
Schwerpunktsachse Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Schwerpunktsachse f
Schwerpunktsachsen pl
centre of gravity axis
centres of gravity axis
Schwerpunktsachse f
Schwerpunktsachsen pl
centre of gravity axis
centres of gravity axis
Baryzentrum n, Schwerpunkt m astron.
barycenter Am., barycentre Br.
Schwerpunkt m
Schwerpunkte f
centre of gravity Br., center of gravity (CG)
centres of gravity
Schwerpunkt m
Schwerpunkte pl
Schwerpunkt m
Schwerpunkte setzen, Akzente setzen
Schwerpunkte darlegen, Akzente setzen
focal point, main focus, main point, highlight
to bring out the main points, to emphasize the features
to give the main points
Schwerpunkt m, Kern m
den Schwerpunkt auf etw. legen
to the main stress on sth., to focus mainly on sth.
Schwerpunkt m pol.
centre of gravity
Akzent m; Gewichtung f; Schwergewicht n; Schwerpunkt m
Akzente pl; Gewichtungen pl; Schwergewichte pl; Schwerpunkte pl
eigene Akzente setzen
den Schwerpunkt auf etw. legen
Ich verstehe durchaus dass meine Kollegen andere Akzente setzen.
Die Projekte sind zwar ähnlich setzen aber unterschiedliche Akzente.
Bei diesem Lehrgang steht das praktische Arbeiten im Vordergrund.
Der Film ist anders (aufgebaut) als das Buch.
Die Betreuung von Pflegekindern ist anders gelagert als die von eigenen Kindern.
Die Forschung steht zu sehr im Vordergrund.
In Japan wird großer Wert auf Höflichkeit gelegt.
Er legt besonderen großen Wert darauf sich gute Lerngewohnheiten anzueignen.
Wir bieten alle Arten von Beratung an wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Rechtsauskünften liegt.
Das Schwergewicht hat sich vom Produktions- zum Dienstleistungssektor verlagert.
to add one's own emphases
to place the emphasis on sth.
I quite understand that my colleagues put place a different emphasis on things.
The projects while similar have different emphases.
This course places emphasis on practical work.
The film has a different emphasis from the book.
Caring for foster children has a different emphasis from caring for biological children.
There is too much emphasis on research.
In Japan there is a lot of emphasis on politeness.
He lays places particular great emphasis on developing good study habits.
We provide all types of counselling with an emphasis on legal advice.
There has been a shift of emphasis from the manufacturing to the service sector.
Baryzentrum n; Schwerpunkt m astron.
barycentre Br.; barycenter Am.
Brennpunkt m; Schwerpunkt m +Gen. pej.
Brennpunkte pl; Schwerpunkte pl
Unruheherd m; Krisenherd m pol.
Unfallschwerpunkt m
Umweltbrennpunkt m envir.
Kriminalitätsschwerpunkt m
hotspot; hot spot (for sth.)
hotspots; hot spots
trouble hotspot; hotspot for trouble
accident hotspot; hotspot for accidents
environmental hotspot
crime hotspot; hotspot for crime
Schwerpunkt m
Schwerpunkte f
centre of gravity Br.; center of gravity CG ; gravity centre
centres of gravity; centers of gravity
Schwerpunkt m
Schwerpunkte setzen; Akzente setzen
Schwerpunkte darlegen; Akzente setzen
Der Schwerpunkt seiner Tätigkeit als Komponist liegt in der Erforschung neuer Klänge.
focal point; main focus; main point; highlight
to bring out the main points; to emphasize the features
to give the main points
The main focus emphasis of his work as a composer lies is on the exploration of new sounds.
Schwerpunkt m; Kern m
mit tiefem Schwerpunkt
baryzentrisch; auf den Schwerpunkt bezogen adj; Schwerpunkts... phys.
Akzent m; Gewichtung f; Schwergewicht n; Schwerpunkt m
Akzente pl; Gewichtungen pl; Schwergewichte pl; Schwerpunkte pl
eigene Akzente setzen
den Schwerpunkt auf etw. legen
Ich verstehe durchaus, dass meine Kollegen andere Akzente setzen.
Die Projekte sind zwar ähnlich, setzen aber unterschiedliche Akzente.
Bei diesem Lehrgang steht das praktische Arbeiten im Vordergrund.
Der Film ist anders (aufgebaut) als das Buch.
Die Betreuung von Pflegekindern ist anders gelagert als die von eigenen Kindern.
Die Forschung steht zu sehr im Vordergrund.
In Japan wird großer Wert auf Höflichkeit gelegt.
Er legt besonderen großen Wert darauf, sich gute Lerngewohnheiten anzueignen.
Wir bieten alle Arten von Beratung an, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Rechtsauskünften liegt.
Das Schwergewicht hat sich vom Produktions- zum Dienstleistungssektor verlagert.
to add one's own emphases
to place the emphasis on sth.
I quite understand that my colleagues put place a different emphasis on things.
The projects, while similar, have different emphases.
This course places emphasis on practical work.
The film has a different emphasis from the book.
Caring for foster children has a different emphasis from caring for biological children.
There is too much emphasis on research.
In Japan there is a lot of emphasis on politeness.
He lays places particular great emphasis on developing good study habits.
We provide all types of counselling, with an emphasis on legal advice.
There has been a shift of emphasis from the manufacturing to the service sector.
Ausbaufacharbeiter m
Ausbaufacharbeiter pl
Ausbaufacharbeiter mit Schwerpunkt Estricharbeiten Stuckaturarbeiten Zimmerarbeiten
Ausbaufacharbeiter mit Schwerpunkt Fliesenlegen Trockenbauarbeiten
Ausbaufacharbeiter mit Schwerpunkt Wärme-, Kälte- und Schallschutzarbeiten
professional home improvement worker
professional home improvement workers
home improvement worker spezialized in screeding stucco work carpentry
home improvement worker spezialized in tiling plasterboarding
home improvement worker spezialized in thermal and acoustic insulation
Baustoffprüfer m; Baustoffprüferin f
Baustoffprüfer pl; Baustoffprüferinnen pl
Baustoffprüfer mit Schwerpunkt Asphalttechnik
Baustoffprüfer mit Schwerpunkt Geotechnik
Baustoffprüfer mit Schwerpunkt Mörtel- und Betontechnik
construction materials tester; CMT technician
construction materials testers; CMT technicians
asphalt pavement tester
geotechnical materials tester
mortar and concrete materials tester
Brennpunkt m; Schwerpunkt m +Gen. pej.
Brennpunkte pl; Schwerpunkte pl
Unfallschwerpunkt m
Umweltbrennpunkt m envir.
Kriminalitätsschwerpunkt m
hotspot; hot spot (for sth.)
hotspots; hot spots
accident hotspot; hotspot for accidents
environmental hotspot
crime hotspot; hotspot for crime
im Brennpunkt stehend; zentral adj; Schwerpunkt…
die zentrale figur
Scherpunktsprache f
focal fig.
the central figure
focal language
Geschäftsausrichtung f; Unternehmensschwerpunkt m; Schwerpunkt m der Geschäftstätigkeit econ.
business focus
Schwerpunkt m
Schwerpunkte f
centre of gravity Br.; center of gravity CG ; gravity centre
centres of gravity; centers of gravity
Schwerpunkt m
Schwerpunkte setzen; Akzente setzen
Schwerpunkte darlegen; Akzente setzen
Der Schwerpunkt seiner Tätigkeit als Komponist liegt in der Erforschung neuer Klänge.
focal point; main focus; main point; highlight
to bring out the main points; to emphasize the features
to give the main points
The main focus emphasis of his work as a composer lies is on the exploration of new sounds.
mit tieferliegendem Schwerpunkt
underslung; with a lowered center of gravity
baryzentrisch; auf den Schwerpunkt bezogen adj; Schwerpunkts… phys.
mit Schwerpunkt auf; unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von
with the emphasis on
Schwerpunktartikel m; Hintergrundbericht m; Sonderbeitrag m (in Textmedien)
Schwerpunktartikel pl; Hintergrundberichte pl; Sonderbeiträge pl
einen Hintergrundbericht Sonderbeitrag zu etw. bringen
feature article; feature (in text media)
feature articles; features
to run a feature on about sth.
Verfasser m von Hintergrundberichten; Verfasser m von Schwerpunktartikeln (in einer Zeitung)
features writer; features editor; feature writer Am.; feature editor Am. (in a newspaper)
Schwerpunktfach n; Schwerpunktbereich m; Leistungsfach n Dt. school stud.
Schwerpunktfächer pl; Schwerpunktbereiche pl; Leistungsfächer pl
area of concentration; field of concentration
areas of concentration; fields of concentration
centres of gravity
Leistungsfach n, Schwerpunktfach n
Leistungsfächer pl, Schwerpunktfächer pl
special subject
special subjects
Leistungsfach n; Schwerpunktfach n
Leistungsfächer pl; Schwerpunktfächer pl
special subject
special subjects
Schwerpunktgefälle n; Pauschalgefälle n (beim Abreißen von Gesteinsmassen) envir.
equivalent angle of friction; equivalent friction angle; equivalent coefficient of friction (when rock masses fail)
Schwerpunktkontrolle f
Schwerpunktkontrollen pl
Schwerpunktkontrollen durchführen
targeted check
targeted checks
to conduct targeted checks
Schwerpunktkontrolle f (der Polizei); scharfes Vorgehen; Aktion scharf f Ös. (gegen jdn.)
Die Polizei hat eine Aktion scharf gegen betrunkene Randalierer und unseriöse Lokalbesitzer gestartet
crackdown (on sb.)
Police have launched a crackdown on drunken yobs and rogue licensees.
Schwerpunktkrankenhaus n med.
Schwerpunktkrankenhäuser pl
supraregional hospital
supraregional hospitals
schwerpunktmäßig adv
concentrating on certain main points
schwerpunktmäßig adv
Es geht hierbei schwerpunktmäßig um ...
Unsere Tätigkeit sollte schwerpunktmäßig darauf ausgerichtet sein ...
(with) the main focus the emphasis the priority being on sth.
The priority here is ...
The primary focus of our activities should be on ...
sich (auf etw.) spezialisieren v; schwerpunktmäßig etw. tun
sich spezialisierend
sich spezialisiert
nicht spezialisiert
to specialize; to specialise Br. (in sth.)
specializing; specialising
specialized; specialised
schwerpunktmäßig adv
Es geht hierbei schwerpunktmäßig um …
Unsere Tätigkeit sollte schwerpunktmäßig darauf ausgerichtet sein, …
(with) the main focus the emphasis the priority being on sth.
The priority here is …
The primary focus of our activities should be on …
Schwerpunktprogramm n
programme of selective measures
Schwerpunktprogramm n
Schwerpunktprogramme pl
programme of selective measures
programmes of selective measures
Schwerpunktsachse f
Schwerpunktsachsen pl
centre of gravity axis
centres of gravity axis
Schwerpunktsatz m
principle of linear momentum
neue Festlegung f; neue Ausrichtung f; Neuausrichtung f (von etw.)
neue Schwerpunktsetzung
Neuregelung des Verhältnisses zwischen Schankstättenketten und Pächtern
redefinition (of sth.)
redefinition of priorities
redefinition of relationships between pub retail chains and tenants
Schraubenkurve f; Schneckenhauslinie f; Kochleoide f; Schwerpunktslinie f des Kreises math.
conchoidal curve; cocheloid
Schwerpunktstreik m, punktueller Streik
selective strike
Streik m; Ausstand m; Arbeitsniederlegung f (Arbeitsrecht)
Streiks pl; Ausstände pl; Arbeitsniederlegungen pl
Generalstreik m
Proteststreik m
Schwerpunktstreik m; punktueller Streik
Sitzstreik m; Sitzbockade f
Sympathiestreik m
Warnstreik m
Bergarbeiterstreik m
unmittelbarer mittelbarer Streik
branchenweiter Streik
nichtgewerkschaftlicher Streik
organisierter Streik
wilder Streik; spontane Arbeitsniederlegung
in den Streik Ausstand treten
sich im Streik Ausstand befinden; streiken
einen Streik abblasen
einen Streik abbrechen
jemand der sich an einem wilden Streik beteiligt
sich an einem wilden Streik beteiligen
strike; stoppage of work (labour law)
strikes; stoppages of work
general strike
protest strike
selective strike
sit-down strike; sit-down; sit-in
sympathetic strike; sympathy strike
warning strike: token strike
miner's strike
primary secondary strike
all-out strike Br.
unofficial strike
organized strike
wildcat strike; walkout
to go on strike
to be on strike
to call off a strike
to break a strike
wildcatter Am.
to wildcat Am.
Streik m; Ausstand m; Arbeitsniederlegung f (Arbeitsrecht)
Streiks pl; Ausstände pl; Arbeitsniederlegungen pl
Generalstreik m
gewerkschaftlicher Streik
Proteststreik m
Schwerpunktstreik m; punktueller Streik
Sitzstreik m; Sitzbockade f
Solidaritätsstreik m
Warnstreik m
Bergarbeiterstreik m
unmittelbarer mittelbarer Streik
branchenweiter Streik
nichtgewerkschaftlicher Streik
organisierter Streik
wilder Streik; spontane Arbeitsniederlegung
in den Streik Ausstand treten
sich im Streik Ausstand befinden; streiken
einen Streik abblasen
einen Streik abbrechen
jemand, der sich an einem wilden Streik beteiligt
sich an einem wilden Streik beteiligen
strike; stoppage of work (labour law)
strikes; stoppages of work
general strike
union-led strike
protest strike
selective strike
sit-down strike; sit-down; sit-in
sympathetic strike; sympathy strike
warning strike: token strike
miners' strike
primary secondary strike
all-out strike Br.
unofficial strike
organized strike
wildcat strike; walkout
to go on strike
to be on strike
to call off a strike
to break a strike
wildcatter Am.
to wildcat Am.
Schwerpunktthema n adm.
Schwerpunktthemen pl
priority topic; priority issue; featured topic
priority topics; priority issues; featured topics

Deutsche Schwerpunktsachse Synonyme

Englische centre of gravity axis Synonyme

Schwerpunktsachse Definition

(n.) The spotted deer (Cervus axis or Axis maculata) of India, where it is called hog deer and parrah (Moorish name).
(n.) A straight line, real or imaginary, passing through a body, on which it revolves, or may be supposed to revolve
(n.) A straight line with respect to which the different parts of a magnitude are symmetrically arranged
(n.) The stem
(n.) The second vertebra of the neck, or vertebra dentata.
(n.) Also used of the body only of the vertebra, which is prolonged anteriorly within the foramen of the first vertebra or atlas, so as to form the odontoid process or peg which serves as a pivot for the atlas and head to turn upon.
(n.) One of several imaginary lines, assumed in describing the position of the planes by which a crystal is bounded.
(n.) The primary or secondary central line of any design.
(v. i.) To be placed in a center
(v. i.) To be collected to a point
(v. t.) To place or fix in the center or on a central point.
(v. t.) To collect to a point
(v. t.) To form a recess or indentation for the reception of a center.
(n. & v.) See Center.
(a.) The state of having weight
(a.) Sobriety of character or demeanor.
(a.) Importance, significance, dignity, etc
(a.) The tendency of a mass of matter toward a center of attraction
(a.) Lowness of tone

centre of gravity axis / centres of gravity axis Bedeutung

axis of rotation
the center around which something rotates
detention cell
detention centre
a large cell where prisoners (people awaiting trial or sentence or refugees or illegal immigrants) are confined together temporarily
call center
call centre
a center equipped to handle a large volume of telephone calls (especially for taking orders or serving customers)
a building dedicated to a particular activity, they were raising money to build a new center for research
center bit
centre bit
a bit with a sharp center point for guidance and two side cutters
dumb bomb
gravity bomb
a bomb that falls because of gravity and is not guided to a target
gravimeter gravity meter a measuring instrument for measuring variations in the gravitational field of the earth
Herschelian telescope
off-axis reflector
a reflecting telescope with the mirror slightly tilted to throw the image to the side where it can be viewed
plaza mall center shopping mall
shopping center
shopping centre
mercantile establishment consisting of a carefully landscaped complex of shops representing leading merchandisers, usually includes restaurants and a convenient parking area, a modern version of the traditional marketplace, a good plaza should have a movie house, they spent their weekends at the local malls
sobriety soberness
a manner that is serious and solemn
specific gravity the density of a substance relative to the density of water
dead center
dead centre
the position of a crank when it is in line with the connecting rod and not exerting torque
center of curvature
centre of curvature
the center of the circle of curvature
nerve center
nerve centre
a cluster of nerve cells governing a specific bodily process, in most people the speech center is in the left hemisphere
axis vertebra
the nd cervical vertebra, serves as a pivot for turning the head
center centre center of attention
centre of attention
the object upon which interest and attention focuses, his stories made him the center of the party
substance core
heart heart and soul
inwardness marrow
nitty-gritty f a e a c
the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience, the gist of the prosecutor's argument, the heart and soul of the Republican Party, the nub of the story
theory of gravitation
theory of gravity
gravitational theory
Newton's theory of gravitation
(physics) the theory that any two particles of matter attract one another with a force directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them
axis a straight line through a body or figure that satisfies certain conditions
coordinate axis one of the fixed reference lines of a coordinate system
x-axis the horizontal axis in a plane coordinate system
y-axis the vertical axis in a plane coordinate system
z-axis the third axis in a -dimensional coordinate system
major axis the longest axis of an ellipse or ellipsoid, passes through the two foci
semimajor axis one-half the major axis of an ellipse, the distance from the center of an ellipse to one end
minor axis the shorter or shortest axis of an ellipse or ellipsoid
semiminor axis one-half the minor axis of an ellipse
principal axis
optic axis
a line that passes through the center of curvature of a lens so that light is neither reflected nor refracted, in a normal eye the optic axis is the direction in which objects are seen most distinctly
optic axis in a doubly refracting crystal, the line in the direction of which no double refraction occurs, a crystal may have either one or two optic axes
center spread
centre spread
the spread at the center of a magazine
gravity wave
gravitation wave
(physics) a wave that is hypothesized to propagate gravity and to travel at the speed of light
a solemn and dignified feeling
the sweet central portion of a piece of candy that is enclosed in chocolate or some other covering
a group of countries in special alliance
Axis in World War II the alliance of Germany and Italy in which later included Japan and other nations, the Axis opposed the Allies in World War II
United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
Centre for International Crime Prevention
the United Nations office responsible for crime prevention and criminal justice and law reform
center centre a place where some particular activity is concentrated, they received messages from several centers
nerve center
nerve centre
a center that provides information and control, the nerve center of the diamond industry is in Amsterdam
a point equidistant from the ends of a line or the extremities of a figure
center of buoyancy
centre of buoyancy
center of immersion
centre of immersion
(physics) the center of mass of the immersed part of ship or other floating object
center of gravity
centre of gravity
the point within something at which gravity can be considered to act, in uniform gravity it is equal to the center of mass
center of flotation
centre of flotation
the center of gravity of a floating object
center of mass
centre of mass
point representing the mean position of the matter in a body
center centre middle
an area that is approximately central within some larger region, it is in the center of town, they ran forward into the heart of the struggle, they were in the eye of the storm
center stage
centre stage
the central area on a theater stage
city center
city centre
central city
the central part of a city
storm center
storm centre
the central area or place of lowest barometric pressure within a storm
Centre a low-lying region in central France
normal fault
gravity fault
common fault
an inclined fault in which the hanging wall appears to have slipped downward relative to the footwall
gravitational attraction
gravitational force
(physics) the force of attraction between all masses in the universe, especially the attraction of the earth's mass for bodies near its surface, the more remote the body the less the gravity, the gravitation between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them, gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love--Albert Einstein
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