
Schuppenstanzung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Schuppenstanzung f (Papier)
chadless cutting (paper)
Schuppenstanzung f (Papier)
chadless cutting (paper)
Bude f, armselige Hütte f, Baracke f, Schuppen m
Buden pl, Hütten pl
Schuppe f med.
Schuppen pl
Schuppen m, Verschlag m, Schober m, Gartenschuppen m
Schuppen pl, Verschläge pl, Schober pl, Gartenschuppen pl
überdachter Schober
shed, garden shed
sheds, garden sheds
barn shed
Schuppen m
Schuppen pl
Schuppen m
Schuppen pl
Schuppen m, Hütte f, Verschlag m, armselige Wohnung f
Schuppen pl, Hütten pl, Verschläge pl
Schuppen pl, Hautschuppen pl, Kopfschuppen pl
gegen Schuppen
schuppen, abschuppen, Schuppen entfernen v
schuppend, abschuppend, Schuppen entfernend
geschuppt, abgeschuppt, Schuppen entfernt
to scale, to descale
scaling, descaling
scaled, descaled
sich schuppen v
sich schuppend
sich geschuppt
to scale
Schuppe f zool.
Schuppen pl
Kesselsteine, Schuppen
Schuppen, vergiessen, vergiesse
Bude f; armselige Hütte f; Baracke f; Schuppen m
Buden pl; Hütten pl
Schuppe f med. zool.
Schuppen pl
Schuppen m; Schupf m; Schupfen m Ös.; Schopf m Ös.; Verschlag m; Gartenschuppen m
Schuppen pl; Schupfen pl; Schopfen pl; Verschläge pl; Gartenschuppen pl
überdachter Schober
shed; garden shed
sheds; garden sheds
barn shed
Schuppen m; Hütte f; Verschlag m; armselige Wohnung f
Schuppen pl; Hütten pl; Verschläge pl
Schuppen pl; Hautschuppen pl; Kopfschuppen pl
gegen Schuppen
beliebter Treffpunkt m; Szenetreff m; Szenetreffpunkt m; Szeneviertel n; Trendviertel n; Szenelokal n; heißer Schuppen ugs. soc.
hotspot; hot spot
geschuppt adj; Schuppen...
schuppen; abschuppen; Schuppen entfernen v
schuppend; abschuppend; Schuppen entfernend
geschuppt; abgeschuppt; Schuppen entfernt
to scale; to descale
scaling; descaling
scaled; descaled
Gerätehaus n; Geräteschuppen m; Gartenschuppen m; Schuppen m; Schupf m; Schupfen m Ös.; Schopf m Ös.; Verschlag m agr.
Gerätehäuser pl; Geräteschuppen pl; Gartenschuppen pl; Schuppen pl; Schupfen pl; Schopfen pl; Verschläge pl
überdachter Schober
utility shed; garden shed; shed
utility sheds; garden sheds; sheds
barn shed
Schuppen pl (beim Tier)
dander (flakes of skin in animals)
angebauter Verschlag m; angebauter Schuppen m; Anbau m mit Pultdach constr.
einen Fisch entschuppen; abschuppen; bei einem Fisch die Schuppen entfernen v
to scale a fish; to remove the scales from a fish
geschuppt adj; Schuppen…
Schuppenameisenfänger m ornith.
Scaled Antbird
Rahmapfelgewächse pl; Schuppenapfelgewächse pl; Flaschenbaumgewächse pl; Annonengewächse pl (Annonaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
annonaceous plants; custard apple family (botanical family)
schuppenartig adj
dachziegelartig überlappend; schuppenartig übereinanderliegend adj
dachziegelartige Struktur
Dachziegelverband m; Schuppenwerk n constr.
imbricate; imbricated
imbricate structure
imbricated work
Schuppenbartvogel m ornith.
Speckled Tinkerbird
Schuppenbauch-Ameisenpitta ornith.
Undulated Antpitta
Pittas pl (Pittidae) (zoologische Familie) ornith.
Graubrust-Ameisenpitta m
Bartstreif-Ameisenpitta m
Strichelkopf-Ameisenpitta m
Olivrücken-Ameisenpitta m
Blakeameisenpitta m
Blaßschnabel-Ameisenpitta m
Tachiraameisenpitta m
Rostkehl-Ameisenpitta m
Weißkehl-Ameisenpitta m
Kastanienameisenpitta m
Rotohr-Ameisenpitta m
Großameisenpitta m
Riesenameisenpitta m
Graunacken-Ameisenpitta m
Schuppenkopf-Ameisenpitta m
Braunrücken-Ameisenpitta m
Rotrücken-Ameisenpitta m
Bandameisenpitta m
Rotkopf-Ameisenpitta m
Punaameisenpitta m
Bergameisenpitta m
Rostkappen-Ameisenpitta m
Zweifarben-Ameisenpitta m
Einfarb-Ameisenpitta m
Schuppenbauch-Ameisenpitta m
Königsameisenpitta m
Watkinsameisenpitta m
Salomonenpitta m
Angolapitta m (Pitta angolensis)
Rotkopfpitta m (Pitta arcuata)
Rotrückenpitta m (Pitta baudii)
Bengalenpitta m; Neunfarbenpitta m (Pitta brachyura)
Riesenpitta m (Pitta caerulea)
Blaupitta m (Pitta cyanea)
Schmuckpitta m (Pitta elegans)
Elliotpitta m
Rotbauchpitta m (Pitta erythrogaster)
Granatpitta m (Pitta granatina)
Blauschwanzpitta m
Goldkehlpitta m (Pitta gurneyi)
Regenbogenpitta m (Pitta iris)
Luzonpitta m
Halmaherapitta m
Blauflügelpitta m (Pitta moluccensis)
Blaunackenpitta m (Pitta nipalensis)
Nymphenpitta m (Pitta nympha)
Braunkopfpitta m (Pitta oatesi)
Sichelpitta m
Grünbrustpitta m (Pitta reichenowi)
Schneiderpitta m (Pitta schneideri)
Kappenpitta m (Pitta sordida)
Blaubürzelpitta m (Pitta soror)
Blaubauchpitta m (Pitta steerii)
Mohrenpitta m
Schwarzscheitelpitta m
Lärmpitta m (Pitta versicolor)
pittas (zoological family)
white-throated antpitta
moustached antpitta
stripe-headed antpitta
santa marta antpitta
chestnut antpitta
pale-billed antpitta
tachira antpitta
ochre-striped antpitta
elusive antpitta
chestnut-brown antpitta
rufous-faced antpitta
great antpitta
giant antpitta
grey-naped antpitta
scaled antpitta
plain-backed antpitta
bay-backed antpitta
brown-banded antpitta
chestnut-naped antpitta
puna antpitta
tawny antpitta
chestnut-crowned antpitta
bicoloured antpitta
rufous antpitta
undulated antpitta
variegated antpitta
Watkin's antpitta
black-faced pitta
African pitta
blue-banded pitta
blue-headed pitta
blue-winged pitta
giant pitta
blue pitta
elegant pitta
Elliot's pitta
red-breasted pitta
garnet pitta
blue-tailed pitta
Gurney's pitta
rainbow pitta
Koch's pitta
great pitta
blue-winged pitta; moluccan pitta
blue-naped pitta
fairy pitta
fulvous pitta
Phayre's pitta
green-breasted pitta
Schneider's pitta
hooded pitta
blue-backed pitta
Steere's pitta
superb pitta
black-crowned garnet pitta
noisy pitta
Schuppenbauchspecht m ornith.
Streak-throated Woodpecker
Schuppenbauchtaube f ornith.
Scaled Pigeon
beharrlich; hartnäckig adj (Person)
auf etw. beharren; an etw. festhalten
in schweren oder hartnäckigen Fällen von Schuppenbildung med.
to be persistent in sth.
in severe or persistent cases of dandruff
Schuppenbrust-Baumsteiger m ornith.
Olive-backed Woodcreeper
Schuppenbrust-Zaunkönig m ornith.
Scaly-breasted Wren
Schuppenbrust-Buschdrossling m ornith.
Scaly-breasted Thrush Babbler
Schuppenbrust-Hakenschnabel m ornith.
Scaled Flowerpiercer
Schuppenbrust-Bronzemännchen n ornith.
White-spotted Mannikin
Schuppenbrustdrossling m ornith.
Scaly Chatterer
Schuppenbrustkolibri m ornith.
Scaly-breasted Hummingbird
Schuppenbrustkotinga ornith.
Shrike-like Cotinga
Schuppenbrustkotinga f ornith.
shrike-like cotinga
Schuppenbruststelzling m ornith.
Scallop-breasted Antpitta
Schuppenbrusttaube f ornith.
Bare-eyed Partridge Bronzewing
Schuppenbülbül m ornith.
Scaly-breasted Bulbul
Schuppenelaenie f ornith.
Mottle-backed Elaenia
Schuppenepithel n des Wollhaares textil.
scale layer of a wool fibre
Schuppenerdracke f ornith.
Scaly Ground Roller
Schuppenflechte f, Psoriasis f med.
Schuppenflechte f; Psoriasis f med.
Schuppenflügel-Ameisenschnäpper m ornith.
Black-faced Antcreeper
squamös, schuppenförmig adj
squamous, scaly
squamös; schuppenförmig adj
squamous; scaly; squamiform
Schuppenfrankolin m ornith.
Scaly Francolin
Schuppenfroschmaul n ornith.
Gould's Frogmouth
Froschmäuler pl (Batrachostomus) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Borneo-Froschmaul n (Batrachostomus (poliolophus) mixtus)
Ceylon-Froschmaul n (Batrachostomus moniliger)
Graukopf-Froschmaul n (Batrachostomus poliolophus)
Hartert-Froschmaul n (Batrachostomus harterti)
Langschwanz-Froschmaul n (Batrachostomus hodgsoni)
Malaien-Froschmaul n (Batrachostomus affinis)
Philippinen-Froschmaul n (Batrachostomus septimus)
Riesenfroschmaul n (Batrachostomus auritus)
Schuppenfroschmaul n (Batrachostomus stellatus)
Sunda-Froschmaul n (Batrachostomus cornutus)
Tüpfelfroschmaul n; Java-Froschmaul n (Batrachostomus javensis)
batrachostomus frogmouths (zoological genus)
Bornean frogmouth; Sharpe's frogmouth
Sri Lanka frogmouth
short-tailed frogmouth
Dulit frogmouth
Hodgson's frogmouth
Blyth's frogmouth
Philippine frogmouth
large frogmouth
Gould's frogmouth
Sunda frogmouth
Javan frogmouth; Horsfield's frogmouth
Schuppenglanzschwänzchen n ornith.
Scaled Metaltail
Schuppengrasmücke f ornith.
Cyprus Warbler
Grasmücken pl (Sylvia) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Akaziengrasmücke f; Blanford-Grasmücke f (Sylvia leucomelaena)
Atlasgrasmücke f (Sylvia deserticola)
Brillengrasmücke f (Sylvia conspicillata)
Dorngrasmücke f (Sylvia communis)
Gartengrasmücke f (Sylvia borin)
Klappergrasmücke f; Zaungrasmücke f (Sylvia curruca)
Maskengrasmücke f (Sylvia rueppelli)
Mönchsgrasmücke f (Sylvia atricapilla)
Orpheusgrasmücke f (Sylvia hortensis)
Provencegrasmücke f (Sylvia undata)
Saharagrasmücke f (Sylvia deserti)
Samtkopfgrasmücke f (Sylvia melanocephala)
Sardengrasmücke f (Sylvia sarda)
Schuppengrasmücke f (Sylvia melanothorax)
Sperbergrasmücke f (Sylvia nisoria)
Tamariskengrasmücke f (Sylvia mystacea)
Weißbartgrasmücke f; Bartgrasmücke f (Sylvia cantillans)
Wüstengrasmücke f (Sylvia nana)
typical warblers (zoological genus)
Arabian warbler; Red Sea warbler; Blandford's warbler
Tristram's warbler
spectacled warbler
common whitethroat
garden warbler
lesser whitethroat
Rueppell's warbler
Eurasian blackcap
western Orphean warbler
Dartford warbler
African desert warbler
Sardinian warbler
Marmora's warbler
Cyprus warbler
barred warbler
Menetries's warbler
subalpine warbler
Asian desert warbler

Deutsche Schuppenstanzung Synonyme

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Englische chadless cutting Synonyme

Schuppenstanzung Definition

Blotting paper
() A kind of thick, bibulous, unsized paper, used to absorb superfluous ink from freshly written manuscript, and thus prevent blots.
Casse Paper
() Broken paper
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Cut
(n.) The act or process of making an incision, or of severing, felling, shaping, etc.
(n.) Something cut, cut off, or cut out, as a twig or scion cut off from a stock for the purpose of grafting or of rooting as an independent plant
(a.) Adapted to cut
(a.) Chilling
(a.) Severe
Note paper
() Writing paper, not exceeding in size, when folded once, five by eight inches.
(n.) A substance in the form of thin sheets or leaves intended to be written or printed on, or to be used in wrapping. It is made of rags, straw, bark, wood, or other fibrous material, which is first reduced to pulp, then molded, pressed, and dried.
(n.) A sheet, leaf, or piece of such substance.
(n.) A printed or written instrument
(n.) A printed sheet appearing periodically
(n.) Negotiable evidences of indebtedness
(n.) Decorated hangings or coverings for walls, made of paper. See Paper hangings, below.
(n.) A paper containing (usually) a definite quantity
(n.) A medicinal preparation spread upon paper, intended for external application
(a.) Of or pertaining to paper
(v. t.) To cover with paper
(v. t.) To fold or inclose in paper.
(v. t.) To put on paper
(a.) Adapted for forming a screw by cutting
(n.) Paper steeped in saltpeter, which burns slowly, and is used as a match for firing gunpowder, and the like.

chadless cutting (paper) Bedeutung

cost cutting the act of cutting costs
price cutting
price cut
cutting the price of merchandise to one lower than the usual or advertised price
cutting off
the act of shortening something by chopping off the ends, the barber gave him a good cut
cutting thinning the act of diluting something, the cutting of whiskey with water, the thinning of paint with turpentine
cut cutting the act of cutting something into parts, his cuts were skillful, his cutting of the cake made a terrible mess
cut cutting the act of penetrating or opening open with a sharp edge, his cut in the lining revealed the hidden jewels
cutting off
the act of cutting something off
cutting out
surgical removal of a body part or tissue
paper chase
hare and hounds
an outdoor game, one group of players (the hares) start off on a long run scattering bits of paper (the scent) and pursuers (the hounds) try to catch them before they reach a designated spot
cut cutting the division of a deck of cards before dealing, he insisted that we give him the last cut before every deal, the cutting of the cards soon became a ritual
paper route the job of delivering newspapers regularly
carving cutting removing parts from hard material to create a desired pattern or shape
film editing
the activity of selecting the scenes to be shown and putting them together to create a film
paper nautilus
nautilus Argonaut
Argonauta argo
cephalopod mollusk of warm seas whose females have delicate papery spiral shells
paper wasp any of several social wasps that construct nests of a substance like paper
chopping board
cutting board
a wooden board where meats or vegetables can be cut
cutlery cutting tool
a cutting implement, a tool for cutting
cutting implement a tool used for cutting or slicing
cutting room a room where films or tapes are edited (by cutting out unwanted parts)
Dixie cup
paper cup
a disposable cup made of paper, for holding drinks
knife edge
cutting edge
the sharp cutting side of the blade of a knife
letter opener
paper knife
dull knife used to cut open the envelopes in which letters are mailed or to slit uncut pages of books
masking tape
masking paper
adhesive tape used to cover the part of a surface that should not be painted
the physical object that is the product of a newspaper publisher, when it began to rain he covered his head with a newspaper
paperback book
paper-back book
softback book
softover book
a book with paper covers
paper chain a chain made of loops of colored paper, used to decorate a room
paper clip
gem clip
a wire or plastic clip for holding sheets of paper together, the paper clip was invented in
paper cutter a cutting implement for cutting sheets of paper to the desired size
paper doll a piece of paper cut or folded into the shape of a human being
paper fastener a fastener for holding a sheet of paper in place
paper feed a device for inserting sheets of paper into a printer or typewriter, the job was delayed because the paper feed was clogged
paper mill a mill where paper is manufactured
paper plate a disposable plate made of cardboard
paper towel a disposable towel made of absorbent paper
photographic paper
photographic material
light-sensitive paper on which photograph can be printed
paper bag
carrier bag
a bag made of paper or plastic for holding customer's purchases
slip slip of paper a small sheet of paper, a receipt slip
test paper paper impregnated with an indicator for use in chemical tests
wastepaper basket
waste-paper basket
waste basket
circular file
a container with an open top, for discarded paper and other rubbish
paper tiger the nature of a person or organization that appears powerful but is actually powerless and ineffectual, he reminded Mao that the paper tiger had nuclear teeth
cutting edge
the position of greatest importance or advancement, the leading position in any movement or field, the Cotswolds were once at the forefront of woollen manufacturing in England, the idea of motion was always to the forefront of his mind and central to his philosophy
paper a medium for written communication, the notion of an office running without paper is absurd
piece of paper
sheet of paper
paper used for writing or printing
letter paper
paper cut to an appropriate size for writing letters, usually with matching envelopes
a daily or weekly publication on folded sheets, contains news and articles and advertisements, he read his newspaper at breakfast
school newspaper
school paper
a newspaper written and published by students in a school
paper a scholarly article describing the results of observations or stating hypotheses, he has written many scientific papers
paper report theme
an essay (especially one written as an assignment), he got an A on his composition
term paper a composition intended to indicate a student's progress during a school term
order paper
order book
a printed copy of the order of the day
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