
Person Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

gleiche Person
same person
befragte Person
interviewed person
befragte Person
befragte Person
gebildete Person
refined person
männliche Person
natürliche Person
natural person
schlafende Person
anziehen (Person)
Person oder Sache
odd one out
jede andere Person
any other person
juristische Person
artificial person
juristische Person
body corporate
juristische Person
corporate body
juristische Person
legal person
vernünftige Person
sensible person
versicherte Person
insured person
versicherte Person
person insured
schwerhörige Person
Person im Ruhestand
retired person
Person zurückhalten
retain a person
verlässliche Person
reliable person
weltbekannte Person
schön adj (Person)
pulchritudinous (person)
gewissenhafte Person
scrupulous person
Person wiederbeleben
revive a person
Person theat Rolle
(Person) verdrängen
to usurp
anvertraute Person f
charge formal humor.
anvertraute Person f
charge (formal or humorous)
knackig adj (Person)
juicy; tasty
eine geschickte Person
a clever person
Vertreter einer Person
personal representative
verwahrlosen (Person)
to let oneself go
Lockenkopf m (Person)
curly-headed person; curly-head
erfahren adj (Person)
sophisticated (person)
knackig adj (Person)
juicy, tasty
Feldmesser m (Person)
Schlepper m (Person)
Wirkungsort m (Person)
place of activity
chaotisch adj (Person)
disorganized; disorganised Br. (of a person)
Naturtalent n (Person)
naturally talented person; naturally gifted person; natural prodigy
Person, die Trends folgt
Person die Trends folgt
umgänglich adj (Person)
Naturtalent n (Person)
naturally talented person, naturally gifted person
jagdkundig adj (Person)
skilled in hunting (of a person)
Person mit Nebentätigkeit
Person mit Nebentätigkeit
double jobber
hinzutreten (Person) v
to appear; to come (along); to arrive
dienstfähig adj (Person)
fit for duty; fit for performing your duties; fit for the performance of your duties (person)
eine Person nicht beachten
ignore a person
fürsorglich adj (Person)
caring (person)
herumbummeln v (Person)
to meander coll.
Werdegang m einer Person
personal background
eine stämmig gebaute Person
a stockily built person
Strandaufsicht f (Person)
beach monitor (person)
Person mit Nebentätigkeiten
multiple job holder
der Charakter dieser Person
the character of this person
Anhänglichkeit f (Person)
clinginess (person)
dienstunfähig adj (Person)
unfit for duty; incapacitated for duty; incapacitated for the performance of your duties (person)
einer Person Vollmacht geben
give a person full powers
oberflächlich adj (Person)
facile (person)
konfliktfähig adj (Person)
able to handle deal with conflict situations (person)
Abtasten m (einer Person)
frisking, frisk
sich an eine Person erinnern
remember a person
von der obengenannten Person
of the person mentioned above
leicht reizbar (eine Person)
hair-trigger {adj}
autoritär denkende Person f
Grapscher m (Person) pej.
masher (person)
fähig; tüchtig adj (Person)
high-flying (of a person)
vornehm adj (Person) soc.
gentle archaic (of a person of quality)
verantwortungsbewusste Person
responsible person
eine Person, die Macht ausübt
power wielder
eine Person die Macht ausübt
power wielder
schlank; schmal adj (Person)
lean (person)
einer Person aus dem Weg gehen
evade a person
unmäßig; maßlos adj (Person)
perückentragend adj (Person)
bewigged (person)
(bekannte wichtige) Person f
personage formal
Dienstunfähigkeit f (Person)
incapacitation for duty; incapacitation for the performance of your duties (person)
personifiziert, ... in Person
Bekanntheitsgrad einer Person
extent of sb.'s fame
erlebnishungrig adj (Person)
thrill-seeking (person)
eine Person, die Klartext redet
a plain-talking person
noch bettwarm sein v (Person)
to be still warm from your bed (person)
diskussionsfähig adj (Person)
willing to discuss; prepared to diskuss things
Person f (Theater); Rolle f
Spielplatzaufsicht f (Person)
playground monitor
hochqualifiziert adj (Person)
highly qualified (person)
reizbare Person, nervöse Person
nervous person
Ort m des Todes (einer Person)
(a person's) deathplace; place of death
Organisationstalent n (Person)
talented organiser Br.; talented organizer
noch bettwarm sein v (Person)
to be still warm from your bed (person)
Person f (Theater), Rolle f
ausgepowerte Person n psych.
burnout (person)
kompromissloser Typ m (Person)
badass (of a person) Am. coll.
aktenkundig sein (Person) adm.
to be known to the police files indices; to be criminally known (person)
hager; schmächtig adj (Person)
lank (person)
ernste Person, ernsthafte Person
serious person
unter Asylschutz stehende Person
person granted asylum
Zicke f; zickige Person ugs.
bitch coll.
übereifrige aufdringliche Person
bucko coll.
schmächtig adj (Person) anat.
puny; weedy Br. (person)
unreif; unerfahren adj (Person)
callow (person)
polternd; donnernd adj (Person)
tub-thumping Br. (person)
Taumeln n; Torkeln n (Person)
lurch (person)
die Zuverlääsigkeit dieser Person
the reliability of this person
heikel; wählerisch adj (Person)
fastidious; dainty (person)
fahrig; schusselig adj (Person)
dotty; batty; scatty Br. (person)
diskussionsfreudig adj (Person)
keen to debate (person)
Zicke f, zickige Person ugs.
bitch coll.
hausfremde Person f (Hotellerie)
non-resident Br. (hotel trade)
kleinlaut; reumütig adj (Person)
apologetic (person)
Datenverarbeiter (Person), Rechner
data processor
sehr wählerisch sein (Person) v
to be a great picker (of a person)
Kritikfähigkeit f (einer Person)
openess to criticism; capability of taking criticism (person)
übereifrige, aufdringliche Person
bucko coll.
teamfähig sein v (Person) soc.
to be amenable to working in a team; to be team-oriented; to be a good team player (of a person)
abgehoben; entrückt adj (Person)
removed (from reality)
unnahbar; abweisend (Person) adj
unapproachable; inapproachable
alt und gebrechlich adj (Person)
stricken in years archaic (of a person)
Kritikfähigkeit f (einer Person)
openness to criticism; capability of taking criticism (person)
gebrechlich; schwach adj (Person)
infirm (of a person)
unnahbar, abweisend (Person) adj
pro Kopf; pro Person; jeweils adv
apiece {adv}
konfliktscheu sein (Person) psych.
to shy away from avoid conflict confrontation (person)
Oberkirchenrat m (Person) relig.
member of the High Consistory
erster Arbeitstag m (einer Person)
first day of work; first day at work (of a person)
anhänglich; klammernd adj (Person)
clingy (person)
raubeinig adj (Person); rüde adj
rough and ready; rough-and-ready {adj}
undankbar adj
undankbare Person
Person f in Grundversorgung adm.
person receiving basic welfare support
aktenkundig sein v (Person) adm.
to be known to the police files indices; to be criminally known (person)
Flüchtling, Zuflucht suchende Person
Pausenaufsicht f (Person) school
breaktime supervisor; lunchtime supervisor
Gesamterscheinung f (einer Person)
general appearance (of a person)
aufgekratzt; überdreht adj (Person)
giddy (person)
übereifrige, aufdringliche Person f
bucko coll.
Markenrecht n (einer Person) jur.
trademark right (of a person)
unzufrieden (mit etw.) adj (Person)
dissatisfied; discontented; discontent; malcontent (with sth.) (person)
für etw. vorgesehen sein v (Person)
to be a candidate for sth.; have been chosen (designated) for sth.; to be slated for sth. Am. (person)
Stadtrat m; Stadträtin f (Person)
city town councillor councilor Am.
Person f mit versteckten Qualitäten
dark horse Br.
ruppig; kaltschnäutzig adj (Person)
salty (person)
unfallgefährdet adj (Person) auto
vulnerable; in danger of having an accident (person)
neugierig; wissbegierig adj (Person)
enquiring Br.; inquiring Am.; inquisitive (person)
hartnäckig adj (Person oder Problem)
intractable {adj}

Deutsche Person Synonyme

welche  Person  Âwer  
Angaben  zur  Person  ÂPersonalangaben  ÂPersonalien  
anhängliche  Person  ÂKlette  (umgangssprachlich)  
Eponym  Âvon  einer  Person  hergeleiteter  Name  
Part  ÂPerson  (Theater)  ÂRolle  
Geistesverwandter  ÂGleichgesinnter  ÂPerson  mit  gleichen  Interessen  
ablehnend  Âabweisend  (Person)  Âdistanziert  Âeisig  Âunnahbar  
besondere  Werte  verkörpernde  Person  ÂIkon  ÂIkone  
Persona  non  grata  ÂPersone  ingrata  Âunerwünschte  Person  
Charakter  ÂIndividuum  ÂMensch  ÂPersönlichkeit  ÂPerson  ÂSubjekt  ÂTyp  (umgangssprachlich)  
Angaben zur Person  Personalangaben  Personalien  
anhängliche Person  Klette (umgangssprachlich)  
besondere Werte verkörpernde Person  Ikon  Ikone  
welche Person  wer  
bad person  criminal  crook  deceiver  delinquent  evildoer  felon  gangster  lawbreaker  malefactor  
colored person  American Indian  Amerind  Australian aborigine  Bushman  Caucasian  Indian  Malayan  Mister Charley  Mongolian  
displaced person  DP  Ishmael  Uitlander  absconder  alien  barbarian  bolter  castaway  declasse  
good person  Samaritan  aid  aider  assister  backer  befriender  benefactor  benefactress  benefiter  
important person  Establishment  VIP  baron  big gun  big man  big name  bigwig  brass  brass hat  
person  Adamite  actor  actually  an existence  anatomy  antagonist  antihero  article  being  
plastic person  Babbitt  Middle American  Philistine  anal character  bourgeois  burgher  compulsive character  conformer  conformist  
sick person  apoplectic  arthritic  case  consumptive  dyspeptic  epileptic  incurable  inpatient  invalid  
stateless person  DP  absconder  bolter  deported population  deportee  deracine  displaced person  eloper  emigrant  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Person Synonym nachschlagen

Englische person Synonyme

person  Adamite  actor  actually  an existence  anatomy  antagonist  antihero  article  being  bit  bit part  bodily  body  body-build  bones  build  carcass  cast  cat  chap  character  child  clay  clod  cookie  coot  corpus  creature  critter  cue  customer  duck  earthling  entelechy  entity  fat part  feeder  fellow  figure  first person  flesh  form  fourth person  frame  galoot  groundling  guy  hand  head  heavy  hero  heroine  homo  hulk  human  human being  in person  in the flesh  individual  ingenue  integer  item  joker  lead  lead role  leading lady  leading man  leading woman  life  lines  living soul  man  material body  module  monad  mortal  nose  object  obviative  one  organism  part  party  persona  personage  personality  personally  physical body  physique  piece  point  protagonist  proximate  role  second person  shape  side  single  singleton  soma  somebody  someone  something  soubrette  soul  specimen  stick  straight part  supporting character  supporting role  tellurian  terran  themselves  thing  third person  title role  torso  trunk  unit  villain  walk-on  walking part  woman  worldling  
persona  an existence  anima  article  being  body  character  coconscious  collective unconscious  conscience  conscious self  creature  critter  death instinct  ego  ego ideal  ego-id conflict  entelechy  entity  ethical self  exterior  facade  face  foreconscious  front  guise  id  identity  individual  integer  item  libidinal energy  libido  life  mask  mind  module  monad  motive force  object  organism  part  person  personality  pleasure principle  point  preconscious  primitive self  psyche  psychic apparatus  racial unconscious  role  self  single  singleton  something  soul  subconscious  subconscious mind  subliminal  subliminal self  submerged mind  superego  thing  unconscious  unconscious mind  unit  vital impulse  
persona grata  acceptable person  capital fellow  diamond  gem  gentleman  good fellow  good lot  good man  good person  good sort  good woman  honest man  jewel  lady  mensch  pearl  perfect gentleman  perfect lady  prince  real man  right sort  rough diamond  worthy  
persona non grata  DP  Ishmael  Jim Crow  alien  apartheid  bad child  bad example  bad man  bad news  bad person  bad woman  castaway  color bar  declasse  derelict  displaced person  disreputable  disreputable person  division  ethnocentrism  evictee  exclusiveness  exile  expatriate  expellee  foreigner  insularity  insulation  isolation  know-nothingism  leper  narrowness  objectionable person  out-group  outcast  outcast of society  outcaste  outlaw  outsider  pariah  parochialism  quarantine  race hatred  racial segregation  seclusion  segregation  separation  snobbishness  social outcast  stranger  tightness  unacceptable person  undesirable  untouchable  unworthy  xenophobia  
personable  Junoesque  agreeable  amply endowed  authoritative  becoming  bonny  braw  built  built for comfort  buxom  callipygian  callipygous  charismatic  charming  comely  consequential  curvaceous  curvy  effective  effectual  efficacious  enchanting  estimable  fair  goddess-like  good-looking  goodly  important  influential  likely  lovely to behold  magnetic  momentous  persuasive  pleasing  pneumatic  potent  powerful  presentable  prestigious  reputable  shapely  sightly  slender  stacked  statuesque  strong  suasive  substantial  telling  weighty  well-built  well-favored  well-formed  well-made  well-proportioned  well-shaped  well-stacked  winning  
personage  Adamite  Establishment  VIP  actor  antagonist  antihero  baron  being  big gun  big man  big name  big noise  big shot  big wheel  bigwig  bit  bit part  body  brass  brass hat  cast  cat  celebrity  chap  character  chief  constellation  creature  cue  customer  cynosure  dean  dignitary  dignity  doyen  doyenne  duck  earthling  elder  eminence  fat part  father  feeder  fellow  figure  folk hero  galaxy  great man  groundling  guy  hand  head  headliner  heavy  hero  heroine  high priest  homo  hotshot  human  human being  idol  immortal  important person  individual  ingenue  interests  joker  kingfish  kingpin  lead  lead role  leader  leading lady  leading man  leading woman  life  lines  lion  living soul  lords of creation  luminaries  luminary  magnate  man  man of mark  master  master spirit  mogul  mortal  nabob  name  nose  notability  notable  one  panjandrum  part  party  person  person of note  person of renown  personality  piece  pillar of society  pleiad  pop hero  popular hero  popular idol  power  power elite  principal  protagonist  public figure  role  ruling circle  sachem  senior  side  single  social lion  somebody  someone  something  soubrette  soul  star  straight part  superior  superstar  supporting character  supporting role  tellurian  terran  the great  the top  title role  top brass  top dog  top people  tycoon  very important person  villain  walk-on  walking part  worldling  worthy  
personal  absolute  actual  adverse  anonymous  belittling  bodily  bosom  certain  close  closet  concrete  critical  dear  defined  definite  deprecating  derogatory  detailed  determinate  different  disparaging  distinct  distinguished  esoteric  especial  exceptional  exclusive  express  extraordinary  familiar  fixed  idiosyncratic  in person  in the flesh  incognito  individual  inmost  inner  innermost  insulting  interior  intimate  inward  isolated  live  minute  noteworthy  offensive  particular  peculiar  physical  precise  private  privy  respective  retired  secluded  sequestered  several  singular  slighting  solipsistic  special  specific  unfriendly  withdrawn  
personality  Adamite  Establishment  VIP  an existence  anima  ascendancy  aspersion  authority  baron  being  big gun  big man  big name  big shot  bigwig  body  brass  brass hat  cat  celebrity  chap  character  charisma  charm  chief  clout  coconscious  collective unconscious  complexion  conscience  conscious self  consequence  control  creature  credit  critter  customer  death instinct  differentiation  differentness  dignitary  dignity  disposition  distinctiveness  dominance  domination  duck  earthling  effect  ego  ego ideal  ego-id conflict  egohood  elder  eminence  enchantment  entelechy  entity  esteem  ethical self  father  favor  fellow  figure  force  foreconscious  good feeling  great man  groundling  guy  hand  head  headliner  hold  homo  human  human being  human factor  humor  id  identity  importance  important person  imputation  incidental power  individual  individualism  individuality  influence  influentiality  innuendo  insinuation  integrity  interests  joker  leadership  leverage  libidinal energy  libido  life  lion  living soul  lords of creation  luminary  magnate  magnetism  makeup  man  man of mark  mastery  mind  mogul  moment  monad  mortal  motive force  nabob  name  nature  nominalism  nonconformity  nose  notability  notable  object  one  oneness  organism  panjandrum  particularism  particularity  party  person  person of renown  persona  personage  personal equation  personal identity  personal remark  personship  persuasion  pillar of society  pleasure principle  potency  power  power elite  preconscious  predominance  preponderance  pressure  prestige  primitive self  psyche  psychic apparatus  purchase  racial unconscious  reflection  reign  repute  rule  ruling circle  sachem  say  self  self-identity  selfhood  selfness  single  singularity  slur  sly suggestion  somebody  someone  something  soul  star  suasion  subconscious  subconscious mind  subliminal  subliminal self  submerged mind  subtle influence  suggestion  
personalization  alteration  analysis  anatomization  atomization  change  demarcation  desynonymization  differencing  differentiation  discrimination  disequalization  disjunction  distinction  distinguishment  diversification  division  individualization  individuation  itemization  localization  modification  particularization  peculiarization  segregation  separation  severalization  severance  specialization  variation  
personalize  analyze  anatomize  anthropomorphize  atomize  change  chop logic  descend to particulars  desynonymize  detail  difference  differentiate  discriminate  disequalize  disjoin  distinguish  diversify  divide  emblematize  embody  epitomize  exemplify  exteriorize  externalize  figure  illustrate  incarnate  incarnation  individualize  individuate  itemize  make a distinction  manifest  mark  mark off  mark out  materialize  metaphorize  mirror  modify  objectify  particularize  peculiarize  personate  personification  personify  precise  refine a distinction  segregate  separate  set apart  set off  sever  severalize  similize  specialize  spell out  split hairs  substantiate  symbolize  typify  vary  
personate  act  act a part  act as  act out  adumbrate  ape  body forth  copy  create a role  demonstrate  depict  do  embody  enact  exemplify  figure  foreshadow  illustrate  image  impersonate  incarnate  masquerade as  mime  mimic  mirror  pantomime  pass for  perform  personify  play  play a part  play a role  play opposite  portray  pose as  prefigure  pretend to be  pretypify  project  realize  reflect  represent  shadow  shadow forth  support  sustain a part  take a part  take off  
personation  acting  aping  buffoonery  business  characterization  dumb show  embodiment  enacting  enactment  gag  ham  hammy acting  hoke  hokum  imitation  impersonation  incarnation  masquerade  mimesis  mimicking  mimicry  miming  mummery  overacting  pantomime  pantomiming  patter  performance  performing  personification  playacting  playing  portrayal  posing  projection  representation  slapstick  stage business  stage directions  stage presence  stunt  taking a role  
personification  acting  aping  characterization  corporealization  dumb show  embodiment  enacting  enactment  imitation  impersonation  incarnation  incorporation  masquerade  materialization  metempsychosis  mimesis  mimicking  mimicry  miming  pantomime  pantomiming  performance  performing  personation  playing  portrayal  posing  reembodiment  reincarnation  substantiation  transmigration  
personify  adumbrate  body  body forth  corporealize  corporify  demonstrate  emblematize  embody  epitomize  exemplify  exteriorize  externalize  figure  foreshadow  humanize  illustrate  image  impersonate  incarnate  incorporate  manifest  materialize  metaphorize  mirror  objectify  personalize  personate  prefigure  pretypify  project  realize  reembody  reflect  reincarnate  represent  shadow  shadow forth  similize  stand for  substantialize  substantiate  substantify  symbolize  transmigrate  typify  
personnel  agent  alternate  alternative  analogy  backup  change  changeling  comparison  copy  counterfeit  crew  deputy  double  dummy  employees  equal  equivalent  ersatz  exchange  fake  fighting force  fill-in  firepower  force  forces  gang  ghost  ghostwriter  hands  help  hired help  imitation  locum tenens  makeshift  men  metaphor  metonymy  next best thing  phony  pinch hitter  proxy  relief  replacement  representative  reserves  retinue  ringer  second string  secondary  servantry  sign  spares  staff  stand-in  sub  substituent  substitute  substitution  succedaneum  superseder  supplanter  surrogate  symbol  synecdoche  the big battalions  the help  third string  token  troops  understudy  units  utility player  vicar  vice-president  vice-regent  work force  
persons  Everyman  John Doe  Public  body politic  citizenry  common man  commonwealth  community  community at large  estate  everybody  everyman  everyone  everywoman  folk  folks  general public  gentry  men  nation  nationality  people  people in general  polity  populace  population  public  society  state  world  you and me  

Person Definition

(n.) A character or part, as in a play
(n.) The bodily form of a human being
(n.) A living, self-conscious being, as distinct from an animal or a thing
(n.) A human being spoken of indefinitely
(n.) A parson
(n.) Among Trinitarians, one of the three subdivisions of the Godhead (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost)
(n.) One of three relations or conditions (that of speaking, that of being spoken to, and that of being spoken of) pertaining to a noun or a pronoun, and thence also to the verb of which it may be the subject.
(n.) A shoot or bud of a plant
(v. t.) To represent as a person

person Bedeutung

a human being, there was too much for one person to do
person a human body (usually including the clothing), a weapon was hidden on his person
person a grammatical category used in the classification of pronouns, possessive determiners, and verb forms according to whether they indicate the speaker, the addressee, or a third party, stop talking about yourself in the third person
first person pronouns and verbs used to refer to the speaker or writer of the language in which they occur
second person pronouns and verbs used to refer to the person addressed by the language in which they occur
third person pronouns and verbs that are used to refer to something other than the speaker or addressee of the language in which they occur
unusual person
a person who is unusual
color-blind person a person unable to distinguish differences in hue
common man
common person
a person who holds no title
female person
a person who belongs to the sex that can have babies
inexperienced person
a person who lacks knowledge of evil
juvenile person
a young person, not fully developed
male person
a person who belongs to the sex that cannot have babies
nonreligious person a person who does not manifest devotion to a deity
primitive person
a person who belongs to an early stage of civilization
religious person a person who manifests devotion to a deity
unfortunate person
a person who suffers misfortune
unwelcome person
persona non grata
a person who for some reason is not wanted or welcome
unpleasant person
disagreeable person
a person who is not pleasant or agreeable
unskilled person a person who lacks technical training
person of color
person of colour
(formal) any non-European non-white person
Black person
a person with dark skin who comes from Africa (or whose ancestors came from Africa)
colored person
a United States term for Blacks that is now considered offensive
White person
a member of the Caucasoid race
oriental person
a member of an Oriental race, the term is regarded as offensive by Asians (especially by Asian Americans)
English person a native or inhabitant of England
French person
a person of French nationality
Irish person
a native or inhabitant of Ireland
abandoned person someone for whom hope has been abandoned
aliterate person
a person who can read but is disinclined to derive information from literary sources
creative person
a person whose creative work shows sensitivity and imagination
bad person a person who does harm to others
bereaved person
a person who has suffered the death of someone they loved, the bereaved do not always need to be taken care of
bisexual person
a person who is sexually attracted to both sexes
blind person a person with a severe visual impairment
famous person
a widely known person, he was a baseball celebrity
clumsy person a person with poor motor coordination
crabby person
a quarrelsome grouch
dead person
dead soul
deceased person
someone who is no longer alive, I wonder what the dead person would have done
deaf person a person with a severe auditory impairment
displaced person
stateless person
a person forced to flee from home or country
street person
someone who sleeps in any convenient place
dummy silent person a person who does not talk
eccentric person
a person with an unusual or odd personality
emotional person a person subject to strong states of emotion
enlisted person a serviceman who ranks below a commissioned officer
fat person
a rotund individual
free lance
self-employed person
a writer or artist who sells services to different employers without a long-term contract with any of them
good person a person who is good to other people
handicapped person a person who has some condition that markedly restricts their ability to function physically or mentally or socially
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