
Schnee Raupenfahrzeug Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Schnee-Raupenfahrzeug n auto
snow tractor
Schnee-Raupenfahrzeug n auto
Schnee-Raupenfahrzeuge pl
snow tractor
snow tractors
Räumfahrzeug n (für Schnee)
snowplough, snow-clearer
Raupenfahrzeug n
Raupenfahrzeuge pl
crawler type vehicle
crawler type vehicles
Schmelze f (Schnee)
Schnee m meteo.
pappiger Schnee
festgefahrener Schnee
Schnee von gestern übtr.
cloggy snow
packed snow
water under the bridge fig.
Schnee m (Kokain)
snow (cocaine)
harschen (Schnee)
to freeze {froze, frozen} over
Schnee schippen
to shovel
to shovel snow
Das ist doch Schnee von gestern! übtr.
That's old hat! fig.
Der Schnee liegt meterhoch.
The snow is more than a meter deep.
Schnee-Eule f ornith.
Snowy Owl (Nyctea scandiaca)
crawler type vehicle
Schnee, schneien
der Schnee hielt tagelang an
the snow lasted for days
weiß wie Schnee
white as snow
eine Menge Schnee
a great deal of snow
Ablation f (Abschmelzen von Schnee oder Eis) meteo.
geschiebeablagernde Ablation
ablation (melting of snow or ice)
Bildrauschen n; verrauschtes Bild; Schnee m ugs.; Ameisenkrieg m humor. (TV)
picture noise; snowy picture; snow coll.
Eiweiß n; Eiklar n; Klar n Ös. (eines Eies) cook.
Eiweiß schaumig steif zu Schnee schlagen
egg-white; white of an egg
to beat the egg-white until it is stiff
Räumfahrzeug n (für Schnee)
snowplough; snow-clearer
Raupenfahrzeug n; Raupenkettenfahrzeug n techn.
Raupenfahrzeuge pl; Raupenkettenfahrzeuge pl
crawler type vehicle; tracklaying craft vehicle
crawler type vehicles; tracklaying craft vehicles
Raupenfahrzeug n; Raupe f; Kettenfahrzeug n auto
Raupenfahrzeuge pl; Raupen pl; Kettenfahrzeuge pl
Schnee m meteo.
pappiger Schnee
festgefahrener Schnee
Blutschnee m
Schnee von gestern übtr.
cloggy snow
packed snow
blood snow; watermelon snow; red snow
snows of yesteryear; water under the bridge fig.
Schnee-Raupenfahrzeug n auto
snow tractor
einen Gegenstand behutsam vorsichtig in einen bestimmten Zustand bringen; ein Gerät mit Gefühl bedienen v
Es ist schwierig diese Pflanze zum Blühen zu bringen.
Sie fachte die Glut behutsam durch Blasen an.
Ihre Haare waren sorgsam in Locken gelegt.
Der Fahrer steuerte den Bus vorsichtig durch den Schnee.
to coax an object a device
This plant is difficult to coax into bloom.
She coaxed the glowing fire to burn by blowing on it.
Her hair had been coaxed into ringlets.
The driver coaxed his bus through the snow.
harschen (Schnee)
to freeze {froze; frozen} over
knirschen; knacken v
knirschend; knackend
geknirscht; geknackt
Der Schnee knirschte unter meinen unseren Füßen.
to crunch; to scrunch
crunching; scrunching
crunched; scrunched
The snow crunched scrunched underfoot.
schaufeln; schippen Norddt. Mitteldt.; schüppen Nordostdt. Mittelwestdt. v
schaufelnd; schippend; schüppend
geschaufelt; geschippt; geschüppt
schaufelt; schippt
schaufelte; schippte
Schnee schippen
Ich habe den ganzen Morgen Schnee geschippt.
to shovel
shoveling; shovelling
shoveled; shovelled
shoveled; shovelled
to shovel snow
I've shoveled snow all the morning.
stampfen; aufstampfen v
stampfend; aufstampfend
gestampft; aufgestampft
stampft; stampft auf
stampfte; stampfte auf
auf den Boden stampfen
mit dem Fuß aufstampen
(mit den Füßen) trampeln
den Schnee von seinen Stiefeln stampfen
to stamp (your foot)
to stamp the ground
to stamp your foot
to stamp (your feet)
to stamp the snow off your boots.
verharschen v (Schnee)
to crust
etw. zusammenballen v (Schnee)
to make sth. into a ball
Das ist doch ein alter Hut.; Das ist doch kalter Kaffee!; Das ist doch Schnee von gestern! übtr.
That's old hat! fig.
Uhus pl (Bubo) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Europäischer Uhu m (Bubo bubo)
Schnee-Eule f (Bubo scandiacus Nyctea scandiaca)
eagle owls and horned owls (zoological genus)
European eagle owl; Eurasian eagle owl; Northern eagle owl
snowy owl
Eiweiß n; Eiklar n; Klar n Ös.; Albumen n (eines Eies) cook.
Eiweiß schaumig steif zu Schnee schlagen
egg-white; white of an egg; albumen
to beat the egg-white until it is stiff
Kokain n; Koks m ugs.; Schnee m slang pharm.
Crack n
cocaine; coke coll.; snow slang; stardust slang
rock cocaine; crack cocaine; crack
Ladung f stiebenden Schnees; Ladung stiebenden Schnee meteo.
flurry of snow
Niederschlag m (fallender Hagel, Regen, Schnee usw.) meteo.
Dauerniederschlag m
precipitation (falling hail, rain, snow etc.) (rainfall)
long-lasting precipitation; persistent precipitation
atmosphärischer radioaktiver Niederschlag m (bei Regen, Schnee etc.); Rainout m phys.
radioactive washout; radioactive rainout
Raupenkettenfahrzeug n; Raupenfahrzeug n; Raupe f ugs.; Gleiskettenfahrzeug n; Kettenfahrzeug n agr. auto constr. mil.
Raupenkettenfahrzeuge pl; Raupenfahrzeuge pl; Raupen pl; Gleiskettenfahrzeuge pl; Kettenfahrzeuge pl
tracked vehicle; track-laying vehicle; track-laying craft; crawler-type vehicle; crawler vehicle; crawler (caterpillar)
tracked vehicles; track-laying vehicles; track-laying crafts; crawler-type vehicles; crawler vehicles; crawlers
elektrisches Rauschen n; Rauschen n electr. telco.
atmosphärisches Rauschen
Bildrauschen n; verrauschtes Bild; Schnee m ugs.; Ameisenkrieg m humor. (Video)
eingangsbezogenes äquivalentes Rauschen
Funkfrequenzrauschen n; Funkrauschen n
modales Rauschen (Glasfaseroptik)
Phasenrauschen n
schmalbandiges Rauschen
Wärmerauschen n; Temperaturrauschen n; thermisches Zufallsrauschen n; thermisches Rauschen n; Widerstandsrauschen n; Nyquist-Rauschen n
weißes Rauschen (fehlender Bild- oder Tonempfang)
zufällig verteiltes Rauschen
electric noise; noise
atmospheric radio noise
picture noise; snowy picture; snow coll. (video)
equivalent noise referred to input
radiofrequency noise; radio noise
modal noise; specle noise (fibre optics)
phase noise
narrow-band noise
thermal agitation noise; thermal noise; resistance noise; circuit noise; output noise; Johnson noise; Nyquist noise
white noise (audio, video)
random noise; fluctuation noise
Rutschbahn f (im Schnee); Schlitterbahn f; Schlinderbahn f Mittelwestdt. (für Kinder)
Rutschbahnen pl; Schlitterbahnen pl; Schlinderbahnen pl
slide (for children)
Schnee m meteo.
pappiger Schnee
festgefahrener Schnee
Blutschnee m
Schnee von gestern übtr.
Es hat geschneit, aber der Schnee ist nicht liegengeblieben.
cloggy snow
packed snow
blood snow; watermelon snow; red snow
snows of yesteryear; water under the bridge fig.
We had some snow, but it didn't settle Br.. but it didn't stick. Am. but it didn't stay on the ground. Am.
Schnee-Raupenfahrzeug n auto
Schnee-Raupenfahrzeuge pl
snow tractor
snow tractors
Tarnung f mil. zool.
Tarnungen pl
zur Tarnung
in voller Tarnung mil.
Tarnung bieten
als Tarnung dienen
Tarnnetze über den Panzern
Der weiße Pelz fungiert als Tarnung im Schnee.
for camouflage
in full camouflage
to provide camouflage
to serve for camouflage
camouflage netting over the tanks
The white fur acts as a camouflage in the snow.
Urzeiten pl; das Jahr Schnee Ös. ugs.
vor Urzeiten; im Jahre Schnee; anno Schnee
seit einer Ewigkeit; seit Ewigkeiten; seit Urzeiten; seit dem Jahre Schnee
the year dot Br. coll.
in the year dot
since the year dot
einen Gegenstand behutsam vorsichtig in einen bestimmten Zustand bringen; ein Gerät mit Gefühl bedienen v
Es ist schwierig, diese Pflanze zum Blühen zu bringen.
Sie fachte die Glut behutsam durch Blasen an.
Ihre Haare waren sorgsam in Locken gelegt.
Der Fahrer steuerte den Bus vorsichtig durch den Schnee.
to coax an object a device
This plant is difficult to coax into bloom.
She coaxed the glowing fire to burn by blowing on it.
Her hair had been coaxed into ringlets.
The driver coaxed his bus through the snow.
griffig adj (Schnee)
firm (snow)
harschen v (Schnee)
to freeze {froze; frozen} over
stieben v (Schnee, Blätter usw.)
Schnee stob durch die Tür.
to flurry (snow, leaves etc.)
Gusts of snow flurried through the door.
sich vorankämpfen v
sich vorankämpfend
sich vorangekämpft
Die Tourengeher kämpften sich durch den Schnee.
Er kämpfte sich durch die Menge zur Bühne vor.
Das Segelschiff kämpfte sich durch die schwere See.
In der letzten Runde setzte er sich an die Spitze. sport
Das Jungunternehmen hat sich an die Spitze der Konkurrenz gesetzt.
to forge; to forge ahead formal
forging; forging ahead
forged; forged ahead
The ski tourers forged through the snow.
He forged through the crowd to the front of the stage.
The sailing ship forged ahead through heavy seas.
On the last lap, he forged into the lead.
The start-up company has forged ahead of its competitors.
wehender Schnee m meteo.
drifting snow; blowing snow
Schnee von gestern sein; der Vergangenheit angehören
to be consigned to history
Uhus pl (Bubo) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Europäischer Uhu m (Bubo bubo)
Schnee-Eule f (Bubo scandiacus Nyctea scandiaca)
Wüstenuhu m; Pharaonenuhu m (Bubo ascalaphus)
eagle owls and horned owls (zoological genus)
European eagle owl; Eurasian eagle owl; Northern eagle owl
snowy owl
pharaoh eagle-owl
'Friedhof im Schnee' (von Friedrich Werktitel) art
'Graveyard under Snow' (by Friedrich work title)

Deutsche Schnee Raupenfahrzeug Synonyme

künstlich  erzeugter  Schnee  ÂKunstschnee  Âtechnischer  Schnee  (fachsprachlich)  
alte,  langweilige  Geschichte  Âkalter  Kaffee  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂSchnee  von  gestern  (umgangssprachlich)  
Diacetylmorphin  (fachsprachlich)  ÂDiamorphin  (fachsprachlich)  ÂHeroin  ÂSchnee  (umgangssprachlich)  
C17H21NO4  ÂCoke  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂKokain  ÂKoks  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂNose  Candy  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂSchnee  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂSnow  (umgangssprachlich)  
künstlich erzeugter Schnee  Kunstschnee  technischer Schnee (fachsprachlich)  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Schnee Synonym nachschlagen

Englische snow tractor Synonyme

snow  Benzedrine  Benzedrine pill  C  Dexamyl  Dexamyl pill  Dexedrine  Dexedrine pill  Methedrine  accord  administer  afford  alabaster  allot  allow  amphetamine  amphetamine sulfate  avalanche  award  bamboozle  beguile  bestow  bestow on  betray  black spot  blizzard  bloom  blooping  bluff  cajole  chalk  cheat on  circumvent  cocaine  coke  communicate  confer  conjure  crystal  deal  deal out  deceive  definition  delude  dextroamphetamine sulfate  diddle  dish out  dispense  dole  dole out  donate  double-cross  driven snow  dupe  extend  flake  flare  fleece  flour  flurry  foam  football  forestall  fork out  fringe area  frost  gammon  get around  ghost  gift  gift with  give  give freely  give out  grant  granular snow  granulation  grid  gull  hail  hand out  hard shadow  heap  heart  help to  hoax  hocus-pocus  hornswaggle  humbug  ice  ice over  ice up  igloo  image  impart  issue  ivory  jolly bean  juggle  lavish  let down  let have  lily  maggot  mantle of snow  mete  mete out  methamphetamine hydrochloride  milk  mock  mogul  multiple image  noise  offer  outmaneuver  outreach  outsmart  outwit  overreach  paper  pearl  pep pill  picture  picture noise  picture shifts  pigeon  play one false  pour  present  proffer  purple heart  put something over  rain  render  rolling  scanning pattern  scintillation  serve  shading  sheet  shell out  shower  silver  sleet  slip  slosh  slush  snow banner  snow bed  snow blanket  snow blast  snow fence  snow flurry  snow in  snow roller  snow slush  snow squall  snow under  snow wreath  snow-crystal  snowball  snowbank  snowbridge  snowcap  snowdrift  snowfall  snowfield  snowflake  snowland  snowman  snowscape  snowshed  snowslide  snowslip  snowstorm  speed  stimulant  string along  swan  take in  tender  trick  two-time  upper  vouchsafe  wet snow  yield  
snow job  allurement  bamboozlement  befooling  blandishment  bluffing  cajolement  cajolery  calculated deception  circumvention  coaxing  conning  deceiving  deception  deceptiveness  defrauding  delusion  delusiveness  dupery  engagement  enlistment  enmeshment  ensnarement  entanglement  entrapment  exhortation  fallaciousness  fallacy  falseness  flimflam  flimflammery  fond illusion  fooling  hallucination  hoodwinking  hortation  illusion  inducement  jawboning  kidding  lobbying  mirage  outwitting  overreaching  persuasion  phantasm  preaching  preachment  putting on  sales talk  salesmanship  self-deception  selling  soft soap  solicitation  song and dance  spoofery  spoofing  suasion  subterfuge  sweet talk  swindling  trickiness  tricking  victimization  vision  wheedling  willful misconception  wishful thinking  working on  
snow under  blank  bulldoze  clobber  cream  defeat utterly  frost  hail  ice  ice over  ice up  overbear  overwhelm  paste  schmear  shellac  shut out  skunk  sleet  smear  snow  snow in  steamroller  whelm  whitewash  whomp  whop  
snowball  accrue  accumulate  accumulation  acervation  advance  agglomerate  agglomeration  aggregate  aggregation  amassment  appreciate  augment  avalanche  ball  balloon  bead  blizzard  bloat  boom  breed  broaden  build  bulk  chunk  congeries  conglobation  conglobulate  conglomerate  conglomeration  crescendo  crystal  cumulation  develop  dilate  distend  driven snow  enlarge  expand  extend  fill out  flake  flurry  gain  gain strength  gathering  get ahead  globe  glomeration  go up  gob  granular snow  greaten  grow  hunk  igloo  increase  intensify  lump  mantle of snow  mass  mogul  mount  multiply  mushroom  proliferate  puff up  rise  run up  shoot up  slosh  slush  snow  snow banner  snow bed  snow blanket  snow blast  snow fence  snow flurry  snow roller  snow slush  snow squall  snow wreath  snow-crystal  snowbank  snowbridge  snowcap  snowdrift  snowfall  snowfield  snowflake  snowland  snowman  snowscape  snowshed  snowslide  snowslip  snowstorm  sphere  spherify  spread  stockpile  strengthen  stretch  swell  tumefy  upsurge  wad  wax  wet snow  widen  
snowbank  avalanche  blizzard  crystal  driven snow  flake  flurry  granular snow  igloo  mantle of snow  mogul  slosh  slush  snow  snow banner  snow bed  snow blanket  snow blast  snow fence  snow flurry  snow roller  snow slush  snow squall  snow wreath  snow-crystal  snowball  snowbridge  snowcap  snowdrift  snowfall  snowfield  snowflake  snowland  snowman  snowscape  snowshed  snowslide  snowslip  snowstorm  wet snow  
snowbird  LSD user  acidhead  addict  alcoholic  chain smoker  cocaine sniffer  cokie  cubehead  dipsomaniac  dope fiend  doper  drug abuser  drug addict  drug user  drunkard  fiend  freak  glue sniffer  habitual  head  heavy smoker  hophead  hype  junkie  marijuana smoker  methhead  narcotics addict  pillhead  pothead  speed freak  tripper  user  
snowcapped  nival  niveous  snow-bearded  snow-blanketed  snow-capped  snow-clad  snow-crested  snow-drifted  snow-driven  snow-encircled  snow-feathered  snow-hung  snow-laden  snow-lined  snow-loaded  snow-mantled  snow-sprinkled  snow-still  snow-tipped  snow-topped  snowlike  snowy  
snowdrift  anthill  avalanche  bank  blizzard  cock  crystal  drift  driven snow  dune  embankment  flake  flurry  granular snow  haycock  haymow  hayrick  haystack  heap  hill  igloo  mantle of snow  mogul  molehill  mound  mow  pile  pyramid  rick  slosh  slush  snow  snow banner  snow bed  snow blanket  snow blast  snow fence  snow flurry  snow roller  snow slush  snow squall  snow wreath  snow-crystal  snowball  snowbank  snowbridge  snowcap  snowfall  snowfield  snowflake  snowland  snowman  snowscape  snowshed  snowslide  snowslip  snowstorm  stack  wet snow  
snowfall  avalanche  blizzard  crystal  driven snow  flake  flurry  granular snow  igloo  mantle of snow  mogul  slosh  slush  snow  snow banner  snow bed  snow blanket  snow blast  snow fence  snow flurry  snow roller  snow slush  snow squall  snow wreath  snow-crystal  snowball  snowbank  snowbridge  snowcap  snowdrift  snowfield  snowflake  snowland  snowman  snowscape  snowshed  snowslide  snowslip  snowstorm  wet snow  
snowflake  avalanche  blizzard  crystal  driven snow  flake  flurry  granular snow  igloo  mantle of snow  mogul  slosh  slush  snow  snow banner  snow bed  snow blanket  snow blast  snow fence  snow flurry  snow roller  snow slush  snow squall  snow wreath  snow-crystal  snowball  snowbank  snowbridge  snowcap  snowdrift  snowfall  snowfield  snowland  snowman  snowscape  snowshed  snowslide  snowslip  snowstorm  wet snow  
snowman  avalanche  blizzard  bust  carving  crystal  doll  dolly  driven snow  dummy  fantoccini  figure  figurehead  figurine  flake  flurry  gingerbread man  granular snow  igloo  lay figure  man of straw  manikin  mannequin  mantle of snow  marionette  model  mogul  monument  portrait bust  puppet  scarecrow  sculpture  slosh  slush  snow  snow banner  snow bed  snow blanket  snow blast  snow fence  snow flurry  snow roller  snow slush  snow squall  snow wreath  snow-crystal  snowball  snowbank  snowbridge  snowcap  snowdrift  snowfall  snowfield  snowflake  snowland  snowscape  snowshed  snowslide  snowslip  snowstorm  statuary  statue  statuette  wax figure  waxwork  wet snow  wood carving  
snowstorm  avalanche  black spot  blizzard  bloom  blooping  crystal  cyclone  definition  dirty weather  driven snow  flake  flare  flurry  foul weather  fringe area  ghost  granular snow  granulation  grid  hard shadow  hurricane  igloo  image  line squall  mantle of snow  mogul  multiple image  noise  picture  picture noise  picture shifts  rain  rainstorm  rolling  rough weather  scanning pattern  scintillation  shading  slosh  slush  snow  snow banner  snow bed  snow blanket  snow blast  snow fence  snow flurry  snow roller  snow slush  snow squall  snow wreath  snow-crystal  snowball  snowbank  snowbridge  snowcap  snowdrift  snowfall  snowfield  snowflake  snowland  snowman  snowscape  snowshed  snowslide  snowslip  squall  storm  stormy weather  tempest  tempestuous rage  thunderstorm  tornado  typhoon  wet snow  windstorm  
snowy  argent  argentine  blotless  canescent  chalky  chaste  clean  cleanly  cretaceous  fleecy-white  frosted  frosty  grizzled  grizzly  hoar  hoary  immaculate  innocent  lactescent  lily-white  marble  marmoreal  milky  nival  niveous  platinum  pure  pure in heart  pure white  purehearted  sexually innocent  silver  silvered  silvery  snow-bearded  snow-blanketed  snow-capped  snow-clad  snow-crested  snow-drifted  snow-driven  snow-encircled  snow-feathered  snow-hung  snow-laden  snow-lined  snow-loaded  snow-mantled  snow-sprinkled  snow-still  snow-tipped  snow-topped  snow-white  snowlike  spotless  stainless  swan-white  taintless  unblemished  unblotted  uncorrupt  undefiled  unsoiled  unspotted  unstained  unsullied  untainted  untarnished  virtuous  white  white as snow  

Schnee Raupenfahrzeug Definition

(n.) A square-rigged vessel, differing from a brig only in that she has a trysail mast close abaft the mainmast, on which a large trysail is hoisted.
(n.) Watery particles congealed into white or transparent crystals or flakes in the air, and falling to the earth, exhibiting a great variety of very beautiful and perfect forms.
(n.) Fig.: Something white like snow, as the white color (argent) in heraldry
(v. i.) To fall in or as snow
(v. t.) To scatter like snow
(a.) Affected with blindness by the brilliancy of snow.
(a.) Enveloped in, or confined by, snow.
(n.) Snow and water mixed, or snow just melted
(a.) Having the top capped or covered with snow
(a.) White as snow
(n.) That which draws, or is used for drawing.
(n.) Two small, pointed rods of metal, formerly used in the treatment called Perkinism.

snow tractor Bedeutung

snow bunting
snowbird snowflake
Plectrophenax nivalis
white Arctic bunting
snow goose blue goose in the white color phase
snow leopard
Panthera uncia
large feline of upland central Asia having long thick whitish fur
nose candy
street names for cocaine
snow bank
a mound or heap of snow
snow thrower
snow blower
a machine that removes snow by scooping it up and throwing it forcefully through a chute
snow tire an automobile pneumatic tire with deep tread to give traction in snow
tire chain
snow chain
chain attached to wheels to increase traction on ice or snow
tractor a wheeled vehicle with large wheels, used in farming and other applications
tractor a truck that has a cab but no body, used for pulling large trailers or vans
trailer truck
tractor trailer
trucking rig
rig articulated lorry
a truck consisting of a tractor and trailer together
snow job a long and elaborate misrepresentation
snow pea
sugar pea
green peas with flat edible pods
snow line the line on a mountain above which there is perpetual snow and ice
C. P. Snow
Charles Percy Snow
Baron Snow of Leicester
English writer of novels about moral dilemmas in academe (-)
chinook wind
snow eater
a warm dry wind blowing down the eastern slopes of the Rockies
precipitation falling from clouds in the form of ice crystals
snow flurry
a light brief snowfall and gust of wind (or something resembling that), he had to close the window against the flurries, there was a flurry of chicken feathers
ice crystal
snow mist
diamond dust
ice needle
frost snow
frost mist
small crystals of ice
snow-in-summer love-in-a-mist Cerastium tomentosum chickweed with hairy silver-grey leaves and rather large white flowers
phantom orchid
snow orchid
Eburophyton austinae
waxy white nearly leafless plant with stems in clusters and racemes of white flowers, northwestern United States to northern California and east to Idaho
snow plant
Sarcodes sanguinea
a fleshy bright red saprophytic plant of the mountains of western North America that appears in early spring while snow is on the ground
snow gum
ghost gum
white ash Eucalyptus coriacea
Eucalyptus pauciflora
small to medium-sized tree of Australia and Tasmania having smooth white to light-grey bark shedding in patches or strips
glacier lily
snow lily
Erythronium grandiflorum
dogtooth violet of western North America having bright yellow flowers
dwarf-white trillium
snow trillium
early wakeobin
a low perennial white-flowered trillium found in the southeastern United States
snow pea
sugar pea
variety of pea plant producing peas having thin flat edible pods
Northern bedstraw
Northern snow bedstraw
Galium boreale
North American stoloniferous perennial having white flowers, sometimes used as an ornamental
Linanthus dichotomus
small California annual with white flowers
snow-in-summer ghost weed
Euphorbia marginata
annual spurge of western United States having showy white-bracted flower clusters and very poisonous milk
snow mushroom
Tremella fuciformis
popular in China and Japan and Taiwan, gelatinous mushrooms, most are dried
temporary blindness caused by exposure to sunlight reflected from snow or ice
snow a layer of snowflakes (white crystals of frozen water) covering the ground
corn snow granular snow formed by alternate thawing and freezing
pull the wool over someone's eyes
lead by the nose
play false
conceal one's true motives from especially by elaborately feigning good intentions so as to gain an end, He bamboozled his professors into thinking that he knew the subject well
snow-blind affect with snow blindness, the glare of the sun snow-blinded her
snow fall as snow, It was snowing all night
of the white color of snow
covered with snow, snow-clad hills, snow-covered roads, a long snowy winter
temporarily blinded by exposure to light reflected from snow or ice
snow-capped (of mountains) capped with a covering of snow
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