
Schuldensaldo Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

balance of debt
balance of debt
aufgelaufene Schulden
backlog of debts
belastet mit Schulden
burdened with debts
Belastung mit Schulden
drückende Schulden
burden of debts
Eintreibung von Schulden
debt collection
Einziehung von Schulden
collection of debts
frei von Schulden bleiben
keep out of debt
für die Schulden haften
liable for payment of the debts
gegenwärtige Schulden
owing debts
Geld schulden
owe money
gemeinsame Schulden
joint debts
jemandem Geld schulden
owe sb money
noch entstehende Schulden
accruing debts
öffentliche Schulden
public debts
reine Schulden
net liabilities
Schulden aus einem Vertrag
simple contract debts
Schulden der Firma
company debts
Schulden der Firma
debts of the company
Schulden einer Firma
debts of a company
Schulden eingehen
enter liabilities
Schulden übernehmen
assume debts
schwebende Schulden
floating debt
Umwandlung von Schulden
conversion of debts
unbelastet, frei von Schulden
unter der Last der Schulden
subject to the burden of debts
Zahlung von Schulden
payment of debts
Begleichung f
Begleichung einer Rechnung
nach Begleichung der Schulden
in Begleichung einer Schuld
settlement, acquittance
settlement of an account
after paying the debts
in payment of a debt
Rückstand m, Schulden pl, Rückstände pl
sich etw. zu Schulden kommen lassen
sich nichts zu Schulden kommen lassen
to do sth. wrong
to do nothing wrong
Schuld f, Verpflichtung f, Belastung f
Schulden pl
uneinbringliche Forderung, uneinbringliche Schuld
Schulden haben, verschuldet sein
in jds. Schuld stehen
in Schulden geraten, sich verschulden
Schulden machen
aus den Schulden herauskommen
bad debt
to be in debt
to be in sb.'s debt
to get into debt, to run into debt
to incur debts
to get out of debt
Schulden machen
to rup up a score
alte Schulden begleichen
to pay off old scores, to settle old scores
vorrangige Schulden
senior debts
abzahlen, abbezahlen v
abzahlend, abbezahlend
abgezahlt, abbezahlt
zahlt ab, bezahlt ab
zahlte ab, bezahlte ab
Schulden abzahlen
to pay off
paying off
paid off
pays off
paid off
to pay off a debt
(Schulden) ausgleichen, bezahlen v
ausgleichend, bezahlend
ausgeglichen, bezahlt
to fund
eintreiben v (Schulden)
to collect
schulden, schuldig sein
jdm. etw. schulden
Was schulde ich dir?
to owe
to owe sb. sth.
How much do I owe you?
(sich) verschulden v v, Schulden machen
sich heillos verschulden, sich bis zum Gehtnichtmehr verschulden ugs.
to get into debt, to encumber with debts
getting into debt, encumbering with debts
got into debt, encumbered with debts
gets into debt, encumbers with debts
got into debt, encumbered with debts
to get up to one's ears in debt coll.
Wir stecken ja schon bis über beide Ohren in Schulden.
We're already up to our ears in debt.
Rueckstand, Schulden, Rueckstaende
schulde, schulden
in Schulden geraten
run into debt
to owe
in Schulden geraten
to run into debt
Schulden machen
to run up a score
Abwicklung f; Liquidierung f (einer zahlungsunfähigen Firma oder ihrer Schulden) econ.
Bankenabwicklung f
resolution (of an insolvent company or its debts)
bank resolution
Aufschub m adm.
Zahlungsaufschub f; Stundung f
weiterer Aufschub m; Nachfrist f
die Zahlung von Schulden stunden
Die Bibliothek sollte geschlossen werden aber wir konnten einen Aufschub erreichen.
respite; reprieve
respite from payment; reprieve on payment
additional respite
to grant a respite (for payment) of a debt
They wanted to close the library but we managed to get a respite reprieve for it.
Begleichung f
Begleichung einer Rechnung
nach Begleichung der Schulden
in Begleichung einer Schuld
settlement; acquittance
settlement of an account
after paying the debts
in payment of a debt
Bürge m; Bürgin f
Frauen die als Bürge für die Schulden ihrer Ehemänner eintreten
wives who act as sureties for their husband's debts
Bürgschaft f
Bürgschaften pl
Bürgschaft für Schulden
Bürgschaft für ein Darlehen
selbstschuldnerische Bürgschaft
guarantee; guaranty
guarantees; guaranties
debt guarantee
loan guarantee
absolute guaranty; absolute suretyship
Konsolidierung f (Zusammenlegung und Umwandlung) (von etw.) fin.
staatlicher Zuschuss zur Konsolidierung der Schulden
Konsolidierung eines Baukredits (Umwandlung in eine Hypothek)
Zusammenschreibung von Hypotheken (zur einer Gesamthypothek)
Anspruch auf Gläubigerbefriedigung aus mehreren Hypotheken auf verschiedene Grundstücke
consolidation (of sth.)
public contribution towards debt consolidation
consolidation of a building loan
consolidation of mortgages
right of consolidation of mortgages
Rückstand m; Schulden pl; Rückstände pl
Schuld f (finanzielle Verpflichtung) fin.
Schulden pl
uneinbringliche Forderung; uneinbringliche Schuld
vorrangige Schulden
Schulden haben; verschuldet sein
in jds. Schuld stehen
in Schulden geraten; sich verschulden
Schulden machen
aus den Schulden herauskommen
frei von Schulden bleiben
Einziehung von Schulden
bad debt
senior debts
to be in debt
to be in sb.'s debt
to get into debt; to run into debt
to incur debts
to get out of debt
to keep out of debt
collection of debts
alte Schulden begleichen
to pay off old scores; to settle old scores
Stundung f (von etw.) fin.
Stundungen pl
die Stundung von Schulden
forbearance (of sth.)
forbearance of debts
etw. abzahlen; etw. abbezahlen v
abzahlend; abbezahlend
abgezahlt; abbezahlt
zahlt ab; bezahlt ab
zahlte ab; bezahlte ab
Schulden eine Hypothek abzahlen
to pay off () sth.
paying off
paid off
pays off
paid off
to pay off a debt mortgage
etw. ankreiden v (veraltet Schulden anschreiben)
to chalk up sth.
chalking up
chalked up
jdn. auffressen v (Sache) übtr.
Das Gefühl der Angst drohte sie aufzufressen.
Die schlecht wirtschaftenden Staaten werden von den Schulden ihrer Banken bald aufgefressen werden.
to engulf sb. (matter)
A feeling of anguish threatened to engulf her.
The sinner states will soon be engulfed by their banks' debts.
(Schulden) ausgleichen; bezahlen v
ausgleichend; bezahlend
ausgeglichen; bezahlt
to fund
jdn. etw. belasten; beschweren (mit etw.) v
belastend; beschwerend
belastet; beschwert
belastet mit
belastet mit Schulden
die Umwelt (mit Treibhausgasen etc.) belasten
to burden sb. sth. (with by sth.)
burdened with
burdened with debts
to burden the environment (with greenhouse gases etc.)
etw. (mit Schulden einer Hypothek) belasten v fin.
mit Schulden belastet
hypothekarisch belastet
ein Grundstück mit Hypotheken belasten
to encumber sth.
encumbered with debts
encumbered with mortgage(s)
to encumber an estate with mortgages
sich etw. einhandeln; etw. hinnehmen müssen
sich einhandelnd; hinnehmen müssend
sich eingehandelt; hinnehmen müssen
er sie handelt sich ein; er sie muss hinnehmen
ich er sie handelte sich ein; ich er sie musste hinnehmen
Verpflichtungen eingehen müssen
sich einem Risiko aussetzen
auf Kritik stoßen
Strafe zahlen müssen; bestraft werden (Person); eine Strafe nach sich ziehen (Vorgang)
einen Schaden Verlust erleiden
Kosten tragen müssen; Ausgaben übernehmen müssen
sich verschulden müssen; Schulden machen müssen
Schadenersatz zahlen müssen; schadenersatzpflichtig werden
to incur sth.
he she incurs
I he she incurred
to incur liabilities
to incur a risk
to incur censure
to incur a penalty
to incur a loss
to incur expenses
to incur debts
to incur damages
jdn. von etw. entlasten; jdn. von etw. befreien v (Vorwurf Schulden) adm.
entlastend; befreiend
entlastet; befreit
to clear sb. of sth. (charge debts)
etw. konsolidieren (zusammenlegen und umwandeln) v fin.
Schulden konsolidieren (schwebende Schulden in fundierte umwandeln)
konsolidierte fundierte Schuld
konsolidierte Anleihe
to consolidate sth.
to consolidate debts
consolidated debt
consolidated bond
jdm. etw. schulden; jdm. etw. schuldig sein v
er sie schuldet
ich er sie schuldete
jdm. Geld schulden
jdm. eine Erklärung schuldig sein
Was schulde ich dir?
Ich schulde dir ein Bier.
jdm. zu Dank verpflichtet sein
Was bin ich schuldig?
Du hast bei mir etwas gut.; Ich schulde dir was. ugs.
to owe sb. sth.; to owe sth. to sb.
he she owes
I he she owed
to owe sb. money
to owe sb. an explanation
How much do I owe you?
I owe you a beer.
to owe sb. thanks gratitude; to owe thanks gratitude to sb.
How much do I owe you?
I owe you one. coll.
unbelastet; lastfrei adj; frei von Schulden
uneinbringlich; uneinbringbar; nicht betreibbar adj fin.
nicht betreibbare Schulden
uneinbringliche Forderungen
Die Forderung ist uneinbringbar geworden.
irrecoverable; uncollectible (non-recoverable)
irrecoverable debts
uncollectible receivables accounts; bad debts
The account has defaulted.

Deutsche Schuldensaldo Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Schuldensaldo Synonym nachschlagen

Englische balance of debt Synonyme

balance  Swiss bank account  accommodate  accord  account  account current  account rendered  account stated  adjust  afterglow  afterimage  agree  amount to  analogize  analogousness  aplomb  arrangement  assess  assets  assimilate  assimilate to  assurance  atmosphere  atone for  attune  audit  authority  available means  average  back down  balance the books  balanced personality  ballast  bank account  be heavy  beauty  bilateral symmetry  bonus  book  bottom dollar  break even  bring into analogy  bring into comparison  brushwork  budget  butt  butt end  cancel  candle ends  capital  capital goods  capitalization  capitalize  carry  carry over  carry weight  cash account  cash reserves  cast up accounts  center  chaff  charge off  check  check out  checking account  close out  close the books  coequality  coextension  collectedness  color  come to  come up to  command  command of money  commensurability  common sense  communion  community  comparability  comparableness  comparativeness  compare  compare and contrast  compare with  compensate  compensate for  composition  composure  concinnity  confidence  conformity  confront  congruity  consider  consideration  consistency  constancy  contact with reality  contrast  control  control account  cool  cool head  coolheadedness  coolness  coolth  coordinate  corelation  correlation  correlativism  correlativity  correspond  correspondence  counteract  counterbalance  counterpoise  counterpose  countervail  counterweigh  counterweight  credit  damp  debate  debit  debris  deficit  deliberate  demonstrate  demur  design  detritus  difference  discrepancy  ditto  dividend  docket  double-check  draftsmanship  draw  draw a comparison  draw a parallel  due sense of  dynamic symmetry  end  enter  epact  equability  equal  equality  equalize  equanimity  equate  equation  equilibrium  equilibrize  equipoise  equipollence  equiponderance  equiponderate  equity  equivalence  equivalency  equivalent  estimate  euphony  euryt  
balance of power  Eisenhower Doctrine  Monroe Doctrine  Nixon Doctrine  Truman Doctrine  appeasement  ascendance  ascendancy  brinkmanship  coexistence  colonialism  compromise  containment  detente  deterrence  diplomacy  diplomatic  diplomatics  dollar diplomacy  dollar imperialism  dominance  dominancy  domination  dominion  eminent domain  expansionism  foreign affairs  foreign policy  good-neighbor policy  imperialism  internationalism  isolationism  manifest destiny  militarism  nationalism  neocolonialism  neutralism  nonresistance  open door  open-door policy  overlordship  peace offensive  peaceful coexistence  predominance  predominancy  predomination  preeminence  preparedness  preponderance  prepotence  prepotency  primacy  principality  shirt-sleeve diplomacy  shuttle diplomacy  sovereignty  spheres of influence  superiority  supremacy  suzerainship  suzerainty  the big stick  tough policy  upper hand  whip hand  world politics  
balance of trade  big business  business  business dealings  commerce  commercial affairs  commercial relations  dealing  dealings  fair trade  free trade  industry  intercourse  market  marketing  mercantile business  merchantry  multilateral trade  reciprocal trade  restraint of trade  small business  the business world  the marketplace  trade  traffic  truck  unilateral trade  
balance sheet  account book  accounts payable ledger  accounts receivable ledger  bank ledger  bankbook  books  card ledger  cashbook  cost card  cost ledger  cost sheet  daybook  factory ledger  inventory  journal  ledger  log  logbook  passbook  purchase ledger  record book  register  registry  sales journal  sales ledger  stock ledger  stores ledger  suspense ledger  
balanced  accordant  alike  all there  apoise  assured  automatic  clearheaded  clearminded  coequal  collected  commonsense  compos mentis  composed  concinnate  concinnous  confident  consistent  consonant  constant  continuous  cool  coolheaded  coordinate  correspondent  defensible  deserved  due  equable  equal  equanimous  equibalanced  equilateral  equilibrious  equiponderant  equiponderous  equitable  euphonic  euphonical  euphonious  eurythmic  even  evenhanded  fair  fair and square  fast  fiducial  finished  firm  firm as Gibraltar  fit  flat  flowing  fluent  good  harmonious  healthy-minded  homogeneous  immutable  imperturbable  in equilibrium  invariable  just  justifiable  justified  lawful  legal  level  levelheaded  logical  lucid  measured  mechanical  meet  meet and right  mentally sound  merited  methodic  monolithic  normal  of a piece  of sound mind  ordered  orderly  persistent  philosophical  poised  practical  pragmatic  predictable  proper  proportioned  rational  reasonable  recollected  regular  reliable  right  right and proper  rightful  robotlike  sane  sane-minded  secure  self-assured  self-confident  self-controlled  self-possessed  self-restrained  sensible  smooth  smooth-sounding  sober  sober-minded  solid  sound  sound-minded  square  stable  steadfast  steady  substantial  sweet  symmetric  symmetrical  systematic  together  tripping  unbroken  unchangeable  unchanged  unchanging  undeviating  undifferentiated  undiversified  unflappable  unflinching  uniform  unruffled  unshakable  unvaried  unvarying  unwavering  warrantable  warranted  well-balanced  well-set  well-set-up  wholesome  without nerves  

Schuldensaldo Definition

(n.) An apparatus for weighing.
(n.) Act of weighing mentally
(n.) Equipoise between the weights in opposite scales.
(n.) The state of being in equipoise
(n.) An equality between the sums total of the two sides of an account
(n.) A balance wheel, as of a watch, or clock. See Balance wheel (in the Vocabulary).
(n.) The constellation Libra.
(n.) The seventh sign in the Zodiac, called Libra, which the sun enters at the equinox in September.
(n.) A movement in dancing. See Balance, v. i., S.
(n.) To bring to an equipoise, as the scales of a balance by adjusting the weights
(n.) To support on a narrow base, so as to keep from falling
(n.) To equal in number, weight, force, or proportion
(n.) To compare in relative force, importance, value, etc.
(n.) To settle and adjust, as an account
(n.) To make the sums of the debits and credits of an account equal
(n.) To arrange accounts in such a way that the sum total of the debits is equal to the sum total of the credits
(n.) To move toward, and then back from, reciprocally
(n.) To contract, as a sail, into a narrower compass
(v. i.) To have equal weight on each side
(v. i.) To fluctuate between motives which appear of equal force
(v. i.) To move toward a person or couple, and then back.
Balance wheel
() A wheel which regulates the beats or pulses of a watch or chronometer, answering to the pendulum of a clock
Balance wheel
() A ratchet-shaped scape wheel, which in some watches is acted upon by the axis of the balance wheel proper (in those watches called a balance).
Balance wheel
() A wheel which imparts regularity to the movements of any engine or machine
(n.) That which is due from one person to another, whether money, goods, or services
(n.) A duty neglected or violated
(n.) An action at law to recover a certain specified sum of money alleged to be due.

balance of debt Bedeutung

analytical balance
chemical balance
a beam balance of great precision used in quantitative chemical analysis
balance a scale for weighing, depends on pull of gravity
balance beam
a gymnastic apparatus used by women gymnasts
balance wheel
a wheel that regulates the rate of movement in a machine, especially a wheel oscillating against the hairspring of a timepiece to regulate its beat
beam balance a balance consisting of a lever with two equal arms and a pan suspended from each arm
balance equalizer
a weight that balances another weight
electronic balance a balance that generates a current proportional to the displacement of the pan
spring balance
spring scale
a balance that measure weight by the tension on a helical spring
torsion balance measuring instrument designed to measure small forces by the torsion they exert on a thin wire
correspondence balance
(mathematics) an attribute of a shape or relation, exact reflection of form on opposite sides of a dividing line or plane
proportion proportionality
harmonious arrangement or relation of parts or elements within a whole (as in a design), in all perfectly beautiful objects there is found the opposition of one part to another and a reciprocal balance- John Ruskin
labyrinthine sense
vestibular sense
sense of balance
sense of equilibrium
a sensory system located in structures of the inner ear that registers the orientation of the head
debt an obligation to pay or do something
Libra the Balance
Libra the Scales
the seventh sign of the zodiac, the sun is in this sign from about September to October
(astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Libra
debt money or goods or services owed by one person to another
national debt the debt of the national government (as distinguished from the debts of individuals and businesses and political subdivisions)
public debt the total of the nation's debts: debts of local and state and national governments, an indicator of how much public spending is financed by borrowing instead of taxation
debt limit
debt ceiling
the maximum borrowing power of a governmental entity
national debt ceiling a limit set by Congress beyond which the national debt cannot rise, periodically raised by Congress
debt instrument
certificate of indebtedness
a written promise to repay a debt
bad debt a debt that is unlikely to be repaid
installment debt debt to be paid by installments
balance sheet a record of the financial situation of an institution on a particular date by listing its assets and the claims against those assets
balance equality between the totals of the credit and debit sides of an account
balance the difference between the totals of the credit and debit sides of an account
balance of trade
trade balance
visible balance
trade gap
the difference in value over a period of time of a country's imports and exports of merchandise, a nation's balance of trade is favorable when its exports exceed its imports
compensating balance
offsetting balance
a minimum credit balance that a bank may require a borrower to keep on deposit as a condition for granting a loan, a common requirement for establishing a line of credit at a bank, the compensating balance increases the effective interest rate to the bank since the net amount loaned is reduced but the interest paid is unchanged
invisible balance the difference in value over a period of time of a country's imports and exports of services and payments of property incomes
balance of payments
balance of international payments
a system of recording all of a country's economic transactions with the rest of the world over a period of one year, a favorable balance of payments exists when more payments are coming in than going out
trial balance a balance of debits and credits in double-entry bookkeeping, drawn up to test their equality
acid-base equilibrium
acid-base balance
(physiology) the normal equilibrium between acids and alkalis in the body, with a normal acid-base balance in the body the blood is slightly alkaline
something left after other parts have been taken away, there was no remainder, he threw away the rest, he took what he wanted and I got the balance
equality of distribution
balance a state of equilibrium
balance of power an equilibrium of power between nations
dynamic balance (aeronautics) the state of equilibrium in which centrifugal forces due to a rotating mass (e.g., a propeller) do not produce force in the shaft and so vibration is reduced
electrolyte balance an equilibrium between the amounts of electrolytes (as calcium and sodium and potassium) that is essential for normal health and functioning
nitrogen balance the balance between the amount of nitrogen taken in (to the soil or the body) and the amount given off (lost or excreted)
oxygen debt a cumulative deficit of oxygen resulting from intense exercise, the deficit must be made up when the body returns to rest
mental soundness
mental balance
the healthy psychological state of someone with good judgment
balance-of-payments problem an economic problem caused by payments for imports being greater than receipts for exports
debt the state of owing something (especially money), he is badly in debt
poise balance hold or carry in equilibrium
balance compute credits and debits of an account
bring into balance or equilibrium, She has to balance work and her domestic duties, balance the two weights
balance be in equilibrium, He was balancing on one foot
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