
Such Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Suchaktion f
Suchaktionen pl
search, search operation, search action, search mission
searches, search operations, search actions, search missions
Suchaktion f
Suchaktionen pl
search; search operation; search action; search mission
searches; search operations; search actions; search missions
Suchalgorithmus m comp.
Suchalgorithmen pl
searching algorithm
searching algorithms
Suchanfrage f comp.
Suchanfragen pl
search query
search queries
Suchanfrage f comp.
Suchanfragen pl
search query; retrieval query
search queries; retrieval queries
Datenbank-Abfragesprache f; Abfragesprache f; Suchanfragesprache f comp.
strukturierte Abfragesprache
database query language; query language QL ; database retrieval language; retrieval language
structured query language SQL
Anzeige f; Annonce f; Inserat n
Anzeigen pl; Annoncen pl; Inserate pl
Suchanzeige f; Suchannonce f
Zeitungsanzeige f; Zeitungsannonce f; Zeitungsinserat n
Anzeige, die neugierig macht
großformatige Anzeige
mehrfarbige Anzeige
eine Anzeige schalten; eine Anzeige aufgeben
jdn. etw. per durch Inserat suchen
sich auf eine Anzeige (hin) melden
advertisement advt. ; ad coll.; advert Br. coll.
advertisements; ads; adverts
wanted ad Br.; want ads Am.
newspaper advertisement; newspaper ad
teaser advertisement
colored advertisement
to place an ad
to advertise for sb. sth.
to answer an advertisement
Suchanzeige f
Suchanzeigen pl
want ad
want ads
Vermisstenanzeige f, Suchanzeige f nach einer Person
Vermisstenanzeigen pl, Suchanzeigen pl nach einer Person
eine Vermisstenanzeige aufgeben
missing person's report
missing person's reports
to report a missing person
want ad
want ads
search unemployment
Suchauftrag m
Suchaufträge pl
search request; search order
search requests; search orders
Suchbaum m comp.
Suchbäume pl
search tree
search trees
durchsuchbar, suchbar adj
nicht suchbar
abfragbar; durchsuchbar adj comp.
abfragbare Datenbank
nicht suchbar
searchable; queryable
searchable database; queryable database
search warrant
Suchbegriff m, Suchwort n
Suchbegriffe pl, Suchwörter pl
search term, search word
search terms, search words
Internet-Fundstelle f; Fundstelle f; Treffer m; Suchergebnis n comp.
Internet-Fundstellen pl; Fundstellen pl; Treffer pl; Suchergebnisse pl
Es gibt 1.500 Fundstellen zu für "Tower Bridge".
Alle diese Internet-Fundstellen stammen von wissenschaftlichen Webseiten.
Bei einer Internetsuche erhält man nur wenige Treffer zu diesem Namen.
Bessere Suchergebnisse erhält man wenn man den vollständigen Suchbegriff eingibt.
(Internet) search result; hit
search results; hits
There are 1 500 search results for "Tower Bridge".
All the Internet search results were obtained from scientific web sites.
An internet search returns yields only few hits for this name.
Better search results are obtained if the full search term is entered.
Suchbegriff m comp.
Suchbegriffe pl
search term; search item
search terms; search items
Internet-Fundstelle f; Fundstelle f; Treffer m; Suchergebnis n comp.
Internet-Fundstellen pl; Fundstellen pl; Treffer pl; Suchergebnisse pl
Es gibt 1.500 Fundstellen zu für „Tower Bridge“.
Alle diese Internet-Fundstellen stammen von wissenschaftlichen Webseiten.
Bei einer Internetsuche erhält man nur wenige Treffer zu diesem Namen.
Bessere Suchergebnisse erhält man, wenn man den vollständigen Suchbegriff eingibt.
(Internet) search result; hit
search results; hits
There are 1,500 search results for "Tower Bridge".
All the Internet search results were obtained from scientific web sites.
An internet search returns yields only few hits for this name.
Better search results are obtained if the full search term is entered.
nach einem Suchbegriff suchen v (in einer Datenbank) ling. comp.
nach einem Suchbegriff suchend
nach einem Suchbegriff gesucht
Hast du nach „Zoe“ oder nach „Zoë“ gesucht?
to search on a search term (on a database)
searching on a search term
searched on a search term
Did you search on 'Zoe' or on 'Zoë'?
Suchbereich m comp.
Suchbereiche pl
search area; seek area
search areas; seek areas
Vexierbild n; Suchbild n
Vexierbilder pl; Suchbilder pl
picture puzzle; puzzle picture
picture puzzles; puzzle pictures
Suchdienst m
Suchdienste pl
tracing service
tracing services
tracing service
Suchdienst m
Suchdienste pl
search service; tracing service
search services; tracing services
tracing services
suchen, Suche
Suche f
auf der Suche nach
search, hunt
in search of
Suche f, Suchen n
Suchen n einer Datei
searching, finding
file searching
auf der Suche sein nach
to be looking for
Suche f, Streben n, Frage f (nach)
quest (for)
auf der Suche nach
in search of
Frage, Suche
suchend, auf der Suche
Datenabgleich m (Suche durch Vergleich von Datenbeständen) adm.
data comparison
Groß- Kleinschreibung (wird) unterschieden; mit Unterscheidung zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung comp.
Groß- Kleinschreibung nicht unterschieden
Bei dieser Suche wird zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung nicht unterschieden.
case-sensitive {adj}
This search is case-insensitive.
Haussuche f; Suche f nach einem Haus (zwecks Kaufs Miete)
house hunting
Parklücke f; Parkbox f; (einzelner) Parkplatz m; Abstellplatz m; Parkfeld n auto
Parklücken pl; Parkboxen pl; Abstellplätze pl; Parkfelder pl
in einer Parklücke; auf einem Parkfeld Parkplatz
einen Parkplatz finden
Die Parkplatzsuche gestaltet sich immer schwieriger.
Die Autofahrer kreisen auf der Suche nach einem Parkplatz.
Vor dem Haus dort ist ein Parkplatz frei.
parking space; parking spot coll.
parking spaces; parking spots; parkings
in a parking space
to find a place to park
Finding a place to park is becoming increasingly difficult.
Motorists in search of seeking a place to park are going round and round.
There's a parking space in front of that house.
Stoff m; Lernstoff m; Unterrichtsstoff m; Thematik f art school stud
Sie ist gerade auf der Suche nach einem Stoff für ihr nächstes Buch.
subject matter
She is searching for subject matter for her next book.
Suche f
auf der Suche nach
search; hunt
in search of
Suche f; Suchen n
Suchen n einer Datei
searching; finding
file searching
auf der Suche nach etw. sein (als Kaufinteressent) econ.
to be in the market for sth.
Suche f; Streben n; Frage f (nach)
quest (for)
bestimmt; konkret adj
zu bestimmten Zeiten
zu einer bestimmten Zeit
bestimmte Umstände; gewisse Umstände
Ich suche ein bestimmtes Buch.
Ich frage aus einem ganz bestimmten Grund.
certain; particular; specific
at specific times
at a specific time
certain circumstances
I'm looking for a particular book.
I am asking for a (particular) reason.
dichotomisch; binär adj comp.
eliminierendes Suchen; binäres dichotomisches Suchen; dichotomische dichotomierende Suche
dichotomizing search
etw. durchkämmen; etw. genau absuchen v (nach jdm. etw.)
durchkämmend; genau absuchend
durchgekämmt; durchkämmt; genau abgesucht
Die Polizei durchkämmt das Waldgebiet auf der Suche nach dem vermissten Mädchen.
Wir haben das Gelände nach einer Stelle abgesucht wo wir unser Zelt aufstellen konnten.
to comb sth. fig.; to scour sth. (for sb. sth.)
combing; scouring
combed; scoured
Police are combing the woods for the missing girl.
We scoured the area for somewhere to pitch our tent.
einen Ort durchstreifen; durch einen Ort streifen
einen Ort durchstreifend; durch einen Ort streifend
einen Ort durchstreift; durch einen Ort gestreift
Jäger durchstreifen den Wald auf der Suche nach Wild.
Ein Serienkiller streift durch die Straßen der Stadt.
to stalk a place
stalking a place
stalked a place
Hunters are stalking the woods for deer.
A serial killer stalks the streets of the city.
etw. eingrenzen; etw. beschränken (auf etw.) v
eingrenzend; beschränkend
eingegrenzt; beschränkt
die Liste der Verdächtigen eingrenzen
den Bewerberkreis eingrenzen
eine Vorauswahl treffen
Die Auswahl wurde auf zwei beschränkt.
Man kann die Suche eingrenzen indem man auch den Vornamen eingibt.
to narrow down sth. (to sth.)
narrowing down
narrowed down
to narrow down the list of suspects
to narrow down the pool of applicants
to narrow down the choice
The choices have been narrowed down to two.
You can narrow down the search by entering the first name as well.
jeweils adv (in jedem einzelnen Fall)
Die Suche in der Medline- und Scopus-Datenbank ergab jeweils andere Treffer.
in each case
The Medline and Scopus database searches in each case yielded different results.
jdm. weiterhelfen
hilft weiter
half weiter
Ich suche ein aktuelles Buch. Können Sie mir da weiterhelfen?
Ich hoffe das hilft Ihnen ein wenig weiter.
Wenn wir Ihnen irgendwie weiterhelfen können ...
to help sb. (along)
helping along
helped along
helps along
helped along
I am after a topical book. Is that something you can help me with? Can you help me with that?
I hope this goes some way towards answering your query.
If we can help you in any way ...
auf der Suche nach etw. sein; etw. suchen; sich nach etw. umsehen
to cast around for sth; to cast about for sth.
'Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit' (von Pinter Werktitel) lit.
'Remembrance of Things past' (by Pinter work title)
Heuhaufen n; Heuschober m; Schober m agr.
Heuhaufen pl; Heuschober pl; Schober pl
wie die Suche nach der Nadel im Heuhaufen sein übtr.
haystack; hayrick
haystacks; hayricks
to be a needle-in-a-haystick job fig.
Mystik f (Suche nach Gotteserfahrung über besondere Geisteszustände) relig. hist.
Erlebnismystik f
mysticism (quest for experiencing God through special mental states)
experiential mysticism
Parklücke f; Parkbox f; (einzelner) Parkplatz m; Abstellplatz m; Einstelplatz m; Parkfeld n auto
Parklücken pl; Parkboxen pl; Parkplätze pl; Abstellplätze pl; Einstellplätze pl; Parkfelder pl
in einer Parklücke; auf einem Parkfeld Parkplatz
einen Parkplatz finden
Die Parkplatzsuche gestaltet sich immer schwieriger.
Die Autofahrer kreisen auf der Suche nach einem Parkplatz.
Vor dem Haus dort ist ein Parkplatz frei.
place to park; parking space; parking spot coll.
places to park; parking spaces; parking spots
in a parking space
to find a place to park
Finding a place to park is becoming increasingly difficult.
Motorists in search of seeking a place to park are going round and round.
There's a parking space in front of that house.
Stoff m; Lernstoff m; Unterrichtsstoff m; Thematik f art school stud.
Sie ist gerade auf der Suche nach einem Stoff für ihr nächstes Buch.
subject matter
She is searching for subject matter for her next book.
Suche f nach Spuren; Spurensuche f (Kriminalrechnik Unfallanalyse)
search for forensic evidence; search for physical evidence (forensics accident reconstruction)
Suche f nach den eigenen Wurzeln; Spurensuche f soc.
tracing your (own) roots
auf der Suche nach etw. sein v (als Kaufinteressent) econ.
to be in the market for sth.
bestimmt; konkret adj
zu bestimmten Zeiten
zu einer bestimmten Zeit
im konkreten Fall
bestimmte Umstände; gewisse Umstände
Ich suche ein bestimmtes Buch.
Ich frage aus einem ganz bestimmten Grund.
certain; particular; specific
at specific times
at a specific time
in this particular case; in this particular instance
certain circumstances
I'm looking for a particular book.
I am asking for a (particular) reason.

Deutsche Such Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Such Synonym nachschlagen

Englische search search operation search action search mission Synonyme

search  analysis  angle for  ask for  beat  beat about for  beat the bushes  burrow  cast about  chase  check  chivy  comb  delve  delve for  delve into  dig  dig for  dig into  dog  domiciliary visit  dragnet  enquiry  examination  examine  exploration  explore  fan  fathom  fish for  follow  follow up  forage  frisk  give chase  go after  go gunning for  go into  go through  grub  gun for  hollo after  hound  house-search  hunt  hunt for  hunt up  hunting  indagate  inquire of  inquiry  inspect  inspection  investigate  look  look around  look at  look for  look into  look over  look round  look through  look up  make after  nose around  peer into  perquisition  perusal  plumb  poke  poke around  poke into  posse  probe  prosecute  prowl after  pry  pry into  pursual  pursuance  pursue  pursuing  pursuit  quest  quest after  raise the hunt  rake  ransack  ransacking  research  researching  root  rummage  run after  run down  scan  scour  scouring  scout out  scrimmage  scrutinize  scrutiny  search for  search into  search party  search through  search warrant  search-and-destroy operation  searching  see to  seek  seek for  seek out  seeking  shake down  sift  sifting  skirmish  smell around  sound  stalk  stalking  still hunt  still-hunt  study  take out after  try to find  turning over  
search warrant  bench warrant  capias  caveat  death warrant  domiciliary visit  dragnet  exploration  fieri facias  forage  frisk  habere facias possessionem  house-search  hunt  hunting  injunction  interdict  mandamus  mandate  mandatory injunction  mittimus  nisi prius  notice  notification  perquisition  posse  precept  probe  process  prohibitory injunction  quest  ransacking  rummage  search  search party  search-and-destroy operation  searching  stalk  stalking  still hunt  turning over  warrant  warrant of arrest  warrant of attorney  writ  
searching  chase  cynegetic  delving  digging  dogging  domiciliary visit  dragnet  exploration  fishing  follow  follow-up  following  forage  frisk  halieutic  house-search  hue and cry  hunt  hunting  in full cry  in hot pursuit  in pursuit  in search of  loaded for bear  looking for  nosy  out for  out for bear  perquisition  piscatorial  piscatory  poking  posse  probe  probing  prosecution  prying  pursuance  pursuant  pursuing  pursuit  quest  questing  ransacking  rummage  search  search party  search warrant  search-and-destroy operation  seeking  shadowing  stalk  stalking  still hunt  tracking  tracking down  trailing  turning over  

Such Definition

(n.) A process or condition of acting or moving, as opposed to rest
(n.) An act
(n.) The event or connected series of events, either real or imaginary, forming the subject of a play, poem, or other composition
(n.) Movement
(n.) Effective motion
(n.) Any one of the active processes going on in an organism
(n.) Gesticulation
(n.) The attitude or position of the several parts of the body as expressive of the sentiment or passion depicted.
(n.) A suit or process, by which a demand is made of a right in a court of justice
(n.) A right of action
(n.) A share in the capital stock of a joint-stock company, or in the public funds
(n.) An engagement between troops in war, whether on land or water
(n.) The mechanical contrivance by means of which the impulse of the player's finger is transmitted to the strings of a pianoforte or to the valve of an organ pipe.
(n.) The act of sending, or the state of being sent
(n.) That with which a messenger or agent is charged
(n.) Persons sent
(n.) An assotiation or organization of missionaries
(n.) An organization for worship and work, dependent on one or more churches.
(n.) A course of extraordinary sermons and services at a particular place and time for the special purpose of quickening the faith and zeal participants, and of converting unbelievers.
(n.) Dismission
(v. t.) To send on a mission.
(n.) The act or process of operating
(n.) The method of working
(n.) That which is operated or accomplished
(n.) Effect produced
(n.) Something to be done
(n.) Any methodical action of the hand, or of the hand with instruments, on the human body, to produce a curative or remedial effect, as in amputation, etc.
(v. t.) To search again
(v. t.) To look over or through, for the purpose of finding something
(v. t.) To inquire after
(v. t.) To examine or explore by feeling with an instrument
(v. t.) To examine
(v. i.) To seek
(v. t.) The act of seeking or looking for something
(n.) Action by, or originating in, one's self or itself.

search search operation search action search mission / searches search operations search actions search missions Bedeutung

human action
human activity
something that people do or cause to happen
action something done (usually as opposed to something said), there were stories of murders and other unnatural actions
course of action
a mode of action, if you persist in that course you will surely fail, once a nation is embarked on a course of action it becomes extremely difficult for any retraction to take place
maneuver manoeuvre evasive action an action aimed at evading an opponent
search and rescue mission a rescue mission to search for survivors and to rescue them
execution carrying out carrying into action
the act of performing, of doing something successfully, using knowledge as distinguished from merely possessing it, they criticised his performance as mayor, experience generally improves performance
operation the activity of operating something (a machine or business etc.), her smooth operation of the vehicle gave us a surprisingly comfortable ride
operation a planned activity involving many people performing various actions, they organized a rescue operation, the biggest police operation in French history, running a restaurant is quite an operation, consolidate the companies various operations
rescue operation an operation organized to free from danger or confinement
undercover operation an operation involving secret work within a community or institution
buy-and-bust operation an undercover operation by narcotics detectives to catch unsuspecting drug dealers
action the most important or interesting work or activity in a specific area or field, the action is no longer in technology stocks but in municipal bonds, gawkers always try to get as close to the action as possible
operation procedure a process or series of acts especially of a practical or mechanical nature involved in a particular form of work, the operations in building a house, certain machine tool operations
search an investigation seeking answers, a thorough search of the ledgers revealed nothing, the outcome justified the search
operations research research designed to determine most efficient way to do something
search boarding and inspecting a ship on the high seas, right of search
surgery surgical operation
surgical procedure
surgical process
a medical procedure involving an incision with instruments, performed to repair damage or arrest disease in a living body, they will schedule the operation as soon as an operating room is available, he died while undergoing surgery
eye operation
eye surgery
any surgical procedure involving the eyes
sexhange operation
transsexual surgery
surgical procedures and hormonal treatments designed to alter a person's sexual characteristics so that the resemble those of the opposite sex
Shirodkar's operation
purse-string operation
a surgical procedure in which a suture is used to close the cervix in a pregnant woman, is performed when the cervix has failed to retain previous pregnancies
mission missionary work the organized work of a religious missionary
charge commission
a special assignment that is given to a person or group, a confidential mission to London, his charge was deliver a message
mission impossible an extremely dangerous or difficult mission
suicide mission
martyr operation
sacrifice operation
killing or injuring others while annihilating yourself, usually accomplished with a bomb
sting operation a complicated confidence game planned and executed with great care (especially an operation implemented by undercover agents to apprehend criminals)
riot control
riot control operation
the measures taken to control a riot
reflex response
reflex action
instinctive reflex
innate reflex
inborn reflex
unconditioned reflex
physiological reaction
an automatic instinctive unlearned reaction to a stimulus
mathematical process
mathematical operation
(mathematics) calculation by mathematical methods, the problems at the end of the chapter demonstrated the mathematical processes involved in the derivation, they were learning the basic operations of arithmetic
arithmetic operation a mathematical operation involving numbers
matrix operation a mathematical operation involving matrices
hunt hunting
the activity of looking thoroughly in order to find something or someone
strip search searching someone for concealed weapons or illegal drugs by having them remove their clothes
military action
a military engagement, he saw action in Korea
operation military operation activity by a military or naval force (as a maneuver or campaign), it was a joint operation of the navy and air force
combined operation a military operation carried out cooperatively by two or more allied nations or a military operation carried out by coordination of sea, land, and air forces
police action a local military action without declaration of war, against violators of international peace and order
maneuver manoeuvre simulated military operation a military training exercise
chemical warfare
chemical operations
warfare using chemical agents to kill or injure or incapacitate the enemy
mission military mission an operation that is assigned by a higher headquarters, the planes were on a bombing mission
combat mission a mission to capture or defend something
search mission a mission to discover something
search and destroy mission an operation developed for United States troops in Vietnam, troops would move through a designated area destroying troops as they found them
peacekeeping mission
peacekeeping operation
the activity of keeping the peace by military forces (especially when international military forces enforce a truce between hostile groups or nations)
amphibious operation a military operation by both land and sea forces
intelligence activity
intelligence operation
the operation of gathering information about an enemy
clandestine operation an intelligence operation so planned and executed as to insure concealment
exfiltration operation a clandestine rescue operation to bring a defector or refugee or an operative and family out of danger
psychological operation
military actions designed to influence the perceptions and attitudes of individuals, groups, and foreign governments
covert operation an intelligence operation so planned as to permit plausible denial by the sponsor
black operation a covert operation not attributable to the organization carrying it out
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130 Bewertungen 5


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