
Personenunfall Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Personenunfall m
accident involving people
Personenunfall m
accident involving people
alle zum Verkauf gehörigen Personen
sales force
Beförderung von Personen
carriage of passengers
oder irgendwelche andere Personen
or any other person whatsoever
Personen mit instabilem Arbeitsverhältnis
secondary workers
vorübergehend ausgestellte Personen
temporarily laid off persons
gemischte Absetzung f, Absetzen n von Personen und Lasten mil.
combination drop
Berühmtheit f, berühmte Persönlichkeit f, Promi m ugs.
Berühmtheiten pl, berühmte Personen, Promis
celebrity, celeb coll.
Ermittlung f (von Personen)
Familie f
Familien pl
eine Familie mit drei Personen
eine Familie unterhalten
eine Familie ernähren
seine Familie verlassen
in der Familie liegen
Familie, in der Kinder von den Großeltern erzogen werden
a family of three
to keep a family
to support a family
to abandon one's family
to run in the family
skip-generation family
Gegenstück n, Pendant n, dazu passende Sache f, dazu passende Person f
Gegenstücke pl, Pendants pl, dazu passende Sachen pl, dazu passende Personen pl
Netzwerk n
Netzwerk mit Entscheidungsereignissen
Netzwerk von Personen in hohen Positionen, Seilschaft f ugs.
activity network
old boy network
Person f, Mensch m
Personen pl, Menschen pl
berechtigte Person
eine integre Person
dritte Person
natürliche Person jur.
juristische Person jur.
ernannte Person
geselliger Mensch
persons, people
qualified person
a person of integrity
third person
natural person
legal entity, legal person
designated person
people person
Pferdewagen m (für Personen)
horse and carriage, trap, horse buggy Am.
Rettungsspreizer m, Rettungsschere f (Feuerwehrwerkzeug zur Befreiung von Personen aus einem Autowrack)
Jaws of Life tm
Stalker m, Nachsteller m, jemand, der Personen nachstellt und belästigt
Stalker pl, Nachsteller pl
Personen aus dem Umfeld von ...
people associated with ...
sich abgrenzen von (Personen)
to distance (dissociate) oneself from
bis, bis zu, bis auf
bis jetzt
bis zu 10 Personen
up to, up until, up till
up to now
up to ten persons
gegen Personen gerichtet
unerwünschte Person f
unerwünschte Personen
undesirable alien
... ist für zehn Personen vorgesehen
is designed to take ten people
zusammenhalten (Personen)
to hang together
gegen Personen gerichtet
Beruehmtheiten, beruehmte Personen
berühmte Personen
unerwuenschte Personen
zwischen zwei Personen
between two persons
gemischte Absetzung f; Absetzen n von Personen und Lasten mil.
combination drop
Ansammlung f (von Personen Tieren Gegenständen)
Ansammlungen pl
eine große Ansammlung von Vögeln
congregation (of persons animals objects)
a large congregation of birds
Aufspüren n gesuchter Personen
skip tracing; skiptracing
Belegung f (Unterbringung von Personen Tieren)
der alleinige Bewohner Mieter Gast sein
volle Belegung eines Appartements
Auslastung f
Die Hotels sind zu 80% ausgelastet.
occupancy (accommodation of persons animals)
to be in sole occupancy
full occupancy of an apartment
occupancy rate ratio
Hotels enjoy 80% occupancy.
Belegungsrhythmus m (Unterbringung von Personen Tieren)
occupancy cycle (accomodation of persons animals)
Berühmtheit f; berühmte Persönlichkeit f; Prominente m f; Prominenter; Promi m ugs.
Berühmtheiten pl; berühmte Personen; Prominenten pl; Prominente; Promis
celebrity; celeb coll.
Betreuer m; Betreuerin f (von Kindern alten kranken Personen) soc.
Betreuer pl; Betreuerinnen pl
carer Br.; caregiver Am.; caretaker Am.
carers; caregivers; caretakers
Bewegungsradius m
eingeschränkter Bewegungsradius
Personen mit eingeschränktem Bewegungsradius
limited mobility; reduced mobility
people with limited reduced mobility
Börsenzulassung f; Börsezulassung f Ös. (von Personen) fin.
die Börsenzulassung beantragen
die Börsenzulassung erhalten
admission (of persons) to the stock exchange
to apply for (official) listing quotation
to obtain an official listing quotation
Durchreise f; Durchfahrt m (von Personen) transp.
Personentransitverkehr m
Sammelvisa für die Durchreise
Seeleute auf der Durchreise
auf der Durchreise sein
Durchlieferung von Häftlingen durch ein Land
transit (of persons)
transit of persons
group transit visas
seamen in transit
to be in transit
transit of detainees through a country
Eignung f; Qualifikation f (von Personen)
Qualifikation für ein Amt
eligibility (of persons)
eligibility for (an) office
Entführer m; Entführerin f (von Personen)
Entführer pl; Entführerinnen pl
Entführung f; Verschleppung f (von Personen)
Entführungen pl; Verschleppungen pl
Entführung f; Verschleppung f (von Personen)
Entführungen pl; Verschleppungen pl
Familie f Fam. ; Angehörige pl
Familien pl
Kernfamilie f
Großfamilie f
Ersatzfamilie f
Gastfamilie f
Familie (als Adresse) Fam.
der engste Familienkreis; die engsten Angehörigen
die Angehörigen der Opfer
eine Familie mit drei Personen
eine Familie unterhalten
eine Familie ernähren
seine Familie verlassen
in der Familie liegen
Familie in der Kinder von den Großeltern erzogen werden
Du gehörst jetzt zur Familie.
Das liegt in der Familie.
Das kommt in den besten Familien vor.
nuclear family
extended family
surrogate family
host family
Mr & Ms ... Br.; Mr. & Ms. ... Am.
the close family
the victims' families
a family of three
to keep a family
to support a family
to abandon one's family
to run in the family
skip-generation family
Now you're one of the family.
It runs in the family.
It happens in the best families.
Flittchen n; frivole Person f
Flittchen pl; frivole Personen pl
Flugverbot n (für Personen)
ein Flugverbot für Piloten die Medikamente nehmen
ban on flying; flying ban (for persons)
a ban on flying for pilots taking medications
Gegenstand m
Personen gegen die ein Gerichtsverfahren anhängig ist
Diese Angelegenheit war bereits Gegenstand umfangreicher Korrespondenz zwischen uns.
Die Affäre ist jetzt Gegenstand eines Strafverfahrens.
individuals who are the subject of judicial proceedings
This matter has already been the subject of extensive correspondence between us.
The affair is now the subject of criminal proceedings.
Gesellschaft f; Gruppe f
geschlossene Gesellschaft f
Wie viele (Personen) sind Sie? (Platzreservierung)
private party
How big is your party? (reservation)
Großfahndung f (nach tatverdächtigen Personen)
Großfahndungen pl
Gruppe f (von Personen)
Gruppen pl
contingent (of people)
Gruppe f vergleichbarer gleichrangiger gleichgestellter Personen; Gleichrangige pl; Gleichgestellte pl; Seinesgleichen Ihresgleichen soc.
peer group
Herumtreiber m; Herumtreiberin f
Herumtreiber pl; Herumtreiberinnen pl
Die Polizei warnt vor verdächtigen Personen die sich in der Gegend herumtreiben.
The police have warned of prowlers in the area.
Individuum n; Einzelne m f; Person f
Individuen pl; Einzelnen pl; Personen pl
Isolierung f; Isolation f (von Personen)
Während ihrer Isolation dürfen die Geschworenen nicht mit Journalisten sprechen.
Die Isolierung sollte die Politiker vor der Epidemie abschirmen.
sequestration (of persons)
During their sequestration jurors are not allowed to speak to journalists.
The sequestration of the politicians was intended to shield them from the epidemic.
Jahrgang m (Personen eines Geburtsjahrs)
Er ist Jahrgang 1942.
Wir sind ein Jahrgang beide 1964.
(same) year; age-group
He was born in 1942.
We were born in the same year both 1964.
Lebenskraft f; Vitalität f; Spannkraft f; Kraft f (bei Personen)
Er sieht aus wie das blühende Leben.
vitality; vigour Br.; vigor Am. (of persons)
He looks is the very picture of health (and vigour Br. vigor Am.).
Melder m; meldende Person f
Melder pl; meldende Personen pl
alerter (person)
Migrationshintergrund m soc.
Personen mit Migrationshintergrund
migration background Br.; immigrant background Am.
people with (a) migration background Br. (an) immigrant background Am.
Netz n soc.
Netze pl
soziale Netze
Netz mit Entscheidungsereignissen
Netz von Personen in hohen Positionen; Seilschaft f ugs.
social networks
activity network
old boy network
Partnerschaft f
Partnerschaften pl
eingetragene Partnerschaft; eingetragene Lebenspartnerschaft (gleichgeschlechtlicher Personen)
civil union; civil partnership
Person f; Mensch m
Personen pl; Menschen pl
berechtigte Person
eine integre Person
dritte Person
natürliche Person jur.
juristische Person jur.
geselliger Mensch
prominente Person; prominente Persönlichkeit; Promi ugs.
persons; people
qualified person
a person of integrity
third person
natural person
legal entity; legal person
people person
very important person VIP
Personenschaden m
Unfall ohne Personenschaden
Unfall mit Personenschaden
Der Veranstalter haftet nicht für Personen- oder Sachschäden (die den Besuchern entstehen).
personal injury; harm to persons
damage-only accident
accident resulting in injury or death
The organizer shall not be liable for any injuries or damage (suffered by the visitors).
Pferdewagen m (für Personen)
horse and carriage; trap; horse buggy Am.
Pflichtschule f; Schulobligatorium n Schw. school
nach Abschluss der Pflichtschule
Personen deren höchste abgeschlossene Ausbildung die Pflichtschule ist
die Pflichtschule ohne Abschluss verlassen
Bei Abschluss der Pflichtschule sollten alle eine Fremdsprache gut sprechen können.
compulsory school (system); compulsory schooling; compulsory education
after completing leaving compulsory school(ing); after the end of compulsory education
people whose highest completed level of education is compulsory schooling
to leave compulsory school with incomplete certificates
All those leaving compulsory education should be able to communicate well in a foreign language.
Rettungsspreizer m; Rettungsschere f (Feuerwehrwerkzeug zur Befreiung von Personen aus einem Autowrack)
Jaws of Life tm
Rückübernahme f (von Personen mit rechtswidrigem Aufenthalt durch ihr Herkunftsland) adm.
readmission (to their own country of persons illegally present in a country)
Seenot f naut.
Schiffe in Seenot
in Seenot geratene Migranten
für den Fall dass Schiffe in Seenot geraten
Menschen aus Seenot zu retten
aus Seenot gerettete Personen
distress at sea; maritime distress
ships vessels in distress
migrants in distress at sea
in the event of an emergency at sea
to rescue people in distress at sea
persons rescued at sea
Sicherheit f; Schutz m; Sichersein n (einzelner Personen vor bestimmten Gefahren)
Sicherheiten pl
Verbesserung f der Sicherheit
persönliche Sicherheit
sicherheitshalber adv
zu Ihrer eigenen Sicherheit
(sich; etw.) in Sicherheit bringen
Ãœbereinkommen zum Schutz des menschlichen Lebens auf See
safety improvement
personal safety
for safety; for safety's sake
for your own safety
to get (oneself; sth.) to safety
Convention on Safety of Life at Sea SOLAS

Deutsche Personenunfall Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Personenunfall Synonym nachschlagen

Englische accident involving people Synonyme

accident  accessary  accessory  accidental  addendum  addition  adjunct  adventure  appendage  appurtenance  auxiliary  blow  blunder  calamity  casualty  cataclysm  catastrophe  chance  chance hit  collateral  collision  coming to be  contingency  contingent  contretemps  crack-up  crash  destiny  disaster  event  eventuality  eventuation  extra  fate  fluke  fortuity  fortune  freak accident  grief  hap  happening  happenstance  hazard  ill hap  incidence  incidental  inessential  kismet  long odds  long shot  luck  lucky shot  materialization  mere chance  misadventure  mischance  misfortune  mishap  mistake  nasty blow  nonessential  not-self  other  pileup  realization  secondary  serendipity  shipwreck  shock  smash  smashup  staggering blow  subsidiary  superaddition  supplement  tragedy  unessential  wreck  
accident prone  breakneck  careless  desperate  devil-may-care  furious  harum-scarum  hasty  headlong  hotheaded  hurried  impetuous  mad  overeager  overenthusiastic  overzealous  precipitant  precipitate  precipitous  reckless  slap-bang  slapdash  wanton  wild  
accidental  accessory  accident  accidentally  accompanying  addendum  addition  additional  adjunct  ado  adscititious  adventitious  afloat  afoot  aleatory  appendage  appurtenance  appurtenant  ascititious  auxiliary  breve  by-the-way  casual  casually  causeless  chance  chancy  circumstantial  coincident  coincidental  collateral  conditional  contingency  contingent  crotchet  current  demisemiquaver  dependent  destinal  dicey  doing  dominant  dominant note  double whole note  eighth note  enharmonic  enharmonic note  eventuating  extra  fatal  fatidic  flat  fluky  fortuitous  fortuitously  going on  half note  happening  happenstance  hemidemisemiquaver  iffy  in hand  in the wind  inadvertent  incidental  indeterminate  inessential  lucky  mere chance  minim  musical note  natural  nonessential  not-self  note  occasional  occurring  odd  on  on foot  ongoing  other  parenthetical  passing  patent note  prevailing  prevalent  provisional  quarter note  quaver  random  report  responding note  resultant  risky  secondary  semibreve  semiquaver  serendipitous  shaped note  sharp  sixteenth note  sixty-fourth note  spiccato  staccato  subsidiary  superadded  superaddition  superfluous  supervenient  supplement  supplemental  supplementary  sustained note  taking place  tercet  thirty-second note  tone  triplet  unanticipated  uncalculated  uncaused  under way  undesigned  undetermined  unessential  unexpected  unforeseeable  unforeseen  unintended  unintentional  unlooked-for  unlucky  unmeant  unplanned  unpredictable  unpremeditated  unpurposed  unwitting  whole note  

Personenunfall Definition

(n.) Literally, a befalling
(n.) A property attached to a word, but not essential to it, as gender, number, case.
(n.) A point or mark which may be retained or omitted in a coat of arms.
(n.) A property or quality of a thing which is not essential to it, as whiteness in paper
(n.) A quality or attribute in distinction from the substance, as sweetness, softness.
(n.) Any accidental property, fact, or relation
(n.) Unusual appearance or effect.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Involve
(n.) The body of persons who compose a community, tribe, nation, or race
(n.) Persons, generally
(n.) The mass of comunity as distinguished from a special class
(n.) One's ancestors or family
(n.) One's subjects
(v. t.) To stock with people or inhabitants

accident involving people Bedeutung

accident surgery
the branch of medicine that deals with the surgical repair of injuries and wounds arising from accidents
stroke fortuity
chance event
anything that happens suddenly or by chance without an apparent cause, winning the lottery was a happy accident, the pregnancy was a stroke of bad luck, it was due to an accident or fortuity
accident an unfortunate mishap, especially one causing damage or injury
act of God
force majeure
vis major
inevitable accident
unavoidable casualty
a natural and unavoidable catastrophe that interrupts the expected course of events, he discovered that his house was not insured against acts of God
fatal accident
an accident that causes someone to die
people (plural) any group of human beings (men or women or children) collectively, old people, there were at least people in the audience
business people
people who transact business (especially business executives)
country people
people raised in or living in a rural environment, rustics
country people countryfolk people living in the same country, compatriots
folks common people
people in general (often used in the plural), they're just country folk, folks around here drink moonshine, the common people determine the group character and preserve its customs from one generation to the next
free people
people who are free, the home of the free and the brave
people of color
people of colour
a race with skin pigmentation different from the white race (especially Blacks)
people members of a family line, his people have been farmers for generations, are your people still alive?
Irish National Liberation Army
People's Liberation Army
People's Republican Army
Catholic Reaction Force
a radical terrorist group dedicated to the removal of British forces from Northern Ireland and the unification of Ireland
Mujahidin-e Khalq Organization
People's Mujahidin of Iran
a terrorist organization formed in the s by children of Iranian merchants, sought to counter the Shah of Iran's pro-western policies of modernization and opposition to communism, following a philosophy that mixes Marxism and Islam it now attacks the Islamic fundamentalists who deposed the Shah
New People's Army
a terrorist organization that is the militant wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines, a Maoist organization formed to overthrow the government, uses hit squads called Sparrow Units, opposes United States military presence in the Philippines
People against Gangsterism and Drugs
a terrorist organization in South Africa formed in to fight drug lords, evolved into a vigilante group with anti-western views closely allied with Qibla, is believed to have ties to Islamic extremists in the Middle East, is suspected of conducting bouts of urban terrorism
Revolutionary People's Liberation Party
Revolutionary People's Liberation Front
an extreme Marxist terrorist organization in Turkey that is opposed to NATO and the United States, attacks Turkish security and military officials
Revolutionary People's Struggle
an extreme leftist terrorist group formed in Greece in to oppose the military junta that ruled Greece from to , a revolutionary group opposed to capitalism and imperialism and the United States
the body of citizens of a state or country, the Spanish people
poor people
people without possessions or wealth (considered as a group), the urban poor need assistance
rich people
people who have possessions and wealth (considered as a group), only the very rich benefit from this legislation
multitude masses
mass hoi polloi
people the great unwashed
the common people generally, separate the warriors from the mass, power to the people
People's Party
Populist Party
a former political party in the United States, formed in to advocate currency expansion and state control of railroads
flower people
a youth subculture (mostly from the middle class) originating in San Francisco in the s, advocated universal love and peace and communes and long hair and soft drugs, favored acid rock and progressive rock music
ruling class
people in power
the class of people exerting power or authority
unemployed people
people who are involuntarily out of work (considered as a group), the long-term unemployed need assistance
chosen people any people believing themselves to be chosen by God
People's Republic of China
mainland China
Communist China
Red China
a communist nation that covers a vast territory in eastern Asia, the most populous country in the world
People's Republic of Bangladesh
Bangla Desh
East Pakistan
a Muslim republic in southern Asia bordered by India to the north and west and east and the Bay of Bengal to the south, formerly part of India and then part of Pakistan, it achieved independence in
North Korea
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
a communist country in the northern half of the Korean Peninsula, established in
Lao People's Democratic Republic
a mountainous landlocked communist state in southeastern Asia, achieved independence from France in
Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
a military dictatorship in northern Africa on the Mediterranean, consists almost entirely of desert, a major exporter of petroleum
Mongolian People's Republic
Outer Mongolia
a landlocked socialist republic in central Asia
White race
White people
Caucasoid race
Caucasian race
a light-skinned race
Slavic people
Slavic race
a race of people speaking a Slavonic language
Dutch people
the people of the Netherlands, the Dutch are famous for their tulips
British people
the people of Great Britain
English people
the people of England
Irish people
people of Ireland or of Irish extraction
French people
the people of France
Spanish people
the people of Spain
Swiss people
the natives or inhabitants of Switzerland
cerebrovascular accident
a sudden loss of consciousness resulting when the rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel leads to oxygen lack in the brain
people fill with people, Stalin wanted to people the empty steppes
people furnish with people, The plains are sparsely populated
accident-prone having more than the average number of accidents
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130 Bewertungen 3


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