
Personenvereinzelungsanlage Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Personenvereinzelungsanlage f
Personenvereinzelungsanlagen pl
single passage control system; singularisation system
single passage control systems; singularisation systems
Personenvereinzelungsanlage f
Personenvereinzelungsanlagen pl
single passage control system; singularisation system
single passage control systems; singularisation systems
alle zum Verkauf gehörigen Personen
sales force
Beförderung von Personen
carriage of passengers
oder irgendwelche andere Personen
or any other person whatsoever
Personen mit instabilem Arbeitsverhältnis
secondary workers
vorübergehend ausgestellte Personen
temporarily laid off persons
gemischte Absetzung f, Absetzen n von Personen und Lasten mil.
combination drop
Berühmtheit f, berühmte Persönlichkeit f, Promi m ugs.
Berühmtheiten pl, berühmte Personen, Promis
celebrity, celeb coll.
Ermittlung f (von Personen)
Familie f
Familien pl
eine Familie mit drei Personen
eine Familie unterhalten
eine Familie ernähren
seine Familie verlassen
in der Familie liegen
Familie, in der Kinder von den Großeltern erzogen werden
a family of three
to keep a family
to support a family
to abandon one's family
to run in the family
skip-generation family
Gegenstück n, Pendant n, dazu passende Sache f, dazu passende Person f
Gegenstücke pl, Pendants pl, dazu passende Sachen pl, dazu passende Personen pl
Netzwerk n
Netzwerk mit Entscheidungsereignissen
Netzwerk von Personen in hohen Positionen, Seilschaft f ugs.
activity network
old boy network
Person f, Mensch m
Personen pl, Menschen pl
berechtigte Person
eine integre Person
dritte Person
natürliche Person jur.
juristische Person jur.
ernannte Person
geselliger Mensch
persons, people
qualified person
a person of integrity
third person
natural person
legal entity, legal person
designated person
people person
Pferdewagen m (für Personen)
horse and carriage, trap, horse buggy Am.
Rettungsspreizer m, Rettungsschere f (Feuerwehrwerkzeug zur Befreiung von Personen aus einem Autowrack)
Jaws of Life tm
Stalker m, Nachsteller m, jemand, der Personen nachstellt und belästigt
Stalker pl, Nachsteller pl
Personen aus dem Umfeld von ...
people associated with ...
sich abgrenzen von (Personen)
to distance (dissociate) oneself from
bis, bis zu, bis auf
bis jetzt
bis zu 10 Personen
up to, up until, up till
up to now
up to ten persons
gegen Personen gerichtet
unerwünschte Person f
unerwünschte Personen
undesirable alien
... ist für zehn Personen vorgesehen
is designed to take ten people
zusammenhalten (Personen)
to hang together
gegen Personen gerichtet
Beruehmtheiten, beruehmte Personen
berühmte Personen
unerwuenschte Personen
zwischen zwei Personen
between two persons
gemischte Absetzung f; Absetzen n von Personen und Lasten mil.
combination drop
Ansammlung f (von Personen Tieren Gegenständen)
Ansammlungen pl
eine große Ansammlung von Vögeln
congregation (of persons animals objects)
a large congregation of birds
Aufspüren n gesuchter Personen
skip tracing; skiptracing
Belegung f (Unterbringung von Personen Tieren)
der alleinige Bewohner Mieter Gast sein
volle Belegung eines Appartements
Auslastung f
Die Hotels sind zu 80% ausgelastet.
occupancy (accommodation of persons animals)
to be in sole occupancy
full occupancy of an apartment
occupancy rate ratio
Hotels enjoy 80% occupancy.
Belegungsrhythmus m (Unterbringung von Personen Tieren)
occupancy cycle (accomodation of persons animals)
Berühmtheit f; berühmte Persönlichkeit f; Prominente m f; Prominenter; Promi m ugs.
Berühmtheiten pl; berühmte Personen; Prominenten pl; Prominente; Promis
celebrity; celeb coll.
Betreuer m; Betreuerin f (von Kindern alten kranken Personen) soc.
Betreuer pl; Betreuerinnen pl
carer Br.; caregiver Am.; caretaker Am.
carers; caregivers; caretakers
Bewegungsradius m
eingeschränkter Bewegungsradius
Personen mit eingeschränktem Bewegungsradius
limited mobility; reduced mobility
people with limited reduced mobility
Börsenzulassung f; Börsezulassung f Ös. (von Personen) fin.
die Börsenzulassung beantragen
die Börsenzulassung erhalten
admission (of persons) to the stock exchange
to apply for (official) listing quotation
to obtain an official listing quotation
Durchreise f; Durchfahrt m (von Personen) transp.
Personentransitverkehr m
Sammelvisa für die Durchreise
Seeleute auf der Durchreise
auf der Durchreise sein
Durchlieferung von Häftlingen durch ein Land
transit (of persons)
transit of persons
group transit visas
seamen in transit
to be in transit
transit of detainees through a country
Eignung f; Qualifikation f (von Personen)
Qualifikation für ein Amt
eligibility (of persons)
eligibility for (an) office
Entführer m; Entführerin f (von Personen)
Entführer pl; Entführerinnen pl
Entführung f; Verschleppung f (von Personen)
Entführungen pl; Verschleppungen pl
Entführung f; Verschleppung f (von Personen)
Entführungen pl; Verschleppungen pl
Familie f Fam. ; Angehörige pl
Familien pl
Kernfamilie f
Großfamilie f
Ersatzfamilie f
Gastfamilie f
Familie (als Adresse) Fam.
der engste Familienkreis; die engsten Angehörigen
die Angehörigen der Opfer
eine Familie mit drei Personen
eine Familie unterhalten
eine Familie ernähren
seine Familie verlassen
in der Familie liegen
Familie in der Kinder von den Großeltern erzogen werden
Du gehörst jetzt zur Familie.
Das liegt in der Familie.
Das kommt in den besten Familien vor.
nuclear family
extended family
surrogate family
host family
Mr & Ms ... Br.; Mr. & Ms. ... Am.
the close family
the victims' families
a family of three
to keep a family
to support a family
to abandon one's family
to run in the family
skip-generation family
Now you're one of the family.
It runs in the family.
It happens in the best families.
Flittchen n; frivole Person f
Flittchen pl; frivole Personen pl
Flugverbot n (für Personen)
ein Flugverbot für Piloten die Medikamente nehmen
ban on flying; flying ban (for persons)
a ban on flying for pilots taking medications
Gegenstand m
Personen gegen die ein Gerichtsverfahren anhängig ist
Diese Angelegenheit war bereits Gegenstand umfangreicher Korrespondenz zwischen uns.
Die Affäre ist jetzt Gegenstand eines Strafverfahrens.
individuals who are the subject of judicial proceedings
This matter has already been the subject of extensive correspondence between us.
The affair is now the subject of criminal proceedings.
Gesellschaft f; Gruppe f
geschlossene Gesellschaft f
Wie viele (Personen) sind Sie? (Platzreservierung)
private party
How big is your party? (reservation)
Großfahndung f (nach tatverdächtigen Personen)
Großfahndungen pl
Gruppe f (von Personen)
Gruppen pl
contingent (of people)
Gruppe f vergleichbarer gleichrangiger gleichgestellter Personen; Gleichrangige pl; Gleichgestellte pl; Seinesgleichen Ihresgleichen soc.
peer group
Herumtreiber m; Herumtreiberin f
Herumtreiber pl; Herumtreiberinnen pl
Die Polizei warnt vor verdächtigen Personen die sich in der Gegend herumtreiben.
The police have warned of prowlers in the area.
Individuum n; Einzelne m f; Person f
Individuen pl; Einzelnen pl; Personen pl
Isolierung f; Isolation f (von Personen)
Während ihrer Isolation dürfen die Geschworenen nicht mit Journalisten sprechen.
Die Isolierung sollte die Politiker vor der Epidemie abschirmen.
sequestration (of persons)
During their sequestration jurors are not allowed to speak to journalists.
The sequestration of the politicians was intended to shield them from the epidemic.
Jahrgang m (Personen eines Geburtsjahrs)
Er ist Jahrgang 1942.
Wir sind ein Jahrgang beide 1964.
(same) year; age-group
He was born in 1942.
We were born in the same year both 1964.
Lebenskraft f; Vitalität f; Spannkraft f; Kraft f (bei Personen)
Er sieht aus wie das blühende Leben.
vitality; vigour Br.; vigor Am. (of persons)
He looks is the very picture of health (and vigour Br. vigor Am.).
Melder m; meldende Person f
Melder pl; meldende Personen pl
alerter (person)
Migrationshintergrund m soc.
Personen mit Migrationshintergrund
migration background Br.; immigrant background Am.
people with (a) migration background Br. (an) immigrant background Am.
Netz n soc.
Netze pl
soziale Netze
Netz mit Entscheidungsereignissen
Netz von Personen in hohen Positionen; Seilschaft f ugs.
social networks
activity network
old boy network
Partnerschaft f
Partnerschaften pl
eingetragene Partnerschaft; eingetragene Lebenspartnerschaft (gleichgeschlechtlicher Personen)
civil union; civil partnership
Person f; Mensch m
Personen pl; Menschen pl
berechtigte Person
eine integre Person
dritte Person
natürliche Person jur.
juristische Person jur.
geselliger Mensch
prominente Person; prominente Persönlichkeit; Promi ugs.
persons; people
qualified person
a person of integrity
third person
natural person
legal entity; legal person
people person
very important person VIP
Personenschaden m
Unfall ohne Personenschaden
Unfall mit Personenschaden
Der Veranstalter haftet nicht für Personen- oder Sachschäden (die den Besuchern entstehen).
personal injury; harm to persons
damage-only accident
accident resulting in injury or death
The organizer shall not be liable for any injuries or damage (suffered by the visitors).
Pferdewagen m (für Personen)
horse and carriage; trap; horse buggy Am.
Pflichtschule f; Schulobligatorium n Schw. school
nach Abschluss der Pflichtschule
Personen deren höchste abgeschlossene Ausbildung die Pflichtschule ist
die Pflichtschule ohne Abschluss verlassen
Bei Abschluss der Pflichtschule sollten alle eine Fremdsprache gut sprechen können.
compulsory school (system); compulsory schooling; compulsory education
after completing leaving compulsory school(ing); after the end of compulsory education
people whose highest completed level of education is compulsory schooling
to leave compulsory school with incomplete certificates
All those leaving compulsory education should be able to communicate well in a foreign language.
Rettungsspreizer m; Rettungsschere f (Feuerwehrwerkzeug zur Befreiung von Personen aus einem Autowrack)
Jaws of Life tm
Rückübernahme f (von Personen mit rechtswidrigem Aufenthalt durch ihr Herkunftsland) adm.
readmission (to their own country of persons illegally present in a country)
Seenot f naut.
Schiffe in Seenot
in Seenot geratene Migranten
für den Fall dass Schiffe in Seenot geraten
Menschen aus Seenot zu retten
aus Seenot gerettete Personen
distress at sea; maritime distress
ships vessels in distress
migrants in distress at sea
in the event of an emergency at sea
to rescue people in distress at sea
persons rescued at sea
Sicherheit f; Schutz m; Sichersein n (einzelner Personen vor bestimmten Gefahren)
Sicherheiten pl
Verbesserung f der Sicherheit
persönliche Sicherheit
sicherheitshalber adv
zu Ihrer eigenen Sicherheit
(sich; etw.) in Sicherheit bringen
Ãœbereinkommen zum Schutz des menschlichen Lebens auf See
safety improvement
personal safety
for safety; for safety's sake
for your own safety
to get (oneself; sth.) to safety
Convention on Safety of Life at Sea SOLAS

Deutsche Personenvereinzelungsanlage Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Personenvereinzelungsanlage Synonym nachschlagen

Englische single passage control system; singularisation system Synonyme

single  a certain  an  any  any one  appropriate  article  atomic  austere  bachelorlike  bare  basic  candid  celibataire  celibate  characteristic  chaste  choose  cull  distinct  distinctive  distinguish  distinguished  either  elementary  entity  especial  essential  exclusive  fasten on  fix on  footloose and fancy-free  free  fundamental  homely  homespun  homogeneous  husbandless  idiocratic  idiosyncratic  in character  individual  indivisible  integer  integral  intrinsic  irreducible  isolated  item  lone  maiden  maidenly  marked  mere  misogamist  misogynist  module  monadic  monastic  monistic  monk  monolithic  nun  of a piece  old-maidish  one  only  open  particular  peculiar  person  persona  pick  plain  point  priest  primal  primary  proper  pure  pure and simple  quintessential  segregate  select  separate  severe  simon-pure  simple  single out  singleton  singular  sole  solid  solitary  soul  spare  special  specific  spinsterish  spinsterlike  spinsterly  spouseless  stark  true to form  unadorned  unanalyzable  unattached  uncluttered  undifferenced  undifferentiated  undivided  unfettered  uniform  unique  unit  unitary  unmarried  unshared  unwed  unwedded  virgin  virginal  whole  
single file  Indian file  array  articulation  bank  buzz  catena  catenation  chain  chain reaction  chaining  concatenation  connection  consecution  continuum  course  cycle  descent  drone  endless belt  endless round  file  filiation  gamut  gradation  hum  line  lineage  monotone  nexus  pendulum  periodicity  plenum  powder train  progression  queue  range  rank  recurrence  reticulation  rotation  round  routine  row  run  scale  sequence  series  spectrum  string  succession  swath  thread  tier  train  windrow  
single handed  alienated  alone  aloof  apart  companionless  detached  friendless  homeless  insular  isolated  kithless  lone  lonely  lonesome  removed  rootless  separate  separated  solitary  solo  unabetted  unaccompanied  unaided  unassisted  unattended  unescorted  unseconded  unsupported  withdrawn  
single minded  absorbed  absorbed in  adamant  artless  assiduous  bigoted  bluff  blunt  born yesterday  bound  bound and determined  buried in  candid  caught up in  childlike  committed  confiding  constant  contemplating  contemplative  continuing  decided  decisive  dedicated  definite  determined  devoted  devoted to  diehard  diligent  direct  dogged  earnest  enduring  engaged  engrossed  engrossed in  faithful  frank  guileless  immersed in  immutable  inalterable  indefatigable  indomitable  industrious  inexorable  ingenu  ingenuous  innocent  insistent  intent  intent on  invincible  involved  lasting  lost in  loyal  meditating  meditative  monomaniacal  monopolized  naive  never-tiring  obdurate  obsessed  obstinate  occupied  open  openhearted  outspoken  patient  patient as Job  permanent  perseverant  persevering  persistent  persisting  pertinacious  plain  plodding  plugging  preoccupied  purposeful  rapt  relentless  resolute  resolved  rigid  sedulous  serious  simple  simplehearted  simpleminded  sincere  single  single-hearted  sleepless  slogging  stable  steadfast  steady  straightforward  stubborn  studious  studying  submerged in  swept up  taken up with  tenacious  tireless  totally absorbed  trustful  trusting  unabating  unbending  uncompromising  unconquerable  undaunted  undiscouraged  undissembled  undrooping  unfailing  unfaltering  unflagging  unflinching  unguarded  unintermitting  uninterrupted  unnodding  unrelaxing  unrelenting  unremitting  unreserved  unsleeping  unsophisticated  unsuspicious  unswerving  untiring  unvarnished  unwary  unwavering  unwearied  unwearying  unwinking  unyielding  utterly attentive  weariless  wholehearted  wrapped in  wrapped up in  
singleness  aloneness  bachelordom  bachelorhood  bachelorism  bachelorship  celibacy  combination  continence  elementarity  fundamentality  fusion  homogeneity  identity  individuality  indivisibility  intactness  integrality  integration  integrity  inviolability  irreducibility  loneliness  loneness  lonesomeness  maidenhead  maidenhood  misogamy  misogyny  monachism  monasticism  monism  oneness  organic unity  particularity  plainness  purity  selfsameness  severity  simpleness  simplicity  single blessedness  single state  singularity  solidarity  solidification  solidity  solitariness  solitude  spinsterhood  starkness  unadulteration  undividedness  unification  uniformity  uniqueness  unity  univocity  unmixedness  unsophistication  unwed state  virgin state  virginity  wholeness  
singleton  ace  article  best bower  bower  cards  clubs  deck  deuce  diamonds  dummy  entity  face cards  flush  full house  hand  hearts  individual  integer  item  jack  joker  king  knave  left bower  module  pack  pair  person  persona  picture cards  playing cards  point  queen  round  royal flush  rubber  ruff  single  soul  spades  straight  trey  trick  trump  unit  

Personenvereinzelungsanlage Definition

(n.) A passage different from the usual one
(n.) A duplicate book, register, or account, kept to correct or check another account or register
(n.) That which serves to check, restrain, or hinder
(n.) Power or authority to check or restrain
(v. t.) To check by a counter register or duplicate account
(v. t.) To exercise restraining or governing influence over
Metric system
() See Metric, a.
(v. i.) The act of passing
(v. i.) Transit by means of conveyance
(v. i.) Price paid for the liberty to pass
(v. i.) Removal from life
(v. i.) Way
(v. i.) A continuous course, process, or progress
(v. i.) A separate part of a course, process, or series
(v. i.) A particular portion constituting a part of something continuous
(v. i.) Reception
(v. i.) A pass or en encounter
(v. i.) A movement or an evacuation of the bowels.
(v. i.) In parliamentary proceedings: (a) The course of a proposition (bill, resolution, etc.) through the several stages of consideration and action
(n.) Control of one's self
(a.) One only, as distinguished from more than one
(a.) Alone
(a.) Hence, unmarried
(a.) Not doubled, twisted together, or combined with others
(a.) Performed by one person, or one on each side
(a.) Uncompounded
(a.) Not deceitful or artful
(a.) Simple
(v. t.) To select, as an individual person or thing, from among a number
(v. t.) To sequester
(v. t.) To take alone, or one by one.
(v. i.) To take the irrregular gait called single-foot
(n.) A unit
(n.) The reeled filaments of silk, twisted without doubling to give them firmness.
(n.) A handful of gleaned grain.
(n.) A game with but one player on each side
(n.) A hit by a batter which enables him to reach first base only.
(a.) Having simplicity of action
(a.) Lapping over the breast only far enough to permit of buttoning, and having buttons on one edge only
(n.) An irregular gait of a horse
(a.) Having but one hand, or one workman
(a.) Having an honest heart
(a.) Having a single purpose
(n.) An assemblage of objects arranged in regular subordination, or after some distinct method, usually logical or scientific
(n.) Hence, the whole scheme of created things regarded as forming one complete plan of whole
(n.) Regular method or order
(n.) The collection of staves which form a full score. See Score, n.
(n.) An assemblage of parts or organs, either in animal or plant, essential to the performance of some particular function or functions which as a rule are of greater complexity than those manifested by a single organ
(n.) One of the stellate or irregular clusters of intimately united zooids which are imbedded in, or scattered over, the surface of the common tissue of many compound ascidians.

single passage control system; singularisation system / single passage control systems; singularisation systems Bedeutung

gaining control
the act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property
fire control preparation for the delivery of shellfire on a target
line-drive single
line single
a single resulting from a line drive
a base hit on which the batter stops safely at first base
Bertillon system a system or procedure for identifying persons
passage transition the act of passing from one state or place to the next
a rapid gait of a horse in which each foot strikes the ground separately
a journey usually by ship, the outward passage tookdays
passage handing over the act of passing something to another person
buddy system a cooperative practice of pairing two or more people together for mutual assistance or safety (especially in recreational swimming)
single entry
single-entry bookkeeping
a simple bookkeeping system, transactions are entered in only one account
inventory control supervision of the supply and storage and accessibility of items in order to insure an adequate supply without excessive oversupply
control the activity of managing or exerting control over something, the control of the mob by the police was admirable
crowd control activity of controlling a crowd
damage control an effort to minimize or curtail damage or loss
flight control control from ground stations of airplanes in flight by means of messages transmitted to the pilot electronically
flood control (engineering) the art or technique of trying to control rivers with dams etc in order to minimize the occurrence of floods
gun control efforts to regulate or control sales of guns
internal control an accounting procedure or system designed to promote efficiency or assure the implementation of a policy or safeguard assets or avoid fraud and error etc.
management control an internal control performed by one or more managers
quality control maintenance of standards of quality of manufactured goods
arms control a limitation on the size and armament of the armed forces of a country
riot control
riot control operation
the measures taken to control a riot
control (physiology) regulation or maintenance of a function or action or reflex etc, the timing and control of his movements were unimpaired, he had lost control of his sphincters
motor control control of muscles
birth control
birth prevention
family planning
limiting the number of children born
rhythm method of birth control
rhythm method
calendar method of birth control
calendar method
natural family planning in which ovulation is assumed to occur days before the onset of a period (the fertile period would be assumed to extend from daythrough day of her cycle)
passage passing a bodily reaction of changing from one place or stage to another, the passage of air from the lungs, the passing of flatus
rite of passage a ritual performed in some cultures at times when an individual changes status (as from adolescence to adulthood)
traffic control control of the flow of traffic in a building or a city
social control control exerted (actively or passively) by group action
population control control over the growth of population, a government program
enactment passage the passing of a law by a legislative body
occupation military control the control of a country by military forces of a foreign power
single combat a fight between two people, in all armies there were officers who needed to prove their bravery by single combat
bird of passage any bird that migrates seasonally
water vascular system system of fluid-filled tubes used by echinoderms in locomotion and feeding and respiration
control surface
a device that provides reactive force when in motion relative to the surrounding air, can lift or control a plane in flight
air passage
air duct
a duct that provides ventilation (as in mines)
air transportation system a transportation system for moving passengers or goods by air
warning device
alarm system
a device that signals the occurrence of some undesirable event
audio system
sound system
a system of electronic equipment for recording or reproducing sound
backup system a computer system for making backups
basic point defense missile system a shipboard missile system
brake system
a braking device consisting of a combination of interacting parts that work to slow a motor vehicle
bulletin board system
bulletin board electronic bulletin board
a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
cable cable television
cable system
cable television service
a television system that transmits over cables
closed loop
closed-loop system
a control system with a feedback loop that is active
color television
colour television
color television system
colour television system
color TV
colour TV
a television that transmits images in color
communication system
communication equipment
facility consisting of the physical plants and equipment for disseminating information
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