteners
Ostdeutschland n geogr.
East Germany, Eastern Germany
Deutschland n DE (Kfz: D ) geogr.
Norddeutschland n
Ostdeutschland n
Süddeutschland n
Westdeutschland n
Northern Germany; North Germany
Eastern Germany; East Germany
Southern Germany; South Germany
Western Germany; West Germany
Deutschland n DE (Kfz: D ) geogr.
Norddeutschland n
Ostdeutschland n
Süddeutschland n
Westdeutschland n
Northern Germany; North Germany
Eastern Germany; East Germany
Southern Germany; South Germany
Western Germany; West Germany
Apfelrest m; Apfelstrunk m; Apfelgriebs m; Apfelgriebsch m Norddt. Ostdt.; Apfelkitsch m Westdt.; Apfelbutz m Süddt. Ös.; Apfelbutzen m Süddt. Ös.; Apfelbatzen m Ös.; Apfelbütschgi n Schw. cook.
apple cores
Berliner m; Pfannkuchen m Ostdt.; Krapfen m Süddt. Ös.; Faschingskrapfen m Süddt. Ös.; Doghnut m cook.
doughnut; donut (doughnaught)
gebratenes Huhn n; Brathähnchen n; Brathuhn n Ös.; Brathendl n Bayr. Ös.; Broiler m Ostdt.; Güggeli n Schw.; Mistkratzerli n Schw. cook.
roast chicken
Eierschecke f Ostdt. cook.
egg custard cake
Fleischkloß m; Frikadelle f Westdt.; Bulette f Ostdt.; Klops m Ostdt.; Fleischklößchen n Mitteldt.; Bratklößchen n Mitteldt.; Fleischküchle n Südwestdt.; Fleischpflanzerl m Bayr.; Fleischlaibchen n Ös.; Fleischlaiberl n Ös.; Faschiertes Laibchen n Ös.; Hackplätzli n Schw.; Hacktätschli n Schw. cook.
Fleischklöße pl; Frikadellen pl; Buletten pl; Klopse pl; Fleischklößchen pl; Bratklößchen pl; Fleischküchlen pl; Fleischpflanzerlen pl; Fleischlaibchen pl; Fleischlaiberlen pl; Faschierte Laibchen pl; Hackplätzli pl; Hacktätschli pl
(große) Kaffeetasse f (ohne Untertasse); Kaffeepott m Norddt. Ostdt.; Kaffeebecher m Norddt. Westdt.; Kaffeedippel m Ostdt.; Kaffeehumpen m Pfalz; Kaffeehaferl n Bayr. Ös.; Kaffeehäferl n Ös. cook
Kaffeetassen pl; Kaffeepötte pl; Kaffeebecher pl; Kaffeedippel pl; Kaffeehumpen pl; Kaffeehaferle pl; Kaffeehäferle pl
coffee mug
coffee mugs
Karotte f; Gartenmöhre f; Wurzel f Norddt.; Möhre f Mitteldt.; Mohrrübe f Ostdt.; gelbe Rübe f Süddt.; Gelbrübe f BW; Rüebli n Schw. (Daucus carota subsp. sativus) agr. cook.
Karotten pl; Gartenmöhren pl; Wurzeln pl; Möhren pl; Mohrrüben pl; gelbe Rüben pl; Gelbrüben pl; Rüebli pl
garden carrot
garden carrots
Karottengemüse n; Möhrengemüse n Mitteldt. Ostdt.; Gelbrübengemüse n BW; Rüebligemüse n Schw. cook.
carrot vegetables
Karottenkuchen n; Möhrenkuchen n Mitteldt. Ostdt.; Gelbrübenkuchen n BW; Rüeblikuchen m Schw. cook.
carrot cake
Karottenpüree n; Möhrenpüree n Mitteldt. Ostdt.; Gelbrübenpüree n BW; Rüeblipüree n Schw. cook.
carrot puree; carrot purée
Karottensaft m; Möhrensaft m Mitteldt. Ostdt.; Gelbrübensaft m BW; Rüeblisaft m Schw. cook.
carrot juice
Karottenschäler m; Möhrenschäler m Mitteldt. Ostdt.; Rüeblischäler m Schw. cook.
Karottenschäler pl; Möhrenschäler pl; Rüeblischäler pl
carrot peeler
carrot peelers
Karottensalat m; Möhrensalat m Mitteldt. Ostdt.; Gelbrübensalat m BW; Rüeblisalat m Schw. cook.
carrot salad
Kartoffelpuffer m; Puffer m Norddt. Mitteldt. Westdt.; Kartoffelplätzchen n Norddt. Mitteldt.; Reibeplätzchen n Mitteldt. Westdt.; Reibekuchen m Mitteldt. Westdt.; Plinse f Ostdt.; Kartoffelpfannkuchen m BW; Reibedatschi m Bayr.; Erdäpfelpuffer m Ös.; Schusterkotelett n Norddt. humor. cook.
potato pancake; potato scallop; potato latke; potato fritter Austr.
Kerngehäuse n; Gehäuse n; Kernhaus n; Griebs m; Griebsch m Norddt. Ostdt.; Kitsch m Westdt.; Butz m Süddt. Ös.; Butzen m Süddt. Ös.; Bütschgi n Schw. (von Kernobst) cook.
core; cores (of pomes)
Kleinkleckersdorf n Norddt. Ostdt.; Posemuckel n Norddt.; Pusemuckel n Nordwestdt.; Buxtehude n Ostdt.; Hintertupfingen n Mitteldt. BW Schw.; Hintertupfing n Bayr. Ös. (abgelegener Standort)
in Kleinkleckersdorf (weit abgelegen)
Hicksville Am.; Podunk Am.; Woop Woop Austr.; Wop Wops NZ (remote location)
in hicksville (out in the sticks)
Knust m Norddt.; Kanten m Norddt. Mitteldt.; Kappe f Nordwestdt.; Knäppchen n Mittelwestdt.; Krüstchen n Mittelwestdt.; Ranft m Ostdt.; Kipf m Bayr.; Scherzl n Bayr. Ös.; Knäusle n BW; Riebele n BW; Mürgu m Schw.; Mürggeli n Schw. (Anschnitt oder Endstück des Brotlaibs) cook.
end crust; end piece; end bit; heel; outsider Scot. (of a loaf of bread)
Krawatte f; Schlips m ugs.; Selbstbinder m Bayr. Ös. ugs.; Binder m Ostdt. Bayr. Ös. ugs. textil.
Krawatten pl; Schlipse pl; Selbstbinder pl; Binder pl
schwarze Krawatte; schwarzer Schlips
tie; necktie Am.
ties; neckties Am.
black tie
Masthuhn n; Masthähnchen n; Broiler n Ostdt. agr.
Masthühner pl; Masthähnchen pl; Broiler pl
broiler Br.; fryer Am.; frier Am.
broilers; fryers; friers
Milchtasse f (ohne Untertasse); Milchpott m Norddt. Ostdt.; Milchbecher m Norddt. Westdt.; Milchhaferl n Bayr. Ös.; Milchhäferl n Ös. cook
Milchtassen pl; Milchpötte pl; Milchbecher pl; Milchhaferlen pl; Milchhäferlen pl
milk mug
milk mugs
Ostereierschieben n; Eierschieben n; Eiertrullern n Norddt.; Ostereiertrudeln n Ostdt.; Eiertrööla n Schw. (Spiel)
Easter egg roll; egg rolling (game)
Resopal n; Sprelacart n Ostdt.
Formica tm
Seniorenheim n; Altersheim n; Altenheim n; Feierabendheim n Ostdt.; Pensionistenheim n Ös.; Altersasyl n Schw.
Seniorenheime pl; Altersheime pl; Altenheime pl; Feierabendheime pl; Pensionistenheime pl; Altersasyle pl
retirement home; old people's home; home for the aged
retirement homes; old people's homes; homes for the aged
Spiegelei n; Setzei n Norddt. Ostdt.; Ochsenauge n Süddt.; Stierenauge n Schw. cook.
Spiegeleier pl; Setzeier pl; Ochsenaugen pl; Stierenaugen pl
fried egg
fried eggs; eggs sunny side up Am.
(große) Tasse f (ohne Untertasse); Pott m Norddt. Ostdt.; Becher m Norddt. Westdt.; Dippel m Ostdt.; Humpen m Pfalz; Haferl n Bayr. Ös.; Häferl n Ös.; Schale f Tirol cook
Tassen pl; Pötte pl; Becher pl; Dippel pl; Humpen pl; Haferle pl; Häferle pl; Schalen pl
Vatertag m; Männertag m Dt.; Herrentag m Ostdt.; Vätertag m Schw.
Father's day
Wochenendhaus n; Datsche f Ostdt.
Wochenendhäuser pl; Datschen pl
weekend house; bach NZ
weekend houses
Zugabe f; Zuschlag m; Extra n; Zuwaage f Mitteldt Ostdt. Ös.; Dreingabe f Bayr. Schw.; Draufgabe f Ös. übtr.
Zugaben pl; Zuschläge pl; Extras pl; Zuwaagen pl; Dreingaben pl; Draufgaben pl
Extras auf Wunsch
added extra; extra; bonus fig.
added extras; extras; bonuses
optional extras
urhässlich; potthässlich Norddt. Ostdt.; schiech Bayr. Ös. adj pej.
fugly coll.
Berliner m; Pfannkuchen m Ostdt.; Krapfen m Süddt. Ös.; Faschingskrapfen m Süddt. Ös.; Donut m; Doghnut m cook.
doughnut; donut (doughnaught)
gebratenes Huhn n; Brathähnchen n Dt.; Hähnchen Dt.; Brathuhn n Dt. Ös.; Brathendl n Bayr. Ös.; Hendl n Bayr. Ös.; Broiler m Ostdt.; Poulet n Schw.; Güggeli n Schw.; Mistkratzerli n Schw. cook.
roast chicken
Brotende n; Brotanschnitt m; Knust m Nordwestdt.; Knüstchen n Nordwestdt.; Kante f Nordwestdt.; Kanten m Ostdt.; Knäppchen n Westfalen; Krüstchen n Mittelwestdt.; Ranft m Sachsen; Renftel n Sachsen; Rämpftla n Ostmitteldt.; Knetzla n Bayr.; Scherzel n Bayr. Ös.; Knäuschen n Südwestdt.; Riebele n BW; Murggel f Schw.; Mürggeli n Schw.; Zipfel m Südtirol (Anschnitt oder Endstück des Brotlaibs) cook.
end crust; end piece; end bit; heel; outsider Sc. (of a loaf of bread)
Butterbrot n; Schnitte f Norddt. Mitteldt. Schw. ugs.; Stulle f Nordostdt. ugs.; Bütterken n Westdt. Kindersprache; Knifte f Mittelwestdt. ugs.; Bemme f Ostdt. ugs. cook.
Butterbrote pl; Schnitten pl; Stullen pl; Bütterken pl; Kniften pl; Bemmen pl
für ein Butterbrot zu haben sein (billig sein)
slice of bread and butter
slices of bread and butter
to go for a song (be cheap)
Einkaufstasche f; Einkaufstüte f Dt.; Einkaufsbeutel m Ostdt.; Einkaufssackerl n Ös.; Einkaufssack m Schw.; Einkaufssäckli n Schw. selten; Einkaufsgugg(e) f BW selten
Einkaufstaschen pl; Einkaufstüten pl; Einkaufsbeutel pl; Einkaufssackerl pl; Einkaufssäcke pl; Einkaufssäckli pl; Einkaufsguggen pl
große Strandtasche Einkaufstasche mit zwei langen Henkeln (aus Bast oder Stoff)
shopping bag; grocery bag
shopping bags; grocery bags
tote bag; tote; catchall bag Am.
Fleischkloß m; Frikadelle f Westdt.; Bulette f Ostdt.; Klops m Ostdt.; Fleischklößchen n Mitteldt.; Bratklößchen n Mitteldt.; Fleischküchle n Südwestdt.; Fleischpflanzerl m Bayr.; Fleischlaibchen n Ös.; Fleischlaiberl n Ös.; Faschiertes Laibchen n Ös.; Hackplätzli n Schw.; Hacktätschli n Schw. cook.
Fleischklöße pl; Frikadellen pl; Buletten pl; Klopse pl; Fleischklößchen pl; Bratklößchen pl; Fleischküchle pl; Fleischpflanzerlen pl; Fleischlaibchen pl; Fleischlaiberlen pl; Faschierte Laibchen pl; Hackplätzli pl; Hacktätschli pl
Hackfleisch n; Gehacktes Norddt. Mitteldt.; Hack m Norddt.; Faschiertes Ös.; G'hackts Schw. cook.
Hackepeter m Norddt. Mitteldt.; Thüringer Mett Norddt. Mitteldt.
mageres Rinderhackfleisch; Schabefleisch n Ostdt.; Tartar n
Rinderhackfleisch n; Rindergehacktes Norddt. Mitteldt.; Gehacktes vom Rind Norddt. Mitteldt.; Rinderhack Norddt.; Faschiertes vom Rind Ös. (oft fälschlich: Rindermett)
Schweinehackfleisch n; Schweinegehacktes Norddt. Mitteldt.; Gehacktes vom Schwein Norddt. Mitteldt.; Schweinehack Norddt.; Mett n Norddt. Mitteldt.; Faschiertes vom Schwein Ös.
minced meat Br.; mince Br.; ground meat Am.
spiced minced meat Br.; spiced ground meat Am.; lorne sausage Sc.; slice sausage Sc.; square sausage Sc.
lean minced beef Br.; lean ground beef Am.
minced beef Br.; beef mince Br.; ground beef Am.
minced pork Br.; pork mince Br.; ground pork Am.
Heftstreifen m; Abheftstreifen m; Heftlasche f; Aktendulli m Ostdt. (zur Aktenablage)
Heftstreifen pl; Abheftstreifen pl; Heftlaschen pl; Aktendullis pl
filing strip fastener; filing strip (for document filing)
filing strip fasteners; filing strips
(große) Kaffeetasse f (ohne Untertasse); Kaffeepott m Norddt. Ostdt.; Kaffeebecher m Norddt. Westdt.; Kaffeedippel m Ostdt.; Kaffeehumpen m Pfalz; Kaffeehaferl n Bayr. Ös.; Kaffeehäferl n Ös. cook.
Kaffeetassen pl; Kaffeepötte pl; Kaffeebecher pl; Kaffeedippel pl; Kaffeehumpen pl; Kaffeehaferle pl; Kaffeehäferle pl
coffee mug
coffee mugs

Deutsche Ost Synonyme

Englische Africa Synonyme

Ost Definition

(n.) The point in the heavens where the sun is seen to rise at the equinox, or the corresponding point on the earth
(n.) The eastern parts of the earth
(n.) Formerly, the part of the United States east of the Alleghany Mountains, esp. the Eastern, or New England, States
(a.) Toward the rising sun
(adv.) Eastward.
(v. i.) To move toward the east
East Indian
() Belonging to, or relating to, the East Indies.
East Indian
(n.) A native of, or a dweller in, the East Indies.
(a.) Relating to the Eastern Islands
(n.) The point in the heavens where the sun is seen to set at the equinox
(n.) A country, or region of country, which, with regard to some other country or region, is situated in the direction toward the west.
(n.) The Westen hemisphere, or the New World so called, it having been discovered by sailing westward from Europe
(n.) Formerly, that part of the United States west of the Alleghany mountains
(a.) Lying toward the west
(adv.) Westward.
(v. i.) To pass to the west
(v. i.) To turn or move toward the west
West India
() Alt. of West Indian
West Indian
() Belonging or relating to the West Indies.
West Indian
() A native of, or a dweller in, the West Indies.

Africa / East Africa / West Africa Bedeutung

Wild West Show
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show
a spectacular show organized in by William F. Cody that featured horseback riding and marksmanship on a large scale, toured the United States and Europe
West Nile virus
West Nile encephalitis virus
the flavivirus that causes West Nile encephalitis
West Highland white terrier small white longoated terrier developed in Scotland
Mae West
air jacket
an inflatable life jacket
University of West Virginia a university in Morgantown, West Virginia
West Germanic
West Germanic language
a branch of the Germanic languages
East Midland the dialect of Middle English that replaced West Saxon as the literary language and which developed into Modern English
West Midland a dialect of Middle English
West Saxon
a dialect of Middle English
West Saxon a literary dialect of Old English
East Germanic
East Germanic language
an extinct branch of the Germanic languages
East Tocharian
Turfan dialect
a dialect of Tocharian
West Tocharian
Kuchean dialect
a dialect of Tocharian
West Chadic a group of Chadic languages spoken in northern Nigeria, Hausa in the most important member
East Chadic a group of Chadic languages spoken in Chad
West African a group of languages spoken in the extreme western part of West Africa
barbados cherry
surinam cherry
West Indian cherry
acid red or yellow cherry-like fruit of a tropical American shrub very rich in vitamin C
East India Company an English company formed in to develop trade with the new British colonies in India and southeastern Asia, in the th century it assumed administrative control of Bengal and held it until the British army took over in after the Indian Mutiny
East Turkistan Islamic Movement
East Turkestan Islamic Movement
a group of Uighur Muslims fighting Chinese control of Xinjiang, declared by China in to be terrorists although there is a long history of cycles of insurgency and repression
Economic Commission for Africa the commission of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations that is concerned with economic development of African nations
Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East the commission of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations that is concerned with economic development of countries in Asia and the Far East
east a location in the eastern part of a country, region, or city
west a location in the western part of a country, region, or city
the countries of Asia
Far East a popular expression for the countries of eastern Asia (usually including China and Mongolia and Taiwan and Japan and Korea and Indochina and eastern Siberia)
East eastern United States the region of the United States lying to the north of the Ohio River and to the east of the Mississippi River
middle west
midwestern United States
the north central region of the United States (sometimes called the heartland or the breadbasket of America)
east side the side that is on the east
west side the side that is on the west
east-west direction in a direction parallel with lines of latitude
the countries of (originally) Europe and (now including) North America and South America
West western United States the region of the United States lying to the west of the Mississippi River
Wild West the western United States during its frontier period
East Africa a geographical area in eastern Africa
Republic of Namibia
South West Africa
a republic in southwestern Africa on the south Atlantic coast (formerly called South West Africa), achieved independence from South Africa in , the greater part of Namibia forms part of the high Namibian plateau of South Africa
Central African Republic
Central Africa
a landlocked country in central Africa, formerly under French control, became independent in
capital of Central Africa
the capital and largest city of the Central African Republic
West Indies
the Indies
the string of islands between North America and South America, a popular resort area
British West Indies the islands in the West Indies that were formerly under British control, including the Bahamas, Saint Lucia, Antigua, Grenada, Jamaica, Barbados, and Trinidad
French West Indies the islands in the Lesser Antilles that are administered by France
East Germany
German Democratic Republic
a republic in north central Europe on the Baltic, established by the Soviet Union in , reunified with West Germany in
West Germany
Federal Republic of Germany
a republic in north central Europe on the North Sea, established in from the zones of Germany occupied by the British and French and Americans after the German defeat, reunified with East Germany in
West Berlin the part of Berlin under United States and British and French control until
East Timor a former Portuguese colony that was annexed by Indonesia in , voted for independence from Indonesia in and in May became an independent nation
Middle East
Near East
the area around the eastern Mediterranean, from Turkey to northern Africa and eastward to Iran, the site of such ancient civilizations as Phoenicia and Babylon and Egypt and the birthplace of Judaism and Christianity and Islam, had continuous economic and political turmoil in the th century, the Middle East is the cradle of Western civilization
West Bank an area between Israel and Jordan on the west bank of the Jordan river, populated largely by Palestinians
Malay Archipelago
East Indies
East India
a group of islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans between Asia and Australia
People's Republic of Bangladesh
Bangla Desh
East Pakistan
a Muslim republic in southern Asia bordered by India to the north and west and east and the Bay of Bengal to the south, formerly part of India and then part of Pakistan, it achieved independence in
British East Africa the former British territories of eastern Africa, including Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda, and Zanzibar
British West Africa the former British territories of western Africa, including Nigeria, Cameroon, Gambia, Togo, Sierra Leone, and the Gold Coast
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