
Schwarzbauchweber Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Schwarzbauchweber m ornith.
Black-billed Weaver
Schwarzbauchweber m ornith.
Black-billed Weaver
Asiatischer Schwarzbär m; Kragenbär m; Mondbär m (Ursus thibetanus) zool.
Asian black bear; white-chested bear; moon bear
Amerikanischer Schwarzbär m; Baribal m (Ursus americanus) zool.
American black bear; baribal
Schwarzbandkiebitz m ornith.
Banded Plover
Schwarzbart-Buschammer f ornith.
Yellow-striped Brush Finch
Schwarzbauch-Sturmschwalbe f ornith.
Black-bellied Storm Petrel
Schwarzbauch-Seeschwalbe f ornith.
Black-bellied Tern
Schwarzbauch-Ameisenfänger m ornith.
Black-bellied Antwren
Schwarzbauch-Mückenfresser m ornith.
Black-bellied Gnateater
Schwarzbauch-Lerchensänger m ornith.
Brown Songlark
Schwarzbauch-Glanzstar m ornith.
Black-bellied Glossy Starling
Schwarzbauchamarant m ornith.
Black-bellied Fire Finch
Schwarzbaucheupherusa ornith.
Black-bellied Hummingbird
Schwarzbaucheupherusa m ornith.
black-bellied hummingbird
Schwarzbauchkleiber m ornith.
Azure Nuthatch
Schwarzbauchkotinga ornith.
Blue Cotinga
Schwarzbauchkotinga f ornith.
blue cotinga
Schwarzbauchkuckuck m ornith.
Black-bellied Cuckoo
Schwarzbauchnonne f ornith.
Chestnut Mannikin
Schwarzbauchpfäffchen n ornith.
Black-bellied Seedeater
Schwarzbauchspecht m ornith.
Black-bodied Woodpecker
Schwarzbauchtangare f ornith.
Black-bellied Tanager
Schwarzbauchtrappe f ornith.
Black-bellied Bustard
Schwarzbauchweber m ornith.
Black-billed Weaver
Schwarzbeere f, Heidelbeere f
Schwarzbeeren pl, Heidelbeeren pl
huckleberry Am.
Heidelbeeren pl; Blaubeeren pl (Vaccinium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Heidelbeere; Blaubeere; Schwarzbeere; Mollbeere; Wildbeere; Waldbeere; Bickbeere; Zeckbeere; Moosbeere; Heubeere Süddt. Schw. (Vaccinium myrtillus)
Preiselbeere f; Kronsbeere f Nordwestdt.; Riffelbeere f Bayr.; Grestling m Bayr.; Grante f Ös. (Vaccinium vitis-idaea)
bilberries; whortleberries; whinberries winberries windberries wimberries myrtle blueberries; fraughans; huckleberries Am.; black-hearts Br. hist. (botanical genus)
European blueberry; common bilberry; blue whortleberry; blaeberry; hurtleberry
lingonberry; cowberry; mountain cranberry; foxberry
Heidelbeeren pl; Blaubeeren pl (Vaccinium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Heidelbeere f; Blaubeere f; Schwarzbeere f; Mollbeere f; Wildbeere f; Waldbeere f; Bickbeere f; Zeckbeere f; Moosbeere f; Heubeere f Süddt. Schw. (Vaccinium myrtillus)
Preiselbeere f; Kronsbeere f Nordwestdt.; Riffelbeere f Bayr.; Grestling m Bayr.; Grante f Ös. (Vaccinium vitis-idaea)
bilberries; whortleberries; whinberries, winberries, windberries, wimberries, myrtle blueberries; fraughans; huckleberries Am.; black-hearts Br. hist. (botanical genus)
European blueberry; common bilberry; blue whortleberry; blaeberry; hurtleberry
lingonberry; cowberry; mountain cranberry; foxberry
Saft m cook.
Säfte pl
Apfelsaft m
Gemüsesaft m
Grapefruitsaft m; Pampelmusensaft m Norddt. Westdt. Mitteldt. selten
Heidelbeersaft m; Blaubeerensaft m Nordwestdt. Mitteldt.; Bickbeerensaft m Norddt.; Waldbeerensaft m Mittelwestdt.; Taubeerensaft m Bayr.; Schwarzbeerensaft m Mittelös. Westös.; Moosbeerensaft m Westös.; Heubeerensaft m Schw.
Himbeersaft m
Karottensaft m; Möhrensaft m Mitteldt. Ostdt.; Gelbrübensaft m BW; Rüeblisaft m Schw.
Kirschsaft m
Maracujasaft m
Orangensaft m; Apfelsinensaft m selten
Pflaumensaft m Norddt. Mitteldt.; Zwetschgensaft m Dt. Schw.; Zwetschensaft m Norddt.; Quetschensaft m Süddt.; Zwetschkensaft m Ös.
Tomatensaft m
Traubensaft m
Zitronensaft m
den Saft auspressen
apple juice
vegetable juice
grapefruit juice
blueberry juice; bilberry juice; whortleberry juice
raspberry juice
carrot juice
cherry juice
passion fruit nectar
orange juice
plum juice
tomato juice
grape juice
lemon juice; lemon-juice
to press out the juice
Ixodes-Zecken pl (Ixodes) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Gemeiner Holzbock m (Ixodes ricinus)
Hirschzecke f; Rehzecke f; Schwarzbeiniger Holzbock m (Ixodes scapularis)
ixodes ticks (zoological genus)
castor bean tick
deer tick; blacklegged tick
Schwarzbinden-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon striatus), Ostpazifik-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon humeralis) zool.
banded butterfly
Chaetodon-Falterfische pl (Chaetodon) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Blaupunkt-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon plebeius)
Blaustreifen-Falterfisch m; Hawaii-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon fremblii)
Doppelsattel-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon ulietensis)
Eisenfalterfisch m (Chaetodon daedalma)
Fähnchen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon auriga)
Gelbkopf-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon xanthocephalus)
Gestreifter Falterfisch m; Gitter-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon lineolatus)
Gitter-Orangefalterfisch m; Gelbschwanz-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon xanthurus)
Goldstreifen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon aureofasciatus)
Großschuppen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon rafflesi)
Guyana-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon guyanesis)
Günthers Falterfisch m (Chaetodon guentheri)
Halsband-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon collare)
Hirsekorn-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon miliaris)
Karibischer Pinzettfisch m (Chaetodon aculeatus)
Karibischer Riff-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon sedentarius)
Kleins Falterfisch m (Chaetodon kleinii)
Marquesa-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon declevis)
Maskarill-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon semilarvatus)
Orangestreifen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon ornatissimus)
Perlen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon reticulatus)
Pfauenaugen-Falterfisch m; Vieraugen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon capistratus)
Punktierter Falterfisch m (Chaetodon citrinellus)
Punktstreifen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon punctatofasciatus)
Rippelstreifen-Falterfisch m; Rotsaum-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon trifasciatus)
Sattelfleck-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon ephippium)
Schwarzbinden-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon striatus); Ostpazifik-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon humeralis)
Schwarzer Falterfisch m (Chaetodon flavirostris)
Schwarzrücken-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon melannotus)
Indischer Doppelsattel-Falterfisch m; Sichelfleck-Falterfisch m; Keilfleck-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon falcula)
Silberfalterfisch m (Chaetodon argentatus)
Tabak-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon fasciatus)
Tinkers Falterfisch m
chaetodon butterflyfish (zoological genus)
blue spot butterflyfish
blue stripe butterflyfish
double saddle butterflyfish
wrought iron butterflyfish
auriga butterflyfish
yellowhead butterflyfish
lined butterflyfish
pearlscale butterflyfish
golden stripe butterflyfish
latticed butterflyfish
Guyana butterflyfish
Gunther's butterflyfish
Pakistan butterflyfish
lemon butterflyfish
longsnout butterflyfish
painted reef butterflyfish
orange butterflyfish
Marquesas butterflyfish
golden butterflyfish
ornate butterflyfish
reticulated butterflyfisbutterflyfisbutterflyfisbutterflyfish
foureye butterflyfish
speckled butterflyfish
dot dash butterflyfish
melon butterflyfish
saddleback butterflyfish
banded butterflyfish
yellownose butterflyfish
black back butterflyfish
black-wedged butterflyfish
black pearlscale butterflyfish
raccoon butterflyfish
tinker butterflyfish
teardrop butterflyfish
triangle butterflyfish
spotted butterflyfish
vagabond butterflyfish
pebbled butterflyfish
four-spot butterflyfish
white face butterflyfish
spot-tail butterflyfish
Chaetodon-Falterfische pl (Chaetodon) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Blaupunkt-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon plebeius)
Blaustreifen-Falterfisch m; Hawaii-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon fremblii)
Doppelsattel-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon ulietensis)
Eisenfalterfisch m (Chaetodon daedalma)
Fähnchen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon auriga)
Gelbkopf-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon xanthocephalus)
Gestreifter Falterfisch m; Gitter-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon lineolatus)
Gitter-Orangefalterfisch m; Gelbschwanz-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon xanthurus)
Goldstreifen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon aureofasciatus)
Großschuppen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon rafflesi)
Guyana-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon guyanesis)
Günthers Falterfisch m (Chaetodon guentheri)
Halsband-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon collare)
Hirsekorn-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon miliaris)
Karibischer Pinzettfisch m (Chaetodon aculeatus)
Karibischer Riff-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon sedentarius)
Kleins Falterfisch m (Chaetodon kleinii)
Marquesa-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon declevis)
Maskarill-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon semilarvatus)
Orangestreifen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon ornatissimus)
Perlen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon reticulatus)
Pfauenaugen-Falterfisch m; Vieraugen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon capistratus)
Punktierter Falterfisch m (Chaetodon citrinellus)
Punktstreifen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon punctatofasciatus)
Rippelstreifen-Falterfisch m; Rotsaum-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon trifasciatus)
Sattelfleck-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon ephippium)
Schwarzbinden-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon striatus); Ostpazifik-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon humeralis)
Schwarzer Falterfisch m (Chaetodon flavirostris)
Schwarzrücken-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon melannotus)
Indischer Doppelsattel-Falterfisch m; Sichelfleck-Falterfisch m; Keilfleck-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon falcula)
Silberfalterfisch m (Chaetodon argentatus)
Tabak-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon fasciatus)
Tinkers Falterfisch m (Chaetodon tinkeri)
Tränentropfen-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon unimaculatus)
Triangel-Falterfisch m; Indischer Baronesse-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon triangulum)
Tüpfelfalterfisch m (Chaetodon guttatissimus); Malaiischer Einfleckfalterfisch m (Chaetodon speculum)
Vagabund-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon vagabundus)
Vielpunkt-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon multifasciatus)
Vierflecken-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon quadrimaculatus)
Weißgesicht-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon mesoleucos)
Schwanzfleck-Falterfisch m (Chaetodon ocellicaudus)
chaetodon butterflyfish (zoological genus)
blue spot butterflyfish
blue stripe butterflyfish
double saddle butterflyfish
wrought iron butterflyfish
auriga butterflyfish
yellowhead butterflyfish
lined butterflyfish
pearlscale butterflyfish
golden stripe butterflyfish
latticed butterflyfish
Guyana butterflyfish
Gunther's butterflyfish
Pakistan butterflyfish
lemon butterflyfish
longsnout butterflyfish
painted reef butterflyfish
orange butterflyfish
Marquesas butterflyfish
golden butterflyfish
ornate butterflyfish
reticulated butterflyfisbutterflyfisbutterflyfisbutterflyfish
foureye butterflyfish
speckled butterflyfish
dot dash butterflyfish
melon butterflyfish
saddleback butterflyfish
banded butterflyfish
yellownose butterflyfish
black back butterflyfish
black-wedged butterflyfish
black pearlscale butterflyfish
raccoon butterflyfish
tinker butterflyfish
teardrop butterflyfish
triangle butterflyfish
spotted butterflyfish
vagabond butterflyfish
pebbled butterflyfish
four-spot butterflyfish
white face butterflyfish
spot-tail butterflyfish
vierblättrige Einbeere f; Teufelsbeere f; Wolfsbeere f; Schlangenbeere f; Augenkraut n; Kreuzkraut n; Sternkraut n; Fuchsauge n; Krähenauge n; Teufelsauge n; Sauauge n; Fuchstraube f; Schwarzblattlkraut n Ös. (Paris quadrifolia) bot.
herb Paris; true-lover's knot
Einbeeren pl (Paris) (botanische Gattung) bot.
vierblättrige Einbeere f; Teufelsbeere f; Wolfsbeere f; Schlangenbeere f; Augenkraut n; Kreuzkraut n; Sternkraut n; Fuchsauge n; Krähenauge n; Teufelsauge n; Sauauge n; Fuchstraube f; Schwarzblattlkraut n Ös. (Paris quadrifolia) bot.
paris plants (botanical genus)
herb Paris; true-lover's knot
schwarzblau adj
bluish black
bluish black
Schwarzblech n
Schwarzbleche pl
black plate
black plates
black plate
Blechdose f; Dose f; Blechbüchse f; Büchse f; Blechgefäß n
Blechdosen pl; Dosen pl; Blechbüchsen pl; Büchsen pl; Blechgefäße pl
Döschen n; kleine Dose f
Schwarzblechdose; Schwarzblechbüchse f
Stülpdeckeldose f
unrunde Dose; Büchse mit abgerundeten Kanten
eine viereckige Keksdose
hohe (meist runde) Blechdose
tin can; steel can; tin packaging; steel packaging
tin cans; steel cans; tin packagings; steel packagings
little tin; tinlet
black can; black tin Br.
can with slip lid; slip-lid can; slip-lid tin Br.
rounded edge can; rounded edge tin Br.
a square biscuit tin Br.; a square cookie can Am.
tin canister
black plates
Schwarzblütengewächse pl; Germergewächse pl (Melanthiaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
bunchflowers (botanical family)
Schwarzborstlinge pl (Pseudoplectania) (biologische Gattung) biol.
black cups; false plectanias (biological genus)
Schwarzbrauen-Bartvogel m ornith.
Müller's Barbet
Schwarzbrauen-Maustimalie f ornith.
Black-browed Jungle Babbler
Schwarzbrauen-Papageimeise f ornith.
Lesser Red-headed Parrotbill
Schwarzbrauen-Cistensänger m ornith.
Black-browed Cisticola
Schwarzbrauen-Bartvogel m ornith.
Müller's barbet
Schwarzbrauenalbatros m, Mollymauk m ornith.
Black-browed Albatross (Thalassarche melanophris)
Schwarzbrauenalbatros m; Mollymauk m (Thalassarche melanophris) ornith.
black-browed albatross
Schwarzbrauenalbatros m; Mollymauk m (Thalassarche melanophris) ornith.
black-browed albatross; mollymawk
Schwarzbrauendrossel f ornith.
Cataponera Thrush
Schwarzbrauenorganist m ornith.
Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonia
schwarzbraun adj
Schwarzbrennen n (illegales Schnapsbrennen) cook.
moonshining (illicit distilling of alcoholic liquor) Am. coll.
Schwarzhändler m, Schwarzbrenner m
Schwarzhändler m; Schwarzbrenner m
illicit distillation
Branntweinbrennerei f; Schnapsbrennerei f; Destille f Dt.
Branntweinbrennereien pl; Schnapsbrennereien pl; Destillen pl
Abfindungsbrennerei f
Schwarzbrennerei f
Verschlussbrennerei f
licensed distillery
illegal distillery
bonded distillery
Schwarzbrot n
black bread, brown bread
brown bread
Schwarzbrot n
black bread; brown bread
Schwarzbrüstchen n ornith.
Sooty Grassquit
Schwarzbrust-Haselhuhn n ornith.
Severtzov's Hazel Grouse
Schwarzbrust-Laufhühnchen n ornith.
Black-breasted Button-Quail
Schwarzbrust-Regenpfeifer m ornith.
Red-kneed Dotterel
Schwarzbrust-Schneehöschen n ornith.
Black-breasted Puffleg
Schwarzbrust-Bartvogel m ornith.
Black-breasted Barbet
Schwarzbrust-Ameisenschlüpfer m ornith.
Plain-winged Antwren
Schwarzbrust-Fächerschwanz m ornith.
St Matthias Rufous Fantail
Schwarzbrust-Ruderammer f ornith.
Pectoral Sparrow
Schwarzbrust-Bergtangare f ornith.
Black-chested Tanager

Deutsche Schwarzbauchweber Synonyme

Englische Black-billed Weaver Synonyme

Schwarzbauchweber Definition

(imp. & p. p.) of Bill
(a.) Furnished with, or having, a bill, as a bird
(a.) Destitute of light, or incapable of reflecting it
(a.) In a less literal sense: Enveloped or shrouded in darkness
(a.) Fig.: Dismal, gloomy, or forbidding, like darkness
(a.) Expressing menace, or discontent
(adv.) Sullenly
(n.) That which is destitute of light or whiteness
(n.) A black pigment or dye.
(n.) A negro
(n.) A black garment or dress
(n.) Mourning garments of a black color
(n.) The part of a thing which is distinguished from the rest by being black.
(n.) A stain
(a.) To make black
(a.) To make black and shining, as boots or a stove, by applying blacking and then polishing with a brush.
Black art
() The art practiced by conjurers and witches
(a.) Dark-visaged
Black bass
() An edible, fresh-water fish of the United States, of the genus Micropterus. the small-mouthed kind is M. dolomiei
Black bass
() The sea bass. See Blackfish, 3.
Black book
() One of several books of a political character, published at different times and for different purposes
Black book
() A book compiled in the twelfth century, containing a description of the court of exchequer of England, an official statement of the revenues of the crown, etc.
Black book
() A book containing details of the enormities practiced in the English monasteries and religious houses, compiled by order of their visitors under Henry VIII., to hasten their dissolution.
Black book
() A book of admiralty law, of the highest authority, compiled in the reign of Edw. III.
Black book
() A book kept for the purpose of registering the names of persons liable to censure or punishment, as in the English universities, or the English armies.
Black book
() Any book which treats of necromancy.
(a.) Having black eyebrows. Hence: Gloomy
Black death
() A pestilence which ravaged Europe and Asia in the fourteenth century.
(a.) Having black eyes.
(a.) Having a black, dark, or gloomy face or aspect.
Black friar
() A friar of the Dominican order
(a.) Having a wicked, malignant disposition
Black hole
() A dungeon or dark cell in a prison
(n.) A name given by English miners to sphalerite, or zinc blende
(n.) Caramel or burnt sugar, used to color wines, spirits, ground coffee, etc.
(n.) A large leather vessel for beer, etc.
(n.) The Quercus nigra, or barren oak.
(n.) The ensign of a pirate.
Black lead
() Plumbago
Black letter
() The old English or Gothic letter, in which the Early English manuscripts were written, and the first English books were printed. It was conspicuous for its blackness. See Type.
(a.) Written or printed in black letter
(a.) Given to the study of books in black letter
(a.) Of or pertaining to the days in the calendar not marked with red letters as saints' days. Hence: Unlucky
Black Monday
() Easter Monday, so called from the severity of that day in 1360, which was so unusual that many of Edward III.'s soldiers, then before Paris, died from the cold.
Black Monday
() The first Monday after the holidays
Black monk
() A Benedictine monk.
(a.) Using foul or scurrilous language
Black pudding
() A kind of sausage made of blood, suet, etc., thickened with meal.
Black Rod
() the usher to the Chapter of the Garter, so called from the black rod which he carries. He is of the king's chamber, and also usher to the House of Lords.
Black Rod
() An usher in the legislature of British colonies.

Black-billed Weaver Bedeutung

Black Maria
a form of whist in which players avoid winning tricks containing hearts or the queen of spades
black operation a covert operation not attributable to the organization carrying it out
black market an illegal market in which goods or currencies are bought and sold in violation of rationing or controls
bladderwrack black rockweed
bladder fucus
tang Fucus vesiculosus
a common rockweed used in preparing kelp and as manure
black buffalo
Ictiobus niger
fish of the lower Mississippi
weaver finch
finch-like African and Asian colonial birds noted for their elaborately woven nests
long-billed marsh wren
Cistothorus palustris
American wren that inhabits tall reed beds
sedge wren short-billed marsh wren
Cistothorus platensis
small American wren inhabiting wet sedgy meadows
black-fronted bush shrike
Chlorophoneus nigrifrons
a kind of bush shrike
black kite
Milvus migrans
dark Old World kite feeding chiefly on carrion
black vulture Aegypius monachus of southern Eurasia and northern Africa
black vulture carrion crow
Coragyps atratus
American vulture smaller than the turkey buzzard
duck-billed dinosaur
any of numerous large bipedal ornithischian dinosaurs having a horny duck-like bill and webbed feet, may have been partly aquatic
blacksnake black racer
Coluber constrictor
blackish racer of the eastern United States that grows to six feet
black rat snake
blacksnake pilot blacksnake
mountain blacksnake
Elaphe obsoleta
large harmless shiny black North American snake
black-headed snake small secretive ground-living snake, found from central United States to Argentina
black-necked cobra
spitting cobra
Naja nigricollis
aggressive cobra widely distributed in Africa, rarely bites but spits venom that may cause blindness
black mamba
Dendroaspis augusticeps
a highly venomous southern African mamba dreaded because of its quickness and readiness to bite
family Argiopidae
spiders that spin orb webs, cosmopolitan in distribution
black and gold garden spider
Argiope aurantia
a widely distributed North American garden spider
black widow
Latrodectus mactans
venomous New World spider, the female is black with an hourglass-shaped red mark on the underside of the abdomen
Ixodes pacificus
western black-legged tick
a tick that feeds on dusky-footed wood rat and bites humans, principal vector for Lyme disease in western United States especially northern California
Ixodes scapularis
black-legged tick
parasitic on mice of genus Peromyscus and bites humans, principal vector for Lyme disease in eastern United States (especially New England), northern form was for a time known as Ixodes dammini (deer tick)
black grouse grouse of which the male is bluish-black
European black grouse
Lyrurus tetrix
large northern European grouse that is black with a lyre-shaped tail
Asian black grouse Lyrurus mlokosiewiczi a black grouse of western Asia
black cock
male black grouse
black-billed cuckoo
Coccyzus erythropthalmus
North American cuckoo, builds a nest and rears its own young
ivory-billed woodpecker
Campephilus principalis
large black-and-white woodpecker of southern United States and Cuba having an ivory bill, nearly extinct
black duck
Anas rubripes
a dusky duck of northeastern United States and Canada
black swan
Cygnus atratus
large Australian swan having black plumage and a red bill
duckbill duckbilled platypus
duck-billed platypus
Ornithorhynchus anatinus
small densely furred aquatic monotreme of Australia and Tasmania having a broad bill and tail and webbed feet, only species in the family Ornithorhynchidae
black stork
Ciconia nigra
Old World stork that is glossy black above and white below
policeman bird
black-necked stork
jabiru Xenorhyncus asiaticus
large mostly white Australian stork
boat-billed heron
broadbill Cochlearius cochlearius
tropical American heron related to night herons
black turnstone
common turnstone of the Pacific coast of North America
black-necked stilt
Himantopus mexicanus
stilt of southwestern United States to northern South America having black plumage extending from the head down the back of the neck
black-winged stilt
Himantopus himantopus
stilt of Europe and Africa and Asia having mostly white plumage but with black wings
black-backed gull
great black-backed gull
cob Larus marinus
white gull having a black back and wings
razor-billed auk
Alca torda
black-and-white northern Atlantic auk having a compressed sharp-edged bill
black guillemot
Cepphus grylle
northern Atlantic guillemot
thick-billed murre
Uria lomvia
a variety of murre
black-necked grebe
eared grebe
Podiceps nigricollis
small grebe with yellow ear tufts and a black neck, found in Eurasia and southern Africa as well as western United States
pied-billed grebe
Podilymbus podiceps
American grebe having a black-banded whitish bill
black-footed albatross
gooney bird
Diomedea nigripes
a variety of albatross with black feet
sperm whale
black whale Physeter catodon
large whale with a large cavity in the head containing spermaceti and oil, also a source of ambergris
pilot whale
black whale common blackfish
blackfish Globicephala melaena
small darkolored whale of the Atlantic coast of the United States, the largest male acts as pilot or leader for the school
black-and-tan coonhound American breed of large powerful hound dogs used for hunting raccoons and other game
Manchester terrier
black-and-tan terrier
a breed of short-haired rat terrier with a black-and-tan coat that was developed in Manchester, England
black fox red fox in the color phase when its pelt is mostly black
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114 Bewertungen 4


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Schwarzbauchweber , Männchen