
Substanzsteuern Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Substanzsteuern pl
tax on non-income values
Substanzsteuern pl
tax on non-income values
Substanz, Stoff
Antikoagulans n, Antikoagulant m, Gerinnungshemmer m, gerinnungshemmende Substanz f med. pharm.
anticoagulant, substance that prevents blood clotting
Diffusion f, Eindringen n in eine Substanz
Inhalt m, Kern m, Substanz f, Wesentliche n
Inhalt und Form
im Wesentlichen
form and substance
in substance
Metabolit m (Substanz beim Stoffwechsel) biochem.
Mydriatikum n, pupillenerweiternde Substanz f med.
Schadstoff m, verunreinigte Substanz
Substanz f, Stoff m
Substanzen pl, Stoffe pl
verbotene Substanzen
banned substances
die Substanz angreifen
to draw on one's resources
Toxizität f, Giftigkeit einer Substanz
gelöster Stoff, gelöste Substanz chem.
unerwünschte Substanz f, überflüssiger Müll, überflüssiger Programmkode
Das geht an die Substanz.
That really takes it out of you.
Es fehlt an Substanz.
It lacks substance.
Diffusion, Eindringen in eine Substanz
Antikoagulans n; Antikoagulant m; blutgerinnungshemmende Substanz f; Blutgerinnungshemmer m pharm.
anticoagulant; substance inhibiting blood clot formation
Bakterizid n; bakterienabtötende Substanz f med. pharm.
Bakterizide pl; bakterienabtötende Substanzen pl
Dicksaftkörper m (Substanz) cook.
thick juice body (substance)
Diffusion f; Eindringen n in eine Substanz
Feuchthaltemittel n; hygroskopische Substanz f; Befeuchter m
Feuchthaltemittel pl; hygroskopische Substanzen pl; Befeuchter pl
humectant; humectant agent
humectants; humectant agents
Gewinnung f
Gewinnung einer Substanz aus einem natürlichen Rohstoff
zur Gewinnung von Trinkwasser Öl Gas Rauschgift
production of a substance from a natural resource
for the production of drinking water oil gas drugs
Inhalt m; Kern m; Substanz f; Wesentliche n
Inhalt und Form
inhaltliche Fragen und Verfahrensfragen
form and substance
questions of substance and procedure
Lösungsprodukt n; gelöster Stoff f; gelöste Substanz f chem.
Masse des gelösten Stoffes pro Volumen der Lösung
weight of solute per weight of solution w w
Materie f; Substanz f; Stoff m
Materien pl; Substanzen pl; Stoffe pl
flüchtige Substanzen; flüchtige Stoffe
seltsame Materie f astron.
volatile matter
strange matter; strangelet
Mukoid n (schleimähnliche Substanz) med.
Mukoide pl
Mydriatikum n; pupillenerweiternde Substanz f med.
Schadstoff m; verunreinigende Substanz f
Schadstoffe pl; verunreinigende Substanzen pl
Sinkgeschwindigkeit f (einer Substanz)
decantation rate (of a substance)
Substanz f; Stoff m
Substanzen pl; Stoffe pl
gefährliche Substanzen
verbotene Substanzen
hazardous substances
banned substances
Toxizität f; Giftigkeit f einer Substanz
abbaubar; zersetzbar adj chem.
abbaubare organische Substanz AOS
sich durch Licht zersetzend
nicht abbaubar; unzeretzbar
degradable; decomposable
degradable organic matter
jdn. etw. (als jdn. etw.) bezeichnen v
sich als jd. etw. bezeichnen
Diese Substanz wird manchmal auch als Tetrazen bezeichnet.
to call sb. sth. (sb.sth.)
to call oneself sb. sth.
This substance also appears sometimes under the name of tetracene.
durchsichtige Substanz f
nichtflüchtig; permanent adj
nichtflüchtiger Speicher; Permanentspeicher m chem.
nichtflüchtige Substanz f chem.
nonvolatile memory
nonvolatile substance
organisch adj
am organischsten
ein organisches Ganzes
organischer Stoff; organische Substanz
die Proteine aus der organischen Phase chem.
die obere untere organische Phase chem.
more organic
most organic
an organic whole
organic matter
the proteins from the organic phase
the upper lower organic phase
stickstoffhaltige organische Substanz f chem.
protrid; protride
unerwünschte Substanz f; überflüssiger Müll; überflüssiger Programmkode
Kanzerogen n; Karzinogen
krebserregende Substanz; krebserregender Stoff
Bestimmung f; Bestimmen n; Analyse f (der Eigenschaften oder Bestandteile einer Substanz eines Objekts) chem. envir. med. pharm. phys.
Absolutbestimmung f
Aschengehaltsbestimmung f chem.
Blindbestimmung f chem.
Fettbestimmung f chem.
Halbmikrobestimmung f chem.
Keimzahlbestimmung f envir. med.
Kohlenstoff-Wasserstoff-Bestimmung f chem.
Mikrobestimmung f chem.
Molmassenbestimmung f chem.
Neubestimmung f; Nachbestimmung f; nochmalige Bestimmung
Taupunktsbestimmung f chem.
Bestimmung der Bestandteile
Bestimmung der Liegezeit einer Leiche; Liegezeitbestimmung f med.
Bestimmung der Masse; Massenbestimmung f chem. phys.
Bestimmung des Schwefelgehalts chem.
eine Analyse machen erstellen durchführen vornehmen
determination; determining; analysis (of the properties or constituents of a substance an object)
absolute determination
ash determination
blank determination
fat determination
semimicro determination
determination of germ count
carbon-hydrogen determination
molecular-weight determination; molar-mass determination
pH determination
determination of dew point
determination of content
determination of time since death
mass determination
determination of sulphur content
to do carry out conduct an analysis
Farbmittel n; Färbemittel n; farbgebende Substanz f chem.
Farbmittel pl; Färbemittel pl; farbgebende Substanzen pl
colouring Br. coloring Am. matter; colouring Br. coloring Am. substance; colourant Br.; colorant Am.
colouring coloring matters; colouring coloring substances; colourants; colorants
Filtermasse f; Filtermedium n; Filtermaterial n; Filterkörper m; Filtersubstrat n (Substanz, durch die gefiltert wird) chem. techn.
filtering medium; filter medium; filter material; filter substrate; filtering septum (substance through which filtration takes place)
natürliches Gift n; biogenes Gift n; Toxin n pharm.
natürliches Gifte pl; biogenes Gifte pl; Toxine pl
Bakteriengift n; Bakterientoxin n
Nervengift n; Neurotoxin n; neurotoxische Substanz f
Nierengift n; Nephrotoxin n; nephrotoxische Substanz f
natural poison; biogenic poison; toxin
natural poisons; biogenic poisons; toxins
bacterial poison; bacterial toxin; bacteriotoxin
nerve poison; nerve agent; nervous system toxin; neurotoxin; neurotoxic substance
kidney poison; nephrotoxin; nephrotoxic substance
Lösungsprodukt n; gelöster Stoff m; gelöste Substanz f chem.
Masse des gelösten Stoffes pro Volumen der Lösung
weight of solute per weight of solution w w
Prozent n % ; Hundertstel n; hundertster Teil; vom Hundert v. H. math.
Prozente pl
20 Prozent über dem Betrag
10 Prozent unter
in 90 Prozent aller Fälle
mehr als 50 Prozent; mehr als 50 v. H.
ein Zehntelprozent
Die Erde besteht zu 70 Prozent aus Wasser und zu 30 Prozent aus Landmasse.
10 Prozent der Substanz wird unverändert mit dem Urin ausgeschieden.
Weniger als 20 Prozent der Teilnehmer nahmen Medikamente ein.
per cent Br.; percent Am. %
20 per cent more than the amount
10 per cent less than
in 90 per cent of cases
more than 50 per cent
one tenth percent
The earth consists of 70 percent water and 30 percent land mass.
Ten percent of the substance is excreted unchanged in the urine.
Fewer than 20 per cent of the participants were taking medications.
Substanz f; Stoff m
Substanzen pl; Stoffe pl
Naturstoff m
gefährliche Substanzen
verbotene Substanzen
natural substance
hazardous substances
banned substances
Substanz f, die die Haut weich und geschmeidig macht; Emolliens n (Kosmetik)
emollient agent; emollient (cosmetics)
die Substanz angreifen v
to draw on one's resources
abbaubar; zersetzbar adj chem.
abbaubare organische Substanz AOS
sich durch Licht zersetzend
nicht abbaubar; unzersetzbar
degradable; decomposable
degradable organic matter
eine Substanz aliquotieren (in gleich große Mengen aufteilen) v (Labor)
to aliquot a substance (laboratory)
eine Substanz (auf ihre Bestandteile hin) analysieren; bestimmen v chem. med. pharm.
eine Substanz analysierend; bestimmend
eine Substanz analysiert; bestimmt
to analyze analyse Br. a substance (for identifying its constituents)
analyzing analysing a substance
analyzed analysed a substance
etw. aufnehmen v (Tätigkeit; Substanz)
to incept sth. archaic (undertake, ingest)
aus einer Substanz die Luft austreiben; eine Substanz entlüften v chem.
to deaerate a substance
farbfreundlich; farbliebend; leicht färbbar; chromatophil; chromophil adj biol.
farbfreundliche Zelle; chromophile Zelle; Chromophiler
chromophiles Körnchen; Nissl-Körperchen
leicht färbbarer Stoff; Nissl-Substanz
chromophiler Tumor; Phäochromozytom
chromatophil; chromophil
chromophil cell; chromophil
chromophil granule
chromophil substance
chromophil tumour Br.; chromophil tumor Am.
giftig; toxisch adj (Pflanze, Substanz) bot. chem. pharm.
poisonous; toxic; toxicant (of a plant or substance)
giftige Wirkung f; Giftwirkung f; Giftigkeit f; Toxizität f einer Pflanze Substanz bot. chem. pharm.
Substanz mit geringer Toxizität
eine hohe niedrige Giftwirkung beim Menschen
Bestimmung der Giftwirkung; Toxizitätsbestimmung f
Die giftige Wirkung eines Medikaments hängt von seiner Dosierung ab.
poisonous effect; toxic action; toxicity of a plant substance
low-toxic substance
a high low toxicity to humans
toxicity determination
The toxicity of a drug depends on its dosage.
kälteschützende Substanz f; kryoprotektiver Stoff m biochem.
cryoprotective substance; cryoprotective agent; cryoprotectant
sehr nur oberflächlich; vordergründig; gehaltlos; substanzlos; ohne Substanz; ohne Tiefgang; nicht in die Tiefe gehend adj
superficial; shallow; lacking substance fig.
traumerzeugend adj (Substanz) pharm.
causing dreams; oneirogenic (of a substance)
ungiftig; giftfrei; atoxisch adj (Pflanze, Substanz) bot. chem. pharm.
ungiftige Bestandteile
non-poisonous; non-toxic (of a plant or substance)
non-toxic components
eine Substanz wegfrieren (im Gefrierschrank deponieren) v (Labor) ugs.
to place a substance in the freezer (laboratory)
Austreiben n (von flüchtigen Substanzen durch Erhitzen)
Einleiten n von Substanzen
dumping of substances
Stoffe, Substanzen
Abhängigkeit (von etw.); Süchtigkeit f; Sucht f (nach etw.) med. psych.
Abhängigkeit von Suchtstoffen und psychotropen Substanzen
Heroinsucht f; Kokainsucht f
Süchtigkeit nach Sex
addiction (to sth.)
addiction to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances
addiction to heroin; addiction to cocaine
sex addiction
Aufnahme f (von Wasser Nahrung)
ernährungsbedingte Aufnahme von bestimmten Substanzen
dietary intake of given substances
krebserregend adj med.
krebserregende Substanzen
carcinogenic substances
psychotrop adj; auf die Psyche wirkend med.
psychotrope Substanzen
psychotropic substances
Abhängigkeit (von etw.); Süchtigkeit f; Sucht f (nach etw.) med. psych.
Abhängigkeit von Suchtstoffen und psychotropen Substanzen
Heroinsucht f; Kokainsucht f
Süchtigkeit nach Sex; Sexsucht f
substanzungebundene Abhängigkeit
addiction (to sth.)
addiction to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances
addiction to heroin; addiction to cocaine
sexual addiction; sex addiction
behavioural addiction; behavioral addiction

Deutsche Substanzsteuern Synonyme

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Englische tax on non-income values Synonyme

tax  accuse  allege  arraign  article  ask  assess  assessment  bear hard upon  blackmail  boodle  book  bring accusation  bring charges  bring to book  burden  burden with  burthen  busy  call  call for  cargo  cess  charge  charge for  cite  claim  complain  conscience money  contribution  cumber  customs  demand  demand for  denounce  denunciate  direct tax  draft  drain  drive  dues  duty  encumber  encumbrance  enjoin  exact  exaction  excise  exhaust  extortion  extortionate demand  fag  fasten on  fasten upon  finger  freight  freight with  giveaway  graduated taxation  hamper  handicap  hang something on  haul  heave  heavy demand  impeach  imply  impose  impose on  impose upon  imposition  impost  impute  indent  indict  indirect tax  inflict on  inflict upon  inform against  inform on  insinuate  insistent demand  joint return  keep busy  lade  lay  lay charges  lay on  levy  load  lodge a complaint  lodge a plaint  make dutiable  nonnegotiable demand  notice  onus  oppress  order  overburden  overcarrying  overdoing  overdrive  overemphasis  overexercise  overexert  overexertion  overexpenditure  overextend  overimportance  overload  overreaching  overreaction  overstrain  overtask  overtax  overtaxing  overuse  overweight  overwork  pin on  place  pork  prefer charges  press  press charges  press hard upon  pressure  pro rata  progressive tax  prorate  pull  put  put down  put on  put on report  put upon  rack  rates  report  reproach  require  requirement  requisition  rest hard upon  rush  rush order  saddle  saddle with  scot  separate returns  set  single tax  stick for  strain  strain every nerve  stress  stretch  subject to  supererogation  supertax  surtax  sweat  sweat blood  take to task  tariff  task  taunt with  tax base  tax dodging  tax evasion  tax exemption  tax return  tax structure  tax withholding  tax-exempt status  taxable income  taxation  taxing  tense  tithe  toll  tribute  try  tug  twit  ultimatum  warning  weigh  weigh down  wei  
tax collector  Internal Revenue Service  accumulator  assessor  bill collector  collection agent  collector  connoisseur  customhouse  customs  douanier  dunner  exciseman  farmer  gatherer  magpie  miser  pack rat  publican  revenuer  tax assessor  tax farmer  taxer  taxman  
tax exemption  assessment  cess  conscience money  contribution  direct tax  duty  graduated taxation  imposition  impost  indirect tax  joint return  levy  progressive tax  separate returns  single tax  supertax  surtax  tax  tax base  tax dodging  tax evasion  tax return  tax structure  tax withholding  tax-exempt status  taxable income  taxation  tithe  toll  tribute  withholding tax  
tax return  assessment  cess  conscience money  contribution  direct tax  duty  graduated taxation  imposition  impost  indirect tax  joint return  levy  progressive tax  separate returns  single tax  supertax  surtax  tax  tax base  tax dodging  tax evasion  tax exemption  tax structure  tax withholding  tax-exempt status  taxable income  taxation  tithe  toll  tribute  withholding tax  
taxation  assessment  cess  conscience money  contribution  direct tax  duty  graduated taxation  imposition  impost  indirect tax  joint return  levy  progressive tax  separate returns  single tax  supertax  surtax  tax  tax base  tax dodging  tax evasion  tax exemption  tax return  tax structure  tax withholding  tax-exempt status  taxable income  tithe  toll  tribute  withholding tax  
taxed  accused  arraigned  blamed  burdened  charged  cited  cumbered  denounced  encumbered  fraught  freighted  hampered  impeached  implicated  impugned  in complicity  incriminated  inculpated  indicted  involved  laden  loaded  oppressed  overburdened  overcharged  overfraught  overfreighted  overladen  overloaded  overtaxed  overweighted  reproached  saddled  tasked  under attack  under fire  weighted  weighted down  
taxi  autobus  become airborne  bicycle  bike  bus  cab  catch a train  chartered bus  chauffeur  clear  cycle  diligence  double-decker  drive  entrain  fly aloft  go by rail  hack  hackney  hired car  jitney  joyride  jump off  leave the ground  mail coach  make a train  motor  motor coach  motorbus  motorcycle  omnibus  pedal  post coach  ride  rotate  stage  stagecoach  take a joyride  take off  taxicab  wheel  
taxidermist  Audubon Society  National Wildlife Service  Sierra Club  animal physiologist  anthropologist  biologist  conchologist  conservationist  conservator  deliverer  ecologist  entomologist  ethologist  forest ranger  game warden  helminthologist  herpetologist  ichthyologist  keeper  lifesaver  malacologist  mammalogist  ophiologist  ornithologist  preservationist  preserver  protozoologist  ranger  rescuer  safekeeper  saver  savior  zoo-ecologist  zoographer  zoologist  zoonomist  zoopathologist  zoophysicist  zootaxonomist  
taxidermy  anatomy  anhydration  animal physiology  anthropology  biology  blast-freezing  bottling  brining  canning  comparative anatomy  conchology  corning  curing  dehydration  desiccation  dry-curing  drying  ecology  embalming  entomology  ethology  evaporation  freeze-drying  freezing  fuming  helminthology  herpetology  ichthyology  irradiation  jerking  malacology  mammalogy  marination  mummification  ornithology  pickling  potting  protozoology  quick-freezing  refrigeration  salting  seasoning  smoking  stuffing  taxonomy  tinning  zoogeography  zoography  zoology  zoonomy  zoopathology  zoophysics  zootaxy  zootomy  
taxidriver  Sunday driver  backseat driver  bus driver  busman  cabby  cabdriver  chauffeur  driver  hack  hackdriver  hackman  hacky  hit-and-run driver  jitney driver  joyrider  motorist  road hog  speeder  teamster  truck driver  trucker  truckman  
taxing  accusal  accusation  accusing  allegation  allegement  arraignment  bale  bill of particulars  blackmail  blame  bother  bringing of charges  bringing to book  burden  burdening  burdensome  burthen  call  call for  cargo  charge  charging  claim  clamant  clamorous  complaint  contribution  count  crying  cumber  cumbrance  deadweight  delation  demand  demand for  demanding  denouncement  denunciation  draft  drag  drain  draining  duty  encumbrance  exacting  exaction  exigent  exorbitant  extortion  extortionate  extortionate demand  freight  freighting  grasping  grievous  handicap  haul  heave  heavy demand  impeachment  implication  importunate  imposing an onus  imposition  impost  imputation  inconsiderateness  inconvenience  incubus  incumbency  indent  indictment  infliction  information  innuendo  insinuation  insistent  insistent demand  instant  lading  lawsuit  laying of charges  laying on  levy  load  loading  loading down  loud  millstone  nonnegotiable demand  notice  obtrusiveness  oppression  oppressive  order  overexertion  overextension  overload  overstrain  overstress  overtaxing  overweighting  persistent  pertinacious  plaint  pressing  pressure  presumptuousness  prosecution  pull  rack  reproach  requirement  requisition  rush  rush order  saddling  strain  straining  stress  stress and strain  stressfulness  stretch  suit  superincumbency  surcharge  tasking  tax  tedious  tension  tough  tribute  trouble  troublesome  true bill  trying  tug  ultimatum  unspoken accusation  unwarranted demand  urgent  veiled accusation  warning  wearing  weighting  weighty  
taxonomy  aerobiology  agrobiology  analysis  anatomy  animal physiology  anthropology  antonomasia  arrangement  assortment  astrobiology  bacteriology  binomial nomenclature  biochemics  biochemistry  biochemy  bioecology  biological science  biology  biometrics  biometry  bionics  bionomics  biophysics  biosystematics  biosystematy  botany  cataloging  categorization  cell physiology  class  classification  codification  comparative anatomy  conchology  cryobiology  culling  cybernetics  cytology  division  ecology  electrobiology  embryology  entomology  enzymology  ethnobiology  ethology  exobiology  family  filing  genetics  genus  glossology  gnotobiotics  gradation  grading  grouping  helminthology  herpetology  ichthyology  indexing  kingdom  life science  malacology  mammalogy  microbiology  molecular biology  nomenclature  onomastics  onomatology  order  orismology  ornithology  pharmacology  phylum  physiology  pigeonholing  place-names  place-naming  placement  polyonymy  protozoology  radiobiology  ranging  ranking  rating  screening  selection  sifting  sorting  sorting out  species  stratification  subdivision  subordination  systematics  tabulation  taxidermy  terminology  toponymy  triage  trinomialism  typology  virology  xenobiology  zoogeography  zoography  zoology  zoonomy  zoopathology  zoophysics  zootaxy  zootomy  

Substanzsteuern Definition

(n.) A coming in
(n.) That which is caused to enter
(n.) That gain which proceeds from labor, business, property, or capital of any kind, as the produce of a farm, the rent of houses, the proceeds of professional business, the profits of commerce or of occupation, or the interest of money or stock in funds, etc.
(n.) That which is taken into the body as food

tax on non-income values Bedeutung

values beliefs of a person or social group in which they have an emotional investment (either for or against something), he has very conservatives values
tax return
income tax return
document giving the tax collector information about the taxpayer's tax liability, his gross income was enough that he had to file a tax return
income bracket
tax bracket
income tax bracket
a category of taxpayers based on the amount of their income
income the financial gain (earned or unearned) accruing over a given period of time
disposable income income (after taxes) that is available to you for saving or spending
national income the total value of all income in a nation (wages and profits and interest and rents and pension payments) during a given period (usually yr)
net income
net profit
lucre profit
profits earnings
the excess of revenues over outlays in a given period of time (including depreciation and other nonash expenses)
personal income the income received by a single individual
rental income income received from rental properties
unearned income
unearned revenue
(accounting) income received but not yet earned (usually considered a current liability on a company's balance sheet)
unearned income unearned revenue personal income that you did not earn (e.g., dividends or interest or rent income)
government income
government revenue
income available to the government
tax income
taxation tax revenue
government income due to taxation
per capita income the total national income divided by the number of people in the nation
income tax a personal tax levied on annual income
income statement
earnings report
operating statement
profit-and-loss statement
a financial statement that gives operating results for a specific period
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104 Bewertungen 5


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