
Personendaten Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Personendaten pl
personal data
Personendaten pl
personal data
alle zum Verkauf gehörigen Personen
sales force
Beförderung von Personen
carriage of passengers
oder irgendwelche andere Personen
or any other person whatsoever
Personen mit instabilem Arbeitsverhältnis
secondary workers
vorübergehend ausgestellte Personen
temporarily laid off persons
gemischte Absetzung f, Absetzen n von Personen und Lasten mil.
combination drop
Berühmtheit f, berühmte Persönlichkeit f, Promi m ugs.
Berühmtheiten pl, berühmte Personen, Promis
celebrity, celeb coll.
Ermittlung f (von Personen)
Familie f
Familien pl
eine Familie mit drei Personen
eine Familie unterhalten
eine Familie ernähren
seine Familie verlassen
in der Familie liegen
Familie, in der Kinder von den Großeltern erzogen werden
a family of three
to keep a family
to support a family
to abandon one's family
to run in the family
skip-generation family
Gegenstück n, Pendant n, dazu passende Sache f, dazu passende Person f
Gegenstücke pl, Pendants pl, dazu passende Sachen pl, dazu passende Personen pl
Netzwerk n
Netzwerk mit Entscheidungsereignissen
Netzwerk von Personen in hohen Positionen, Seilschaft f ugs.
activity network
old boy network
Person f, Mensch m
Personen pl, Menschen pl
berechtigte Person
eine integre Person
dritte Person
natürliche Person jur.
juristische Person jur.
ernannte Person
geselliger Mensch
persons, people
qualified person
a person of integrity
third person
natural person
legal entity, legal person
designated person
people person
Pferdewagen m (für Personen)
horse and carriage, trap, horse buggy Am.
Rettungsspreizer m, Rettungsschere f (Feuerwehrwerkzeug zur Befreiung von Personen aus einem Autowrack)
Jaws of Life tm
Stalker m, Nachsteller m, jemand, der Personen nachstellt und belästigt
Stalker pl, Nachsteller pl
Personen aus dem Umfeld von ...
people associated with ...
sich abgrenzen von (Personen)
to distance (dissociate) oneself from
bis, bis zu, bis auf
bis jetzt
bis zu 10 Personen
up to, up until, up till
up to now
up to ten persons
gegen Personen gerichtet
unerwünschte Person f
unerwünschte Personen
undesirable alien
... ist für zehn Personen vorgesehen
is designed to take ten people
zusammenhalten (Personen)
to hang together
gegen Personen gerichtet
Beruehmtheiten, beruehmte Personen
berühmte Personen
unerwuenschte Personen
zwischen zwei Personen
between two persons
gemischte Absetzung f; Absetzen n von Personen und Lasten mil.
combination drop
Ansammlung f (von Personen Tieren Gegenständen)
Ansammlungen pl
eine große Ansammlung von Vögeln
congregation (of persons animals objects)
a large congregation of birds
Aufspüren n gesuchter Personen
skip tracing; skiptracing
Belegung f (Unterbringung von Personen Tieren)
der alleinige Bewohner Mieter Gast sein
volle Belegung eines Appartements
Auslastung f
Die Hotels sind zu 80% ausgelastet.
occupancy (accommodation of persons animals)
to be in sole occupancy
full occupancy of an apartment
occupancy rate ratio
Hotels enjoy 80% occupancy.
Belegungsrhythmus m (Unterbringung von Personen Tieren)
occupancy cycle (accomodation of persons animals)
Berühmtheit f; berühmte Persönlichkeit f; Prominente m f; Prominenter; Promi m ugs.
Berühmtheiten pl; berühmte Personen; Prominenten pl; Prominente; Promis
celebrity; celeb coll.
Betreuer m; Betreuerin f (von Kindern alten kranken Personen) soc.
Betreuer pl; Betreuerinnen pl
carer Br.; caregiver Am.; caretaker Am.
carers; caregivers; caretakers
Bewegungsradius m
eingeschränkter Bewegungsradius
Personen mit eingeschränktem Bewegungsradius
limited mobility; reduced mobility
people with limited reduced mobility
Börsenzulassung f; Börsezulassung f Ös. (von Personen) fin.
die Börsenzulassung beantragen
die Börsenzulassung erhalten
admission (of persons) to the stock exchange
to apply for (official) listing quotation
to obtain an official listing quotation
Durchreise f; Durchfahrt m (von Personen) transp.
Personentransitverkehr m
Sammelvisa für die Durchreise
Seeleute auf der Durchreise
auf der Durchreise sein
Durchlieferung von Häftlingen durch ein Land
transit (of persons)
transit of persons
group transit visas
seamen in transit
to be in transit
transit of detainees through a country
Eignung f; Qualifikation f (von Personen)
Qualifikation für ein Amt
eligibility (of persons)
eligibility for (an) office
Entführer m; Entführerin f (von Personen)
Entführer pl; Entführerinnen pl
Entführung f; Verschleppung f (von Personen)
Entführungen pl; Verschleppungen pl
Entführung f; Verschleppung f (von Personen)
Entführungen pl; Verschleppungen pl
Familie f Fam. ; Angehörige pl
Familien pl
Kernfamilie f
Großfamilie f
Ersatzfamilie f
Gastfamilie f
Familie (als Adresse) Fam.
der engste Familienkreis; die engsten Angehörigen
die Angehörigen der Opfer
eine Familie mit drei Personen
eine Familie unterhalten
eine Familie ernähren
seine Familie verlassen
in der Familie liegen
Familie in der Kinder von den Großeltern erzogen werden
Du gehörst jetzt zur Familie.
Das liegt in der Familie.
Das kommt in den besten Familien vor.
nuclear family
extended family
surrogate family
host family
Mr & Ms ... Br.; Mr. & Ms. ... Am.
the close family
the victims' families
a family of three
to keep a family
to support a family
to abandon one's family
to run in the family
skip-generation family
Now you're one of the family.
It runs in the family.
It happens in the best families.
Flittchen n; frivole Person f
Flittchen pl; frivole Personen pl
Flugverbot n (für Personen)
ein Flugverbot für Piloten die Medikamente nehmen
ban on flying; flying ban (for persons)
a ban on flying for pilots taking medications
Gegenstand m
Personen gegen die ein Gerichtsverfahren anhängig ist
Diese Angelegenheit war bereits Gegenstand umfangreicher Korrespondenz zwischen uns.
Die Affäre ist jetzt Gegenstand eines Strafverfahrens.
individuals who are the subject of judicial proceedings
This matter has already been the subject of extensive correspondence between us.
The affair is now the subject of criminal proceedings.
Gesellschaft f; Gruppe f
geschlossene Gesellschaft f
Wie viele (Personen) sind Sie? (Platzreservierung)
private party
How big is your party? (reservation)
Großfahndung f (nach tatverdächtigen Personen)
Großfahndungen pl
Gruppe f (von Personen)
Gruppen pl
contingent (of people)
Gruppe f vergleichbarer gleichrangiger gleichgestellter Personen; Gleichrangige pl; Gleichgestellte pl; Seinesgleichen Ihresgleichen soc.
peer group
Herumtreiber m; Herumtreiberin f
Herumtreiber pl; Herumtreiberinnen pl
Die Polizei warnt vor verdächtigen Personen die sich in der Gegend herumtreiben.
The police have warned of prowlers in the area.
Individuum n; Einzelne m f; Person f
Individuen pl; Einzelnen pl; Personen pl
Isolierung f; Isolation f (von Personen)
Während ihrer Isolation dürfen die Geschworenen nicht mit Journalisten sprechen.
Die Isolierung sollte die Politiker vor der Epidemie abschirmen.
sequestration (of persons)
During their sequestration jurors are not allowed to speak to journalists.
The sequestration of the politicians was intended to shield them from the epidemic.
Jahrgang m (Personen eines Geburtsjahrs)
Er ist Jahrgang 1942.
Wir sind ein Jahrgang beide 1964.
(same) year; age-group
He was born in 1942.
We were born in the same year both 1964.
Lebenskraft f; Vitalität f; Spannkraft f; Kraft f (bei Personen)
Er sieht aus wie das blühende Leben.
vitality; vigour Br.; vigor Am. (of persons)
He looks is the very picture of health (and vigour Br. vigor Am.).
Melder m; meldende Person f
Melder pl; meldende Personen pl
alerter (person)
Migrationshintergrund m soc.
Personen mit Migrationshintergrund
migration background Br.; immigrant background Am.
people with (a) migration background Br. (an) immigrant background Am.
Netz n soc.
Netze pl
soziale Netze
Netz mit Entscheidungsereignissen
Netz von Personen in hohen Positionen; Seilschaft f ugs.
social networks
activity network
old boy network
Partnerschaft f
Partnerschaften pl
eingetragene Partnerschaft; eingetragene Lebenspartnerschaft (gleichgeschlechtlicher Personen)
civil union; civil partnership
Person f; Mensch m
Personen pl; Menschen pl
berechtigte Person
eine integre Person
dritte Person
natürliche Person jur.
juristische Person jur.
geselliger Mensch
prominente Person; prominente Persönlichkeit; Promi ugs.
persons; people
qualified person
a person of integrity
third person
natural person
legal entity; legal person
people person
very important person VIP
Personenschaden m
Unfall ohne Personenschaden
Unfall mit Personenschaden
Der Veranstalter haftet nicht für Personen- oder Sachschäden (die den Besuchern entstehen).
personal injury; harm to persons
damage-only accident
accident resulting in injury or death
The organizer shall not be liable for any injuries or damage (suffered by the visitors).
Pferdewagen m (für Personen)
horse and carriage; trap; horse buggy Am.
Pflichtschule f; Schulobligatorium n Schw. school
nach Abschluss der Pflichtschule
Personen deren höchste abgeschlossene Ausbildung die Pflichtschule ist
die Pflichtschule ohne Abschluss verlassen
Bei Abschluss der Pflichtschule sollten alle eine Fremdsprache gut sprechen können.
compulsory school (system); compulsory schooling; compulsory education
after completing leaving compulsory school(ing); after the end of compulsory education
people whose highest completed level of education is compulsory schooling
to leave compulsory school with incomplete certificates
All those leaving compulsory education should be able to communicate well in a foreign language.
Rettungsspreizer m; Rettungsschere f (Feuerwehrwerkzeug zur Befreiung von Personen aus einem Autowrack)
Jaws of Life tm
Rückübernahme f (von Personen mit rechtswidrigem Aufenthalt durch ihr Herkunftsland) adm.
readmission (to their own country of persons illegally present in a country)
Seenot f naut.
Schiffe in Seenot
in Seenot geratene Migranten
für den Fall dass Schiffe in Seenot geraten
Menschen aus Seenot zu retten
aus Seenot gerettete Personen
distress at sea; maritime distress
ships vessels in distress
migrants in distress at sea
in the event of an emergency at sea
to rescue people in distress at sea
persons rescued at sea
Sicherheit f; Schutz m; Sichersein n (einzelner Personen vor bestimmten Gefahren)
Sicherheiten pl
Verbesserung f der Sicherheit
persönliche Sicherheit
sicherheitshalber adv
zu Ihrer eigenen Sicherheit
(sich; etw.) in Sicherheit bringen
Ãœbereinkommen zum Schutz des menschlichen Lebens auf See
safety improvement
personal safety
for safety; for safety's sake
for your own safety
to get (oneself; sth.) to safety
Convention on Safety of Life at Sea SOLAS

Deutsche Personendaten Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Personendaten Synonym nachschlagen

Englische personal data Synonyme

personal  absolute  actual  adverse  anonymous  belittling  bodily  bosom  certain  close  closet  concrete  critical  dear  defined  definite  deprecating  derogatory  detailed  determinate  different  disparaging  distinct  distinguished  esoteric  especial  exceptional  exclusive  express  extraordinary  familiar  fixed  idiosyncratic  in person  in the flesh  incognito  individual  inmost  inner  innermost  insulting  interior  intimate  inward  isolated  live  minute  noteworthy  offensive  particular  peculiar  physical  precise  private  privy  respective  retired  secluded  sequestered  several  singular  slighting  solipsistic  special  specific  unfriendly  withdrawn  
personality  Adamite  Establishment  VIP  an existence  anima  ascendancy  aspersion  authority  baron  being  big gun  big man  big name  big shot  bigwig  body  brass  brass hat  cat  celebrity  chap  character  charisma  charm  chief  clout  coconscious  collective unconscious  complexion  conscience  conscious self  consequence  control  creature  credit  critter  customer  death instinct  differentiation  differentness  dignitary  dignity  disposition  distinctiveness  dominance  domination  duck  earthling  effect  ego  ego ideal  ego-id conflict  egohood  elder  eminence  enchantment  entelechy  entity  esteem  ethical self  father  favor  fellow  figure  force  foreconscious  good feeling  great man  groundling  guy  hand  head  headliner  hold  homo  human  human being  human factor  humor  id  identity  importance  important person  imputation  incidental power  individual  individualism  individuality  influence  influentiality  innuendo  insinuation  integrity  interests  joker  leadership  leverage  libidinal energy  libido  life  lion  living soul  lords of creation  luminary  magnate  magnetism  makeup  man  man of mark  mastery  mind  mogul  moment  monad  mortal  motive force  nabob  name  nature  nominalism  nonconformity  nose  notability  notable  object  one  oneness  organism  panjandrum  particularism  particularity  party  person  person of renown  persona  personage  personal equation  personal identity  personal remark  personship  persuasion  pillar of society  pleasure principle  potency  power  power elite  preconscious  predominance  preponderance  pressure  prestige  primitive self  psyche  psychic apparatus  purchase  racial unconscious  reflection  reign  repute  rule  ruling circle  sachem  say  self  self-identity  selfhood  selfness  single  singularity  slur  sly suggestion  somebody  someone  something  soul  star  suasion  subconscious  subconscious mind  subliminal  subliminal self  submerged mind  subtle influence  suggestion  
personalization  alteration  analysis  anatomization  atomization  change  demarcation  desynonymization  differencing  differentiation  discrimination  disequalization  disjunction  distinction  distinguishment  diversification  division  individualization  individuation  itemization  localization  modification  particularization  peculiarization  segregation  separation  severalization  severance  specialization  variation  
personalize  analyze  anatomize  anthropomorphize  atomize  change  chop logic  descend to particulars  desynonymize  detail  difference  differentiate  discriminate  disequalize  disjoin  distinguish  diversify  divide  emblematize  embody  epitomize  exemplify  exteriorize  externalize  figure  illustrate  incarnate  incarnation  individualize  individuate  itemize  make a distinction  manifest  mark  mark off  mark out  materialize  metaphorize  mirror  modify  objectify  particularize  peculiarize  personate  personification  personify  precise  refine a distinction  segregate  separate  set apart  set off  sever  severalize  similize  specialize  spell out  split hairs  substantiate  symbolize  typify  vary  

Personendaten Definition

(n. pl.) See Datum.
(pl. ) of Datum
(a.) Pertaining to human beings as distinct from things.
(a.) Of or pertaining to a particular person
(a.) Pertaining to the external or bodily appearance
(a.) Done in person
(a.) Relating to an individual, his character, conduct, motives, or private affairs, in an invidious and offensive manner
(a.) Denoting person
(n.) A movable

personal data Bedeutung

data encryption (computer science) the encryption of data for security purposes
personal care care for someone who is disabled or is otherwise unable to care for themselves, can including bathing and cooking and managing bodily functions
personal foul a foul that involves unnecessarily rough contact (as in basketball or football)
judgment in personam
judgement in personam
personal judgment
personal judgement
a judgment rendered against an individual (or corporation) for the payment of money damages
computing machine
computing device
data processor
electronic computer
information processing system
a machine for performing calculations automatically
computer system
computing system
automatic data processing system
ADP system
a system of one or more computers and associated software with common storage
data converter converter for changing information from one code to another
data input device
input device
a device that can be used to insert data into a computer or other computational device
data multiplexer a multiplexer that permits two or more data sources to share a common transmission medium
data system
information system
system consisting of the network of all communication channels used within an organization
link data link an interconnecting circuit between two or more locations for the purpose of transmitting and receiving data
naval tactical data system a shipboard system for collecting and displaying tactical data
personal computer
a small digital computer based on a microprocessor and designed to be used by one person at a time
personal digital assistant
personal organizer
personal organiser
a lightweight consumer electronic device that looks like a hand-held computer but instead performs specific tasks, can serve as a diary or a personal database or a telephone or an alarm clock etc.
track data track (computer science) one of the circular magnetic paths on a magnetic disk that serve as a guide for writing and reading data
personal identity
the distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity, you can lose your identity when you join the army
personal appeal
personal magnetism
a personal attractiveness or interestingness that enables you to influence others
personal equation variability attributable to individual differences
manner personal manner a way of acting or behaving
personal business
personal matters
matters of personal concern, get his affairs in order
data structure (computer science) the organization of data (and its storage allocations in a computer)
hierarchical structure
hierarchical data structure
a structure of data having several levels arranged in a treelike structure
episodic memory
personal memory
memory for episodes in your own life
data conversion conversion from one way of encoding data to another way
data point
an item of factual information derived from measurement or research
storage medium
data-storage medium
a medium for storing information
personal a short newspaper article about a particular person or group
digital communication
data communication
electronic transmission of information that has been encoded digitally (as for storage and processing by computers)
personal pronoun a pronoun expressing a distinction of person
data file
a set of related records (either written or electronic) kept together
input file
input data
(computer science) a computer file that contains data that serve as input to a device or program
personal letter a letter dealing with personal affairs
data format
data formatting
the organization of information according to preset specifications (usually for computer processing)
personal identification number
PIN number
a number you choose and use to gain access to various accounts
National Climatic Data Center
the part of NOAA that maintains the world's largest active archive of weather data
data hierarchy an arrangement of data consisting of sets and subsets such that every subset of a set is of lower rank than the set
a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn, statistical data
accounting data all the data (ledgers and journals and spreadsheets) that support a financial statement, can be hard copy or machine readable
raw data unanalyzed data, data not yet subjected to analysis
personal representative a person who manages the affairs of another
personal property
personal estate
private property
movable property (as distinguished from real estate)
personal chattel
personal as opposed to real property, any tangible movable property (furniture or domestic animals or a car etc)
personal effects
property of a personal character that is portable but not used in business, she left some of her personal effects in the house, I watched over their effects until they returned
personal income the income received by a single individual
personal expense the cost of personal or family living, some personal expenses are tax deductible
credit line
line of credit
bank line
personal credit line
personal line of credit
the maximum credit that a customer is allowed
personal check
personal cheque
a check drawn against funds deposited in your personal checking account
personal loan
consumer loan
a loan that establishes consumer credit that is granted for personal use, usually unsecured and based on the borrower's integrity and ability to pay
administrative data processing
business data processing
data processing in accounting or business management
automatic data processing
data processing by a computer
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