
Schmuck Zwergkaiserfisch Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Schmuck-Zwergkaiserfisch m; Orangestreifen-Zwergkaiserfisch m; Schmuck-Herzogfisch m (Centropyge eibli) zool.
red stripe (dwarf) angel
Schmuck-Zwergkaiserfisch m, Orangestreifen-Zwergkaiserfisch m, Schmuck-Herzogfisch m (Centropyge eibli) zool.
red stripe (dwarf) angel
falscher Schmuck
sham jewelry
Juwel, Schmuck
Schmuck, Schmucksachen
Armbinde f, Armband n (Schmuck)
Armbinden pl, Armbänder pl
Juwelierwaren pl, Schmuck m
jewelry, jewellery Br.
Klunker m ugs., Diamant m, Schmuck m
Klunkern pl, Diamanten pl
ice, rock slang
Schmuck m
Schmuck m
Schmuck m
Schmuck m
Schmuck m, Pracht f
Schmuck m
Tand m, Kinkerlitzchen pl, Verzierungen pl, Schmuck m
mit allem Drum und Dran
ohne Schnickschnack
with all the frills
no frills
Verzierung f, Schmuck m, Dekor n, Ornament
Verzierungen pl, Dekore pl, Ornamente pl
zur Verzierung
for ornament
anlaufen, trübe werden, matt werden, beschlagen, seinen Glanz verlieren v (Metall, Schmuck)
anlaufend, trübe werdend, matt werdend, beschlagend
angelaufen, trübe geworden, matt geworden, beschlagen
to tarnish
(Schmuck) anlegen
to put on
geschniegelt und gebügelt, schmuck adj
geschniegelt und gebügelt, wie aus dem Ei gepellt
spick and span
naseweis, keck, unverschämt, schmissig, flott, schmuck adj
schmuck, adrett, flott adj
Australischer Zwergkaiserfisch m (Chaetodontoplus duboulayi) zool.
scribbled angel
Blauschwarzer Streifen-Zwergkaiserfisch m, Kennedys Zwergkaiserfisch m, Blauschwarzer Herzogfisch m (Centropyge bispinosa) zool.
coral beauty
Brauner Zwergkaiserfisch m (Centropyge multispinis) zool.
blue fin (dwarf) angel
Bunter Zwergkaiserfisch m, Vielfarben-Zwergkaiserfisch m, Vielfarbiger Herzogfisch m (Centropyge multicolor) zool.
multicolor dwarf angel
Feuer-Zwergkaiserfisch m, Flammen-Herzogfisch m (Centropyge loriculus) zool.
flame (dwarf) angel
Flammenrücken-Zwergkaiserfisch m (Centropyge aurantonota) zool.
fireball (dwarf) angel
Goldbrauner Herzogfisch m, Goldstreifen-Zwergkaiserfisch m (Centropyge aurantia) zool.
golden (dwarf) angel
Goldener Zwergkaiserfisch m, Heralds Zwergkaiserfisch m, Goldener Herzogfisch m (Centropyge heraldi) zool.
yellow (dwarf) angel
Guam-Zwergkaiserfisch m, Shepards Herzogfisch m (Centropyge shepardi) zool.
Shepard's (dwarf ) angel
Hawaii-Zwergkaiserfisch m, Hawaii-Herzogfisch m (Centropyge fisheri) zool.
fisheri (dwarf) angel
Mondstrahl-Zwergkaiserfisch m (Centropyge flavopectoralis) zool.
yellowfin pygmy angel
Orangerücken-Zwergkaiserfisch m, Orangerücken-Herzogfisch m (Centropyge acanthops) zool.
flameback (dwarf) angel
Perlen-Zwergkaiserfisch m, Perlschuppen-Zwergkaiserfisch m (Centropyge vroliki) zool.
half black (dwarf) angel
Potters Zwergkaiserfisch m, Rosetten-Zwergkaiserfisch m, Rosetten-Herzogfisch m (Centropyge potteri) zool.
Potter's (dwarf) angel
Rotbrauner Zwergkaiserfisch m, Rotbrauner Herzogfisch m (Centropyge ferrugata) zool.
rusty (dwarf) angel
Saphir-Zwergkaiserfisch m, Ascension-Herzogfisch m (Centropyge resplendens) zool.
resplendent (dwarf) angel
Schlüsselloch-Zwergkaiserfisch m, Leuchtfleck-Zwergkaiserfisch m, Leuchtfleck-Herzogfisch m (Centropyge tibicen) zool.
tibicen (dwarf) angel
Schmuck-Zwergkaiserfisch m, Orangestreifen-Zwergkaiserfisch m, Schmuck-Herzogfisch m (Centropyge eibli) zool.
red stripe (dwarf) angel
Schwarzer Zwergkaiserfisch m, Mitternachts-Zwergkaiserfisch m (Centropyge nox) zool.
black (dwarf) angel
Sternchen-Zwergkaiserfisch m (Chaetodontoplus personifer, Chaetodontoplus meridithi) zool.
personifer angel
Weißschwanz-Zwergkaiserfisch m (Centropyge flavicauda) zool.
yellowtail pygmy angel
Zebra-Zwergkaiserfisch m (Centropyge multifasciatus) zool.
banded (dwarf) angel
Zitronen-Zwergkaiserfisch m, Zitronen-Herzogfisch m (Centropyge flavissima) zool.
lemon peel (dwarf) angel
Zwergkaiserfisch m, Herzogfisch m (Centropyge spp.) zool.
dwarf angel
überladener Schmuck
Juwelierwaren, Schmuck
naseweis, keck, unverschaemt, schmissig, flott, schmuck
Armbinde f; Armband n (Schmuck)
Armbinden pl; Armbänder pl
Blauschwarzer Streifen-Zwergkaiserfisch m; Kennedys Zwergkaiserfisch m; Blauschwarzer Herzogfisch m (Centropyge bispinosa) zool.
coral beauty
Brauner Zwergkaiserfisch m (Centropyge multispinis) zool.
bluefin (dwarf) angel
Bunter Zwergkaiserfisch m; Vielfarben-Zwergkaiserfisch m; Vielfarbiger Herzogfisch m (Centropyge multicolor) zool.
multicolor dwarf angel
Dekoration f; Verzierung f; Schmuck m
Dekorationen pl; Verzierungen pl
Feuer-Zwergkaiserfisch m; Flammen-Herzogfisch m (Centropyge loriculus) zool.
flame (dwarf) angel
Goldbrauner Herzogfisch m; Goldstreifen-Zwergkaiserfisch m (Centropyge aurantia) zool.
golden (dwarf) angel
Goldener Zwergkaiserfisch m; Heralds Zwergkaiserfisch m; Goldener Herzogfisch m (Centropyge heraldi) zool.
yellow (dwarf) angel
Guam-Zwergkaiserfisch m; Shepards Herzogfisch m (Centropyge shepardi) zool.
Shepard's (dwarf) angel
Hawaii-Zwergkaiserfisch m; Hawaii-Herzogfisch m (Centropyge fisheri) zool.
fisheri (dwarf) angel
Juwelierwaren pl; Schmuck m
jewelry; jewellery Br.
Klunker m ugs.; Diamant m; Schmuck m
Klunkern pl; Diamanten pl
ice; rock slang
Orangerücken-Zwergkaiserfisch m; Orangerücken-Herzogfisch m (Centropyge acanthops) zool.
flameback (dwarf) angel
Perlen-Zwergkaiserfisch m; Perlschuppen-Zwergkaiserfisch m (Centropyge vroliki) zool.
half black (dwarf) angel
Potters Zwergkaiserfisch m; Rosetten-Zwergkaiserfisch m; Rosetten-Herzogfisch m (Centropyge potteri) zool.
Potter's (dwarf) angel
Rotbrauner Zwergkaiserfisch m; Rotbrauner Herzogfisch m (Centropyge ferrugata) zool.
rusty (dwarf) angel
Saphir-Zwergkaiserfisch m; Ascension-Herzogfisch m (Centropyge resplendens) zool.
resplendent (dwarf) angel
Schlüsselloch-Zwergkaiserfisch m; Leuchtfleck-Zwergkaiserfisch m; Leuchtfleck-Herzogfisch m (Centropyge tibicen) zool.
tibicen (dwarf) angel
Schmuck m
billiger Schmuck
emblazonment; emblazonments
Schmuck m; Pracht f
Schmuck-Zwergkaiserfisch m; Orangestreifen-Zwergkaiserfisch m; Schmuck-Herzogfisch m (Centropyge eibli) zool.
red stripe (dwarf) angel
Schwarzer Zwergkaiserfisch m; Mitternachts-Zwergkaiserfisch m (Centropyge nox) zool.
black (dwarf) angel
Tand m; Kinkerlitzchen pl; Verzierungen pl; Schmuck m
mit allem Drum und Dran; mit allem Pipapo
ohne Schnickschnack
with all the frills
no frills
Verzierung f; Schmuck m; Dekor n; Ornament
Verzierungen pl; Dekore pl; Ornamente pl
zur Verzierung
for ornament
Zebra-Zwergkaiserfisch m (Centropyge multifasciatus) zool.
Zebra-Zwergkaiserfische pl
banded (dwarf) angel
banded angels
Zitronen-Zwergkaiserfisch m; Zitronen-Herzogfisch m (Centropyge flavissima) zool.
Zitronen-Zwergkaiserfische pl; Zitronen-Herzogfische pl
lemon peel (dwarf) angel
lemon peel angels
Zwergkaiserfisch m; Herzogfisch m (Centropyge spp.) zool.
Zwergkaiserfische pl; Herzogfische pl
dwarf angel
dwarf angels
anlaufen; trübe werden; matt werden; beschlagen; seinen Glanz verlieren v (Metall; Schmuck)
anlaufend; trübe werdend; matt werdend; beschlagend
angelaufen; trübe geworden; matt geworden; beschlagen
to tarnish
(Kleidungsstück) anziehen; (Kopfbedeckung) aufsetzen; (Schmuck Rüstung) anlegen v
anziehend; aufsetzend; anlegend; aufsetzend
angezogen; aufgesetzt; angelegt
to put on () sth.; to don sth. (formal) (place on a body part)
putting on; donning
put on; donned
(vor jdm.) flüchten v
der Polizei entkommen
mit einem gestohlenen Wagen flüchten
mit Schmuck im Wert von über 20.000 Euro flüchten
Na geh!; Geh weiter! (Ausdruck der Ãœberraschung)
to get away (from sb.)
getting away
got away
to get away from the police
to get away in a stolen car
to get away with jewellery worth over EUR 20 000
Get away! (expression of surprise) Br.
geschniegelt und gebügelt; schmuck adj
geschniegelt und gebügelt; blitzsauber; wie aus dem Ei gepellt
spick and span
naseweis; keck; unverschämt; schmissig; flott; schmuck adj
nett; adrett; gepflegt; schmuck (veraltet) adj
netter; adretter; gepflegter
am nettesten; am adrettesten; am gepflegtesten
neat; trig; spruce
punzieren; punzen; stempeln adj
punzierend; punzend; stempelnd
punziert; gepunzt; gestempelt
Metallgegenstände punzieren (mit Prägestempel versehen)
punzierter Schmuck (mit Prägestempel versehen)
to punch; to hallmark
punching; hallmarking
punched; hallmarked
to hallmark metal items
hallmarked jewellery (showing a minting mark)
schick adj; schmuck adj; adrett adj
natty {adj}
schick adv; schmuck adv; adrett adv
nattily {adv}
'Der Schmuck der Madonna' (von Wolf-Ferrari Werktitel) mus.
'The Jewels of the Madonna' (by Wolf-Ferrari work title)
Gold n
wasserlösliches Gold; kolloidales Gold
Schmuck aus massivem Gold
Gold waschen
Gold auf Nickel
colloidal gold
solid gold jewellery
to pan for gold
gold over nickel base
Halskette f; Halsband n; Collier n (Schmuck)
Halsketten pl; Halsbänder pl; Colliers pl
Halskette mit Anhänger
Diamanthalsband n; Diamantcollier n
mehrreihige Colliers
pendant necklace
diamond necklace
multi-chain necklaces
Kastenschließe f; Kastenverschluss m; Steckverschluss m (Armband, Uhrband, Schmuck)
box clasp (bracelet, watchstrap, jewellery)
Medaillon n (Schmuck)
Medaillons pl
Schmuck m
kostbarer Schmuck m; Juwelen pl; Geschmeide n geh.
Brautschmuck m
Trachtenschmuck m
goldgefüllter Schmuck
vergoldeter Schmuck
jewellery Br.; jewelry Am.
precious jewellery
wedding jewellery jewelry
folk jewellery; jewellery worn with a folk national costume
gold-filled jewellery
gold-plated jewellery
Schmuck m biol.
jdn. etw. von seinem Schmuck befreien; den Schmuck von etw. entfernen v
to undeck sb. sth.
Verzierung f; Schmuck m; Dekor n; Ornament n
Verzierungen pl; Dekore pl; Ornamente pl
zur Verzierung
for ornament
(ein Kleidungsstück) ablegen; ausziehen; (Schmuck) abnehmen v
ablegend; ausziehend; abnehmend
abgelegt; ausgezogen; abgenommen
jdm. die Jacke ausziehen
Zieh deine nassen Sachen nasse Kleidung aus.
Er legte seine Jacke ab, weil es so heiß war.
to take off; to discard; to shed {shed; shed} (a garment jewellery)
taking off; discarding; shedding
taken off; discarded; shed
to take off sb.'s jacket
Take off your wet clothes.
He discarded his jacket because of the heat.
(Kleidungsstück) anziehen; (Kopfbedeckung) aufsetzen; (Schmuck, Rüstung) anlegen v
anziehend; aufsetzend; anlegend; aufsetzend
angezogen; aufgesetzt; angelegt
Zieh dir bitte diese Pantoffeln an.
Zieh dir etwas an!
Ich habe nichts anzuziehen.
to put on () sth.; to don sth. formal (place on a body part)
putting on; donning
put on; donned
Please put on these slippers.
Put some clothes on.
I have nothing to wear (for the event).
etw. aufbewahren v
seinen Schmuck im Tresor aufbewahren
Kühl aufbewahren.; An einem kühlen Ort aufbewahren lagern.
to keep sth. stored; to keep sth.; to store sth.
keeping stored; keeping; storing
kept stored; kept; stored
to keep store your jewels in a safe
Keep cool.; Keep in a cool place.
(vor jdm.) flüchten v
der Polizei entkommen
mit einem gestohlenen Wagen flüchten
mit Schmuck im Wert von über 20.000 Euro flüchten
Na geh!; Geh weiter! (Ausdruck der Ãœberraschung)
to get away (from sb.)
getting away
got away
to get away from the police
to get away in a stolen car
to get away with jewellery worth over EUR 20,000
Get away! (expression of surprise) Br.
nett; adrett; gepflegt; schmuck veraltet adj
netter; adretter; gepflegter
am nettesten; am adrettesten; am gepflegtesten
neat; trig; spruce
etw. punzieren; punzen; stempeln v
punzierend; punzend; stempelnd
punziert; gepunzt; gestempelt
Metallgegenstände punzieren (mit Prägestempel versehen)
punzierter Schmuck (mit Prägestempel versehen)
to punch; to hallmark sth.
punching; hallmarking
punched; hallmarked
to hallmark metal items
hallmarked jewellery (showing a minting mark)
etw. tragen; anhaben; aufhaben (Kopfbedeckung); umhaben (Schmuck) v (Kleidung)
tragend; anhabend; aufhabend; umhabend
getragen; angehabt; aufgehabt; umgehabt
er sie trägt; er sie hat an
ich er sie trug; ich er sie hatte an
er sie hat hatte getragen; er sie hat hatte angehabt
Trauer tragen; in Trauer gehen
direkt auf der Haut getragen werden
Hast du gesehen, sie trägt ein neues Kleid.
Er hatte nichts an.
Du hast den Pullover verkehrt an.
Du kannst das tragen!
to wear sth. {wore; worn}; to have on () sth. (clothing)
wearing; having on
worn; had on
he she wears
I he she wore
he she has had worn
to wear mourning
to be worn next to skin
Did you notice she is wearing a new dress she has on a new dress?
He had nothing on.
You've got your sweater on backwards back to front.
You can wear that!; You can pull carry it off!
'Der Schmuck der Madonna' (von Wolf-Ferrari Werktitel) mus.
'The Jewels of the Madonna' (by Wolf-Ferrari work title)

Deutsche Schmuck Zwergkaiserfisch Synonyme

Juwelierwaren  ÂPretiosen  ÂPreziosen  ÂSchmuck  
keck  Ânaseweis  Âschmissig  Âschmuck  
Kinkerlitzchen  ÂSchmuck  ÂSchnörkel  ÂTand  ÂVerzierungen  
geschniegelt  Âgeschniegelt  und  gebügelt  Âschmuck  Âwie  aus  dem  Ei  gepellt  
schmuck  ass  born fool  buffoon  clown  doodle  egregious ass  figure of fun  fool  idiot  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Schmuck Synonym nachschlagen

Englische red stripe angel Synonyme

red  Adrianople red  Amytal  Amytal pill  Bolshevik  Bolshevist  Bolshie  Burgundy  Carbonarist  Carbonaro  Castroist  Castroite  Charley  Communist  Cong  Congo rubine  Demerol  Dolophine  English red  Fenian  Goya  Guevarist  H  Indian red  Jacobin  Leninist  Luminal  Luminal pill  M  Majolica earth  Maoist  Marxist  Mau-Mau  Mickey Finn  Nembutal  Nembutal pill  Persian red  Prussian red  Puritan  Red  Red Republican  Roundhead  Seconal  Seconal pill  Sinn Feiner  Titian  Titian-red  Trotskyist  Trotskyite  Tuinal  Tuinal pill  Turkey red  VC  Vandyke red  Vietcong  Wobbly  Yankee  Yankee Doodle  alcohol  algetic  amidonaphthol red  amobarbital sodium  analgesic  anarch  anarchist  anarchistic  anarcho-syndicalist  angry  annatto  anodyne  any color  barb  barbiturate  barbiturate pill  black stuff  blue  blue angel  blue devil  blue heaven  blue velvet  blushful  blushing  bonnet rouge  bricky  bright rose  burning  burnt carmine  burnt ocher  calmative  cardinal  carmine  carnation  carnelian  cerise  chafed  cherry  cherry-colored  cherry-red  chloral hydrate  chrome red  cinnabar  claret  cochineal  codeine  codeine cough syrup  color  copper red  cordovan  cramoisie  cresol red  criminal syndicalist  crimson  crude  damask  depressant  depressor  dolly  downer  embarrassed  erythema  extreme  extreme left-winger  extremist  extremistic  faded rose  ferruginous  festering  fiery  fire red  fire-red  flame-colored  flame-red  flaming  floridity  floridness  flushed  fuchsine  galled  glowing  goofball  gules  hard stuff  heroin  high color  hop  horse  hot  hypnotic  incarmined  inflamed  infrared  iron red  iron-red  irritated  jockey  junk  knockout drops  lake  lake-colored  laky  lateritious  laudanum  left-wing extremist  light red  liquor  lobster  lobster-red  lotus  lunatic fringe  lurid  madder  madder crimson  madder lake  madder pink  madder rose  maroon  meperidine  methadone  mild radical  mildly radical  morphia  morphine  murrey  narcotic  nihil  
Red  Bolshevik  Bolshevist  Bolshie  Carbonarist  Carbonaro  Castroist  Castroite  Charley  Communist  Communist sympathizer  Cong  Fenian  Guevarist  Jacobin  Leninist  Maoist  Marxist  Marxist-Leninist  Mau-Mau  Puritan  Red Republican  Roundhead  Sinn Feiner  Stalinist  Titoist  Trotskyist  Trotskyite  VC  Vietcong  Yankee  Yankee Doodle  anarch  anarchist  avowed Communist  bolshie  bonnet rouge  commie  communistic  comrade  criminal syndicalist  fellow traveler  rebel  red  revisionist  revolutionary  revolutionary junta  revolutioner  revolutionist  revolutionizer  sans-culotte  sans-culottist  subversive  syndicalist  terrorist  
red baiting  Jim Crow  Jim Crow law  McCarthyism  anti-Semitism  apartheid  black power  black supremacy  chauvinism  class consciousness  class distinction  class hatred  class prejudice  class war  color bar  color line  discrimination  fascism  harassment  harrying  hounding  know-nothingism  male chauvinist  minority prejudice  oppression  persecution  race hatred  race prejudice  race snobbery  racial discrimination  racialism  racism  segregation  sex discrimination  sexism  social barrier  social discrimination  superpatriotism  tormenting  ultranationalism  victimization  white power  white supremacy  witch-hunt  witch-hunting  xenophobia  
red blooded  beefy  bouncing  bulldoggish  doughty  dynamic  energetic  forceful  forcible  forcy  full-blooded  full-strength  game  gamy  gritty  gutsy  gutty  hale  hard  hard as nails  hardy  hearty  hefty  husky  iron-hard  lusty  mettlesome  mighty  nervy  obstinate  pertinacious  plucky  potent  powerful  puissant  resolute  robust  robustious  rugged  spirited  spiritful  spunky  stalwart  steely  stout  strapping  strenuous  strong  strong as brandy  strong as strong  strong-willed  sturdy  tenacious  tough  vigorous  vital  
red cent  C  C-note  G  G-note  a continental  a curse  a damn  a darn  a hoot  bagatelle  bauble  bean  bibelot  bit  brass farthing  buck  button  cartwheel  cent  century  copper  curio  dime  dollar  dollar bill  farce  farthing  feather  fifty cents  fig  fin  fish  five cents  five hundred dollars  five-dollar bill  five-hundred-dollar bill  five-spot  fiver  fleabite  folderol  four bits  fribble  frippery  frogskin  gaud  gewgaw  gimcrack  grand  hair  half G  half a C  half dollar  half grand  halfpenny  hill of beans  hundred-dollar bill  iron man  jest  joke  kickshaw  knickknack  knickknackery  mill  minikin  mockery  molehill  nickel  penny  peppercorn  picayune  pin  pinch of snuff  pinprick  quarter  rap  row of pins  rush  sawbuck  shit  silver dollar  skin  smacker  snap  sneeshing  sou  straw  ten cents  ten-spot  tenner  thousand dollars  thousand-dollar bill  toy  trifle  trinket  triviality  tuppence  twenty-dollar bill  twenty-five cents  two bits  two cents  two-dollar bill  two-spot  twopence  whim-wham  yard  
red complexioned  blooming  blowzed  blowzy  burnt  florid  flush  flushed  full-blooded  glowing  hectic  red-faced  red-fleshed  rosy  rosy-cheeked  rubicund  ruddy  ruddy-complexioned  ruddy-faced  sanguine  sunburned  
red faced  abashed  ashamed  blooming  blowzed  blowzy  blushing  burnt  chagrined  chapfallen  crestfallen  crushed  embarrassed  florid  flush  flushed  full-blooded  glowing  hangdog  hectic  humbled  humiliated  mortified  out of countenance  red-complexioned  red-fleshed  rosy  rosy-cheeked  rubicund  ruddy  ruddy-complexioned  ruddy-faced  sanguine  shamed  shamefaced  shamefast  sunburned  
red flag  Roman candle  aid to navigation  alarm  amber light  balefire  beacon  beacon fire  bell  bell buoy  blinker  blue peter  buoy  caution light  danger sign  early symptom  falling barometer  flare  fog bell  fog signal  fog whistle  foghorn  gathering clouds  glance  go light  gong buoy  green light  heliograph  high sign  international alphabet flag  international numeral pennant  kick  leer  marker beacon  nod  nudge  omen  parachute flare  pilot flag  poke  police whistle  precursor  preliminary sign  premonitory sign  premonitory symptom  prodroma  prodrome  quarantine flag  radio beacon  red light  rocket  sailing aid  semaphore  semaphore flag  semaphore telegraph  sign  signal  signal beacon  signal bell  signal fire  signal flag  signal gong  signal gun  signal lamp  signal light  signal mast  signal post  signal rocket  signal shot  signal siren  signal tower  skull and crossbones  spar buoy  stop light  storm petrel  stormy petrel  symptom  the nod  the wink  thundercloud  thunderhead  touch  traffic light  traffic signal  warning sign  warning signal  watch fire  white flag  wigwag  wigwag flag  wink  yellow flag  yellow jack  
red handed  blatantly  bloodthirsty  bloody  bloody-minded  cruel  cutthroat  flagrante delicto  gory  homicidal  in flagrante delicto  in the act  murderous  openly  red-hand  sanguinary  self-destructive  slaughterous  suicidal  
red herring  anguille  art  artful dodge  artifice  blind  caviar  chicanery  conspiracy  contrivance  coup  craft  cute trick  deceit  design  device  dodge  eel  expedient  fakement  feint  fetch  fish  fish eggs  gambit  game  gimmick  grift  intrigue  jugglery  kipper  kippered salmon  knavery  little game  maneuver  move  plot  ploy  poisson  racket  roe  ruse  scheme  seafood  shift  sleight  smoked herring  stratagem  strategy  subterfuge  tactic  trick  trickery  wile  wily device  
red hot  abandoned  ablaze  afire  ardent  baking  blistering  boiling  boiling over  breathless  broiling  burning  burning hot  burning with excitement  canicular  committed  cordial  dedicated  delirious  devoted  devout  drunk  earnest  ebullient  enthusiastic  excited  exuberant  faithful  fanatic  febrile  fervent  fervid  fevered  feverish  fiery  flaming  flushed  glowing  grilling  hard-core  hearty  heated  hectic  het up  hot  hot as fire  hot as hell  hot-blooded  hotheaded  impassioned  in earnest  in rut  inflamed  intense  intent  intent on  intoxicated  keen  like a furnace  like an oven  lively  loyal  madcap  on fire  overheated  overwarm  parching  passionate  perfervid  piping hot  resolute  roasting  scalding  scorching  searing  seething  serious  sexually excited  simmering  sincere  sizzling hot  smoking hot  spirited  steaming  steamy  sudorific  sweating  sweaty  sweltering  sweltry  toasting  torrid  totally committed  unrestrained  vehement  vigorous  warm  white-hot  zealous  
red light  Roman candle  aid to navigation  alarm  amber light  balefire  beacon  beacon fire  bell  bell buoy  blinker  blue peter  buoy  caution light  danger sign  early symptom  falling barometer  flare  fog bell  fog signal  fog whistle  foghorn  gathering clouds  glance  go light  gong buoy  green light  heliograph  high sign  international alphabet flag  international numeral pennant  kick  leer  marker beacon  nod  nudge  omen  parachute flare  pilot flag  poke  police whistle  precursor  preliminary sign  premonitory sign  premonitory symptom  prodroma  prodrome  quarantine flag  radio beacon  red flag  rocket  sailing aid  semaphore  semaphore flag  semaphore telegraph  sign  signal  signal beacon  signal bell  signal fire  signal flag  signal gong  signal gun  signal lamp  signal light  signal mast  signal post  signal rocket  signal shot  signal siren  signal tower  skull and crossbones  spar buoy  stop light  stop-and-go light  storm petrel  stormy petrel  symptom  the nod  the wink  thundercloud  thunderhead  touch  traffic light  traffic signal  warning sign  warning signal  watch fire  white flag  wigwag  wigwag flag  wink  yellow flag  yellow jack  
red light district  Bowery  Chinatown  East End  East Side  Little Hungary  Little Italy  West End  West Side  bagnio  barrio  bawdyhouse  black ghetto  blighted area  bordello  brothel  business district  cathouse  central city  city center  core  crib  den  den of vice  disorderly house  dive  downtown  ghetto  greenbelt  house of assignation  house of joy  house of prostitution  inner city  joint  midtown  outskirts  panel den  panel house  residential district  run-down neighborhood  shopping center  sink of iniquity  skid road  skid row  slum  slums  sporting house  stew  stews  suburbia  suburbs  tenderloin  tenement district  uptown  urban blight  whorehouse  
red man  American Indian  Amerind  Australian aborigine  Bushman  Caucasian  Indian  Malayan  Mister Charley  Mongolian  Negrillo  Negrito  Negro  Oriental  Red Indian  WASP  black  black man  blackfellow  boy  brown man  burrhead  colored person  coon  darky  gook  honky  jigaboo  jungle bunny  nigger  niggra  ofay  paleface  pygmy  redskin  slant-eye  spade  the Man  white  white man  whitey  yellow man  
red tape  afterthought  beadledom  beat  beaten path  bind  block  blockage  bumbledom  bureaucracy  bureaucratic delay  bureaucratism  chinoiserie  daily grind  delay  delayage  delayed reaction  detention  double take  dragging  grind  groove  halt  hang-up  hindrance  holdup  interim  jam  jog trot  lag  lagging  logjam  moratorium  obstruction  official jargon  officialism  paperasserie  pause  red-tapeism  red-tapery  reprieve  respite  retardance  retardation  round  routine  run  rut  slow-up  slowdown  slowness  squirrel cage  stay  stay of execution  stop  stoppage  suspension  tie-up  time lag  track  treadmill  wait  well-worn groove  
redcoat  Anzac  Aussie  Boche  Fritz  GI  Heinie  Hun  Jerry  Johnny  Kraut  Tommy  Tommy Atkins  Yank  askari  digger  doughboy  jock  poilu  sepoy  swaddy  
redden  blanch  blush  carmine  change color  color  color up  crimson  darken  flame  flush  frown  glare  glow  glower  gnarl  grow red  growl  henna  incarnadine  inflame  lipstick  look black  look daggers  lower  madder  mantle  miniate  pale  pink  red-ink  rose  rouge  rubify  rubric  ruby  ruddle  ruddy  rust  scowl  snap  snarl  spit  squirm with self-consciousness  stammer  turn color  turn pale  turn red  vermilion  warm  whiten  
redecorate  adorn  array  beautify  bedeck  bedizen  blazon  color  dandify  deck  deck out  decorate  dizen  doll up  dress  dress up  embellish  emblazon  embroider  enrich  fig out  fix up  furbish  garnish  grace  gussy up  ornament  paint  prank  prank up  preen  prettify  primp  primp up  prink  prink up  redo  refurbish  set off  set out  smarten  smarten up  spruce up  titivate  trick out  trick up  trim  
redeem  abet  abide by  absolve  acknowledge  aid  amend  amortize  assist  atone  atone for  avail  bail out  balance  be faithful to  bear a hand  bear the expense  befriend  benefit  buy  buy back  carry out  cash in  change  change for  chip in  clear  comfort  commute  compensate  compensate for  compound for  convert  counterbalance  counterpoise  countervail  defray  defray expenses  deliver  discharge  disenthrall  do good  doctor  dub in  ease  emancipate  exchange  expiate  extract  extricate  favor  finance  foot the bill  free  fund  get back  give a boost  give a hand  give a lift  give help  give place to  give salvation  give satisfaction  go Dutch  help  honor  honor a bill  keep  keep faith with  lend a hand  lend one aid  liberate  lift  liquidate  live down  loose  make accounts square  make amends  make compensation  make do with  make good  make matters up  make reparation  make right  make up  make up for  make way for  manumit  new-model  offer in exchange  offset  outweigh  pay for  pay in full  pay off  pay the bill  pay the forfeit  pay the penalty  pay the piper  pay the shot  pay up  perform  proffer aid  propitiate  protect  put up with  rally  ransom  re-form  recapture  reclaim  recompense  recoup  recover  recuperate  recycle  redress  refashion  reform  regain  regenerate  rehabilitate  reinstate  release  relieve  remedy  remodel  render assistance  renew  renovate  reoccupy  repair  replevin  replevy  repossess  repurchase  rescue  reshape  restore  restore self-respect  resume  resuscitate  retake  retire  retrieve  revindicate  revive  ring in  salvage  satisfy  save  see through  set free  set off  set straight  set up  settle  shift with  square  square accounts  square it  square things  stand the costs  strike a balance  substitute  succor  switch  take back  take in exchange  take in tow  take up  trade in  unbind  unchain  win back  
redeemable  ameliorable  amendable  back  coming  coming to  correctable  corrigible  curable  deliverable  due  emendable  extricable  fixable  improvable  in arrear  in arrears  mature  medicable  mendable  outstanding  owed  owing  payable  receivable  reclaimable  recoverable  rectifiable  recyclable  remediable  repairable  reparable  rescuable  restorable  retrievable  reversible  savable  unpaid  

Schmuck Zwergkaiserfisch Definition

(n.) A messenger.
(n.) A spiritual, celestial being, superior to man in power and intelligence. In the Scriptures the angels appear as God's messengers.
(n.) One of a class of "fallen angels
(n.) A minister or pastor of a church, as in the Seven Asiatic churches.
(n.) Attendant spirit
(n.) An appellation given to a person supposed to be of angelic goodness or loveliness
(n.) An ancient gold coin of England, bearing the figure of the archangel Michael. It varied in value from 6s. 8d. to 10s.
Angel fish
() See under Angel.
(n.) An animal or plant which is much below the ordinary size of its species or kind
(v. t.) To hinder from growing to the natural size
(v. i.) To become small
(n.) A line, or long, narrow division of anything of a different color or structure from the ground
(n.) A pattern produced by arranging the warp threads in sets of alternating colors, or in sets presenting some other contrast of appearance.
(n.) A strip, or long, narrow piece attached to something of a different color
(n.) A stroke or blow made with a whip, rod, scourge, or the like, such as usually leaves a mark.
(n.) A long, narrow discoloration of the skin made by the blow of a lash, rod, or the like.
(n.) Color indicating a party or faction
(n.) The chevron on the coat of a noncommissioned officer.
(v. t.) To make stripes upon
(v. t.) To strike

red stripe (dwarf) angel Bedeutung

dwarf a plant or animal that is atypically small
onion yellow-dwarf virus the virus that produces stunting and yellowing of the leaves of onion plants
potato yellow-dwarf virus the virus that produces stunting and yellowing of the leaves of potato plants
dwarf pipefish
Syngnathus hildebrandi
small ( inches) fish found off the Florida Gulf Coast
angel shark
angelfish Squatina squatina
sharks with broad flat bodies and winglike pectoral fins but that swim the way sharks do
dwarf sperm whale
Kogia simus
very small (to feet) sperm whale of central coasts of Atlantic and Pacific
kangaroo mouse
dwarf pocket rat
small silky-haired pouched rodent, similar to but smaller than kangaroo rats
dwarf buffalo
Anoa depressicornis
small buffalo of the Celebes having small straight horns
amobarbital sodium
blue angel
blue devil
the sodium salt of amobarbital that is used as a barbiturate, used as a sedative and a hypnotic
band banding
an adornment consisting of a strip of a contrasting color or material
magnetic stripe a short strip of magnetic tape attached to a credit card or debit card, it contains data that will tell a reading device who you are and what your account number is, etc.
phencyclidine hydrochloride
angel dust
a drug used as an anesthetic by veterinarians, illicitly taken (originally in the form of powder or `dust') for its effects as a hallucinogen
a narrow marking of a different color or texture from the background, a green toad with small black stripes or bars, may the Stars and Stripes forever wave
stripe a kind or category, businessmen of every stripe joined in opposition to the proposal
service stripe
hash mark
an insignia worn to indicate years of service
grade insignia
V-shaped sleeve badge indicating military rank and service, they earned their stripes in Kuwait
stripe a piece of braid, usually on the sleeve, indicating military rank or length of service
angel cake
angel food cake
a light sponge cake made without egg yolks
Angel Falls
the highest waterfall, has more than one leap, flow varies seasonally
red dwarf
red dwarf star
a small, old, relatively cool star, approximately times the mass of Jupiter
white dwarf
white dwarf star
a faint star of enormous density
angel spiritual being attendant upon God
guardian spirit
guardian angel
an angel believed to have special affection for a particular individual
a legendary creature resembling a tiny old man, lives in the depths of the earth and guards buried treasure
angel backer invests in a theatrical production
a person who is markedly small
pituitary dwarf
hypophysial dwarf
Levi-Lorrain dwarf
a dwarf whose condition is caused by a deficiency of growth hormones, rather than by genetic factors (as in the case of the achondroplastic dwarf)
primordial dwarf
hypoplastic dwarf
true dwarf
normal dwarf
an achondroplastic dwarf whose small size is the result of a genetic defect, body parts and mental and sexual development are normal
holy man
holy person
person of exceptional holiness
Swiss mountain pine
mountain pine dwarf mountain pine
mugho pine
mugo pine
Pinus mugo
low shrubby pine of central Europe with short bright green needles in bunches of two
dwarf juniper savin
Juniperus sabina
procumbent or spreading juniper
ground cedar dwarf juniper Juniperus communis depressa a procumbent variety of the common juniper
Tasman dwarf pine
Microstrobos niphophilus
small shrub or Tasmania having short stiff branches
bristly sarsaparilla
bristly sarsparilla
dwarf elder Aralia hispida
bristly herb of eastern and central North America having black fruit and medicinal bark
woolly daisy
dwarf daisy
Antheropeas wallacei
Eriophyllum wallacei
tiny grey woolly tufted annual with small golden-yellow flower heads, southeastern California to northwestern Arizona and southwestern Utah, sometimes placed in genus Eriophyllum
lamb succory
dwarf nipplewort
Arnoseris minima
small European herb with small yellow flowers
dwarf hulsea
Hulsea nana
similar to but smaller than alpine hulsea
dwarf dandelion
Krigia dandelion
Krigia bulbosa
small yellow-flowered herb resembling dandelions of central and southeastern United States
dwarf bilberry
dwarf blueberry
Vaccinium caespitosum
low-growing tufted deciduous shrub of northern and alpine North America having pink to coraled flowers followed by sweet blue berries
Allegheny chinkapin
eastern chinquapin
chinquapin dwarf chestnut
Castanea pumila
shrubby chestnut tree of southeastern United States having small edible nuts
dwarf golden chinkapin
Chrysolepis sempervirens
evergreen shrub similar to golden chinkapin, mountains of California
dwarf chinkapin oak
dwarf chinquapin oak
dwarf oak
Quercus prinoides
deciduous shrubby tree of northeastern and central United States having a sweet edible nut and often forming dense thickets
Newfoundland dwarf birch
American dwarf birch
Betula glandulosa
small shrub of colder parts of North America and Greenland
dwarf banana
Musa acuminata
low-growing Asian banana tree cultivated especially in the West Indies for its clusters of edible yellow fruit
angel-wing begonia
Begonia cocchinea
South American fibrousooted begonias having prominent basal leaf lobes suggesting angels' wings and racemes of coraled flowers
Siberian elm
Chinese elm dwarf elm
Ulmus pumila
fast-growing shrubby Asian tree naturalized in United States for shelter or ornament
dwarf iris Iris cristata low-growing summer-flowering iris of northeastern United States
dwarf iris vernal iris
Iris verna
low-growing spring-flowering American iris with bright blue-lilac flowers
dwarf tulip
Tulipa armena
Tulipa suaveolens
small early blooming tulip
dwarf-white trillium
snow trillium
early wakeobin
a low perennial white-flowered trillium found in the southeastern United States
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