
Scheitern Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

break down
to fail
scheitern v
to flatline (e.g. a project)
(an etw.) scheitern
to founder (on sth.) geh.
versagen, scheitern
to fall down
durchfallen, scheitern
versagen; scheitern v
to fall down
etw. zum Scheitern bringen
to derail sth.
Strandung f; Scheitern n
scheitern v (Projekt usw)
to flatline fig. Br. (project etc.)
Strandung f, Scheitern n
Fehlschlagen n; Scheitern n
etw. zum Scheitern bringen v
to derail sth.
scheitern; schiefgehen; versagen
to come unstuck Br. coll.
stranden lassen, scheitern lassen
to strand
stranden lassen; scheitern lassen v
to strand
scheitern v (Plan, Verhandlungen usw.)
to become unglued fig. Am.
auf der Kippe stehen; zu scheitern drohen v
to be floundering
Scheitern n
das Scheitern der Verhandlungen
the breakdown of the negotiations; the breakdown of the talks
an etw. scheitern; (wegen etw.) fehlschlagen v
to founder on sth. fig.
scheitern; schiefgehen; in die Binsen gehen ugs. v
to come unstuck Br. Austr. coll.
zum Aussterben verurteilt; zum Scheitern verurteilt adj
moribund fig.
etw. ruinieren v
ein Projekt scheitern lassen
to capsize sth. fig.
to capsize a project
zu etw. verurteilt sein; zu etw. verdammt sein
zum Scheitern verurteilt sein
to be doomed to sth.; to be condemned to sth.
to be doomed to fail failure
von vornherein zum Scheitern verurteilt sein; eine Totgeburt sein übtr. (Sache)
to be foredoomed to fail to failure (matter)
fehlschlagen; scheitern v
fehlschlagend; scheiternd
fehlgeschlagen; gescheitert
to abort
von vornherein zum Scheitern verurteilt sein; eine Totgeburt sein übtr. v (Sache)
to be foredoomed to fail to failure (matter)
fehlschlagen, scheitern v
fehlschlagend, scheiternd
fehlgeschlagen, gescheitert
to abort
(ein Projekt usw.) zu Fall bringen; scheitern lassen v
die Regierung zu Fall bringen
to sink (a project etc.) {sank, sunk; sunk} fig.
to sink the government
vorgezeichnetes Ende n; vorgezeichnetes Scheitern n; vorgezeichneter Weg m in den Untergang
moribundity fig.
Hürde f übtr.
eine Hürde errichten
eine Hürde überwinden
im letzten Augenblick scheitern
hurdle fig.
to create a hurdle
to overcome a hurdle
to fall at the last hurdle
zum Scheitern bringen; zerschlagen v
zum Scheitern bringend; zerschlagend
zum Scheitern gebracht; zerschlagen
to scupper
zum Scheitern bringen, zerschlagen v
zum Scheitern bringend, zerschlagend
zum Scheitern gebracht, zerschlagen
to scupper
zusammenbrechen, versagen, scheitern
zusammenbrechend, versagend, scheiternd
zusammengebrochen, versagt, gescheitert
to break down
breaking down
broken down
zusammenbrechen; versagen; scheitern v
zusammenbrechend; versagend; scheiternd
zusammengebrochen; versagt; gescheitert
to break down
breaking down
broken down
verurteilen, verdammen v
verurteilend, verdammend
verurteilt, verdammt
dem Tode geweiht
zum Scheitern verdammt
verloren sein
to doom
doomed to die
doomed to fail
to be doomed
scheitern v; auf die Nase fallen; auf die Schnauze fallen; sich eine blutige Nase holen; baden gehen; damit nicht durchkommen ugs. v übtr.
to vome unstuck Br. Austr.; to come a gutser Austr. NZ; to come a gutzer Austr. NZ coll. fig.
Hindernis n; Widerstand m
Hindernisse pl; Widerstände pl
Daran soll's nicht scheitern.
Lass dich dadurch nicht abhalten (etw. zu tun).
That won't be an obstacle!
Don't let it be an obstacle (to doing sth.).
durchfallen; scheitern; ins Wasser fallen v
durch die Maschen das Netz fallen rutschen; aus dem Raster fallen; durchs soziale Netz fallen; verloren gehen
to fall through
to fall through the cracks
dazu bestimmt sein (Person, Sache); ausersehen sein (Person), etw. zu tun zu geschehen v
zum Scheitern verurteilt sein
ein Produkt, dem nur ein kurzes Leben vergönnt sein wird
to be destined to do sth. to happen
to be destined to fail
a product that is destined for a short life
untergehen (in etw.) v (nicht beachtet werden) übtr.
im Strudel der Ereignisse untergehen
Das bilaterale Abkommen ist im allgemeinen Scheitern der Konferenz völlig untergegangen.
to be lost (in sth.)
to be lost in the whirlpool of events
The bilateral agreement has been completely lost in the general failure of the conference.
misslingen; scheitern v
misslingend; scheiternd
misslingt; gescheitert
es misslingt; es scheitert
es misslang; es scheiterte
es ist war misslungen; es ist war gescheitert
es misslänge
to miscarry
it miscarries
it miscarried
it has had miscarried
it would miscarry
misslingen, scheitern v
misslingend, scheiternd
misslingt, gescheitert
es misslingt, es scheitert
es misslang, es scheiterte
es ist
war misslungen, es ist
war gescheitert
es misslänge
to miscarry
it miscarries
it miscarried
it has
had miscarried
it would miscarry
durchfallen, scheitern, versagen
durchfallend, scheiternd, versagend
durchgefallen, gescheitert, versagt
fällt durch, scheitert, versagt
fiel durch, scheiterte, versagte
in einer Prüfung durchfallen
to fail
to fail an examination
misslingen; scheitern; fehlschlagen; versagen v
misslingend; scheiternd; fehlschlagend; versagend
misslungen; gescheitert; fehlgeschlagen; versagt
es misslingt
es misslang
es ist war misslungen
es misslänge
to fail
it fails
I he she it failed
it has had failed
it would fail
misslingen, scheitern, fehlschlagen, versagen v
misslingend, scheiternd, fehlschlagend, versagend
misslungen, gescheitert, fehlgeschlagen, versagt
es misslingt
es misslang
es ist
war misslungen
es misslänge
to fail
it fails
it failed
it has
had failed
it would fail
und zwar (als nähere Charakterisierung des vorher Gesagten)
eine Neuaufnahme des Liedes und zwar eine schlechte
die Fähigkeit immer wieder zu scheitern und zwar ohne Frust
Er ist ein Schuft und zwar einer von der gefährlichsten Sorte.
and ... at that (after noun); and do so (after verb) (further specifying what has been said before)
a remake of the song and a bad one at that
the ability to fail repeatedly and do so without frustration
He is a villain and a most dangerous one at that.
und zwar (als nähere Charakterisierung des vorher Gesagten)
eine Neuaufnahme des Liedes, und zwar eine schlechte
die Fähigkeit, immer wieder zu scheitern, und zwar ohne Frust
Er ist ein Schuft, und zwar einer von der gefährlichsten Sorte.
and … at that (after noun); and do so (after verb) (further specifying what has been said before)
a remake of the song, and a bad one at that
the ability to fail repeatedly, and do so without frustration
He is a villain, and a most dangerous one at that.
durchfallen; scheitern; versagen v
durchfallend; scheiternd; versagend
durchgefallen; gescheitert; versagt
fällt durch; scheitert; versagt
fiel durch; scheiterte; versagte
in einer Prüfung durchfallen
kläglich scheitern
an etw. scheitern
to fail
to fail an examination
to fail miserably
to fail because of sth.; to be unsuccessful because of sth.
zu etw. verurteilt sein; zu etw. verdammt sein v
dem Tod(e) geweiht sein
zum Scheitern verurteilt sein
Die Vermittlungsbemühungen waren von vornherein zum Scheitern verurteilt.
Sind wir dazu verdammt, die Fehler der Vergangenheit zu wiederholen?
to be doomed to sth.; to be condemned to sth.
to be doomed to die
to be doomed to fail to failure
The mediation efforts were doomed (to fail) from the start.
Are we doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past?
etw. vereiteln; zunichtemachen; zum Scheitern bringen; zu Fall bringen; platzen lassen v
vereitelnd; zunichtemachend; zum Scheitern bringend; zu Fall bringend; platzen lassend
vereitelt; zunichtegemacht; zum Scheitern gebracht; zu Fall gebracht; platzen lassen
to thwart; to foil; to scuttle sth.
thwarting; foiling; scuttling
thwarted; foiled; scuttled
verloren sein; todgeweiht sein; dem Untergang geweiht sein (Person); zum Scheitern verurteilt sein (Sache); hinüber sein (Sache); perdu sein humor. veraltend v
Wäre das in der Nacht passiert, wären wir alle dran gewesen.
Der ist endgültig hinüber und ich werde eine Krone brauchen.
to be doomed; to be ill-fated; to be a goner
If it had happened at night, we would have all been goners.
This one is a definite goner and I'll need a crown.
etw. vereiteln; zunichtemachen; zum Scheitern bringen; zu Fall bringen; platzen lassen v
vereitelnd; zunichtemachend; zum Scheitern bringend; zu Fall bringend; platzen lassend
vereitelt; zunichtegemacht; zum Scheitern gebracht; zu Fall gebracht; platzen lassen
ein vereitelter Terroranschlag
to thwart; to foil; to scuttle sth.
thwarting; foiling; scuttling
thwarted; foiled; scuttled
a foiled terror attack
Hindernis n; Hemmnis n (für etw.) übtr.
Hindernisse pl; Hemmnisse pl
ein Hindernis für Fortschritte in diesem Bereich
auf Hindernisse stoßen
Hindernisse überwinden
ein Hindernis aus dem Weg räumen
jdm. Hindernisse in den Weg legen
Daran soll's nicht scheitern.
Lass dich dadurch nicht abhalten (etw. zu tun).
obstacle (to sth.) fig.
an obstacle to progress in this field
to come across confront encounter obstacles
to clear overcome surmount obstacles
to remove an obstacle
to put obstacles in the way of sb.
That won't be an obstacle!
Don't let it be an obstacle (to doing sth.).
jdn. verurteilen; verdammen v (zu etw.) (meist passiv)
verurteilend; verdammend
verurteilt; verdammt
dem Tode geweiht
zum Scheitern verdammt
Die sinkenden Schülerzahlen machten die Schließung der Schule unausweichlich.
Die Vermittlungsbemühungen waren von vornherein zum Scheitern verurteilt.
Sind wir dazu verdammt die Fehler der Vergangenheit zu wiederholen?
to doom sb. (to sth.)
doomed to die
doomed to fail
Falling pupil numbers doomed the school to closure.
The mediation efforts were doomed from the start
Are we doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past?

Deutsche Scheitern Synonyme

durchfallen  Âscheitern  Âversagen  
auf  die  Schnauze  fallen  (derb)  Âauf  die  Schnauze  fliegen  (derb)  Âscheitern  Âversagen  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Scheitern Synonym nachschlagen

Englische break down Synonyme

break  abeyance  about ship  about-face  abrade  abrasion  abscond  abysm  abyss  accidentality  acclimate  acclimatize  accommodate  accommodation  accustom  actuarial calculation  adapt  adaptation  adjust  adjustment  adventitiousness  agree to disagree  alienation  alter  alteration  ameliorate  amelioration  announce  apostasy  appear  apprentice  arrearage  arroyo  back and fill  bankrupt  bark  be at cross-purposes  be changed  be converted into  be poised  be renewed  be ruined  bear away  bear market  bear off  bear to starboard  bearish market  beat  beat about  beat down  become insolvent  become public  bed  bed down  befall  begin  bend  betide  betterment  billow  blemish  blessing  bloody  blooper  blow  boner  boo-boo  boot  bottom out  bounce  box canyon  box off  breach  breach of friendship  break  break away  break down  break forth  break ground  break in  break of  break off  break open  break out  break the ice  break through  break to harness  break up  break with  breakage  breakout  breath  breathe  breather  breathing place  breathing space  breathing spell  breathing time  breed  bridle  brighten  bring about  bring low  bring round  bring to terms  bring up  broken circuit  browbeat  brush  bulldoze  bully  bump  bunk  burglarize  burgle  burn  burn off  burst  burst forth  burst in  bust  buzz about  caesura  call a break  call time  can  cant  cant round  canyon  case harden  cashier  cast  cast about  castrate  casualness  cave  cave in  cavity  cease  cease-fire  cessation  chafe  chance  change  change course  change of heart  change the heading  changeableness  chap  chasm  cheapen  cheapening  check  checker  chimney  chink  chip  chop  chop and change  cigarette break  cipher  circuit  circuital field  circulate  clamp down on  clash  claw  cleavage  cleave  cleft  cleuch  closed circuit  clough  cocktail hour  coerce  coffee break  col  collapse  collide  comb  come about  come apart  come around  come forth  come off  come out  
break away  apostacize  apostatize  bail out  betray  bolt  break jail  break loose  change sides  cut loose  defect  desert  escape  escape prison  evade  fall away  fall off  flee  fly the coop  get away  get clear of  get free  get out  get out of  go over  jump  let down  make a getaway  pull out  rat  run out on  secede  sell out  skip  slip the collar  switch  switch over  turn cloak  
break down  afflict  aggrieve  alphabetize  analyze  anatomize  anguish  arrange  assay  assort  bawl  beat down  bend  blow  blow down  blubber  boohoo  break  break up  bring down  bring low  bring to tears  bring to terms  bulldoze  burn down  burn out  burst into tears  cast down  catalog  categorize  cave in  chop down  class  classify  codify  collapse  come to naught  come to nothing  conk out  conquer  crack up  crumble  crush  cry  cut down  cut up  decompose  desolate  digest  disintegrate  dissect  dissolve in tears  divide  draw tears  droop  drop  drop a tear  embitter  faint  fall down  fall flat  fall in  fall through  fatigue  fell  file  fizzle out  flag  flatten  founder  gasp  get bogged down  get hung up  get mired  get tired  give out  go haywire  go kaput  go wrong  grade  greet  grieve  group  grow weary  humble  humiliate  index  inundate  jade  knock down  knock over  level  list  master  molder  mow down  oppress  order  overmaster  overwhelm  pack up  pant  peg out  peter out  pigeonhole  place  play out  poop out  prostrate  puff  puff and blow  pull down  putrefy  quell  range  rank  rase  rate  raze  reduce  reduce to elements  resolve  rot  run down  run out  segment  separate  shed tears  sink  smash  snivel  sob  sorrow  sort  spoil  steamroller  subdivide  subdue  succumb  suppress  sway  tabulate  taint  take down  tear down  throw down  tire  topple  topple down  topple over  torment  totter  trample underfoot  tread underfoot  turn  type  tyrannize  unman  weary  weep  wheeze  whimper  wilt  
break even  amount to  balance  come to  come up to  correspond  ditto  draw  equal  even  even off  keep pace with  knot  match  match up with  measure up to  parallel  reach  rival  run abreast  run to  stack up with  tie  touch  
break forth  appear  arise  bail out  be revealed  become known  bob up  break cover  burst forth  come  come forth  come out  come to light  debouch  disembogue  effuse  emanate  emerge  erupt  extrude  flare up  flash  get out  gleam  irrupt  issue  issue forth  jump out  leak out  manifest itself  out  pop up  protrude  sally  sally forth  show its colors  show its face  spring up  stand revealed  start up  surface  transpire  
break ground  break the ice  cast away  cast loose  cast off  cat the anchor  create  drop the mooring  head  head up  initiate  invent  lead  lead off  lead the way  loose for sea  originate  pioneer  precede  stand first  take the initiative  take the lead  take the plunge  unmoor  up-anchor  weigh anchor  
break in  acclimate  acclimatize  accommodate  accustom  adapt  adjust  admit  apprentice  barge in  be admitted  breach  break  break in upon  break into  break open  break through  break to harness  breaking and entering  breed  breeze in  bring up  burglarizing  burglary  burst in  bust  bust in  butt in  case harden  cave in  charge in  chime in  chip in  come barging in  come between  come breezing in  come busting in  come in  condition  confirm  crash  crash in  crash the gates  creep in  cross the threshold  crowd in  cultivate  cut in  develop  discipline  domesticate  domesticize  drill  drop in  edge in  elbow in  encroach  enter  entrench  establish  exercise  familiarize  fetch up  fit  fix  foist in  force open  form  foster  gain admittance  gentle  get going  get in  get in there  get off  get squared away  get under way  go in  go into  groom  habituate  harden  have an entree  have an in  hop in  horn in  house-train  housebreak  housebreaking  impinge  impose  impose on  impose upon  improve  infiltrate  infringe  insert  insinuate  interfere  interlope  interpose  interrupt  intervene  intrude  inure  invade  irrupt  jam in  jump in  lick into shape  look in  make a beginning  make a move  naturalize  nurse  nurture  obtrude  orient  orientate  pack in  pop in  practice  prepare  press in  prize open  push in  put in  put in tune  put on  put to school  put upon  raise  ready  rear  rehearse  rupture  rush in  safeblowing  safebreaking  safecracking  season  send to school  set a course  set foot in  slink in  slip in  smash in  sneak in  split open  squeeze in  start up  steal in  step in  storm in  stove in  take in  take in hand  tame  tear open  throng in  thrust in  train  trench  trespass  unlawful entry  visit  warm up  wedge in  wont  work in  worm in  
break loose  bail out  break away  break jail  break out  clear  cut loose  disembarrass  disembroil  disengage  disentangle  disinvolve  dislodge  escape  escape prison  evade  extricate  flee  fly the coop  free  get away  get clear of  get free  get out  get out of  jump  make a getaway  release  skip  slip the collar  tear loose  unknot  unravel  unsnarl  untangle  
break of day  aurora  brightening  chanticleer  cocklight  crack of dawn  dawn  dawning  day-peep  daybreak  daylight  dayspring  first brightening  light  peep of day  prime  sunrise  sunup  vestibule of Day  
break off  agree to disagree  be at cross-purposes  break  clash  collide  conflict  contradict  counter  cut off  differ  disaccord  disagree  disarrange  discontinue  disjoin  dissent  intermit  interrupt  jangle  jar  jostle  mismatch  mismate  negate  object  snap the thread  suspend  take a break  vary  
break out  OD  arise  be born  be brought down  be felled  be struck down  be traumatized  become  belch  blow open  blow out  break loose  break through  burst forth  burst out  catch  catch cold  clear  collapse  come down with  come forth  come out  come to be  contract  crop up  cut loose  debouch  discharge  disembarrass  disembroil  disengage  disentangle  disgorge  disinvolve  dislodge  eject  emerge  eruct  erupt  exit  explode  extricate  fever  find vent  free  get  get out  get to be  go into shock  have origin  hurl forth  irrupt  issue  issue forth  leak out  ooze out  originate  overdose  release  rise  run a temperature  run out  sicken  spew  spout  spring up  take  take birth  take ill  take rise  tear loose  unknot  unravel  unsnarl  untangle  vomit  
break the ice  approach  blaze the trail  break ground  clear the way  court  create  cultivate  cultivate the soil  go in advance  head  head up  initiate  invent  lay the foundation  lay the groundwork  lead  lead off  lead the way  make advances  make up to  open the way  originate  pave the way  pay addresses to  pay court to  pioneer  play up to  precede  prepare the way  run after  shine up to  sow the seed  stand first  suck up to  take the initiative  take the lead  take the plunge  
break the law  breach the law  care naught for  circumvent the law  commit a crime  contravene  defy  disobey  disobey the law  disregard  disregard the law  flout  go counter to  ignore  infract  infringe  not conform  not heed  not keep  not listen  not mind  not observe  refuse to cooperate  scoff at  set at defiance  set at naught  set naught by  transgress  trespass  violate  violate the law  
break the news  air  announce  break it to  breathe  bring word  come out with  confide  confide to  divulgate  divulge  evulgate  give a report  give out  give tidings of  give vent to  inform  let get around  let in on  let out  make known  out with  publish  rehearse  relate  report  reveal  rumor  tell  utter  vent  ventilate  write up  
break through  achieve success  advance  arrive  be a success  breach  break in  break into  break open  break out  burst in  bust in  cave in  come forth  come on  come out  come through  cut a swath  debouch  emerge  erupt  exit  find vent  force open  get ahead  get on  get there  go far  go places  have it made  issue  issue forth  leak out  make a breakthrough  make a success  make good  make headway  make it  make the scene  ooze out  prize open  progress  rise  run out  rupture  split open  stove in  tear open  
break up  ablate  accommodate  adapt  adjust  alter  ameliorate  amuse  analyze  anatomize  assay  atomize  be in stitches  beguile  better  bite the dust  break  break down  break into pieces  break open  break to pieces  burst  burst into laughter  burst out  burst out laughing  burst with laughter  bust a gut  cachinnate  cackle  canker  change  chortle  chuckle  come apart  come to dust  come unstuck  consume  convert  convulse  corrode  corrupt  crack  crack up  crash  crow  crumble  crumble into dust  crumble to dust  crunch  crush  cut to pieces  deactivate  debrief  decay  decompose  deform  delight  demob  demobilize  demolish  denature  detach  differ  differentiate  diffuse  disband  discharge  disintegrate  disjoin  disjoint  dismiss  disorganize  dispel  disperse  disrupt  dissect  dissent  dissever  dissolve  disunify  disunite  divaricate  diverge  diversify  divert  divide  effloresce  enliven  entertain  erode  exhilarate  fall  fall into decay  fall to dust  fall to pieces  fester  fission  fissure  fit  fracture  fracture one  fragment  gangrene  giggle  give away  give way  go bad  go into convulsions  go separate ways  go to pieces  grain  granulate  grind  guffaw  ha-ha  hee-haw  hee-hee  ho-ho  horselaugh  improve  kill  knock dead  laugh  laugh it up  laugh outright  let go  loosen up  make mincemeat of  meliorate  mildew  mince  mitigate  modify  modulate  mold  molder  mortify  muster out  mutate  nearly die laughing  necrose  overthrow  part  part company  powder  pulverize  putrefy  putresce  qualify  raise a laugh  raise a smile  rankle  re-create  realign  rebuild  reconstruct  recreate  redesign  reduce  reduce to elements  refit  reform  refresh  regale  relax  release  relieve  remake  renew  reshape  resolve  restructure  revamp  revive  ring the changes  roar  roar with laughter  rot  rupture  scatter  segment  separate  shake like jelly  shake with laughter  shatter  shift the scene  shiver  shout  shriek  shuffle the cards  slay  
breakable  brittle  brittle as glass  cheap-jack  cobwebby  crackable  crisp  crispy  crumbly  crushable  dainty  delicate  delicately weak  effeminate  fissile  flimsy  fracturable  fragile  frail  frangible  friable  gimcrack  gimcracky  gossamery  jerry  jerry-built  lacerable  light  lightweight  namby-pamby  papery  pasteboardy  puny  scissile  shatterable  shattery  shivery  sissified  sleazy  slight  splintery  tacky  unsubstantial  vulnerable  wispy  womanish  
breakage  abatement  agio  allowance  bank discount  bankruptcy  breach  break  breakdown  burst  cash discount  chain discount  charge-off  chip  cleft  collapse  concession  crack  crack-up  crippling  cut  damage  deduction  depreciation  destruction  detriment  dilapidation  disablement  discount  disrepair  drawback  encroachment  fissure  fracture  gap  harm  hobbling  hurt  hurting  impairment  incapacitation  infringement  injury  inroad  kickback  loss  maiming  mayhem  mischief  mutilation  penalty  penalty clause  percentage  premium  price reduction  price-cut  rebate  rebatement  reduction  refund  rent  rift  rip  rollback  ruination  ruinousness  rupture  sabotage  salvage  scale  scathe  setoff  sickening  slash  slice  slit  splinter  split  spoiling  tare  tear  time discount  trade discount  tret  underselling  weakening  write-off  
breakaway  Bohemian  abjuratory  alienated  antagonistic  antiestablishment  antipathetic  apostasy  at odds with  at variance with  backsliding  beat  betrayal  bolt  clashing  conflicting  contradicting  contradictory  counter-culture  counteractant  counteracting  counteractive  countervailing  counterworking  cranky  crotchety  defection  dereliction  deserter  desertion  differing  disagreeing  disloyalty  dissentient  dissenting  dissident  extreme  extremistic  factious  faithlessness  far out  free and easy  fringy  going over  heretical  heterodox  hippie  hostile  in opposition  informal  inimical  insurgent  insurrectionary  kinky  maverick  mugwumpian  mugwumpish  mutineering  mutinous  nonconforming  nonconformist  not cricket  not done  not kosher  offbeat  opposing  oppositional  oppugnant  original  perverse  rare  ratting  reactionary  rebel  rebellious  recalcitrant  recherche  recidivation  recidivism  recreancy  recusant  renitent  renunciative  renunciatory  repudiative  repudiatory  repugnant  resistant  revocatory  revolutional  revolutionary  riotous  schism  schismatic  secession  secessionist  sectarian  sectary  seditionary  seditious  separatist  subversive  sui generis  traitorous  treason  treasonable  turbulent  turning traitor  uncommon  unconventional  uncustomary  underground  undreamed-of  unexpected  unfamiliar  unfashionable  unheard-of  unique  unordinary  unorthodox  unthought-of  unusual  unwonted  walkout  way out  
breakdown  analysis  analyzation  anatomizing  anatomy  assay  assaying  bankruptcy  bloodless revolution  bouleversement  breakage  breaking down  breaking up  breakup  cataclysm  catastrophe  cave  cave-in  circulatory collapse  classification  clean slate  clean sweep  collapse  comedown  computer revolution  convulsion  counterrevolution  crack-up  crackup  crash  crippling  cropper  damage  debacle  decomposition  deflation  destruction  detailing  detriment  diaeresis  dilapidation  disablement  disaster  disrepair  dissection  distillation  division  docimasy  downfall  draining  encroachment  exhaustedness  exhaustion  failure  fall  foundering  fractionation  gravimetric analysis  harm  hobbling  hurt  hurting  impairment  incapacitation  infringement  injury  inroad  itemization  loss  maiming  mayhem  mischief  mutilation  nervous breakdown  nervous exhaustion  nervous prostration  neurasthenia  nose dive  overthrow  overturn  palace revolution  pratfall  prostration  proximate analysis  quantitative analysis  radical change  reduction to elements  resolution  review  revolt  revolution  revolutionary war  revulsion  ruin  ruination  ruinousness  run-down  sabotage  scathe  segmentation  semimicroanalysis  separation  shipwreck  sickening  smash  smashup  spasm  spoiling  striking alteration  stumble  subdivision  subversion  sweeping change  tabula rasa  tailspin  technological revolution  total change  total loss  transilience  tumble  upset  violent change  washout  weakening  wrack  wreck  

Scheitern Definition

(v. t.) To strain apart
(v. t.) To lay open as by breaking
(v. t.) To lay open, as a purpose
(v. t.) To infringe or violate, as an obligation, law, or promise.
(v. t.) To interrupt
(v. t.) To destroy the completeness of
(v. t.) To destroy the arrangement of
(v. t.) To shatter to pieces
(v. t.) To exchange for other money or currency of smaller denomination
(v. t.) To destroy the strength, firmness, or consistency of
(v. t.) To weaken or impair, as health, spirit, or mind.
(v. t.) To diminish the force of
(v. t.) To impart, as news or information
(v. t.) To tame
(v. t.) To destroy the financial credit of
(v. t.) To destroy the official character and standing of
(v. i.) To come apart or divide into two or more pieces, usually with suddenness and violence
(v. i.) To open spontaneously, or by pressure from within, as a bubble, a tumor, a seed vessel, a bag.
(v. i.) To burst forth
(v. i.) To burst forth violently, as a storm.
(v. i.) To open up
(v. i.) To become weakened in constitution or faculties
(v. i.) To be crushed, or overwhelmed with sorrow or grief
(v. i.) To fall in business
(v. i.) To make an abrupt or sudden change
(v. i.) To fail in musical quality
(v. i.) To fall out
(v. t.) An opening made by fracture or disruption.
(v. t.) An interruption of continuity
(v. t.) A projection or recess from the face of a building.
(v. t.) An opening or displacement in the circuit, interrupting the electrical current.
(v. t.) An interruption
(v. t.) An interruption in continuity in writing or printing, as where there is an omission, an unfilled line, etc.
(v. t.) The first appearing, as of light in the morning
(v. t.) A large four-wheeled carriage, having a straight body and calash top, with the driver's seat in front and the footman's behind.
(v. t.) A device for checking motion, or for measuring friction. See Brake, n. 9 & 10.
(n.) See Commutator.
(n.) A key or other device for breaking an electrical circuit.
(n.) Disruption
(v. t.) To break completely
(v. t.) To break the wind of
(n.) A clump of trees serving for a protection against the force of wind.

break down Bedeutung

break breakout
an escape from jail, the breakout was carefully planned
open frame
any frame in which a bowler fails to make a strike or spare, the break in the eighth frame cost him the match
fast break (basketball) a rapid dash to get a shot as soon as possible after taking possession of the ball
break a sudden dash, he made a break for the open door
the act of breaking something, the breakage was unavoidable
break interruption
disruption gap
an act of delaying or interrupting the continuity, it was presented without commercial breaks, there was a gap in his account
break break of serve (tennis) a score consisting of winning a game when your opponent was serving, he was up two breaks in the second set
break the opening shot that scatters the balls in billiards or pool
break dancing
break dance
a form of solo dancing that involves rapid acrobatic moves in which different parts of the body touch the ground, normally performed to the rhythm of rap music
breaking and entering
trespassing for an unlawful purpose, illegal entrance into premises with criminal intent
break time out
a pause from doing something (as work), we took a -minute break, he took time out to recuperate
spring break a week or more of recess during the spring term at school
break seal a seal that must be broken when first used and cannot easily be resealed, it was stored in a tube with a break seal
break an abrupt change in the tone or register of the voice (as at puberty or due to emotion), then there was a break in her voice
break severance
falling out
a personal or social separation (as between opposing factions), they hoped to avoid a break in relations
break good luck
happy chance
an unexpected piece of good luck, he finally got his big break
break the occurrence of breaking, the break in the dam threatened the valley
some abrupt occurrence that interrupts an ongoing activity, the telephone is an annoying interruption, there was a break in the action when a player was hurt
service break a tennis game won on the opponent's service
coffee break
tea break
a snack taken during a break in the work day, a ten-minute coffee break, the British have tea breaks
geological fault
(geology) a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other, they built it right over a geological fault, he studied the faulting of the earth's crust
Sloanea jamaicensis
West Indian timber tree having very hard wood
tax benefit
tax break
a tax deduction that is granted in order to encourage a particular type of commercial activity
breaking of hard tissue such as bone, it was a nasty fracture, the break seems to have been caused by a fall
c dawn
morning aurora
first light
break of day
break of the day
cockcrow a
the first light of day, we got up before dawn, they talked until morning
a time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something
break up
crack up
laugh unrestrainedly
break weaken or destroy in spirit or body, His resistance was broken, a man broken by the terrible experience of near-death
break down
collapse due to fatigue, an illness, or a sudden attack
break wind
expel intestinal gases through the anus
break b diminish or discontinue abruptly, The patient's fever broke last night
fracture a bone of, I broke my foot while playing hockey
break fall sharply, stock prices broke
break in
break b
make submissive, obedient, or useful, The horse was tough to break, I broke in the new intern
break c be broken in, If the new teacher won't break, we'll add some stress
break up break down
separate (substances) into constituent elements or parts
break crack, of the male voice in puberty, his voice is breaking--he should no longer sing in the choir
break render inoperable or ineffective, You broke the alarm clock when you took it apart!
explode burst forth
break loose
be unleashed, emerge with violence or noise, His anger exploded
erupt irrupt flare up
flare break open
burst out
erupt or intensify suddenly, Unrest erupted in the country, Tempers flared at the meeting, The crowd irrupted into a burst of patriotism
erupt recrudesce
break out
become raw or open, He broke out in hives, My skin breaks out when I eat strawberries, Such boils tend to recrudesce
split break open
come open suddenly and violently, as if from internal pressure, The bubble burst
break up disperse
cause to separate, break up kidney stones, disperse particles
separate split up
fall apart come apart
become separated into pieces or fragments, The figurine broke, The freshly baked loaf fell apart
break destroy the integrity of, usually by force, cause to separate into pieces or fragments, He broke the glass plate, She broke the match
break in break so as to fall inward, He broke in the door
crack check break f become fractured, break or crack on the surface only, The glass cracked when it was heated
break up
break or cause to break into pieces, The plate fragmented
break recrudesce develop happen, Report the news as it develops, These political movements recrudesce from time to time
erupt break out start abruptly, After , peace broke out in the former East Bloc
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