
Quer Kluft Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Quer-Kluft f; Q-Kluft f geol.
dip joint; Q-joint
Klamotte pl, Klamotten pl, Kluft f ugs. (Kleider)
rags, togs, things, junk, clobber coll.
Kluft f, Spalte f
Klüfte pl, Spalten pl
chasm, cleft
chasms, clefts
Kluft f, Abgrund m
Klüfte pl, Abgrunden pl
eine Kluft überbrücken übtr.
to bridge a gulf
Kluft f
gap, hiatus, abyss
Schlagrichtung f
eben quer zur Schlagrichtung
impact direction
cross-coplanar to impact direction
Schnitt m (Längs..., Quer...)
der goldene Schnitt
the golden section
Spalte f, Kluft f
Spalten pl
Strich m, Faser f
gegen den Strich, quer zur Laufrichtung
mit den Strich, mit der Laufrichtung
across the grain
with the grain
darüber, quer darüber, hinüber, herüber, quer durch adv
across, over
kreuzweise, quer, überquer adv
quer, schief, ärgerlich, zuwider adj
quer, schräg, diagonal adj
quer, querab adv
quer laufend
quer liegend
quer gestreift, quergestreift alt adj
cross-striped, fasciated
quer durch
straight through
schräg, schief, quer adj
schräg, quer, querlaufend adj
seitlich adj (von), Seiten..., Quer...
lateral (to)
über prp, wo? +Dativ, wohin? +Akkusativ
über den Wolken sein
über die Straße gehen
quer über das Feld
over, above, across
to be above the clouds
to go across the road
right across the field
kreuz und quer verstreut
strewn at large
quer durch
per Anhalter fahren; per Autostopp fahren; autostoppen Ös.; trampen
per Anhalter fahrend; trampend
per Anhalter gefahren; getrampt
er sie fährt per Anhalter; er sie trampt
ich er sie fuhr per Anhalter; ich er sie trampte
er sie ist war per anhalter gefahren; er sie ist war getrampt
Sie fuhren per Anhalter quer durch Europa.
to hitchhike; to hitch; to go backpacking; to thumb a lift coll.
he she hitchhikes
I he she hitchhiked
he she has had hitchhiked
They hitchhiked across Europe.
Kluft f; Fummel m; Klamotten pl; Plünnen f Norddt.; Gewand n Bayr. Ös. ugs. (Kleider)
Sie trägt schicke Klamotten.
gear; things; duds coll. (clothes)
She wears trendy gear.
Kluft f; Spalte f geol.
Klüfte pl; Spalten pl
einfallende Kluft
erzführende Kluft
geschlossene Kluft
kleine Kluft
offene Kluft
schichtungsparallele Kluft
söhlige Kluft
verborgene Kluft
verschlossene Kluft
wasserführende Kluft
chasm; cleft; diaclase; joint
chasms; clefts; diaclass; joints
feeder (of ore)
strata joint
bottom joint
blind joint
sealed joint
water slip; feeder (of water)
Kluft f; Abgrund m
Klüfte pl; Abgrunden pl
eine Kluft überbrücken übtr.
to bridge a gulf
Kluft f
gap; hiatus; abyss
Kluft f; Auseinanderklaffen n; Schere f; Gefälle n (krasser Unterschied zwischen jdm.) soc.
die digitale Kluft
die Kluft Schere zwischen Arm und Reich
ein Nord-Süd-Gefälle
divide; gap (strong difference between among sb.)
the digital divide; the digital gap
the gap between the rich and the poor; the gap between rich and poor
a North-South divide
Schaukeln n; Schwoien n (Schiffsbewegung quer parallel zu Querachse) naut.
Schlagrichtung f
Schlagrichtungen pl
eben quer zur Schlagrichtung
impact direction
impact directions
cross-coplanar to impact direction
Schnitt m (Längs...; Quer...)
der goldene Schnitt
the golden section
Seite an Seite; nebeneinander; quer adv naut.
zu fünft nebeneinander
nebeneinander gehen
five abreast
to walk abreast
Spalte f; Kluft f
Spalten pl
Strich m; Faser f
gegen den Strich; quer zur Laufrichtung
mit den Strich; mit der Laufrichtung
against the grain; across the grain
with the grain
Tauschschleifen n; Tauchschliff m; Quer-Rundschleifen n; Querschleifen n; Einstechschleifen n techn.
plunge-cut grinding
Zapfen m (Holz)
Zapfen pl
Zapfen mit Nutzapfen
verkeilte Zapfen
blind verkeilte Zapfen
quer verkeilte Zapfen
eingelegter Hartholzzapfen
haunched tenon
wedged tenons
fox wedged tenon
tusk tenons
false tenon; inserted tenon
abflusswirksamer Querschnitt m; Abflussquerschnitt m; Abflussprofil n; Durchflussquerschnitt m; Durchflussprofil n; Fließquerschnitt m (Fläche quer zu einem Strom die ebenfalls durchflossen werden kann) envir.
flow section; discharge cross section; discharge section (cross-section of a stream which may also be occupied by flowing water)
etw. absägen v
Holz quer absägen
den Ast absägen auf dem man sitzt übtr.
to saw off sth.
sawing off
sawed off
to saw across the grain
to saw off the branch one is sitting on
darüber; quer darüber; hinüber; herüber; quer durch adv
across; over
kreuz und quer; kreuzweise; über Kreuz adv
Träger am Rücken über Kreuz textil.
straps criss-cross on the back
kreuz und quer verlaufen v
kreuz und quer verlaufend
kreuz und quer verlaufen
to criss-cross
kreuz und quer verlaufend; kreuzweise adj; Kreuz...
Kreuzmuster n
criss-cross; criss-crossed
criss-cross pattern
etw. kreuz und quer überziehen v
kreuz und quer mit Narben übersät sein
Eisenbahnlinien überziehen die Landschaft kreuz und quer.
to criss-cross sth.
to be criss-crossed with scars
Railway lines criss-cross the countryside.
kreuz und quer durch ein Gebiet fahren reisen v
Wir sind mit dem Bus kreuz und quer durch Amerika gefahren.
to criss-cross an area
We criss-crossed America by bus.
kreuzweise; quer; überquer; verquer; quergerichtet adv
quer; schief; ärgerlich; zuwider adj
quer; schräg; diagonal; quer laufend adj
quer; querab adv
quer durch; quer liegend; kreuzweise adv
quer durch verschiedene Gruppen gehen
parteiübergreifend sein
to cut across different groups
to cut across party lines
quer gestreift; quergestreift alt adj
cross-striped; fasciated
quer über; quer durch
aslant {prp}
schräg; quer adj
schräg; quer; querlaufend; transversal adj
transversal; transverse
seitlich adj (von); Seiten...; Quer...
lateral (to)
über prp; wo? +Dat.; wohin? +Akk.
über den übern ugs. Wolken sein
über die Straße gehen
quer über das Feld
Ich ging hinüber um ihn zu begrüßen.
Mein Cousin kommt nächste Woche aus Spanien herüber.
Es gibt nur fünf Boote einige werden also hinüberschwimmen müssen.
above (where?); over (where or where to?); across (where to?)
to be above the clouds
to go across the road
right across the field
I went over to say hello to him.
My cousin is coming over from Spain next week.
There are only five boats so some people will have to swim over.
etw. (an einen Ort) werfen; schleudern; schmeißen ugs. v
werfend; schleudernd; schmeißend
geworfen; geschleudert; geschmissen
du wirfst
er sie wirft
ich er sie warf
wir sie warfen
er sie hat hatte geworfen
ich er sie würfe
einen Stein werfen
seine Tasche auf das Sofa werfen
einen Ziegel durch die Fensterscheibe werfen
seinen Hut in die Luft werfen
seine Schuhe quer durchs Zimmer schleudern
etw. nach jdm. schmeißen
jdn. ins Gefängnis werfen
ein paar Bälle werfen (Baseball)
Sie stürzte sich begeistert in die Arbeit.
to throw {threw; thrown}; to toss; to cast {cast; cast}; to fling {flung; flung}; to pitch; to chuck coll.; to sling {slung; slung} coll.; to heave coll. (sth. heavy); to bung coll.; to peg Am. coll.; to hoy Austr. coll.; to bish NZ coll. sth. (in a place)
throwing; tossing; casting; flinging; pitching; chucking; slinging; heaving; bunging; peging; hoying; bishing
thrown; tossed; cast; flung; pitched; chucked; slung; heaved; bunged; peged; hoyed; bished
you throw
he she throws
I he she threw
we they threw
he she has had thrown
I he she would throw
to throw toss cast a stone
to toss your bag on to the sofa
to hurl a brick through the window glass
to fling your hat into the air
to fling your shoes across the room
to chuck sth. at sb. coll.
to fling sb. into prison
to pitch a few balls (baseball)
She hurled herself into the job with enthusiasm.
etw. nicht zulassen; sich gegen etw. aussprechen; etw. ablehnen v (Person)
nicht zulassend; sich gegen aussprechend; ablehnend
nicht zulassen; sich gegen ausgesprecht; abgelehnet
Wir hatten vor quer durch die USA zu reisen aber unsere Eltern ließen es nicht zu.
Sie lehnte mehrere Lokale ab bis wir uns auf eines einigen konnten.
Die Pläne für den Damm werden von Umweltschützern abgelehnt.
Ich wollte Zelten gehen aber die anderen waren gleich dagegen.
to rule out sth.; to veto sth. (person)
ruling out; vetoing
ruled out; vetoed
We planned to do a cross-country trip in the US but our parents ruled that out vetoed it.
She vetoed several restaurants before we could agree on one.
Plans for the dam have been vetoed by environmentalists.
I wanted to go camping but the others quickly ruled out vetoed that idea.
quer durch die Stadt
crosstown {adj} Am.
Kluft f
L-Kluft f geol.
primary flat joint; L-joint
Quer-Kluft f; Q-Kluft f geol.
dip joint; Q-joint
S-Kluft f geol.
S-joint; longitudinal joint
per Anhalter fahren; per Autostopp fahren; autostoppen Ös.; trampen v
per Anhalter fahrend; trampend
per Anhalter gefahren; getrampt
er sie fährt per Anhalter; er sie trampt
ich er sie fuhr per Anhalter; ich er sie trampte
er sie ist war per anhalter gefahren; er sie ist war getrampt
Sie fuhren per Anhalter quer durch Europa.
to hitchhike; to hitch; to go backpacking; to thumb a lift coll.
he she hitchhikes
I he she hitchhiked
he she has had hitchhiked
They hitchhiked across Europe.
Becken n anat.
Becken pl
allgemein erweitertes verengtes Becken
anatomisch enges Becken
enges Becken; verengtes Becken
gespaltenes Becken
hohes Becken
quer verengtes Becken
schräg verengtes Becken
weites Becken; erweitertes Becken
Gummibecken n (bei Knochenerweichung)
pelvis; bony pelvic ring
generally enlarged contracted pelvis
anatomically contracted pelvis
contrcted pelvis; narrowed pelvis
split pelvis
funnel-shaped pelvis
transversely contracted pelvis
obliquely contracted pelvis
large pelvis; enlarged pelvis
rubber pelvis (in bone softening)
Kluft f; Fummel m; Klamotten pl Dt.; Plünnen f Norddt.; Gewand n Bayr. Ös. ugs. (Kleider)
Designersachen pl
Sie hat zieht topmodische Klamotten an.
garms; gear; things; duds coll. (clothes)
designer gear
She wears trendy gear.
Kluft f; Auseinanderklaffen n; Schere f; Gefälle n (krasser Unterschied zwischen jdm.) soc.
Wohlstandsgefälle n
die digitale Kluft
die Kluft Schere zwischen Arm und Reich
ein Nord-Süd-Gefälle
eine Kluft überbrücken
divide; gap; gulf; abyss; chasm (strong difference between among sb.)
wealth gap
the digital divide gap abyss
the gap between the rich and the poor; the gap between rich and poor; the chasm between rich and poor
a North-South divide
to bridge a gulf chasm
Motor m auto techn.
Motoren pl
Blockmotor m
Doppelreihenmotor m auto
Einreihenmotor m
Saugmotor m
Trommelmotor m
abgasoptimierter Motor
bürstenloser Motor; Stromrichtermotor
liegender Motor
quer eingebauter Motor; Quermotor auto
bei mit laufendem Motor auto
den Motor warmlaufen lassen
den Motor hochjagen; mit Bleifuß fahren; auf die Tube drücken ugs.
engine (generating energy through a chemical reaction); motor (receiving propelling power from an external source)
engines; motors
block-cast motor engine; monobloc motor engine; block motor engine
twin-bank engine; double-tandem engine
single-line engine
aspirating engine; naturally aspirated engine
drum motor
exhaust gas optimized motor
brushless motor; BL-motor
horizontal motor; flat motor
transverse engine
with the engine running
to warm up the engine
to gun the engine Am. coll.
Sägeschnitt m techn.
Sägeschnitte pl
durch Sägeschnitt
Sägeschnitt entlang zum Faserverlauf von Holz; Längsschnitt agr.
Sägeschnitt quer zum Faserverlauf von Holz; Querschnitt
saw cut
saw cuts
by saw
rip cut in wood
cross-grain cut in wood
Schussfäden pl; Einschuss m; Schuss m; Eintrag m (Gewebsfäden, die zu den Kettfäden im Webstuhl quer liegen) textil.
weft; filling pick; group of picks
Wasserbauwerk n; Wasserbauanlage f; Wasserbaute f Schw. (Wasserbau)
Wasserbauwerke pl; Wasserbauanlagen pl; Wasserbauten pl
Auslaufbauwerk n
Längsbauwerk n; Längswerk n; Längsverbauung f; Längsbaute f Schw. (entlang eines Fließgewässers)
Querbauwerk n; Querwerk n; Querverbauung f; Querbaute f Schw. (quer zu einem Fließgewässer)
hydraulic structure (water engineering)
hydraulic structures
outlet structure; discharge structure
longitudinal structure (along a stream channel)
transverse structure (across a stream channel)
abflusswirksamer Querschnitt m; Abflussquerschnitt m; Abflussprofil n; Durchflussquerschnitt m; Durchflussprofil n; Fließquerschnitt m (Fläche quer zu einem Strom, die ebenfalls durchflossen werden kann) envir.
Hochwasserprofil n (Abflussquerschnitt, der bei Hochwasser durchströmt wird)
benetzte Fläche des Abflussquerschnitts; benetzter Querschnitt
benetzter Umfang des Abflussquerschnitts
zusammengesetzter Querschnitt; zusammengesetztes Profil; Doppelprofil
flow section; discharge cross section; discharge section (cross-section of a stream which may also be occupied by flowing water)
flood cross section (cross section that is occupied in times of flood)
flow area wetted area of the cross-section; wetted cross-section; wetted section
wetted perimeter of the cross-section
compound cross-section; double cross-section
etw. absägen v
Holz quer absägen
den Ast absägen, auf dem man sitzt übtr.
to saw off sth.
sawing off
sawed off
to saw across the grain
to saw off the branch one is sitting on
albern; blöd; dümmlich; quatschig Dt.; schräg adj (Person und Sache)
ein schräger Humor
ein richtiger Kindskopf sein
In dieser Kluft sehe ich ja albern aus.
silly; foolish; dippy; daft Br.; daffy Am.; goofy Am. (of a person or thing) (sillier) (silliest)
a daft sense of humour Br.; a daffy sense of humor Am.
to be (as) daft as a brush Br. coll.
Those garms make me look foolish.
durcheinander; kreuz und quer; in ungeordneter Reihenfolge adv
ein Musikalbum durcheinander kreuz und quer abspielen
out of order (not in the usual sequence)
to play a music album out of order
etw. durchziehen; durchschneiden v (quer durch eine Fläche verlaufen)
durchziehend; durchschneidend
durchgezogen; durchgeschnitten
Eine Vielzahl an Flüssen durchzieht das Land.
Die beiden Linien kreuzen sich schneiden sich.
to traverse sth. (extend across a surface)
A multitude of rivers traverse the country.
The two lines traverse each other.
peinlicher Typ m
In der Kluft sehe ich ja voll peinlich aus!
dork Am. coll.
I look like a complete dork in these clothes.
kreuz und quer verlaufend; kreuzweise adj; Kreuz…
Kreuzmuster n
criss-cross; criss-crossed
criss-cross pattern
kreuzweise; quer; überquer; verquer; quergerichtet adv
Befestigungsschrauben stufenweise und über Kreuz anziehen
tight the fixing screws in steps in a crosswise sequence
quer durch verschiedene Gruppen gehen v
parteiübergreifend sein
to cut across different groups
to cut across party lines
schräg; quer adv
slantwise; slantways; slantwisely
seitlich adj (von); Seiten…; Quer…
lateral (to)
über prp; wo? +Dat.; wohin? +Akk.
über den übern ugs. Wolken sein
über die Straße gehen
quer über das Feld
Ich ging hinüber, um ihn zu begrüßen.
Mein Cousin kommt nächste Woche aus Spanien herüber.
Es gibt nur fünf Boote, einige werden also hinüberschwimmen müssen.
above (where?); over (where or where to?); across (where to?)
to be above the clouds
to go across the road
right across the field
I went over to say hello to him.
My cousin is coming over from Spain next week.
There are only five boats, so some people will have to swim over.
etw. (inhaltlich) überbrücken; eine Brücke zwischen etw. schlagen v übtr.
überbrückend; eine Brücke zwischen schlagend
überbrückt; eine Brücke zwischen geschlagen
die Differenzen in wichtigen Fragen überbrücken
die Kluft zwischen Theorie und Praxis überbrücken; zwischen Theorie und Praxis eine Brücke schlagen
to bridge sth. fig.
to bridge differences on key issues
to bridge the gap between theory and practice
etw. auf etw. verstreuen; ausbringen v
auf verstreuend; ausbringend
auf verstreut; ausgebracht
er sie verstreut; er sie bringt aus
ich er sie verstreute; ich er sie brachte aus
er sie hat hatte verstreut; er sie hat hatte ausgebracht
Heu auf dem Stallboden ausbringen
kreuz und quer verstreut sein
to strew sth. on sth.; to strew sth. with sth. {strewed; strewn, strewed}
strewing on; strewing with
strewed strewn on; strewed with
he she strews
I he she strewed
he she has had strewn
to strew hay on the floor of the stable; to strew the floor of the stable with hay
to be strewn all over the place
etw. (an einen Ort) werfen; schleudern; schmeißen ugs. v
werfend; schleudernd; schmeißend
geworfen; geschleudert; geschmissen
du wirfst
er sie wirft
ich er sie warf
wir sie warfen
er sie hat hatte geworfen
ich er sie würfe
einen Stein werfen
seine Tasche auf das Sofa werfen
einen Ziegel durch die Fensterscheibe werfen
seinen Hut in die Luft werfen
seine Schuhe quer durchs Zimmer schleudern
etw. nach jdm. schmeißen
jdn. ins Gefängnis werfen
den ersten Stein werfen übtr.
ein paar Bälle werfen (Baseball)
Sie stürzte sich begeistert in die Arbeit.
Mike warf einen Stein in den Teich.
Ken warf noch ein Scheit ins Feuer.
to throw {threw; thrown}; to toss; to cast {cast; cast}; to fling {flung; flung}; to pitch; to chuck coll.; to sling {slung; slung} coll.; to heave coll. (sth. heavy); to bung coll.; to peg Am. coll.; to hoy Austr. coll.; to bish NZ coll. sth. (in a place)
throwing; tossing; casting; flinging; pitching; chucking; slinging; heaving; bunging; peging; hoying; bishing
thrown; tossed; cast; flung; pitched; chucked; slung; heaved; bunged; peged; hoyed; bished
you throw
he she throws
I he she threw
we they threw
he she has had thrown
I he she would throw
to throw toss cast a stone
to toss your bag on to the sofa
to hurl a brick through the window glass
to fling your hat into the air
to fling your shoes across the room
to chuck sth. at sb. coll.
to fling sb. into prison
to cast the first stone fig.
to pitch a few balls (baseball)
She hurled herself into the job with enthusiasm.
Mike threw a stone into the pond.
Ken tossed another log on the fire.
etw. nicht zulassen; sich gegen etw. aussprechen; etw. ablehnen v (Person)
nicht zulassend; sich gegen aussprechend; ablehnend
nicht zulassen; sich gegen ausgesprecht; abgelehnt
Wir hatten vor, quer durch die USA zu reisen, aber unsere Eltern ließen es nicht zu.
Sie lehnte mehrere Lokale ab, bis wir uns auf eines einigen konnten.
Die Pläne für den Damm werden von Umweltschützern abgelehnt.
Ich wollte Zelten gehen, aber die anderen waren gleich dagegen.
to rule out sth.; to veto sth. (person)
ruling out; vetoing
ruled out; vetoed
We planned to do a cross-country trip in the US, but our parents ruled that out vetoed it.
She vetoed several restaurants before we could agree on one.
Plans for the dam have been vetoed by environmentalists.
I wanted to go camping but the others quickly ruled out vetoed that idea.
zusammenzählen; hinzuzählen; addieren; summieren v math.
zusammenzählend; hinzuzählend; addierend; summierend
zusammengezählt; hinzugezählt; addiert; summiert
zählt zusammen; zählt hinzu; addiert; summiert
zählte zusammen; zählte hinzu; addierte; summierte
quer addieren
Addiere Summiere 6 und 9:; Zähle 6 und 9 zusammen.
5 plus 5
Die Punkte jedes Teilnehmers wurden zusammengezählt.
to add sth. (up together); to sum sth. up; to total sth. up
adding; summing up; totaling up
added; summed up; totalled up
add; sums up; totals up
add; sums up; totals up
to cross-add
Add 6 to and 9.
5 added to 5
Each participant's points were totalled (up).
eine Kluft zwischen Personen Gruppen
a cleavage formal between persons groups

Deutsche Quer Kluft Synonyme

Kluft  ÂRiss  ÂSpalte  
Dienstkleidung  ÂEinheitskleidung  ÂKluft  ÂUniform  
quer  Âschief  Âschräg  
überquer  Âkreuzweise  Âquer  
diagonal  Âquer  Âschief  Âschräg  
herüber  Âhinüber  Âquer  durch  
Anziehsachen  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂBekleidung  ÂGarderobe  ÂGewand  ÂKlamotten  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂKleider  ÂKleidung  ÂKluft  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂOutfit  ÂSachen  (umgangssprachlich)  
Kluft  Riss  Spalte  
quer  schief  schräg  
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Englische dip joint; Q-joint Synonyme

dip  acid bath  alveolation  alveolus  antrum  apply paint  armpit  ascend  asperge  attrition  bail  bank  baptism  baptize  basin  bath  bayberry candle  beat the drum  bedaub  bedizen  begild  besmear  bougie  bowl  brush on paint  bucket  burial  bury  calcimine  candle  cannon  cant  careen  cavity  christen  climb  coat  color  complexion  concave  concavity  corpse candle  cover  crab  crater  crypt  cup  curtailment  cut  cutpurse  cutting  dab  daub  decant  decline  declivity  decrease  decrement  deep-dye  deluge  depletion  depreciation  depression  derogation  descend  descent  detraction  diminution  dipping  dish  dish out  dish up  disparagement  distemper  diver  double-dye  douse  dousing  downgate  downgrade  downhill  downslide  downswing  downtrend  downturn  draw  drop  drown  duck  ducking  dunk  dunking  dye  emblazon  enamel  engild  engulf  engulfment  exchange colors  extraction  face  fall  fall away  fall off  falling-off  falloff  farthing dip  fast-dye  feather  fingersmith  fishtail  fixing bath  flag  flag down  flash  float  flood  flow on  fold  follicle  fork  fresco  funnel chest  gild  give a signal  give the nod  glance  glaze  gloss  go down  go downhill  go uphill  grade  grain  hail  hail and speak  half-mast  hang  hanging  hock  hoist a banner  hole  hollow  hollow shell  hue  illuminate  imbue  immerge  immergence  immerse  immersion  impairment  impignorate  incline  ingrain  inundate  inundation  japan  keel  kick  lacquer  lacuna  lade  ladle  lay on color  lean  leer  lessening  light-fingered gentry  list  loop  make a sign  mercury bath  merge  mobsman  mortgage  nod  nose-dive  nudge  overwhelm  paint  parget  pickpocket  pigment  pit  pitch  pledge  plow  plunge  plunge in water  pocket  poke  pop  porpoise  pour  pour on  prime  pull out  pull up  punch bowl  push down  rain  raise a cry  rake  reduction  remission  retraction  retreat  retrenchment  rise  roll  rush candle  rushlight  sag  salute  scoop  set  sh  
dip into  browse  examine cursorily  flip  give the once-over  glance at  glance over  glance through  page through  pass over lightly  run over  run through  scan  skim  skim over  skip over  slip through  slur  slur over  thumb over  thumb through  touch upon  touch upon lightly  zip through  
diphtheria  African lethargy  Asiatic cholera  Chagres fever  German measles  Haverhill fever  acute articular rheumatism  ague  alkali disease  amebiasis  amebic dysentery  anthrax  bacillary dysentery  bastard measles  black death  black fever  blackwater fever  breakbone fever  brucellosis  bubonic plague  cachectic fever  cerebral rheumatism  chicken pox  cholera  cowpox  dandy fever  deer fly fever  dengue  dengue fever  dumdum fever  dysentery  elephantiasis  encephalitis lethargica  enteric fever  erysipelas  famine fever  five-day fever  flu  frambesia  glandular fever  grippe  hansenosis  hepatitis  herpes  herpes simplex  herpes zoster  histoplasmosis  hookworm  hydrophobia  infantile paralysis  infectious mononucleosis  inflammatory rheumatism  influenza  jail fever  jungle rot  kala azar  kissing disease  lepra  leprosy  leptospirosis  loa loa  loaiasis  lockjaw  madness  malaria  malarial fever  marsh fever  measles  meningitis  milzbrand  mumps  ornithosis  osteomyelitis  paratyphoid fever  parotitis  parrot fever  pertussis  pneumonia  polio  poliomyelitis  polyarthritis rheumatism  ponos  psittacosis  rabbit fever  rabies  rat-bite fever  relapsing fever  rheumatic fever  rickettsialpox  ringworm  rubella  rubeola  scarlatina  scarlet fever  schistosomiasis  septic sore throat  shingles  sleeping sickness  sleepy sickness  smallpox  snail fever  splenic fever  spotted fever  strep throat  swamp fever  tetanus  thrush  tinea  trench fever  trench mouth  tuberculosis  tularemia  typhoid  typhoid fever  typhus  typhus fever  undulant fever  vaccinia  varicella  variola  venereal disease  viral dysentery  whooping cough  yaws  yellow fever  yellow jack  zona  zoster  
diphthong  allophone  alveolar  apico-alveolar  apico-dental  articulation  aspiration  assimilation  bilabial  cacuminal  cerebral  check  consonant  continuant  dental  dissimilation  epenthetic vowel  explosive  glide  glottal  glottalization  guttural  labial  labialization  labiodental  labiovelar  laryngeal  lateral  lingual  liquid  manner of articulation  modification  monophthong  morphophoneme  mute  nasal  occlusive  palatal  parasitic vowel  peak  pharyngeal  pharyngealization  phone  phoneme  plosive  prothetic vowel  retroflex  segmental phoneme  semivowel  sonant  sonority  speech sound  stop  surd  syllabic nucleus  syllabic peak  syllable  transition sound  triphthong  velar  vocable  vocalic  vocoid  voice  voiced sound  voiceless sound  voicing  vowel  
diploma  affidavit  attestation  authority  authorization  bill of health  brevet  certificate  certificate of proficiency  certification  charter  concession  credential  deposition  franchise  grant  letters patent  liberty  navicert  notarized statement  note  patent  royal grant  sheepskin  sworn statement  testamur  testimonial  ticket  visa  vise  voucher  warrant  warranty  witness  
diplomacy  Eisenhower Doctrine  Machiavellianism  Machiavellism  Monroe Doctrine  Nixon Doctrine  Truman Doctrine  ability  address  adeptness  adroitness  airmanship  appeasement  artfulness  artisanship  artistry  balance of power  bravura  brilliance  brinkmanship  capability  capacity  cleverness  coexistence  colonialism  command  competence  compromise  containment  control  coordination  craft  craftsmanship  cunning  deftness  detente  deterrence  dexterity  dexterousness  dextrousness  diplomatic  diplomatics  discretion  dollar diplomacy  dollar imperialism  efficiency  expansionism  expertise  facility  finesse  foreign affairs  foreign policy  good-neighbor policy  grace  grip  handiness  horsemanship  imperialism  ingeniousness  ingenuity  internationalism  intrigue  isolationism  jobbery  jobbing  know-how  machination  maneuvering  manifest destiny  marksmanship  mastership  mastery  militarism  nationalism  negotiation  neocolonialism  neutralism  nonresistance  open door  open-door policy  peace offensive  peaceful coexistence  poise  politics  practical ability  preparedness  proficiency  prowess  quickness  readiness  resource  resourcefulness  savoir faire  savoir-faire  savvy  seamanship  shirt-sleeve diplomacy  shuttle diplomacy  skill  skillfulness  spheres of influence  statecraft  statesmanship  style  tact  tactfulness  technical brilliance  technical mastery  technical skill  technique  the big stick  timing  tough policy  virtuosity  wit  wizardry  workmanship  world politics  
diplomat  Admirable Crichton  Machiavel  Machiavellian  Machiavellianist  adept  ambassador  ambassadress  apostolic delegate  artisan  artist  attache  authority  career diplomat  chancellor  charge  commercial attache  connaisseur  connoisseur  consul  consul general  consular agent  consultant  cordon bleu  crack shot  craftsman  dead shot  diplomatic  diplomatic agent  diplomatist  elder statesman  emissary  envoy  envoy extraordinary  experienced hand  expert  expert consultant  foreign service officer  graduate  handy man  influence peddler  internuncio  journeyman  legate  marksman  military attache  minister  minister plenipotentiary  minister resident  no slouch  nuncio  plenipotentiary  political realist  politician  power broker  pro  professional  professor  proficient  resident  savant  secretary of legation  shark  sharp  statesman  technical adviser  technician  vice-consul  vice-legate  
diplomatic  Daedalian  Machiavellian  Machiavellic  acute  adept  adroit  ambassadorial  apt  arch  artful  artistic  astute  authoritative  bland  bravura  brilliant  cagey  canny  civic  clean  clever  consular  coordinated  courteous  crack  crackerjack  crafty  cunning  cute  daedal  deceitful  deep  deep-laid  deft  delicate  designing  dexterous  dextrous  discerning  discreet  excellent  expert  fancy  feline  foxy  geopolitical  good  goodish  governmental  graceful  guileful  handy  ingenious  insidious  inventive  knowing  magisterial  masterful  masterly  ministerial  neat  no mean  pawky  perceptive  perspicacious  plenipotentiary  polite  politic  political  politico-commercial  politico-diplomatic  politico-economic  politico-geographical  politico-judicial  politico-military  politico-moral  politico-religious  politico-scientific  politico-social  politico-theological  professional  proficient  prudent  quick  quite some  ready  resourceful  scheming  sensitive  serpentine  sharp  shifty  shrewd  skillful  slick  slippery  sly  smooth  snaky  sneaky  some  sophistical  statesmanlike  stealthy  strategic  stylish  subtile  subtle  suffragist  supple  tactful  tactical  the compleat  the complete  thoughtful  trickish  tricksy  tricky  virtuoso  vulpine  wary  well-done  wily  wise  workmanlike  
dipping  baptism  burial  declined  declining  declivate  declivitous  declivous  descending  dip  dousing  downgrade  downhill  dropping  duck  ducking  dunking  engulfment  falling  immergence  immersion  inundation  sinking  souse  sousing  submergence  submersion  
dipsomania  a habit  abulia  acquired tolerance  acute alcoholism  addictedness  addiction  alcoholic addiction  alcoholic psychosis  alcoholism  amphetamine withdrawal symptoms  arteriosclerotic psychosis  barbiturate addiction  barbiturism  bottle nose  certifiability  chain smoking  chronic alcoholism  cocainism  crash  craving  delirium tremens  dementia paralytica  dependence  drug addiction  drug culture  drug dependence  ebriosity  folie du doute  functional psychosis  general paralysis  general paresis  grog blossom  habitual drunkenness  habituation  heavy drinking  metabolic psychosis  moral insanity  neurosis  nicotine addiction  oenomania  oinomania  organic psychosis  paralytic dementia  pathological drunkenness  physical dependence  presenile dementia  prison psychosis  problem drinking  psychological dependence  psychopathia  psychopathia sexualis  psychopathic condition  psychopathic personality  psychopathy  psychosis  senile dementia  senile psychosis  senility  sexual pathology  situational psychosis  syphilitic paresis  tolerance  toxic psychosis  withdrawal sickness  withdrawal symptoms  
dipsomaniac  LSD user  acidhead  addict  alcoholic  alcoholic addict  bacchanal  bacchanalian  bibber  big drunk  boozer  carouser  chain smoker  chronic alcoholic  chronic drunk  cocaine sniffer  cokie  cubehead  devotee of Bacchus  dope fiend  doper  drinker  drug abuser  drug addict  drug user  drunk  drunkard  fiend  freak  glue sniffer  guzzler  habitual  hard drinker  head  heavy drinker  heavy smoker  hophead  hype  imbiber  inebriate  junkie  lovepot  marijuana smoker  methhead  narcotics addict  oenophilist  pathological drinker  pillhead  pot companion  pothead  problem drinker  reveler  serious drinker  shikker  snowbird  soaker  social drinker  sot  speed freak  swigger  swiller  thirsty soul  tippler  toper  tosspot  tripper  user  wassailer  winebibber  
diptych  Domesday Book  abstract  abstraction  account book  address book  adversaria  album  altarpiece  annual  appointment calendar  appointment schedule  blankbook  block print  blotter  calendar  cashbook  catalog  classified catalog  collage  color print  commonplace book  copy  court calendar  cyclorama  daub  daybook  desk calendar  diary  docket  engagement book  engraving  fresco  icon  illumination  illustration  image  journal  ledger  likeness  log  logbook  loose-leaf notebook  memo book  memorandum book  memory book  miniature  montage  mosaic  mural  notebook  pad  panorama  petty cashbook  photograph  picture  pocket notebook  pocketbook  police blotter  print  representation  reproduction  scrapbook  scratch pad  spiral notebook  stained glass window  stencil  still life  table  tableau  tablet  tapestry  triptych  wall painting  workbook  writing tablet  yearbook  

Quer Kluft Definition

Butting joint
() A joint between two pieces of timber or wood, at the end of one or both, and either at right angles or oblique to the grain, as the joints which the struts and braces form with the truss posts
Butt joint
() A joint in which the edges or ends of the pieces united come squarely together instead of overlapping. See 1st Butt, 8.
Hooke's joint
() A universal joint. See under Universal.
(n.) The place or part where two things or parts are joined or united
(n.) A joining of two things or parts so as to admit of motion
(n.) The part or space included between two joints, knots, nodes, or articulations
(n.) Any one of the large pieces of meat, as cut into portions by the butcher for roasting.
(n.) A plane of fracture, or divisional plane, of a rock transverse to the stratification.
(n.) The space between the adjacent surfaces of two bodies joined and held together, as by means of cement, mortar, etc.
(n.) The means whereby the meeting surfaces of pieces in a structure are secured together.
(a.) Joined
(a.) Involving the united activity of two or more
(a.) United, joined, or sharing with another or with others
(a.) Shared by, or affecting two or more
(v. t.) To unite by a joint or joints
(v. t.) To join
(v. t.) To provide with a joint or joints
(v. t.) To separate the joints
(v. i.) To fit as if by joints
(n.) A genus (Ephedra) of leafless shrubs, with the stems conspicuously jointed
(a.) Having straight joints.
(a.) Applied to a floor the boards of which are so laid that the joints form a continued line transverse to the length of the boards themselves.
(a.) In the United States, applied to planking or flooring put together without the tongue and groove, the pieces being laid edge to edge.
Water joint
() A joint in a stone pavement where the stones are left slightly higher than elsewhere, the rest of the surface being sunken or dished. The raised surface is intended to prevent the settling of water in the joints.

dip joint; Q-joint Bedeutung

joint venture a venture by a partnership or conglomerate designed to share risk or expertise, a joint venture between the film companies to produce TV shows
glass lizard
glass snake
joint snake
snakelike lizard of Europe and Asia and North America with vestigial hind limbs and the ability to regenerate its long fragile tail
fetlock fetlock joint the joint between the cannon bone and the pastern
tarsal joint of the hind leg of hoofed mammals, corresponds to the human ankle
artificial joint a metal or plastic part that is surgically implanted to replace a natural joint (possibly elbow or wrist but usually hip or knee)
ball-and-socket joint a joint that can rotate within a socket
butt joint
a joint made by fastening ends together without overlapping
clip joint a place of entertainment where high prices are charged for poor entertainment
dovetail joint
a mortise joint formed by interlocking tenons and mortises
fish joint a butt joint formed by bolting fish plates to the sides of two rails or beams
flexible joint
a joint that holds two parts together so that one can swing relative to the other
marijuana cigarette
stick spliff
marijuana leaves rolled into a cigarette for smoking
joint junction by which parts or objects are joined together
joint a disreputable place of entertainment
Joint Direct Attack Munition
a pinpoint bomb guidance device that can be strapped to a gravity bomb thus converting dumb bombs into smart bombs
juke joint
jook joint
juke house
jook house
a small roadside establishment in the southeastern United States where you can eat and drink and dance to music provided by a jukebox
knuckle joint
hinge joint
a joint allowing movement in one plane only
lap joint
joint made by overlapping two ends and joining them together
miter joint
mitre joint
miter mitre
joint that forms a corner, usually both sides are bevelled at a -degree angle to form a -degree corner
mortise joint
mortise-and-tenon joint
a joint made by inserting tenon on one piece into mortise holes in the other
rabbet joint a joint formed by fitting together two rabbeted boards
rib joint pliers a type of pliers
scarf joint
a joint made by notching the ends of two pieces of timber or metal so that they will lock together end-to-end
slip-joint pliers pliers with a joint adjustable to two positions in order to increase the opening of the jaws
strap hinge
joint hinge
a hinge with two long straps, one strap is fastened to the surface of a moving part (e.g., a door or lid) and the other is fastened to the adjacent stationary frame
toggle joint a joint made by two arms attached by a pivot, used to apply pressure at the two ends by straightening the joint
tongue and groove joint a mortise joint made by fitting a projection on the edge of one board into a matching groove on another board
universal joint
coupling that connects two rotating shafts allowing freedom of movement in all directions, in motor vehicles a universal joint allows the driveshaft to move up and down as the vehicle passes over bumps
joint probability the probability of two events occurring together
mandibular joint
temporomandibular joint
articulatio temporomandibularis
the joint between the head of the lower jawbone and the temporal bone
fibrous joint
an immovable joint (especially between the bones of the skull)
synovial joint
articulatio synovialis
a joint so articulated as to move freely
shoulder shoulder joint
articulatio humeri
a ball-and-socket joint between the head of the humerus and a cavity of the scapula
knee joint
human knee
articulatio genus
hinge joint in the human leg connecting the tibia and fibula with the femur and protected in front by the patella
gliding joint
articulatio plana
a freely moving joint in which the articulations allow only gliding motions
ankle joint
mortise joint
articulatio talocruralis
a gliding joint between the distal ends of the tibia and fibula and the proximal end of the talus
elbow joint
human elbow
cubital joint
articulatio cubiti
hinge joint between the forearm and upper arm and the corresponding joint in the forelimb of a quadruped
interphalangeal joint any of the joints between the phalanges of the fingers or toes
hinge joint
ginglymoid joint
a freely moving joint in which the bones are so articulated as to allow extensive movement in one plane
wrist joint
radiocarpal joint
articulatio radiocarpea
a joint between the distal end of the radius and the proximal row of carpal bones
knuckle joint
metacarpophalangeal joint
a joint of a finger when the fist is closed
(anatomy) the point of connection between two bones or elements of a skeleton (especially if it allows motion)
ball-and-socket joint
spheroid joint
cotyloid joint
enarthrodial joint
articulatio spheroidea
a freely moving joint in which a sphere on the head of one bone fits into a rounded cavity in the other bone
hip hip joint
articulatio coxae
the ball-and-socket joint between the head of the femur and the acetabulum
pivot joint
rotary joint
rotatory joint
articulatio trochoidea
a freely moving joint in which movement is limited to rotation, the articulation of the radius and ulna in the arm is a pivot joint
joint resolution a resolution passed by both houses of Congress which becomes legally binding when signed by the Chief Executive (or passed over the Chief Executive's veto)
joint return a return filed by a husband and wife
a piece of meat roasted or for roasting and of a size for slicing into more than one portion
second joint
the upper joint of the leg of a fowl
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Joint Chiefs
the executive agency that advises the President on military questions, composed of the chiefs of the United States Army and the United States Navy and the United States Air Force and the commandant of the United States Marine Corps
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