
Schwimmerventil Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Schwimmerventil n
Schwimmerventile pl
float valve
float valves
Schwimmerventil n
Schwimmerventile pl
float valve
float valves
schwimmen v
sie schwimmt
sie schwamm
sie ist
war geschwommen, er
sie hat
hatte geschwommen
sie schwömme, ich
sie schwämme
schwimme!, schwimm!
schwimmen lernen
durch einen Fluss schwimmen
in Geld schwimmen übtr.
to swim {swam, swum}
she swims
she swam
she has
had swum
she would swim
to learn how to swim
to swim across a river
to be flush with money
schwimmen; baden v
schwimmend; badend
geschwommen; gebadet
er sie schwimmt
ich er sie schwamm
er sie ist war geschwommen; er sie hat hatte geschwommen
ich er sie schwömme; ich er sie schwämme
schwimme!; schwimm!
baden gehen; schwimmen gehen v
schwimmen lernen
durch etw. schwimmen (Wasser Öffnung)
durch einen Fluss schwimmen
in Geld schwimmen übtr.
Gehen wir doch heute Nachmittag baden.
Sie geht jeden Tag vor dem Frühstück schwimmen.
Er bekam Lust schwimmen zu gehen.
to swim {swam; swum}
he she swims
I he she swam
he she has had swum
I he she would swim
to go swimming
to learn how to swim
to swim through sth. (water opening)
to swim across a river
to be flush with money; to be in the money
Let's go swimming this afternoon.
She goes swimming every morning before breakfast.
He took a fancy to go swimming.
schwimmen; baden v
schwimmend; badend
geschwommen; gebadet
er sie schwimmt
ich er sie schwamm
er sie ist war geschwommen; er sie hat hatte geschwommen
ich er sie schwömme; ich er sie schwämme
schwimme!; schwimm!
baden gehen; schwimmen gehen v
schwimmen lernen
durch etw. schwimmen (Wasser, Öffnung)
durch einen Fluss schwimmen
in Geld schwimmen übtr.
Gehen wir doch heute Nachmittag baden.
Sie geht jeden Tag vor dem Frühstück schwimmen.
Er bekam Lust, schwimmen zu gehen.
to swim {swam; swum}
he she swims
I he she swam
he she has had swum
I he she would swim
to go swimming
to learn how to swim
to swim through sth. (water, opening)
to swim across a river
to be flush with money; to be in the money; to be rolling in money
Let's go swimming this afternoon.
She goes swimming every morning before breakfast.
He took a fancy to go swimming.
Schwimmmeister m, Schwimmmeisterin f, Schwimmeister m alt
Schwimmmeister pl, Schwimmmeisterinnen pl
swimming supervisor
swimming supervisors
Schwimmmeister m; Schwimmmeisterin f; Schwimmeister m alt
Schwimmmeister pl; Schwimmmeisterinnen pl
swimming supervisor
swimming supervisors
in Geld schwimmen
rolling in money
schwimmen, schweben, treiben
Anschlag m (Tastatur, Klavier, Schwimmen)
Schwimmen n sport
Schwimmen n
floatage, flotage
Startsprung f (Schwimmen) sport
racing dive
Zug m (beim Schwimmen)
baden, schwimmen, waschen
to bathe
schwimmen v
to take a swim
schwimmen, flößen
schwimmend, flößend
geschwommen, geflößt
to float
im Augenblick ganz oben schwimmen
to be riding (along) on the crest of a wave
Schwimmen n über der Spur
Er bekam Lust, schwimmen zu gehen.
He took a fancy to go swimming.
Er konnte nicht schwimmen, ich schon.
He didn't know how to swim, I did.
Fisch muss schwimmen. Sprw.
Fish and wine go together. prov.
Ich gehe schwimmen.
I go for a swim.
Sie schwimmen im Geld.
They're rolling in money.
im Gelde schwimmen
be rolling in money
ich gehe schwimmen
i go for a swim
schwimmen lernen
learn how to swim
to float
schwimmen lernen
to learn how to swim
to swim
durch einen Fluss schwimmen
to swim across a river
to take a swim
swim (irr.)
schwimmen, treiben
Anschlag m (Tastatur; Klavier; Schwimmen)
Bad n; Schwimmen n
(eine Runde) schwimmen gehen ins Wasser gehen
Bis zum Essen ist noch Zeit kurz ins Wasser zu gehen.
Das (Schwimmen) war jetzt angenehm.
Da muss man weit schwimmen.
Sie ist gerne mitten im Geschehen.
Wenn er sich wieder einlebt hineinfindet wird er sich viel besser fühlen.
to have Br. take Am. a swim; to go for a swim
We have time for a quick swim before dinner.
That was a nice swim.
It's a long swim.
She likes to be in the swim of things.
When he gets into the swim of things again he'll be much happier.
Brust f; Brustschwimmen n; Bruststil m (Schwimmstil) sport
im Bruststil schwimmen; brustschwimmen
100 Meter Brust
to swim do the breaststroke
100 metres breaststroke
Lust haben
zu etwas Lust haben
zu etw. keine Lust haben; zu etw. nicht aufgelegt sein
große Lust haben zu
wenn du Zeit und Lust hast
Hast du Lust heute Tennis zu spielen oder Schwimmen zu gehen?
to feel like
to feel like (doing) sth.; to be in the mood for sth. to do sth.
not to be in the mood to do sth.
to have a good mind to
if you have the time and feel like it
Do you feel like playing tennis or going swimming today?
Rückenschwimmen n (Schwimmstil) sport
im Rückenstil schwimmen; rückenschwimmen
to swim do the backstroke
Schwimmen n sport
Winterschwimmen n; Eisschwimmen n
winter swimming; ice swimming
Schwimmen n
floatage; flotage
Strom m; Fluss m
gegen den Strom; entgegen der Strömungsrichtung
mit dem Strom
gegen den Strom schwimmen übtr.
to be contrary
baden; schwimmen v
badend; schwimmend
gebadet; geschwommen
Die Prinzessin badete im See.
to bath Br.; to bathe Am. (old-fashioned)
The princess bathed in the lake.
querköpfig; opponierend adj (Person)
Meinst du das ernst oder willst du nur opponieren gegen den Strom schwimmen?
perverse (person)
Do you really mean that or are you just being deliberately perverse?
schnurstracks adv
schnurstracks zur Insel schwimmen
straightway; fast and straight
to swim fast and straight towards the island
(einen Stil eine Strecke) schwimmen v
an einem Wettschwimmen teilnehmen
Kannst du schon rückenschwimmen im Rückenstil schwimmen?
Sie war die erste Frau die den Ärmelkanal schwimmend durchquerte.
to swim sth. (stroke stretch)
to swim a race
Can you swim backstroke yet?
She was the first woman to swim the Channel.
etw. schwimmen lassen (Gegenstände Tiere) v
to swim sth. (objects animals)
mit jdm. um die Wette schwimmen v
to swim sb.
schwimmen; flößen
schwimmend; flößend
geschwommen; geflößt
to float
Er konnte nicht schwimmen ich schon.
He didn't know how to swim I did.
im Geld schwimmen ugs. übtr.; steinreich sein ugs.
to be rolling in dough coll. fig.
ins Schwimmen geraten übtr.; ins Schleudern geraten übtr.; unsicher werden
to flounder
Bad n; Schwimmen n
(eine Runde) schwimmen gehen, ins Wasser gehen
Bis zum Essen ist noch Zeit, kurz ins Wasser zu gehen.
Das (Schwimmen) war jetzt angenehm.
Da muss man weit schwimmen.
Sie ist gerne mitten im Geschehen.
Wenn er sich wieder einlebt hineinfindet, wird er sich viel besser fühlen.
to have Br. take Am. a swim; to go for a swim
We have time for a quick swim before dinner.
That was a nice swim.
It's a long swim.
She likes to be in the swim of things.
When he gets into the swim of things again, he'll be much happier.
Beinschlag m (Schwimmen) sport
Beinschläge pl
Grätschbeinschlag m
Paddelbeinschlag m
leg kick (swimming)
leg kicks
scissors kick
flutter kick
die Fähigkeit haben; fähig sein; imstande sein; in der Lage sein; vermögen geh., etw. zu tun; etw. tun können; zu etw. imstande sein; etw. vermögen geh. v (aufgrund der eigenen Qualitäten)
zu allem fähig sein
Kannst du schwimmen?
Das Motorrad konnte nicht mehr repariert werden.
Ich glaube nicht, dass er zu einem Mord fähig wäre.
to have the ability to do sth.; to be able to do sth.; to be capable of doing sth. of sth.; to be fit to do sth. for sth. (owing to your own qualities)
to be capable of anything
Are your able to swim?
The motorbike wasn't able to be repaired.
I don't believe that he is capable of murder.
Fischfleisch n; Fisch m cook.
Fisch muss schwimmen. Sprw.
fish meat; fish
Fish and wine go together. prov.
zu etw. Lust haben; Lust haben, etw. zu tun; Lust bekommen, etw. zu tun v; aufgelegt sein v, etw. zu tun
zu etw. keine Lust haben; zu etw. nicht aufgelegt sein
große Lust haben zu
wenn du Zeit und Lust hast
Hast du Lust, heute Tennis zu spielen oder Schwimmen zu gehen?
to feel like doing sth.; to be in the mood for sth. to do sth.
not to be in the mood to do sth.
to have a good mind to
if you have the time and feel like it
Do you feel like playing tennis or going swimming today?
ins Schwimmen geraten übtr.; ins Schleudern geraten übtr.; unsicher werden; nicht weiter wissen v
to flounder
der Schwimmsport m; das Schwimmen n sport
Startsprung m (Schwimmen) sport
racing dive
Ufer n (breiter Fluss, See, Meer)
abfallendes Ufer
exponiertes Ufer
ans Ufer schwimmen
am Ufer entlang gehen
ein Haus am Seeufer
Abfälle aller Art werden ans Ufer gespült.
Das Paddelboot blieb in Ufernähe
Das Boot war eineinhalb Kilometer vom Ufer entfernt, als der Motor den Geist aufgab.
shelving shore
weather shore
to swim to the shore
to walk along the shore
a house on the shores of the lake
Rubbish of all sorts is washed up on the shore.
The canoe hugged the shore.
The boat was about a mile from off (the) shore when the engine died.
Wasser n
abtropfbares Wasser
adsorbiertes Wasser
destilliertes Wasser; Aqua purificata
drückendes Wasser
dystrophes Wasser
entspanntes Wasser
entbastes Wasser
fließendes Wasser; fließend Wasser
fossiles Wasser; fossiles Grundwasser geol.
Fremdwasser n
gebundenes Wasser
gebundenes Wasser
gespanntes Wasser
hartes Wasser
hygroskopisches Wasser
juveniles Wasser
kohlensäurereiches Wasser
schlammhaltiges Wasser
stehendes Wasser
umlaufendes Wasser
unterirdisches Wasser
weiches Wasser
durch Stollen gelöstes Wasser
auf dem Wasser; zu Wasser
über Wasser
jdm. nicht das Wasser reichen können übtr.
Wasser treten (beim Schwimmen)
Wasser treten (bei der Kneippkur)
Wasseranwendungen durchführen (Heilquelle)
Wo Wasser ist, ist Leben.
Die kochen auch nur mit Wasser. übtr.
gravitational water
aggressive water; corrosive water
purified water; distilled water; aqua purificata
pressing water
dystrophic water
wetted water
decationized water
running water
connate water; fossil water
external water; other water
combined water
constitutional water
artesian water
hard water
hygroscopic water; hygroscopic moisture; absorbed water
primitive water; juvenile water
acid water
muddy water
stagnant water
circulating water
subsurface water; underground water; subterranean water
soft water
can't hold a candle to sb. fig.
to tread water
to paddle (in kneippism)
to take the waters Br.
Where there is water, there is life.
They still put their trousers Br. pants Am. on one leg at a time (like everybody else just like you we do). fig.
Wassertreten n (beim Schwimmen)
treading water
Wenn … Bei etw. könnte man glatt meinen, dass; könnte man leicht auf die Idee kommen, dass; muss man den Eindruck bekommen, dass
Wenn man sich die Massen beim Einkaufen ansieht, muss man den Eindruck bekommen, dass die Leute in Geld schwimmen.
Wenn man die jüngsten Schlagzeilen zum Thema liest, kann man eigentlich nur noch verwirrt sein.
Doing sth. With sth. one could may might be forgiven for thinking believing feeling
Looking at the crowds out shopping, you might be forgiven for believing that everyone is flush with money.
Anyone Those reading recent headlines on the topic could be forgiven for feeling confused.
baden; schwimmen v
badend; schwimmend
gebadet; geschwommen
Die Prinzessin badete im See.
to bath Br.; to bathe Am. dated
The princess bathed in the lake.
eiskalt adj
beim Schwimmen im eiskalten Wasser
ice-cold (icecold) (ice cold)
when swimming in ice-cold water
schon adv (betont)
schon, aber …
Ansehen werde ich mir das Spiel schon, aber nicht live.
Das Geld hat Sony schon, aber ich bezweifle, dass sie das Knowhow haben.
Erfahrung ist nicht wichtig, Begeisterung schon.
Er konnte nicht schwimmen, ich schon.
Ich glaube schon, dass das möglich ist.
Ich würde schon meinen, dass das genau geprüft werden sollte.
„Das ist doch recht preiswert?“ „Das schon, Schon, aber ich mag die Farbe nicht.“
„Das geht mich nichts an.“ „Jetzt schon!“
certainly; well; do, be (used to give emphasis to a positive verb)
certainly, but …; all right, but …
I will certainly watch the match, but not live.
Sony certainly has the money has the money all right, but I question whether they have the know-how.
Experience is not important but enthusiasm is.
He didn't know how to swim, I did.
I do think that it's possible.
I do think (that) this ought to be thoroughly examined.
'That's quite inexpensive, isn't it?' 'Well, yes, but I don't like the colour.'
'That's no concern of mine.' 'Yes, it is now!'
(einen Stil, eine Strecke) schwimmen v
an einem Wettschwimmen teilnehmen
Kannst du schon rückenschwimmen im Rückenstil schwimmen?
Sie war die erste Frau, die den Ärmelkanal schwimmend durchquerte.
to swim sth. (stroke, stretch)
to swim a race
Can you swim backstroke yet?
She was the first woman to swim the Channel.

Deutsche Schwimmerventil Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Schwimmerventil Synonym nachschlagen

Englische float valve Synonyme

float  Carling float  arrange  ascend  aspire  balsa  balsa raft  barge  bathe  bear up  become airborne  boat  bob  boom  brandish  bring off  bring up  broach  bundle  bundle off  buoy  buoy up  bus  carry off  cart  christen  claw skyward  coach  consummate  cork  dart  deluge  dip  dive  dray  drift  drown  duck  dunk  effect  establish  ferry  flap  flaunt  float high  flood  flourish  flow on  flutter  fly  fly aloft  foot  found  gain altitude  get  get going  get moving  ghost  give a start  glide  go in swimming  go in wading  go public  hang  haul  hold up  hover  inaugurate  induct  initiate  install  institute  introduce  inundate  issue  issue stock  kick off  kite  launch  leave the ground  levitate  life buoy  life preserver  life raft  lift up  lighter  negotiate  organize  plane  platform  plow the deep  poise  pontoon  pour on  pull off  put in motion  raft  rain  raise  ride  ride high  ride the sea  ring in  rise  run  sail  scud  send  send forth  send off  set afloat  set agoing  set going  set in motion  set on foot  set up  shake  ship  shoot  skim  skinny-dip  sled  sledge  slip  sluice  soar  spire  start  start going  start off  start up  submerge  surfboard  sustain  swamp  swim  swing  take off  transact  tread water  truck  turn on  undulate  upbear  uphold  uplift  upraise  usher in  van  wade  waft  wag  wagon  walk the waters  wash  wave  wheelbarrow  whelm  wield  wigwag  zoom  
floater  Ahasuerus  Ancient Mariner  Argonaut  Flying Dutchman  Goliard  Odysseus  Oisin  Ossian  Ulysses  ballot-box stuffer  balloter  bird of passage  bum  derelict  drifter  elector  fraudulent voter  gad  gadabout  go-about  hobo  itinerant  mover  peregrinator  peregrine  peripatetic  proxy  rambler  registered voter  repeater  roamer  rolling stone  rover  runabout  straggler  street arab  stroller  strolling player  tramp  troubadour  vag  vagrant  visitant  voter  wanderer  wandering minstrel  wandering scholar  
floating  Australian crawl  Hare system  PR  absentee voting  adrift  afloat  aquaplaning  aquatics  awash  backstroke  ballot-box stuffing  balneation  bathe  bathing  breaststroke  buoyant  butterfly  card voting  circumforaneous  clear  colonization  coming out  crawl  cumulative system  cumulative voting  curtain raiser  debut  discursive  divagatory  diving  dog paddle  drifting  election fraud  embarkation  embarkment  errant  fin  first appearance  fishtail  flapper  flipper  flitting  floatable  floaty  flotation  footloose  footloose and fancy-free  free  fugitive  gadding  gypsy-like  gypsyish  inaugural address  inauguration  induction  initiation  installation  installment  introduction  landloping  launching  list system  loose  maiden speech  meandering  migrational  migratory  natation  nomad  nomadic  opener  plural system  preferential system  preferential voting  preliminary  proportional representation  proxy voting  rambling  ranging  repeating  rickety  roaming  roving  shaky  shifting  sidestroke  single system  single transferrable vote  single-member district  straggling  straying  strolling  supernatant  surfboarding  surfing  swim  swimming  traipsing  transient  transitory  transmigratory  treading water  unanchored  unbound  undone  unfastened  unfixed  unstuck  untied  unveiling  vagabond  vagrant  vote  voting  voting machine  wading  wandering  water-borne  waterskiing  

Schwimmerventil Definition

Blow valve
() See Snifting valve.
Double-beat valve
() See under Valve.
D valve
() A kind of slide valve. See Slide valve, under Slide.
(v. i.) Anything which floats or rests on the surface of a fluid, as to sustain weight, or to indicate the height of the surface, or mark the place of, something.
(v. i.) A mass of timber or boards fastened together, and conveyed down a stream by the current
(v. i.) The hollow, metallic ball of a self-acting faucet, which floats upon the water in a cistern or boiler.
(v. i.) The cork or quill used in angling, to support the bait line, and indicate the bite of a fish.
(v. i.) Anything used to buoy up whatever is liable to sink
(v. i.) A float board. See Float board (below).
(v. i.) A contrivance for affording a copious stream of water to the heated surface of an object of large bulk, as an anvil or die.
(v. i.) The act of flowing
(v. i.) A quantity of earth, eighteen feet square and one foot deep.
(v. i.) The trowel or tool with which the floated coat of plastering is leveled and smoothed.
(v. i.) A polishing block used in marble working
(v. i.) A single-cut file for smoothing
(v. i.) A coal cart.
(v. i.) The sea
(n.) To rest on the surface of any fluid
(n.) To move quietly or gently on the water, as a raft
(v. t.) To cause to float
(v. t.) To flood
(v. t.) To pass over and level the surface of with a float while the plastering is kept wet.
(v. t.) To support and sustain the credit of, as a commercial scheme or a joint-stock company, so as to enable it to go into, or continue in, operation.
Kingston valve
() A conical valve, opening outward, to close the mouth of a pipe which passes through the side of a vessel below the water line.
(n.) A door
(n.) A lid, plug, or cover, applied to an aperture so that by its movement, as by swinging, lifting and falling, sliding, turning, or the like, it will open or close the aperture to permit or prevent passage, as of a fluid.
(n.) One or more membranous partitions, flaps, or folds, which permit the passage of the contents of a vessel or cavity in one direction, but stop or retard the flow in the opposite direction
(n.) One of the pieces into which a capsule naturally separates when it bursts.
(n.) One of the two similar portions of the shell of a diatom.
(n.) A small portion of certain anthers, which opens like a trapdoor to allow the pollen to escape, as in the barberry.
(n.) One of the pieces or divisions of bivalve or multivalve shells.
(n.) Any fresh-water gastropod of the genus Valvata.

float valve / float valves Bedeutung

dead-man's float
prone float
a floating position with the face down and arms stretched forward
valve one of the paired hinged shells of certain molluscs and of brachiopods
valve the entire one-piece shell of a snail and certain other molluscs
air bladder
swim bladder
an air-filled sac near the spinal column in many fishes that helps maintain buoyancy
throttle valve
a valve that regulates the supply of fuel to the engine
ball valve any valve that checks flow by the seating of a ball
butterfly valve a valve in a carburetor that consists of a disc that turns and acts as a throttle
clack valve
clapper valve
a simple valve with a hinge on one side, allows fluid to flow in only one direction
diode rectifying tube
rectifying valve
a thermionic tube having two electrodes, used as a rectifier
exhaust valve a valve through which burned gases from a cylinder escape into the exhaust manifold
float something that floats on the surface of water
float plasterer's float a hand tool with a flat face used for smoothing and finishing the surface of plaster or cement or stucco
float an elaborate display mounted on a platform carried by a truck (or pulled by a truck) in a procession or parade
heart valve an implant that replaces a natural cardiac valve
intake valve a valve that controls the flow of fluid through an intake
life raft
Carling float
a raft to use if a ship must be abandoned in an emergency
milk float a van (typically powered by electricity) with an open side that is used to deliver milk to houses
poppet valve
a mushroom-shaped valve that rises perpendicularly from its seat, commonly used in internalombustion engines
rocker arm
valve rocker
a lever pivoted at the center, used especially to push a valve down in an internalombustion engine
safety valve
relief valve
escape valve
escape cock
a valve in a container in which pressure can build up (as a steam boiler), it opens automatically when the pressure reaches a dangerous level
slide valve valve that opens and closes a passageway by sliding over a port
sluice valve
penstock head gate water gate
regulator consisting of a valve or gate that controls the rate of water flow through a sluice
tube vacuum tube
thermionic vacuum tube
thermionic tube
electron tube
thermionic valve
electronic device consisting of a system of electrodes arranged in an evacuated glass or metal envelope
valve control consisting of a mechanical device for controlling the flow of a fluid
valve device in a brass wind instrument for varying the length of the air column to alter the pitch of a tone
valve-in-head engine internalombustion engine having both inlet and exhaust valves located in the cylinder head
mitral valve
bicuspid valve
left atrioventricular valve
valve with two cusps, situated between the left atrium and the left ventricle
tricuspid valve
right atrioventricular valve
valve with three cusps, situated between the right atrium and the right ventricle, allows blood to pass from atrium to ventricle and closes to prevent backflow when the ventricle contracts
atrioventricular valve either of two heart valves through which blood flows from the atria to the ventricles, prevents return of blood to the atrium
aortic valve a semilunar valve between the left ventricle and the aorta, prevents blood from flowing from the aorta back into the heart
pulmonary valve a semilunar valve between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery, prevents blood from flowing from the artery back into the heart
semilunar valve a heart valve with cusps shaped like half-moons, prevents blood from flowing back into the heart
heart valve
cardiac valve
a valve to control one-way flow of blood
valve a structure in a hollow organ (like the heart) with a flap to insure one-way flow of fluid through it
ileocecal valve valve between the ileum of the small intestine and the cecum of the large intestine, prevents material from flowing back from the large to the small intestine
pyloric sphincter
pyloric valve
musculus sphincter pylori
the sphincter muscle of the pylorus that separates the stomach from the duodenum
iceream soda
iceream float
a drink with ice cream floating in it
root beer float an iceream soda made with ice cream floating in root beer
float the number of shares outstanding and available for trading by the public
mitral valve prolapse cardiopathy resulting from the mitral valve not regulating the flow of blood between the left atrium and left ventricle of the heart
mitral stenosis
mitral valve stenosis
obstruction or narrowing of the mitral valve (as by scarring from rheumatic fever)
float the time interval between the deposit of a check in a bank and its payment
float convert from a fixed point notation to a floating point notation, float data
float allow (currencies) to fluctuate, The government floated the ruble for a few months
float make the surface of level or smooth, float the plaster
float put into the water, float a ship
float move lightly, as if suspended, The dancer floated across the stage
float set afloat, He floated the logs down the river, The boy floated his toy boat on the pond
drift be adrift
be in motion due to some air or water current, The leaves were blowing in the wind, the boat drifted on the lake, The sailboat was adrift on the open sea, the shipwrecked boat drifted away from the shore
float swim be afloat either on or below a liquid surface and not sink to the bottom
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Ein Schwimmerventil oder Füllventil ist ein durch einen Schwimmer gesteuertes Ventil: Wird ein bestimmter Pegelstand unterschritten, öffnet sich das Ventil, beim Erreichen des Sollpegels schließt es sich wieder.