
Pensionsanpassung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Pensionsanpassung f; Rentenanpassung f
adjustment of pensions (in line with the general earnings level)
Pensionsanpassung f; Rentenanpassung f
adjustment of pensions (in line with the general earnings level)
pension age
pensionable age
vorgeschriebenes Pensionsalter
mandatory retiring age
Pensionsalter n
pension age
gesetzlich; auf einem Gesetz beruhend; gesetzlich vorgeschrieben adj
gesetzliches Verbot
gesetzlicher Mindestlohn
gesetzliches Pensionsalter
statutory ban; prohibition by law
statutory minimum wage
statutory retirement age
Pensionsanpassung f; Rentenanpassung f
adjustment of pensions (in line with the general earnings level)
Pensionsanspruch m; Rentenanwartschaft f
einen Pensionsanspruch eine Rentenanwartschaft erwerben
einen Pensionsanspruch eine Rentenanwartschaft begrĂĽnden
pension rights
to acquire pension rights; to become eligible for a pension
to establish pension rights
Pensionskasse f; Rentenkasse f
betriebliche Pensionskasse
Bedingungen einer Pensionskasse
Beiträge zu Pensionskassen
einen Pensionsanspruch Rentenanspruch haben
pension fund; pension scheme Br.; retirement fund Am.
company pension fund; staff pension fund
terms of a pension fund
pension fund contributions; contributions under pension funds
to be a participant in the pension fund
Rentenanspruch m; Pensionsanspruch m; Rentenanwartschaft f; Pensionsanwartschaft f
RentenansprĂĽche pl; PensionsansprĂĽche pl; Rentenanwartschaften pl; Pensionsanwartschaften pl
verfallbare Pensionsanwartschaft
einen Pensionsanspruch eine Rentenanwartschaft erwerben
einen Pensionsanspruch eine Rentenanwartschaft begrĂĽnden
accrued pension right; right to future pension payments; pension entitlement
accrued pension rights; rights to future pension payments; pension entitlements
non-vested pension right
to acquire pension rights; to become eligible for a pension
to establish pension rights
Rentenkasse f Dt. Schw.; Pensionskasse f Ă–s.
Rentenkassen pl; Pensionskassen pl
betriebliche Rentenkasse Pensionskasse
Bedingungen einer Pensionskasse
Beiträge zu Pensionskassen
einen Pensionsanspruch Rentenanspruch haben
pension fund; pension scheme Br.; retirement fund Am.
pension funds; pension schemes; retirement funds
company pension fund; staff pension fund; superannuation fund Br. Austr.
terms of a pension fund
pension fund contributions; contributions under pension funds
to be a participant in the pension fund
Altersgrenze f; Alterslimite f Schw. (Höchstalter bei Erwachsenen) pol. soc.
Altersgrenzen pl; Alterslimits pl
bei Erreichen der Altersgrenze in den Ruhestand treten
die Altersgrenze fĂĽr den Renteneintritt Dt. Schw. Pensionsantritt Ă–s. erreichen
age limit
age limits
to retire upon reaching the age limit
to be due for retirement
teuer; zu einem hohen Preis; mit hohen Kosten adv fin.
Es würde den Staat teuer kommen, wenn das tatsächliche Pensionsantrittsalter so niedrig bleibt wie jetzt.
dearly; at a high price; at a high cost; at great cost
dearly priced
It would cost the government dearly if the actual retirement age remained as low as it is now.
Pensionsanwartschaft f
pension entitlement
Pensionsaufbesserung f; Rentenaufbesserung f
pension increase
Pensionsaussetzung f; Rentenaussetzung f
suspension of a pension granted
Rentenbeihilfe f Dt. Schw.; Pensionsbeihilfe f Ă–s. fin.
pension credit Br.
Pensionsbeitrag m; Rentenbeitrag m; Altersversicherungsbeitrag m; Beitrag m zur Altersversicherung
Pensionsbeiträge pl; Rentenbeiträge pl; Altersversicherungsbeiträge pl; Beiträge pl zur Altersversicherung
superannuation contribution
superannuation contributions
Rentenbemessungsgrundlage f Dt. Schw.; Pensionsbemessungsgrundlage f Ă–s. fin. adm.
pensionable base; pension base; pensionable basis; pension basis
Rentenberechnung f Dt. Schw.; Pensionsberechnung Ă–s. (gesetzliche Rente) fin. math.
calculation of a the pension; calculation of pensions
entitled to a pension
pensionsberechtigt, rentenberechtigt
rentenberechtigt, pensionsberechtigt
eligible for pension
rentenberechtigt, pensionsberechtigt adj
rentenberechtigt sein
eligible for pension
to be entitled to a pension
pensionsberechtigt adj
rentenberechtigt; pensionsberechtigt adj
rentenberechtigt sein
eligible for pension
to be entitled to a pension
Pensionsberechtigung f, Ruhegehaltsanspruch m
pension right
Pensionsberechtigung f; Ruhegehaltsanspruch m
pension right
Rentenempfänger m; Rentenbezieher m; Pensionsempfänger m Ös.; Pensionsbezieher m Ös. adm.
Rentenempfänger pl; Rentenbezieher pl; Pensionsempfänger pl; Pensionsbezieher pl
recipient of a pension annuity; holder of an annuity; pensioner; annuitant
recipients of a pension an annuity; holders of an annuity; pensioners; annuitants
Rentenbezieher m Dt. Schw.; Rentenempfänger m Dt. Schw.; Pensionsbezieher m Ös.; Pensionsempfänger m Ös. (gesetzliche Rente) adm.
Rentenbezieher pl; Rentenempfänger pl; Pensionsbezieher pl; Pensionsempfänger pl
recipient of a the pension; pensioner
recipients of a the pension; pensioners
PensionseinkĂĽnfte pl; RuhestandseinkĂĽnfte pl (von Beamten) fin.
retirement income; retirement earnings (of civil servants)
Steigerung f; Erhöhung f (bei etw.) (Leistung, Quantität)
Steigerungen pl; Erhöhungen pl
Leistungssteigerung f; Verbesserung der Leistung; verbesserte Leistung
Qualitätssteigerung f; Verbesserung der Qualität
Pensionserhöhung f
Produktivitätssteigerung f
Bei den Verkaufszahlen gab es eine deutliche Steigerung.
Ein Vorsteuergewinn von 3 Millionen entspricht einer 5%-igen Steigerung gegenĂĽber dem Vorjahr.
improvement; enhancement; increase (in sth.) (of a performance or a quantity)
improvements; enhancements; increases
improvement in performance; performance improvement; performance enhancement
improvement in quality; quality improvement; quality enhancement; increase in quality
improvement in pensions; pension improvement; pension enhancement; pension increase
productivity Improvement; productivity enhancement; increase in productivity
The sales figures show a major improvement.
A pre-tax profit of 3 millions represents a 5% enhancement on last year.
pensionsfähiges Alter
pensionable age
Pensionsfonds m fin.
pension fund
Pensionsgast m
Pensionsgäste pl
boarder; paying guest
boarders; paying guests
zahlender Gast m; Pensionsgast m; Untermieter m; Kostgänger m veraltet
zahlende Gäste pl; Pensionsgäste pl; Untermieter pl; Kostgänger pl
paying guest; boarder
paying guests; boarders
(liquiditätszuführendes) Wertpapier-Pensionsgeschäft n fin.
repurchase transaction; repo operation
jds. (persönliches) Rentenkapital n Dt. Schw.; jds. Pensionskapital n Ös. (bei einer Rentenkasse Pensionskasse) fin.
sb.'s (personal) pension pot (in a pension fund)
pension fund
pension pool
staff pension fund
superannuation fund
Pensionskasse f
pension fund, pension pool
Rentenversicherungsträger m Dt. Schw.; Rentenkasse f Dt.; Deutsche Rentenversicherung f Dt.; Pensionsversicherungsträger m Ös.; Pensionsversicherungsanstalt f PVA Ös.; Pensionskasse f Schw. Lux.
pension insurance institute
sich gegen etw. entscheiden; aussteigen (aus); abspringen; etw. doch nicht tun
sich gegen entscheidend; aussteigend; abspringend; doch nicht tuend
sich gegen entschieden; ausgestiegen; abgesprungen; doch nicht getan
(bei etw.) nicht (mehr) mitmachen
Ich habe mich entschlossen doch nicht zur Messe zu gehen.
Mitarbeiter können jederzeit aus der betrieblichen Pensionskasse aussteigen.
Du kannst dich nicht einfach aus der Verantwortung fĂĽr dein Kind stehlen.
to opt out (of sth.)
opting out
opted out
to opt out (of sth.)
I opted out of going to the trade fair.
Employees may opt out of the company's pension plan at any time.
You can't just opt out of the responsibility for your child.
Beiträge pl zur betrieblichen Altersversorgung; Beiträge pl zur betrieblichen Rentenkasse Dt. Schw. Pensionskasse Ös.; Beiträge pl zur Betriebsrente Dt. Schw. Betriebspension Ös.
contributions to the company pension fund; superannuation contributions Br. Austr.
Rentenversicherungsträger m Dt. Schw.; Rentenkasse f Dt.; Deutsche Rentenversicherung f Dt.; Pensionsversicherungsträger m Ös.; Pensionsversicherungsanstalt f PVA Ös.; Pensionskasse f Schw. Lux.
pension insurance institute
sich gegen etw. entscheiden; aussteigen (aus); abspringen; etw. doch nicht tun v
sich gegen entscheidend; aussteigend; abspringend; doch nicht tuend
sich gegen entschieden; ausgestiegen; abgesprungen; doch nicht getan
(bei etw.) nicht (mehr) mitmachen
Ich habe mich entschlossen, doch nicht zur Messe zu gehen.
Mitarbeiter können jederzeit aus der betrieblichen Pensionskasse aussteigen.
Du kannst dich nicht einfach aus der Verantwortung fĂĽr dein Kind stehlen.
to opt out (of sth.)
opting out
opted out
to opt out (of sth.)
I opted out of going to the trade fair.
Employees may opt out of the company's pension plan at any time.
You can't just opt out of the responsibility for your child.
Finanzmittel pl; Geldmittel pl; Mittel pl (einer Körperschaft für einen bestimmten Zweck) pol. fin.
wegen fehlender Finanzmittel
Forschungsmittel pl
Rentenmittel pl Dt.; Pensionsmittel pl Ă–s.
staatliche Finanzmittel
Steuermittel pl
zusätzliche Mittel
Er rief die internationale Staatengemeinschaft zur Bereitstellung von Ressourcen und Finanzmitteln auf.
funding mass noun (funds provided by a corporate entity for a particular purpose)
because of a lack of funding
research funding; research funds (from the provider's perspective)
state pension funding
government funding
tax funding
extra funding
He called on the international community to help provide resources and funding.
Pensionsplan m; Rentenplan m
Pensionspläne pl; Rentenpläne pl
Pensionsplan mit ohne Beitragsleistung der Arbeitnehmer
pension plan; pension scheme Br.; retirement plan Am.
pension plans; pension schemes; retirement plans
contributory non-contributory pension scheme
Pensionsprogramm n
Pensionsprogramme pl
pension scheme
pension schemes
Pensionsprogramm n pol.
pension scheme
Zukunft f
in Zukunft
in naher Zukunft
seine Zukunft verbauen
Eine Reform des Versicherungsrechts bleibt der Zukunft vorbehalten.
Eine Reform des Pensionsrechts bleibt der Zukunft vorbehalten.
Es bleibt der Zukunft vorbehalten die Studie unter besser kontrollierten Bedingungen zu wiederholen.
in future
in the near future
to mortgage one's future
Any reform of the insurance law must be left to the future.
Any reform of the pension law must be left to the future.
It must be left to the future to repeat the study under better controlled conditions.
Zukunft f
in Zukunft
in naher Zukunft
seine Zukunft verbauen
Eine Reform des Versicherungsrechts bleibt der Zukunft vorbehalten.
Eine Reform des Pensionsrechts bleibt der Zukunft vorbehalten.
Es bleibt der Zukunft vorbehalten, die Studie unter besser kontrollierten Bedingungen zu wiederholen.
in future
in the near future
to mortgage one's future
Any reform of the insurance law must be left to the future.
Any reform of the pension law must be left to the future.
It must be left to the future to repeat the study under better controlled conditions.
pensionsreif adj
due for retirement
due for retirement
Pensionsstall m (fĂĽr Pferde)
livery stable; livery yard; livery Am.
Pensionsstopp m
pension pay freeze; no increase in pensions
Pensionssystem n adm. fin.
Pensionsysteme pl
umlagefinanziertes Pensionssystem
kapitalgedecktes Pensionssystem
pension system
pension systems
unfunded public pension system
funded pension system
Geldtopf m; Geldsäckel n fin.
Rententopf m Dt. Schw.; Pensionstopf m Ă–s.
Staatssäckel n; Staatskasse f
financial coffers
pension coffers
government coffers
Rententopf m Dt. Schw.; Pensionstopf m Ă–s. pol. fin.
pension budget
Rentenversicherung f Dt.; Pensionsversicherung f Ă–s.
private Rentenversicherung
pension scheme Br.; retirement insurance Am.
annuity insurance
Pensionsversicherung f
Pensionsversicherung f
retirement pension insurance
old age insurance
Pensionsversicherung f
(fĂĽr die Pensionsversicherung) anrechenbare Versicherungsjahre
retirement pension insurance
contribution years countable towards eligibility for a pension; creditable period of coverage Am.
Rentenversicherungsbeitrag m Dt.; Pensionsversicherungsbeitrag m Ă–s. fin.
pension scheme contribution
Altersversorgung f; Altervorsorge f; Alterssicherung f; Ruhestandsversorgung f; Pensionsvorsorge f Ă–s.
betriebliche Altersversorgung
provision for old age; old-age pension scheme
occupational pension provision: occupatonal retirement provision Am.
Altersversorgung f; Altervorsorge f; Alterssicherung f; Ruhestandsversorgung f; Pensionsvorsorge f Ă–s.; Altersversicherung f
betriebliche Altersversorgung
provision for old age; old-age pension scheme
occupational pension provision; occupational retirement provision Am.
Rentenzahlung f Dt. Schw.; Pensionszahlung f Ă–s. (gesetzliche Rente) fin.
Rentenzahlungen pl; Pensionszahlungen pl
pension payment
pension payments
Pensionszusage f
Pensionszusagen pl
pension commitment
pension commitments

Deutsche Pensionsanpassung Synonyme

Englische adjustment of pensions Synonyme

adjustment  abatement of differences  about-face  acclimation  acclimatization  accommodation  accord  accordance  accustoming  acquiescence  adaptation  adaption  adjusting  adjustive reaction  agreement  alignment  alteration  altering  amelioration  apostasy  arrangement  assimilation  attunement  bad condition  balance  bargain  bearings  betterment  break  breaking  breaking-in  calibrating  calibration  case hardening  change  change of heart  changeableness  charting  closing  coaptation  codification  compliance  composition  composition of differences  compromise  concession  conclusion  conditioning  conformance  conformation other-direction  conformity  congruity  consistency  constructive change  continuity  conventionality  conversion  coordination  cop-out  correcting  correction  correspondence  deal  defection  degeneration  degenerative change  desertion of principle  deterioration  deviation  difference  discontinuity  disorientation  divergence  diversification  diversion  diversity  domestication  enablement  equalization  equalizing  equating  equation  equilibration  equipment  evasion of responsibility  evening  evening up  familiarization  fettle  fit  fitting  flexibility  flip-flop  form  fulfillment  furnishing  give-and-take  giving way  good condition  gradual change  habituation  hardening  harmonization  harmony  housebreaking  improvement  integrated personality  integration  inurement  keeping  line  malleability  melioration  methodization  mitigation  modification  modulation  mutual concession  naturalization  normalization  obedience  observance  order  ordination  organization  orientation  orthodoxy  overthrow  planning  pliancy  psychosynthesis  qualification  radical change  rationalization  re-creation  readjustment  realignment  reconcilement  reconciliation  redesign  reform  reformation  regularization  regulating  regulation  rehabilitation  remaking  renewal  repair  reshaping  resolution  restructuring  reversal  reviv  

Pensionsanpassung Definition

(n.) The act of adjusting, or condition of being adjusted
(n.) Settlement of claims
(n.) The operation of bringing all the parts of an instrument, as a microscope or telescope, into their proper relative position for use
Air level
() Spirit level. See Level.
(n.) The chief law officer of the state, empowered to act in all litigation in which the law-executing power is a party, and to advise this supreme executive whenever required.
Bee line
() The shortest line from one place to another, like that of a bee to its hive when loaded with honey
Brigadier general
() An officer in rank next above a colonel, and below a major general. He commands a brigade, and is sometimes called, by a shortening of his title, simple a brigadier.
(pl. ) of Earning
(a.) Relating to a genus or kind
(a.) Comprehending many species or individuals
(a.) Not restrained or limited to a precise import
(a.) Common to many, or the greatest number
(a.) Having a relation to all
(a.) As a whole
(a.) Usual
(a.) The whole
(a.) One of the chief military officers of a government or country
(a.) The roll of the drum which calls the troops together
(a.) The chief of an order of monks, or of all the houses or congregations under the same rule.
(a.) The public
Governor general
() A governor who has lieutenant or deputy governors under him
Gunter's line
() A logarithmic line on Gunter's scale, used for performing the multiplication and division of numbers mechanically by the dividers
(n.) A line or surface to which, at every point, a vertical or plumb line is perpendicular
(n.) A horizontal line or plane
(n.) An approximately horizontal line or surface at a certain degree of altitude, or distance from the center of the earth
(n.) Hence, figuratively, a certain position, rank, standard, degree, quality, character, etc., conceived of as in one of several planes of different elevation.
(n.) A uniform or average height
(n.) An instrument by which to find a horizontal line, or adjust something with reference to a horizontal line.
(n.) A measurement of the difference of altitude of two points, by means of a level
(n.) A horizontal passage, drift, or adit, in a mine.
(a.) Even
(a.) Coinciding or parallel with the plane of the horizon
(a.) Even with anything else
(a.) Straightforward
(a.) Well balanced
(a.) Of even tone
(v. t.) To make level
(v. t.) To bring to a lower level
(v. t.) To bring to a horizontal position, as a gun
(v. t.) Figuratively, to bring to a common level or plane, in respect of rank, condition, character, privilege, etc.
(v. t.) To adjust or adapt to a certain level
(v. i.) To be level
(v. i.) To aim a gun, spear, etc., horizontally
Lieutenant general
() An army officer in rank next below a general and next above a major general.
(n.) Flax
(n.) The longer and finer fiber of flax.
(v. t.) To cover the inner surface of
(v. t.) To put something in the inside of
(v. t.) To place persons or things along the side of for security or defense
(v. t.) To impregnate

adjustment of pensions (in line with the general earnings level) Bedeutung

line drive
(baseball) a hit that flies straight out from the batter, the batter hit a liner to the shortstop
line-drive single
line single
a single resulting from a line drive
line-drive double
line double
a double resulting from a line drive
line-drive triple
line triple
a triple resulting from a line drive
general election a national or state election, candidates are chosen in all constituencies
alteration modification
the act of making something different (as e.g. the size of a garment)
terrain flight
low level flight
flight at very low altitudes
line of least resistance
path of least resistance
the easiest way, In marrying him she simply took the path of least resistance
pursuit sideline
spare-time activity
an auxiliary activity
line of work
the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money, he's not in my line of business
Attorney General
Attorney General of the United States
the position of the head of the Justice Department and the chief law enforcement officer of the United States, the post of Attorney General was created in
line backer
(American football) the position of a defensive football player who plays close behind the line of scrimmage
signal caller
field general
(American football) the position of the football player in the backfield who directs the offensive play of his team, quarterback is the most important position on the team
blood-oxygenation level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging
functional magnetic resonance imaging that relies on intrinsic changes in hemoglobin oxygenation
adjustment registration readjustment the act of adjusting something to match a standard
field of operation
line of business
a particular kind of commercial enterprise, they are outstanding in their field
line of duty all that is normally required in some area of responsibility
line management administration of the activities contributing directly to an organization's output
general verdict an ordinary verdict declaring which party prevails without any special findings of fact
line acting in conformity, in line with, he got out of line, toe the line
lateral line
lateral line organ
sense organs of fish and amphibians, believed to detect pressure changes in the water
Abney level a surveying instrument consisting of a spirit level and a sighting tube, used to measure the angle of inclination of a line from the observer to the target
acoustic delay line
sonic delay line
a delay line based on the time of propagation of sound waves
A-line women's clothing that has a fitted top and a flared skirt that is widest at the hemline, it is called the A-line because the effect resembles the capital letter A
branch line
spur track
a railway line connected to a trunk line
bus line an organization responsible for operating a bus transportation system
cable line transmission line a conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric power
carpenter's level a straight bar of light metal with a spirit level in it
chalk line
snap line
a chalked string used in the building trades to make a straight line on a vertical surface
command post
general headquarters
military headquarters from which a military commander controls and organizes the forces
country store
general store
trading post
a retail store serving a sparsely populated region, usually stocked with a wide variety of merchandise
delay line a circuit designed to introduce a calculated delay into the transmission of a signal
line drawing
a drawing of the outlines of forms or objects
digital subscriber line
a generic name for digital lines that are provided by telephone companies to their local subscribers and that carry data at high speeds
drive line
drive line system
mechanism that transmits power from the engine to the driving wheels of a motor vehicle
Dumpy level a surveyor's level having a short telescope fixed to a horizontally rotating table and a spirit level
electromagnetic delay line a delay line based on the time of propagation of electromagnetic waves
feeder line a branching path off of a main transportation line (especially an airline)
fishing line a length of cord to which the leader and float and sinker and hook are attached
floor level storey
a structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale, what level is the office on?
fuel line
gas line petrol line
a pipe that carries gasoline from a tank to a gasoline engine, the car wouldn't start because dirt clogged the gas line
gas line a pipeline used to transport natural gas, the workmen broke through the gas line
general anesthetic
general anaesthetic
an anesthetic that anesthetizes the entire body and causes loss of consciousness
general-purpose bomb
GP bomb
a large bomb ( to , pounds that is % explosive) whose explosion creates a blast and whose metal casing creates some fragmentation effect
ground floor
first floor
ground level
the floor of a building that is at or nearest to the level of the ground around the building
hand line
a fishing line managed principally by hand
harpoon line a strong rope for making the catch fast to the harpooner's boat
horizontal surface
a flat surface at right angles to a plumb line, park the car on the level
hot line a direct telephone line between two officials
inhalation anesthetic
inhalation anaesthetic
inhalation general anesthetic
inhalation general anaesthetic
a gas that produces general anesthesia when inhaled
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