
Pferderennen Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

horse race
Pferderennen n
horse racing, horse race
Buchmacher m (Pferderennen)
turf accountant
Pferderennen n; Galopprennen n
horse racing; horse race
der Trabsport m (Pferderennen) sport
trotting (horse racing)
kurzer Kopf (beim Pferderennen) m
um einen kurzen Kopf gewinnen
short head (in horse races) Br.
to win by a short head
Derby n (in Eigennamen von jÀhrlich stattfindenden Pferderennen) sport
Derby (in proper names of horse races that take place every year)
die Rennbahn f (Pferderennen, Hunderennen) ĂŒbtr.
auf der Rennbahn wetten
the turf fig. (horse races; dog races)
to gamble on the turf
Dreierwette f (Pferderennen); „Drei auf einen Streich“ ugs.; Hattrick m sport
Dreierwette f (Pferderennen); "Drei auf einen Streich" ugs.; Hattrick m sport
(einzelnes) Pferderennen n sport
Pferderennen pl
Galopprennen n
Trabrennen n
horse race
horse races
flat race
trotting race; harness race
Wettspieler m; Wettender m geh.
Wettspieler pl; Wettende pl
Wettspieler bei Pferderennen
in der Wettspielszene
bettor; better; staker
bettors; betters; stakers
among bettors
Tipp m; Tip m alt; Hinweis m
Tipps pl; Tips pl alt; Hinweise pl
der richtige Tipp
der Buchtipp der Woche
ein heißer Tipp fĂŒr das Pferderennen
Aufgrund eines Hinweises konnte die Polizei den Gesuchten ausfindig machen.
the straight tip
the book tip of the week
a hot tip for the horse race
Acting on a tip the police were able to find the wanted person.
Tipp m; Tip m alt; Hinweis m
Tipps pl; Tips pl alt; Hinweise pl
der richtige Tipp
der Buchtipp der Woche
ein heißer Tipp fĂŒr das Pferderennen
Aufgrund eines Hinweises konnte die Polizei den Gesuchten ausfindig machen.
the straight tip
the book tip of the week
a hot tip for the horse race
Acting on a tip, the police were able to find the wanted person.
bei jdn. etw. die Zeit messen; jdn. etw. stoppen v
die Zeit messend; stoppend
die Zeit gemessen; gestoppt
bei einem Pferderennen die Zeit messen
Die Zeit der LĂ€ufer wird mit speziellen Uhren gemessen.
Er maß die Zeit die die SchĂŒler fĂŒr den Test benötigen.
to time sb. sth.
to time a horse race
The runners are timed with special watches.
He timed the students as they completed their tests.
bei jdm. etw. die Zeit messen; jdn. etw. stoppen v
die Zeit messend; stoppend
die Zeit gemessen; gestoppt
bei einem Pferderennen die Zeit messen
Die Zeit der LĂ€ufer wird mit speziellen Uhren gemessen.
Er maß die Zeit, die die SchĂŒler fĂŒr den Test benötigen.
to time sb. sth.
to time a horse race
The runners are timed with special watches.
He timed the students as they completed their tests.
durchsetzen dass etw. geschieht
Sie haben durchgesetzt dass das Parlament das Verbot verabschiedet.
Österreich hat durchgesetzt dass der Ausgang der Verhandlungen offen bleibt.
Die MdEPs haben durchgesetzt dass die Menschenrechtscharta rechtlich bindend sein wird.
Sie haben durchgesetzt dass fĂŒr Pferderennen Ausnahmen gemacht werden.
to succeed in ensuring that sth. is done; to succeed in getting sth. done
They have succeeded in getting Parliament to adopt the ban.
Austria has succeeded in ensuring that the negotiations are an open-ended process.
The MEPs fought successfully to ensure that the Charter of Fundamental Rights would be legally binding.
They made sure that exceptions were made for horse racing.
durchsetzen, dass etw. geschieht v
Sie haben durchgesetzt, dass das Parlament das Verbot verabschiedet.
Österreich hat durchgesetzt, dass der Ausgang der Verhandlungen offen bleibt.
Die MdEPs haben durchgesetzt, dass die Menschenrechtscharta rechtlich bindend sein wird.
Sie haben durchgesetzt, dass fĂŒr Pferderennen Ausnahmen gemacht werden.
to succeed in ensuring that sth. is done; to succeed in getting sth. done
They have succeeded in getting Parliament to adopt the ban.
Austria has succeeded in ensuring that the negotiations are an open-ended process.
The MEPs fought successfully to ensure that the Charter of Fundamental Rights would be legally binding.
They made sure that exceptions were made for horse racing.
(regelmĂ€ĂŸiger) Besucher m (einer Örtlichkeit Veranstaltung); -gĂ€nger m; -geher m (in Zusammensetzungen) soc.
Besucher pl; -gÀnger pl; -geher pl
(regelmĂ€ĂŸiger) Besucher von Pferderennen
Diskobesucher m; DiskogÀnger m; Diskogeher m; Clubbesucher m
Festbesucher m; Partybesucher m; PartygÀnger m; Partygeher m
Festspielbesucher m; Festivalbesucher m
Galeriebesucher m; GaleriegÀnger m; Galeriegeher m
Karnevalsbesucher m; Karnevalbesucher m; KarnevalgÀnger m; Karnevalist m
Kinobesucher m; KinogÀnger m; Kinogeher m
(regelmĂ€ĂŸiger) Kirchenbesucher m; Gottesdienstbesucher m; Messbesucher m; KirchgĂ€nger m geh.; KirchengĂ€nger m geh. selten
Konzertbesucher m; Konzertgeher m; KonzertgÀnger m
Lokalbesucher m; Barbesucher m; Kneipenbesucher m
Lokalbesucher m; Restaurantbesucher m; RestaurantgÀnger m; Restaurantgeher m
Matineebesucher m; MatineegÀnger m
Messebesucher m; MessegÀnger m; Messegeher m
Moscheebesucher m; MoscheegÀnger m; MoscheengÀnger m selten
NichtkirchengÀnger m
Opernbesucher m; OperngÀnger m; Operngeher m
Strandbesucher m; Strandgeher m; StrandgÀnger m
Tiergartenbesucher m; Zoobesucher m
Theaterbesucher m; TheatergÀnger m; Theatergeher m
(regular) attender Br.; (regular) attendee Am. (of an event); -goer (of a place an event) (in compounds)
attenders; attendees; -goers
(regular) attender at horse races; race goer Br.; race-goer Br.
disco-goer; discogoer Am.; club-goer; clubgoer Am.; clubber
party goer; party-goer; partygoer Am.
festival goer; festival-goer; festivalgoer Am.; festival attender Br.; festival attendee Am.
gallery goer; gallery-goer; gallerygoer Am.
carnival goer; carnival-goer; carnivalgoer Am.; carnival reveller
cinema goer Br.; cinema-goer Br.; film goer Br.; film-goer Br.; moviegoer Am.
church goer; church-goer; churchgoer Am.; Mass goer; (regular) attender at church Br.; attender of church services Br.; church attender Br.; church attendee Am.; worshipper Br.; worshiper Am.
concert goer; concert-goer; concertgoer Am.; concert attender Br.; concert attendee Am.
bar goer; bar-goer; bargoer Am.; pub goer Br.; pub-goer Br.
restaurant goer; restaurant-goer; restaurantgoer Am.
matinée goer; matinée-goer; matinéegoer Am.
fair goer; fair-goer; fairgoer Am.; trade show attendee Am.
mosque goer; mosque-goer; mosquegoer Am.
non-church goer; non-churchgoer Am.
opera goer; opera-goer; operagoer Am.
beach goer; beach-goes; beachgoer Am.
zoo goer; zoo-goer; zoogoer Am.
theatre goer Br.; theatre-goer Br.; play goer Br.; play-goer Br.; theatergoer Am.; playgoer Am.

Deutsche Pferderennen Synonyme

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Englische horse-race Synonyme

Pferderennen Definition

(n.) A hoofed quadruped of the genus Equus
(n.) The male of the genus horse, in distinction from the female or male
(n.) Mounted soldiery
(n.) A frame with legs, used to support something
(n.) A frame of timber, shaped like a horse, on which soldiers were made to ride for punishment.
(n.) Anything, actual or figurative, on which one rides as on a horse
(n.) A mass of earthy matter, or rock of the same character as the wall rock, occurring in the course of a vein, as of coal or ore
(n.) See Footrope, a.
(a.) A breastband for a leadsman.
(a.) An iron bar for a sheet traveler to slide upon.
(a.) A jackstay.
(v. t.) To provide with a horse, or with horses
(v. t.) To sit astride of
(v. t.) To cover, as a mare
(v. t.) To take or carry on the back
(v. t.) To place on the back of another, or on a wooden horse, etc., to be flogged
(v. i.) To get on horseback.
(n.) The large nutlike seed of a species of Aesculus (Ae. Hippocastanum), formerly ground, and fed to horses, whence the name.
(n.) The tree itself, which was brought from Constantinople in the beginning of the sixteenth century, and is now common in the temperate zones of both hemispheres. The native American species are called buckeyes.
(n.) A dose of physic for a horse.
(n.) The appliance by which the dose is administred.
Horse Guards
() A body of cavalry so called
(n.) A professional rider and trainer of race horses.
(n.) A trainer and dealer in horses.
(n.) A large blood-sucking leech (Haemopsis vorax), of Europe and Northern Africa. It attacks the lips and mouths of horses.
(n.) A farrier
(n.) The business of a farrier
(n.) A carriage hung on poles, and borne by and between two horses.
Horse power
() The power which a horse exerts.
Horse power
() A unit of power, used in stating the power required to drive machinery, and in estimating the capabilities of animals or steam engines and other prime movers for doing work. It is the power required for the performance of work at the rate of 33,000 English units of work per minute
Horse power
() A machine worked by a horse, for driving other machinery
(n.) A plant of the genus Nasturtium (N. Armoracia), allied to scurvy grass, having a root of a pungent taste, much used, when grated, as a condiment and in medicine.
(a.) Drawn by one horse
(a.) Second-rate
(v. t.) To raze.
(n.) A root.
(n.) The descendants of a common ancestor
(n.) Company
(n.) A variety of such fixed character that it may be propagated by seed.
(n.) Peculiar flavor, taste, or strength, as of wine
(n.) Hence, characteristic quality or disposition.
(n.) A progress
(n.) Esp., swift progress
(n.) Hence: The act or process of running in competition
(n.) Competitive action of any kind, especially when prolonged
(n.) A strong or rapid current of water, or the channel or passage for such a current
(n.) The current of water that turns a water wheel, or the channel in which it flows
(n.) A channel or guide along which a shuttle is driven back and forth, as in a loom, sewing machine, etc.
(v. i.) To run swiftly
(v. i.) To run too fast at times, as a marine engine or screw, when the screw is lifted out of water by the action of a heavy sea.

horse-race Bedeutung

horse racing the sport of racing horses
horse breeding breeding horses
rat race an exhausting routine that leaves no time for relaxation
horse trade
horse trading
the swapping of horses (accompanied by much bargaining)
race riot a riot caused by hatred for one another of members of different races in the same community
race murder
racial extermination
systematic killing of a racial or cultural group
sea horse
small fish with horse-like heads bent sharply downward and curled tails, swim in upright position
race runner
six-lined racerunner
Cnemidophorus sexlineatus
very swift lizard of eastern and central United States
horse of the wood
Tetrao urogallus
large black Old World grouse
seahorse sea horse
either of two large northern marine mammals having ivory tusks and tough hide over thick blubber
horse's foot the hoof of a horse
horse botfly
Gasterophilus intestinalis
parasitic chiefly on horses
horse fly
large swift fly the female of which sucks blood of various animals
horse tick
horsefly Hippobosca equina
winged fly parasitic on horses
Equus caballus
solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times
dawn horse
earliest horse, extinct primitive dog-sized four-toed Eocene animal
male horse the male of species Equus caballus
female horse
female equine animal
saddle horse
riding horse
a lightweight horse kept for riding only
cavalry horse horse trained for battle
quarter horse a small powerful horse originally bred for sprinting in quarter-mile races in Virginia
Tennessee walker
Tennessee walking horse
Walking horse
Plantation walking horse
a horse marked by stamina and trained to move at a fast running walk
American saddle horse a high-stepping horse originating in Kentucky
wild horse undomesticated or feral domestic horse
Przewalski's horse
Przevalski's horse
Equus caballus przewalskii
Equus caballus przevalskii
wild horse of central Asia that resembles an ass, now endangered
plow horse
plough horse
a horse used to pull a plow
race horse
a horse bred for racing
two-year-old horse
two year old
a racehorse that is two years old
three-year-old horse
three year old
a racehorse that is three years old
dark horse a racehorse about which little is known
stalking-horse a horse behind which a hunter hides while stalking game
harness horse horse used for pulling vehicles
draft horse
draught horse
dray horse
horse adapted for drawing heavy loads
cart horse
draft horse kept for pulling carts
farm horse
a quiet plodding workhorse
shire horse
British breed of large heavy draft horse
pole horse
a draft horse harnessed alongside the shaft or pole of a vehicle
wheel horse
a draft horse harnessed behind others and nearest the wheels of a vehicle
post horse
a horse kept at an inn or post house for use by mail carriers or for rent to travelers
coach horse strong draft horse for drawing coaches
trotting horse
a horse trained to trot, especially a horse trained for harness racing
pole horse the horse having a starting position next to the inside rail in a harness race
river horse
Hippopotamus amphibius
massive thick-skinned herbivorous animal living in or around rivers of tropical Africa
human race
human beings
all of the living human inhabitants of the earth, all the world loves a lover, she always used `humankind' because `mankind' seemed to slight the women
moonfish Atlantic moonfish
dollarfish Selene setapinnis
any of several silvery marine fishes with very flat bodies
horse mackerel jack mackerel
Spanish mackerel saurel Trachurus symmetricus
a California food fish
horse mackerel saurel Trachurus trachurus large elongated compressed food fish of the Atlantic waters of Europe
bluefin tuna
horse mackerel Thunnus thynnus
largest tuna, to pounds, of mostly temperate seas: feed in polar regions but breed in tropics
rocking horse
a child's plaything consisting of an imitation horse mounted on rockers, the child straddles it and pretends to ride
horse gymnastic horse a padded gymnastic apparatus on legs
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Pferderennen ist ein Pferdesport, bei dem die Pferde so schnell wie möglich eine bestimmte Strecke zurĂŒcklegen mĂŒssen. Pferderennen gehören zu den Ă€ltesten Sportarten der Menschheit. Sie dienen primĂ€r der Zuchtauslese . Sowohl das Englische Vollblut als auch der Traber verdanken ihre Zucht den Erfordernissen der Rennbahn. Der dortige harte Ausleseprozess fĂŒhrt zu Leistungsmerkmalen, die auch in der Zucht anderer Pferderassen höchst willkommen sind .

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