
Soldatenara Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Soldatenara m ornith.
Military Macaw
Soldatenara m ornith.
Military Macaw
Ausgangssperre f (für Soldaten)
confinement to barracks
Soldat m (im Heer) mil.
Soldaten pl
Soldat m der Luftwaffe mil.
Soldaten pl der Luftwaffe
Soldat m mil.
Soldaten pl
Soldat m, Schütze m, motorisierter Infanterist mil.
Soldaten pl, Schützen pl, motorisierte Infanteristen pl
Aufgebot n eines Sheriffs hist.; Begleittrupp m
ein Begleittrupp aus Polizisten und Soldaten
posse comitatus; posse Am.
a posse of constables and soldiers
Kranksein n; Krankheit f (unbestimmter Krankheitszustand beim Menschen) med.
langwierige Krankheit f
sich eine Krankheit zuziehen
Patienten mit akuten chronischen Krankheiten
an verschiedenen Krankheiten leiden
krankheitshalber nicht in der Schule sein
das Krankheitsrisiko verringern
Sie zeigte keinerlei Anzeichen von Krankheit.
Die Soldaten starben an Hunger und Krankheit.
Sein Vater erholt sich gerade von einer Krankheit.
Ich hatte alle üblichen Kinderkrankheiten.
Hattest du je eine schwere Krankheit?
Man hat bei ihr eine unheilbare Krankheit festgestellt.
Er verstarb gestern im 70. Lebensjahr nach kurzer langer schwerer Krankheit.
protracted illness
to contract an illness
patients with acute chronic illnesses
to suffer from various illnesses
to be off school because of illness
reduce the risk of illness
She showed no signs of illness.
The soldiers died from illness and hunger.
His father is recovering from an illness.
I had all the normal childhood illnesses.
Have you ever had any serious illnesses?
She was diagnosed with a terminal illness.
He died yesterday at the age of 70 after a short long serious illness.
Soldat m (im Heer) mil.
Soldaten pl
amerikanischer Soldat
gemeiner Soldat (Infantrie); Front-Soldat m; Frontschwein n slang mil.
Government Issue Am. slang GI
grunt Am. slang
Soldat m; Schütze m; motorisierter Infanterist mil.
Soldaten pl; Schützen pl; motorisierte Infanteristen pl
(Soldaten) ausheben; rekrutieren v mil.
aushebend; rekrutierend
ausgehoben; rekrutiert
to levy (soldiers)
jdn. etw. mit den Fäusten bearbeiten; auf jdn. etw. eintrommeln v
mit den Fäusten bearbeitend; eintrommelnd
mit den Fäusten bearbeitet; eingetrommelt
bearbeitet mit den Fäusten
bearbeitete mit den Fäusten
Das Kind trommelte auf die Kissen ein.
Sie trommelte mit den Fäusten gegen seine Brust.
Der Hahn pickte auf die Semmel ein.
Die Soldaten wurden unter Trommelfeuer aus Maschinengewehren genommen.
to pummel sb. sth.; to pommel sb. sth. Br.
pummeling; pommelling
pummeled; pommelled
pummels; pommels
pummeled; pommelled
The child pummel(l)ed the pillows.
She pummel(l)ed his chest with her fists.
The cock pummel(l)ed at the roll.
The soldiers were pummel(l)ed by machine-gun-fire.
etw. plündern; ausplündern; ausrauben v
plündernd; ausplündernd; ausraubend
geplündert; ausgeplündert; ausgeraubt
eine Bank ausrauben
ein Grab plündern ausrauben
den Kühlschrank plündern humor.
Die Soldaten plünderten tagelang.
to plunder; to raid; to ransack sth.
plundering; raiding; ransacking
plundered; raided; ransacked
to raid a bank Br.
to plunder raid ransack a tomb
to plunder raid the fridge
The soldiers were plundering ransacking for days.
plündernd adj
plündernde Soldaten
rapacious soldiers
scharf adj (mit Sprengkraft) mil.
scharfe Patrone Bombe
Die Waffe ist scharf.
Das Gewehr ist scharf geladen.
Vorsicht! Hier wird scharf geschossen.
Die Soldaten schossen scharf um die Menge zu zerstreuen.
Er gab einen scharfen Schuss auf das Haus ab.
live bullet bomb
The weapon is live.
The gun is charged with live ammunition.
Caution! Live ammunition is being used.
Troops fired live ammunition bullets to disperse the crowd.
He fired a live bullet at the house.
jdn. etw. (an einem Ort) unterbringen; beherbergen v
unterbringend; beherbergend
untergebracht; beherbergt
die Konsole in der die Batterien untergebracht sind
Die Soldaten wurden in schlecht geheizten Hütten untergebracht.
Die Flüchtlinge sind in provisorischen Unterkünften untergebracht.
Die Schule ist im Tom Reilly-Gebäude untergebracht.
Die Gemälde sind jetzt im Nationalmuseum untergebracht.
Das Schloss beherbergt eine imposante Sammlung von Rüstungen.
In diesem Gebäude ist auch ein Kindergarten untergebracht.
Es werden mehr Gefängnisse benötigt um die wachsenden Zahl an Insassen unterzubringen.
to house sb. sth. (in a place)
the console which houses the batteries
The soldiers were housed in poorly heated huts.
The refugees are being housed in temporary accommodation.
The school is housed in the Tom Reilly Building.
The paintings are now housed in the National Gallery.
The castle houses an impressive collection of armour.
The building also houses a kindergarden.
More prisons are needed to house the growing number of inmates.
verheizen v ugs. übtr. (Soldaten)
to send to the slaughter; to use as cannon-fodder
zurückrufen; rückrufen; heimrufen v
zurückrufend; rückrufend; heimrufend
zurückgerufen; rückgerufen; heimgerufen
sich etw. ins Gedächtnis zurückrufen
die Vergangenheit ins Gedächtnis rufen
Die Soldaten aus dem Irak heimrufen
to recall
to call sth. to mind
to recall the past
to recall soldiers from Iraq
Musette f (Umhängetasche vornehmlich von Soldaten benutzt) mil.
musette; musette bag (shoulder bag used especially by soldiers)
grüner Ara; großer Soldaten-Ara; Bechstein-Ara m (Ara ambiguus) ornith.
Buffon's macaw
'Die Geschichte vom Soldaten' (von Strawinski Werktitel) mus.
'The Soldier's Tale' (by Stravinsky work title)
Ausgangssperre f (für Soldaten) mil.
confinement to barracks
auf der Heimreise; auf der Heimfahrt; Richtung Heimat unterwegs adj
ein Flugzeug Richtung Heimat erwischen
Die Soldaten sind auf der Heimreise.; Die Soldaten sind Richtung Heimat unterwegs.
homeward bound; on your way home
to catch a homeward-bound plane
The soldiers are homeward bound.; The soldiers are on their way home.
Kanonenfutter n (sinnlos und skrupellos geopferte Soldaten) mil.
cannon fodder (soldiers pointlessly and unscrupulously sacrificed)
Kranksein n; Krankheit f (unbestimmter Krankheitszustand beim Menschen) med.
langwierige Krankheit
umweltbedingte Krankheit
sich eine Krankheit zuziehen
Patienten mit akuten chronischen Krankheiten
an verschiedenen Krankheiten leiden
krankheitshalber nicht in der Schule sein
das Krankheitsrisiko verringern
Sie zeigte keinerlei Anzeichen von Krankheit.
Die Soldaten starben an Hunger und Krankheit.
Sein Vater erholt sich gerade von einer Krankheit.
Ich hatte alle üblichen Kinderkrankheiten.
Hattest du je eine schwere Krankheit?
Man hat bei ihr eine unheilbare Krankheit festgestellt.
Er verstarb gestern im 70. Lebensjahr nach kurzer langer schwerer Krankheit.
protracted illness
environmental illness
to contract an illness
patients with acute chronic illnesses
to suffer from various illnesses
to be off school because of illness
reduce the risk of illness
She showed no signs of illness.
The soldiers died from illness and hunger.
His father is recovering from an illness.
I had all the normal childhood illnesses.
Have you ever had any serious illnesses?
She was diagnosed with a terminal illness.
He died yesterday in his 70th year of life after a short long serious illness.
Luftwaffensoldat m; Soldat m der Luftwaffe aviat. mil.
Luftwaffensoldaten pl; Soldaten pl der Luftwaffe
Soldat m der Nordstaaten; Nordstaatler m (USA) mil. hist.
Soldaten pl der Nordstaaten; Nordstaatler pl
Yankee soldier; Yankee Am.
Yankee soldiers; Yankees
Rekrut m; Soldat m in Grundausbildung; Grundwehrdiener m Ös. GWD mil.
Rekruten pl; Soldaten pl in Grundausbildung; Grundwehrdiener pl
recruit; new soldier; sprog Br. humor.; yardbird Am. coll.
recruits; new soldiers; sprogs; yardbirds
Soldat m; Kriegsknecht m obs. mil.
Soldaten pl; Kriegsknechte pl
einfacher Soldat
Kindersoldaten pl
amerikanischer Soldat
common soldier; private soldier Br.
child soldiers
Government Issue Am. slang GI
berittener Soldat m; Kavallerist m; Reiter m mil. hist.
berittene Soldaten pl; Kavalleristen pl; Reiter pl
cavalryman; cavalry trooper
cavalrymen; cavalry troopers
jdm. Urlaub gewähren; jdn. beurlauben v adm.
Soldaten Heimaturlaub gewähren
to furlough sb.
to furlough soldiers in a foreign country
Veteran m; altgedienter Soldat f mil.
Veteranen pl; altgediente Soldaten pl
Kriegsveteran m; Kriegsteilnehmer m
Afghanistan-Veteran m
veteran; vet Am. coll.
veterans; vets
war veteran
Afghanistan vet Am. coll.
jdn. dienstzuteilen adm.; jdn. entsenden adm.; jdn. abordnen Dt. (zu einer Organisationseinheit) adm.; jdn. abstellen (für eine Einheit) mil. v
dienstzuteilend; entsendend; abordnend; abstellend
dienstzugeteilt; entsendet; abgeordnet; abgestellt
dienstzugeteiltes Personal
Daniel wurde der Marketingabteilung zugeteilt, solange Lea in Mutterschaftsurlaub in Karenz Ös. ist.
2009 wurde er als Berater zur Luftwaffe abgeordnet.
Eine Reihe von Polizeibeamten wurden vom Verkehrsdienst abgezogen und zur Objektschutzgruppe entsandt entsendet.
Mehrere hundert Soldaten wurden zur Unterstützung der Katastrophenopfer abgestellt.
to temporarily assign sb.; to second sb. Br. (to an organizational unit)
temporarily assigning; seconding
temporarily assigned; seconded
seconded personnel; personnel on secondment
Daniel has been temporarily assigned to the marketing department while Lea's on maternity leave.
In 2009 he was temporarily assigned to serve as an adviser to the Air Force.; In 2009 he was seconded to the Air Force as adviser.
A number of police officers were seconded from traffic duty to the site protection team.
Several hundred soldiers have been assigned seconded to help the disaster victims.
plakativ; kernig; markig adj
markige Sprüche
Er versuchte, seine Soldaten mit plakativen Worten anzuspornen.
sententious sayings
He tried to encourage his soldiers with sententious rhetoric.
jdn. in sein Heimatland rückführen; jdn. nach Hause holen schicken; jdn. zurückholen v soc.
Kindersoldaten in ihr Heimatland rückführen
ein vermisstes Kind aus dem Ausland zurückholen
die sterblichen Ãœberreste des Soldaten nach Hause holen
to repatriate sb.; to repatriate sb. back
to repatriate child soldiers
to repatriate a missing child from abroad
to repatriate the soldier's remains
scharf adj (mit Sprengkraft) mil.
scharfe Munition
scharfe Bombe
Die Waffe ist scharf.
Das Gewehr ist scharf geladen.
Vorsicht! Hier wird scharf geschossen.
Die Soldaten schossen scharf, um die Menge zu zerstreuen.
Er gab einen scharfen Schuss auf das Haus ab.
live ammunition
live bomb
The weapon is live.
The gun is charged with live ammunition.
Caution! Live ammunition is being used.
Troops fired live ammunition bullets to disperse the crowd.
He fired a live bullet at the house.
(als Gruppe aus einem Gebäude Gelände) strömen; quellen geh.; (aus einem Fahrzeug) aussteigen v
strömend; quellend; aussteigend
geströmt; gequollen; ausgestiegen
Die Soldaten quollen aus den Fahrzeugen und traten an.
Nach dem Mittagsgebet strömten die Gläubigen aus der Moschee auf die Straße.
to pile out (of a place) (of a group of people who quickly leave a building or site get out of a vehicle)
piling out
piled out
The soldiers piled out of the vehicle and lined up.
After the midday prayer worshippers piled out of the mosque onto the street.
jdn. etw. (an einem Ort) unterbringen; beherbergen v
unterbringend; beherbergend
untergebracht; beherbergt
die Konsole, in der die Batterien untergebracht sind
Die Soldaten wurden in schlecht geheizten Hütten untergebracht.
Die Flüchtlinge sind in provisorischen Unterkünften untergebracht.
Die Schule ist im Tom Reilly-Gebäude untergebracht.
Die Gemälde sind jetzt im Nationalmuseum untergebracht.
Das Schloss beherbergt eine imposante Sammlung von Rüstungen.
In diesem Gebäude ist auch ein Kindergarten untergebracht.
Es werden mehr Gefängnisse benötigt, um die wachsenden Zahl an Insassen unterzubringen.
to house sb. sth. (in a place)
the console which houses the batteries
The soldiers were housed in poorly heated huts.
The refugees are being housed in temporary accommodation.
The school is housed in the Tom Reilly Building.
The paintings are now housed in the National Gallery.
The castle houses an impressive collection of armour.
The building also houses a kindergarten.
More prisons are needed to house the growing number of inmates.
jdm. etw. widmen; zueignen geh.; dedizieren geh. v
widmend; zueignend; dedizierend
gewidmt; zugeeignet; dediziert
zum Gedenken an …
Das nächste Lied möchte ich meinem Vater widmen.
Ihr erster Gedichtband ist ihrer Mutter zugeeignet.
Das Denkmal ist den im zweiten Weltkrieg gefallenen Soldaten gewidmet.
to dedicate sth. to sb.
dedicating to
dedicated to
dedicated to the memory of …
I would like to dedicate this next song to my father.
Her first book of poetry is dedicated to her mother.
The memorial is dedicated to the soldiers who died in World War II.
Tommy m (Spitzname für britischen Soldaten) mil.
Musette f (Umhängetasche, vornehmlich von Soldaten benutzt) mil.
musette; musette bag (shoulder bag, used especially by soldiers)
'Die Geschichte vom Soldaten' (von Strawinski Werktitel) mus.
'The Soldier's Tale' (by Stravinsky work title)
Soldatenamazone f ornith.
Scaly-naped Amazon
Soldatenamazone f (Amazona mercenaria) ornith.
scaly-naped amazon; scaly-naped parrot
Soldatenara m ornith.
Military Macaw
Soldatenbraut f soc.
Soldatenbräute pl
soldier's bride; GI bride Am.
soldier's brides; GI brides
Schwarze Soldatenfliege f (Hermetia illucens) zool.
black soldier fly
Soldatenfrau f soc.
Soldatenfrauen pl
soldier's wife
soldier's wives
Soldatenfriedhof m, Gefallenenfriedhof m
Soldatenfriedhöfe pl, Gefallenenfriedhöfe pl
military cemetery, war cemetery
military cemeteries, war cemeteries
Soldatenfriedhof m; Gefallenenfriedhof m; Kriegsgräberstätte f
Soldatenfriedhöfe pl; Gefallenenfriedhöfe pl; Kriegsgräberstätten pl
military cemetery; war cemetery
military cemeteries; war cemeteries
großer Friedhof m (als eigenes Gelände); Gottesacker m geh.; Totenacker m obs.
große Friedhöfe pl
Hauptfriedhof m; Zentralfriedhof m
Parkfriedhof m
Soldatenfriedhof m; Gefallenenfriedhof m; Heldenfriedhof m; Kriegsgräberstätte f
Urnenfriedhof m
Waldfriedhof m
cemetery; boneyard coll.; God's acre archaic
main cemetery; central cemetery
park-like cemetery
military cemetery; war cemetery
cremation cemetery; urn cemetery
forest cemetery
Soldatenkolonne f
Soldatenkolonnen pl
column of soldiers
columns of soldiers
Marsplattform f; Mars f; Topp n (Plattform an den Masten eines Segelschiffs) naut.
Marsen pl
Großtopp n
Vortopp n
Soldatenplattform f hist.
top (platform around the masts of a sailing ship)
mainmast top
firing top
Militärkrankenhaus n; Militärhospital n; Militärspital n Ös. Schw.; Heeresspital n Ös.; Lazarett n; Karbolkaserne f Soldatensprache mil. med.
Militärkrankenhäuser pl; Militärhospitale pl; Militärhospitäler pl; Militärspitäler pl; Heeresspitäler pl; Lazarette pl; Karbolkasernen pl
military hospital
military hospitals
Soldatentum n

Deutsche Soldatenara Synonyme

Englische Military Macaw Synonyme

military  aggressive  air force  antagonistic  armed force  armed forces  armed service  army  array  battling  bellicose  belligerent  bloodthirsty  bloody  bloody-minded  career soldiers  chauvinist  chauvinistic  combative  contentious  enemy  ferocious  fierce  fighting  fighting machine  forces  full of fight  ground forces  ground troops  hawkish  host  hostile  inimical  jingo  jingoish  jingoist  jingoistic  legions  martial  militant  militaristic  military establishment  naval  navy  occupation force  offensive  paratroops  pugnacious  quarrelsome  rank and file  ranks  regular army  regulars  saber-rattling  sanguinary  sanguineous  savage  scrappy  service  ski troops  soldierlike  soldierly  soldiery  standing army  storm troops  the line  the military  trigger-happy  troops  truculent  unfriendly  unpacific  unpeaceable  unpeaceful  warlike  warmongering  warring  
military operations  action  all-out war  amphibious operations  appeal to arms  armed combat  armed conflict  attack  battle  belligerence  belligerency  bloodshed  combat  combined operations  dry run  fighting  fluid operations  hostilities  hot war  la guerre  logistics  maneuver  maneuvers  might of arms  minor operations  mission  movement  open hostilities  open war  operation  operations  overseas operations  resort to arms  shooting war  staff work  state of war  the sword  total war  war  war game  war plans  warfare  warmaking  warring  wartime  
military police  Cheka  FBI  Gestapo  Interpol  MP  MVD  Mounties  NKVD  OGPU  RCMP  SP  Scotland Yard  constabulary  county police  highway patrol  law enforcement agency  police  police force  political police  posse  provincial police  riot police  secret police  security force  shore patrol  special police  state police  tactical police  troopers  vigilance committee  vigilantes  

Soldatenara Definition

(n.) Any parrot of the genus Sittace, or Macrocercus. About eighteen species are known, all of them American. They are large and have a very long tail, a strong hooked bill, and a naked space around the eyes. The voice is harsh, and the colors are brilliant and strongly contrasted.
(a.) Of or pertaining to soldiers, to arms, or to war
(a.) Performed or made by soldiers
(n.) The whole body of soldiers

Military Macaw Bedeutung

military service land tenure by service in the lord's army
press military press a weightlift in which the barbell is lifted to shoulder height and then smoothly lifted overhead
military censorship all types of censorship conducted by personnel of the armed forces
military training training soldiers in military procedures
military drill training in marching and the use of weapons
military action
a military engagement, he saw action in Korea
operation military operation activity by a military or naval force (as a maneuver or campaign), it was a joint operation of the navy and air force
maneuver manoeuvre simulated military operation a military training exercise
military campaign
several related operations aimed at achieving a particular goal (usually within geographical and temporal constraints)
expedition military expedition
hostile expedition
a military campaign designed to achieve a specific objective in a foreign country
mission military mission an operation that is assigned by a higher headquarters, the planes were on a bombing mission
military ceremony a military custom performed in observance of some event or anniversary
military blockade
the action of an armed force that surrounds a fortified place and isolates it while continuing to attack
occupation military control the control of a country by military forces of a foreign power
macaw long-tailed brilliantly colored parrot of Central America and South America, among the largest and showiest of parrots
military headquarters
the military installation from which a commander performs the functions of command, the general's headquarters were a couple of large tents
military hospital hospital for soldiers and other military personnel
military installation any facility servicing military forces
military post
military installation at which a body of troops is stationed, this military post provides an important source of income for the town nearby, there is an officer's club on the post
military quarters living quarters for personnel on a military post
military uniform prescribed identifying uniform for soldiers
military vehicle vehicle used by the armed forces
military plane
an aircraft designed and used for combat
military capability
military strength
strength military posture
capability in terms of personnel and materiel that affect the capacity to fight a war, we faced an army of great strength, politicians have neglected our military posture
military science the discipline dealing with the principles of warfare
military commission
an official document issued by a government and conferring on the recipient the rank of an officer in the armed forces
salute military greeting a formal military gesture of respect
military intelligence information about the armed forces of another country that is useful in planning and conducting military policy or military operations
military march
military music
martial music
brisk marching music suitable for troops marching in a military parade
military ceremony a formal ceremony performed by military personnel
military-industrial complex a country's military establishment and the industries that produce arms and other military equipment, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex--Dwight David Eisenhower
military government
government by the military and an army
military service
armed service
a force that is a branch of the armed forces
military unit
military force
military group
a unit that is part of some military service, he sent Caesar a force of six thousand men
armed forces
armed services
military machine
war machine
the military forces of a nation, their military is the largest in the region, the military machine is the same one we faced in but now it is weaker
military reserve
armed forces that are not on active duty but can be called in an emergency
military police
a military corps that enforces discipline and guards prisoners
military junta
a group of military officers who rule a country after seizing power
concert band
military band
a group of musicians playing brass and woodwind and percussion instruments
military academy an academy for training military officers
military court a judicial court of commissioned officers for the discipline and punishment of military personnel
military intelligence
military intelligence agency
an agency of the armed forces that obtains and analyzes and uses information of strategic or tactical military value
Secret Intelligence Service
MI Military Intelligence Section
the government agency in the United Kingdom that is responsible for internal security and counterintelligence overseas
Security Service
MI Military Intelligence Section
the government agency in the United Kingdom that is responsible for internal security and counterintelligence on British territory
United States Military Academy
US Military Academy
a school for training men and women to become officers in the United States Army
military personnel
soldiers collectively
military formation a formation of troops
military law the body of laws and rules of conduct administered by military courts for the discipline, trial, and punishment of military personnel
military position
a point occupied by troops for tactical reasons
army engineer
military engineer
a member of the military who is trained in engineering and construction work
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