
Proportionalventil Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Proportionalventil n techn.
proportional valve
Proportionalventil n techn.
proportional valve
außer Proportion
Anteil m, Verhältnis n, Proportion f, Ausmaß n
Anteile pl, Verhältnisse pl, Proportionen pl, Ausmaße pl
erschreckende Ausmaße annehmen
biblische Ausmaße
to assume alarming proportions, to assume horrifying proportions
biblical proportions
Anteil, Verhaeltnis, Proportion
Anteil m; Verhältnis n; Proportion f; Ausmaß n; Quote f
Anteile pl; Verhältnisse pl; Proportionen pl; Ausmaße pl; Quoten pl
erschreckende Ausmaße annehmen
biblische Ausmaße
to assume alarming proportions; to assume horrifying proportions
biblical proportions
proportional adj
umgekehrt proportional (zu)
proportional, proportionate
in inverse proportion, in inverse ratio (to)
proportional adv
proportional vergrößern
to enlarge proportionally
Proportional-Anteil m
proportional action
proportional; maßstäblich adj math.
genau proportional
umgekehrt proportional
umgekehrt proportional (zu)
strictly proportional
inversely reciprocally proportional
in inverse proportion; in inverse ratio (to)
proportional; maßstäblich adj math.
genau proportional
zueinander umgekehrt proportional sein; zueinander indirekt proportional sein
strictly proportional
to be reciprocally inversely proportional to each other; to be in inverse proportion ratio to each other
Proportionalband n
proportional band
proportionale Verteilung
proportional allotment
Stichprobennahme f; Stichprobenziehung f; Stichprobenverfahren n; Auswahlverfahren n statist.
einfache Stichprobenentnahme; Einzelstichprobenverfahren; einstufige Auswahl; unmittelbare Stichprobenentnahme
zweiphasiges Stichprobenverfahren; doppelte Stichprobennahme
direkte indirekte Stichprobennahme
extensives intensives Stichprobenverfahren
erschöpfende Stichprobenziehung
gemischtes Stichprobenverfahren
inverses Stichprobenverfahren
inverses Stichprobenverfahren mit Zurücklegen
mehrfache multiple Stichprobenziehung
proportionale Stichprobenaufteilung; proportionale Auswahl
zufallsähnliches Stichprobenverfahren
bewusst gewählte Stichprobe; bewusstes Auswahlverfahren
fortschreitend zensierte Stichprobennahme
hierarchisch geschachtelte Stichprobennahme
Stichprobenentnahme vom Typ 1
Stichprobenentnahme im Gittermuster
Stichprobenentnahme zur Prüfung qualitativer Merkmale
Stichprobennahme mit Rotationsplan
Stichprobenentnahme vom Weg aus; Wegstichprobenverfahren
Stichprobenentnahme nach Wichtigkeit
Stichprobenverfahren bei dem Beobachtungswerte unregelmäßig anfallen
Auswahl mit Zurücklegen
Klumpenstichprobe nach der Auswahl
Auslosungsstichprobenverfahren; Lostrommelverfahren
Clusterverfahren des nächsten Nachbarn; nearest-neighbour clustering
Fang-Stichprobenverfahren; Capture-Recapture-Stichprobenverfahren
Raffstichprobe; Raffprobe
Schnellballstichprobenverfahren; Schneeballverfahren; Schneeballauswahl
single sampling; unit stage sampling; unitary sampling
two-phase sampling; double sampling
multi-phase sampling
direct indirect sampling
extensive intensive sampling
exhaustive sampling
mixed sampling
inverse sampling
inverse multinomial sampling
multiple sampling
proportional sampling
quasi-random sampling
purposive sample
progressively censored sampling
nested sampling
type 1 sampling
lattice sampling
sampling for attributes
rotation sampling
route sampling
importance sampling
jittered sampling
sampling with replacement
post cluster sampling
acceptance sampling
lottery sampling; ticket sampling
single-linkage clustering
capture release sampling; capture recapture sampling
area sampling
line sampling
matrix sampling
network sampling
point sampling
chunk sampling
zonal sampling
probability sampling
snowball sampling; chain sampling; chain-referral sampling; referral sampling
Einheitssteuer f; Steuer f mit einheitlichem Satz; Pauschalsteuer f; proportionale Steuer f; pauschaler Steuersatz fin.
flat rate tax; flat rate taxation; flat tax FT
Rückversicherung f; Gegenversicherung f; Reassekuranz f (Versicherungswesen) fin.
aktive Rückversicherung
proportionale Rückversicherung
nicht proportionale Rückversicherung
Gesamtschaden-Exzedentenrückversicherung; Jahresüberschadenrückversicherung
Summenexzedentenrückversicherung; Exzedentenrückversicherung
Deckung durch Rückversicherung
eine Rückversicherung abschließen
reinsurance; reassurance Br. (insurance business)
active reinsurance
proportional reinsurance
non-proportional reinsurance
gross-excess reinsurance policy
single-risk reinsurance
stop-loss insurance
flat-line reinsurance
portfolio reinsurance
quota share reinsurance
surplus reinsurance; excess-of-line reinsurance
reinsurance cover
to enter into a reinsurance agreement
Stichprobenentnahme f; Stichprobennahme f; Stichprobenziehung f; Stichprobenverfahren n; Auswahlverfahren n statist.
einfache Stichprobenentnahme; Einzelstichprobenverfahren; einstufige Auswahl; unmittelbare Stichprobenentnahme
zweiphasiges Stichprobenverfahren; doppelte Stichprobennahme
Klumpensstichprobenahme f; Klumpenprobenahme f; Klumpenstichprobenverfahren n; Klumpenauswahlverfahren n; Nestprobenverfahren n
direkte indirekte Stichprobennahme
extensives intensives Stichprobenverfahren
erschöpfende Stichprobenziehung
gemischtes Stichprobenverfahren
inverses Stichprobenverfahren
inverses Stichprobenverfahren mit Zurücklegen
mehrfache multiple Stichprobenziehung
proportionale Stichprobenaufteilung; proportionale Auswahl
zufallsähnliches Stichprobenverfahren
bewusste Stichprobennahme; bewusstes Auswahlverfahren
fortschreitend zensierte Stichprobennahme
hierarchisch geschachtelte Stichprobennahme
Stichprobenentnahme vom Typ 1
Stichprobenentnahme im Gittermuster
Stichprobenziehung zur Merkmalbestimmung; Probennahme auf Merkmale
Stichprobennahme mit Rotationsplan
Stichprobenentnahme vom Weg aus; Wegstichprobenverfahren
Stichprobenentnahme nach Wichtigkeit
Stichprobenverfahren, bei dem Beobachtungswerte unregelmäßig anfallen
Auswahl mit Zurücklegen
Klumpenstichprobe nach der Auswahl
Auslosungsstichprobenverfahren; Lostrommelverfahren
Clusterverfahren des nächsten Nachbarn; nearest-neighbour clustering
Fang-Stichprobenverfahren; Capture-Recapture-Stichprobenverfahren
Gelegenheitsstichprobennahme f; planlose Stichprobenauswahl
Schnellballstichprobenverfahren; Schneeballverfahren; Schneeballauswahl
single sampling; unit stage sampling; unitary sampling
two-phase sampling; double sampling
cluster sampling
multi-phase sampling
direct indirect sampling
extensive intensive sampling
exhaustive sampling
mixed sampling
inverse sampling
inverse multinomial sampling
multiple sampling
proportional sampling
quasi-random sampling
purposive sampling; judgment sampling; purposive selection
progressively censored sampling
nested sampling
type 1 sampling
lattice sampling
attribute sampling; attributes sampling; sampling for attributes
rotation sampling
route sampling
importance sampling
jittered sampling
sampling with replacement
post cluster sampling
acceptance sampling
lottery sampling; ticket sampling
single-linkage clustering
capture release sampling; capture recapture sampling
area sampling
line sampling
matrix sampling
network sampling
point sampling
chunk sampling
zonal sampling
probability sampling
snowball sampling; chain sampling; chain-referral sampling; referral sampling
Steuersatz m fin.
Steuersätze pl
Durchschnittssteuersatz m
Einheitssteuersatz m; Einheitssatz m; fester Steuersatz m; proportionaler Steuersatz m
ermäßigter Steuersatz
gestaffelter Steuersatz
Grenzsteuersatz m; Steuersatz für eine Steuerklasse
Höchststeuersatz m; Spitzensteuersatz m
Mindeststeuersatz m
Steuersätze angleichen; Steuersätze harmonisieren
mit dem Spitzensteuersatz besteuert werden
den Steuersatz festsetzen
tax rate; rate of tax
tax rates; rates of tax
average tax rate
flat tax rate; flat rate; proportional tax rate
reduced tax rate
graduated tax rate
marginal tax rate; tax rate in a tax bracket
maximum tax rate; top tax rate
minimum tax rate
to align tax rates
to be taxed at the top rate
to determine the rate of tax
Proportionalitätsbeiwert m
proportional action factor
Proportionalitätsbereich m; P-Bereich m
proportional band; proportioning band
Proportionalitätsfaktor m techn.
proportionality factor
Proportionalitätsgrenze f
proportional limit
Proportionalitätsgrenze f (Mechanik) techn.
limit of proportionality; proportionality limit; proportional limit (mechanics)
Proportionalitätsgrenze (bei Werkstoffen) techn.
proportional elastic limit PEL ; limit of proportionality; proportional limit (in materials)
Verformungsarbeit f bis zur Proportionalitätsgrenze
modulus of resilience
Proportionalitätsgrenze (bei Werkstoffen) techn.
proportional elastic limit PEL ; limit of proportionality; proportional limit (in materials)
average clause
Proportionalschrift f
proportionally spaced font
Proportionalschrift erzeugend
Proportionalschriftsatz m
proportional font
proportional tax
Proportionalventil n techn.
proportional valve
Dimensionen pl, Proportionen pl, Ausmaße pl
Dimensionen pl; Proportionen pl; Ausmaße pl
etw. perspektivisch zeichnen; etw. in den Proportionen verzerren v (um einen räumlichen Eindruck zu vermitteln) art
perspektivisch zeichnend
perspektivisch gezeichnet
zeichnet perspektivisch
zeichnete perspektivisch
to foreshorten sth.
proportionieren v
to proportionate
proportioniert adj
am proportioniertesten
more proportioned
most proportioned
proportionierte, proportioniert
proportioniert adj
wohl proportioniert
sehr beleibt sein
well proportioned
to be generously proportioned
gut proportioniert adj
ein gut proportioniertes Haus
einen gut proportionierten Körperbau haben
a proportionate house
to be of proportionate build
more proportioned
most proportioned
Kanon m mus.
Kanons pl
freier Kanon
Fächerkanon m
Krebskanon m
Proportionskanon m
Spiegelkanon m
Tischkanon m; Tafelkanon m; Spiegelkrebskanon m
Zirkelkanon m
etw. kanonisch behandeln
round (simple, unaccompanied); canon (more complex, accompanied)
rounds; canons
free canon
spiral canon
crab canon
mensuration canon
mirror canon
table canon; canon by retrograde inversion
circle canon; circular canon
to treat sth. in canon
Proportionszirkel m
proportional dividers

Deutsche Proportionalventil Synonyme

Englische proportional valve Synonyme

proportional  3-D  affinitive  analogical  analogous  appertaining  associative  balanced  commensurable  commensurate  comparable  comparative  compatible  congenial  connective  consistent  contingent  correlated  correlative  corresponding  cubic  dependent  dimensional  distributional  distributive  en rapport  equal  even stephen  fifty-fifty  flat  fourth-dimensional  half  half-and-half  halvers  harmonious  in accordance with  linking  particular  per capita  per head  pertaining  pertinent  pro rata  proportionable  proportionate  proportioned  prorated  reciprocal  referable  referring  related  relating  relational  relative  respective  several  space  space-time  spatial  spatiotemporal  spherical  stereoscopic  superficial  surface  symmetrical  sympathetic  three-dimensional  two-dimensional  volumetric  
proportional representation  Australian ballot  Hare system  PR  absentee voting  aye  ballot  ballot-box stuffing  canvass  canvassing  card voting  casting vote  colonization  counting heads  cumulative system  cumulative voting  deciding vote  division  election fraud  enfranchisement  fagot vote  floating  franchise  graveyard vote  hand vote  list system  nay  no  nontransferable vote  plebiscite  plebiscitum  plumper  plural system  plural vote  poll  polling  preferential system  preferential voting  proxy  proxy voting  record vote  referendum  repeating  representation  right to vote  rising vote  say  secret ballot  show of hands  single system  single transferrable vote  single vote  single-member district  snap vote  straw vote  suffrage  transferable vote  viva voce  voice  voice vote  vote  voting  voting machine  voting right  write-in  write-in vote  yea  yeas and nays  yes  

Proportionalventil Definition

Blow valve
() See Snifting valve.
Double-beat valve
() See under Valve.
D valve
() A kind of slide valve. See Slide valve, under Slide.
Kingston valve
() A conical valve, opening outward, to close the mouth of a pipe which passes through the side of a vessel below the water line.
(a.) Having a due proportion, or comparative relation
(a.) Relating to, or securing, proportion.
(a.) Constituting a proportion
(n.) Any number or quantity in a proportion
(n.) The combining weight or equivalent of an element.
(n.) A door
(n.) A lid, plug, or cover, applied to an aperture so that by its movement, as by swinging, lifting and falling, sliding, turning, or the like, it will open or close the aperture to permit or prevent passage, as of a fluid.
(n.) One or more membranous partitions, flaps, or folds, which permit the passage of the contents of a vessel or cavity in one direction, but stop or retard the flow in the opposite direction
(n.) One of the pieces into which a capsule naturally separates when it bursts.
(n.) One of the two similar portions of the shell of a diatom.
(n.) A small portion of certain anthers, which opens like a trapdoor to allow the pollen to escape, as in the barberry.
(n.) One of the pieces or divisions of bivalve or multivalve shells.
(n.) Any fresh-water gastropod of the genus Valvata.

proportional valve Bedeutung

stratified sampling
representative sampling
proportional sampling
the population is divided into subpopulations (strata) and random samples are taken of each stratum
proportional representation representation of all parties in proportion to their popular vote
valve one of the paired hinged shells of certain molluscs and of brachiopods
valve the entire one-piece shell of a snail and certain other molluscs
throttle valve
a valve that regulates the supply of fuel to the engine
ball valve any valve that checks flow by the seating of a ball
butterfly valve a valve in a carburetor that consists of a disc that turns and acts as a throttle
clack valve
clapper valve
a simple valve with a hinge on one side, allows fluid to flow in only one direction
diode rectifying tube
rectifying valve
a thermionic tube having two electrodes, used as a rectifier
exhaust valve a valve through which burned gases from a cylinder escape into the exhaust manifold
heart valve an implant that replaces a natural cardiac valve
intake valve a valve that controls the flow of fluid through an intake
poppet valve
a mushroom-shaped valve that rises perpendicularly from its seat, commonly used in internalombustion engines
proportional counter tube
proportional counter
counter tube whose output pulse is proportional to number of ions produced
rocker arm
valve rocker
a lever pivoted at the center, used especially to push a valve down in an internalombustion engine
safety valve
relief valve
escape valve
escape cock
a valve in a container in which pressure can build up (as a steam boiler), it opens automatically when the pressure reaches a dangerous level
slide valve valve that opens and closes a passageway by sliding over a port
sluice valve
penstock head gate water gate
regulator consisting of a valve or gate that controls the rate of water flow through a sluice
tube vacuum tube
thermionic vacuum tube
thermionic tube
electron tube
thermionic valve
electronic device consisting of a system of electrodes arranged in an evacuated glass or metal envelope
valve control consisting of a mechanical device for controlling the flow of a fluid
valve device in a brass wind instrument for varying the length of the air column to alter the pitch of a tone
valve-in-head engine internalombustion engine having both inlet and exhaust valves located in the cylinder head
mitral valve
bicuspid valve
left atrioventricular valve
valve with two cusps, situated between the left atrium and the left ventricle
tricuspid valve
right atrioventricular valve
valve with three cusps, situated between the right atrium and the right ventricle, allows blood to pass from atrium to ventricle and closes to prevent backflow when the ventricle contracts
atrioventricular valve either of two heart valves through which blood flows from the atria to the ventricles, prevents return of blood to the atrium
aortic valve a semilunar valve between the left ventricle and the aorta, prevents blood from flowing from the aorta back into the heart
pulmonary valve a semilunar valve between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery, prevents blood from flowing from the artery back into the heart
semilunar valve a heart valve with cusps shaped like half-moons, prevents blood from flowing back into the heart
heart valve
cardiac valve
a valve to control one-way flow of blood
valve a structure in a hollow organ (like the heart) with a flap to insure one-way flow of fluid through it
ileocecal valve valve between the ileum of the small intestine and the cecum of the large intestine, prevents material from flowing back from the large to the small intestine
pyloric sphincter
pyloric valve
musculus sphincter pylori
the sphincter muscle of the pylorus that separates the stomach from the duodenum
proportional one of the quantities in a mathematical proportion
stratified sample
representative sample
proportional sample
the population is divided into strata and a random sample is taken from each stratum
proportional font any font whose different characters have different widths
proportional tax any tax in which the rate is constant as the amount subject to taxation increases
mitral valve prolapse cardiopathy resulting from the mitral valve not regulating the flow of blood between the left atrium and left ventricle of the heart
mitral stenosis
mitral valve stenosis
obstruction or narrowing of the mitral valve (as by scarring from rheumatic fever)
properly related in size or degree or other measurable characteristics, usually followed by `to', the punishment ought to be proportional to the crime, earnings relative to production
proportional having a constant ratio
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Ein Proportionalventil, ist ein Stetigventil, das mit Hilfe eines Proportionalmagneten nicht nur diskrete Schaltstellungen zulässt, sondern einen stetigen Übergang der Ventilöffnung. Proportionalventile werden in der Hydraulik und Pneumatik besonders dort eingesetzt, wo veränderliche Volumenströme gefordert sind. Es gibt Proportionalventile als Stromventile mit einem Eingang und einem Ausgang, und als Wegeventile mit mehr als 2 Arbeitsanschlüssen. Sie besitzen normalerweise eine nichtlineare Volumenstromkennlinie und sind für Regelungsaufgaben nur bedingt geeignet.

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