
Pensionssystem Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Pensionssystem n adm. fin.
Pensionsysteme pl
umlagefinanziertes Pensionssystem
kapitalgedecktes Pensionssystem
pension system
pension systems
unfunded public pension system
funded pension system
Pensionssystem n adm. fin.
Pensionsysteme pl
umlagefinanziertes Pensionssystem
kapitalgedecktes Pensionssystem
pension system
pension systems
unfunded public pension system
funded pension system
pension age
pensionable age
vorgeschriebenes Pensionsalter
mandatory retiring age
Pensionsalter n
pension age
gesetzlich; auf einem Gesetz beruhend; gesetzlich vorgeschrieben adj
gesetzliches Verbot
gesetzlicher Mindestlohn
gesetzliches Pensionsalter
statutory ban; prohibition by law
statutory minimum wage
statutory retirement age
Pensionsanpassung f; Rentenanpassung f
adjustment of pensions (in line with the general earnings level)
Pensionsanspruch m; Rentenanwartschaft f
einen Pensionsanspruch eine Rentenanwartschaft erwerben
einen Pensionsanspruch eine Rentenanwartschaft begrĂĽnden
pension rights
to acquire pension rights; to become eligible for a pension
to establish pension rights
Pensionskasse f; Rentenkasse f
betriebliche Pensionskasse
Bedingungen einer Pensionskasse
Beiträge zu Pensionskassen
einen Pensionsanspruch Rentenanspruch haben
pension fund; pension scheme Br.; retirement fund Am.
company pension fund; staff pension fund
terms of a pension fund
pension fund contributions; contributions under pension funds
to be a participant in the pension fund
Rentenanspruch m; Pensionsanspruch m; Rentenanwartschaft f; Pensionsanwartschaft f
RentenansprĂĽche pl; PensionsansprĂĽche pl; Rentenanwartschaften pl; Pensionsanwartschaften pl
verfallbare Pensionsanwartschaft
einen Pensionsanspruch eine Rentenanwartschaft erwerben
einen Pensionsanspruch eine Rentenanwartschaft begrĂĽnden
accrued pension right; right to future pension payments; pension entitlement
accrued pension rights; rights to future pension payments; pension entitlements
non-vested pension right
to acquire pension rights; to become eligible for a pension
to establish pension rights
Rentenkasse f Dt. Schw.; Pensionskasse f Ă–s.
Rentenkassen pl; Pensionskassen pl
betriebliche Rentenkasse Pensionskasse
Bedingungen einer Pensionskasse
Beiträge zu Pensionskassen
einen Pensionsanspruch Rentenanspruch haben
pension fund; pension scheme Br.; retirement fund Am.
pension funds; pension schemes; retirement funds
company pension fund; staff pension fund; superannuation fund Br. Austr.
terms of a pension fund
pension fund contributions; contributions under pension funds
to be a participant in the pension fund
Altersgrenze f; Alterslimite f Schw. (Höchstalter bei Erwachsenen) pol. soc.
Altersgrenzen pl; Alterslimits pl
bei Erreichen der Altersgrenze in den Ruhestand treten
die Altersgrenze fĂĽr den Renteneintritt Dt. Schw. Pensionsantritt Ă–s. erreichen
age limit
age limits
to retire upon reaching the age limit
to be due for retirement
teuer; zu einem hohen Preis; mit hohen Kosten adv fin.
Es würde den Staat teuer kommen, wenn das tatsächliche Pensionsantrittsalter so niedrig bleibt wie jetzt.
dearly; at a high price; at a high cost; at great cost
dearly priced
It would cost the government dearly if the actual retirement age remained as low as it is now.
Pensionsanwartschaft f
pension entitlement
Pensionsaufbesserung f; Rentenaufbesserung f
pension increase
Pensionsaussetzung f; Rentenaussetzung f
suspension of a pension granted
Rentenbeihilfe f Dt. Schw.; Pensionsbeihilfe f Ă–s. fin.
pension credit Br.
Pensionsbeitrag m; Rentenbeitrag m; Altersversicherungsbeitrag m; Beitrag m zur Altersversicherung
Pensionsbeiträge pl; Rentenbeiträge pl; Altersversicherungsbeiträge pl; Beiträge pl zur Altersversicherung
superannuation contribution
superannuation contributions
Rentenbemessungsgrundlage f Dt. Schw.; Pensionsbemessungsgrundlage f Ă–s. fin. adm.
pensionable base; pension base; pensionable basis; pension basis
Rentenberechnung f Dt. Schw.; Pensionsberechnung Ă–s. (gesetzliche Rente) fin. math.
calculation of a the pension; calculation of pensions
entitled to a pension
pensionsberechtigt, rentenberechtigt
rentenberechtigt, pensionsberechtigt
eligible for pension
rentenberechtigt, pensionsberechtigt adj
rentenberechtigt sein
eligible for pension
to be entitled to a pension
pensionsberechtigt adj
rentenberechtigt; pensionsberechtigt adj
rentenberechtigt sein
eligible for pension
to be entitled to a pension
Pensionsberechtigung f, Ruhegehaltsanspruch m
pension right
Pensionsberechtigung f; Ruhegehaltsanspruch m
pension right
Rentenempfänger m; Rentenbezieher m; Pensionsempfänger m Ös.; Pensionsbezieher m Ös. adm.
Rentenempfänger pl; Rentenbezieher pl; Pensionsempfänger pl; Pensionsbezieher pl
recipient of a pension annuity; holder of an annuity; pensioner; annuitant
recipients of a pension an annuity; holders of an annuity; pensioners; annuitants
Rentenbezieher m Dt. Schw.; Rentenempfänger m Dt. Schw.; Pensionsbezieher m Ös.; Pensionsempfänger m Ös. (gesetzliche Rente) adm.
Rentenbezieher pl; Rentenempfänger pl; Pensionsbezieher pl; Pensionsempfänger pl
recipient of a the pension; pensioner
recipients of a the pension; pensioners
PensionseinkĂĽnfte pl; RuhestandseinkĂĽnfte pl (von Beamten) fin.
retirement income; retirement earnings (of civil servants)
Steigerung f; Erhöhung f (bei etw.) (Leistung, Quantität)
Steigerungen pl; Erhöhungen pl
Leistungssteigerung f; Verbesserung der Leistung; verbesserte Leistung
Qualitätssteigerung f; Verbesserung der Qualität
Pensionserhöhung f
Produktivitätssteigerung f
Bei den Verkaufszahlen gab es eine deutliche Steigerung.
Ein Vorsteuergewinn von 3 Millionen entspricht einer 5%-igen Steigerung gegenĂĽber dem Vorjahr.
improvement; enhancement; increase (in sth.) (of a performance or a quantity)
improvements; enhancements; increases
improvement in performance; performance improvement; performance enhancement
improvement in quality; quality improvement; quality enhancement; increase in quality
improvement in pensions; pension improvement; pension enhancement; pension increase
productivity Improvement; productivity enhancement; increase in productivity
The sales figures show a major improvement.
A pre-tax profit of 3 millions represents a 5% enhancement on last year.
pensionsfähiges Alter
pensionable age
Pensionsfonds m fin.
pension fund
Pensionsgast m
Pensionsgäste pl
boarder; paying guest
boarders; paying guests
zahlender Gast m; Pensionsgast m; Untermieter m; Kostgänger m veraltet
zahlende Gäste pl; Pensionsgäste pl; Untermieter pl; Kostgänger pl
paying guest; boarder
paying guests; boarders
(liquiditätszuführendes) Wertpapier-Pensionsgeschäft n fin.
repurchase transaction; repo operation
jds. (persönliches) Rentenkapital n Dt. Schw.; jds. Pensionskapital n Ös. (bei einer Rentenkasse Pensionskasse) fin.
sb.'s (personal) pension pot (in a pension fund)
pension fund
pension pool
staff pension fund
superannuation fund
Pensionskasse f
pension fund, pension pool
Rentenversicherungsträger m Dt. Schw.; Rentenkasse f Dt.; Deutsche Rentenversicherung f Dt.; Pensionsversicherungsträger m Ös.; Pensionsversicherungsanstalt f PVA Ös.; Pensionskasse f Schw. Lux.
pension insurance institute
sich gegen etw. entscheiden; aussteigen (aus); abspringen; etw. doch nicht tun
sich gegen entscheidend; aussteigend; abspringend; doch nicht tuend
sich gegen entschieden; ausgestiegen; abgesprungen; doch nicht getan
(bei etw.) nicht (mehr) mitmachen
Ich habe mich entschlossen doch nicht zur Messe zu gehen.
Mitarbeiter können jederzeit aus der betrieblichen Pensionskasse aussteigen.
Du kannst dich nicht einfach aus der Verantwortung fĂĽr dein Kind stehlen.
to opt out (of sth.)
opting out
opted out
to opt out (of sth.)
I opted out of going to the trade fair.
Employees may opt out of the company's pension plan at any time.
You can't just opt out of the responsibility for your child.
Beiträge pl zur betrieblichen Altersversorgung; Beiträge pl zur betrieblichen Rentenkasse Dt. Schw. Pensionskasse Ös.; Beiträge pl zur Betriebsrente Dt. Schw. Betriebspension Ös.
contributions to the company pension fund; superannuation contributions Br. Austr.
Rentenversicherungsträger m Dt. Schw.; Rentenkasse f Dt.; Deutsche Rentenversicherung f Dt.; Pensionsversicherungsträger m Ös.; Pensionsversicherungsanstalt f PVA Ös.; Pensionskasse f Schw. Lux.
pension insurance institute
sich gegen etw. entscheiden; aussteigen (aus); abspringen; etw. doch nicht tun v
sich gegen entscheidend; aussteigend; abspringend; doch nicht tuend
sich gegen entschieden; ausgestiegen; abgesprungen; doch nicht getan
(bei etw.) nicht (mehr) mitmachen
Ich habe mich entschlossen, doch nicht zur Messe zu gehen.
Mitarbeiter können jederzeit aus der betrieblichen Pensionskasse aussteigen.
Du kannst dich nicht einfach aus der Verantwortung fĂĽr dein Kind stehlen.
to opt out (of sth.)
opting out
opted out
to opt out (of sth.)
I opted out of going to the trade fair.
Employees may opt out of the company's pension plan at any time.
You can't just opt out of the responsibility for your child.
Finanzmittel pl; Geldmittel pl; Mittel pl (einer Körperschaft für einen bestimmten Zweck) pol. fin.
wegen fehlender Finanzmittel
Forschungsmittel pl
Rentenmittel pl Dt.; Pensionsmittel pl Ă–s.
staatliche Finanzmittel
Steuermittel pl
zusätzliche Mittel
Er rief die internationale Staatengemeinschaft zur Bereitstellung von Ressourcen und Finanzmitteln auf.
funding mass noun (funds provided by a corporate entity for a particular purpose)
because of a lack of funding
research funding; research funds (from the provider's perspective)
state pension funding
government funding
tax funding
extra funding
He called on the international community to help provide resources and funding.
Pensionsplan m; Rentenplan m
Pensionspläne pl; Rentenpläne pl
Pensionsplan mit ohne Beitragsleistung der Arbeitnehmer
pension plan; pension scheme Br.; retirement plan Am.
pension plans; pension schemes; retirement plans
contributory non-contributory pension scheme
Pensionsprogramm n
Pensionsprogramme pl
pension scheme
pension schemes
Pensionsprogramm n pol.
pension scheme
Zukunft f
in Zukunft
in naher Zukunft
seine Zukunft verbauen
Eine Reform des Versicherungsrechts bleibt der Zukunft vorbehalten.
Eine Reform des Pensionsrechts bleibt der Zukunft vorbehalten.
Es bleibt der Zukunft vorbehalten die Studie unter besser kontrollierten Bedingungen zu wiederholen.
in future
in the near future
to mortgage one's future
Any reform of the insurance law must be left to the future.
Any reform of the pension law must be left to the future.
It must be left to the future to repeat the study under better controlled conditions.
Zukunft f
in Zukunft
in naher Zukunft
seine Zukunft verbauen
Eine Reform des Versicherungsrechts bleibt der Zukunft vorbehalten.
Eine Reform des Pensionsrechts bleibt der Zukunft vorbehalten.
Es bleibt der Zukunft vorbehalten, die Studie unter besser kontrollierten Bedingungen zu wiederholen.
in future
in the near future
to mortgage one's future
Any reform of the insurance law must be left to the future.
Any reform of the pension law must be left to the future.
It must be left to the future to repeat the study under better controlled conditions.
pensionsreif adj
due for retirement
due for retirement
Pensionsstall m (fĂĽr Pferde)
livery stable; livery yard; livery Am.
Pensionsstopp m
pension pay freeze; no increase in pensions
Pensionssystem n adm. fin.
Pensionsysteme pl
umlagefinanziertes Pensionssystem
kapitalgedecktes Pensionssystem
pension system
pension systems
unfunded public pension system
funded pension system
Geldtopf m; Geldsäckel n fin.
Rententopf m Dt. Schw.; Pensionstopf m Ă–s.
Staatssäckel n; Staatskasse f
financial coffers
pension coffers
government coffers
Rententopf m Dt. Schw.; Pensionstopf m Ă–s. pol. fin.
pension budget
Rentenversicherung f Dt.; Pensionsversicherung f Ă–s.
private Rentenversicherung
pension scheme Br.; retirement insurance Am.
annuity insurance
Pensionsversicherung f
Pensionsversicherung f
retirement pension insurance
old age insurance
Pensionsversicherung f
(fĂĽr die Pensionsversicherung) anrechenbare Versicherungsjahre
retirement pension insurance
contribution years countable towards eligibility for a pension; creditable period of coverage Am.
Rentenversicherungsbeitrag m Dt.; Pensionsversicherungsbeitrag m Ă–s. fin.
pension scheme contribution
Altersversorgung f; Altervorsorge f; Alterssicherung f; Ruhestandsversorgung f; Pensionsvorsorge f Ă–s.
betriebliche Altersversorgung
provision for old age; old-age pension scheme
occupational pension provision: occupatonal retirement provision Am.
Altersversorgung f; Altervorsorge f; Alterssicherung f; Ruhestandsversorgung f; Pensionsvorsorge f Ă–s.; Altersversicherung f
betriebliche Altersversorgung
provision for old age; old-age pension scheme
occupational pension provision; occupational retirement provision Am.
Rentenzahlung f Dt. Schw.; Pensionszahlung f Ă–s. (gesetzliche Rente) fin.
Rentenzahlungen pl; Pensionszahlungen pl
pension payment
pension payments
Pensionszusage f
Pensionszusagen pl
pension commitment
pension commitments

Deutsche Pensionssystem Synonyme

Englische pension system Synonyme

pension  aid  alimony  allotment  allowance  annuity  assistance  benefit  boardinghouse  bounty  depletion allowance  dismiss  dole  dorm  dormitory  doss house  fellowship  financial assistance  fleabag  flophouse  grant  grant-in-aid  guaranteed annual income  guest house  help  hospice  hostel  hostelry  hotel  inn  lodging house  old-age insurance  ordinary  pecuniary aid  pension off  posada  price support  pub  public  public assistance  public house  public welfare  relief  retirement benefits  roadhouse  rooming house  scholarship  shelve  social security  stipend  subsidization  subsidy  subsistence  subvention  superannuate  superannuation  support  tavern  tax benefit  welfare  welfare aid  welfare payments  
pension off  abdicate  aid  assist  be pensioned  be superannuated  boot  bounce  break  bump  bust  can  cashier  deconsecrate  defrock  degrade  demit  demote  deplume  depose  deprive  dethrone  disbar  discharge  discrown  disemploy  disenthrone  dismiss  displace  displume  drum out  excommunicate  expel  finance  fire  fund  furlough  give the ax  give the gate  give up  help  junk  kick  kick upstairs  lay off  leave  let go  let out  liquidate  make redundant  oust  overthrow  pay the bills  pension  purge  quit  read out of  release  relinquish  remove  remove from office  renounce the throne  replace  resign  retire  retire from office  sack  scrap  separate forcibly  stand aside  stand down  step aside  strip  strip of office  strip of rank  subsidize  superannuate  support  surplus  suspend  turn off  turn out  unchurch  unfrock  unsaddle  unseat  unthrone  vacate  withdraw from  
pensioner  allottee  almsman  almswoman  annuitant  assign  assignee  assistant  beneficiary  charge  client  commoner  dependent  devisee  donee  employee  encumbrance  exhibitioner  feoffee  girl Friday  golden-ager  grantee  hired hand  hired man  hireling  legatary  legatee  man Friday  mercenary  myrmidon  optime  passman  patentee  pensionary  protege  public charge  questionist  right-hand man  senior citizen  servitor  sizar  sophister  stipendiary  veteran  ward  worker  wrangler  wrinkly  

Pensionssystem Definition

(imp. & p. p.) of Fund
(a.) Existing in the form of bonds bearing regular interest
(a.) Invested in public funds
Metric system
() See Metric, a.
(n.) A payment
(n.) A stated allowance to a person in consideration of past services
(n.) A certain sum of money paid to a clergyman in lieu of tithes.
(n.) A boarding house or boarding school in France, Belgium, Switzerland, etc.
(v. t.) To grant a pension to
(a.) Of or pertaining to the people
(a.) Open to the knowledge or view of all
(a.) Open to common or general use
(n.) The general body of mankind, or of a nation, state, or community
(n.) A public house
(a.) Public-spirited.
(a.) Public-spirited.
(a.) Having, or exercising, a disposition to advance the interest of the community or public
(a.) Dictated by a regard to public good
(n.) An assemblage of objects arranged in regular subordination, or after some distinct method, usually logical or scientific
(n.) Hence, the whole scheme of created things regarded as forming one complete plan of whole
(n.) Regular method or order
(n.) The collection of staves which form a full score. See Score, n.
(n.) An assemblage of parts or organs, either in animal or plant, essential to the performance of some particular function or functions which as a rule are of greater complexity than those manifested by a single organ
(n.) One of the stellate or irregular clusters of intimately united zooids which are imbedded in, or scattered over, the surface of the common tissue of many compound ascidians.

pension system / pension systems / unfunded public pension system / funded pension system Bedeutung

Bertillon system a system or procedure for identifying persons
buddy system a cooperative practice of pairing two or more people together for mutual assistance or safety (especially in recreational swimming)
public service employment within a government system (especially in the civil service)
public office a position concerning the people as a whole
indecent exposure
public nudity
vulgar and offensive nakedness in a public place
social welfare
public assistance
governmental provision of economic assistance to persons in need, she lives on welfare
initial public offering
initial offering
a corporation's first offer to sell stock to the public
public violence
a public act of violence by an unruly mob
community service public service a service that is performed for the benefit of the public or its institutions
water vascular system system of fluid-filled tubes used by echinoderms in locomotion and feeding and respiration
public square
a place of assembly for the people in ancient Greece
air transportation system a transportation system for moving passengers or goods by air
warning device
alarm system
a device that signals the occurrence of some undesirable event
audio system
sound system
a system of electronic equipment for recording or reproducing sound
backup system a computer system for making backups
basic point defense missile system a shipboard missile system
brake system
a braking device consisting of a combination of interacting parts that work to slow a motor vehicle
bulletin board system
bulletin board electronic bulletin board
a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
cable cable television
cable system
cable television service
a television system that transmits over cables
closed loop
closed-loop system
a control system with a feedback loop that is active
color television
colour television
color television system
colour television system
color TV
colour TV
a television that transmits images in color
communication system
communication equipment
facility consisting of the physical plants and equipment for disseminating information
communication system a system for communicating
computing machine
computing device
data processor
electronic computer
information processing system
a machine for performing calculations automatically
computer system
computing system
automatic data processing system
ADP system
a system of one or more computers and associated software with common storage
control system a system for controlling the operation of another system
coolant system a cooling system that uses a fluid to transfer heat from one place to another
cooling system
a mechanism for keeping something cool, the cooling was overhead fans
cooling system engine cooling system equipment in a motor vehicle that cools the engine
coude telescope
coude system
a reflecting telescope so constructed that the light is led to a plate holder or spectrograph
data system
information system
system consisting of the network of all communication channels used within an organization
defense system
defence system
the weaponry available for the defense of a region
drainage system a system of watercourses or drains for carrying off excess water
drive line
drive line system
mechanism that transmits power from the engine to the driving wheels of a motor vehicle
early warning system a network of radar installations designed to detect enemy missiles or aircraft while there is still time to intercept them
electrical system equipment in a motor vehicle that provides electricity to start the engine and ignite the fuel and operate the lights and windshield wiper and heater and air conditioner and radio
electrical system electrical plant utility that provides electricity
exhaust system
system consisting of the parts of an engine through which burned gases or steam are discharged
explosive detection system
a rapid automatic system to detect plastic explosives in passengers' luggage using Xay technology and computers, designed for use in airports
fiber-optic transmission system
fibre-optic transmission system
a communication system using fiber optic cables
field-sequential color television
field-sequential color TV
field-sequential color television system
field-sequential color TV system
an early form of color TV in which successive fields are scanned in three primary colors
fire control system naval weaponry consisting of a system for controlling the delivery of fire on a military target
fuel injection
fuel injection system
mechanical system to inject atomized fuel directly into the cylinders of an internalombustion engine, avoids the need for a carburetor
fuel system equipment in a motor vehicle or aircraft that delivers fuel to the engine
gas system facility (plant and equipment) for providing natural-gas service
Global Positioning System
a navigational system involving satellites and computers that can determine the latitude and longitude of a receiver on Earth by computing the time difference for signals from different satellites to reach the receiver
guidance system
guidance device
a system of equipment for automatically guiding the path of a vehicle (especially a missile)
heating system
heating plant
utility to warm a building, the heating system wasn't working, they have radiant heating
high fidelity sound system
equipment for the reproduction of sound with high fidelity
highway system a transportation system consisting of roads for motor transport
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