
Son Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Unterwasserschallgerät n, Sonar n, Sonargerät n
niederfrequenter aktiver Sonar (NFAS) mil.
sonar, sound navigation ranging
low-frequency active sonar (LFAS)
Unterwasserschallgerät n; Sonargerät n; S-Gerät n; Sonar n
Unterwasserschallgeräte pl; Sonargeräte pl; S-Geräte pl; Sonare pl
Bugsonar n
Schleppsonar n
niederfrequenter aktiver Sonar NFAS mil.
sonar set; sonar
sonar sets; sonars
bow-mounted sonar
towed sonar
low-frequency active sonar LFAS
Unterwasserschallortung f; Sonar n
sound navigation and ranging; sonar
Abtasten n (Radar, Sonar)
scanning (radar, sonar)
Unterwasserschallgerät n; Sonargerät n; S-Gerät n; Sonar n
Unterwasserschallgeräte pl; Sonargeräte pl; S-Geräte pl; Sonare pl
Bugsonar n
Schleppsonar n
niederfrequenter aktiver Sonar NFAS mil.
sonar set; sonar
sonar sets; sonars
bow-mounted sonar
towed sonar
low-frequency active sonar LFAS
Sonate f mus.
Sonaten pl
'Sturm-Sonate'; 'Der Sturm' (von Beethoven Werktitel) mus.
'Tempest Sonata'; 'The Tempest' (by Beethoven work title)
'Sturm-Sonate'; 'Der Sturm' (von Beethoven Werktitel) mus.
'Tempest Sonata'; 'The Tempest' (by Beethoven work title)
Gänsedisteln (Sonchus) (botanische Gattung) pl bot.
sow-thistles (botanical genus)
Gänsedisteln pl (Sonchus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
sow-thistles (botanical genus)
Sonde f
Sonden pl
Sonde f
bore; hole
Magensondenernährung f; Sondenernährung f med.
SondenfĂĽtterung eines Neugeborenen
enterale Sondenernährung
hyperkalorische Sondenernährung; Hyperalimentation mittels Sonde; parenteraler Tropf
tube feeding; gavage feeding; alimentation via stomach tube; gastrogavage
gavage feeding of a newborn
enteral tube feeding
hypercaloric tube feeding; superalimentation via stomach tube; drip gavage
Raumsonde f; Sonde f (Raumfahrt) astron.
Raumsonden pl; Sonden pl
Mars-Raumsonde f; Marssonde f
Robotersonde f
space probe; probe (astronautics)
space probes; probes
Mars probe
robotic probe
Schlauchsonde f; Sondenschlauch m; Sonde f; Schlauch m (in Zusammensetzungen) med.
Schlauchsonden pl; Sondenschläuche pl; Sonden pl; Schläuche pl
Blakemore'sche Sonde
Duodenalsonde f
Duodenalsonde mit Olivenspitze; Ryle'sche Sonde
Ernährungssonde f
Magensonde f; Magenschlauch m
Magensonde nach RehfuĂź
transnasale Magenernährungssonde; nasale Magensonde
Magenschlauch zur Absaugung
Magenschlauch zur Ernährung
Nasensonde f (zur Sauerstoffzufuhr)
nasojejunale Sonde
medical tube; tube
medical tubes; tubes
Blakemore's tube
duodenal tube; duodenal probe
Ryle's tube
feeding tube
stomach tube; gastric tube
RehfuĂź stomach tube; RehfuĂź tube
nasogastric feeding tube; nasogastric tube
gastric aspiration tube
gastric feeding tube
nasal tube; nasal cannula
nasojejunal tube
Sonde f med.
Sonden pl
Biopsiesonde f
Harnröhrensonde f
Knopfsonde f
doppelseitige Knopfsonde
Kugelsonde f
Ă–hrsonde f
stumpfe Sonde
Zahnsonde f; Dentalsonde f
Olive einer Sonde; Sondenolive f
etw. mit einer Sonde austasten
die Passage einer Sonde; die Sondenpassage
Spitze einer Sonde; Sondenspitze f
einen Hohlraum mit einer Sonde untersuchen
surgical probe; sound
surgical probes; sounds
biopsy probe
urethral sound
bulb-headed prob; bulbous probe; probang; pathfinder
double-ended probe
ball-and-socket probang; ball probang; searcher
probe with eye
blunt probe; dull probe
dental probe; dental explorer
probing olive
to probe sth.; to sound sth.
the passage of the probe
tip of the probe; probe tip
to probe a cavity; to sound a cavity; to explore a cavity with a sound
Sonde f meteo.
Sonden pl
Ballonsonde f; Sondenballon m; Wetterballon m
Fesselballonsonde f
balloon sonde; sounding balloon; weather balloon; meteorological balloon
wire sonde
Starck'sche Sonde f med.
Starck's cardiodilator
Sondenbohrer m constr.
Sondenbohrer pl
post-hole digger
post-hole diggers
EinfĂĽhren n eines Schlauches einer Schlauchsonde; SondeneinfĂĽhrung f; TubuseinfĂĽhrung f; Intubation f med.
gastrointestinale SondeneinfĂĽhrung
eine Intubation in Tracheotomiebereitschaft durchfĂĽhren
inserting a tube; intubation
gastro-intestinal intubation
to carry out an intubation with an emergency tracheostomy tray at hand
Sondenernährung f; künstliche Ernährung f
tube feeding
Sondenfänger m min.
Sondenfänger pl
sound catch
sound catches
Sondengänger m
Sondengänger m
Sondengänger pl
Sondenkennlinie f (Röhre) electr.
Sondenkennlinien pl
probe characteristic
probe characteristics
Sondenkeramik f auto
ceramic probe body
Sondenmessmikrofon n
Sondenmessmikrofone pl
probe measuring microphone
probe measuring microphones
Sondenöffnung f (Reaktor) techn.
Sondenöffnungen pl
probe inlet (reactor)
probe inlets
Sondenohr n (Stapediusreflexmessung) med.
probe ear (stapedius reflex measurement)
Sondenröhre f (TV) techn.
Sondenröhren pl
dissector tube; dissector (TV)
dissector tubes; dissectors
Sondenspannung f electr.
probe voltage
Sondenspule f; Suchspule f electr.
Sondenspulen pl; Suchspulen pl
pick-up coil
pick-up coils
Sondenstörung f (Reaktor) techn.
probe-induced interference (reactor)
Sonder..., Spezial..., Extra...
Sonder...; Spezial...; Extra...
Sonder…; Spezial…; Extra…
Vorzugs…; Sonder…; Präferenz…
eine Vorzugsbehandlung bekommen; eine Sonderbehandlung bekommen
to receive to get preferential treatment
Sonderabdruck m
Sonderabdruck m
separate print
separate print
Sonderabdruck m
Sonderabdrucke pl
SondermĂĽll m, Sonderabfall m
hazardous waste, special waste
SondermĂĽll m; Sonderabfall m
hazardous waste; special waste
Sonderzoll, Sonderabgabe
extra duty
(staatliche) Abgabe f; Finanzabgabe f; GebĂĽhr f (auf etw.) adm.
Abgaben pl; Finanzabgaben pl; GebĂĽhren pl
Binnentarif m
Stempelabgabe f Schw.
Sonderabgaben pl
ZollgebĂĽhr f
abschreckend hoher Zoll
etw. mit einer Abgabe belegen; eine Abgabe auf etw. draufschlagen ugs.
(government) duty; charge; levy; tariff; impost; imposition (on sth.)
duties; charges; levies; tariffs; imposts; impositions
domestic tariff
stamp duty
special levies; extra duties; additional charges
customs duty; customs tariff
prohibitive tariff
to impose a levy on sth.
Sonderabschreibung f
Sonderabschreibungen pl
special amortization
special amortizations
Sonderabschreibung f
additional capital allowance
additional capital allowance
Sonderabschreibung f
Sonderabschreibungen pl
special amortization eAm.; special amortisation Br.
special amortizations; special amortisations
(steuerliche) Abschreibung f; (jährliche) Steuerabschreibung f (der Wertminderung von Anlagevermögen); Anlageabschreibung f; Absetzung f Dt. econ. fin.
Abschreibungen pl; Steuerabschreibungen pl; Anlageabschreibungen pl; Absetzungen pl
Abschreibung von Anlagewerten; Investitionsabschreibung f
Abschreibung auf Gebäude
Abschreibung wegen Abnutzung; Absetzung fĂĽr Abnutzungen AfA Dt.
außerplanmäßige Vollabschreibung
Sonderabschreibung f
Teilabschreibung f
Teilwertabschreibung f
degressive Abschreibung; Abschreibung mit fallenden Jahresraten; Absetzung fĂĽr Abnutzung in fallenden Jahresraten Dt.
lineare Abschreibung; Absetzung fĂĽr Abnutzung in gleichen Jahresraten Dt.
progressive Abschreibung; Absetzung fĂĽr Abnutzung in steigenden Jahresraten Dt.
vorgezogene Abschreibung
vorzeitige Abschreibung
Absetzung fĂĽr Substanzverringerung AfS Dt.
Absetzung vom Wiederbeschaffungswert Dt.
(außerplanmäßige) Abschreibung gegen vorhandene Rücklagen
(außerplanmäßige) Abschreibung über die Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung
(außerplanmäßige) Abschreibung von Kreditforderungen
allowance for depreciation; depreciation allowance; depreciation deduction; depreciation (tangible fixed assets); amortization; amortisation Br. (intangible fixed assets)
allowances for depreciation; depreciation allowances; depreciation deductions; depreciations; amortizations; amortisations
capital allowance; investment allowance
depreciation on buildings
depreciation for wear and tear
non-scheduled depreciation; write-off; writeoff
additional capital allowance (tangible assets); special amortization; special amortisation Br. (intangible assets)
write-down; writedown
write-down to the going-concern value; write-down to the going concern going; partial write-down
degressive depreciation; declining-balance depreciation; depreciation on the basis of decreasing annual rates
straight-line depreciation; depreciation on basis of equal annual rates
progressive depreciation; rising-balance depreciation; depreciation on a rising scale; depreciation on basis of rising annual rates
anticipated depreciation
accelerated depreciation
allowance for depletion; depletion allowance; deduction for depletion; depletion deduction; depreciation on wasting assets
depreciation on replacement value
write-off against available reserves
write-off through profit and loss
write-off (charge-off) of loan assets
Sonderabteilung f
Sonderabteilungen pl
special unit
special units
Sonderanfertigung f
special design
Sonderanfertigung f
special design
Sonderanfertigung f
Sonderanfertigungen pl
one-off production
one-off productions
exceptional offer
special offer
Sonderangebot n
Sonderangebote pl
special offer
special offers
special bargain
vorteilhaftes Geschäft f; Gelegenheitskauf m; Gelegenheit f; Sonderangebot n; Schnäppchen n econ.
FĂĽr den Preis ist das fast geschenkt.
It's a steal at that price.
Sonderangebot n; Angebot n; Aktion f econ.
Sonderangebote pl; Angebote pl; Aktionen pl
Vanilleeis ist diese Woche im Angebot in Aktion.
special offer; special Am.
special offers; specials
Vanilla ice cream is on special offer Br. on special Am. this week.
Sonderangebot n; Angebot n; Aktion f; Aktionsware f econ.
Sonderangebote pl; Angebote pl; Aktionen pl; Aktionswaren pl
Vanilleeis ist diese Woche im Angebot in Aktion.
special offer; special Am.
special offers; specials
Vanilla ice cream is on special offer Br. on special Am. this week.
günstiger Kauf m; Gelegenheitskauf m; Gelegenheit f; Sonderangebot n; Schnäppchen n econ.
fast geschenkt sein; fast schon Diebstahl sein (einen sehr geringen Preis haben)
FĂĽr den Preis ist das fast geschenkt.
good buy; cheap buy; bargain; steal coll.; snip Br. coll.
to be a steal (to be at a very low price)
It's a steal at that price.

Son Definition

(a.) Having the power or quality of acting
(a.) Quick in physical movement
(a.) In action
(a.) Given to action
(a.) Requiring or implying action or exertion
(a.) Given to action rather than contemplation
(a.) Brisk
(a.) Implying or producing rapid action
(a.) Applied to a form of the verb
(a.) Applied to verbs which assert that the subject acts upon or affects something else
(a.) Applied to all verbs that express action as distinct from mere existence or state.
(n.) The condition of returning frequently
(n.) A crowd
(n.) The act of navigating
(n.) the science or art of conducting ships or vessels from one place to another, including, more especially, the method of determining a ship's position, course, distance passed over, etc., on the surface of the globe, by the principles of geometry and astronomy.
(n.) The management of sails, rudder, etc.
(n.) Ships in general.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Range
(v. t. & i.) To sound again or anew.
(a.) Acting of one's self or of itself
(n.) The air bladder of a fish
(n.) A cuttlefish.
(superl.) Whole
(superl.) Healthy
(superl.) Firm
(superl.) Free from error
(superl.) Founded in truth or right
(superl.) heavy
(superl.) Undisturbed
(superl.) Founded in law
(adv.) Soundly.
(n.) A narrow passage of water, or a strait between the mainland and an island
(v. t.) To measure the depth of
(v. t.) Fig.: To ascertain, or try to ascertain, the thoughts, motives, and purposes of (a person)
(v. t.) To explore, as the bladder or urethra, with a sound
(v. i.) To ascertain the depth of water with a sounding line or other device.
(n.) Any elongated instrument or probe, usually metallic, by which cavities of the body are sounded or explored, especially the bladder for stone, or the urethra for a stricture.
(n.) The peceived object occasioned by the impulse or vibration of a material substance affecting the ear
(n.) The occasion of sound
(n.) Noise without signification
(v. i.) To make a noise
(v. i.) To be conveyed in sound
(v. i.) To make or convey a certain impression, or to have a certain import, when heard
(v. t.) To causse to make a noise
(v. t.) To cause to exit as a sound
(v. t.) To order, direct, indicate, or proclain by a sound, or sounds
(v. t.) To celebrate or honor by sounds
(v. t.) To examine the condition of (anything) by causing the same to emit sounds and noting their character
(v. t.) To signify
(n.) A sounding-board.

sonar sound navigation ranging / low-frequency active sonar (LFAS) Bedeutung

navigation sailing r
the work of a sailor
the guidance of ships or airplanes from place to place
celestial navigation
navigating according to the positions of the stars
inertial guidance
inertial navigation
a method of controlling the flight of a missile by devices that respond to inertial forces
active air defense air defense by the use aircraft or missiles or artillery or electronic countermeasures
sound ranging locating a source of sound (as an enemy gun) by measurements of the time the sound arrives at microphones in known positions
sound reproduction the reproduction of sound
navigation ship traffic, the channel will be open to navigation as soon as the ice melts
active matrix screen a type of LCD screen used for some portable computers, there is a separate circuit for each pixel
active placebo a placebo used in experimental tests of a drug that has noticeable side effects, an active placebo mimics the side effects of the experimental drug
audio system
sound system
a system of electronic equipment for recording or reproducing sound
drug cocktail
highly active antiretroviral therapy
a combination of protease inhibitors taken with reverse transcriptase inhibitors, used in treating AIDS and HIV
high fidelity sound system
equipment for the reproduction of sound with high fidelity
inertial guidance system
inertial navigation system
a system to control a plane or spacecraft, uses inertial forces
navigation light light on an airplane that indicates the plane's position and orientation, red light on the left (port) wing tip and green light on the right (starboard) wing tip
microwave radar
radio detection and ranging
measuring instrument in which the echo of a pulse of microwave radiation is used to detect and locate distant objects
range pole
ranging pole
surveying instrument consisting of a straight rod painted in bands of alternate red and white each one foot wide, used for sightings by surveyors
echo sounder
a measuring instrument that sends out an acoustic pulse in water and measures distances in terms of the time for the echo of the pulse to return, sonar is an acronym for sound navigation ranging, asdic is an acronym for antisubmarine detection investigation committee
sound bow contact (the part of a bell) against which the clapper strikes
sound camera a movie camera that records sounds in synchrony with the visual images
sound film motion-picture film with sound effects and dialogue recorded on it
sound hole a hole in a soundboard (as of a violin) designed to resonate with the tones
sound recording
audio recording
a recording of acoustic signals
sound spectrograph a spectrograph for acoustic spectra
sound truck a truck equipped with a loudspeaker and used for advertising
sound judgment
sound judgement
the capacity to assess situations or circumstances shrewdly and to draw sound conclusions
sound the particular auditory effect produced by a given cause, the sound of rain on the roof, the beautiful sound of music
sound property an attribute of sound
high pitch
high frequency
a pitch that is perceived as above other pitches
low pitch
low frequency
a pitch that is perceived as below other pitches
sound reflection
the repetition of a sound resulting from reflection of the sound waves, she could hear echoes of her own footsteps
frequency response (electronics) a curve representing the output-to-input ratio of a transducer as a function of frequency
audio frequency
an audible acoustic wave frequency
radio frequency an electromagnetic wave frequency between audio and infrared
infrared frequency
the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum, electromagnetic wave frequencies below the visible range, they could sense radiation in the infrared
extremely low frequency
below kilohertz
very low frequency
low frequency LF to kilohertz
medium frequency
to kilohertz
high frequency HF tomegahertz
very high frequency
to megahertz
ultrahigh frequency
to megahertz
superhigh frequency
extremely high frequency
to gigahertz
acoustic power
sound pressure level
the physical intensity of sound
auditory perception
sound perception
the perception of sound as a meaningful phenomenon
auditory sensation
the subjective sensation of hearing something, he strained to hear the faint sounds
fundamental frequency
first harmonic
the lowest tone of a harmonic series
sound effect an effect that imitates a sound called for in the script of a play
frequency distribution a distribution of observed frequencies of occurrence of the values of a variable
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