
Parallelverschiebung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Parallelverschiebung f geol.
parallel displacement (crystallography); translatory shift
Parallelverschiebung f geol.
parallel displacement (crystallography); translatory shift
Byte n
Bytes pl
niederwertiges Byte
höherwertiges Byte
Bytes parallel (gleichzeitig) übertragen
Byteordnung: höherwertiges Byte zuerst, Motorola-Format comp.
Byteordnung: niederwertiges Byte zuerst, Intel-Format comp.
low byte
high byte
big-endian byte order
little-endian byte order
Multitasking n, Fähigkeit, mehrere Aufgaben (quasi) parallel zu erledigen comp.
Parallel-Schnittstelle f
parallel interface
Parallel-Seriell-Umsetzung f
parallel-to-serial conversion
Parallel-Serien-Umschalter m
Parallel-Ãœbertragung f
carry look
Parallelschnittstelle f, Interface parallel n
interface (parallel)
Schnittstelle f, Nahtstelle f, Verbindung f, Interface n
Schnittstellen pl
Schnittstelle für parallel arbeitenden Drucker comp.
Centronics interface
Seriell-Parallel-Umsetzung f
serial-to-parallel conversion
Serien-Parallel-Umsetzer m
parallel adj math.
nicht parallel
parallel zu
in parallel with, parallel to
parallel laufen zu, parallel verlaufen zu v
parallel laufend zu, parallel verlaufend zu
parallel gelaufen zu, parallel verlaufen zu
to run parallel to
running parallel to
run parallel to
parallel schalten v
parallel schaltend
parallel geschaltet
to connect in parallel
connecting in parallel
connected in parallel
parallel schalten
to shunt
parallel-seriell adj
parallel-to-serial, parallel-serial
meherer Bits parallel d.h. gleichzeitig uebertragen
Bytes parallel d.h. gleichzeitig uebertragen
carry look
Schnittstelle fuer parallel arbeitenden Drucker
centronics interface
nicht parallel
parallel-to-serial conversion
parallel laufen
parallel interface
serial-to-parallel conversion
parallel schalten, Nebenanschluss, Nebenschluss
Abbaustrecke f parallel zu den Schlechten min.
butt entry
Antenne f telco.
Antennen pl
abgeschirmte Antenne
aktive Antenne
Ballonantenne f
fußpunktgespeiste Antenne
geräuscharme Antenne; störfreie Antenne
Holmantenne f
Kugelantenne f; sphärische Antenne
Schwenkantenne f
Wurfantenne f
parallel gespeiste Antenne
im Tragflügel verlegte Antenne aviat.
in Oberwellen erregte Antenne
Antenne der Raumstation (Raumfahrt)
Antenne in Spulenform; Antennenspule
Antenne mit einem Strahlenbündel mit zwei Strahlungsbündeln
Antenne mit eng gebündeltem Strahl (Satellitentechnik)
Antenne mit fortschreitenden Wellen; Wanderwellenantenne
Antenne mit geformter Strahlungskeule; Antenne mit besonderer Richtcharakteristik
Antenne mit schwenkbarer Strahlungskeule Richtcharakteristik
Antenne mit Sperrtopf
Antenne mit stehenden Wellen
antenna techn. Am.; aerial Br.
antennae; antennas; aerials
screened aerial
active antenna; active aerial
aperture antenna; aperture aerial
balloon antenna
series-fed antenna; series-fed aerial
antistatic antenna; anti-interference antenna
cantilever antenna
isotropic antenna
swivel antenna
dipole antenna; dipole aerial Br.
shunt-fed antenna
wing antenna
harmonic antenna
space antenna (astronautics)
antenna coil
single-beam double-beam antenna
spot-beam antenna (satellite engineering)
travelling wave antenna; TW antenna
shaped-beam antenna
steerable-beam antenna; steerable antenna
sleeve antenna
stationary wave antenna
Briefwechsel m; Briefkontakt m; Korrespondenz f; Schriftwechsel m adm.; Schriftverkehr m adm. (mit jdm.)
In der Geschäftskorrespondenz wird eher förmlich formuliert.
Wir haben telefonisch und schriftlich kommuniziert.
Wir haben jahrelang einen Briefwechsel aufrechterhalten.
Unsere Zeitschrift kann keinen Schriftverkehr über medizinische Fragen führen.
Wir sollten vermeiden den Schriftverkehr auf zwei Schienen parallel abzuwickeln.
Sie stehen seit Monaten in Briefkontakt brieflichem Kontakt.
Zu unserem bisherigen Schriftverkehr Zu unserer Vorkorrespondenz übermitteln wir weitere Angaben zu diesem Projekt.
correspondence; exchange of letters (with sb.)
A rather formal tone is used in business correspondence.
We communicated by telephone and correspondence.
We kept up a correspondence maintained an exchange of letters for many years.
Our magazine is unable to enter into any correspondence on medical matters.
We should avoid conducting correspondence through two parallel channels.
They have been in correspondence for months.
Further to our previous correspondence please find an update on this project.
Buckelpiste f (Geländesport)
Parallel-Buckelpiste f
dual moguls
Byte n
Bytes pl
niederwertiges Byte
höherwertiges Byte
Bytes parallel (gleichzeitig) übertragen
Byteordnung: höherwertiges Byte zuerst; Motorola-Format comp.
Byteordnung: niederwertiges Byte zuerst; Intel-Format comp.
low byte
high byte
big-endian byte order
little-endian byte order
Kraft f; Stärke f; Wucht f phys.
Kräfte pl
die elektromagnetische Kraft
parallel verschobene Kraft
Scheinkraft f
Die SI-Einheit der Kraft ist das Newton.
die Wucht der Explosion
Kraft ausüben
äußere Kraft f
eingeprägte Kraft f
generalisierte Kraft f; verallgemeinerte Kraft f
konservative Kraft f
Summe aller äußeren Kräfte
the electromagnetic force
transposed force
fictitious force
The SI unit of force is the newton.
the force of the explosion
to exert force
external force
active force
generalized force
conservative force
sum of all external forces
Multitasking n; Fähigkeit mehrere Aufgaben (quasi) parallel zu erledigen comp.
Parallelschnittstelle f; Interface parallel n
interface (parallel)
Parallel-T-Glied n; H-Verzweiger m (Wellenleiter) phys.
shunt-tee (waveguide)
Schaukeln n; Schwoien n (Schiffsbewegung quer parallel zu Querachse) naut.
Schnittstelle f; Interface n comp. telco.
Schnittstellen pl; Interfaces pl
analoge Schnittstelle
externe Schnittstelle
serielle Schnittstelle f
Schnittstelle für parallel arbeitenden Drucker
analogue interface; analog interface Am.
external interface
serial port; serial interface
Centronics interface
USB interface
wireless interface
Tauchen n (Schiffsbewegung auf- und abwärts parallel zur Hochachse) naut.
massiv-parallel adj comp.
massively parallel
parallel adj (zu) math.
parallel zu
nicht parallel
parallel (to)
in parallel with; parallel to; paralleling
nonparallel; unparallel
parallel adv (zu etw.) (neben etw. anderem)
Parallel dazu betreiben wir auch ein Internetforum.
in parallel (to sth.)
In parallel (to this) we also run a web forum.
parallel adj (nebeneinander vorhanden ablaufend)
Parallelstrukturen pl
parallel structures
parallel laufen zu; parallel verlaufen zu v
parallel laufend zu; parallel verlaufend zu
parallel gelaufen zu; parallel verlaufen zu
to run parallel to
running parallel to
run parallel to
parallel-seriell adj
parallel-to-serial; parallel-serial
parallel (zur Einfallsrichtung) zurückstrahlend adj phys.
Abbaustrecke f min.
Abbaustrecke parallel zu den Schlechten
Abbaustrecke senkrecht zu den Schlechten
board; entry Am.; gate road; driftway
butt entry side entry
face entry
Antenne f telco.
Antennen pl
abgeschirmte Antenne
aktive Antenne
Ballonantenne f
fußpunktgespeiste Antenne
geräuscharme Antenne; störfreie Antenne
Holmantenne f
Käseschachtelantenne f
Kugelantenne f; sphärische Antenne
Rutenantenne f; Peitschenantenne f
Schwenkantenne f
Stabantenne f
Wendelantenne f; Helixantenne f
Wurfantenne f
parallel gespeiste Antenne
im Tragflügel verlegte Antenne aviat.
in Oberwellen erregte Antenne
Antenne der Raumstation (Raumfahrt)
Antenne in Spulenform; Antennenspule
Antenne mit einem Strahlenbündel mit zwei Strahlungsbündeln
Antenne mit eng gebündeltem Strahl (Satellitentechnik)
Langdrahtantenne f; Wanderwellenantenne f; Antenne f mit fortschreitenden Wellen
Antenne mit geformter Strahlungskeule; Antenne mit besonderer Richtcharakteristik
Antenne mit schwenkbarer Strahlungskeule Richtcharakteristik
Antenne mit Sperrtopf
Antenne mit stehenden Wellen
antenna techn. Am.; aerial Br.
antennae; antennas; aerials
screened aerial
active antenna; active aerial
aperture antenna; aperture aerial
balloon antenna
series-fed antenna; series-fed aerial
antistatic antenna; anti-interference antenna
cantilever antenna
pillbox antenna; cheese antenna; cheese aerial
isotropic antenna
whip antenna; whip aerial
swivel antenna
rod aerial
helix antenna
dipole antenna; dipole aerial Br.
shunt-fed antenna
wing antenna
harmonic antenna
space antenna (astronautics)
antenna coil
single-beam double-beam antenna
spot-beam antenna (satellite engineering)
long-wire antenna; travelling-wave antenna; TW antenna
shaped-beam antenna
steerable-beam antenna; steerable antenna
sleeve antenna
stationary wave antenna
Briefwechsel m; Briefverkehr m; Briefkontakt m; Korrespondenz f; Schriftwechsel m adm.; Schriftverkehr m adm. (mit jdm.)
ein reger Schriftwechsel
In der Geschäftskorrespondenz wird eher förmlich formuliert.
Wir haben telefonisch und schriftlich kommuniziert.
Wir haben jahrelang einen Briefwechsel aufrechterhalten.
Unsere Zeitschrift kann keinen Schriftverkehr über medizinische Fragen führen.
Wir sollten vermeiden, den Schriftverkehr auf zwei Schienen parallel abzuwickeln.
Sie stehen seit Monaten in Briefkontakt brieflichem Kontakt.
Zu unserem bisherigen Schriftverkehr Zu unserer Vorkorrespondenz übermitteln wir weitere Angaben zu diesem Projekt.
Ich muss meine Briefschulden begleichen.
correspondence; exchange of letters (with sb.)
an intense correspondence
A rather formal tone is used in business correspondence.
We communicated by telephone and correspondence.
We kept up a correspondence maintained an exchange of letters for many years.
Our magazine is unable to enter into any correspondence on medical matters.
We should avoid conducting correspondence through two parallel channels.
They have been in correspondence for months.
Further to our previous correspondence please find an update on this project.
I have to catch up on my correspondence.
im Gleichklang; parallel; sympathetisch obs. adv
im Gleichklang schwingen
Die Preise sinken langsam im Gleichklang mit dem Yen.
in sympathy
to oscillate in sympathy
Prices have begun to fall in sympathy with the yen.
Kraft f; Stärke f; Wucht f phys.
Kräfte pl
die elektromagnetische Kraft
parallel verschobene Kraft
Scheinkraft f
Spitzenkraft f
die Wucht der Explosion
Kraft ausüben
äußere Kraft f
eingeprägte Kraft f
generalisierte Kraft f; verallgemeinerte Kraft f
konservative Kraft f
Summe aller äußeren Kräfte
Die SI-Einheit der Kraft ist das Newton.
the electromagnetic force
transposed force
fictitious force
peak force
the force of the explosion
to exert force
external force
active force
generalized force
conservative force
sum of all external forces
The SI unit of force is the newton.
Multitasking n; Fähigkeit, mehrere Aufgaben (quasi) parallel zu erledigen comp.
Paralell-Seriell-Konverter m; Parallel-Serien-Umsetzer m comp.
Paralell-Seriell-Konverter pl; Parallel-Serien-Umsetzer pl
Pistole f mil.
Pistolen pl
automatische Pistole; Selbstladepistole f
Deringer f; Deringerpistole f
Dienstpistole f
Gaspistole f
Hochleistungspistole f
Kipplaufpistole f
Luftpistole f; Druckluftpistole f; Luftdruckpistole f
Magazinpistole f
hahnlose Pistole
mehrläufige Pistole
Parabellumpistole f
Perkussionspistole f hist.
Radschlosspistole f hist.
Scheibenpistole f; Meisterschaftspistole f
Terzerol n
Pistole mit Drehlauf
Pistole mit Federverschluss
Pistole mit halbstarrer Verriegelung
Pistole mit mehreren parallel liegenden Läufen
Pistole mit Reibungsverriegelung
Pistole mit Schlagbolzenschloss
Reiterpistole f
Repetierpistole f
Scheibenpistole f
Schlagringpistole f
Schnellfeuerpistole f
Schreckschusspistole f
Selbstauswerferpistole f
Sportpistole f
Vorderladepistole f
Westentaschenpistole f; Taschenpistole f
mit vorgehaltener Pistole
jdm. die Pistole auf die Brust setzen übtr.
wie aus der Pistole geschossen übtr.
automatic pistol; autoloading pistol
Philadelphia Deringer; Deringer; Derringer
service pistol
gas-powered pistol; gas pistol; gas gun
high-power pistol
tip-up pistol; top-break pistol
air pistol; air gun; pellet pistol; pellet gun
magazine pistol
concealed hammer pistol
muliple-barrelled pistol
luger pistol
percussion pistol
wheel-lock pistol
target pistol; match pistol; schuetzen pistol rare
terzerol; terzerole
rotating-barrel pistol
blowback pistol
locked-breech pistol; delayed blowback pistol
multiple-parallel-barrelled pistol
unlocked-breech friction delayed pistol
striker-fired pistol
horse pistol
repeating pistol
match pistol; target pistol
knuckle duster
rapid-fire pistol
alarm pistol; blank-firing pistol; blank pistol
self-ejecting pistol
sporting pistol; sport pistol
muzzle-loading pistol
vest pocket pistol; pocket pistol
at pistol point
to hold a pistol on to sb.'s head fig.
quick like a shot fig.
Scheibenwischer m auto
Scheibenwischer pl
Doppelscheibenwischer pl
Pendelscheibenwischer pl
parallel laufende Scheibenwischer; parallele Schreibenwischer
gegeneinander laufende Scheibenwischer; gegenläufige Schreibenwischer
windscreen wiper; windshield wiper; wiper
windscreen wipers; windshield wipers; wipers
double wipers; tandem wipers
pendulum-type wipers
parallel windscreen wipers
opposed windscreen wipers
Schnittstelle f; Interface n comp. telco.
Schnittstellen pl; Interfaces pl
analoge Schnittstelle
Bildeingabeschnittstelle f
Datenschnittstelle f
externe Schnittstelle
parallele Schnittstelle
serielle Schnittstelle f
Schnittstelle für parallel arbeitenden Drucker
analogue interface; analog interface Am.
image input interface
data interface
external interface
parallel interface
serial port; serial interface
Centronics interface
USB interface
wireless interface
Zweitgerät n für die Internetnutzung parallel zum Fernsehen
second screen
parallel zum Fernsehen (an einem Zweitgerät) das Internet nutzen v
to second-screen
interaktive Internetnutzung f an einem Zweitgerät parallel zum Fernsehen
second screening; watching a second screen
sich einander nähern; zusammenlaufen; konvergieren v math.
sich einander nähernd; zusammenlaufend; konvergierend
sich einander genähert; zusammengelaufen; konvergiert
Die Längengrade sind am Äquator parallel und laufen zu den Polen hin zusammen.
to converge
The lines of longitude are parallel at the equator and converge toward the poles.
parallel adv (zu etw.) (neben etw. anderem)
Parallel dazu betreiben wir auch ein Internetforum.
in parallel (to sth.)
In parallel (to this), we also run a web forum.
parallel zu (jdm. etw.)
in tandem with (sb. sth.)
simultan adv; parallel adv
concurrently {adj}
Parallelanmeldung f (Patent)
Parallelanmeldungen pl
co-pending application (patent)
co-pending applications
Parallelanschlag m mach.
rip fence
Parallelbetrieb m; Parallelarbeit f comp.
concurrent operation; parallel operation

Deutsche Parallelverschiebung Synonyme

Englische parallel displacement ; translatory shift Synonyme

parallel  Antarctic Zone  Arctic Circle  Arctic Zone  Frigid Zones  Lambert conformal projection  Mercator projection  Miller projection  Torrid Zone  Tropic of Cancer  Tropic of Capricorn  Variable Zones  abri  accessory  accompanying  accord  admit of comparison  aeronautical chart  affiliate  affiliated  agnate  agree  agree with  akin  align  aligned  alike  allied  ally  alter ego  amount to  analogical  analogize  analogon  analogous  analogue  analogy  answer to  ape  appear like  apply  approach  approach trench  approximate  assent  assimilate  associate  associated  assort with  astronomical chart  atlas  attendant  attending  azimuthal equidistant projection  azimuthal projection  balance  be commensurable  be comparable  be consistent  be like  be of one  be parallel  be redolent of  be uniform with  bear resemblance  bind  bound  bracket  bracketed  break even  bring into analogy  bring into comparison  bring to mind  brother  bunker  call to mind  call up  cartographer  cartography  celestial chart  celestial globe  chart  check  chime  chorographer  chorography  climate  climatic chart  clime  close copy  close match  coequal  coequality  coextend  coextending  coextensive  cognate  cohere  coincide  coincident  collatable  collateral  collimate  collocate  combined  come close  come near  come to  come up to  commensurable  commensurate  communication trench  companion  comparable  comparative  compare  compare and contrast  compare to  compare with  compeer  complement  concomitant  concur  concurrent  conform  conform to  conform with  confront  congenator  congener  congruent  conic projection  conjoint  conjugate  connect  connected  consist with  consonant  contemporaneous  contemporary  contour line  contour map  contrast  cooperate  coordinate  copy  correlate  correlated  correlation  correlative  correspond  correspond to  correspond with  correspondence  correspondent  corresponding  counterbalance  counterfeit  countermine  counterpart  co  
paralleling  aligned  analogous  coextending  coextensive  collateral  comparable  concurrent  correspondent  corresponding  duplicate  equal  equidistant  equispaced  equivalent  even  lined up  matching  nonconvergent  nondivergent  of a kind  of a piece  of a size  parallel  parallelepipedal  parallelinervate  parallelodrome  parallelogrammatic  parallelogrammic  parallelotropic  twin  
parallelism  accompaniment  accord  accordance  affinity  agreement  alikeness  allegory  alliance  analogy  aping  approach  approximation  assent  assimilation  balance  balancing  bilateral symmetry  chorus  closeness  co-occurrence  coequality  coextension  coherence  coincidence  community  comparability  comparative anatomy  comparative degree  comparative grammar  comparative judgment  comparative linguistics  comparative literature  comparative method  compare  comparing  comparison  compatibility  concert  concomitance  concomitancy  concord  concordance  concurrence  conformance  conformation  conformity  confrontation  confrontment  congeniality  congruence  congruency  congruity  consistency  consonance  consort  contrast  contrastiveness  cooperation  copying  correlation  correspondence  distinction  distinctiveness  dynamic symmetry  equality  equation  equilibrium  equipoise  equipollence  equiponderance  equity  equivalence  equivalency  eurythmics  eurythmy  evenness  finish  harmony  identity  imitation  intersection  justice  keeping  levelness  likeness  likening  matching  metaphor  mimicking  multilateral symmetry  nearness  oneness  opposing  opposition  overlap  par  parity  peace  poise  polarity  proportion  proportionality  rapport  regularity  relation  resemblance  sameness  self-consistency  semblance  shapeliness  similarity  simile  similitude  simulation  simultaneity  symmetricalness  symmetry  sync  synchronism  tally  timing  togetherness  trilateral symmetry  trope of comparison  uniformity  union  unison  unisonance  weighing  withness  

Parallelverschiebung Definition

(n.) The doctrine or science of crystallization, teaching the system of forms among crystals, their structure, and their methods of formation.
(n.) A discourse or treatise on crystallization.
(n.) The act of displacing, or the state of being displaced
(n.) The quantity of anything, as water, displaced by a floating body, as by a ship, the weight of the displaced liquid being equal to that of the displacing body.
(n.) The process of extracting soluble substances from organic material and the like, whereby a quantity of saturated solvent is displaced, or removed, for another quantity of the solvent.
(a.) Extended in the same direction, and in all parts equally distant
(a.) Having the same direction or tendency
(a.) Continuing a resemblance through many particulars
(n.) A line which, throughout its whole extent, is equidistant from another line
(n.) Direction conformable to that of another line,
(n.) Conformity continued through many particulars or in all essential points
(n.) A comparison made
(n.) Anything equal to, or resembling, another in all essential particulars
(n.) One of the imaginary circles on the surface of the earth, parallel to the equator, marking the latitude
(n.) One of a series of long trenches constructed before a besieged fortress, by the besieging force, as a cover for troops supporting the attacking batteries. They are roughly parallel to the line of outer defenses of the fortress.
(n.) A character consisting of two parallel vertical lines (thus, ) used in the text to direct attention to a similarly marked note in the margin or at the foot of a page.
(v. t.) To place or set so as to be parallel
(v. t.) Fig.: To make to conform to something else in character, motive, aim, or the like.
(v. t.) To equal
(v. t.) To produce or adduce as a parallel.
(v. i.) To be parallel
(a.) Having opposite surfaces exactly plane and parallel, as a piece of glass.
(v. t.) To divide
(v. t.) To change the place of
(v. t.) To change the position of
(v. t.) To exchange for another of the same class
(v. t.) To change the clothing of
(v. t.) To put off or out of the way by some expedient.
(v. t.) The act of shifting.
(v. t.) The act of putting one thing in the place of another, or of changing the place of a thing
(v. t.) Something frequently shifted
(v. t.) The change of one set of workmen for another
(v. t.) In building, the extent, or arrangement, of the overlapping of plank, brick, stones, etc., that are placed in courses so as to break joints.
(v. t.) A breaking off and dislocation of a seam
(v. t.) A change of the position of the hand on the finger board, in playing the violin.
(a.) Serving to translate

parallel displacement (crystallography); translatory shift Bedeutung

the act of changing one thing or position for another, his switch on abortion cost him the election
act of taking the place of another especially using underhanded tactics
displacement act of removing from office or employment
displacement deracination to move something from its natural environment
translation displacement the act of uniform movement
the act of moving from one place to another, his constant shifting disrupted the class
sack shift
a loose-fitting dress hanging straight from the shoulders without a waist
chemise shimmy
shift slip
a woman's sleeveless undergarment
parallel bars
gymnastic apparatus consisting of two parallel wooden rods supported on uprights
parallel circuit
shunt circuit
a closed circuit in which the current divides into two or more paths before recombining to complete the circuit
parallel interface
parallel port
an interface between a computer and a printer where the computer sends multiple bits of information to the printer simultaneously
shift key
the key on the typewriter keyboard that shifts from lowerase letters to upperase letters
shift register (computer science) register in which all bits can be shifted one or more positions to the left or to the right
standard transmission
stick shift
a transmission that is operated manually with a gear lever and a clutch pedal
uneven parallel bars
uneven bars
a pair of parallel bars set at different heights, used in women's gymnastics
something having the property of being analogous to something else
principle of liquid displacement (hydrostatics) the volume of a body immersed in a fluid is equal to the volume of the displaced fluid
Euclid's fifth axiom
parallel axiom
only one line can be drawn through a point parallel to another line
crystallography the branch of science that studies the formation and structure of crystals
Parallel Lives a collection of biographies of famous pairs of Greeks and Romans written by Plutarch, used by Shakespeare in writing some of his plays
a qualitative change
population shift a change in the relative numbers of the different groups of individuals making up a population
an event in which something is displaced without rotation
shift a crew of workers who work for a specific period of time
day shift
day watch
workers who work during the day (as a.m. to p.m.)
evening shift workers who work during the evening (as p.m. to midnight)
night shift
graveyard shift
workers who work during the night (as midnight to a.m.)
latitude line of latitude
parallel of latitude
an imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator
geological fault
(geology) a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other, they built it right over a geological fault, he studied the faulting of the earth's crust
Doppler effect
Doppler shift
change in the apparent frequency of a wave as observer and source move toward or away from each other
red shift
(astronomy) a shift in the spectra of very distant galaxies toward longer wavelengths (toward the red end of the spectrum), generally interpreted as evidence that the universe is expanding
parallel-veined leaf a leaf whose veins run in parallel from the stem
displacement (psychiatry) a defense mechanism that transfers affect or reaction from the original object to some more acceptable one
displacement displacement reaction (chemistry) a reaction in which an elementary substance displaces and sets free a constituent element from a compound
parallel processing
simultaneous processing by two or more processing units
parallel operation
simultaneous operation
the simultaneous execution of two or more operations
volume unit
capacity unit
capacity measure
cubage unit
cubic measure
cubic content unit
displacement unit
cubature unit
a unit of measurement of volume or capacity
parallel (mathematics) one of a set of parallel geometric figures (parallel lines or planes), parallels never meet
work shift
duty period
the time period during which you are at work
day shift the work shift during the day (as a.m. to p.m.)
evening shift
swing shift
the work shift during the evening (as p.m. to midnight)
night shift
graveyard shift
the work shift during the night (as midnight to a.m.)
split shift a working shift divided into two periods of time with several hours in between
switch change over shift make a shift in or exchange of, First Joe led, then we switched
make or place parallel to something, They paralleled the ditch to the highway
shift move and exchange for another, shift the date for our class reunion
switch shift change lay aside, abandon, or leave for another, switch to a different brand of beer, She switched psychiatrists, The car changed lanes
shift b change gears, you have to shift when you go down a steep hill
shift move from one setting or context to another, shift the emphasis, shift one's attention
shift change in quality, His tone shifted
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