
Rotationslinie Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Rotationslinie f
Rotationslinien pl
rotational line
rotational lines
Rotationslinie f
Rotationslinien pl
rotational line
rotational lines
Rotation, Umdrehung
Tätigkeitswechsel, Rotation der Tätigkeiten
job rotation
Rotation f
Rotation f math.
Drehbewegung f; Rotation f phys.
rotation; turn
Rotation f (von etw.) math. phys. techn.
rotation (of sth.)
Rotation f; turnusmäßiger Wechsel m adm.
der turnusmäßige Wechsel zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten
rotation between Member States
Ungleichförmigkeitsgrad m (Rotation)
degree of uniformity regularity irregularity angular (ir)regularity; coefficient of cyclic variation (rotation)
etw. drehen; etw. in Rotation versetzen v
drehend; in Rotation versetzend
gedreht; in Rotation versetzt
einen Monitor rundum schwenken
etw. aus einer Ebene herausdrehen math.
to rotate sth.
to fully rotate a monitor
to rotate sth. out of a plane
gebundene Rotation f astron.
gebunden rotiert; gebunden rotierend
tidal locking; gravitational locking; captured rotation
tidally locked
Vektorfunktion f math.
Rotation einer Vektorfunktion
vector function
curl of a vector function
Rotations-Raman-Spektrum n
rotational Raman spectrum
rotierend; sich drehend adj; Rotations...; Dreh...
rotary; rotatory
rotierend; sich drehend adj; Rotations…; Dreh…
rotary; rotatory
Drehachse f; Rotationsachse f mech. phys.
Drehachsen pl; Rotationsachsen pl
rotational axis; rotation axis; axis of rotation; spin axis
rotational axes; rotation axes; axes of rotation; spin axes
Rotationsachse f
Rotationsachsen pl
axis of rotation
axes of rotation
Drehachse f; Rotationsachse f (mechanisch) phys.
Drehachsen pl; Rotationsachsen pl
rotational axis; rotation axis; axis of rotation; spin axis
rotational axes; rotation axes; axes of rotation; spin axes
Drehbewegung f; drehende Bewegung f; Rotationsbewegung f phys.
Drehbewegungen pl; drehende Bewegungen pl; Rotationsbewegungen pl
rotary motion; rotatory motion; rotational motion; rotating motion; rotational movement; rotation
rotary motions; rotatory motions; rotational motions; rotating motions; rotational movements; rotations
Rotationsdruck m
rotary printing
Rotationsdruck m textil.
rotary screen printing
Rotationsdruckmaschine f techn.
Rotationsdruckmaschinen pl
rotary press
rotary presses
Rotationsdruckmaschine f; Rotationsmaschine f print.
Rotationsdruckmaschinen pl; Rotationsmaschinen pl
Bogen-Rotationsdruckmaschine f; Bogenrotationsmaschine f
rotary printing press; rotary press; rotary machine; rotary
rotary printing presses; rotary presses; rotary machines; rotaries
sheet-fed rotary press; sheet-fed rotary machine
Umdrehungsellipsoid n; Rotationsellipsoid n; Sphäroid n math. phys.
Umdrehungsellipsoiden pl; Rotationsellipsoiden pl; Sphäroiden pl
abgeplattetes Umdrehungsellipsoid
ellipsoid of revolution; revolution ellipsoid; spheroid
ellipsoids of revolution; revolution ellipsoids; spheroids
oblate ellipsoid of revolution
Umdrehungsellipsoid n; Rotationsellipsoid n; Sphäroid n math. phys.
Umdrehungsellipsoide pl; Rotationsellipsoide pl; Sphäroide pl
abgeplattetes Umdrehungsellipsoid
ellipsoid of revolution; revolution ellipsoid; spheroid
ellipsoids of revolution; revolution ellipsoids; spheroids
oblate ellipsoid of revolution
Rotationsenergie f phys.
kinetic energy of rotation
Rotationsfreiheitsgrad m phys. techn.
rotational degree of freedom
Geschwindigkeit f; Tempo n; Drehzahl f
Mindestgeschwindigkeit f
Rotationsgeschwindigkeit f
mit hoher Geschwindigkeit
zulässige Geschwindigkeit
an Geschwindigkeit zunehmen; schneller werden
kritische Geschwindigkeit bei Querhaftung
mit überhöhter Geschwindigkeit fahren; mit übersetzter Geschwindigkeit fahren Schw.
minimum speed
speed of rotation; rotation speed
at a great speed
permissible speed
to gather speed; to gain speed
breakaway speed
to drive at excess speed
Rolodex m, Rotationskartei f
rolodex tm
Rolodex m; Rotationskartei f
rolodex tm
Rotationskörper m
Rotationskörper pl
solid of revolution
solids of revolution
Rotationskörper m
Rotationskörper pl
body of revolution; solid of rotation; rotational solid
bodies of revolution; solids of rotation; rotational solids
Rotationskolbenmotor m (RKM), Kreiskolbenmotor m techn.
Rotationskolbenmotoren pl, Kreiskolbenmotoren pl
rotary piston engine
rotary piston engines
Rotationskolbenmotor m RKM ; Kreiskolbenmotor m techn.
Rotationskolbenmotoren pl; Kreiskolbenmotoren pl
rotary piston engine
rotary piston engines
Rotationskolbenmotor m RKM ; Kreiskolbenmotor m techn.
Rotationskolbenmotoren pl; Kreiskolbenmotoren pl
rotary piston engine
rotary piston engines
Rotationskompressor m, Umlaufverdichter m techn.
Rotationskompressoren pl, Umlaufverdichter pl
rotary compressor
rotary compressors
Rotationskompressor m; Umlaufverdichter m techn.
Rotationskompressoren pl; Umlaufverdichter pl
rotary compressor
rotary compressors
Rotationskonstante f
Rotationskonstanten pl
rotational constant
rotational constants
Lautsprecher m
Bandlautsprecher m
Leslie-Lautsprecher; Rotationslautsprecher
mobiler Lautsprecher
vorderer Lautsprecher
hinterer Lautsprecher
loudspeaker; loud speaker; speaker
ribbon loudspeaker
multicellular loudspeaker; multicell loudspeaker
Leslie speaker
mobile loudspeaker
front speaker
rear speaker
Rotationslinie f
Rotationslinien pl
rotational line
rotational lines
Mähweide f; Rotationsmähweide f; Mähumtriebsweide f agr.
hay meadow Br.; hayfield Am.
Rotationsmessung f
Rotationsmessungen pl
rotational measurement
rotational measurements
siderisch; sideral; Stern ... adj astron.
siderische Rotationsperiode
sidereal; of the star(s)
sidereal period of axial rotation
siderisch; sideral; Stern … adj astron.
siderische Rotationsperiode
sidereal; of the star(s)
sidereal period of axial rotation
Stichprobennahme f; Stichprobenziehung f; Stichprobenverfahren n; Auswahlverfahren n statist.
einfache Stichprobenentnahme; Einzelstichprobenverfahren; einstufige Auswahl; unmittelbare Stichprobenentnahme
zweiphasiges Stichprobenverfahren; doppelte Stichprobennahme
direkte indirekte Stichprobennahme
extensives intensives Stichprobenverfahren
erschöpfende Stichprobenziehung
gemischtes Stichprobenverfahren
inverses Stichprobenverfahren
inverses Stichprobenverfahren mit Zurücklegen
mehrfache multiple Stichprobenziehung
proportionale Stichprobenaufteilung; proportionale Auswahl
zufallsähnliches Stichprobenverfahren
bewusst gewählte Stichprobe; bewusstes Auswahlverfahren
fortschreitend zensierte Stichprobennahme
hierarchisch geschachtelte Stichprobennahme
Stichprobenentnahme vom Typ 1
Stichprobenentnahme im Gittermuster
Stichprobenentnahme zur Prüfung qualitativer Merkmale
Stichprobennahme mit Rotationsplan
Stichprobenentnahme vom Weg aus; Wegstichprobenverfahren
Stichprobenentnahme nach Wichtigkeit
Stichprobenverfahren bei dem Beobachtungswerte unregelmäßig anfallen
Auswahl mit Zurücklegen
Klumpenstichprobe nach der Auswahl
Auslosungsstichprobenverfahren; Lostrommelverfahren
Clusterverfahren des nächsten Nachbarn; nearest-neighbour clustering
Fang-Stichprobenverfahren; Capture-Recapture-Stichprobenverfahren
Raffstichprobe; Raffprobe
Schnellballstichprobenverfahren; Schneeballverfahren; Schneeballauswahl
single sampling; unit stage sampling; unitary sampling
two-phase sampling; double sampling
multi-phase sampling
direct indirect sampling
extensive intensive sampling
exhaustive sampling
mixed sampling
inverse sampling
inverse multinomial sampling
multiple sampling
proportional sampling
quasi-random sampling
purposive sample
progressively censored sampling
nested sampling
type 1 sampling
lattice sampling
sampling for attributes
rotation sampling
route sampling
importance sampling
jittered sampling
sampling with replacement
post cluster sampling
acceptance sampling
lottery sampling; ticket sampling
single-linkage clustering
capture release sampling; capture recapture sampling
area sampling
line sampling
matrix sampling
network sampling
point sampling
chunk sampling
zonal sampling
probability sampling
snowball sampling; chain sampling; chain-referral sampling; referral sampling
Stichprobenentnahme f; Stichprobennahme f; Stichprobenziehung f; Stichprobenverfahren n; Auswahlverfahren n statist.
einfache Stichprobenentnahme; Einzelstichprobenverfahren; einstufige Auswahl; unmittelbare Stichprobenentnahme
zweiphasiges Stichprobenverfahren; doppelte Stichprobennahme
Klumpensstichprobenahme f; Klumpenprobenahme f; Klumpenstichprobenverfahren n; Klumpenauswahlverfahren n; Nestprobenverfahren n
direkte indirekte Stichprobennahme
extensives intensives Stichprobenverfahren
erschöpfende Stichprobenziehung
gemischtes Stichprobenverfahren
inverses Stichprobenverfahren
inverses Stichprobenverfahren mit Zurücklegen
mehrfache multiple Stichprobenziehung
proportionale Stichprobenaufteilung; proportionale Auswahl
zufallsähnliches Stichprobenverfahren
bewusste Stichprobennahme; bewusstes Auswahlverfahren
fortschreitend zensierte Stichprobennahme
hierarchisch geschachtelte Stichprobennahme
Stichprobenentnahme vom Typ 1
Stichprobenentnahme im Gittermuster
Stichprobenziehung zur Merkmalbestimmung; Probennahme auf Merkmale
Stichprobennahme mit Rotationsplan
Stichprobenentnahme vom Weg aus; Wegstichprobenverfahren
Stichprobenentnahme nach Wichtigkeit
Stichprobenverfahren, bei dem Beobachtungswerte unregelmäßig anfallen
Auswahl mit Zurücklegen
Klumpenstichprobe nach der Auswahl
Auslosungsstichprobenverfahren; Lostrommelverfahren
Clusterverfahren des nächsten Nachbarn; nearest-neighbour clustering
Fang-Stichprobenverfahren; Capture-Recapture-Stichprobenverfahren
Gelegenheitsstichprobennahme f; planlose Stichprobenauswahl
Schnellballstichprobenverfahren; Schneeballverfahren; Schneeballauswahl
single sampling; unit stage sampling; unitary sampling
two-phase sampling; double sampling
cluster sampling
multi-phase sampling
direct indirect sampling
extensive intensive sampling
exhaustive sampling
mixed sampling
inverse sampling
inverse multinomial sampling
multiple sampling
proportional sampling
quasi-random sampling
purposive sampling; judgment sampling; purposive selection
progressively censored sampling
nested sampling
type 1 sampling
lattice sampling
attribute sampling; attributes sampling; sampling for attributes
rotation sampling
route sampling
importance sampling
jittered sampling
sampling with replacement
post cluster sampling
acceptance sampling
lottery sampling; ticket sampling
single-linkage clustering
capture release sampling; capture recapture sampling
area sampling
line sampling
matrix sampling
network sampling
point sampling
chunk sampling
zonal sampling
probability sampling
snowball sampling; chain sampling; chain-referral sampling; referral sampling
rotation principle
Hangrutschung f; Hangrutsch m; Erdrutsch m; gravitative Massenbewegung f (großflächige Rutschung von Lockermaterial) envir. geogr.
Rotationsrutschung f
Translationsrutschung f
landslide; landslip Br.; landfall; earthfall
rotational slide; rotational slip Br.; rotational slump
translational slide; translational slip Br.; translational slump; planar slide; planar slump
Rotationsschleuse f
Rotationsschleusen pl
rotation air shower
rotation air showers
Schweißgerät n; Schweißapparat m; Schweißaggregat n; Schweißmaschine f techn.
Abbrennstumpfschweißgerät n
Betonstahlschweißgerät n
Bolzenschweißgerät n
Drahtschweißgerät n
Kontaktschweißgerät n
Muffenschweißgerät n
Rollennahtschweißgerät n
Rotationsschweißgerät n
Rundschweißgerät n
Schienenschweißmaschine f
Spezialschweißgerät n
Stumpfschweißgerät n
Ultraschallschweißgerät n
Widerstandsschweißgerät n
WIG-Schweißgerät n
welding set; welding apparatus; welding machine; welder
flash welding machine
welding machine for reinforcing steel
stud welding machine
wire welding machine
contact welding machine
socket welding machine; socket welder
seam welding machine
spin welding machine; rotary friction welder
circular welding machine
rail welding machine
special welding machine
butt-welding machine
ultrasonic welding machine
resistance welding machine
TIG welding apparatus (tungsten inert gas welding)
Rotationsstruktur f
Rotationsstrukturen pl
rotational structure
rotational structures
Rotationstiefdruck m
Rotationstiefdruck m; (industrieller) Rakeltiefdruck m print
rotogravure printing; rotogravure
Rotationsverdampfer m
Rotationsverdampfer pl
rotary evaporator
rotary evaporators
Verdampfapparat m; Eindampfgerät n; Verdampfer m; Evaporator m
Verdampfapparate pl; Eindampfgeräte pl; Verdampfer pl; Evaporatoren pl
Brüdenverdampfer m
Kaskadenverdampfer m
Petroleumverdampfer m (Kocher)
Rotationsverdampfer m
evaporating apparatus; evaporator; vaporizer
evaporating apparatuses; evaporators; vaporizers
brine evaporator
cascade evaporator
fuel evaporator
rotary evaporator
Rotationswärmerückgewinner m techn.
Rotationswärmerückgewinner pl
circulating heat recoverer
circulating heat recoverers
Viehweide f; Weide f agr.
Viehweiden pl; Weiden pl
Allmendweide f; Hutweide f; Hutung f; Triftweide f; Trift f
Bergweide f; Hochweide f; Almweide f; Alm f; Alpweide f; Senne f Bayr. Ös.
Fettweide f
Kuhweide f
Magerweide f
Schafweide f
Sommerweide f
Standweide f
Umtriebsweide f; Rotationsweide f; Koppelweide f
Waldweide f; Wytweide f Schw.
Winterweide f
pasture; pasturage; grazing land; grazing ground; grazing
pastures; pasturages; grazing grounds; grazings
land pasture; grazing common Br.; grazing commons Am.
mountain pasture; alpine pasture; alp; alpine meadow; hill farm
fertilized pasture
cow pasture
pasture of low productivity
sheep pasture
summer pasture; summer pasturage; summer grazing ground; summer grazing
intensively grazed pasture
rotational grazing; rotation pasture Am.
forest pasture; wood pasture; forest grazing ground
winter pasture; winter pasturage; winter grazing ground; winter grazing
Rotationswinkel m
angle of rotation
Rotationswirbel m, Drehwirbel m
Rotationswirbel pl, Drehwirbel pl
rotation vertebra
rotation vertebrae
Rotationswirbel m; Drehwirbel m anat.
Rotationswirbel pl; Drehwirbel pl
rotation vertebra
rotation vertebrae

Deutsche Rotationslinie Synonyme

Englische rotational line Synonyme

Rotationslinie Definition

Bee line
() The shortest line from one place to another, like that of a bee to its hive when loaded with honey
Fraunhofer lines
() The lines of the spectrun
Gunter's line
() A logarithmic line on Gunter's scale, used for performing the multiplication and division of numbers mechanically by the dividers
(n.) Flax
(n.) The longer and finer fiber of flax.
(v. t.) To cover the inner surface of
(v. t.) To put something in the inside of
(v. t.) To place persons or things along the side of for security or defense
(v. t.) To impregnate
(n.) A linen thread or string
(n.) A more or less threadlike mark of pen, pencil, or graver
(n.) The course followed by anything in motion
(n.) Direction
(n.) A row of letters, words, etc., written or printed
(n.) A short letter
(n.) A verse, or the words which form a certain number of feet, according to the measure.
(n.) Course of conduct, thought, occupation, or policy
(n.) That which has length, but not breadth or thickness.
(n.) The exterior limit of a figure, plat, or territory
(n.) A threadlike crease marking the face or the hand
(n.) Lineament
(n.) A straight row
(n.) A series or succession of ancestors or descendants of a given person
(n.) A connected series of public conveyances, and hence, an established arrangement for forwarding merchandise, etc.
(n.) A circle of latitude or of longitude, as represented on a map.
(n.) The equator
(n.) A long tape, or a narrow ribbon of steel, etc., marked with subdivisions, as feet and inches, for measuring
(n.) A measuring line or cord.
(n.) That which was measured by a line, as a field or any piece of land set apart
(n.) Instruction
(n.) The proper relative position or adjustment of parts, not as to design or proportion, but with reference to smooth working
(n.) The track and roadbed of a railway
(n.) A row of men who are abreast of one another, whether side by side or some distance apart
(n.) The regular infantry of an army, as distinguished from militia, guards, volunteer corps, cavalry, artillery, etc.
(n.) A trench or rampart.
(n.) Dispositions made to cover extended positions, and presenting a front in but one direction to an enemy.
(n.) Form of a vessel as shown by the outlines of vertical, horizontal, and oblique sections.
(n.) One of the straight horizontal and parallel prolonged strokes on and between which the notes are placed.
(n.) A number of shares taken by a jobber.
(n.) A series of various qualities and values of the same general class of articles
(n.) The wire connecting one telegraphic station with another, or the whole of a system of telegraph wires under one management and name.
(n.) The reins with which a horse is guided by his driver.
(n.) A measure of length
(v. t.) To mark with a line or lines
(v. t.) To represent by lines
(v. t.) To read or repeat line by line
(v. t.) To form into a line
(n.) The line which forms the communication between the steering wheel and the telltale.
(n.) A line or track leading from the provinces toward the metropolis or a principal terminus
Water line
() Any one of certain lines of a vessel, model, or plan, parallel with the surface of the water at various heights from the keel.

rotational line / rotational lines Bedeutung

line drive
(baseball) a hit that flies straight out from the batter, the batter hit a liner to the shortstop
line-drive single
line single
a single resulting from a line drive
line-drive double
line double
a double resulting from a line drive
line-drive triple
line triple
a triple resulting from a line drive
rotational nystagmus nystagmus caused by the body rotating rapidly, large slow movements of the eyeballs are in the direction of rotation
line of least resistance
path of least resistance
the easiest way, In marrying him she simply took the path of least resistance
pursuit sideline
spare-time activity
an auxiliary activity
line of work
the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money, he's not in my line of business
line backer
(American football) the position of a defensive football player who plays close behind the line of scrimmage
field of operation
line of business
a particular kind of commercial enterprise, they are outstanding in their field
line of duty all that is normally required in some area of responsibility
line management administration of the activities contributing directly to an organization's output
line acting in conformity, in line with, he got out of line, toe the line
lateral line
lateral line organ
sense organs of fish and amphibians, believed to detect pressure changes in the water
acoustic delay line
sonic delay line
a delay line based on the time of propagation of sound waves
A-line women's clothing that has a fitted top and a flared skirt that is widest at the hemline, it is called the A-line because the effect resembles the capital letter A
branch line
spur track
a railway line connected to a trunk line
bus line an organization responsible for operating a bus transportation system
cable line transmission line a conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric power
chalk line
snap line
a chalked string used in the building trades to make a straight line on a vertical surface
delay line a circuit designed to introduce a calculated delay into the transmission of a signal
line drawing
a drawing of the outlines of forms or objects
digital subscriber line
a generic name for digital lines that are provided by telephone companies to their local subscribers and that carry data at high speeds
drive line
drive line system
mechanism that transmits power from the engine to the driving wheels of a motor vehicle
electromagnetic delay line a delay line based on the time of propagation of electromagnetic waves
feeder line a branching path off of a main transportation line (especially an airline)
fishing line a length of cord to which the leader and float and sinker and hook are attached
fuel line
gas line petrol line
a pipe that carries gasoline from a tank to a gasoline engine, the car wouldn't start because dirt clogged the gas line
gas line a pipeline used to transport natural gas, the workmen broke through the gas line
hand line
a fishing line managed principally by hand
harpoon line a strong rope for making the catch fast to the harpooner's boat
hot line a direct telephone line between two officials
land line
a telephone line that travels over terrestrial circuits, a land line can be wire or fiber optics or microwave
lead line
sounding line
(nautical) plumb line for determining depth
line something (as a cord or rope) that is long and thin and flexible, a washing line
line railway line
rail line
the road consisting of railroad track and roadbed
line a commercial organization serving as a common carrier
line product line
line of products
line of merchandise
business line
line of business
a particular kind of product or merchandise, a nice line of shoes
line block
line engraving
engraving consisting of a block that has been etched or engraved
linecut line engraving a print obtained from a line drawing
line of defense
line of defence
defensive structure consisting of a barrier that can be employed for defense against attack
line printer
line-at-a-time printer
printer that serves as an output device on a computer, prints a whole line of characters at a time
log line a knotted cord that runs out from a reel to a piece of wood that is attached to it
loop-line a railway branch line that branches from the trunk line and then rejoins it later on
Maginot Line a fortification built before World War II to protect France's eastern border, initially considered to be impregnable, it was easily overrun by the German army in
main line the principal route of a transportation system
ship of the line
a warship intended for combat
mooring line
(nautical) a line that holds an object (especially a boat) in place
night-line a fishing line with baited hooks left in the water to catch fish over night
off-line equipment
auxiliary equipment
electronic equipment not in direct communication (or under the control of) the central processing unit
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