
Spannungsfolger Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Spannungsfolger m electr.
Spannungsfolger pl
unity gain buffer
unity gain buffers
Spannungsfolger m electr.
Spannungsfolger pl
unity gain buffer
unity gain buffers
Spannung abbauen
relieve tension
Ungewissheit, Spannung
Anfahren n
Anfahren am Berg
das Anfahren am Berg üben
Anfahren mit reduzierter Spannung electr.
to practise a hill start
partial voltage starting
Beanspruchung f, Spannung f, Zug m
Belastungszyklus m (Spannung) techn.
Belastungszyklen pl
stress cycle
stress cycles
Dehnung f, Verdehnung f, (verformende) Spannung f
(elektrische) Spannung f electr.
angelegte Spannung
impressed voltage
Spannung f, Spannungsbogen m (Buch, Film)
Spannung f, Tension f
Spannungen pl
Spannung f, Befestigungsorgan n
Spannung f, Belastung f, Spannungszustand
hydrostatischer Spannungszustand
hydrostatic (state of) stress
Strom m
Ströme pl
elektrischer Strom
hohe Ströme
hoher Strom bei geringer Spannung
electric current
high currents
high current at low voltage
Tonus m, Spannung f med.
Toni pl
ableiten v (Spannung)
to bleed off
bleeding off
bleeded off
anzapfen (Telefonleitung), Spannung abgreifen, anschließen, anklemmen
anzapfend, abgreifend, anschließend, anklemmend
angezapft, abgegriffen, angeschlossen, angeklemmt
nicht angezapft
to tap
spannungsgeladen adj, voller Spannung
fraught with tension
ableiten (Spannung)
bleed off
Spannung, Befestigungsorgan
phase-to-neutral voltage
Spannung (el.)
Abgreifen n; Abgriff m (Signal; Spannung) electr.
sensing; picking-off (signal; voltage)
Anfahren n
Anfahren am Berg auto
das Anfahren am Berg üben
Anfahren mit reduzierter Spannung electr.
hill-starting; starting on hill
to practise a hill start
partial voltage starting
Außenleiterspannung f; Leiter-Leiter-Spannung f electr.
line-to-line voltage
Beanspruchung f; Spannung f; Zug m
Dehnung f; Verdehnung f; (verformende) Spannung f
Dramatik f (Spannung) übtr.
die Dramatik des Augenblicks
eine hochdramatische Nacht
einer Sache Dramatik verleihen
Unfälle geborstene Leitungen und anderen Haushaltskatastrophen
Er macht aus allem immer ein Drama.
jemand der um alles viel Theater macht
Mach doch nicht so ein Theater darum!
drama fig.
the drama of the moment
a night of high drama
to lend drama to sth.
accidents burst pipes and other domestic dramas
He always makes such a drama out of everything.
drama queen
Stop being such a drama queen!
Druckbewehrung f constr.
Spannung f in der Druckbewehrung
compressive reinforcement
stress of the compression reinforcement
Flussspannung f; Vorwärtsspannung f; Durchlassspannung f; Spannung f in Durchlassrichtung electr.
forward voltage; forward bias
Leiter-Leiter-Spannung f electr.
line voltage line-line-voltage
(elektrische) Spannung f electr.
angelegte Spannung
anstehende Spannung
impressed voltage
applied voltage
Spannung f; Spannungsbogen m (Buch; Film)
Spannung f; Tension f
Spannungen pl
Spannung f; Belastung f; Spannungszustand
hydrostatischer Spannungszustand
hydrostatic (state of) stress
Spannungsabfall m; Abfall der Spannung; Spannungsverlust m electr.
kurzer Spannungsabfall
induktiver Spannungsabfall
Spannungsabfall infolge Ãœbergangswiderstand
Spannungsabfall in einem Verbraucher
Spannungsabfall bei Selbstentladung Entladung (Akku)
fall of potiential; potential drop; drop of voltage; voltage drop
inductive drop; reactance drop
contact drop
voltage across a consumer
time fall (accumulator)
Steuerspannung f; Wehnelt-Spannung f
bias voltage; wehnelt voltage; control voltage
Strom m
Ströme pl
elektrischer Strom
hohe Ströme
hoher Strom bei geringer Spannung
auslaufender Strom
einlaufender Strom
nacheilender Strom
unbeeinflusster Strom m electr.
electric current
high currents
high current at low voltage
outgoing current
incoming current
lagging current
prospective current
Tonus m; Spannung f med.
Toni pl
ableiten v (Spannung)
to bleed off
bleeding off
bled off
etw. anlegen; zuführen; einspeisen v (Spannung; Signal; Feld) electr.
to apply; to input; to inject (tension signal field)
anzapfen (Telefonleitung); Spannung abgreifen; anschließen; anklemmen v
anzapfend; abgreifend; anschließend; anklemmend
angezapft; abgegriffen; angeschlossen; angeklemmt
nicht angezapft
jds. Telefonleitung anzapfen
to tap
to tap sb.'s telephone (line)
eingefrorene Spannung f techn.
frozen in strain
(Spannung) hochtransformieren; hinauftransformieren; erhöhen v electr.
to step up (voltage)
spannungsführend; unter Spannung stehend adj electr.
live; alive
spannungsgeladen adj; voller Spannung
fraught with tension
sprunghaft ansteigen v
sprunghaft ansteigend
sprunghaft angestiegen
Die Spannung stieg sprunghaft an.
to surge
The voltage surged.
warten v (auf; bis)
er sie wartet
ich er sie wartete
er sie hat hatte gewartet
gespannt warten
auf etw. mit angehaltenem Atem mit Spannung warten
jdn. warten lassen
Ich kann nicht länger warten.
Auf Peter wartet ein Freund.
Warte bis ich komme!
Da kannst du lange warten! übtr.
to wait (for; until)
he she waits
I he she waited
he she has had waited
to wait in suspense
to wait for sth. with baited breath
to keep sb. waiting
Wait up! coll.
I can't wait any longer.
Peter has a friend waiting to see him.
Wait until I come.
You can whistle for it! Br. coll.
Dramatik f (Spannung) übtr.
die Dramatik des Augenblicks
eine hochdramatische Nacht
einer Sache Dramatik verleihen
Unfälle, geborstene Leitungen und anderen Haushaltskatastrophen
Er macht aus allem immer ein Drama.
jemand, der um alles viel Theater macht
Mach doch nicht so ein Theater darum!
drama fig.
the drama of the moment
a night of high drama
to lend drama to sth.
accidents, burst pipes, and other domestic dramas
He always makes such a drama out of everything.
drama queen
Stop being such a drama queen!
Leiter-Leiter-Spannung f electr.
line voltage, line-line-voltage
Lockerwerden n; Nachlassen n der Spannung techn.
relaxation (of tension); tension release; release of tension; removal drop of pressure stress
elektrische Spannung f; Stromspannung f ugs.; Spannung f electr.
angelegte Spannung
anstehende Spannung
Berührungsspannung f
linear ansteigende Spannung; Sägezahnspannung f; Kippspannung f
mittlere Spannung
Stehstoßspannung f
Zwischen den Kontaktstiften 1 und 2 muss eine 12V-Spannung anliegen.
electric tension; electric pressure; voltage
impressed voltage
applied voltage
contact voltage; touch voltage
ramp voltage; sawtooth voltage
medium voltage
withstand impulse voltage; withstand surge voltage
Between pin 1 and pin 2 a 12 V voltage has to be applied.
Spannung f; Gespanntheit f psych.; Spannungsbogen m (Buch; Film)
jdn. im Ungewissen in Unwissenheit lassen; jdn. auf die Folter spannen
Macht es nicht so spannend, Leute!
to keep sb. in suspense
Don't keep us in suspense guys!
Spannung f; Tension f phys.
Spannungen pl
Spannungsabfall m; Abfall der Spannung; Spannungsverlust m electr.
Spannungsabfälle pl; Spannungsverluste pl
kurzer Spannungsabfall
induktiver Spannungsabfall
Spannungsabfall infolge Ãœbergangswiderstand
Spannungsabfall in einem Verbraucher
Spannungsabfall bei Selbstentladung Entladung (Akku)
fall of potential; potential drop; drop of voltage; voltage drop
falls of potential; potential drops; drops of voltage; voltage drops
inductive drop; reactance drop
contact drop
voltage across a consumer
time fall (accumulator)
Straffheit f; Spannung f textil.
elektrischer Strom m; Strom m electr.
Ströme pl
nachlaufender Strom
Einraststrom m (Thyristor)
Wellenstrom m; Mischstrom m
hohe Ströme
hoher Strom bei geringer Spannung
auslaufender Strom
einlaufender Strom
nacheilender Strom
unbeeinflusster Strom m electr.
electric current; current
follow-on current
latching current (thyristor)
ripple current
high currents
high current at low voltage
outgoing current
incoming current
lagging current
prospective current
etw. anlegen; zuführen; einspeisen v (Spannung; Signal; Feld) electr.
to apply; to input; to inject (tension, signal, field)
erst, wenn; erst (nur dann)
Sie kommt erst, wenn du sie einlädst.
Der Mensch nimmt statische Entladungen erst ab einer Spannung von 3.000 Volt wahr.
Erst wenn du weißt, was du tust, kannst du tun, was du willst. (Feldenkrais)
only when, not … unless
She won't come unless you invite her.
People are aware of electrostatic discharges only when the voltage exceeds 3,000V.
When you know what you do, you can do what you want. (Feldenkrais)
gespanntes Verhältnis n; Spannung f (zwischen jdm.) pol. soc.
internationale Spannungen
strained relationship; tension (between sb.)
international tensions
jeweilig; entsprechend adj (+Mehrzahl) (im Einzelfall zutreffend)
den (jeweiligen) Umständen entsprechend
Die Größe der Schrauben und Muttern ist in den jeweiligen entsprechenden Normen festgelegt.
Bei entsprechenden Prüfungen wird die Spannung, Dauerfestigkeit und andere Belastbarkeitskriterien ermittelt.
respective (+ plural)
as the circumstances may require
The size of nuts and bolts is specified in the respective standards.
Respective tests determine stresses, fatigue limits and other criteria of strength.
vor lauter (+ Substantiv) adv
vor lauter Aufregung
Vor lauter Jahreszahlen schwirrt mir der Kopf.
Vor lauter Angst konnte er nicht klar denken.
Ich halte es vor lauter Spannung nicht mehr aus!
in all the (+ noun); with all the (+ noun); to be so (+ adjective) that …
in all the excitement; with all the excitement
My head gets dizzy with all the dates.
He was so afraid that he could not think clearly.
I can't stand the suspense!
warten v (auf; bis)
er sie wartet
ich er sie wartete
er sie hat hatte gewartet
gespannt warten
auf etw. mit angehaltenem Atem mit Spannung warten
jdn. warten lassen
Ich kann nicht länger warten.
Auf Peter wartet ein Freund.
Warte, bis ich komme!
Bitte warten Sie einen Augenblick!
Ich wartete, doch niemand kam.
Da Darauf kannst du lange warten!; Das kannst du dir abschminken! ugs. übtr.
Lisa wartete auf Paul länger als eine Stunde.
Ron wartet schon seit drei Stunden.
Max wartet auf Annas Anruf.
to wait (for; until)
he she waits
I he she waited
he she has had waited
to wait in suspense
to wait for sth. with baited breath
to keep sb. waiting
Wait up! coll.
I can't wait any longer.
Peter has a friend waiting to see him.
Wait until I come.
Please wait a little!
I waited, but nobody came.
You can whistle for it! Br. coll.
Lisa waited for Paul more than an hour.
Ron has waited for three hours already.
Max is waiting for Anna to call.
weichen; schwinden v (aus etw.)
weichend; schwindend
gewichen; geschwunden
Die Farbe wich aus ihren Wangen.
Langsam wich die Spannung.
to drain away; to disappear (from sth.)
draining away; disappearing
drained away; disappeared
The color drained from her cheeks.; The color disappeared from her cheeks.
Gradually the tension drained away.
Heizwertspannung f; thermoneutrale Spannung f chem.
thermoneutral voltage
Spannungabfall-Temperaturkoeffizient m (Röhre) electr.
temperature coefficient of voltage drop (tube)

Deutsche Spannungsfolger Synonyme

Englische unity gain buffer Synonyme

unity  accord  accordance  affinity  agape  agreement  amity  bonds of harmony  brotherly love  calm  caritas  cement of friendship  charity  coequality  coherence  cohesion  coincidence  collectivity  combination  communion  community  community of interests  compatibility  completeness  complex  comprehensiveness  concord  concordance  concurrence  conformance  congeniality  congruence  congruity  congruousness  consensus  consistency  consonance  constancy  continuity  correspondence  elementarity  embodiment  empathy  entireness  entirety  equability  equality  equanimity  equilibrium  equivalence  esprit  esprit de corps  eternity  evenness  exhaustiveness  feeling of identity  fellow feeling  fellowship  frictionlessness  fullness  fundamentality  glory  good vibes  good vibrations  happy family  harmony  holiness  holism  homogeneity  homoousia  identity  immutability  impartibility  inclusiveness  indiscerptibility  indissolubility  indistinguishability  individuality  indivisibility  infinite goodness  infinite justice  infinite love  infinite mercy  infinite power  infinite wisdom  infinity  infrangibility  infusibility  inseparability  insolubility  intactness  integer  integrality  integration  integrity  kinship  light  like-mindedness  likeness  love  majesty  monism  monolithism  mutuality  no difference  omnipotence  omnipotency  omnipresence  omniscience  omnisciency  oneness  organic unity  peace  persistence  pervasiveness  plainness  purity  rapport  rapprochement  reciprocity  resemblance  sameness  self-identity  selfhood  selfness  selfsameness  severity  sharing  similarity  similitude  simpleness  simplicity  singleness  singularity  solidarity  solidity  sovereignty  stability  starkness  steadfastness  steadiness  sympathy  symphony  synonymity  synonymousness  synonymy  team spirit  thoroughness  total approach  totality  ubiquity  unadulteration  unanimity  understanding  unification  uniformity  union  uniqueness  unison  uniting  unive  

Spannungsfolger Definition

(n.) An elastic apparatus or fender, for deadening the jar caused by the collision of bodies
(n.) A pad or cushion forming the end of a fender, which receives the blow
(n.) One who polishes with a buff.
(n.) A wheel for buffing
(n.) A good-humored, slow-witted fellow
(n.) A square or beveled notch cut out of a girder, binding joist, or other timber which supports a floor beam, so as to receive the end of the floor beam.
(a.) Convenient
(v. t.) That which is gained, obtained, or acquired, as increase, profit, advantage, or benefit
(v. t.) The obtaining or amassing of profit or valuable possessions
(n.) To get, as profit or advantage
(n.) To come off winner or victor in
(n.) To draw into any interest or party
(n.) To reach
(n.) To get, incur, or receive, as loss, harm, or damage.
(v. i.) To have or receive advantage or profit
(n.) The state of being one
(n.) Concord
(n.) Any definite quantity, or aggregate of quantities or magnitudes taken as one, or for which 1 is made to stand in calculation
(n.) In dramatic composition, one of the principles by which a uniform tenor of story and propriety of representation are preserved
(n.) Such a combination of parts as to constitute a whole, or a kind of symmetry of style and character.
(n.) The peculiar characteristics of an estate held by several in joint tenancy.

unity gain buffer / unity gain buffers Bedeutung

an implement consisting of soft material mounted on a block, used for polishing (as in manicuring)
a cushion-like device that reduces shock due to an impact
buffer polisher a power tool used to buff surfaces
buffer buffer storage
buffer store
(computer science) a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data that is waiting to be sent to a device, used to compensate for differences in the rate of flow of data between components of a computer system
fender buffer cowcatcher
an inclined metal frame at the front of a locomotive to clear the track
frame buffer (computer science) a buffer that stores the contents of an image pixel by pixel
keyboard buffer a buffer that keeps track of key strokes until the computer is ready to respond to them
print buffer a buffer that stores data until the printer is ready
the quality of being united into one
the amount of increase in signal power or voltage or current expressed as the ratio of output to input
loop gain (telecommunication) the gain of a feedback amplifier or system as a function of how much output is fed back to the input, if the loop gain is too great the system may go into oscillation
the advantageous quality of being beneficial
al Itihaad al Islamiya
al-Itihaad al-Islamiya
Islamic Unity
a fundamentalist Islamic group in Somalia who initially did fundraising for al-Qaeda, responsible for ambushing United States Army Rangers and for terrorist bombings in Ethiopia, believed to have branches in several countries
Al Tawhid
Divine Unity
an Islamic terrorist cell that originated in Jordan but operates in Germany, goal is to attack Europe and Russia with chemical weapons
buffer state
buffer country
a small neutral state between two rival powers
buffer zone
a neutral zone between two rival powers that is created in order to diminish the danger of conflict
gain the amount by which the revenue of a business exceeds its cost of operating
financial gain the amount of monetary gain
capital gain the amount by which the selling price of an asset exceeds the purchase price, the gain is realized when the asset is sold
the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number, he has the one but will need a two and three to go with it, they had lunch at one
a quantity that is added, there was an addition to property taxes this year, they recorded the cattle's gain in weight over a period of weeks
an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting, the integrity of the nervous system is required for normal development, he took measures to insure the territorial unity of Croatia
buffer (chemistry) an ionic compound that resists changes in its pH
buffer solution a solution containing a buffer
starting buffer buffer solution at the start of a reaction
phosphate buffer solution
a solution containing a phosphate buffer
perk up
pick up
gain vigor
gain or regain energy, I picked up after a nap
put on
increase (one's body weight), She gained pounds when she stopped exercising
gain gather increase or develop, the peace movement gained momentum, the car gathers speed
advance gain rise in rate or price, The stock market gained points today
buffer add a buffer (a solution), buffered saline solution for the eyes
win pull ahead
make headway
get ahead
gain ground
obtain advantages, such as points, etc., The home team was gaining ground, After defeating the Knicks, the Blazers pulled ahead of the Lakers in the battle for the number-one playoff berth in the Western Conference
protect from impact, cushion the blow
reach make
attain hit
arrive at
reach a destination, either real or abstract, We hit Detroit by noon, The water reached the doorstep, We barely made it to the finish line, I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts
acquire win
win something through one's efforts, I acquired a passing knowledge of Chinese, Gain an understanding of international finance
take in
make earn realize realise pull in
bring in
earn on some commercial or business transaction, earn as salary or wages, How much do you make a month in your new job?, She earns a lot in her new job, this merger brought in lots of money, He clears $,each month
profit gain benefit derive a benefit from, She profited from his vast experience
obtain, derive pleasure from one's garden
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Ein Spannungsfolger ist eine elektrische Schaltung bei der unter Einsatz von elektrischer Energie eine Impedanzwandlung erfolgt. Spannungsfolger haben eine theoretische Spannungsverstärkung von 1.

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