
Proxy Server Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Proxy-Server m comp.
Proxy-Server pl
proxy server; application proxy; application level gateway
proxy servers; application proxies; application level gateways
Klient m comp.
Klient-Server-Architektur n
client server architecture
Server m comp. (Computer im Netz, der bestimmte Aufgaben erfüllt)
Server pl
Server-Virtualisierung f comp.
server virtualization
abschlagen, verweigern, verwehren, ablehnen, abweisen, zurückweisen v
abschlagend, verweigernd, verwehrend, ablehnend, abweisend, zurückweisend
abgeschlagen, verweigert, verwehrt, abgelehnt, abgewiesen, zurückgewiesen
schlägt ab, verweigert, verwehrt, lehnt ab, weist ab, weist zurück
schlug ab, verweigerte, verwehrte, lehnte ab, wies ab, wies zurück
Der Server hat die Verbindung abgewiesen. comp.
to refuse
The server has refused the connection.
überrannt, überlastet adj (WWW-Server) comp.
Programmierschnittstelle zwischen WWW-Server und Programmen
CGI : Common Gateway Interface
CHAP (Authentifizierungsschema für PPP-Server) comp.
challenge handshake authentication protocol CHAP
Client m (Netzwerkrechner der Dienste von einem Server abruft) comp.
Client-Server-Architektur f
client (hardware)
client-server architecture
Client m; Client-Anwendung f (Netzwerkprogramm das mit einer Server-Software kommuniziert) comp.
client program; client application; client (software)
Programmierschnittstelle f comp.
Programmierschnittstellen pl
Programmierschnittstelle f für ISDN-Karten
Programmierschnittstelle zwischen WWW-Server und Programmen
application programming interface API
application programming interfaces
common application programming interface CAPI
Common Gateway Interface CGI
Proxy-Kaskade f comp.
Proxy-Kaskaden pl
proxy cascade
proxy cascades
Proxy-Server m comp.
Proxy-Server pl
proxy server; application proxy; application level gateway
proxy servers; application proxies; application level gateways
Server m (Netzwerkrechner der Dienste für andere bereitstellt) comp.
Server pl
sekundärer Server
server (network computer offering services for others)
secondary server
Server-Platine f comp.
Server-Platinen pl
server board
server boards
Server-Virtualisierung f comp.
server virtualization eAm.; server virtualisation Br.
Trend m; Tendenz f; Strömung f
einen Trend entfernen (aus Daten)
allgemeiner Trend
eine gleichbleibende Tendenz (bei etw.)
eine rückläufige Tendenz (bei etw.)
eine steigende Tendenz (bei etw.)
sich dem Trend widersetzen; gegen den Trend gehen
einem Trend folgen
Der Trend geht in Richtung wärmere Winter.
Der Trend geht dahin mit dem Unterricht in einer zweiten Sprache früher zu beginnen.
Die Tendenz geht dahin dass der Browser Aufgaben übernimmt die früher der Server geleistet hat.
to detrend (the data)
mainstream trend
a stable trend (in sth.)
a downward trend (in sth.)
an upward trend (in sth.)
to buck the trend
to follow a trend
The trend is towards warmer winters.
The trend is to start teaching a second language earlier.
The trend is that the browser does more of the work the server used to do.
eigens (dafür) eingerichtet; eigen; fest zugeordnet; dediziert comp. adj
ein eigener Stromkreis
eine Standleitung
ein dedizierter Server
gebundenes Vermögen
a dedicated wiring circuit
a dedicated line
a dedicated server
dedicated assets
sicher; gesichert; geborgen adj
am sichersten
sich sicher fühlen; sich geborgen fühlen
sichere Nachrichtenübermittlung f
über einen sicheren gesicherten Server
sichere Programmierschnittstellenschicht f comp.
sicherer E-Commerce für Europa
to feel secure
secure communication messaging message transfer
through via a secure server
secure socket layer SSL
Secure Electronic Marketplace for Europe SEMPER
überrannt; überlastet adj (WWW-Server) comp.
slashdotted; " .ed" slang
etw. verweigern; ablehnen; abweisen; ausschlagen; zurückweisen; refüsieren Schw. v
verweigernd; ablehnend; abweisend; ausschlagend; zurückweisend; refüsierend
verweigert; abgelehnt; abgewiesen; ausgeschlagen; zurückgewiesen; refüsiert
verweigert; lehnt ab; weist ab; schlägt aus; weist zurück; refüsiert
verweigerte; lehnte ab; wies ab; schlug aus; wies zurück; refüsierte
etw. rundweg ablehnen
etw. glatt ablehnen
ein Gesuch ablehnen
einen Befehl verweigern
eine Gelegenheit ungenutzt lassen
Der Server hat die Verbindung abgewiesen. (Fehlermeldung) comp.
Die Regierung weigerte sich die Berichte zu bestätigen.
to refuse sth.
to refuse sth. point-blank
to refuse sth. bluntly
to refuse a request
to refuse an order
to refuse a chance
The server has refused the connection.(error message)
The government refused to verify the reports.
Web-server m comp. telco.
Webserver m
web server
web server
Architektur f comp.
Client-Server-Architektur f
Von-Neumann-Architektur f
client-server architecture
von Neumann architecture
CHAP (Authentifizierungsschema für PPP-Server) comp.
challenge handshake authentication protocol CHAP
Client m; Client-Anwendung f (Netzwerkprogramm, das mit einer Server-Software kommuniziert) comp.
client program; client application; client (software)
Client-Rechner m (Computer, der im Netzwerk Dienste von einem Server abruft) comp.
client computer; client
Domänennamenserver m; DNS-Server comp. telco.
domain name server; DNS server
Netzwerkserver m; Server m; Dienstleistungsrechner m (Rechner oder Peripheriegerät in einem Netzwerk mit einer zentralen Funktion für die Arbeitsplatzrechner) comp.
Netzwerkserver pl; Server pl; Dienstleistungsrechner pl
Anwendungsserver m
Dateiserver m; Fileserver m
E-Mail-Server m; Mailserver m
Newsserver m
Spiegelserver m
Terminalserver m
Webserver m
sekundärer Server
network server; computer server; server (computer or peripheral in a network which performs a central function for the workstations)
network servers; computer servers; servers
application server
file server
email server; mail server
news server
mirror server
terminal server
web server
secondary server
Proxy-Variable f statist.
proxy variable; proxy
Statusanzeige f; Dashboard n (für Server- und Softwareverwaltung, Verkehrslage usw.) comp.
Statusanzeigen pl; Dashboards pl
computer dashboard; dashboard
computer dashboards; dashboards
Trend m; Tendenz f (hin zu zu etw. weg von etw.)
Trends pl; Tendenzen pl
allgemeiner Trend
Langzeittrend m
eine gleichbleibende Tendenz (bei etw.)
eine rückläufige Tendenz (bei etw.)
eine steigende Tendenz (bei etw.)
sich dem Trend widersetzen; gegen den Trend gehen
einem Trend folgen
einen Trend entfernen (aus Daten)
… und die Tendenz ist steigend
Der Trend geht in Richtung wärmere Winter.
Der Trend geht dahin, mit dem Unterricht in einer zweiten Sprache früher zu beginnen.
Die Tendenz geht dahin, dass der Browser Aufgaben übernimmt, die früher der Server geleistet hat.
trend; tendency (towards sth. away from sth.)
trends; tendencies
mainstream trend
long-term trend
a stable trend (in sth.)
a downward trend (in sth.)
an upward trend (in sth.)
to buck the trend
to follow a trend
to detrend (the data)
… and the proportion is growing
The trend is towards warmer winters.
The trend is to start teaching a second language earlier.
The trend is that the browser does more of the work the server used to do.
eigens (dafür) eingerichtet; eigen; fest zugeordnet; dediziert comp. adj
ein eigener Stromkreis
ein dedizierter Server
gebundenes Vermögen
Es ist vorteilhaft, dafür einen dedizierten Webserver einzusetzen.
a dedicated wiring circuit
a dedicated server
dedicated assets
It is advantageous to use a dedicated web server for this.
(einen Computer) herunterfahren v comp.
Nach dem Update ist der Server herunterzufahren und neu zu starten.
to shut {shut; shut} down; to power down (a computer)
shutting down; powering down
shut down; powered down
After the update the server has to be shut down and restarted.
sicher; gesichert; geborgen adj
am sichersten
sich sicher fühlen; sich geborgen fühlen
sichere Nachrichtenübermittlung f
über einen sicheren gesicherten Server
sichere Programmierschnittstellenschicht f comp.
sicherer E-Commerce für Europa
to feel secure
secure communication messaging message transfer
through via a secure server
secure socket layer SSL
Secure Electronic Marketplace for Europe SEMPER
etw. verweigern; ablehnen; abweisen; ausschlagen; zurückweisen; refüsieren Schw. v
verweigernd; ablehnend; abweisend; ausschlagend; zurückweisend; refüsierend
verweigert; abgelehnt; abgewiesen; ausgeschlagen; zurückgewiesen; refüsiert
verweigert; lehnt ab; weist ab; schlägt aus; weist zurück; refüsiert
verweigerte; lehnte ab; wies ab; schlug aus; wies zurück; refüsierte
etw. glatt ablehnen; etw. rundweg ablehnen
ein Gesuch ablehnen
eine Beschwerde ablehnen
einen Befehl verweigern
eine Gelegenheit ungenutzt lassen
Der Server hat die Verbindung abgewiesen. (Fehlermeldung) comp.
Die Regierung weigerte sich, die Berichte zu bestätigen.
to refuse sth.
to refuse sth. bluntly; to refuse sth. point-blank
to refuse a request
to refuse a claim
to refuse an order
to refuse a chance
The server has refused the connection. (error message)
The government refused to verify the reports.
(eine Eingabe Anforderung) zurückgeben v comp.
einen Text auf dem Bildschirm wiedergeben
Das Kennwort wird nicht an den Bildschirm zurückgegeben.
Der Server gibt die Download-Anforderungen zurück.
to echo (an input a request)
to echo a text on the screen
The password will not be echoed to the screen.
The server echoes the download requests.

Deutsche Proxy Server Synonyme

E-Mail-Server  ÂMailserver  
HTTP-Server  ÂWebserver  
E-Mail-Server  Mailserver  
HTTP-Server  Webserver  
proxy  Australian ballot  Hare system  Indiana ballot  Massachusetts ballot  absentee ballot  advocate  agency  agent  agentship  

Englische proxy server; application proxy; application level gateway Synonyme

proxy  Australian ballot  Hare system  Indiana ballot  Massachusetts ballot  absentee ballot  advocate  agency  agent  agentship  alter ego  alternate  alternative  amicus curiae  analogy  assignee  assignment  attorney  authority  authorization  aye  backup  backup man  ballot  ballot-box stuffer  balloter  blanket ballot  brevet  canvass  canvassing  care  casting vote  champion  change  changeling  charge  commission  commissioning  commitment  comparison  consignment  copy  counterfeit  counting heads  cumulative voting  cure  deciding vote  delegate  delegated authority  delegation  deputation  deputy  devolution  devolvement  division  double  dummy  elector  embassy  empowerment  enfranchisement  entrusting  entrustment  equal  equivalent  errand  ersatz  exchange  executive officer  executorship  exequatur  exponent  factor  factorship  fagot vote  fake  figurehead  fill-in  floater  franchise  fraudulent voter  full power  ghost  ghostwriter  graveyard vote  hand vote  imitation  jurisdiction  legation  license  lieutenancy  lieutenant  list system  locum  locum tenens  long ballot  makeshift  mandate  metaphor  metonymy  mission  mock  nay  next best thing  no  nonpartisan ballot  nontransferable vote  office  office-block ballot  paranymph  party emblem  party-column ballot  personnel  phony  pinch  pinch hitter  pleader  plebiscite  plebiscitum  plenipotentiary power  plumper  plural vote  poll  polling  power of attorney  power to act  preferential voting  procuration  procurator  proportional representation  provisional  purview  record vote  referendum  regency  regentship  registered voter  relief  repeater  replacement  representation  representative  reserve  reserves  responsibility  right to vote  ringer  rising vote  sample ballot  say  second in command  second string  secondary  secret ballot  short ballot  show of hands  sign  single vote  slate  snap vote  spare  spares  split ticket  stand-in  stopgap  straight ticket  straw vote  sub  subs  

Proxy Server Definition

Air level
() Spirit level. See Level.
(n.) The act of applying or laying on, in a literal sense
(n.) The thing applied.
(n.) The act of applying as a means
(n.) The act of directing or referring something to a particular case, to discover or illustrate agreement or disagreement, fitness, or correspondence
(n.) Hence, in specific uses: (a) That part of a sermon or discourse in which the principles before laid down and illustrated are applied to practical uses
(n.) The capacity of being practically applied or used
(n.) The act of fixing the mind or closely applying one's self
(n.) The act of making request of soliciting
(n.) A request
(n.) A passage through a fence or wall
(n.) A line or surface to which, at every point, a vertical or plumb line is perpendicular
(n.) A horizontal line or plane
(n.) An approximately horizontal line or surface at a certain degree of altitude, or distance from the center of the earth
(n.) Hence, figuratively, a certain position, rank, standard, degree, quality, character, etc., conceived of as in one of several planes of different elevation.
(n.) A uniform or average height
(n.) An instrument by which to find a horizontal line, or adjust something with reference to a horizontal line.
(n.) A measurement of the difference of altitude of two points, by means of a level
(n.) A horizontal passage, drift, or adit, in a mine.
(a.) Even
(a.) Coinciding or parallel with the plane of the horizon
(a.) Even with anything else
(a.) Straightforward
(a.) Well balanced
(a.) Of even tone
(v. t.) To make level
(v. t.) To bring to a lower level
(v. t.) To bring to a horizontal position, as a gun
(v. t.) Figuratively, to bring to a common level or plane, in respect of rank, condition, character, privilege, etc.
(v. t.) To adjust or adapt to a certain level
(v. i.) To be level
(v. i.) To aim a gun, spear, etc., horizontally
(pl. ) of Proxy
(n.) The agency for another who acts through the agent
(n.) The person who is substituted or deputed to act or vote for another.
(n.) A writing by which one person authorizes another to vote in his stead, as in a corporation meeting.
(n.) The written appointment of a proctor in suits in the ecclesiastical courts.
(n.) See Procuration.
(v. i.) To act or vote by proxy
Sea level
() The level of the surface of the sea
(n.) One who serves.
(n.) A tray for dishes
Water level
() The level formed by the surface of still water.
Water level
() A kind of leveling instrument. See under Level, n.
Y level
() See under Y, n.

proxy server; application proxy; application level gateway / proxy servers; application proxies; application level gateways Bedeutung

application the action of putting something into operation, the application of maximum thrust, massage has fareaching medical applications, the application of indexes to tables of data
proxy fight a measure used by an acquirer to gain control of a takeover target, acquirer tries to persuade other shareholders that the management of the target should be replaced
terrain flight
low level flight
flight at very low altitudes
application diligence a diligent effort, it is a job requiring serious application
application coating
the work of applying something, the doctor prescribed a topical application of iodine, a complete bleach requires several applications, the surface was ready for a coating of paint,
blood-oxygenation level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging
functional magnetic resonance imaging that relies on intrinsic changes in hemoglobin oxygenation
application practical application the act of bringing something to bear, using it for a particular purpose, he advocated the application of statistics to the problem, a novel application of electronics to medical diagnosis
Abney level a surveying instrument consisting of a spirit level and a sighting tube, used to measure the angle of inclination of a line from the observer to the target
carpenter's level a straight bar of light metal with a spirit level in it
dedicated file server (computer science) a file server that can be used only as a file server
Dumpy level a surveyor's level having a short telescope fixed to a horizontally rotating table and a spirit level
file server (computer science) a digital computer that provides workstations on a network with controlled access to shared resources
floor level storey
a structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale, what level is the office on?
gateway an entrance that can be closed by a gate
gateway drug a habit-forming drug that is not addictive but its use may lead to the use of other addictive drugs, one college athlete recently called beer a gateway drug for young people
ground floor
first floor
ground level
the floor of a building that is at or nearest to the level of the ground around the building
horizontal surface
a flat surface at right angles to a plumb line, park the car on the level
spirit level
indicator that establishes the horizontal when a bubble is centered in a tube of liquid
level crossing
grade crossing
intersection of a railway and a road on the same level, barriers close road when trains pass
lotion application liquid preparation having a soothing or antiseptic or medicinal action when applied to the skin, a lotion for dry skin
mason's level a level longer than a carpenter's level
non-dedicated file server (computer science) a file server that can be used simultaneously as a workstation
plumb level a carpenter's level with a plumb line at right angles to it
server utensil used in serving food or drink
server host (computer science) a computer that provides client stations with access to files and printers as shared resources to a computer network
surveyor's level surveying instrument consisting basically of a small telescope with an attached spirit level rotating around a vertical axis, for measuring relative heights of land
water level a water gauge that shows the level by showing the surface of the water in a trough or U-shaped tube
brightness brightness level
the quality of being luminous, emitting or reflecting light, its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun
a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality, a moderate grade of intelligence, a high level of care is required, it is all a matter of degree
amplitude level the level on a scale of amplitude
signal level the amplitude level of the desired signal
noise level
background level
the amplitude level of the undesired background noise
intensity strength intensity level the amount of energy transmitted (as by acoustic or electromagnetic radiation), he adjusted the intensity of the sound, they measured the station's signal strength
threshold level the intensity level that is just barely perceptible
acoustic power
sound pressure level
the physical intensity of sound
level best
the greatest possible degree, he tried his utmost
level height above ground, the water reached ankle level, the pictures were at the same level
grade ground level the height of the ground on which something stands, the base of the tower was below grade
water level the level of the surface of a body of water
sea level level of the ocean's surface (especially that halfway between mean high and low tide), used as a standard in reckoning land elevation or sea depth
an abstract place usually conceived as having depth, a good actor communicates on several levels, a simile has at least two layers of meaning, the mind functions on many strata simultaneously
application form a form to use when making an application
application a verbal or written request for assistance or employment or admission to a school, December is the deadline for applications
job application an application for a job
credit application an application for a line of credit
loan application an application to borrow money
mortgage application an application for a mortgage loan
patent application an application for sole rights to an invention
proxy a power of attorney document given by shareholders of a corporation authorizing a specific vote on their behalf at a corporate meeting
application application program
applications programme
a program that gives a computer instructions that provide the user with tools to accomplish a task, he has tried several different word processing applications
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